Maria Yazdanbakhsh
Afdelingshoofd afdeling parasitologie LUMC
- Naam
- Prof.dr. M. Yazdanbakhsh
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 5067
- 0000-0002-7666-1441

Maria Yazdanbakhsh is hoogleraar op het gebied van de cellulaire immunologie en hoofd van de afdeling Parasitologie. Haar onderzoek is gericht op de interactie tussen parasieten en hun humane gastheer. Ze is de winnaar van de Spinozaprijs 2021, lid van de stuurgroep Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk onderzoek-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek van de Tropen (NWO-WOTRO), wetenschappelijk coördinator van het centrum voor Gecontroleerde Humane Infecties in Leiden (L-CHIC) en voorzitter van LUMC Global Stuurgroep. Ook is ze gastprofessor aan de Universiteit van Indonesië in Jakarta, de Universiteit van Hasanuddin in Makassar, Indonesi en Centre de Recherches Médicales de Lambarén, Gabon. Daarnaast is ze benoemd tot lid van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen (KNAW), de Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW) en de Academia Europaea. In 2022 heeft zij een ERC advanced Grant ontvangen.
Meer informatie over Maria Yazdanbakhsh
Cellular immunology of parasitic infections
De interactie tussen het menselijk immuunsysteem en parasieten is fascinerend en boeiend. Parasieten zijn meesters in het reguleren van het immuunsysteem. Door hun interactie met de menselijke gastheer te onderzoeken, krijgen we nieuwe inzichten in immunologische pathways en nieuwe immuunmodulerende moleculen. Hierdoor kunnen nieuwe vaccins worden ontwikkeld tegen parasitaire infecties, die ruim twee miljard mensen in landen met een laag of middelmatig inkomen treffen. Ook kunnen hierdoor nieuwe strategieën worden ontwikkeld voor de preventie van inflammatoire aandoeningen, die veel voorkomen in welvaartsstaten (zoals Nederland).
Door middel van klinische trials en veldonderzoek in Afrika en Azië in combinatie met uitgebreid moleculair en cellulair onderzoek in het LUMC, wordt opnieuw gekeken naar de immunologische basis van de hygiënehypothese, en wordt de relatie tussen parasitaire infecties en niet-overdraagbare aandoeningen onderzocht.
Onlangs is er een centrum voor Controlled Human Infections aan het LUMC opgericht. Hier worden vrijwillige proefpersonen opzettelijk geïnfecteerd met malaria, schistosomiasis en mijnworm. Hierbij worden protocollen gevolgd om absolute veiligheid te garanderen. Dit is een zeer innovatieve aanpak voor het bestuderen van de interactie tussen gastheer en parasiet op klinisch, cellulair en moleculair niveau. Dergelijke gecontroleerde infecties bevorderen het vaccin- en geneesmiddelenonderzoek, wat van grote waarde is voor de wereldwijde volksgezondheid.
Deze onderzoekslijnen sluiten aan bij de Sustainable Development Goals van de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (NWA); Gezondheidszorgonderzoek; Preventie en Behandeling; Personalised Medicine.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Maria Yazdanbakhsh behaalde haar BSc aan King’s College London, en haar MSc aan de London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Ze promoveerde in 1987 aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op haar proefschrift “Immunobiology of Eosinophils", en deed een post-doctoral fellowship aan het Imperial College London. Daarna werd ze onderzoekster bij de Universiteit Leiden, waar ze eerst universitair docent en vervolgens universitair hoofddocent werd. In 2005 werd zij aangesteld als hoogleraar aan het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, waarbij de titel van haar oratie luidde: “Normen, wormen en waarden”.
In 2017 werd zij ter gelegenheid van de Dies Natalis gevraagd om een diesoratie uit te spreken. De oratie had de titel: “Van parasitisme naar mutualisme”.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
- Visiting professor aan de University of Indonesia
- Visiting professor aan de University of Hasanuddin
- MSD-AWARD voor humane parasitologie
Afdelingshoofd afdeling parasitologie LUMC
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Infectieziekten
- Parasitologie
- Kildemoes, A.O.; Veldhuizen, T.; Hilt, S.T.; Lieshout, L. van; Supali, T.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Camprubí-Ferrer, D.; Muñoz, J.; Clerinx, J.; Harvey, M.; Codée, J.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Dam, G.J. van; Visser, L.G.; Roestenberg, M.; Diepen, A. van & Hokke, C.H. (2025), Identification of a circulating carbohydrate antigen as a highly specific and sensitive target for schistosomiasis serology, Journal of Clinical Microbiology.
- Alabi, A.; Musangomunei, F.P.; Lotola-Mougeni, F.; Bie-Ondo, J.C.; Murphy, K.; Essone, P.N.; Kabwende, A.L.; Mahmoudou, S.; Macé, A.; Harris, V.; Ramharter, M.; Grobusch, M.P.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Fernandez-Carballo, B.L.; Escadafal, C.; Kremsner, P.G.; Dittrich, S. & Agnandji, S.T. (2025), Performance evaluation of a combination Plasmodium dual-antigen CRP rapid diagnostic test in Lambaréné, Gabon, Infection 53(1): 285-295.
- Patente, T.A.; Gasan, T.A.; Scheenstra, M.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Obieglo, K.; Schetters, S.; Verwaerde, S.; Vergote, K.; Otto, F.; Wilbers, R.H.P.; Bloois, E. van; Wijck, Y. van; Taube, C.; Hammad, H.; Schots, A.; Everts, B.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Guigas, B.; Hokke, C.H. & Smits, H.H. (2024), S. mansoni -derived omega-1 prevents OVA-specific allergic airway inflammation via hampering of cDC2 migration, PLoS Pathogens 20(8).
- Houlder, E.L.; Stam, K.A.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Koenig, M.H.; Langenberg, M.C.C.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Niewold, P.; Sonnet, F.; Janse, J.J.; Partal, M.C.; Sijtsma, J.C.; Bes-Roeleveld, L.H.M. de; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Roestenberg, M. (2024), Early symptom-associated inflammatory responses shift to type 2 responses in controlled human schistosome infection, Science Immunology 9(97).
- Mouwenda, Y.D.; Jochems, S.P.; Unen, V. van; Ongwe, M.E.B.; Piters, W.A.A.D.; Stam, K.A.; Loembe, M.M.; Sim, B.K.L.; Esen, M.; Hoffman, S.L.; Kremsner, P.G.; Fendel, R.; Mordmüller, B. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2024), Immune responses associated with protection induced by chemoattenuated PfSPZ vaccine in malaria-naive Europeans, JCI Insight 9(9).
- Chayé, M.A.M.; Hengel, O.R.J. van; Voskamp, A.L.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; König, M.H.; Stam, K.A.; Manurung, M.D.; Mouwenda, Y.D.; Aryeetey, Y.A.; Kurniawan, A.; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Sartono, E.; Buisman, A.M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Tak, T. & Smits, H.H. (2024), Multi-dimensional analysis of B cells reveals the expansion of memory and regulatory B-cell clusters in humans living in rural tropical areas, Clinical & Experimental Immunology 219(1).
- Honkpehedji, Y.J.; Kildemoes, A.O.; Stam, K.A.; Nguyen, D.L.; Veldhuizen, T.; Diepen, A. van; Esen, M.; Kremsner, P.G.; Wuhrer, M.; Adegnika, A.A.; Hokke, C.H. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2024), Parasitic infections during pregnancy in Gabon affect glycosylation patterns of maternal and child antibodies, Scientific Reports 14(1).
- Alabi, A.; Musangomunei, F.P.; Lotola-Mougeni, F.; Bie-Ondo, J.C.; Murphy, K.; Essone, P.N.; Kabwende, A.L.; Mahmoudou, S.; Macé, A.; Harris, V.; Ramharter, M.; Grobusch, M.P.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Fernandez-Carballo, B.L.; Escadafal, C.; Kremsner, P.G.; Dittrich, S. & Agnandji, S.T. (2024), Performance evaluation of a combination Plasmodium dual-antigen CRP rapid diagnostic test in Lambarene, Gabon (AUG, 10.1007/s15010-024-02366-y, 2024), Infection 52(6): 2573-2574.
- Manurung, M.D.; Sonnet, F.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Janse, J.J.; Kruize, Y.; Bes-Roeleveld, L.D.; König, M.; Loukas, A.; Dewals, B.G.; Supali, T.; Jochems, S.P.; Roestenberg, M.; Coppola, M. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2024), Controlled human hookworm infection remodels plasmacytoid dendritic cells and regulatory T cells towards profiles seen in natural infections in endemic areas, Nature Communications 15(1).
- Pyuza, J.J.; Dorst, M.M.A.R. van; Stam, K.; Wammes, L.; König, M.; Kullaya, V.I.; Kruize, Y.; Huisman, W.; Andongolile, N.; Ngowi, A.; Shao, E.R.; Mremi, A.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Msuya, S.E.; Jochems, S.P.; Piters, W.A.A.D. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2024), Lifestyle score is associated with cellular immune profiles in healthy Tanzanian adults, Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health 41.
- Pyuza, J.J.; Meulah, B.; Hoekstra, P.T.; Mdende, N.; Mvilli, E.; Lieshout, L. van; Hilt, S.T.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Msuya, S.E. & Dam, G.J. van (2024), Current status of schistosomiasis in school-aged children in Mwanga district, Tanzania: impact of two decades of annual Mass Drug Administration programme, Parasitology.
- Pyuza, J.J.; Dorst, M.M.A.R. van; Stam, K.; Wammes, L.; König, M.; Kullaya, V.I.; Kruize, Y.; Huisman, W.; Andongolile, N.; Ngowi, A.; Shao, E.R.; Mremi, A.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Msuya, S.E.; Jochems, S.P.; Piters, W.A.A.D. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2024), Lifestyle score is associated with cellular immune profiles in healthy Tanzanian adults, Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health 41.
