Marleen Dekker
Wetenschappelijk directeur/hoogleraar Afrika Studies in het bijzonder Inclusive Development in Africa
- Naam
- Prof.dr. M. Dekker
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6715
- 0000-0001-8033-5692

Marleen Dekker is hoogleraar Inclusieve Ontwikkeling in Afrika aan de Universiteit Leiden en directeur van het Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden. Lees meer op de Engelstalige medewerkerspagina.
Wetenschappelijk directeur/hoogleraar Afrika Studies in het bijzonder Inclusive Development in Africa
- Afrika-Studiecentrum
- Dekker M., Kazimierczuk A., Garland R., Stein Zweers D. & Levelt P. (2024), In the air tonight: satellite-based air quality data and inclusive development in Africa: a scoping review of the literature. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 157. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [working paper].
- Altaf A., Tsikata D., Torvikey G.D. & Dekker M. (red.) (2024), Equity in COVID-19 : mitigation and policy responses in Africa. EADI Global Development Series. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Altaf A., Tsikata D., Torvikey G.D. & Dekker M. (2024), Introduction. In: Altaf A., Tsikata D., Torvikey G.D. & Dekker M. (red.), Equity in COVID-19: mitigation and policy responses in Africa. EADI Global Development Series. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-12.
- Altaf A., Tsikata D., Torvikey G.D. & Dekker M. (2024), Recommendations and reflections. In: Dekker M., Altaf A., Tsikata D., Torvikey G.D. & Dekker M. (red.), Equity in COVID-19: mitigation and policy responses in Africa. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 365-369.
- Dekker M. (2024), Word of welcome. In: Veldkamp F. & Seuren G. (red.), A window on Africa: : African Studies Centre Leiden's 75th anniversary celebration. ASCL occasional publications nr. 48. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 9-15.
- Amha A., Bruijn M.E. de , Dekker M., Dijk R.A. van, Ditmars M.D., Kaag M.M.A., Leliveld A.H.M. & Nijenhuis C.T. (7 november 2024), African Studies is vibrant! : And we need future generations to pass on the baton. ASCL Africanist blog . Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [blog].
- Lijfering S., Kazimierczuk A.H., Uche C.U., Akinyoade A. & Dekker M. (2023), Afrika: hulp & handel in perspectief - lessen uit het veld. Den Haag: Liaison Parlement en Wetenschap. [position paper].
- Dekker M. & Ditmars M. (4 september 2023), Bridging boundaries through virtual well-being exchange. ASCL Africanist Blog. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [blog].
- Dekker M. & Pouw N. (2022), Introduction to the special Issue: policies for inclusive development in Africa, European Journal of Development Research 34(5): 2137-2155.
- Swinkels C.E., Miroro O.O. & Dekker M. (2022), (In)decent work for youth in agro-industrial value chains in Uganda . In: Goulart P., Ramos R. & Ferrittu G. (red.), Global labour in distress, volume II: earnings, (in)decent work and institutions. Palgrave Readers in Economics. Cham: Springer. 317-322.
- Yilma Z., Mebratie A.D., Sparrow R., Dekker M., Alemu G. & Bedi A.S. (2021), Economic consequences of ill-health in rural Ethiopia, Health Systems & Reform 7(2): e1885577.
- Reinders S., Dekker M. & Falisse J.-B. (2021), Inequalities in higher education in low‐ and middle‐income countries: a scoping review of the literature, Development Policy Review 39(5): 865-889.
- Barr A., Dekker M., Hochleitner A. & Zuze L.T. (2021), Social norms and financial decision-making in Zambia : technical brief. Lusaka: fsd Zambia.
- Barr A., Dekker M., Mwansa F. & Zuze T.L. (2021), Financial decision-making gender and social norms in Zambia : report on the quantitative data generation, analysis and results and subsequent qualitative follow-up. Lusaka: fsd Zambia.
- Barr A., Dekker M., Mwansa F. & Zuze T.L. (2020), Financial decision-making, gender and social norms in Zambia: preliminary report on the quantitative data generation, analysis and results. CeDEx discussion paper series.
- Barr A., Dekker M., Mwansa F. & Zuze T.L. (2020), Financial decision-making, gender and social norms in Zambia: preliminary report on the quantitative data generation, analysis and results. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 147. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [working paper].
- Awuh H.E. Dekker M. (2020), Entrepreneurship in microfranchising: an emerging market perspective, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies : .
- Reinders S.N. Dekker M. Falisse J.-B. (2020), Inequalities in higher education in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of the literature, Development Policy Review : .
- Barr A., Dekker M., Janssens W., Kebede B. & Kramer B. (2019), Cooperation in polygynous households, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11(2): 266-283.
- Hees S.G.M. van, O'Fallon T., Hofker M., Dekker M., Polack S., Bank L.M. & Spaan E.J.A.M. (2019), Leaving no one behind? Social inclusion of health insurance in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review, International Journal for Equity in Health 18: 134.
- Hollander S. & Dekker M. (2019), Boosting productive employment in Africa: policy publication. Synthesis Report Series. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Reinders S., Dekker M., Kesteren F. van & Oudenhuijsen L.W. (2019), Inclusive development in Africa. Synthesis Report Series. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Dekker M., Moving forward in debates on inclusive development policies: INCLUDE’s renewed knowledge agenda. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies. [blog].
- Dekker M., Hollander S. & Kesteren F. van (2019), Seven principles for inclusive development policy-making. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies. [policy paper].
- Spierenburg M., Matelski M., Zijlstra S., Kempen L. van, Dekker M., Nangulu A. & Otundo B. (2019), Interim findings: civil society engagement with land rights advocacy in Kenya. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies. [working paper].
