Martin Taphoorn
Hoogleraar Neuro-oncologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. M.J.B. Taphoorn
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 9111
- null

Vanaf juni 2015 ben ik werkzaam in het LUMC als hoogleraar neuro-oncologie, in het bijzonder kwaliteit van leven. Ik werk twee dagen per week in het LUMC, waar ik staflid ben op de afdeling neurologie. Naast patiëntenzorg in de neuro-oncologie ben ik voorzitter van de tumorwerkgroep neuro-oncologie en leid ik het tweewekelijkse MDO neuro-oncologie. Ik ben tevens betrokken bij de opleiding van AIOS neurologie in het LUMC.
Vanaf juni 2015 ben ik werkzaam in het LUMC als hoogleraar neuro-oncologie, in het bijzonder kwaliteit van leven. Ik werk twee dagen per week in het LUMC, waar ik staflid ben op de afdeling neurologie. Naast patiëntenzorg in de neuro-oncologie ben ik voorzitter van de tumorwerkgroep neuro-oncologie en leid ik het tweewekelijkse MDO neuro-oncologie. Ik ben tevens betrokken bij de opleiding van AIOS neurologie in het LUMC.
De overige drie dagen van de week ben ik als neuroloog/neuro-oncoloog verbonden aan het Haaglanden Medisch Centrum (HMC) in Den Haag, waar mijn zwaartepunt eveneens ligt op de neuro-oncologie.
Ik ben nauw betrokken bij de EORTC Brain Tumour Group en de EORTC Quality of Life Group, waar ik in beide groepen bestuurslid ben geweest.
Momenteel ben ik de voorzitter van de Grant Review Committee van de EORTC Quality of Life Group en voorzitter van de internationale RANO (response assessment in neuro-oncology) PRO (patient-reported outcomes)-werkgroep.
Neuro-oncologie betreft een relatief klein gebied binnen de oncologie van patiënten die zowel een maligniteit als een progressieve neurologische ziekte hebben. Het gaat veelal om nog ongeneeslijke aandoeningen met een grote morbiditeit door verlies van functies van het zenuwstelsel. Dit heeft grote gevolgen voor het zelfstandig kunnen functioneren in de maatschappij. Personalised medicine (NWA-onderzoeksagenda) is juist in deze kwetsbare groep patiënten van belang.
De leerstoel neuro-oncologie, in het bijzonder kwaliteit van leven, moet leiden tot een intensieve multidisciplinaire samenwerking binnen de regio Leiden-Den Haag, en gestalte krijgen binnen het Universitair Kankercentrum (UKC) Leiden-Den Haag. De samenwerking betreft zowel de patiëntenzorg als het wetenschappelijk onderzoek. In het kader van de patiëntenzorg ontstaat lateralisatie van de gliomen naar het HMC (het HMC is sinds 2016 een door de NFU erkend Expertisecentrum Gliomen), en van schedelbasistumoren en spinale tumoren naar het LUMC. De kwaliteit van de neuro-oncologische behandelingen en zorg moet met samenwerking en lateralisatie verbeterd worden.
Het wetenschappelijk onderzoek in het LUMC en HMC richt zich op ontwikkeling en toepassing van uitkomstmaten (cognitief functioneren, epilepsie, kwaliteit van leven, beeldvorming) in klinische studies en in de klinische praktijk. Dit onderzoek is ten dele ingebed binnen de neurologie (paroxysmal cerebral disorders), zoekt aansluiting/inbedding bij de neurochirurgie, radiotherapie en oncologie, en heeft verbindingen met de radiologie en medische besliskunde.
Buiten het LUMC is er intensieve onderzoekssamenwerking met het ErasmusMC en de EORTC.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Tijdens mijn opleiding tot neuroloog in het VUmc Amsterdam heb ik klinische studies verricht bij hersentumorpatiënten naar effecten van de ziekte en behandeling op cognitief functioneren en kwaliteit van leven. Dit heeft geresulteerd in mijn proefschrift: 'Treatment of primary and metastatic brain tumours: beneficial and adverse effects' (23 september 1994, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).
Van 1995 tot 2003 heb ik in het UMC Utrecht als senior staflid neurologie (pre)klinisch onderzoek gesuperviseerd, (multicenter) klinische studies verricht, en ik was als copromotor betrokken bij drie neuro-oncologische dissertaties.
Vanaf 2003 ben ik ten dele werkzaam geweest als neuroloog/neuro-oncoloog in het HMC, waar ik tevens opleider Neurologie was van 2011 tot 2015.
Van 2007 tot 2015 was ik aangesteld als bijzonder hoogleraar neuro-oncologie in het VUmc (promotor van drie neuro-oncologische proefschriften) naast mijn taken in het HMC.
Van 2012 tot 2016 was ik bestuurslid van de European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO) en van 2014 tot 2016 van de European CanCer Organisation (ECCO).
Van 2009 tot 2011 was ik voorzitter van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neurologie (NVN).
Vanaf 2015 ben ik verbonden aan een ordinariaat in het LUMC. Mijn oratie 'Neuro-oncologie, kiezen en delen' hield ik op 8 januari 2016.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Mijn studie geneeskunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Leiden heb ik in 1984 cum laude met het artsexamen afgesloten.
Voor een sabbatical Neuro-Oncologie (MD Anderson Houston; Memorial Sloan-Kettering New York, februari-mei 1998) ontving ik via KWF Kankerbestrijding een persoonlijke beurs. Verder ben ik in 2006 genomineerd door de International Society for Quality of Life Research voor het beste artikel over Quality of Life onderzoek in 2005, en ontving ik in 2014 de Abihjit Guha Award van de Indian Society for Neuro-Oncology, voor kwaliteit van leven onderzoek in de neuro-oncologie.
Sinds januari 2018 ben ik lid van de International Advisory Board van de Lancet Oncology.
Hoogleraar Neuro-oncologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Neurologie
- Scheepens, J.C.C.; Meer, P.B. van der; Dirven, L.; Vos, M.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Koekkoek, J.A.F. (2024), Seizure outcomes in patients with brain metastases and epilepsy: a systematic review on the efficacy of antitumor treatment and antiseizure medication, Neuro-Oncology Practice.
- Scheepens, J.C.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Koekkoek, J.A.F. (2024), Patient-reported outcomes in neuro-oncology, Current Opinion in Oncology 36(6): 560-568.
- Boele, F.; Rosenlund, L.; Nordentoft, S.; Melhuish, S.; Nicklin, E.; Rydén, I.; Williamson, A.; Donders-Kamphuis, M.; Preusser, M.; Rhun, E. le; Kiesel, B.; Minniti, G.; Furtner, J.; Dirven, L.; Taphoorn, M.; Galldiks, N.; Rudá, R.; Chalmers, A.; Short, S.C.; Piil, K.; Nurse Allied Hlth Professionals & Disparity Inclusion Comm EANO (2024), Inequalities in access to neuro-oncology supportive care and rehabilitation: A survey of healthcare professionals' perspectives, Neuro-Oncology Practice 11(4): 484-493.
- Millward, C.P.; Keshwara, S.M.; Armstrong, T.S.; Barrington, H.; Bell, S.; Brodbelt, A.R.; Bulbeck, H.; Dirven, L.; Grundy, P.L.; Islim, A.I.; Javadpour, M.; Koszdin, S.D.; Marson, A.G.; Mcdermott, M.W.; Meling, T.R.; Oliver, K.; Plaha, P.; Preusser, M.; Santarius, T.; Srikandarajah, N.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Turner, C.; Watts, C.; Weller, M.; Williamson, P.R.; Zadeh, G.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Jenkinson, M.D.; EORTC BTG; ICOM; EANO; SNO; RANO-PRO; BNOS; SBNS; BIMS; TBTC; Int Brain Tumour Alliance; Brainstrust & Brain Tumour Fdn Canada (2024), The outcomes measured and reported in intracranial meningioma clinical trials: A systematic review, Neuro-Oncology Advances 6(1).
- Reijneveld, J.C.; Thijs, R.D.; Thuijl, H.F.V.; Appelhof, B.A.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Visser, G.H. & Dirven, L. (2024), Clinical outcome assessment in patients with epilepsy: The value of health-related quality of life measurements, Epilepsy Research 200.
- Millward, C.P.; Islim, A.I.; Armstrong, T.S.; Barrington, H.; Bell, S.; Brodbelt, A.R.; Bulbeck, H.; Dirven, L.; Grundy, P.L.; Javadpour, M.; Keshwara, S.M.; Koszdin, S.D.; Marson, A.G.; McDermott, M.W.; Meling, T.R.; Oliver, K.; Plaha, P.; Preusser, M.; Santarius, T.; Srikandarajah, N.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Turner, C.; Watts, C.; Weller, M.; Williamson, P.R.; Zadeh, G.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Jenkinson, M.D.; EORTC BTG; ICOM; EANO; SNO; RANO-PRO; BNOS; SBNS; BIMS; TBTC & Int Brain Tumour Alliance (2024), The outcomes measured and reported in observational studies of incidental and untreated intracranial meningioma: A systematic review, Neuro-Oncology Advances 6(1).
- Dorth, D. van; Jiang, F.Y.; Schmitz-Abecassis, B.; Croese, R.J.I.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Smits, M.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Dirven, L.; Bresser, J. de & Osch, M.J.P. van (2024), Influence of arterial transit time delays on the differentiation between tumor progression and pseudoprogression in glioblastoma by arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging, NMR in Biomedicine 37(9).
- Oort, Q.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Sikkes, S.A.M.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Boele, F.; Young, T.; Brannan, C.; Chalk, T.; Talacchi, A.; Mazzotta, A.; Narita, Y.; Sato, H.; Miyakita, Y.; Shamieh, O.; Alrjoob, W.; Pace, A.; Petranovic, D.; Ploh, M.; Capela, A.; Silva, J.; Hjermstad, M.J.; Purkart, T.U.; Seidel, C.; Talhi, N.; Pichler, J.; Höllmüller, I.; Brown, L.; Hand, M.; Klein, M.; Aaronson, N.K.; Uitdehaag, B.M.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L.; EORTC Quality of Life Group & EORTC Brain Tumor Group (2024), Instrumental activities of daily living in neuro-oncology: International validation of the EORTC IADL-BN32 questionnaire, European Journal of Cancer 212.
- Dirven, L.; Machingura, A.; Bent, M.J. van den; Coens, C.; Bottomley, A.; Brandes, A.A.; Domont, J.; Idbaih, A.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Platten, M.; Wick, W.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & EORTC Brain Tumor Grp (2024), Health-related quality of life in patients with progressive glioblastoma treated with combined bevacizumab and lomustine versus lomustine only: Secondary outcome of the randomized phase III EORTC 26101 study, Neuro-Oncology Practice.