- Ongwe, M.E.B.; Mouwenda, Y.D.; Manurung, M.D.; Heieis, G.; Azimi, S.; Adegnika, A.A.; Kremsner, P.G.; Kuijpers, T.W.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Everts, B. (2024), Potentiation of the axis involving pentose phosphate pathway/NADPH oxidase/reactive oxygen species drives higher IL-10 production in monocytes of Sub-Saharan Africans, European Journal of Immunology.
- Zinsou, J.F.; Diemert, D.J.; Dejon-Agobé, J.C.; Adegbite, B.R.; Honkpehedji, Y.J.; Vodonou, K.G.; Bikangui, R.; Edoa, J.R.; Loembe, M.M.; Li, G.Z.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Bottazzi, M.E.; Leeuwen, R. van; Kremsner, P.G.; Hotez, P.J.; Bethony, J.M.; Grobusch, M.P. & Adegnika, A.A. (2024), Safety and immunogenicity of the co-administered Na-APR-1 and Na-GST-1 hookworm vaccines in school-aged children in Gabon, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 24(7): 760-774.
- Voskamp, A.L.; Tak, T.; Gerdes, M.L.; Menafra, R.; Duijster, E.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Kormelink, T.G.; Stam, K.A.; Hengel, O.R.J. van; Jong, N.W. de; Hendriks, R.W.; Kloet, S.L.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Jong, E.C. de; Wijk, R.G. van & Smits, H.H. (2023), Inflammatory and tolerogenic myeloid cells determine outcome following human allergen challenge, Journal of Experimental Medicine 220(9).
- Koopman, J.P.R.; Houlder, E.L.; Janse, J.J.; Casacuberta-Partal, M.; Lamers, O.A.C.; Sijtsma, J.C.; Dood, C. de; Hilt, S.T.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Kuiper, V.P.; Roozen, G.V.T.; Bes-Roeleveld, L.M. de; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Wammes, L.J.; Smits, H.H.; Lieshout, L. van; Dam, G.J. van; Amerongen-Westra, I.M. van; Meij, P.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Jochems, S.P.; Diepen, A. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Hokke, C.H. & Roestenberg, M. (2023), Safety and infectivity of female cercariae in Schistosoma- naïve, healthy participants, EBioMedicine 97.
- Zande, H.J.P. van der; Brombacher, E.C.; Lambooij, J.M.; Pelgrom, L.R.; Zawistowska-Deniziak, A.; Patente, T.A.; Heieis, G.A.; Otto, F.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Everts, B. & Guigas, B. (2023), Dendritic cell-intrinsic LKB1-AMPK/SIK signaling controls metabolic homeostasis by limiting the hepatic Th17 response during obesity, JCI Insight 8(11).
- Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Janse, J.J.; Kuiper, V.P.; Schuijlenburg, R. van; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Sijtsma, J.C.; Nosoh, B.A.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Verbeek-Menken, P.H.; Westra, I.M.; Meij, P.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Visser, L.G.; Lieshout, L. van; Jochems, S.P.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Roestenberg, M. & Microbe, L. (2023), Protective efficacy of short-term infection with Necator americanus hookworm larvae in healthy volunteers in the Netherlands, The Lancet Microbe 4(12): E1024-E1034.
- Dorst, M.M.A.R. van; Pyuza, J.J.; Nkurunungi, G.; Kullaya, V.I.; Smits, H.H.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Wammes, L.J.; Everts, B.; Elliott, A.M.; Jochems, S.P. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2023), Immunological factors linked to geographical variation in vaccine responses, Nature Reviews Immunology.
- Abaasa, A.; Egesa, M.; Driciru, E.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Kiyemba, R.; Sanya, R.E.; Nassuuna, J.; Ssali, A.; Kimbugwe, G.; Wajja, A.; Dam, G.J. van; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Cose, S.; Seeley, J.; Kamuya, D.; Webb, E.L.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Kaleebu, P.; Siddiqui, A.A.; Kabatereine, N.; Tukahebwa, E.; Roestenberg, M. & Elliott, A.M. (2023), Establishing a single-sex controlled human Schistosoma mansoni infection model for Uganda, Immunotherapy Advances 3(1).
- Chayé, M.A.M.; Gasan, T.A.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Scheenstra, M.R.; Zawistowska-Deniziak, A.; Hengel, O.R.J. van; Gentenaar, M.; Manurung, M.D.; Harvey, M.R.; Codée, J.D.C.; Chiodo, F.; Heijke, A.M.; Kalinowska, A.; Diepen, A. van; Hensbergen, P.J.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Guigas, B.; Hokke, C.H. & Smits, H.H. (2023), Schistosoma mansoni egg-derived thioredoxin and Sm14 drive the development of IL-10 producing regulatory B cells, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 17(6).
- Koopman, J.P.R.; Houlder, E.L.; Janse, J.J.; Casacuberta-Partal, M.; Lamers, O.A.C.; Sijtsma, J.C.; Dood, C. de; Hilt, S.T.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Kuiper, V.P.; Roozen, G.V.T.; Bes-Roeleveld, L.M. de; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Wammes, L.J.; Smits, H.H.; Lieshout, L. van; Dam, G.J. van; Amerongen-Westra, I.M. van; Meij, P.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Jochems, S.P.; Diepen, A. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Hokke, C.H. & Roestenberg, M. (2023), Safety and infectivity of female cercariae in Schistosoma- naïve, healthy participants, EBioMedicine 97.
- Ongwe, M.E.B.; Kohler, I.; Manurung, M.D.; Verhoeven, A.; Derks, R.; Janse, J.J.; Mouwenda, Y.D.; Kremsner, P.G.; Adegnika, A.A.; Lell, B.; Everts, B.; Mayboroda, O.A. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2022), Urinary metabolic profiling in volunteers undergoing malaria challenge in Gabon, Metabolites 12(12).
- Roukens, A.H.E.; Pothast, C.R.; Konig, M.; Huisman, W.; Dalebout, T.; Tak, T.; Azimi, S.; Kruize, Y.; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Zlei, M.; Staal, F.J.T.; Bie, F.J. de; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Arbous, S.M.; Zhang, J.L.H.; Verheij, M.; Prins, C.; Does, A.M. van der; Hiemstra, P.S.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Janse, J.J.; Roestenberg, M.; Myeni, S.K.; Kikkert, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Smits, H.H.; Jochems, S.P.; Collaboration BEAT-COVID Grp & Collaboration COVID-19 LUMC Grp (2022), Prolonged activation of nasal immune cell populations and development of tissue-resident SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8(+) T cell responses following COVID-19, Nature Immunology 23.
- Dorst, M.M.A.R. van; Azimi, S.; Wahyuni, S.; Amaruddin, A.I.; Sartono, E.; Wammes, L.J.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Jochems, S.P. (2022), Differences in bacterial colonization and mucosal responses between high and low SES children in Indonesia, The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 41(6): 496-506.
- Ongwe, M.E.B.; Mouwenda, Y.D.; Stam, K.A.; Kremsner, P.G.; Lee, B.; Diemert, D.; Bethony, J.; Bottazzi, M.E.; Hotez, P.J.; Leeuwen, R.V.; Grobusch, M.P.; Adegnika, A.A.; Mayboroda, O.A. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2022), Investigation of urinary metabolomics in a phase I hookworm vaccine trial in Gabon, PLoS ONE 17(9).
- Manurung, M.D.; Jong, S.E. de; Kruize, Y.; Mouwenda, Y.D.; Ongwe, M.E.B.; Honkpehedji, Y.J.; Zinsou, J.F.; Dejon-Agobe, J.C.; Hoffman, S.L.; Kremsner, P.G.; Adegnika, A.A.; Fendel, R.; Mordmuller, B.; Roestenberg, M.; Lell, B. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2022), Immunological profiles associated with distinct parasitemic states in volunteers undergoing malaria challenge in Gabon, Scientific Reports 12(1).
- Kurniawan, F.; Manurung, M.D.; Harbuwono, D.S.; Yunir, E.; Tsonaka, R.; Pradnjaparamita, T.; Vidiawati, D.; Anggunadi, A.; Soewondo, P.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Sartono, E. & Tahapary, D.L. (2022), Urbanization and unfavorable changes in metabolic profiles, Nutrients 14(16).
- Amaruddin, A.I.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Muhammad, M.; Lenaerts, K.; Eijk, H.M.H. van; Brienen, E.A.T.; Geelen, A.R.; Lieshout, L. van; Wahyuni, S.; Kuijper, E.J.; Zwittink, R.D.; Hamid, F.; Sartono, E. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2022), Intestinal permeability before and after albendazole treatment in low and high socioeconomic status schoolchildren in Makassar, Indonesia., Scientific Reports 12.
- Nkurunungi, G.; Mpairwe, H.; Versteeg, S.A.; Diepen, A. van; Nassuuna, J.; Kabagenyi, J.; Nambuya, I.; Sanya, R.E.; Nampijja, M.; Serna, S.; Reichardt, N.C.; Hokke, C.H.; Webb, E.L.; Ree, R. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Elliott, A.M. (2021), Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinant-specific IgE obscures true atopy and exhibits alpha-1,3-fucose epitope-specific inverse associations with asthma, Allergy 76(1): 233-246.
- Adegnika, A.A.; Vries, S.G. de; Zinsou, F.J.; Honkepehedji, Y.J.; Agobe, J.C.D.; Vodonou, K.G.; Bikangui, R.; Hounkpatin, A.B.; Bache, E.B.; Loembe, M.M.; Leeuwen, R. van; Molemans, M.; Kremsner, P.G.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Hotez, P.J.; Bottazzi, M.E.; Li, G.; Bethony, J.M.; Diemert, D.J.; Grobusch, M.P. & HookVac Consortium (2021), Safety and immunogenicity of co-administered hookworm vaccine candidates Na-GST-1 and Na-APR-1 in Gabonese adults: a randomised, controlled, double-blind, phase 1 dose-escalation trial, The Lancet Infectious Diseases 21(2): 275-285.
- Driciru, E.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Cose, S.; Siddiqui, A.A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Elliott, A.M. & Roestenberg, M. (2021), Immunological considerations for schistosoma vaccine development: transitioning to endemic settings, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Koopman, J.P.R.; Janse, J.J.; Langenberg, M.C.C.; Schuijlenburg, R. van; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Manurung, M.D.; Verbeek-Menken, P.; Beek, M.T. van der; Westra, I.M.; Meij, P.; Visser, L.G.; Lieshout, L. van; Vlas, S.J. de; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Coffeng, L.E. & Roestenberg, M. (2021), A Randomized Controlled Trial to Investigate Safety and Variability of Egg Excretion After Repeated Controlled Human Hookworm Infection, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 223(5): 905-913.
- Zande, H.J.P. van der; Gonzalez, M.A.; Ruiter, K. de; Wilbers, R.H.P.; Garcia-Tardon, N.; Huizen, M. van; Noort, K. van; Pelgrom, L.R.; Lambooij, J.M.; Zawistowska-Deniziak, A.; Otto, F.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Willigen, D. van; Welling, M.; Poles, J.; Leeuwen, F. van; Hokke, C.H.; Schots, A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Loke, P. & Guigas, B. (2021), The helminth glycoprotein omega-1 improves metabolic homeostasis in obese mice through type 2 immunity-independent inhibition of food intake, The FASEB Journal 35(2).
- Alabi, A.; Hussain, M.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Mengome, C.N.; Egesa, M.; Driciru, E.; Wammes, L.J.; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Sartono, E.; Adegnika, A.A.; Kremsner, P.G.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Agnandji, S.T. (2021), Establishing a controlled hookworm human infection (CHHI) model for Africa, Archives of Public Health 79(1).
- Honkpehedji, Y.J.; Adegbite, B.R.; Zinsou, J.F.; Dejon-Agobe, J.C.; Edoa, J.R.; Manego, R.Z.; McCall, M.; Ngwese, M.M.; Mougeni, F.L.; Mombo-Ngoma, G.; Ramharter, M.; Kremsner, P.G.; Lell, B.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Esen, M. & Adegnika, A.L.A. (2021), Association of low birth weight and polyparasitic infection during pregnancy in Lambarene, Gabon, Tropical Medicine and International Health 26(8): 973-981.
- Bullington, B.W.; Klemperer, K.; Mages, K.; Chalem, A.; Mazigo, H.D.; Changalucha, J.; Kapiga, S.; Wright, P.F.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.M. & Downs, J.A. (2021), Effects of schistosomes on host anti-viral immune response and the acquisition, virulence, and prevention of viral infections: a systematic review, PLoS Pathogens 17(5).
- Sigit, F.S.; Trompet, S.; Tahapary, D.L.; Sartono, E.; Dijk, K.W. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Supali, T.; Smit, J.W.A.; Rosendaal, F.R. & Mutsert, R. de (2021), The associations of leptin and adiponectin with the metabolic syndrome in an Indonesian and a Dutch population, Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases 31(8): 2426-2435.
- Jong, S.E. de; Unen, V. van; Manurung, M.D.; Stam, K.A.; Goeman, J.J.; Jochems, S.P.; Hollt, T.; Pezzotti, N.; Mouwenda, Y.D.; Ongwe, M.E.B.; Lorenz, F.R.; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Azimi, S.; Konig, M.H.; Vilanova, A.; Eisemann, E.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Roestenberg, M.; Sim, B.K.L.; Reinders, M.J.T.; Fendel, R.; Hoffman, S.L.; Kremsner, P.G.; Koning, F.; Mordmuller, B.; Lell, B. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2021), Systems analysis and controlled malaria infection in Europeans and Africans elucidate naturally acquired immunity, Nature Immunology 22(5): 654-+.
- Embgenbroich, M.; Zande, H.J.P. van der; Hussaarts, L.; Schulte-Schrepping, J.; Pelgrom, L.R.; Garcia-Tardon, N.; Schlautmann, L.; Stoetzel, I.; Handler, K.; Lambooij, J.M.; Zawistowska-Deniziak, A.; Hoving, L.; Ruiter, K. de; Wijngaarden, M.; Pijl, H.; Dijk, K.W. van; Everts, B.; Harmelen, V. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Schultze, J.L.; Guigas, B. & Burgdorf, S. (2021), Soluble mannose receptor induces proinflammatory macrophage activation and metaflammation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(31).
- Wahyuni, S.; Dorst, M.M.A.R. van; Tuyp, J.; Hartgers, F.; Sartono, E. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2021), Activity of the Toll-like receptor ligands in children with high and low socioeconomic backgrounds, Acta Tropica 222.
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- Mebius, M.M.; Adegnika, A.A.; Zinsou, J.F.; Agobe, J.C.D.; Honkpehedji, Y.J.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Dam, G.J. van; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Tielens, A.G.M.; Groot, P.G. de; Urbanus, R.T. & Hellemond, J.J. van (2020), Haemostatic changes in urogenital schistosomiasis haematobium, Journal of Helminthology 94.
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- Othman, A.S.; Lin, J.W.; Franke-Fayard, B.M.; Kroeze, H.; Pul, F.J.A. van; Chevalley-Maurel, S.; Ramesar, J.; Marin-Mogollon, C.; Jore, M.M.; Morin, M.J.; Long, C.A.; Sauerwein, R.; Birkett, A.; Miura, K.; Janse, C.J. & Khan, S.M. (2018), Expression of full-length Plasmodium falciparum P48/45 in P. berghei blood stages: A method to express and evaluate vaccine antigens, Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 224: 44-49.
- Vandermosten, L.; Pham, T.T.; Possemiers, H.; Knoops, S.; Herck, E. van; Deckers, J.; Franke-Fayard, B.; Lamb, T.J.; Janse, C.J.; Opdenakker, G. & Steen, P.E. van den (2018), Experimental malaria-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome is dependent on the parasite-host combination and coincides with normocyte invasion, Malaria Journal 17.
- Ma, S.; Cahalan, S.; LaMonte, G.; Grubaugh, N.D.; Zeng, W.Z.; Murthy, S.E.; Paytas, E.; Gamini, R.; Lukacs, V.; Whitwam, T.; Loud, M.; Lohia, R.; Berry, L.; Khan, S.M.; Janse, C.J.; Bandell, M.; Schmedt, C.; Wengelnik, K.; Su, A.I.; Honore, E.; Winzeler, E.A.; Andersen, K.G. & Patapoutian, A. (2018), Common PIEZO1 Allele in African Populations Causes RBCDehydration and Attenuates Plasmodium Infection, Cell 173(2): 443-+.
- Marin-Mogollon, C.; Pul, F.J.A. van; Miyazaki, S.; Imai, T.; Ramesar, J.; Salman, A.M.; Winkel, B.M.F.; Othman, A.S.; Kroeze, H.; Chevalley-Maurel, S.; Reyes-Sandoval, A.; Roestenberg, M.; Franke-Fayard, B.; Janse, C.J. & Khan, S.M. (2018), Chimeric Plasmodium falciparum parasites expressing Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite protein fail to produce salivary gland sporozoites, Malaria Journal 17.
- Langenberg, M.; Hoving, L.; Chevalley-Maurel, S.; Pronk, A.; Feijt, C.; Winkel, B.; Janse, C.; Princen, H.; Harmelen, V. van; Dijk, K.W. van; Franke-Fayard, B. & Roestenberg, M. (2018), ATORVASTATIN REDUCES MALARIA LIVER STAGE DEVELOPMENT IN A RODENT MODEL, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 99(4): 528-528.
- Mendes, A.M.; Machado, M.; Goncalves-Rosa, N.; Reuling, I.J.; Foquet, L.; Marques, C.; Salman, A.M.; Yang, A.S.P.; Moser, K.A.; Dwivedi, A.; Hermsen, C.C.; Jimenez-Diaz, B.; Viera, S.; Santos, J.M.; Albuquerque, I.; Bhatia, S.N.; Bial, J.; Angulo-Barturen, I.; Silva, J.C.; Leroux-Roels, G.; Janse, C.J.; Khan, S.M.; Mota, M.M.; Sauerwein, R.W. & Prudencio, M. (2018), A Plasmodium berghei sporozoite-based vaccination platform against human malaria, npj Vaccines 3.
- Yoshida, K.; Iyori, M.; Blagborough, A.M.; Salman, A.M.; Dulal, P.; Sala, K.A.; Yamamoto, D.S.; Khan, S.M.; Janse, C.J.; Biswas, S.; Yoshii, T.; Yusuf, Y.; Tokoro, M.; Hill, A.V.S. & Yoshida, S. (2018), Adenovirus-prime and baculovirus-boost heterologous immunization achieves sterile protection against malaria sporozoite challenge in a murine model, Scientific Reports 8.
Marin-Mogollon, C.; Pul, F. van; Miyasaki, S.; Winkel, B.; Salman, A.; Ramesar, J.; Kroeze, H.; Othman, S.; Imai, T.; Roestenberg, M.; Janse, C.J. & Khan, S.M. (2018),
Langenberg, M.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Janse, J.; Kos-van Oosterhoud, J.; Feijt, C.; Dood, C. de; Ganesh, M.; Ozir-Fazalakhan, A.; Kruize, Y.; Winkel, B.; Hardeman, G.; Verbeek-Menken, P.; Beek, M. van der; Brienen, E.; Diepen, A. van; Corstjens, P.; Visser, L.; Lieshout, L. van; Smits, H.; Meij, P.; Dam, G. van; Hokke, R.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Roestenberg, M. (2018), CONTROLLED HUMAN INFECTION WITH SINGLE-SEX
SCHISTOSOMA MANSONI CERCARIAE, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 99(4): 461-461. - Amoah, A.S.; Asuming-Brempong, E.K.; Obeng, B.B.; Versteeg, S.A.; Larbi, I.A.; Aryeetey, Y.; Platts-Mills, T.A.E.; Mari, A.; Brzezicka, K.; Gyan, B.A.; Mutocheluh, M.; Boakye, D.A.; Reichardt, N.C.; Ree, R. van; Hokke, C.H.; Diepen, A. van & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2018), Identification of dominant anti-glycan IgE responses in school children by glycan microarray, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 141(3): 1130-+.
- Janse, J.J.; Langenberg, M.C.C.; Kos-Van Oosterhoud, J.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Winkel, B.M.F.; Erkens, M.A.A.; Beek, M.T. van der; Lieshout, L. van; Smits, H.H.; Webster, B.L.; Zandvliet, M.L.; Verbeek, R.; Westra, I.M.; Meij, P.; Visser, L.G.; Diepen, A. van; Hokke, C.H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Roestenberg, M. (2018), Establishing the production of male schistosoma mansoni cercariae for a controlled human infection model, The Journal of Infectious Diseases 218(7): 1142-1146.
- Egesa, M.; Lubyayi, L.; Tukahebwa, E.M.; Bagaya, B.S.; Chalmers, I.W.; Wilson, S.; Hokke, C.H.; Hoffmann, K.F.; Dunne, D.W.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Labuda, L.A. & Cose, S. (2018), Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula antigens induce Th1/Pro-inflammatory cytokine responses, Parasite Immunology 40(12).
- Egesa, M.; Lubyayi, L.; Jones, F.M.; Diepen, A. van; Chalmers, I.W.; Tukahebwa, E.M.; Bagaya, B.S.; Hokke, C.H.; Hoffmann, K.F.; Dunne, D.W.; Elliott, A.M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Wilson, S. & Cose, S. (2018), Antibody responses to Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula antigens, Parasite Immunology 40(12).
- Winkel, B.M.F.; Dalenberg, M.R.; Korne, C.M. de; Feijt, C.; Langenberg, M.C.C.; Pelgrom, L.; Ganesh, M.S.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Smits, H.H.; Jong, E.C. de; Everts, B.; Leeuwen, F.W.B. van; Hokke, C.H. & Roestenberg, M. (2018), Early Induction of Human Regulatory Dermal Antigen Presenting Cells by Skin-Penetrating Schistosoma Mansoni Cercariae, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Roestenberg, M.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Ferreira, D.M.; Mordmuller, B. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2018), Experimental infection of human volunteers, Lancet Infectious Diseases 18(10): E312-E322.
- Hokke, C.H.; Amoah, A.S.; Reichardt, N.C.; Wilson, A.; Roestenberg, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Dam, G. van & Diepen, A. van (2018), GLYCAN MICROARRAY-ASSISTED ANALYSIS OF DIAGNOSTIC ANTI-GLYCAN ANTIBODIES IN SCHISTOSOMIASIS, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 99(4): 435-436.
- Winkel, B.M.; Ganesh, M.S.; Pelgrom, L.R.; Feijt, C.; Chevalley-Maurel, S.C.; Langenberg, M.C.; Gerritsma, H.; Gemert, G.J. van; Baalbergen, E.; Korne, C.M. de; Leeuwen, F.W. van; Janse, C.J.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Franke-Fayard, B.; Everts, B. & Roestenberg, M. (2018), INDUCTION OF IL-10 PRODUCING REGULATORY MACROPHAGES EXPRESSING PDL-1 AND ILT3 BY PLASMODIUM SPOROZOITES, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 99(4): 559-560.
- Winkel, B.M.; Dalenberg, M.R.; Feijt, C.; Korne, C.M. de; Oosterhoud, J.K.V.; Langenberg, M.C.; Pelgrom, L.R.; Ganesh, M.S.; Smits, H.H.; Leeuwen, F.W. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Jong, E.C. de; Everts, B.; Hokke, C.H. & Roestenberg, M. (2018), REGULATORY RESPONSES TO SCHISOSOMA MANSONI ARE INITIATED IN THE HUMAN SKIN: SKIN PENETRATING CERCARIAE INDUCE REGULATORY DERMAL APCS, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 99(4): 229-229.
- Ruiter, K. de; Staveren, S. van; Hilvering, B.; Knol, E.; Vrisekoop, N.; Koenderman, L. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2018), A field-applicable method for flow cytometric analysis of granulocyte activation: Cryopreservation of fixed granulocytes, Cytometry Part A 93A(5): 540-547.
- Lima, N.F.; Goncalves-Lopes, R.M.; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Ferreira, M.U. (2018), CD39 and immune regulation in a chronic helminth infection: The puzzling case of Mansonella ozzardi, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(3).
- Budischak, S.A.; Wiria, A.E.; Hamid, F.; Wammes, L.J.; Kaisar, M.M.M.; Lieshout, L. van; Sartono, E.; Supali, T.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Graham, A.L. (2018), Competing for blood: the ecology of parasite resource competition in human malaria-helminth co-infections, Ecology Letters 21(4): 536-545.
- Kaiser, M.M.M.; Ritter, M.; Fresno, C. del; Jonesdottir, H.S.; Ham, A.J. van der; Pelgrom, L.R.; Schramm, G.; Leyland, L.E.; Sancho, D.; Costa, C.P. da; Giere, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Everts, B. (2018), Dectin-1/2-induced autocrine PGE(2) signaling licenses dendritic cells to prime Th2 responses, PLoS Biology 16(4).
- Kaisar M., Giera M., Ritter M., del Fresno C., Sancho D., da Costa Prazeres C., Yazdanbakhsh M. & Everts B. (2018), Dectin-1/2-induced autocrine PGE2 signalling licenses dendritic cells to prime Th2 responses, European Journal of Immunology 48: 178-179.
- Rosa, B.A.; Supali, T.; Gankpala, L.; Djuardi, Y.; Sartono, E.; Zhou, Y.J.; Fischer, K.; Martin, J.; Tyagi, R.; Bolay, F.K.; Fischer, P.U.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Mitreva, M. (2018), Differential human gut microbiome assemblages during soil-transmitted helminth infections in Indonesia and Liberia, Microbiome 6.
- Martin, I.; Djuardi, Y.; Sartono, E.; Rosa, B.A.; Supali, T.; Mitreva, M.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2018), Dynamic changes in human-gut microbiome in relation to a placebo-controlled anthelminthic trial in Indonesia, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(8).
- Roestenberg, M.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Ferreira, D.M.; Mordmuller, B. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2018), Experimental infection of human volunteers, Lancet Infectious Diseases 18(10): E312-E322.
- Tahapary, D.L.; Ruiter, K. de; Kurniawan, F.; Djuardi, Y.; Wang, Y.A.; Nurdin, S.M.E.; Iskandar, E.; Minggu, D.; Yunir, E.; Guigas, B.; Supali, T.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Sartono, E.; Soewondo, P.; Harbuwono, D.S.; Smit, J.W.A. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2018), Impact of rural-urban environment on metabolic profile and response to a 5-day high-fat diet, Scientific Reports 8.
- Amoah, A.S.; Asuming-Brempong, E.K.; Obeng, B.B.; Versteeg, S.A.; Larbi, I.A.; Aryeetey, Y.; Platts-Mills, T.A.; Mari, A.; Brzezicka, K.; Gyan, B.; Mutocheluh, M.; Boakye, D.A.; Reichardt, N.C.; Ree, R. van; Hokke, C.H.; Diepen, A. van & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2018), USING A GLYCAN MICROARRAY TO IDENTIFY DOMINANT ANTI-GLYCAN IGE RESPONSES IN GHANAIAN SCHOOL-CHILDREN LIVING IN A HELMINTH-ENDEMIC AREA, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 99(4): 6-6.
- Staal, S.L.; Hogendoorn, S.K.L.; Voets, S.A.; Tepper, R.C.; Veenstra, M.; Vos, I.I. de; Son, K.C. van; Gool, J.K.; Paramitha, A.C.; Aristyo, K.; Wildan, A.; Pratiwi, C.; Ree, R. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Supali, T.; Djuardi, Y.; Labuda, L.A.; Tahapary, D.L. & Sartono, E. (2018), Prevalence of Atopy following Mass Drug Administration with Albendazole: A Study in School Children on Flores Island, Indonesia, International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 177(3): 192-198.
- Nkurunungi G., Versteeg S., Nampijja M., Sanya R. E., Mpairwe H., Webb E. L., Elliott A. M., van Ree R. & Yazdanbakhsh M. (2018), Sensitisation to cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants obscures true atopy, but shows no evidence of protection against allergy-related disease, in urban and rural Uganda, Allergy 73: 449-449.
- Amoah, A.S.; Boakye, D.A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Ree, R. van (2017), Influence of Parasitic Worm Infections on Allergy Diagnosis in Sub-Saharan Africa, Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 17(10).
- Jong, S.E. de; Asscher, V.E.R.; Wammes, L.J.; Wiria, A.E.; Hamid, F.; Sartono, E.; Supali, T.; Smits, H.H.; Luty, A.J.F. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2017), Longitudinal study of changes in gamma delta T cells and CD4+ T cells upon asymptomatic malaria infection in Indonesian children, Scientific Reports 7.
- Ruiter, K. de; Tahapary, D.L.; Wammes, L.J.; Wiria, A.E.; Hamid, F.; Lieshout, L. van; Smit, J.W.A.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Sartono, E.; Supali, T. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2017), The effect of three-monthly albendazole treatment on Th2 responses: Differential effects on IgE and IL-5, Parasite Immunology 39(6).
- Kaisar, M.M.M.; Pelgrom, L.R.; Ham, A.J. van der; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Everts, B. (2017), Butyrate conditions human Dendritic cells to Prime Type 1 regulatory T cells via both histone Deacetylase inhibition and G Protein-coupled receptor 109A signaling, Frontiers in Immunology 8.
- Kaisar, M.M.M.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Djuardi, Y.; Sartono, E.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Verweij, J.J.; Supali, T. & Lieshout, L. van (2017), Improved diagnosis of Trichuris trichiura by using a bead-beating procedure on ethanol preserved stool samples prior to DNA isolation and the performance of multiplex real-time PCR for intestinal parasites, Parasitology 144(7).
- Roestenberg, M.; Mo, A.; Kremsner, P.G. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2017), Controlled human infections A report from the controlled human infection models workshop, Leiden University Medical Centre 4-6 May 2016, Vaccine 35(51): 7070-7076.
- Tahapary, D.L.; Ruiter, K. de; Martin, I.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Lieshout, L. van; Cobbaert, C.M.; Soewondo, P.; Djuardi, Y.; Wiria, A.E.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Sartono, E.; Smit, J.W.A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Supali, T. (2017), Effect of Anthelmintic Treatment on Insulin Resistance: A Cluster-Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial in Indonesia, Clinical Infectious Diseases 65(5): 764-771.
- Wilbers, R.H.P.; Westerhof, L.B.; Noort, K. van; Obieglo, K.; Driessen, N.N.; Everts, B.; Gringhuis, S.I.; Schramm, G.; Goverse, A.; Smant, G.; Bakker, J.; Smits, H.H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Schots, A. & Hokke, C.H. (2017), Production and glyco-engineering of immunomodulatory helminth glycoproteins in plants, Scientific Reports 7.
- Hussaarts, L.; Kaisar, M.M.M.; Guler, A.T.; Dalebout, H.; Everts, B.; Deelder, A.M.; Palmblad, M. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2017), Human Dendritic Cells with Th2-Polarizing Capacity: Analysis Using Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics, International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 174(3-4): 170-182.
- Tahapary, D.L.; Ruiter, K. de; Martin, I.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Lieshout, L. van; Djuardi, Y.; Djimandjaja, C.C.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Soewondo, P.; Sartono, E.; Supali, T.; Smit, J.W.A. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2017), Effect of anthelmintic treatment on leptin, adiponectin and leptin to adiponectin ratio: a randomized-controlled trial, Nutrition and Diabetes 7.
- Winkel, B.M.; Bunschoten, A.; Welling, M.M.; Munting, L.P.; Langenberg, M.C.; Franke-Fayard, B.; Chevalley, S.C.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Dechering, K.; Leeuwen, F.W. van & Roestenberg, M. (2017), FLUORESCENT LABELLING OF WILD TYPE PLASMODIUM SPECIES WITHIN THE MOSQUITO HOST: A NOVEL METHOD TO TARGET SPOROZOITES, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 95(5): 509-510.
- Egesa, M.; Hoffmann, K.F.; Hokke, C.H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Cose, S. (2017), Forum Rethinking Schistosomiasis Vaccine Development: Synthetic Vesicles, Trends in Parasitology 33(12): 918-921.
- Roestenberg, M.; Mordmuller, B.; Ockenhouse, C.; Mo, A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Kremsner, P.G. (2017), The frontline of controlled human malaria infections: A report from the controlled human infection models Workshop in Leiden University Medical Centre 5 May 2016, Vaccine 35(51): 7065-7069.
- Hamid, F.; Versteeg, S.A.; Wiria, A.E.; Wammes, L.J.; Wahyuni, S.; Supali, T.; Sartono, E.; Ree, R. van & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2017), Molecular diagnostics and lack of clinical allergy in helminth-endemic areas in Indonesia, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 140(4): 1196-+.
- Ruiter, K. de; Tahapary, D.L.; Sartono, E.; Soewondo, P.; Supali, T.; Smit, J.W.A. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2017), Helminths, hygiene hypothesis and type 2 diabetes, Parasite Immunology 39(5).
- Fedorova, O.S.; Janse, J.J.; Ogorodova, L.M.; Fedotova, M.M.; Achterberg, R.A.; Verweij, J.J.; Fernandez-Rivas, M.; Versteeg, S.A.; Potts, J.; Minelli, C.; Ree, R. van; Burney, P. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2017), Opisthorchis felineus negatively associates with skin test reactivity in Russia-EuroPrevall-International Cooperation study, Allergy 72(7): 1096-1104.
- Alcantara-Neves, N.M.; Veiga, R.V.; Ponte, J.C.M.; Cunha, S.S. da; Simoes, S.M.; Cruz, A.A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Matos, S.M.; Silva, T.M.; Figueiredo, C.A.; Pontes-de-Carvalho, L.C.; Rodrigues, L.C.; Fiaccone, R.L.; Cooper, P.J. & Barreto, M.L. (2017), Dissociation between skin test reactivity and anti-aeroallergen IgE: Determinants among urban Brazilian children, PLoS ONE 12(3).
- Mombo-Ngoma, G.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Adegnika, A.A.; Kremsner, P.G. & Ramharter, M. (2017), PARASITIC INFECTIONS DURING PREGNANCY IN GABON: BIRTH OUTCOMES AND IMMUNOLOGICAL CHANGES, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 97(5): 154-154.
- Langenberg, M.; Janse, J.; Hoogerwerf, M.A.; Kos-van Oosterhoud, J.; Ozir-Fazalakhan, A.; Hokke, R.; Diepen, A. van; Brienen, E.; Lieshout, L. van; Smits, H.; Beek, M. van der; Meij, P.; Verbeek, R.; Visser, L.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Roestenberg, M. (2017), CONTROLLED HUMAN INFECTION WITH SINGLE-SEX SCHISTOSOMA MANSONI CERCARIAE, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 97(5): 33-33.
- Winkel, B.M.F.; Oosterom, M.N.; Bunschoten, A.; Welling, M.M.; Langenberg, M.C.C.; Franke-Fayard, B.; Korne, C. de; Chevalley, S.C.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Leeuwen, F.W.B. van & Roestenberg, M. (2017), Molecular imaging of malaria through fluorescent labelling of Plasmodium species within the mosquito host, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 44: S208-S208.
- Mitreva, M.; Rosa, B.; Supali, T.; Gankpala, L.; Sartono, E.; Djuardi, Y.; Fischer, K.; Tyagi, R.; Bolay, F.; Fischer, P. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2017), TAXONOMIC AND FUNCTIONAL MICRO BIOME ASSEMBLAGES IN INDIVIDUALS INFECTED WITH STHS, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 97(5): 598-598.
- Mombo-Ngoma, G.; Honkpehedji, J.; Basra, A.; Mackanga, J.R.; Zoleko, R.M.; Zinsou, J.; Agobe, J.C.D.; Lell, B.; Matsiegui, P.B.; Gonzales, R.; Agnandji, S.T.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Menendez, C.; Kremsner, P.G.; Adegnika, A.A. & Ramharter, M. (2017), Urogenital schistosomiasis during pregnancy is associated with low birth weight delivery: analysis of a prospective cohort of pregnant women and their offspring in Gabon, International Journal for Parasitology 47(1): 69-74.
- Djuardi, Y.; Supali, T.; Wibowo, H.; Heijmans, B.T.; Deelen, J.; Slagboom, E.P.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Sartono, E. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2016), Maternal and child cytokine relationship in early life is not altered by cytokine gene polymorphisms, Genes and Immunity 17(7): 380-385.
- Fedorova, O.S.; Fedotova, M.M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Wong, G.W.K.; Kummeling, I.; Burney, P.; Fernandez-Rivas, M.; Ree, R.R. van & Ogorodova, L.M. (2016), The prevalence of food allergy to hen's egg in schoolchildren in Western Siberia (Russian Federation), Allergy 71: 368-369.
- Jong, S.E. de; Selman, M.H.J.; Adegnika, A.A.; Amoah, A.S.; Riet, E. van; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Raynes, J.G.; Rodriguez, A.; Boakye, D.; Mutius, E. von; Knulst, A.C.; Genuneit, J.; Cooper, P.J.; Hokke, C.H.; Wuhrer, M. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2016), IgG1 Fc N-glycan galactosylation as a biomarker for immune activation, Scientific Reports 6.
- Mombo-Ngoma, G.; Mackanga, J.R.; Gonzalez, R.; Ouedraogo, S.; Kakolwa, M.A.; Manego, R.Z.; Basra, A.; Ruperez, M.; Cot, M.; Kabanywany, A.M.; Matsiegui, P.B.; Agnandji, S.T.; Vala, A.; Massougbodji, A.; Abdulla, S.; Adegnika, A.A.; Sevene, E.; Macete, E.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Kremsner, P.G.; Aponte, J.J.; Menendez, C. & Ramharter, M. (2016), Young adolescent girls are at high risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa: an observational multicountry study, BMJ Open 6(6).
- Jensen, K.J.; Fisker, A.B.; Andersen, A.; Sartono, E.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Aaby, P.; Erikstrup, C. & Benn, C.S. (2016), The effects of vitamin A supplementation with measles vaccine on leucocyte counts and in vitro cytokine production, British Journal of Nutrition 115(4): 619-628.
- Mahesh, P.A.; Wong, G.W.K.; Ogorodova, L.; Potts, J.; Leung, T.F.; Fedorova, O.; Holla, A.D.; Fernandez-Rivas, M.; Mills, E.N.C.; Kummeling, I.; Versteeg, S.A.; Ree, R. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Burney, P. (2016), Prevalence of food sensitization and probable food allergy among adults in India: the EuroPrevall INCO study, Allergy 71(7): 1010-1019.
- Monino-Romero, S.; Bannert, C.; Schmidthaler, K.; Diesner, S.C.; Eiwegger, T.; Dehlink, E.; Fiocchi, A.; Amoah, S.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Bohle, B.; Fiebiger, E. & Szepfalusi, Z. (2016), Modulatory capacities and possible implications of soluble Fc-epsilon RI in the IgE-mediated immune response, Allergy 71: 227-227.
- Smits, H.H.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Costa, C.P. da; Ege, M.; Edwards, M.; Garn, H.; Howarth, P.H.; Jartti, T.; Jong, E.C. de; Maizels, R.M.; Marsland, B.J.; McSorley, H.J.; Muller, A.; Pfefferle, P.I.; Savelkoul, H.; Schwarze, J.; Unger, W.W.J.; Mutius, E. von; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Taube, C. (2016), Microbes and asthma: Opportunities for intervention, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 137(3): 690-697.
- Wammes, L.J.; Hamid, F.; Wiria, A.E.; May, L.; Kaisar, M.M.M.; Prasetyani-Gieseler, M.A.; Djuardi, Y.; Wibowo, H.; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Verweij, J.J.; Jong, S.E. de; Tsonaka, R.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Sartono, E.; Luty, A.J.F.; Supali, T. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2016), Community deworming alleviates geohelminth-induced immune hyporesponsiveness, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(44): 12526-12531.
- Mouser, E.E.I.M.; Pollakis, G.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Harnett, W.; Jong, E.C. de & Paxton, W.A. (2016), Brugia malayi Antigen (BmA) Inhibits HIV-1 Trans-Infection but Neither BmA nor ES-62 Alter HIV-1 Infectivity of DC Induced CD4(+) Th-Cells, PLoS ONE 11(1).
- Mathias, R.A.; Taub, M.A.; Gignoux, C.R.; Fu, W.Q.; Musharoff, S.; O'Connor, T.D.; Vergara, C.; Torgerson, D.G.; Pino-Yanes, M.; Shringarpure, S.S.; Huang, L.L.; Rafaels, N.; Boorgula, M.P.; Johnston, H.R.; Ortega, V.E.; Levin, A.M.; Song, W.; Torres, R.; Padhukasahasram, B.; Eng, C.; Mejia-Mejia, D.A.; Ferguson, T.; Qin, Z.H.S.; Scott, A.F.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Wilson, J.G.; Marrugo, J.; Lange, L.A.; Kumar, R.; Avila, P.C.; Williams, L.K.; Watson, H.; Ware, L.B.; Olopade, C.; Olopade, O.; Oliveira, R.; Ober, C.; Nicolae, D.L.; Meyers, D.; Mayorga, A.; Knight-Madden, J.; Hartert, T.; Hansel, N.N.; Foreman, M.G.; Ford, J.G.; Faruque, M.U.; Dunston, G.M.; Caraballo, L.; Burchard, E.G.; Bleecker, E.; Araujo, M.I.; Herrera-Paz, E.F.; Gietzen, K.; Grus, W.E.; Bamshad, M.; Bustamante, C.D.; Kenny, E.E.; Hernandez, R.D.; Beaty, T.H.; Ruczinski, I.; Akey, J.; Barnes, K.C. & CAAPA (2016), A continuum of admixture in the Western Hemisphere revealed by the African Diaspora genome, Nature Communications 7.
- Loukas, A.; Hotez, P.J.; Diemert, D.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; McCarthy, J.S.; Correa-Oliveira, R.; Croese, J. & Bethony, J.M. (2016), Hookworm infection, Nature Reviews Disease Primers 2.
- Wiria, A.E.; Hamid, F.; Wammes, L.J.; Prasetyani, M.A.; Dekkers, O.M.; May, L.; Kaisar, M.M.M.; Verweij, J.J.; Guigas, B.; Partono, F.; Sartono, E.; Supali, T.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Smit, J.W.A. (2015), Infection with Soil-Transmitted Helminths Is Associated with Increased Insulin Sensitivity, PLoS ONE 10(6).
- Tahapary, D.L.; Ruiter, K. de; Martin, I.; Lieshout, L. van; Guigas, B.; Soewondo, P.; Djuardi, Y.; Wiria, A.E.; Mayboroda, O.A.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Tasman, H.; Sartono, E.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Smit, J.W.A. & Supali, T. (2015), Helminth infections and type 2 diabetes: a cluster-randomized placebo controlled SUGARSPIN trial in Nangapanda, Flores, Indonesia, BMC Infectious Diseases 15: 1-9.
- Ogorodova, L.M.; Fedorova, O.S.; Sripa, B.; Mordvinov, V.A.; Katokhin, A.V.; Keiser, J.; Odermatt, P.; Brindley, P.J.; Mayboroda, O.A.; Velavan, T.P.; Freidin, M.B.; Sazonov, A.E.; Saltykova, I.V.; Pakharukova, M.Y.; Kovshirina, Y.V.; Kaloulis, K.; Krylova, O.Y.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & TOPIC Consortium (2015), Opisthorchiasis: An Overlooked Danger, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9(4).
- Romero, S.M.; Bannert, C.; Schmidthaler, K.; Eiwegger, T.; Dehlink, E.; Fiocchi, A.; Amoah, A.S.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Bohle, B.; Fiebiger, E. & Szepfalusi, Z. (2015), Implications of soluble FceRI in the IgE-mediated immune response, Allergy 70: 285-286.
- Wiria, A.E.; Hamid, F.; Wammes, L.J.; Prasetyani, M.A.; Dekkers, O.M.; May, L.; Kaisar, M.M.M.; Verweij, J.J.; Guigas, B.; Partono, F.; Sartono, E.; Supali, T.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Smit, J.W.A. (2015), Infection with Soil-Transmitted Helminths Is Associated with Increased Insulin Sensitivity (vol 10, e0127746, 2015), PLoS ONE 10(8).
- Hamid, F.; Asuming-Brempong, E.; Amoah, A.S.; Sartono, E.; Reichardt, N.C.; Ree, R. van; Diepen, A. van; Hokke, C.H. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2015), Specific IgE antibodies to synthetic glycan structures in a helminth-endemic area of Indonesia, Allergy 70: 287-288.
- Reimers, N.; Homann, A.; Hoschler, B.; Langhans, K.; Wilson, R.A.; Pierrot, C.; Khalife, J.; Grevelding, C.G.; Chalmers, I.W.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Hoffmann, K.F.; Hokke, C.H.; Haas, H. & Schramm, G. (2015), Drug-Induced Exposure of Schistosoma mansoni Antigens SmCD59a and SmKK7, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9(3).
- Retra, K.; deWalick, S.; Schmitz, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Tielens, A.G.M.; Brouwers, J.F.H.M. & Hellemond, J.J. van (2015), The tegumental surface membranes of Schistosoma mansoni are enriched in parasite-specific phospholipid species, International Journal for Parasitology 45(9-10): 629-636.
- Mombo-Ngoma, G.; Mackanga, J.R.; Basra, A.; Capan, M.; Manego, R.Z.; Adegnika, A.A.; Lotsch, F.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Gonzalez, R.; Menendez, C.; Mabika, B.; Matsiegui, P.B.; Kremsner, P.G. & Ramharter, M. (2015), Loa loa Infection in Pregnant Women, Gabon, Emerging Infectious Disease 21(5): 899-901.
- Hamid, F.; Amoah, A.S.; Ree, R. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Lafaille, J.J. & DeLafaille, M.A.C. (2015), Helminth-Induced IgE and Protection Against Allergic Disorders, Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 388: 91-108.
- Meurs, L.; Mbow, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Polman, K. (2015), Factors driving co-occurrence of Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium at the micro-geographical level, Tropical Medicine and International Health 20: 42-42.
- Bruckner, S.; Agnandji, S.T.; Berberich, S.; Bache, E.; Fernandes, J.F.; Schweiger, B.; Loembe, M.M.; Engleitner, T.; Lell, B.; Mordmuller, B.; Adegnika, A.A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Kremsner, P.G. & Esen, M. (2015), Effect of Antihelminthic Treatment on Vaccine Immunogenicity to a Seasonal Influenza Vaccine in Primary School Children in Gabon: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9(6).
- Ateba-Ngoa, U.; Adegnika, A.A.; Zinsou, J.F.; Kassa, R.F.K.; Smits, H.; Massinga-Loembe, M.; Mordmuller, B.; Kremsner, P.G. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2015), Cytokine and chemokine profile of the innate and adaptive immune response of schistosoma haematobium and plasmodium falciparum single and co-infected school-aged children from an endemic area of Lambarene, Gabon, Malaria Journal 14.
- Hussaarts, L.; Garcia-Tardon, N.; Beek, L. van; Heemskerk, M.M.; Haeberlein, S.; Zon, G.C. van der; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Berbee, J.F.P.; Dijk, K.W. van; Harmelen, V. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Guigas, B. (2015), Chronic helminth infection and helminth-derived egg antigens promote adipose tissue M2 macrophages and improve insulin sensitivity in obese mice, FASEB Journal 29(7): 3027-3039.
- Schmiedel, Y.; Mombo-Ngoma, G.; Labuda, L.A.; Janse, J.J.; Gier, B. de; Adegnika, A.A.; Issifou, S.; Kremsner, P.G.; Smits, H.H. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2015), CD4(+) CD25(hi)FOXP3(+) Regulatory T Cells and Cytokine Responses in Human Schistosomiasis before and after Treatment with Praziquantel, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9(8).
- Elliott, A.; Nerima, B.; Bagaya, B.; Kambugu, A.; Joloba, M.; Cose, S.; Pantaleo, G.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Mabey, D.; Dunne, D.; Moffett, A.; Rwakishaya, E.K.; Kaleebu, P. & Mbidde, E.K. (2015), Capacity for science in sub-Saharan Africa, Lancet 385(9986): 2435-2437.
- Hamid, F.; Wahyuni, S.; Leeuwen, A. van; Ree, R. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Sartono, E. (2015), Allergic disorders and socio-economic status: a study of schoolchildren in an urban area of Makassar, Indonesia, Clinical and Experimental Allergy 45(7): 1226-1236.
- Janse, J.J.; Wong, G.W.K.; Potts, J.; Ogorodova, L.M.; Fedorova, O.S.; Mahesh, P.A.; Sakellariou, A.; Papadopoulos, N.G.; Knulst, A.C.; Versteeg, S.A.; Kroes, A.C.M.; Vossen, A.C.T.M.; Ponce, M.C.; Kummeling, I.; Burney, P.; Ree, R. van & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2014), The association between foodborne and orofecal pathogens and allergic sensitisation - EuroPrevall study, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 25(3): 250-256.
- Andersen, A.; Jensen, K.J.; Erikstrup, C.; Ravn, H.; Fisker, A.B.; Lisse, I.M.; Sartono, E.; Aaby, P.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Benn, C.S. (2014), Both Very Low- and Very High In Vitro Cytokine Responses Were Associated with Infant Death in Low-Birth-Weight Children from Guinea Bissau, PLoS ONE 9(4).
- Vlugt, L.E.P.M. van der; Mlejnek, E.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Bonas, M.J.; Dijksman, T.R.; Labuda, L.A.; Schot, R.; Guigas, B.; Moller, G.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Smits, H.H. (2014), CD24 (hi) CD27 (+) B cells from patients with allergic asthma have impaired regulatory activity in response to lipopolysaccharide, Clinical and Experimental Allergy 44(4): 517-528.
- Albers, A.; Sartono, E.; Wahyuni, S.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Maizels, R.M.; Klarmann-Schulz, U.; Pfarr, K. & Hoerauf, A. (2014), Real-time PCR detection of the Hhal tandem DNA repeat in pre- and post-patent Brugia malayi infections: a study in Indonesian transmigrants, Parasites and Vectors 7.
- Obeng, B.B.; Amoah, A.S.; Larbi, I.A.; Souza, D.K. de; Uh, H.W.; Fernandez-Rivas, M.; Ree, R. van; Rodrigues, L.C.; Boakye, D.A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Hartgers, F.C. (2014), Schistosome infection is negatively associated with mite atopy, but not wheeze and asthma in Ghanaian Schoolchildren, Clinical and Experimental Allergy 44(7): 965-975.
- Hamid, F.; Wahyuni, S.; Ree, R. van; Sartono, E. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2014), Allergic disorders with different levels of socioeconomic status: a study of school children in an urban area of Makassar, Indonesia, Allergy 69: 604-605.
- Vlugt, L.E.P.M. van der; Zinsou, J.F.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Kremsner, P.G.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Adegnika, A.A. & Smits, H.H. (2014), Interleukin 10 (IL-10)-Producing CD1d(hi) Regulatory B Cells From Schistosoma Haematobium-Infected Individuals Induce IL-10-Positive T Cells and Suppress Effector T-Cell Cytokines, Journal of Infectious Diseases 210(8): 1207-1216.
- Jensen, K.J.; Sondergaard, M.; Andersen, A.; Sartono, E.; Martins, C.; Garly, M.L.; Eugen-Olsen, J.; Ullum, H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Aaby, P.; Benn, C.S. & Erikstrup, C. (2014), A Randomized Trial of an Early Measles Vaccine at 41/2 Months of Age in Guinea-Bissau: Sex-Differential Immunological Effects, PLoS ONE 9(5).
- Mbow, M.; Jong, S.E. de; Meurs, L.; Mboup, S.; Dieye, T.N.; Polman, K. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2014), Changes in immunological profile as a function of urbanization and lifestyle, Immunology 143(4): 569-577.
- Labuda, L.A.; Jong, S.E. de; Meurs, L.; Amoah, A.S.; Mbow, M.; Ateba-Ngoa, U.; Ham, A.J. van der; Knulst, A.C.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Adegnika, A.A. (2014), Differences in Innate Cytokine Responses between European and African Children, PLoS ONE 9(4).
- Amoah, A.S.; Boakye, D.A.; Ree, R. van & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2014), Parasitic worms and allergies in childhood: Insights from population studies 2008-2013, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 25(3): 208-217.
- Amoah, A.S.; Obeng, B.B.; May, L.; Kruize, Y.C.; Larbi, I.A.; Kabesch, M.; Wilson, M.D.; Hartgers, F.C.; Boakye, D.A. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2014), Urban-rural differences in the gene expression profiles of Ghanaian children, Genes and Immunity 15(5): 313-319.
- Adegnika, A.A.; Zinsou, J.F.; Issifou, S.; Ateba-Ngoa, U.; Kassa, R.F.; Feugap, E.N.; Honkpehedji, Y.J.; Agobe, J.C.D.; Kenguele, H.M.; Massinga-Loembe, M.; Agnandji, S.T.; Mordmuller, B.; Ramharter, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Kremsner, P.G. & Lell, B. (2014), Randomized, Controlled, Assessor-Blind Clinical Trial To Assess the Efficacy of Single-versus Repeated-Dose Albendazole To Treat Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura,and Hookworm Infection, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 58(5): 2535-2540.
- Meurs, L.; Mbow, M.; Boon, N.; Vereecken, K.; Amoah, A.S.; Labuda, L.A.; Dieye, T.N.; Mboup, S.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Polman, K. (2014), Cytokine Responses to Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium in Relation to Infection in a Co-endemic Focus in Northern Senegal, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(8).
- Fedorova, O.; Fedotova, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Potts, J.; Burney, P.; Fernandez-Rivas, M.; Ree, R. van & Ogorodova, L. (2014), Fish allergy prevalence in children of West Siberia, Russia, Allergy 69: 269-269.
- Wiria, A.E.; Sartono, E.; Supali, T. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2014), Helminth Infections, Type-2 Immune Response, and Metabolic Syndrome, PLoS Pathogens 10(7).
- Wammes, L.J.; Mpairwe, H.; Elliott, A.M. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2014), Helminth therapy or elimination: epidemiological, immunological, and clinical considerations, Lancet Infectious Diseases 14(11): 1150-1162.
- Hussaarts, L.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Guigas, B. (2014), Priming dendritic cells for Th2 polarization: lessons learned from helminths and implications for metabolic disorcers, Frontiers in Immunology 5.
- Ngoa, U.A.; Zinsou, J.F.; Kassa, R.F.K.; Feugap, E.N.; Honkpehedji, Y.J.; Massinga-Loembe, M.; Moundounga, H.K.; Mouima, A.M.N.; Mbenkep, L.H.; Wammes, L.J.; Mbow, M.; Kruize, Y.; Mombo-Ngoma, G.; Hounkpatin, A.L.B.; Agobe, J.C.D.; Saadou, I.; Lell, B.; Smits, H.; Kremsner, P.G.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Adegnika, A.A. (2014), Assessment of the effect of Schistosoma haematobium co infection on malaria parasites and immune responses in rural populations in Gabon: study protocol, Springerplus 3.
- Wiria, A.E.; Hamid, F.; Wammes, L.J.; Kaisar, M.M.M.; May, L.; Prasetyani, M.A.; Wahyuni, S.; Djuardi, Y.; Ariawan, I.; Wibowo, H.; Lell, B.; Sauerwein, R.; Brice, G.T.; Sutanto, I.; Lieshout, L. van; Craen, A.J.M. de; Ree, R. van; Verweij, J.J.; Tsonaka, R.; Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J.; Luty, A.J.F.; Sartono, E.; Supali, T. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2013), The Effect of Three-Monthly Albendazole Treatment on Malarial Parasitemia and Allergy: A Household-Based Cluster-Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, PLoS ONE 8(3).
- Wammes, L.J.; Wiria, A.E.; Toenhake, C.G.; Hamid, F.; Liu, K.Y.; Suryani, H.; Kaisar, M.M.M.; Verweij, J.J.; Sartono, E.; Supali, T.; Smits, H.H.; Luty, A.J. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2013), Asymptomatic Plasmodial Infection Is Associated With Increased Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor II-Expressing Regulatory T Cells and Suppressed Type 2 Immune Responses, Journal of Infectious Diseases 207(10): 1590-1599.
- Kaisar, M.; Sartono, E.; Verweij, J.; Mendes, F.; Brienen, E.; Polderman, A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Supali, T. & Lieshout, L. van (2013), Comparing different endemic settings on the distribution of soil transmitted helminths by using stool-based multiplex real-time PCR, Tropical Medicine and International Health 18: 57-57.
- Mens, S.P. van; Aryeetey, Y.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Lieshout, L. van; Boakye, D. & Verweij, J.J. (2013), Comparison of real-time PCR and Kato smear microscopy for the detection of hookworm infections in three consecutive faecal samples from schoolchildren in Ghana, Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 107(4): 269-271.
- Jensen, K.J.; Sondergaard, M.; Andersen, A.; Jorgensen, M.J.; Sartono, E.; Martins, C.; Garly, M.L.; Eugen-Olsen, J.; Ullum, H.; Pedersen, B.K.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Aaby, P.; Erikstrup, C.; Benn, C.S. & Ctr Vitamins Vaccines CVIVA (2013), Early Measles Vaccination, Vitamin A Supplementation and Sex: Immunological Interactions in Infants, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 77(4): 329-329.
- Hamid, F.; Wiria, A.E.; Wammes, L.J.; Kaisar, M.M.M.; Djuardi, Y.; Versteeg, S.A.; Wahyuni, S.; Ree, R. van; Sartono, E.; Supali, T. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2013), Risk Factors Associated with the Development of Atopic Sensitization in Indonesia, PLoS ONE 8(6).
- Andersen, A.; Roth, A.; Jensen, K.J.; Erikstrup, C.; Lisse, I.M.; Whittle, H.; Sartono, E.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Aaby, P. & Benn, C.S. (2013), The immunological effect of revaccination with Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine at 19 months of age, Vaccine 31(17): 2137-2144.
- Hogewoning, A.; Amoah, A.; Bavinck, J.N.B.; Boakye, D.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Adegnika, A.; Smedt, S. de; Fonteyne, Y.; Willemze, R. & Lavrijsen, A. (2013), Skin diseases among schoolchildren in Ghana, Gabon, and Rwanda, International Journal of Dermatology 52(5): 589-600.
- Labuda, L.A.; Ateba-Ngoa, U.; Feugap, E.N.; Heeringa, J.J.; Vlugt, L.E.P.M. van der; Pires, R.B.A.; Mewono, L.; Kremsner, P.G.; Zelm, M.C. van; Adegnika, A.A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Smits, H.H. (2013), Alterations in Peripheral Blood B Cell Subsets and Dynamics of B Cell Responses during Human Schistosomiasis, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7(3).
- Amoah, A.S.; Obeng, B.B.; Larbi, I.A.; Versteeg, S.A.; Aryeetey, Y.; Akkerdaas, J.H.; Zuidmeer, L.; Lidholm, J.; Fernandez-Rivas, M.; Hartgers, F.C.; Boakye, D.A.; Ree, R. van & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2013), Peanut-specific IgE antibodies in asymptomatic Ghanaian children possibly caused by carbohydrate determinant cross-reactivity, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 132(3): 639-647.
- Kaisar, M.M.M.; Supali, T.; Wiria, A.E.; Hamid, F.; Wammes, L.J.; Sartono, E.; Luty, A.J.F.; Brienen, E.A.T.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Lieshout, L. van & Verweij, J.J. (2013), Epidemiology of Plasmodium infections in Flores Island, Indonesia using real-time PCR, Malaria Journal 12.
- Wiria, A.E.; Wammes, L.J.; Hamid, F.; Dekkers, O.M.; Prasetyani, M.A.; May, L.; Kaisar, M.M.M.; Verweij, J.J.; Tamsma, J.T.; Partono, F.; Sartono, E.; Supali, T.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Smit, J.W.A. (2013), Relationship between Carotid Intima Media Thickness and Helminth Infections on Flores Island, Indonesia, PLoS ONE 8(1).
- Jorgensen, M.J.; Fisker, A.B.; Sartono, E.; Andersen, A.; Erikstrup, C.; Lisse, I.M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Aaby, P. & Benn, C.S. (2013), The effect of at-birth vitamin A supplementation on differential leucocyte counts and in vitro cytokine production: an immunological study nested within a randomised trial in Guinea-Bissau, British Journal of Nutrition 109(3): 467-477.
- Gloudemans, A.K.; Plantinga, M.; Guilliams, M.; Willart, M.A.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Ham, A. van der; Boon, L.; Harris, N.L.; Hammad, H.; Hoogsteden, H.C.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Hendriks, R.W.; Lambrecht, B.N. & Smits, H.H. (2013), The Mucosal Adjuvant Cholera Toxin B Instructs Non-Mucosal Dendritic Cells to Promote IgA Production Via Retinoic Acid and TGF-beta, PLoS ONE 8(3).
- Fedorova, O.; Yevdokimova, T.; Fedotova, M.; Janse, J.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Wong, G.; Kummeling, I.; Burney, P.; Fernandez-Rivas, M.; Ree, R. van; Ogorodova, L. & Kamaltynova, E.M. (2013), The prevalence of food allergy in Opisthorchis felineus infection endemic region - the EuroPrevall study, Allergy 68: 400-400.
- Lieshout, L. van & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2013), Landscape of neglected tropical diseases: getting it right, Lancet Infectious Diseases 13(6): 469-470.
- Aryeetey, Y.A.; Essien-Baidoo, S.; Larbi, I.A.; Ahmed, K.; Amoah, A.S.; Obeng, B.B.; Lieshout, L. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Boakye, D.A. & Verweij, J.J. (2013), Molecular Diagnosis of Schistosoma Infections in Urine Samples of School Children in Ghana, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 88(6): 1028-1031.
- Hamid, F.; Wiria, A.E.; Wammes, L.J.; Kaisar, M.M.; Djuardi, Y.; Versteeg, S.A.; Wahyuni, S.; Sartono, E.; Supali, T.; Ree, R. van & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2013), The characterisation of the specificity of IgE antibodies to allergens in Indonesia: the issue of cross reactivity, Allergy 68: 671-671.
- Djuardi, Y.; Supali, T.; Wibowo, H.; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Versteeg, S.A.; Ree, R. van; Sartono, E. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2013), The development of TH2 responses from infancy to 4 years of age and atopic sensitization in areas endemic for helminth infections, Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology 9.
- Hussaarts, L.; Smits, H.H.; Schramm, G.; Ham, A.J. van der; Zon, G.C. van der; Haas, H.; Guigas, B. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2013), Rapamycin and omega-1: mTOR-dependent and -independent Th2 skewing by human dendritic cells, Immunology and Cell Biology 91(7): 486-489.
- Mbow, M.; Larkin, B.M.; Meurs, L.; Wammes, L.J.; Jong, S.E. de; Labuda, L.A.; Camara, M.; Smits, H.H.; Polman, K.; Dieye, T.N.; Mboup, S.; Stadecker, M.J. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2013), T-Helper 17 Cells Are Associated With Pathology in Human Schistosomiasis.
- Jaap, A.; Obeng, B.; Amoah, A.; Larbi, I.; Versteeg, S.; Boakye, D.; Chapman, M.; Ree, R. van & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2012), Schistosoma haematobium infection induces carbohydrate-mediated cross-reactivity to common inhalant allergen sources such as cockroach and house dust mite, Allergy 67: 603-604.
- Everts, B.; Hussaarts, L.; Driessen, N.N.; Meevissen, M.H.J.; Schramm, G.; Ham, A.J. van der; Hoeven, B. van der; Scholzen, T.; Burgdorf, S.; Mohrs, M.; Pearce, E.J.; Hokke, C.H.; Haas, H.; Smits, H.H. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2012), Schistosome-derived omega-1 drives Th2 polarization by suppressing protein synthesis following internalization by the mannose receptor.
- Meevissen, M.H.J.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Hokke, C.H. (2012), Schistosoma mansoni egg glycoproteins and C-type lectins of host immune cells: Molecular partners that shape immune responses, Experimental Parasitology 132(1): 14-21.
- Larkin, B.; Mbow, M.; Meurs, L.; Wammes, L.; Jong, S. de; Labuda, L.; Smits, H.; Dieye, T.; Polman, K.; Mboup, S.; Stadecker, M. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2012), Th17 cells are associated with pathology in human schistosomiasis, Journal of Immunology 188: -.
- Vlugt, L.E.P.M. van der; Labuda, L.A.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Lievers, E.; Gloudemans, A.K.; Liu, K.Y.; Barr, T.A.; Sparwasser, T.; Boon, L.; Ngoa, U.A.; Feugap, E.N.; Adegnika, A.A.; Kremsner, P.G.; Gray, D.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Smits, H.H. (2012), Schistosomes Induce Regulatory Features in Human and Mouse CD1d(hi) B Cells: Inhibition of Allergic Inflammation by IL-10 and Regulatory T Cells, PLoS ONE 7(2): -.
- Esen, M.; Mordmuller, B.; Salazar, P.M. de; Adegnika, A.A.; Agnandji, S.T.; Schaumburg, F.; Hounkpatin, A.B.; Bruckner, S.; Theisen, M.; Belard, S.; Ngoa, U.A.; Issifou, S.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Kremsner, P.G. (2012), Reduced antibody responses against Plasmodium falciparum vaccine candidate antigens in the presence of Trichuris trichiura, Vaccine 30(52): 7621-7624.
- Vlugt, L.E.P.M. van der; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Verbeek, J.S.; Boon, L.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Smits, H.H. (2012), Schistosomes induce pulmonary regulatory B cells that are involved in protection against allergic airway inflammation, Immunology 137: 83-84.
- Elliott, A. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2012), Troubles never come alone, Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS 7(3): 211-213.
- Hamid, F.; Wiria, A.; Wammes, L.; Kaisar, M.; Djuardi, Y.; Wahyuni, S.; Ree, R.; Sartono, E.; Supali, T. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2012), Risk factors for the development of allergic disorders in Indonesia, Allergy 67: 92-93.
- Wammes, L.J.; Hamid, F.; Wiria, A.E.; Wibowo, H.; Sartono, E.; Maizels, R.M.; Smits, H.H.; Supali, T. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2012), Regulatory T Cells in Human Lymphatic Filariasis: Stronger Functional Activity in Microfilaremics, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6(5): -.
- Vlugt, L.E.P.M. van der; Mlejnek, E.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Dijksman, T.R.; Labuda, L.A.; Schot, R.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Moller, G.M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Smits, H.H. (2012), Reduced B cell IL-10 in response to LPS in Allergic Asthma patients: an impaired Breg function?, Immunology 137: 459-459.
- Hogewoning, A.A.; Bavinck, J.N.B.; Amoah, A.S.; Boakye, D.A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Kremsner, P.G.; Adegnika, A.A.; Smedt, S.K.A.D. de; Willemze, R. & Lavrijsen, A.P.M. (2012), Point and period prevalences of eczema in rural and urban schoolchildren in Ghana, Gabon and Rwanda, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 26(4): 488-494.
- Wiria, A.E.; Djuardi, Y.; Supali, T.; Sartono, E. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2012), Helminth infection in populations undergoing epidemiological transition: a friend or foe?, Seminars in Immunopathology 34(6): 889-901.
- Amoah, A.; Obeng, B.; Larbi, I.; Versteeg, S.; Aryeetey, Y.; Fernandez-Rivas, M.; Hartgers, F.; Ree, R. van; Boakye, D. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2012), Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants in peanut allergy in Ghana: high peanut-specific IgE sensitisation without skin reactivity or reported symptoms, Allergy 67: 120-120.
- Seydel, L.S.; Petelski, A.; Dam, G.J. van; Kleij, D. van der; Kruize-Hoeksma, Y.C.M.; Luty, A.J.F.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Kremsner, P.G. (2012), Association of In Utero Sensitization to Schistosoma haematobium with Enhanced Cord Blood IgE and Increased Frequencies of CD5-B Cells in African Newborns, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 86(4): 613-619.
- Selman, M.H.J.; Jong, S.E. de; Soonawala, D.; Kroon, F.P.; Adegnika, A.A.; Deelder, A.M.; Hokke, C.H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Wuhrer, M. (2012), Changes in Antigen-specific IgG1 Fc N-glycosylation Upon Influenza and Tetanus Vaccination.
- Idris, Z.M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Adegnika, A.A.; Lell, B.; Issifou, S. & Noordin, R. (2012), A Pilot Study on Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-4 Gene Polymorphisms in Urinary Schistosomiasis, Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 16(6): 488-492.
- Meevissen, M.H.J.; Driessen, N.N.; Smits, H.H.; Versteegh, R.; Vliet, S.J. van; Kooyk, Y. van; Schramm, G.; Deelder, A.M.; Haas, H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Hokke, C.H. (2012), Specific glycan elements determine differential binding of individual egg glycoproteins of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni by host C-type lectin receptors, International Journal for Parasitology 42(3): 269-277.
- Adegnika, A.A.; Luty, A.J.F.; Grobusch, M.P.; Ramharter, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Kremsner, P.G. & Schwarz, N.G. (2011), ABO blood group and the risk of placental malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, Malaria Journal 10.
- Hamid, F.; Wiria, A.E.; Wammes, L.J.; Kaisar, M.M.M.; