Marina Terkourafi
Hoogleraar Sociolinguïstiek
- Naam
- Prof.dr. M. Terkourafi
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3159
- 0000-0002-4400-9336

Ik ben altijd gefascineerd geweest door taal in zijn vele verschijningsvormen: gesproken, geschreven of sms; regionaal, gemarginaliseerd en standaard; "translanguaged", "transcripted". Net zoals taal ons helpt contact te maken met anderen, is het ook een instrument voor uitsluiting en verdeeldheid op alle niveaus, van het (supra)nationale tot het individu. Toch is het mij, na jarenlang taal en talen bestuderen, duidelijk dat taal deze kracht niet vanuit zichzelf heeft. Het maakt deel uit van een groter semiotisch geheel, dat materiële en ideologische aspecten omvat die als filter fungeren voor de manier waarop wij anderen ‘horen’ en hoe zij ons ‘horen’. Het is deze belichaming van het Zelf door middel van taal die de kern vormt van mijn onderzoek, dat doorgaans onder de meer traditionele rubrieken 'sociolinguïstiek' en 'pragmatiek' valt.
Meer informatie over Marina Terkourafi
Hoogleraar Sociolinguïstiek
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Taalwetenschap
- Terkourafi M. (2025), An ethics for Linguistics?: What, why, and how?, 63(2): 1-31.
- Terkourafi M. (2023), A speech-act theoretic analysis of white (pro-social) lies. In: Caponetto L. & Labinaz P. (red.), Sbisà on Speech as Action nr. Philosophers in Depth series. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan. 1-23.
- Mosegaard-Hansen M-B. & Terkourafi M. (2023), We need to talk about Hearer’s Meaning!, Journal of Pragmatics 208: 99-114.
- Terkourafi M. (2023), Reconfiguring the strategic/non-strategic binary in im/politeness research, Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture 20(1): 111–134.
- Terkourafi M. & Delbar N. (2023), Oxford Bibliography on Sociopragmatics, Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics : .
- Mouresioti E. & Terkourafi M. (2021), Καλημέρα, kalimera or kalhmera?: A mixed methods study of Greek native speakers' attitudes to using the Greek and Roman scripts in emails and SMS. , Journal of Greek Linguistics 21: 1-39.
- Terkourafi M. (2021), Pragmatics as an interdisciplinary field, Journal of Pragmatics 179: 77-84.
- Terkourafi M. & Bezuidenhout A. (red.) (2021), Special issue: (Im)politeness, humour, and the role of intentions: Essays presented to Michael Haugh. Journal of Pragmatics. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Haugh M., Kadar D.Z. & Terkourafi M. (red.) (2021), The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Terkourafi M. (2021), Inference and implicature. In: Haugh M., Kadar D.Z. & Terkourafi M. (red.), The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 30-47.
- Haugh M., Kádár D.Z. & Terkourafi M. (2021), Introduction: directions in sociopragmatics. In: Haugh M., Kádár D.Z. & Terkourafi M. (red.), The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-12.
- Terkourafi M., Weissman B. & Roy J. (2020), Different scalar terms are affected by face differently, International Review of Pragmatics 12(1): 1-43.
- Ameka F.K. & Terkourafi M. (2019), What if…? Imagining non-Western perspectives on pragmatic theory and practice, Journal of Pragmatics 145: 72-82.
- Terkourafi M. & Haugh M. (2019), Editorial: “Quo Vadis, Pragmatics?”, Journal of Pragmatics 145: 1-3.
- Terkourafi M. (2019), Coming to grips with variation in sociocultural interpretations: methodological considerations, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 50(10): 1198-1215.
- Terkourafi M. (2019), Indirectness in the age of globalization: A social network analysis, Russian Journal of Linguistics 23(4): 930-949.
- Terkourafi M. (2019), Im/politeness: A 21st Century Appraisal, Foreign Languages and Their Teaching 1(6): 1-17.
- Armostis S. & Terkourafi M. (2019), Not all positive: on the landscape of thanking items in Cypriot Greek. In: Ogiermann E. & Pilar G.B. (red.), From speech acts to lay understandings of politeness : Multilingual and Multicultural Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 117–145.