- Caramanna, I.; Klein, M.; Bent, M. van den; Idbaih, A.; Wick, W.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L.; Bottomley, A.; Reijneveld, J.C.; EORTC Qual Life Grp & EORTC Brain Tumor Grp (2024), Neurocognitive impairment and patient-proxy agreement on health-related quality of life evaluations in recurrent high-grade glioma patients (Retraction of Vol 31, Pg 3253, 2022), Quality of Life Research 33(8): 2297-2297.
- Dorth, D. van; Croese, R.J.; Jiang, F.Y.; Schmitz-Abecassis, B.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Smits, M.; Dirven, L.; Osch, M.J.P. van; Bresser, J. de & Koekkoek, J.A.F. (2024), Perfusion MRI-based differentiation between early tumor progression and pseudoprogression in glioblastoma and its use in clinical practice, Neuro-Oncology Practice.
- Kapteijn, M.Y.; Lanting, V.R.; Kaptein, F.H.J.; Guman, N.A.M.; Laghmani, E.H.; Kuipers, T.B.; Mei, H.L.; Goeman, J.J.; Mulder, F.I.; Duinen, S.G. van; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L.; Broekman, M.L.D.; Es, N. van; Klok, F.A.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Versteeg, H.H. & Buijs, J.T. (2023), RNA-sequencing to discover genes and signaling pathways associated with venous thromboembolism in glioblastoma patients, Thrombosis Research: Vascular Obstruction, Hemorrhage and Hemostasis 232: 27-34.
- Burgers, V.W.G.; Reuvers, M.J.P.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Kok, M.; Langen, A.J. de; Bent, M.J. van den; Frissen, S.A.M.M.; Harthoorn, N.C.G.L.; Dickhout, A.; Husson, O. & Graaf, W.T.A. van der (2023), A qualitative study on the healthcare experiences of adolescents and young adults (AYA) with an uncertain or poor cancer prognosis, Supportive Care in Cancer 31(12).
- Pe, M.; Alanya, A.; Falk, R.S.; Amdal, C.D.; Bjordal, K.; Chang, J.E.; Cislo, P.; Coens, C.; Dirven, L.; Speck, R.M.; Fitzgerald, K.; Galinsky, J.; Giesinger, J.M.; Holzner, B.; Cessie, S. le; O'Connor, D.; Oliver, K.; Pawar, V.; Quinten, C.; Schlichting, M.; Ren, J.M.; Roychoudhury, S.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Velikova, G.; Wintner, L.M.; Griebsch, I.; Bottomley, A. & SISAQOL IMI Consortium (2023), Setting International Standards in Analyzing Patient- Reported Outcomes and Quality of Life Endpoints in Cancer Clinical Trials-Innovative Medicines Initiative (SISAQOL-IMI) stakeholder views, objectives, and procedures, The Lancet Oncology 24(6): E270-E283.
- Rogge, A.A.; Petersen, M.A.; Aaronson, N.K.; Conroy, T.; Dirven, L.; Fischer, F.; Habets, E.J.J.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Rose, M.; Sleurs, C.; Taphoorn, M.; Tomaszewski, K.A.; Vachon, H.; Young, T.; Groenvold, M. & EORTC Quality Life Grp (2023), Development and psychometric evaluation of item banks for memory and attention, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 21(1).
- Meer, P.B. van der; Dirven, L.; Fiocco, M.; Vos, M.J.; Kouwenhoven, M.C.M.; Bent, M.J. van den; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Koekkoek, J.A.F. (2023), Effectiveness of antiseizure medication triple therapy in patients with glioma with refractory epilepsy, Neurology 100(14): E1488-E1496.
- Rhun, E. le; Boele, F.; Minniti, G.; Galldiks, N.; Taphoorn, M.; Piil, K.; Rudà, R.; Niclou, S.P.; Geurts, M.; Preusser, M.; Weller, M.; Short, S.C. & Dirven, L. (2023), Gender balance and suitable positive actions to promote gender equality among healthcare professionals in neuro-oncology, Neuro-Oncology Practice 11(1).
- Meer, P.B. van der; Dirven, L.; Fiocco, M.; Vos, M.J.; Kerkhof, M.; Kouwenhoven, M.C.M.; Bent, M.J. van den; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Koekkoek, J.A.F. (2023), Impact of timing of antiseizure medication withdrawal on seizure recurrence in glioma patients: a retrospective observational study, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 164(3): 545-555.
- Schmitz-Abecassis, B.; Dirven, L.; Jiang, J.E.; Keller, J.A.; Croese, R.J.; Dorth, D. van; Ghaznawi, R.; Kant, I.M.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Osch, M.J.P. van; Koekkoek, J.A.F. & Bresser, J. de (2023), MRI phenotypes of glioblastomas early after treatment are suggestive of overall patient survival, Neuro-Oncology Advances 5(1).
- Musoro, J.Z.; Coens, C.; Sprangers, M.A.G.; Brandberg, Y.; Groenvold, M.; Flechtner, H.H.; Cocks, K.; Velikova, G.; Dirven, L.; Greimel, E.; Singer, S.; Pogoda, K.; Gamper, E.M.; Sodergren, S.C.; Eggermont, A.; Koller, M.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; King, M.T.; Bottomley, A. & EORTC Melanoma Breast Head Neck Ge (2023), Original Research Minimally important differences for interpreting EORTC QLQ-C30 change scores over time, European Journal of Cancer 188: 171-182.
- Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Meer, P.B. van der; Pace, A.; Hertler, C.; Harrison, R.; Leeper, H.E.; Forst, D.A.; Jalali, R.; Oliver, K.; Philip, J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L. & Walbert, T. (2023), Palliative care and end-of-life care in adults with malignant brain tumors, Neuro-Oncology 25(3): 447-456.
- Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Meer, P.B. van der; Pace, A.; Hertler, C.; Harrison, R.; Leeper, H.E.; Forst, D.A.; Jalali, R.; Oliver, K.; Philip, J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L. & Walbert, T. (2023), Palliative care and end-of-life care in adults with malignant brain tumors (vol 15, noac216, 2022), Neuro-Oncology 25(1): 212-212.
- Roeck, L. de; Gillebert, C.R.; Aert, R.C.M. van; Vanmeenen, A.; Klein, M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Gehring, K.; Lambrecht, M. & Sleurs, C. (2023), Cognitive outcomes after multimodal treatment in adult glioma patients: A meta-analysis, Neuro-Oncology 25(8): 1395-1414.
- Reijneveld, J.C.; Machingura, A.; Coens, C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Taal, W.; Clement, P.M.; Idbaih, A.; Vos, F.Y.F.; Klein, M.; Wick, W.; Mulholland, P.J.; Lewis, J.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Ghislain, I.; Bottomley, A.; Bent, M.J. van den & EORTC Brain Tumor Grp (2023), Health-related quality-of-life results from the randomised phase II TAVAREC trial on temozolomide with or without bevacizumab in 1p/19q intact first- recurrence World Health Organization grade 2 and 3 glioma (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer 26091), European Journal of Cancer 190.
- Caramanna, I.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Ven, P.M. van de; Bent, M. van de; Idbaih, A.; Wick, W.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L.; Bottomley, A.; Klein, M. & EORTC Quality Life Grp (2023), Association between objective neurocognitive functioning and neurocognitive complaints in recurrent high-grade glioma, European Journal of Cancer 186: 38-51.
- Quach, K.T.; Dirven, L.; Vingerhoed, A.M.; Bresser, J. de; Dammers, R.; Bos, E.M.; Moojen, W.A.; Peul, W.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z. & Furth, W.R. van (2023), The prevalence and severity of fatigue in meningioma patients and its association with patient-, tumor- and treatment-related factors, Neuro-Oncology Advances 5(1).
- Boele, F.W.; Otter, P.W.M. den; Reijneveld, J.C.; Hamer, P.C.D.; Thuijl, H.F. van; Lorenz, L.M.C.; Wesseling, P.; Lagerwaard, F.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Kouwenhoven, M.C.M.; Snijders, T.J.; Douw, L. & Klein, M. (2023), Long-term wellbeing and neurocognitive functioning of diffuse low-grade glioma patients and their caregivers, Neuro-Oncology 25(2): 351-364.
- Kessler, T.; Schrimpf, D.; Doerner, L.; Hai, L.; Kaulen, L.D.; Ito, J.; Bent, M. van den; Taphoorn, M.; Brandes, A.A.; Idbaih, A.; Domont, J.; Clement, P.M.; Campone, M.; Bendszus, M.; Deimling, A. von; Sahm, F.; Platten, M.; Wick, W. & Wick, A. (2023), Prognostic markers of DNA methylation and next-generation sequencing in progressive glioblastoma from the EORTC-26101 trial, Clinical Cancer Research 29(19): 3892-3900.
- Kapteijn, M.Y.; Kaptein, F.H.J.; Stals, M.A.M.; Klaase, E.E.; Eijk, R. van; Ruano, D.; Duinen, S.G. van; Cannegieter, S.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Klok, F.A.; Versteeg, H.H.; Buijs, J.T. & Garcia-Ortiz, I. (2023), Targeted DNA sequencing to identify genetic aberrations in glioblastoma that underlie venous thromboembolism; a cohort study, Thrombosis Research: Vascular Obstruction, Hemorrhage and Hemostasis 221: 10-18.
- Hoogstrate, Y.; Draaisma, K.; Ghisai, S.A.; Hijfte, L.V.; Barin, N.; Heer, I.D.; Coppieters, W.; Bosch, T.P.P.V.; Bolleboom, A.; Gao, Z.Y.; Vincent, A.J.P.E.; Karim, L.; Deckers, M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Kerkhof, M.; Weyerbrock, A.; Sanson, M.; Hoeben, A.; Lukacova, S.; Lombardi, G.; Leenstra, S.; Hanse, M.; Fleischeuer, R.E.M.; Watts, C.; Angelopoulos, N.; Gorlia, T.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Bours, V.; Bent, M.J.V.; Robe, P.A. & French, P.J. (2023), Transcriptome analysis reveals tumor microenvironment changes in glioblastoma, Cancer Cell 41(4): 678-+.
- Rhun, E. le; Oppong, F.B.; Bent, M. van den; Wick, W.; Brandes, A.A.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Platten, M.; Idbaih, A.; Clement, P.M.; Preusser, M.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Gorlia, T. & Weller, M. (2023), Thrombocytopenia limits the feasibility of salvage lomustine chemotherapy in recurrent glioblastoma, European Journal of Cancer 178: 13-22.
- Plaha, P.; Camp, S.; Cook, J.; McCulloch, P.; Voets, N.; Ma, R.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L.; Grech-Sollars, M.; Watts, C.; Bulbeck, H.; Jenkinson, M.D.; Williams, M.; Lim, A.; Dixon, L.; Price, S.J.; Ashkan, K.; Apostolopoulos, V.; Barber, V.S.; Taylor, A.; FUTURE-GB Collaborators & Nandi, D. (2022), FUTURE-GB: functional and ultrasound-guided resection of glioblastoma , BMJ Open 12(11).
- Meer, P.B. van der; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Koekkoek, J.A.F. (2022), Management of epilepsy in brain tumor patients, Current Opinion in Oncology 34(6): 685-690.
- Fritz, L.; Peeters, M.C.M.; Zwinkels, H.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Vos, M.J.; Pasman, H.R.W.; Dirven, L. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2022), Advance care planning (ACP) in glioblastoma patients, Neuro-Oncology Practice 9(6): 496-508.
- Bady, P.; Marosi, C.; Weller, M.; Gronberg, B.H.; Schultz, H.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Gijtenbeek, J.M.M.; Bent, M.J. van den; Deimling, A. von; Stupp, R.; Malmstrom, A. & Hegi, M.E. (2022), DNA methylation-based age acceleration observed in IDH wild-type glioblastoma is associated with better outcome-including in elderly patients, Acta Neuropathologica Communications 10(1).
- Millward, C.P.; Armstrong, T.S.; Barrington, H.; Bell, S.; Brodbelt, A.R.; Bulbeck, H.; Crofton, A.; Dirven, L.; Georgious, T.; Grundy, P.L.; Islim, A.I.; Javadpour, M.; Keshwara, S.M.; Koszdin, S.D.; Marson, A.G.; McDermott, M.W.; Meling, T.R.; Oliver, K.; Plaha, P.; Preusser, M.; Santarius, T.; Srikandarajah, N.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Turner, C.; Watts, C.; Weller, M.; Williamson, P.R.; Zadeh, G.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Jenkinson, M.D. & EORTC BTG ICOM EANO SNO (2022), Development of 'Core Outcome Sets' for Meningioma in Clinical Studies (The COSMIC Project), BMJ Open 12(5).
- Machingura, A.; Taye, M.; Musoro, J.; Ringash, J.; Pe, M.; Coens, C.; Martinelli, F.; Tu, D.S.; Basch, E.; Brandberg, Y.; Gronvold, M.; Eggermont, A.; Cardoso, F.; Meerbeeck, J. van; Graaf, W.T.A. van der; Taphoorn, M.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Soffietti, R.; Sloan, J.; Velikova, G.; Flechtner, H.; Bottomley, A.; EORTC Quality Life Grp; Brain Tumour Breast Canc Melanoma; Lung Canc Soft Tissue Bone Sar & Head Neck Canc Genito Urinary Canc (2022), Clustering of EORTC QLQ-C30 health-related quality of life scales across several cancer types, European Journal of Cancer 170: 1-9.
- Coomans, M.; Dirven, L.; Aaronson, N.; Baumert, B.G.; Bent, M. van den; Bottomley, A.; Brandes, A.A.; Chinot, O.; Coens, C.; Gorlia, T.; Herrlinger, U.; Keime-Guibert, F.; Malmstrom, A.; Martinelli, F.; Stupp, R.; Talacchi, A.; Weller, M.; Wick, W.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; EORTC Quality Life Grp & EORTC Brain Tumor Grp (2022), Factors associated with health-related quality of life (HRQoL) deterioration in glioma patients during the progression-free survival period, Neuro-Oncology 24(12): 2159-2169.
- Dirven, L. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2022), Evaluating the lack of impact of the e-health application Oncokompas on outcomes in incurably ill cancer patients, The Lancet Regional Health Europe 18.
- Draaisma, K.; Tesileanu, C.M.S.; Heer, I. de; Klein, M.; Smits, M.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Clement, P.M.; Vos, F.Y.F. de; Wick, A.; Mulholland, P.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Weller, M.; Chinot, O.L.; Kros, J.M.; Verschuere, T.; Coens, C.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Gorlia, T.; Idbaih, A.; Robe, P.A.; Bent, M.J. van den & French, P.J. (2022), Prognostic significance of DNA methylation profiles at MRI enhancing tumor recurrence, Clinical Cancer Research 28(11): 2440-2448.
- Kaptein, F.H.J.; Stals, M.A.M.; Kapteijn, M.Y.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Dirven, L.; Duinen, S.G. van; Eijk, R. van; Huisman, M.V.; Klaase, E.E.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Versteeg, H.H.; Buijs, J.T.; Koekkoek, J.A.F. & Klok, F.A. (2022), Incidence and determinants of thrombotic and bleeding complications in patients with glioblastoma, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 20(7).
- Meer, P.B. van der; Dirven, L.; Bent, M.J. van den; Preusser, M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Ruda, R. & Koekkoek, J.A.F. (2022), Prescription preferences of antiepileptic drugs in brain tumor patients, Neuro-Oncology Practice 9(2): 105-113.
- Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Meer, P.B. van der; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Dirven, L. (2022), Letter regarding "SNO and EANO practice guideline update: Anticonvulsant prophylaxis in patients with newly diagnosed brain tumors".
- Oort, Q.; Zwinkels, H.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Vos, M.J.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Dirven, L. (2022), Is the EORTC QLQ-C30 emotional functioning scale appropriate as an initial screening measure to identify brain tumour patients who may possibly have a mood disorder?, Psycho-Oncology 31(6): 995-1002.
- Meer, P.B. van der; Dirven, L.; Fiocco, M.; Vos, M.J.; Kouwenhoven, M.C.M.; Bent, M.J. van den; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Koekkoek, J.A.F. (2022), Effectiveness of antiseizure medication duotherapies in patients with glioma a multicenter observational cohort study, Neurology 99(10): E999-E1008.
- Caramanna, I.; Klein, M.; Bent, M. van den; Idbaih, A.; Wick, W.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L.; Bottomley, A.; Reijneveld, J.C.; EORTC Quality Life Grp & EORTC Brain Tumor Grp (2022), Neurocognitive impairment and patient-proxy agreement on health-related quality of life evaluations in recurrent high-grade glioma patients, Quality of Life Research 31(11): 3253-3266.
- Noll, K.; King, A.L.; Dirven, L.; Armstrong, T.S.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Wefel, J.S. (2022), Neurocognition and health-related quality of life among patients with brain tumors, Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America 36(1): 269-282.
- Fisher, F.L.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Meer, P.B. van der; Boele, F.W.; Peerdeman, S.M.; Peul, W.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L. & Furth, W.R. van (2022), Long-term health-related quality of life and neurocognitive functioning after treatment in skull base meningioma patients, Journal of Neurosurgery 136(4): 1077-1089.
- Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Meer, P.B. van der; Pace, A.; Hertler, C.; Harrison, R.; Leeper, H.E.; Forst, D.A.; Jalali, R.; Oliver, K.; Philip, J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L. & Walbert, T. (2022), Corrigendum to, Neuro-Oncology 25(1).
- Millward, C.P.; Armstrong, T.S.; Barrington, H.; Brodbelt, A.R.; Bulbeck, H.; Byrne, A.; Dirven, L.; Gamble, C.; Grundy, P.L.; Islim, A.I.; Javadpour, M.; Keshwara, S.M.; Krishna, S.T.; Mallucci, C.L.; Marson, A.G.; McDermott, M.W.; Meling, T.R.; Oliver, K.; Pizer, B.; Plaha, P.; Preusser, M.; Santarius, T.; Srikandarajah, N.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Watts, C.; Weller, M.; Williamson, P.R.; Zadeh, G.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z. & Jenkinson, M.D. (2022), Opportunities and challenges for the development of "core outcome sets" in neuro-oncology, Neuro-Oncology 24(7): 1048-1055.
- Boele, F.W.; Otter, P.W.M. den; Reijneveld, J.C.; Hamer, P.C.D.; Thuijl, H.F. van; Lorenz, L.M.C.; Wesseling, P.; Lagerwaard, F.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Kouwenhoven, M.C.M.; Snijders, T.J.; Douw, L. & Klein, M. (2022), Long-term wellbeing and neurocognitive functioning of diffuse low-grade glioma patients and their caregivers, Neuro-Oncology 25(2).
- Lassman, A.B.; Hoang-Xuan, K.; Polley, M.Y.C.; Brandes, A.A.; Cairncross, J.G.; Kros, J.M.; Ashby, L.S.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Souhami, L.; Dinjens, W.N.M.; Laack, N.N.; Kouwenhoven, M.C.M.; Fink, K.L.; French, P.J.; Macdonald, D.R.; Lacombe, D.; Won, M.; Gorlia, T.; Mehta, M.P. & Bent, M.J. van den (2022), Joint Final Report of EORTC 26951 and RTOG 9402, Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(23): 2539-+.
- Opijnen, M.P. van; Tesileanu, C.M.S.; Dirven, L.; Meer, P.B. van der; Wijnenga, M.M.J.; Vincent, A.J.P.E.; Broekman, M.L.D.; Dubbink, H.J.; Kros, J.M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Smits, M.; French, P.J.; Bent, M.J. van den; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Koekkoek, J.A.F. (2022), IDH1/2 wildtype gliomas grade 2 and 3 with molecular glioblastoma-like profile have a distinct course of epilepsy compared to IDH1/2 wildtype glioblastomas, Neuro-Oncology 25(4).
- Meer, P.B. van der; Maschio, M.; Dirven, L.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Koekkoek, J.A.F. & Italian League Epilepsy Brain Tumo (2022), First-line levetiracetam versus enzyme-inducing antiseizure medication in glioma patients with epilepsy, Epilepsia 64(1).
- Hoang-Xuan, K.; Deckert, M.; Ferreri, A.J.M.; Furtner, J.; Perez-Larraya, J.G.; Henriksson, R.; Hottinger, A.F.; Kasenda, B.; Lefranc, F.; Lossos, A.; McBain, C.; Preusser, M.; Roth, P.; Ruda, R.; Schlegel, U.; Soffietti, R.; Soussain, C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Touitou, V.; Weller, M. & Bromberg, J.E.C. (2022), European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) guidelines for treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL), Neuro-Oncology 25(1).
- Oort, Q.; Dirven, L.; Sikkes, S.A.M.; Aaronson, N.; Boele, F.; Brannan, C.; Egeter, J.; Grant, R.; Klein, M.; Lips, I.M.; Narita, Y.; Sato, H.; Sztankay, M.; Stockhammer, G.; Talacchi, A.; Uitdehaag, B.M.J.; Reijneveld, J.C. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2022), Do neurocognitive impairments explain the differences between brain tumor patients and their proxies when assessing the patient's IADL?, Neuro-Oncology Practice.
- Peeters, M.; Ottenheijm, G.; Bienfait, P.; Eekers, D.; Gijtenbeek, A.; Hanse, M.; Koekkoek, J.; Leeuwen, L. van; Tijssen, C.; Dirven, L. & Taphoorn, M. (2021), Glioma patient-reported outcomes: patients and clinicians, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.
- Roth, P.; Pace, A.; Rhun, E. le; Weller, M.; Ay, C.; Moyal, E.C.J.; Coomans, M.; Giusti, R.; Jordan, K.; Nishikawa, R.; Winkler, F.; Hong, J.T.; Ruda, R.; Villa, S.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Wick, W.; Preusser, M.; EANO Executive Board; EANO Executive Board & ESMO Guidelines Comm (2021), Neurological and vascular complications of primary and secondary brain tumours, Annals of Oncology 32(2): 171-182.
- Dirven, L.; Vos, M.E.; Walbert, T.; Armstrong, T.S.; Arons, D.; Bent, M.J. van den; Blakeley, J.; Brown, P.D.; Bulbeck, H.; Chang, S.M.; Coens, C.; Gilbert, M.R.; Grant, R.; Jalali, R.; Leach, D.; Leeper, H.; Mendoza, T.; Nayak, L.; Oliver, K.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Rhun, E. le; Rubinstein, L.; Weller, M.; Wen, P.Y. & Taphoom, M.J.B. (2021), Systematic review on the use of patient-reported outcome measures in brain tumor studies: part of the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology Patient-Reported Outcome (RANO-PRO) initiative, Neuro-Oncology Practice 8(4): 417-425.
- Ma, R.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Plaha, P. (2021), Advances in the management of glioblastoma, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 92(10): 1103-1111.
- Zwinkels, H.; Dirven, L.; Bulbeck, H.J.; Grant, R.; Habets, E.J.J.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Oberg, I.; Oliver, K.; Pace, A.; Rooney, A.G.; Vos, M.J. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2021), Identification of characteristics that determine behavioral and personality changes in adult glioma patients, Neuro-Oncology Practice 8(5): 550-558.
- Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2021), From research to practice and care for brain tumor patients, Neuro-Oncology Practice 8(1): 1-2.
- Meer, P.B. van der; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Bent, M.J. van den; Dirven, L. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2021), Effect of antiepileptic drugs in glioma patients on self-reported depression, anxiety, and cognitive complaints, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 153(1): 89-98.
- Sztankay, M.; Wintner, L.M.; Roggendorf, S.; Nordhausen, T.; Dirven, L.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Verdonck-de Leeuw, I.M.; Velikova, G.; Bottomley, A.; Kulis, D.; Kachel, T.; Schmidt, H. & EORTC Quality Life Grp (2021), Developing an e-learning course on the use of PRO measures in oncological practice, Supportive Care in Cancer 30.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Meer, P.B. van der; Boele, F.W.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Klein, M.; Peerdeman, S.M.; Furth, W.R. van; Dirven, L. & Dutch Meningioma Consortium (2021), Long-term disease burden and survivorship issues after surgery and radiotherapy of intracranial meningioma patients, Neurosurgery 88(1): 155-164.
- Klein, M.; Drijver, A.J.; Bent, M.J. van den; Bromberg, J.C.; Hoang-Xuan, K.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Hassel, M. ben; Vauleon, E.; Eekers, D.B.P.; Tzuk-Shina, T.; Lucas, A.; Freixa, S.V.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Gorlia, T.; Hottinger, A.F.; Stupp, R.; Baumert, B.G. & Eortc Brain Tumor Radiation Oncolo (2021), Memory in low-grade glioma patients treated with radiotherapy or temozolomide, Neuro-Oncology 23(5): 803-811.
- Kapteijn, M.Y.; Kaptein, F.H.J.; Stals, M.A.M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L.; Koekoek, J.A.F.; Klok, F.A.; Versteeg, H.H. & Buijs, J.T. (2021), CDKN2A MUTATIONAL STATUS IS ASSOCIATED WITH VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM IN PATIENTS WITH GLIOBLASTOMA, Neuro-Oncology 23: 20-21.
- Meulen, M. van der; Dirven, L.; Habets, E.J.J.; Bakunina, K.; Smits, M.; Achterberg, H.C.; Seute, T.; Cull, G.; Schouten, H.; Zijlstra, J.M.; Brandsma, D.; Enting, R.H.; Beijert, M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Bent, M.J. van den; Issa, S.; Doorduijn, J.K. & Bromberg, J.E.C. (2021), Neurocognitive functioning and radiologic changes in primary CNS lymphoma patients, Neuro-Oncology 23(8): 1315-1326.
- Bruin, M.E. de; Meer, P.B. van der; Dirven, L.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Koekkoek, J.A.F. (2021), Efficacy of antiepileptic drugs in glioma patients with epilepsy: a systematic review, Neuro-Oncology Practice 8(5): 501-517.
- Opijnen, M.P. van; Meer, P.B. van der; Dirven, L.; Fiocco, M.; Kouwenhoven, M.C.M.; Bent, M.J. van den; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Koekkoek, J.A.F. (2021), The effectiveness of antiepileptic drug treatment in glioma patients, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 154.
- Oort, Q.; Dirven, L.; Sikkes, S.A.M.; Aaronson, N.; Boele, F.; Brannan, C.; Egeter, J.; Grant, R.; Klein, M.; Lips, I.; Narita, Y.; Sato, H.; Sztankay, M.; Stockhammer, G.; Talacchi, A.; Uitdehaag, B.M.J.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & EORTC Quality Life Grp (2021), Development of an EORTC questionnaire measuring instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) in patients with brain tumours, Quality of Life Research 30.
- Meer, P.B. van der; Dirven, L.; Fiocco, M.; Vos, M.J.; Kouwenhoven, M.C.M.; Bent, M.J. van den; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Koekkoek, J.A.F. (2021), First-line antiepileptic drug treatment in glioma patients with epilepsy, Epilepsia 62(5): 1119-1129.
- Linden, S.D. van der; Rutten, G.J.M.; Dirven, L.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Satoer, D.D.; Dirven, C.M.F.; Sitskoorn, M.M. & Gehring, K. (2021), eHealth cognitive rehabilitation for brain tumor patients, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 154(3): 315-326.
- Tesileanu, C.M.S.; Vallentgoed, W.R.; Sanson, M.; Taal, W.; Clement, P.M.; Wick, W.; Brandes, A.A.; Baurain, J.F.; Chinot, O.L.; Wheeler, H.; Gill, S.; Griffin, M.; Rogers, L.; Ruda, R.; Weller, M.; McBain, C.; Reijneveld, J.; Enting, R.H.; Caparrotti, F.; Lesimple, T.; Clenton, S.; Gijtenbeek, A.; Lim, E.; Vos, F. de; Mulholland, P.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Heer, I. de; Hoogstrate, Y.; Wit, M. de; Boggiani, L.; Venneker, S.; Oosting, J.; Bovee, J.V.M.G.; Erridge, S.; Vogelbaum, M.A.; Nowak, A.K.; Mason, W.P.; Kros, J.M.; Wesseling, P.; Aldape, K.; Jenkins, R.B.; Dubbink, H.J.; Baumert, B.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Gorlia, T.; Bent, M. van den & French, P.J. (2021), Non-IDH1-R132H IDH1/2 mutations are associated with increased DNA methylation and improved survival in astrocytomas, compared to IDH1-R132H mutations, Acta Neuropathologica 141(6): 945-957.
- Schmitz-Abecassis, B.; Osch, M.J.P. van; Dirven, L.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Koekkoek, J.A.F. & Bresser, J. de (2021), T-2 HYPERINTENSE REGIONS ON MRI IN GLIOMAS: A COMPARISON BETWEEN ROUTINE CLINICAL MRI AND 7T MRI, Neuro-Oncology 23: 27-27.
- Peeters, M.C.M.; Dirven, L.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Gortmaker, E.G.; Fritz, L.; Vos, M.J. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2020), Prediagnostic symptoms and signs of adult glioma: the patients' view, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 146(2): 293-301.
- Peeters, M.C.M.; Dirven, L.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Gortmaker, E.G.; Fritz, L.; Vos, M.J. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2020), Prediagnostic symptoms and signs of adult glioma: the patients' view, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 146(2): 293-301.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Mortel, J.P.M. van de; Lobatto, D.J.; Brandsma, D.R.; Peul, W.C.; Biermasz, N.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L. & Furth, W.R. van (2020), Unmet needs and recommendations to improve meningioma care through patient, partner, and health care provider input, Neuro-Oncology Practice 7(2): 239-248.
- Peeters, M.; Zwinkels, H.; Koekkoek, J.; Vos, M.; Dirven, L. & Taphoorn, M. (2020), The impact of the timing of health-related quality of life assessments on the actual results in glioma patients, Cancers 12(8).
- Peeters, M.C.M.; Dirven, L.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Gortmaker, E.G.; Fritz, L.; Vos, M.J. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2020), Prediagnostic symptoms and signs of adult glioma: the patients' view, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 146(2): 293-301.
- Gehring, K.; Stuiver, M.M.; Visser, E.; Kloek, C.; Bent, M. van den; Hanse, M.; Tijssen, C.; Rutten, G.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Aaronson, N.K. & Sitskoorn, M.M. (2020), A pilot randomized controlled trial of exercise to improve cognitive performance in patients with stable glioma, Neuro-Oncology 22(1): 103-115.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Meer, P.B. van der; Boele, F.W.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Klein, M.; Peerdeman, S.M.; Furth, W.R. van & Dirven, L. (2020), Determinants and predictors for the long-term disease burden of intracranial meningioma patients, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 151.
- Weller, M.; Bent, M. van den; Preusser, M.; Rhun, E. le; Tonn, J.C.; Minniti, G.; Bendszus, M.; Balana, C.; Chinot, O.; Dirven, L.; French, P.; Hegi, M.E.; Jakola, A.S.; Platten, M.; Roth, P.; Ruda, R.; Short, S.; Smits, M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Deimling, A. von; Westphal, M.; Soffietti, R.; Reifenberger, G. & Wick, W. (2020), EANO guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of diffuse gliomas of adulthood, Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 18.
