Meike de Boer
Promovendus/ gast
- Naam
- Mr.drs. M.M. de Boer MA
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2125
- 0000-0003-0161-9115

Meike de Boer is promovendus bij het Centre for Linguistics.
Meer informatie over Meike de Boer
Promovendus/ gast
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Taalwetenschap
- Boer M.M. de, Quené H. & Heeren W.F.L. (2022), Long-term within-speaker consistency of filled pauses in native and non-native speech, JASA Express Letters 2(3): 035201.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2022), Language-dependency of /s/ in L1 Dutch and L2 English, Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the international association for forensic phonetics and acoustics. . Prague: Charles University. 72-73.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2021), Language-dependency of /m/ in L1 Dutch and L2 English. XVII AISV Conference, Zurich. 4 februari 2021 - 5 februari 2021. [conferentie poster].
- Heeren W.F.L., Boer M.M. de, Smorenburg B.J.L. & Vloed D. van der (2021), Exploiting Dutch speech collections for forensic speech science, Proceedings Digital Humanities Benelux 2021: The Humanities in a Digital World. Digital Humanities Benelux 2021 2 juni 2021 - 4 juni 2021. Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2020), Binnensprekervariatie in de uitspraak van /m/ in verschillende talen: abstract. Middag van de Fonetiek 2020 18 december 2020 - 18 december 2020. Amsterdam: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fonetische Wetenschappen.
- Boer M.M. de (2020), Recognizing speakers in their second language. Virtual European Association of Psychology and Law Conference 23 september 2020 - 25 september 2020.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2020), Spraak als bewijs: uitspraakvariatie tussen sprekers én binnen sprekers, Congresbundel NVC Digitale Marktdag. Digitale Marktdag Nederlandse Vereniging voor Criminologie 19 juni 2020 - 19 juni 2020. Den Haag: Boom Criminologie. 28.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2020), Acoustics of Dutch filled pauses: general trends and variation. De Grote Taaldag 31 januari 2020 - 31 januari 2020.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2020), Cross-linguistic filled pause realization: the acoustics of uh and um in native Dutch and non-native English, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148(6): 3612-3622.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), Pauzemarkeerders in L2-Engels: L1 transfer of aangeleerd?, : .
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), The speaker-specificity of filled pauses: A cross-linguistic study. Calhoun S., Escudero P., Tabain M. & Warren P. (red.). 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 5 augustus 2019 - 9 augustus 2019. Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.. 607-611.
- De Boer M.M. & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), Individual variation in native and non-native filled pauses, Proceedings of ExAPP 2019. 4th Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation 26 september 2019 - 28 december 2019. Münster, Germany 8-9.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), The idiosyncrasy of filled pauses in L2 English in the context of phonetic convergence. The International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE) 26 juni 2019 - 28 juni 2019. Leeuwarden.
- De Boer M.M. & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), Individual variation in filled pauses in the native and second language. Conference of the Sociolinguistics Circle 5 april 2019 - 5 april 2019. Utrecht.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), The role of position in native and non-native filled pause acoustics. Dag van de Fonetiek, Amsterdam. 13 december 2019 - 13 december 2019. [conferentie poster].
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), Cross-linguistic forensic speaker comparisons: do filled pauses contain language-independent features?. Roundtable of the Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics 5 september 2019 - 8 september 2019.
- Boer M.M. de (2019), Filled pauses in cross-language forensic speaker comparisons: The missing link?. TWIST Conference for Linguistics 12 april 2019 - 13 april 2019.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2018), De realisatie van gevulde pauzes in L1-Nederlands en L2-Engels. Dag van de Fonetiek 21 december 2018 - 21 december 2018.
- Forensisch linguïstisch consultant en analist, e.g. auteurschapsanalyse (ZZP'er)