- Terkourafi M. & Lord S. (2018), Tracking opinion convergence online: the effect of facial attractiveness, Internet Pragmatics 1(1): 88-112.
- Terkourafi M., Catedral L., Haider I., Karimzad F., Melgares J., Mostacero C., Nelson J. & Weissman B. (2018), Uncivil Twitter: A sociopragmatic analysis, Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 6(1): 26-57.
- Terkourafi M. (2018), Lying and Politeness. In: Meibauer J. (red.), The handbook of lying. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 382–396.
- Benjamin Weissman & Terkourafi M. (2018), Are false implicatures lies? An empirical investigation, Mind & Language 34(2): 221-246.
- Terkourafi M. & Kadar D. (2017), Convention and ritual. In: Culpeper J., Haugh M. & Kadar D. (red.), The Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic (Im)Politeness. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 171-195.
- Culpeper J. & Terkourafi M. (2017), Pragmatic Approaches (Im)politeness. In: Culpeper J., Haugh M. & Kadar D. (red.), The Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic (Im)Politeness. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 11-39.
- Terkourafi M. (red.) (2015), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Im/politeness. AILA Applied Linguistics Series nr. 14. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Terkourafi M. (2015), Conventionalization: A new agenda for im/politeness research, Journal of Pragmatics 86: 11-18.
- Vergis N. & Terkourafi M. (2015), The role of the speaker’s emotional state in im/politeness assessments, Journal of Language and Social Psychology 34(3): 316-342.
- Terkourafi M. (2015), The linguistics of politeness and social relations. In: Allan K. (red.), Routledge Handbook of Linguistics. London: Routledge. 221-235.
- Terkourafi M. (2015), Introduction. In: Terkourafi M. (red.), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Im/politeness. AILA Applied Linguistics Series nr. 14. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. vii-xi.
- Barros Garcia M.J. & Terkourafi M. (2015), Combining self-report and role-play data in sociopragmatics research: towards a methodological synthesis. In: Beeching K. & Woodfield H. (red.), Researching Sociopragmatic Variability. Basingstoke: Palgrave. 230-250.
- Vergis N. & Terkourafi M. (2015), The M-word: a Greek collocation between solidarity and insult. In: Terkourafi M. (red.), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Im/politeness. AILA Applied Linguistics Series nr. 14. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 41-70.
- Terkourafi M. (2015), Bespreking van: Leech G. (2014), The Pragmatics of Politeness: Oxford University Press. Language 91(4): 957-960.
- Terkourafi M. (2014), The importance of being indirect: A new nomenclature for indirect speech, Belgian Journal of Linguistics 28(1): 45-70.
- Barros García M.J. & Terkourafi M. (2014), What, when and how? Spanish native and nonnative uses of politeness, Sociocultural Pragmatics 8(2): 262-292.
- Soltys J., Terkourafi M. & Katsos N. (2014), Disentangling politeness theory and the strategic speaker approach, Intercultural Pragmatics 11(1): 31-56.
- Barros-Garcia M. & Terkourafi M. (2014), First-order politeness in rapprochement and distancing cultures: Understandings and uses of politeness by Spanish native speakers from Spain and Spanish nonnative speakers from the U.S, Pragmatics 24(1): 1-34.
- Terkourafi M. (2013), Re-assessing the Speech Act Schema: Twenty-first century reflections, International Review of Pragmatics 5(2): 197-216.
- Wu D. & Terkourafi M. (2013), Performances of gender in Nyshu: A women’s script in China, Linguistic Research 12: 215-236.
- Vergis N. & Terkourafi M. (2013), Rhoticization and gender stereotyping in a rural community in Crete. Janse M., Joseph B., Ralli A. & Bagriacik M. (red.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory. . Patras 499-523.
- Terkourafi M., Kapnoula E., Protopapas A. & Panagiotopoulou P. (2013), Triangulating the GRID: A corpus-based cognitive linguistic analysis of Greek emotion terms. In: Scherer K. & Soriano C. (red.), Components of Emotional Meaning: A Sourcebook. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 437-449.