- Wen, P.Y.; Weller, M.; Lee, E.Q.; Alexander, B.M.; Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S.; Barthel, F.P.; Batchelor, T.T.; Bindra, R.S.; Chang, S.M.; Chiocca, E.A.; Cloughesy, T.F.; DeGroot, J.F.; Galanis, E.; Gilbert, M.R.; Hegi, M.E.; Horbinski, C.; Huang, R.Y.; Lassman, A.B.; Rhun, E. le; Lim, M.; Mehta, M.P.; Mellinghoff, I.K.; Minniti, G.; Nathanson, D.; Platten, M.; Preusser, M.; Roth, P.; Sanson, M.; Schiff, D.; Short, S.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Tonn, J.C.; Tsang, J.; Verhaak, R.G.W.; Deimling, A. von; Wick, W.; Zadeh, G.; Reardon, D.A.; Aldape, K.D. & Bent, M.J. van den (2020), Glioblastoma in adults: a Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) and European Society of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) consensus review on current management and future directions, Neuro-Oncology 22(8): 1073-1113.
- Armstrong, T.S.; Chang, S.M.; Jenkinson, D.; Kluetz, P. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2020), Glioma patient-reported outcome assessment in clinical care Reply.
- Armstrong, T.S.; Dirven, L.; Arons, D.; Bates, A.; Chang, S.M.; Coens, C.; Espinasse, C.; Gilbert, M.R.; Jenkinson, D.; Kluetz, P.; Mendoza, T.; Rubinstein, L.; Sul, J.; Weller, M.; Wen, P.Y.; Bent, M.J. van den & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2020), Glioma patient-reported outcome assessment in clinical care and research: a Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology collaborative report, The Lancet Oncology 21(2): E97-E103.
- Meulen, M. van der; Bakunina, K.; Nijland, M.; Minnema, M.C.; Cull, G.; Stevens, W.B.C.; Baars, J.W.; Mason, K.D.; Beeker, A.; Beijert, M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Bent, M.J. van den; Issa, S.; Doorduijn, J.K.; Bromberg, J.E.C. & Dirven, L. (2020), Health-related quality of life after chemotherapy with or without rituximab in primary central nervous system lymphoma patients: results from a randomised phase III study, Annals of Oncology 31(8): 1046-1055.
- Coens, C.; Pe, M.; Dueck, A.C.; Sloan, J.; Basch, E.; Calvert, M.; Campbell, A.; Cleeland, C.; Cocks, K.; Collette, L.; Devlin, N.; Dorme, L.; Flechtner, H.H.; Gotay, C.; Griebsch, I.; Groenvold, M.; King, M.; Kluetz, P.G.; Koller, M.; Malone, D.C.; Martinelli, F.; Mitchell, S.A.; Musoro, J.Z.; O'Connor, D.; Oliver, K.; Piault-Louis, E.; Piccart, M.; Quinten, C.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Schurmann, C.; Smith, A.W.; Soltys, K.M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Velikova, G.; Bottomley, A. & Setting Int Stand Analyzing Patien (2020), International standards for the analysis of quality-of-life and patient-reported outcome endpoints in cancer randomised controlled trials: recommendations of the SISAQOL Consortium, The Lancet Oncology 21(2): E83-E96.
- Coomans, M.B.; Peeters, M.C.M.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Schoones, J.W.; Reijneveld, J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Dirven, L. (2020), Research objectives, statistical analyses and interpretation of health-related quality of life data in glioma research: a systematic review, Cancers 12(12).
- Peeters, M.; Zwinkels, H.; Koekkoek, J.; Vos, M.; Dirven, L. & Taphoorn, M. (2020), The impact of the timing of health-related quality of life assessments on the actual results in glioma patients, Cancers 12(8).
- Jordan, B.; Margulies, A.; Cardoso, F.; Cavaletti, G.; Haugnes, H.S.; Jahn, P.; Rhun, E. le; Preusser, M.; Scotte, F.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Jordan, K.; ESMO Guidelines Comm; ESMO Guidelines Comm; EONS Educ Working Grp; EONS Educ Working Grp & EANO Guideline Comm (2020), Systemic anticancer therapy-induced peripheral and central neurotoxicity, Annals of Oncology 31(10): 1306-1319.
- Fritz, L.; Zwinkels, H.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Vos, M.J.; Dirven, L.; Pasman, H.R.W. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2020), Advance care planning in glioblastoma patients, Supportive Care in Cancer 28(3): 1315-1324.
- Tesileanu, C.M.S.; Dirven, L.; Wijnenga, M.M.J.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Vincent, A.J.P.E.; Dubbink, H.J.; Atmodimedjo, P.N.; Kros, J.M.; Duinen, S.G. van; Smits, M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; French, P.J. & Bent, M.J. van den (2020), Survival of diffuse astrocytic glioma, IDH1/2 wildtype, with molecular features of glioblastoma, WHO grade IV, Neuro-Oncology 22(4): 515-523.
- Coomans, M.B.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Aaronson, N.K.; Baumert, B.G.; Bent, M. van den; Bottomley, A.; Brandes, A.A.; Chinot, O.; Coens, C.; Gorlia, T.; Herrlinger, U.; Keime-Guibert, F.; Malmstrom, A.; Martinelli, F.; Stupp, R.; Talacchi, A.; Weller, M.; Wick, W.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Dirven, L.; EORTC Quality Life Grp & EORTC Brain Tumor Grp (2020), Measuring change in health-related quality of life, Neuro-Oncology Practice 7(6): 668-675.
- D'Urso, P.I. (2020), Letter: An Online Calculator for the Prediction of Survival in Glioblastoma Patients Using Classical Statistics and Machine Learning.
- Pace, A.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Bent, M.J. van den; Bulbeck, H.J.; Fleming, J.; Grant, R.; Golla, H.; Henriksson, R.; Kerrigan, S.; Marosi, C.; Oberg, I.; Oberndorfer, S.; Oliver, K.; Pasman, H.R.W.; Rhun, E. le; Rooney, A.G.; Ruda, R.; Veronese, S.; Walbert, T.; Weller, M.; Wick, W.; Taphoom, M.J.B.; Dirven, L. & European Assoc Neuro-Oncology Pall (2020), Determining medical decision-making capacity in brain tumor patients: why and how?, Neuro-Oncology Practice 7(6): 599-612.
- Bottomley, A.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Koller, M.; Flechtner, H.; Tomaszewski, K.A.; Greimel, E.; Ganz, P.A.; Ringash, J.; Sasseville, M.; O'Connor, D.; Kluetz, P.G.; Campbell, A.; Tafuri, G.; Gronvold, M.; Snyder, C.; Gotay, C.; Fallowfield, D.L.; Apostolidis, K.; Wilson, R.; Stephens, R.; Oliver, K.; Schunemann, H.; Calvert, M.; Holzner, B.; Musoro, J.Z.; Wheelwright, S.; Martinelli, F.; Dueck, A.C.; Pe, M.; Coens, C.; Velikova, G.; Kulis, D.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Darlington, A.S.; Lewis, I.; Poll-Franse, L. van de & 5th EORTC Quality Life Canc (2019), Current state of quality of life and patient-reported outcomes research, European Journal of Cancer 121: 55-63.
- Kerkhof, M.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Vos, M.J.; Bent, M.J. van den; Taal, W.; Postma, T.J.; Bromberg, J.E.C.; Kouwenhoven, M.C.M.; Dirven, L.; Reijneveld, J.C. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2019), Withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs in patients with low grade and anaplastic glioma after long-term seizure freedom: a prospective observational study, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 142(3).
- Coomans, M.B.; Linden, S.D. van der; Gehring, K. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2019), Treatment of cognitive deficits in brain tumour patients: current status and future directions, Current Opinion in Oncology 31(6): 540-547.
- Habets, E.J.J.; Hendriks, E.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Douw, L.; Zwinderman, A.H.; Vandertop, W.P.; Barkhof, F.; Hamer, P.C.D. & Klein, M. (2019), Association between tumor location and neurocognitive functioning using tumor localization maps, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 144(3): 573-582.
- Meer, P.B. van der; Fiocco, M.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Dirven, L. (2019), Computation of antiepileptic drug retention rates in the presence of a competing risk, Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy 67: 82-82.
- Jaspers, J.; Romero, A.M.; Hoogeman, M.S.; Bent, M. van den; Wiggenraad, R.G.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Eekers, D.B.P.; Lagerwaard, F.J.; Calduch, A.M.L.; Baumert, B.G. & Klein, M. (2019), Evaluation of the Hippocampal Normal Tissue Complication Model in a Prospective Cohort of Low Grade Glioma Patients-An Analysis Within the EORTC 22033 Clinical Trial, Frontiers in Oncology 9.
- Opijnen, M.P. van; Dirven, L.; Coremans, I.E.M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Kapiteijn, E.H.W. (2019), The impact of current treatment modalities on the outcomes of patients with melanoma brain metastases: A systematic review, International Journal of Cancer.
- Kerkhof, M.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Vos, M.J.; Bent, M.J. van den; Taal, W.; Postma, T.J.; Bromberg, J.E.C.; Kouwenhoven, M.C.M.; Dirven, L.; Reijneveld, J.C. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2019), Withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs in patients with low grade and anaplastic glioma after long-term seizure freedom: a prospective observational study, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 142(3): 463-470.
- Coomans, M.; Dirven, L.; Aaronson, N.K.; Baumert, B.G.; Bent, M. van den; Bottomley, A.; Brandes, A.A.; Chinot, O.; Coens, C.; Gorlia, T.; Herrlinger, U.; Keime-Guibert, F.; Malmstrom, A.; Martinelli, F.; Stupp, R.; Talacchi, A.; Weller, M.; Wick, W.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; EORTC Quality Life Grp & EORTC Brain Tumor Grp (2019), The added value of health-related quality of life as a prognostic indicator of overall survival and progression-free survival in glioma patients: a meta-analysis based on individual patient data from randomised controlled trials, European Journal of Cancer 116: 190-198.
- Coomans, M.B.; Dirven, L.; Aaronson, N.K.; Baumert, B.G.; Bent, M. van den; Bottomley, A.; Brandes, A.A.; Chinot, O.; Coens, C.; Gorlia, T.; Herrlinger, U.; Keime-Guibert, F.; Malmstrom, A.; Martinelli, F.; Stupp, R.; Talacchi, A.; Weller, M.; Wick, W.; Reijneveld, J.C. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2019), Symptom clusters in newly diagnosed glioma patients: which symptom clusters are independently associated with functioning and global health status?, Neuro-Oncology 21(11): 1447-1457.
- Schiff, D.; Bent, M. van den; Vogelbaum, M.A.; Wick, W.; Miller, C.R.; Taphoorn, M.; Pope, W.; Brown, P.D.; Platten, M.; Jalali, R.; Armstrong, T. & Wen, P.Y. (2019), Recent developments and future directions in adult lower-grade gliomas: Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) and European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) consensus, Neuro-Oncology 21(7): 837-853.
