Matthew Longo
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. M.B. Longo
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 6601
- 0000-0002-2450-4903

Matthew Longo is als universitair docent verbonden aan het Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Longo M.B. (2024), The picnic: a dream of freedom and the collapse of the iron curtain. New York: W.W Norton.
- Longo M.B. (2023), Jurisgenerativity in the age of big data. In: Eich S, Jurkevics A, Nathwani N & Siegel N (red.), Another Universalism: Seyla Benhabib and the future of critical theory. New Directions in Critical Theory nr. 84: Columbia University Press. 294-308.
- Longo M.B. (2023), The “Other” boundary problem. In: Atanassow E., Bateman D. & Bartscherer T. (red.), When the people rule: popular sovereignty in theory and practice: Cambridge University Press. 189-203.
- Longo M.B. (2023), Strange sovereignty: fantasies of supremacy and coloniality in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In: Carnes N & Goren L.J. (red.), The politics of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: University Press of Kansas. 142-153.
- Longo M.B. (2023), Political Theory, the archive, and the problem of authority, PS: Political Science and Politics 57(1): 86-88.
- Longo M.B. (2022), Hannah Arendt: Storyteller, The HA Journal 10: 88-96.
- Zacka B., Ackerly B., Elster J., Gutnick Allen S., Iqtidar H., Longo M.B. & Sagar P. (2020), Political theory with an ethnographic sensibility, Contemporary Political Theory 20(3): 385-418.
- Zacka B., Ackerly B., Elster J., Gutnick-Allen S., Iqtidar H., Longo M. & Sagar P. (2020), Political Theory with an Ethnographic Sensibility, Contemporary Political Theory 19(4): .
- Longo M (2020), Ways of Seeing (The Border). In: Bissonnette A. & Vallet E. (red.), Borders and Border Walls: In-Security, Symbolism, Vulnerabilities. London: Routledge. 137-150.
- Longo M (2020), Your Body is a Passport, POLITICO : .
- Longo M.B. & Zacka B. (2019), Political Theory in an Ethnographic Key, American Political Science Review 113(4): 1066-1070.
- Longo M.B. (2019) Book Review: The Shadow of the Wall: Violence and Migration on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Bespreking van: Slack J., Martinez D.E. & Whiteford S.. Journal of Borderlands Studies 35(1): 167-168.
- Longo M.B. (2018), Beyond Sovereign Exclusion: Progressive Alternatives to the Wall, Journal of Latin American Geography 17(3): 266-267.
- Longo M.B. (2018) Book Review: For a Left Populism by Chantal Mouffe. Bespreking van: . LSE Review of Books .
- Longo M.B. (2018), The Politics of Borders: Sovereignty, Security, and the Citizen after 9/11. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Longo M.B. (2017), From Sovereignty to Imperium: Borders, Frontiers and the Specter of Neo-Imperialism, Geopolitics 22(4): 757-771.
- Longo M.B. (2016), A “21st Century Border”? Cooperative Border Controls in the US and EU after 9/11, Journal of Borderlands Studies 31(2): 187-202.
- Longo M.B., Canetti D. & Hite-Rubin N. (2014), A Checkpoint Effect? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on Travel Restrictions in the West Bank, American Journal of Political Science 58(4): 1006-1023.
- Longo M.B. (2013), Right of Way? Defining Freedom of Movement within Democratic Societies. In: Maas W. (red.), Democratic Citizenship and the Free Movement of People. Leiden/Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 31-56.