- Panagiotopoulou P., Terkourafi M. & Protopapas A. (2013), Familiarity and disappointment: A culture-specific dimension of emotional experience in Greece?. In: Scherer K. & Soriano C. (red.), Components of Emotional Meaning: A Sourcebook. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 467-472.
- Terkourafi M. (2013), Bespreking van: Culpeper J. (2011), Historical Sociopragmatics: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Journal of Sociolinguistics 17(1): 130-133.
- Terkourafi M. (2012), Between Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics: Where does pragmatic variation fit in?. In: Felix-Brasdefer C. & Koike D. (red.), Pragmatic Variation in First and Second Language Contexts: Methodological Issues.. IMPACT studies in language and society. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 295-318.
- Terkourafi M. (2012), Politeness and pragmatics. In: Jaszczolt K. & Allan K. (red.), The Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 617-637.
- Terkourafi M. (2011), The puzzle of indirect speech, Journal of Pragmatics 43(11): 2861-2865.
- Terkourafi M. (2011), Why indirect speech is not a natural default: Rejoinder to Steven Pinker’s "Indirect Speech, Politeness, Deniability, and Relationship Negotiation", Journal of Pragmatics 43(11): 2869-2871.
- Terkourafi M. (2011), From Politeness1 to Politeness2: Tracking norms of im/politeness across time and space, Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture 7(2): 159-185.
- Terkourafi M. (2011), The pragmatic variable: toward a procedural interpretation, Language in Society 40(4): 343-372.
- Terkourafi M. (2011), Thank you, sorry, and please in Cypriot Greek: What happens to politeness markers when they are borrowed across languages?, Journal of Pragmatics 43(1): 218-235.
- Terkourafi M. (red.) (2010), The Language(s) of Global Hip-Hop. Advances in Sociolinguistics nr. 53. London: Continuum.
- Terkourafi M., Hadjidemetriou C. & Vasilopoulou A. (2010), Special issue on Greek Conversation Analysis, Journal of Greek Linguistics 10(2): .
- Terkourafi M. (2010), Δομικοί και ιδεολογικοί παράγοντες στην κατασκευή της διαφορετικότητας της κυπριακής.(=Structural and ideological factors in the construction of the difference of Cypriot Greek). Goutsos D. (red.), Proceedings of the Symposium 'The Greek language in Cyprus'. . Athens: University of Athens. 213-227.
- Terkourafi M. (2010), Don’t go V-ing in Cypriot Greek: semantic, pragmatic and prosodic aspects of a prohibitive construction, Constructions and Frames 2(2): 208-241.
- Terkourafi M. (2010), What is said from different points of view, Language and Linguistics Compass 4(8): 705-718.
- Vasilopoulou A., Hadjidemetriou C. & Terkourafi M. (2010), Introducing Greek Conversation Analysis, Journal of Greek Linguistics 10(2): 155-183.
- Terkourafi M. & Petrakis S. (2010), A critical look at the desktop metaphor 30 years on. In: Deignan A., Cameron L., Low G. & Todd Z. (red.), Researching and Applying Metaphor in the Real World. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 145-164.
- Terkourafi M. (2010), Introduction: A fresh look at some old questions. In: Terkourafi M. (red.), The Language(s) of Global Hip Hop. London: Continuum. 1-18.
- Copestake A. & Terkourafi M. (2010), Conventional speech act formulae: from corpus findings to formalization. In: Kühnlein P., Benz A. & Sidner C. (red.), Constraints in Discourse 2. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 125-140.
- Garley M., Slade B. & Terkourafi M. (2009), A text in speech’s clothing: Discovering specific functions of formulaic expressions in Beowulf and blogs. In: Wood D. (red.), Perspectives on Formulaic Language and Second Language Speech Fluency. London: Continuum. 213-233.
- Sitaridou I. & Terkourafi M. (2009), On the loss of the masculine genitive plural in Cypriot Greek: language contact or internal evolution?. In: Dufresne M., Dupuis F. & Vocaj E. (red.), Historical Linguistics 2007. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory nr. 308. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 161-173.
- Terkourafi M. (2009), Variationist methodology in pragmatics: (how) can it be done?, Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. nr. 45. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 609-623.