- Kazimierczuk A.H. & Dekker M., Youth are the present, not only the future?. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies. [blog].
- Matelski M., Otundo B., Zijlstra S., Dekker M., Kempen L. van, Nangulu A. & Spierenburg M. (2018), Civil society engagement with land rights advocacy in Kenya: what roles to play? Literature review. Leiden; Nijmegen: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL); Radboud University.
- Dekker M. (2018), Inclusive development : not business as usual!, Vice Versa Include special: 50-51.
- Dekker M., Simbanegavi W., Hollander S. & Miroro O. (2018), Boosting productive employment in Africa : what works and why?. Synthesis Report Series. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Kesteren F. van, Dekker M., Miroro O., Gassmann F. & Timár E. (2018), The business case for social protection in Africa. Synthesis Report Series. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Hollander S., Dekker M., Miroro O., Kesteren F. van & Bossuyt J. (2018), Strategic actors for inclusive development in Africa. Synthesis Report Series. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Barr A., Dekker M., Janssens W., Kebede B. & Kramer B. (2017), Cooperation in polygynous households. IFPRI discussion paper nr. 1625. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI.
- Dekker M. (2017), From macro to micro: how smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe are coping with dollarization. In: Beek W.E.A. van, Damen J.C.M. & Foeken D.W.J. (red.), The face of Africa: essays in honour of Ton Dietz. ASCL occasional publications nr. 28. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 63-74.
- Dekker M. & Hollander S. (2017), Boosting youth employment in Africa : what works and why?. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Hollander S., Dekker M. & Kesteren F. van (2017), Highlights of the strategic actors synthesis report. INCLUDE : Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies.
- Kesteren F. van, Dekker M. & Hollander S. (2017), The evidence base on what works to promote youth employment. Leiden: INCLUDE: Knowledge Platform for Inclusive Development Policies.
- Hollander S. & Dekker M. (2017), We need SMEs in the middle for job creation in Africa : key messages from INCLUDE’s ‘Productive Employment’ roundtable. Leiden: INCLUDE : Knowledge Platform for Inclusive Development Policies.
- Yilma Z., Mebratie A., Sparrow R., Dekker M., Alemu G. & Bedi A.S. (2015), Impact of Ethiopia's Community-Based Health Insurance on household economic welfare, The World Bank Economic Review : .
- Barr A., Dekker M. & Fafchamps M. (2015), The formation of community-based organizations: an analysis of a quasi-experiment in Zimbabwe, World Development 66: 131-153.
- Yilma Z., Mebratie A., Sparrow R., Dekker M., Alemu G. & Bedi A.S. (2015), The impact of Ethiopia's community-based health insurance on household economic welfare: a policy brief. ASCL Infosheet nr. 23. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Dekker M. (2015), Resettlement in Zimbabwe: final destination from the zones of transition. In: Akinyoade A. & Gewald J.B. (red.), African roads to prosperity: people en route to socio-cultural and economic transformation. African dynamics nr. 14. Leiden: Brill. 94-110.
- Wout M.L. van 't & Dekker M. (2014), Navigating through times of scarcity: the intensification of a gift-giving economy after dollarization in rural Zimbabwe. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 115. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Vlaminck Z., Dekker M., Leliveld A.H.M. & Oberst U. (2014), Rome wasn't built in a day: the accessibility of social protection for informal workers: a mapping of 5 West African countries. Utrecht: CNV Internationaal.
- Yilma Z., Mebratie A., Sparrow R., Abebaw D., Dekker M., Alemu G. & Bedi A.S. (2014), Shocks and coping strategies in rural Ethiopia: a policy brief. ASCL Infosheet nr. 22. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Debebe Z.Y., Mebratie A., Sparrow R., Abebaw D., Dekker M., Alemu G. & Bedi A.S. (2013), Coping with shocks in rural Ethiopia. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 110. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Dekker M. (2013), Promoting gender equality and female empowerment: a systematic review of the evidence on property rights, labour markets, political participation and violence against women. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 111. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Dekker M. & Kinsey B. (2011), Coping with Zimbabwe's economic crisis: small-scale farmers and livelihoods under stress. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 93. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum. [working paper].
- Dekker M., Barr A. & Fafchamps M. (2011), Creating inclusive communities: the results of resettlement in Zimbabwe. ASCL Infosheet nr. 10. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Barr A., Dekker M. & Fafchamps M. (2010), The formation of community based organizations in sub-Saharan Africa: an analysis of a quasi-experiment. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 90. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Dekker M. & Dijk R.A. van (2010), Markets of well-being: navigating health and healing in Africa. African dynamics nr. 9. Leiden: Brill.
- Dekker M. & Wilms A. (2009), Can health insurance be the magic bullet? The case of Microcare ltd. in Uganda. ASCL Infosheet nr. 7. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Barr A., Dekker M. & Fafchamps M. (2009), Bridging the gender divide: an experimental analysis of group formation in African villages. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 87. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Barr A., Dekker M. & Fafchamps M. (2008), Risk sharing relations and enforcement mechanisms. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 80. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Barr A., Dekker M. & Fafchamps M. (2008), Risk sharing relations and enforcement mechanisms. CSAE Working Paper Series nr. 14. Oxford: Centre for the Study of African Economies. [working paper].
- Dekker M. (11 maart 2004), Risk, resettlement and relations : social security in rural Zimbabwe (Dissertatie, Economische Wetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde, VU University Amsterdam) Tinbergen Institute Research Series nr. 331. Amsterdam: Thela Thesis. Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Gunning J.W., Dietz A.J.
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