- Dirven, L.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Coens, C.; El-Badawy, S.A.; Tzuk-Shina, T.; Bravo-Marques, J.; Back, M.; Stalpers, L.J.A.; Stupp, R.; Baumert, B.G. & Seidel, C. (2019), Impact of Radiation Target Volume on Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Low-Grade Glioma in the 2-Year Period Post Treatment: A Secondary Analysis of the EORTC 22033-26033, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 104(1): 90-100.
- Nowosielski, M.; Gorlia, T.; Bromberg, J.E.C.; Sahm, F.; Harting, I.; Kickingereder, P.; Brandes, A.A.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Taal, W.; Domont, J.; Idbaih, A.; Campone, M.; Clement, P.M.; Weller, M.; Fabbro, M.; Rhun, E. le; Platten, M.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Bent, M.J. van den; Bendszus, M. & Wick, W. (2019), Imaging necrosis during treatment is associated with worse survival in EORTC 26101 study, Neurology 92(24): E2754-E2763.
- Oort, Q.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Sikkes, S.A.M.; Uitdehaag, B.M.J.; Reijneveld, J.C. & Dirven, L. (2019), Evaluation of the content coverage of questionnaires containing basic and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL) used in adult patients with brain tumors, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 143(1): 1-13.
- Meulen, M. van der; Dirven, L.; Habets, E.J.J.; Bent, M.J. van den; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Bromberg, J.E.C. (2018), Cognitive functioning and health-related quality of life in patients with newly diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma: a systematic review, Lancet Oncology 19(8): E407-E418.
- Dirven, L.; Armstrong, T.S.; Blakeley, J.O.; Brown, P.D.; Grant, R.; Jalali, R.; Leeper, H.; Mendoza, T.; Nayak, L.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Rhun, E. le; Walbert, T.; Weller, M.; Wen, P.Y. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2018), Working plan for the use of patient-reported outcome measures in adults with brain tumours: a Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) initiative, Lancet Oncology 19(3): E173-E180.
- Bent, M.J. van den; Klein, M.; Smits, M.; Reijneveld, J.C.; French, P.J.; Clement, P.; Vos, F.Y.F. de; Wick, A.; Mulholland, P.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Lewis, J.; Weller, M.; Chinot, O.L.; Kros, J.M.; Heer, I. de; Verschuere, T.; Coens, C.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Gorlia, T. & Idbaih, A. (2018), Bevacizumab and temozolomide in patients with first recurrence of WHO grade II and III glioma, without 1p/19q co-deletion (TAVAREC): a randomised controlled phase 2 EORTC trial, Lancet Oncology 19(9): 1170-1179.
- Bady, P.; Kurscheid, S.; Delorenzi, M.; Gorlia, T.; Bent, M.J. van den; Hoang-Xuan, K.; Vauleon, E.; Gijtenbeek, A.; Enting, R.; Thiessen, B.; Chinot, O.; Dhermain, F.; Brandes, A.A.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Marosi, C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Wick, W.; Deimling, A. von; French, P.; Stupp, R.; Baumert, B.G. & Hegi, M.E. (2018), The DNA methylome of DDR genes and benefit from RT or TMZ in IDH mutant low-grade glioma treated in EORTC 22033, Acta Neuropathologica 135(4): 601-615.
- DiRisio, A.C.; Harary, M.; Westrhenen, A. van; Nassr, E.; Ermakova, A.; Smith, T.R.; Dirven, L.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Mekary, R.A. & Broekman, M.L.D. (2018), Quality of reporting and assessment of patient-reported health-related quality of life in patients with brain metastases: a systematic review, Neuro Oncology Practice 5(4): 214-222.
- Habets, E.J.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Klein, M.; Vissers, T. & Dirven, L. (2018), The level of reporting of neurocognitive outcomes in randomised controlled trials of brain tumour patients: A systematic review, European Journal of Cancer 100: 104-125.
- Petersen, M.A.; Aaronson, N.K.; Arraras, J.I.; Chie, W.C.; Conroy, T.; Costantini, A.; Dirven, L.; Fayers, P.; Gamper, E.M.; Giesinger, J.M.; Habets, E.J.J.; Hammerlid, E.; Helbostad, J.; Hjermstad, M.J.; Holzner, B.; Johnson, C.; Kemmler, G.; King, M.T.; Kaasa, S.; Loge, J.H.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Singer, S.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Thamsborg, L.H.; Tomaszewski, K.A.; Velikova, G.; Verdonck-de Leeuw, I.M.; Young, T.; Groenvold, M. & European Org Res Treatment Cancer (2018), The EORTC CAT Core-The computer adaptive version of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire, European Journal of Cancer 100: 8-16.
- Ediebah, D.E.; Quinten, C.; Coens, C.; Ringash, J.; Dancey, J.; Zikos, E.; Gotay, C.; Brundage, M.; Tu, D.S.; Flechtner, H.H.; Greimel, E.; Reeve, B.B.; Taphoorn, M.; Reijneveld, J.; Dirven, L.; Bottomley, A.; Canadian Canc Trials Grp & European Org Res Treatment Canc (2018), Quality of Life as a Prognostic Indicator of Survival: A Pooled Analysis of Individual Patient Data From Canadian Cancer Trials Group Clinical Trials, Cancer 124(16): 3409-3416.
- Bottomley, A.; Pe, M.; Sloan, J.; Basch, E.; Bonnetain, F.; Calvert, M.; Campbell, A.; Cleeland, C.; Cocks, K.; Collette, L.; Dueck, A.C.; Devlin, N.; Flechtner, H.H.; Gotay, C.; Greimel, E.; Griebsch, I.; Groenvold, M.; Hamel, J.F.; King, M.; Kluetz, P.G.; Koller, M.; Malone, D.C.; Martinelli, F.; Mitchell, S.A.; Moinpour, C.M.; Musoro, J.Z.; O'Connor, D.; Oliver, K.; Piault-Louis, E.; Piccart, M.; Pimentel, F.L.; Quinten, C.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Schurmann, C.; Smith, A.W.; Soltys, K.M.; Sridhara, R.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Velikova, G.; Coens, C. & Setting Int Stand Analyzing (2018), Moving forward toward standardizing analysis of quality of life data in randomized cancer clinical trials, Clinical Trials 15(6): 624-630.
- Hendriks, E.J.; Habets, E.J.J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Douw, L.; Zwinderman, A.H.; Vandertop, W.P.; Barkhof, F.; Klein, M. & Hamer, P.C.D. (2018), Linking late cognitive outcome with glioma surgery location using resection cavity maps, Human Brain Mapping 39(5): 2064-2074.
- Kerkhof, M.; Ganeff, I.; Wiggenraad, R.G.J.; Nijeholt, G.J.L.A.; Hammer, S.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L. & Vos, M.J. (2018), Clinical applicability of and changes in perfusion MR imaging in brain metastases after stereotactic radiotherapy, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 138(1): 133-139.
- Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L.; Kanner, A.A.; Lavy-Shahaf, G.; Weinberg, U.; Taillibert, S.; Toms, S.A.; Honnorat, J.; Chen, T.C.; Sroubek, J.; David, C.; Idbaih, A.; Easaw, J.C.; Kim, C.Y.; Bruna, J.; Hottinger, A.F.; Kew, Y.; Roth, P.; Desai, R.; Villano, J.L.; Kirson, E.D.; Ram, Z. & Stupp, R. (2018), Influence of Treatment With Tumor-Treating Fields on Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA Oncology 4(4): 495-504.
- Meer, P.B. van der; Habets, E.J.J.; Wiggenraad, R.G.; Verbeek-de Kanter, A.; Nijeholt, G.J.L.A.; Zwinkels, H.; Kleins, M.; Dirven, L. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2018), Individual changes in neurocognitive functioning and health-related quality of life in patients with brain oligometastases treated with stereotactic radiotherapy, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 139(2): 359-368.
- Weller, M.; Bent, M. van den; Tonn, J.C.; Stupp, R.; Preusser, M.; Cohen-Jonathan-Moyal, E.; Henriksson, R.; Rhun, E. le; Balana, C.; Chinot, O.; Bendszus, M.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Dhermain, F.; French, P.; Marosi, C.; Watts, C.; Oberg, I.; Pilkington, G.; Baumert, B.G.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Hegi, M.; Westphal, M.; Reifenberger, G.; Soffietti, R.; Wick, W. & European Assoc Neuro-Oncology EANO (2017), Evidence-based management of adult patients with diffuse glioma, Lancet Oncology 18(8): E430-E431.
- Pace, A.; Dirven, L.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Golla, H.; Fleming, J.; Ruda, R.; Marosi, C.; Rhun, E. le; Grant, R.; Oliver, K.; Oberg, I.; Bulbeck, H.J.; Rooney, A.G.; Henriksson, R.; Pasman, H.R.W.; Oberndorfer, S.; Weller, M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & European Assoc Neuro-Oncology (2017), European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO) guidelines for palliative care in adults with glioma, Lancet Oncology 18(6): E330-E340.
- Weller, M.; Bent, M. van den; Tonn, J.C.; Stupp, R.; Preusser, M.; Cohen-Jonathan-Moyal, E.; Henriksson, R.; Rhun, E. le; Balana, C.; Chinot, O.; Bendszus, M.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Dhermain, F.; French, P.; Marosi, C.; Watts, C.; Oberg, I.; Pilkington, G.; Baumert, B.G.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Hegi, M.; Westphal, M.; Reifenberger, G.; Soffietti, R.; Wick, W. & European Assoc Neuro-Oncology (2017), European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO) guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of adult astrocytic and oligodendroglial gliomas, Lancet Oncology 18(6): E315-E329.
- Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Dirven, L. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2017), The withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs in patients with low-grade and anaplastic glioma, Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 17(2): 193-202.
- Wijnenga, M.M.J.; Mattni, T.; French, P.J.; Rutten, G.J.; Leenstra, S.; Kloet, F.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Bent, M.J. van den; Dirven, C.M.F.; Veelen, M.L. van & Vincent, A.J.P.E. (2017), Does early resection of presumed low-grade glioma improve survival? A clinical perspective, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 133(1): 137-146.
- Ediebah, D.E.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Coens, C.; Zikos, E.; Aaronson, N.K.; Heimans, J.J.; Bottomley, A.; Klein, M. & Eortc Quality Life Dept Patient (2017), Impact of neurocognitive deficits on patient-proxy agreement regarding health-related quality of life in low-grade glioma patients, Quality of Life Research 26(4): 869-880.
- Dirven, L.; Groenvold, M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Conroy, T.; Tomaszewski, K.A.; Young, T.; Petersen, M.A. & EORTC Quality Life Grp (2017), Psychometric evaluation of an item bank for computerized adaptive testing of the EORTC QLQ-C30 cognitive functioning dimension in cancer patients, Quality of Life Research 26(11): 2919-2929.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Peeters, M.C.M.; Lobatto, D.J.; Broekman, M.L.D.; Smith, T.R.; Biermasz, N.R.; Peerdeman, S.M.; Peul, W.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Furth, W.R. van & Dirven, L. (2017), Health-related quality of life of cranial WHO grade I meningioma patients: are current questionnaires relevant?, Acta Neurochirurgica 159(11): 2149-2159.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Peeters, M.C.M.; Dirven, L.; Lobatto, D.J.; Groen, J.L.; Broekman, M.L.D.; Peerdeman, S.M.; Peul, W.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Furth, W.R. van (2017), Impaired health-related quality of life in meningioma patients-a systematic review, Neuro-Oncology 19(7): 897-907.
- Oort, Q.; Dirven, L.; Meijer, W.; Sikkes, S.A.M.; Uitdehaag, B.M.J.; Reijneveld, J.C. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2017), Development of a questionnaire measuring instrumental activities of daily living ( IADL) in patients with brain tumors: a pilot study, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 132(1): 145-153.
- Klein, M.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Idbaih, A.; Brandes, A.; Taal, W.; Clement, P.M.; Domont, J.; Campone, M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Stupp, R.; Fabbro, M.; Rhun, E. le; Dubois, F.; Weller, M.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Platten, M.; Gorlia, T.; Bent, M. van den & Wick, W. (2017), NEUROCOGNITIVE OUTCOMES OF EORTC BRAIN TUMOR GROUP STUDY 26101 PHASE III TRIAL COMPARING THE COMBINATION OF LOMUSTINE AND BEVACIZUMAB WITH LOMUSTINE ALONE IN GLIOBLASTOMA PATIENTS WITH FIRST PROGRESSION, Neuro-Oncology 19: 142-142.
- Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L.; Taillibert, S.; Honnorat, J.; Chen, T.; Sroubek, J.; Paek, S.H.; Escuder, J.B.; Easaw, J.C.; David, C.A.; Kim, C.Y.; Desai, R.D.; Kew, Y.; Olivi, A.; Nicholas, G.A.; Lavy-Shahaf, G.; Kirson, E.D.; Ram, Z. & Stupp, R. (2017), EFFECT OF TUMOR TREATING FIELDS (TTFIELDS) ON HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE (HRQoL) IN NEWLY DIAGNOSED GLIOBLASTOMA. RESULTS OF THE EF-14 RANDOMIZED PHASE III TRIAL, Neuro-Oncology 19: 206-206.
- Klein, M.; Drijver, J.; Bent, M. van den; Hoang-Xuan, K.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Hassel, M. ben; Eekers, D.; Tzuk, T.; Lucas, A.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Gorlia, T.; Stupp, R. & Baumert, B.G. (2017), MEMORY FUNCTIONING IN LOW-GRADE GLIOMA PATIENTS TREATED WITH EITHER RADIOTHERAPY (RT) OR TEMOZOLOMIDE (TMZ) CHEMOTHERAPY. A CORRELATIVE ANALYSIS OF EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR RESEARCH AND TREATMENT (EORTC) STUDY 22033-26033, Neuro-Oncology 19: 139-139.
- Reijneveld, J.C.; Coens, C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Smitt, P.S.; Clement, P.M.; Idbaih, A.; Vos, F. de; Klein, M.; Wick, W.G.; Mulholland, P.; Lewis, J.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Bottomley, A. & Bent, M. van den (2017), HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE RESULTS FROM THE RANDOMIZED PHASE II TAVAREC TRIAL ON TEMOZOLOMIDE WITH OR WITHOUT BEVACIZUMAB IN 1p/19q INTACT FIRS RECURRENCE WHO GRADE II AND III GLIOMA (EORTC 26091), Neuro-Oncology 19: 203-203.
- Coomans, M.; Dirven, L.; Aaronson, N.; Baumert, B.G.; Bent, M. van den; Bottomley, A.; Brandes, A.; Chinot, O.; Coens, C.; Gorlia, T.; Herrlinger, U.; Keime-Guibert, F.; Malmstrom, A.; Martinelli, F.; Stupp, R.; Talacchi, A.; Wick, W.; Reijneveld, J.C. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2017), THE ADDED VALUE OF HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE (HRQoL) AS A PROGNOSTIC INDICATOR OF OVERALL SURVIVAL AND PROGRESSION FREE SURVIVAL IN GLIOMA PATIENTS: A META-ANALYSIS BASED ON INDIVIDUAL PATIENT DATA FROM RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS, Neuro-Oncology 19: 207-207.
- Stupp R., Taphoorn M., Driven L., Taillibert S., Honnorat J., Chen T. C., Sroubek J., Paek S. H., Escuder J. B., Easaw J., David C., Kim C., Desai R., Olivi A., Kew Y., Hottinger A., Hegi M. E., Kirson E., Lavy-Shahaf G. & Ram Z. (2017), Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) -A Novel Cancer Treatment Modality: Translating Preclinical Evidence and Engineering Into a Survival Benefit with Delayed Decline in Quality of Life, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 99(5): 1316-1316.
- Kerkhof, M.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Vos, M.J.; Bent, M. van den; Taal, W.; Postma, T.J.; Bromberg, J.E.C.; Kouwenhoven, M.; Dirven, L.; Reijneveld, J.C. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2017), WITHDRAWAL OF ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUGS IN GLIOMA PATIENTS AFTER LONG-TERM SEIZURE FREEDOM, Neuro-Oncology 19: 203-203.
- Fritz, L.; Dirven, L.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Zwinkels, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Pasman, H.R.W. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2017), ADVANCE CARE PLANNING IN GLIOBLASTOMA PATIENTS: PHASE I OF A FEASIBILITY STUDY, Neuro-Oncology 19: 169-169.
- Klein, M.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Idbaih, A.; Taal, W.; Clement, P.M.; Vos, F. de; Wick, A.; Mulholland, P.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Lewis, J.; Weller, M.; Verschuere, T.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Gorlia, T. & Bent, M. van den (2017), NEUROCOGNITIVE FUNCTIONING IN EORTC BRAIN TUMOR GROUP RANDOMIZED PHASE II TAVAREC TRIAL (EORTC 26091, NCT01164189) ON TEMOZOLOMIDE WITH OR WITHOUT BEVACIZUMAB in 1p/19q INTACT RECURRENT GRADE II AND III GLIOMAS, Neuro-Oncology 19: 139-139.
- Melissa Kerkhof, Pauline L Tans‡, Rogier E Hagenbeek, Geert J Lycklama à Nijeholt, Finn K Holla, Tjeerd J Postma, Chiara S Straathof, Linda Dirven & Martin JB Taphoorn and Maaike J Vos (2017), Visual inspection of MR relative cerebral blood volume maps has limited value for distinguishing progression from pseudoprogression in glioblastoma multiforme patients, CNS Oncology 6(4).
- Chinot, O.L.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Bais, C.; Bourgon, R.; Phillips, H.S.; Abrey, L.E.; Wick, W.; Mason, W.; Henriksson, R.; Saran, F.; Nishikawa, R. & Cloughesy, T. (2016), Identification of Patients Who Benefit From Bevacizumab in High-Grade Glioma-An Easy Question Turned Difficult: Treat the Scan or the Patient? Reply, Journal of Clinical Oncology 34(11): 1282-+.
- Baumert, B.G.; Hegi, M.E.; Bent, M.J. van den; Deimling, A. von; Gorlia, T.; Hoang-Xuan, K.; Brandes, A.A.; Kantor, G.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Hassel, M. ben; Hartmann, C.; Ryan, G.; Capper, D.; Kros, J.M.; Kurscheid, S.; Wick, W.; Enting, R.; Reni, M.; Thiessen, B.; Dhermain, F.; Bromberg, J.E.; Feuvret, L.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Chinot, O.; Gijtenbeek, J.M.M.; Rossiter, J.P.; Dif, N.; Balana, C.; Bravo-Marques, J.; Clement, P.M.; Marosi, C.; Tzuk-Shina, T.; Nordal, R.A.; Rees, J.; Lacombe, D.; Mason, W.P. & Stupp, R. (2016), Temozolomide chemotherapy versus radiotherapy in high-risk low-grade glioma (EORTC 22033-26033): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 intergroup study, Lancet Oncology 17(11): 1521-1532.
- Kerkhof, M.; Hagenbeek, R.E.; Kallen, B.F.W. van der; Nijeholt, G.J.L.A.; Dirven, L.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Vos, M.J. (2016), Interobserver variability in the radiological assessment of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) including perfusion MRI in glioblastoma multiforme, European Journal of Neurology 23(10): 1528-1533.
- Kerkhof, M.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Vos, M.J.; Bent, M.J. van den; Taal, W.; Postma, T.J.; Bromberg, J.E.C.; Dirven, L.; Reijneveld, J.C. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2016), WITHDRAWAL OF ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUGS IN GLIOMA PATIENTS AFTER LONG-TERM SEIZURE FREEDOM, Neuro-Oncology 18: 61-61.
- Draaisma, K.; Taphoorn, M.; Weyerbrock, A.; Sanson, M.; Gorlia, T.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Kros, J.M.; Robe, P.A.; Bent, M.M.J. van den & French, J. (2016), STABILITY OF ACTIONABLE MUTATIONS IN PRIMARY AND RECURRENT GLIOBLASTOMAS, Neuro-Oncology 18: 12-12.
- Fritz, L.; Dirven, L.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Pasman, H.R.W. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2016), Advance Care Planning in Glioblastoma Patients, Cancers 8(11).
- Pe, M.; Bottomley, A.; Bonnetain, F.; Calvert, M.J.; Campbell, A.K.; Collette, L.; Dueck, A.; Devlin, N.J.; Flechtner, H.; Gotay, C.; Greimel, E.; Groenvold, M.; Hamel, J.F.; King, M.; Martinelli, F.; Mitchell, S.A.; Moinpour, C.M.; Musoro, J.; Quinten, C.; Taphoorn, M.; Coens, C. & SISAQOL Consortium (2016), A Systematic review on the choice and implementation of statistical methods in health-related quality of life data analyses in locally advanced and metastatic breast cancer randomized controlled trials (SISAQOL consortium), Quality of Life Research 25: 22-23.
- Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2016), Similar Trials With Differing Outcomes: Reconciliation in Glioblastoma Reply, Journal of Clinical Oncology 34(3): 292-U164.
- Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Dirven, L.; Heimans, J.J.; Postma, T.J.; Vos, M.J.; Reijneveld, J.C. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2016), Seizure reduction is a prognostic marker in low-grade glioma patients treated with temozolomide, Journal of Neuro-Oncology 126(2): 347-354.
- Bottomley, A.; Pe, M.; Sloan, J.; Basch, E.; Bonnetain, F.; Calvert, M.; Campbell, A.; Cleeland, C.; Cocks, K.; Collette, L.; Dueck, A.C.; Devlin, N.; Flechtner, H.H.; Gotay, C.; Greimel, E.; Griebsch, I.; Groenvold, M.; Hamel, J.F.; King, M.; Kluetz, P.G.; Koller, M.; Malone, D.C.; Martinelli, F.; Mitchell, S.A.; Moinpour, C.M.; Musoro, J.; O'Connor, D.; Oliver, K.; Piault-Louis, E.; Piccart, M.; Pimentel, F.L.; Quinten, C.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Schurmann, C.; Smith, A.W.; Soltys, K.M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Velikova, G.; Coens, C. & Setting Int Stand Analyzing (2016), Analysing data from patient-reported outcome and quality of life endpoints for cancer clinical trials: a start in setting international standards, Lancet Oncology 17(11): E510-E514.
- Gahrmann, R.; Bent, M. van den; Holt, B. van der; Vernhout, R.; Taal, W.; Taphoorn, M.; Groot, J. de; Beerepoot, L.; Jasperse, B. & Smits, M. (2016), RADIOLOGICAL RESPONSE ASSESSMENT IN THE ERA OF BEVACIZUMAB: RANO OR VOLUMETRY? A REPORT FROM THE BELOB TRIAL., Neuro-Oncology 18: 9-9.
- Zikos, E.; Coens, C.; Quinten, C.; Ediebah, D.E.; Martinelli, F.; Ghislain, I.; King, M.T.; Gotay, C.; Ringash, J.; Velikova, G.; Reeve, B.B.; Greimel, E.; Cleeland, C.S.; Flechtner, H.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Weis, J.; Schmucker-von Koch, J.; Sprangers, M.A.G.; Bottomley, A. & EORTC PROBE (2016), The Added Value of Analyzing Pooled Health-Related Quality of Life Data: A Review of the EORTC PROBE Initiative, JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute 108(5).
- Wick, W.; Gorlia, T.; Bady, P.; Platten, M.; Bent, M.J. van den; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Steuve, J.; Brandes, A.A.; Hamou, M.F.; Wick, A.; Kosch, M.; Weller, M.; Stupp, R.; Roth, P.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Frenel, J.S.; Campone, M.; Ricard, D.; Marosi, C.; Villa, S.; Weyerbrock, A.; Hopkins, K.; Homicsko, K.; Lhermitte, B.; Pesce, G. & Hegi, M.E. (2016), Phase II Study of Radiotherapy and Temsirolimus versus Radiochemotherapy with Temozolomide in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma without MGMT Promoter Hypermethylation (EORTC 26082), Clinical Cancer Research 22(19): 4797-4806.
- Habets, E.J.J.; Dirven, L.; Wiggenraad, R.G.; Verbeek-de Kanter, A.; Nijeholt, G.J.L.A.; Zwinkels, H.; Klein, M. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2016), Neurocognitive functioning and health-related quality of life in patients treated with stereotactic radiotherapy for brain metastases: a prospective study, Neuro-Oncology 18(3): 435-444.
- Armstrong, T.S.; Bishof, A.M.; Brown, P.D.; Klein, M.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Theodore-Oklota, C. (2016), Determining priority signs and symptoms for use as clinical outcomes assessments in trials including patients with malignant gliomas: Panel 1 Report, Neuro-Oncology 18: 1-12.
- Reijneveld, J.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Coens, C.; Bromberg, J.E.C.; Mason, W.P.; Hoang-Xuan, K.; Ryan, G.; Hassel, M. ben; Enting, R.H.; Brandes, A.A.; Wick, A.; Chinot, O.; Reni, M.; Kantor, G.; Thiessen, B.; Klein, M.; Verger, E.; Borchers, C.; Hau, P.; Back, M.; Smits, A.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Gorlia, T.; Bottomley, A.; Stupp, R. & Baumert, B.G. (2016), Health-related quality of life in patients with high-risk low-grade glioma (EORTC 22033-26033): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 intergroup study, Lancet Oncology 17(11): 1533-1542.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Dirven, L.; Broekman, M.L.D.; Peul, W.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Furth, W.R. van (2016), PATIENT-REPORTED OUTCOME MEASURES IN MENINGIOMA RESEARCH - LACK OF THE PATIENTS PERSPECTIVE, Neuro-Oncology 18: 65-65.
- Koekkoek, J.A.F.; Postma, T.J.; Heimans, J.J.; Reijneveld, J.C. & Taphoorn, M.J.B. (2016), Antiepileptic drug treatment in the end-of-life phase of glioma patients: a feasibility study, Supportive Care in Cancer 24(4): 1633-1638.
- Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Peeters, M.C.M.; Dirven, L.; Broekman, M.L.D.; Peul, W.C.; Taphoorn, M.J.B. & Furth, W.R. van (2016), HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IN MENINGIOMA PATIENTS - A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW, Neuro-Oncology 18: 65-66.
- Idbaih, A.; Clement, P.M.; Vos, F.Y.F.; Platten, M.; Mulholland, P.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Lewis, L.; Golfinopoulos, V.; Gorlia, T. & Bent, M.J. van den (2016), FIRST RESULTS OF THE RANDOMIZED PHASE II TAVAREC TRIAL ON TEMOZOLOMIDE WITH OR WITHOUT BEVACIZUMAB IN 1P/19Q INTACT 1ST RECURRENCE GRADE II AND III GLIOMA, Neuro-Oncology 18: 13-13.
- Kerkhof, M.; Ganeff, I.; Wiggenraad, R.G.J.; Nijeholt, G.J.L.A.; Hammer, S.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Dirven, L. & Vos, M.J. (2016), CHANGES IN PERFUSION MR IMAGING IN BRAIN METASTASES AFTER STEREOTACTIC RADIOTHERAPY, Neuro-Oncology 18: 72-73.
- Wijnenga, M.M.J.; Mattni, T.; French, P.J.; Rutten, G.J.; Leenstra, S.; Kloet, F.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Bent, M.J. van den; Veelen, M.L.C. van & Vincent, A.J.P.E. (2016), INITIAL TREATMENT STRATEGY FOR PRESUMED LOW-GRADE GLIOMA: A PREOPERATIVE PERSPECTIVE, Neuro-Oncology 18: 12-13.
- Dirven Linda, van den Bent Martin J., Bottomley Andrew, van der Meer Nelly, van der Holt Bronno, Vos Maaike J., Walenkamp Annemiek M. E., Beerepoot Laurens V., Hanse Monique C. J., Reijneveld Jaap C., Otten Aja, de Vos Filip Y. F. L., Smits Marion, Bromberg Jacoline E. C., Taal Walter & Taphoorn Martin J. B. (2015), The impact of bevacizumab on health-related quality of life in patients treated for recurrent glioblastoma: Results of the randomised controlled phase 2 BELOB trial, European Journal of Cancer 51(10): 1321-1330.
- Quinten, C.; Coens, C.; Ghislain, I.; Zikos, E.; Sprangers, M.A.G.; Ringash, J.; Martinelli, F.; Ediebah, D.E.; Maringwa, J.; Reeve, B.B.; Greimel, E.; King, M.T.; Bjordal, K.; Flechtner, H.H.; Schmucker-Von Koch, J.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Weis, J.; Wildiers, H.; Velikova, G.; Bottomley, A.; PROBE Clinical Grp & EORTC Clinical Grp (2015), The effects of age on health-related quality of life in cancer populations: A pooled analysis of randomized controlled trials using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 involving 6024 cancer patients, European Journal of Cancer 51(18): 2808-2819.
- Koekkoek Johan A. F., Dirven Linda, Heimans Jan J., Postma Tjeerd J., Vos Maaike J., Reijneveld Jaap C. & Taphoorn Martin J. B. (2015), Seizure reduction in a low-grade glioma: more than a beneficial side effect of temozolomide, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 86(4): 366-373.
- Bent, M.J. van den; Gao, Y.; Kerkhof, M.; Kros, J.M.; Gorlia, T.; Zwieten, K. van; Prince, J.; Duinen, S. van; Smitt, P.A.S.; Taphoorn, M. & French, P.J. (2015), Changes in the EGFR amplification and EGFRvIII expression between paired primary and recurrent glioblastomas, Neuro-Oncology 17(7): 935-941.
- Hoang-Xuan, K.; Bessell, E.; Bromberg, J.; Hottinger, A.F.; Preusser, M.; Ruda, R.; Schlegel, T.; Soussain, C.; Abacioglu, U.; Cassoux, N.; Deckert, M.; Dirven, S.M.F.; Ferreri, A.J.M.; Graus, F.; Henriksson, R.; Herdinger, U.; Taphoorn, M.; Soffietti, R.; Weller, M. & European Assoc Neuro-Oncology Task (2015), Diagnosis and treatment of primary CNS lymphoma in immunocompetent patients: guidelines from the European Association for Neuro-Oncology, Lancet Oncology 16(7): E322-E332.
- Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Henriksson, R.; Bottomley, A.; Cloughesy, T.; Wick, W.; Mason, W.P.; Saran, F.; Nishikawa, R.; Hilton, M.; Theodore-Oklota, C.; Ravelo, A. & Chinot, O.L. (2015), Health-Related Quality of Life in a Randomized Phase III Study of Bevacizumab, Temozolomide, and Radiotherapy in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma, Journal of Clinical Oncology 33(19): 2166-+.
- Boele, F.W.; Douw, L.; Reijneveld, J.C.; Robben, R.; Taphoorn, M.J.B.; Aaronson, N.K.; Heimans, J.J. & Klein, M. (2015), Health-Related Quality of Life in Stable, Long-Term Survivors of Low-Grade Glioma, Journal of Clinical Oncology 33(9): 1023-+.
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- Poortmans PMP, Kluin-Nelemans HC, Haaxma-Reiche H, Van't Veer M, Hansen M, Soubeyran P, Taphoorn M, Thomas J, Van den Bent M, Fickers M, Van Imhoff G, Rozewicz C, Teodorovic I & van Glabbeke M (2003), High-dose methotrexate-based chemotherapy followed by consolidating radiotherapy in non-AIDS-related primary central nervous system lymphoma: European organization for research and treatment of cancer lymphoma group phase II trial 20962, Journal of Clinical Oncology 21(24).