- Garley M., Slade B. & Terkourafi M. (2009), Hwæt! LOL! Common formulaic functions in Beowulf and blogs, Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. nr. 45. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 111-126.
- Terkourafi M. (2009), On de-limiting context. In: Bergs A. & Diewald G. (red.), Context and Constructions. Constructional Approaches to Language nr. 9. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 17-42.
- Terkourafi M. (2009), What use is what is said?. In: Brabanter P. de & Kissine M. (red.), Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models. Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface nr. 20. Bingley: Emerald. 27-58.
- Terkourafi M. (2009), Finding face between Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: Greek perceptions of the in-group. In: Haugh M. & Bargiela-Chiappini F. (red.), Face, Communication, and Social Interaction. London: Equinox. 269-288.
- Terkourafi M. (2009), Γλώσσες στη βενετική Κύπρο’ (=Languages in Venetian Cyprus). In: Konnari A. (red.), La Serenissima e la Nobilissima: Venice in Cyprus and Cyprus in Venice. Lefkosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation. 143-154.
- Terkourafi M. (2009), Conventionality. In: Cummings L. (red.), The Pragmatics Encyclopedia. London: Routledge. 79-81.
- Terkourafi M. (2009), Politeness. In: Chapman S. & Routledge C. (red.), Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 157-161.
- Terkourafi M. (2009), Conventional meaning. In: Chapman S. & Routledge C. (red.), Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 28-29.
- Terkourafi M. (2009), Emic/Etic. In: Chapman S. & Routledge C. (red.), Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 66-66.
- Terkourafi M. (2008), Toward a unified theory of politeness, impoliteness, and rudeness. In: Bousfield D. & Locher M. (red.), Impoliteness in language. Language, Power and Social Process nr. 21. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 54-89.
- Terkourafi M. (2008), Bespreking van: Verhagen A. (2005), Constructions of Intersubjectivity: Discourse, Syntax, and Cognition: Oxford University Press. Journal of Pragmatics 40(8): 1478–1485.
- Terkourafi M. (2007), Toward a universal notion of face for a universal notion of co-operation. In: Kecskes I. & Horn L. (red.), Explorations in Pragmatics: Linguistic, Cognitive and Intercultural Aspects. Mouton Series in Pragmatics nr. 1. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 313-344.
- Terkourafi M. (2007), Perceptions of difference in the Greek sphere: the case of Cypriot Greek, Journal of Greek Linguistics 8: 60-96.
- Terkourafi M. & Bali P. (2007), Speaking of pain in Greek: implications for the cognitive permeation of emotions, Cognition and Emotion 21(8): 1-34.
- Terkourafi M. (2006), The interplay of social and regional variation in Cyprus: a diachronic perspective. Janse M., Joseph B. & Aggeliki R. (red.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory. : University of Patras. 379-394.
- Terkourafi M. & Copestake A. (2006), Conventional speech act formulae: from corpus findings to formalization. Sidner C., Harpur J., Benz A. & Kühnlein P. (red.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Constraints in Discourse. . Maynooth: National University of Ireland. 51-58.
- Terkourafi M. (2006), Bespreking van: Watts R. (2003), Politeness: Cambridge University Press. Journal of Pragmatics 38(3): 418-428.
- Terkourafi M. (red.) (2005), An English-Greek dictionary of false friends / Αγγλοελληνικό Λεξικό Ψευδόφιλων Μονάδων. Athens: Athens University Press.
- Terkourafi M. (2005), An argument for a frame-based approach to politeness: evidence from the use of the imperative in Cypriot Greek. In: Lakoff R. & Sachiko I. (red.), Broadening the Horizon of Linguistic Politeness. PRAGMATICS AND BEYOND NEW SERIES nr. 139. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 99-116.
- Terkourafi M. (2005), Pragmatic correlates of frequency of use: the case for a notion of ‘minimal context’. In: Nikiforidou K., Marmaridou S. & Antonopoulou E. (red.), Reviewing Linguistic Thought: Converging Trends for the 21st Century. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs nr. 116. Berlin: de Gruyter. 209-233.
- Terkourafi M. (2005), Politeness in Cyprus. In: Hickey L. & Stewart M. (red.), Politeness in Europe. Multilingual Matters nr. 127. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 277-291.
- Terkourafi M. (2005), Εισαγωγή / Introduction (in Greek & in English). In: Terkourafi M. (red.), An English-Greek Dictionary of False Friends/Αγγλοελληνικό Λεξικό Ψευδόφιλων Μονάδων. Athens: Athens University Press. ix-xxii.
- Terkourafi M. (2005), Socialising Grice: on interlocutors’ reasons for co-operating in conversation, Cambridge Occasional Papers in Linguistics (COPiL). nr. 2 235-247.
- Terkourafi M. (2005), Beyond the micro-level in politeness research, Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture 1(2): 237-262.
- Terkourafi M. (2005), Understanding the present through the past: processes of koineisation on Cyprus, Diachronica. International Journal for Historical Linguistics 22(2): 309-372.
- Terkourafi M. (2005), Identity and semantic change: aspects of T/V usage in Cyprus, Journal of Historical Pragmatics 6(2): 283-306.
- Terkourafi M. (2004), The Cypriot koine: a recent development?. Catsimali G., Anagnostopoulou E., Kalokerinos A. & Kappa I. (red.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of Greek Linguistics. . Rethymno: Linguistics Lab e-book.
- Terkourafi M. (2004), Testing Brown and Levinson’s theory in a corpus of conversational data from Cypriot Greek, International Journal of the Sociology of Language 168: 119-134.
- Terkourafi M. (2004), Bespreking van: Bayraktaroğlu A. & Sifianou M. (2001), Linguistic Politeness Across Boundaries: The Case of Greek and Turkish: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Language in Society 33(2): 303-307.
- Terkourafi M. (2004), Politeness and Cooperation: the view from Cypriot Greek, Studies in Greek Linguistics. nr. 24. Thessaloniki: Kyriakides. 682-692.
- Terkourafi M. (2003), Generalised and particularised implicatures of linguistic politeness. In: Kühnlein P., Rieser H. & Zeevat H. (red.), Perspectives on Dialogue in the New Millennium. PRAGMATICS AND BEYOND NEW SERIES nr. 114. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 149-164.
- Terkourafi M. & Villavicencio A. (2003), Toward a formalisation of speech act functions of questions in conversation. Bernardi R. & Michael M. (red.), Questions and Answers: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives. : Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS. 108-119.
- Terkourafi M. (2003), Bespreking van: Turner K. (1999), The Semantics/Pragmatics Interface from Different Points of View: Elsevier Science. Journal of Pragmatics 35(2): 307-313.
- Terkourafi M. (2003), Bespreking van: Wray A. (2002), Formulaic Language and the Lexicon: Cambridge University Press. Journal of Pragmatics 35(10-11): 1721-1726.
- Terkourafi M. (2002), Politeness and formulaicity: evidence from Cypriot Greek, Journal of Greek Linguistics 3(1): 179-201.
- Terkourafi M. (2002), Contextualising politeness: toward a psychologically plausible account. Clairis C. (red.), Recherches en Linguistique Grecque: Actes du Cinquième Colloque International de Linguistique Grecque. . Paris: L’Harmattan. 239–242.
- Terkourafi M. (1 september 2001), Politeness in Cypriot Greek: A frame-based approach (Dissertatie, Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge). Promotor(en): Jaszczolt K.
- Terkourafi M. (2001), The use of the plural in expressing politeness in Cypriot Greek conversations. Aggouraki Y., Arvaniti A., Davy J., Goutsos D., Karyolemou M., Panayotou A., Papapavlou A., Pavlou P. & Roussou A. (red.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Greek Linguistics.. . Thessaloniki: University Studio Press. 462-470.
- Terkourafi M. (2001), The distinction between generalised and particularised implicatures and linguistic politeness. Kühnlein P., Rieser H. & Zeevat H. (red.), Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on the Formal Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue.. . Bielefeld: ZiF. 174–188.
- Terkourafi M. (2000), Some preliminary remarks on the universality of politeness strategies based on evidence from Cypriot Greek. Chizarik E. (red.), Papers in Linguistics from the University of Manchester (PLUM). 226–240.
- Terkourafi M. (1999), Frames for politeness: A case study, Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) 9(1): 97-117.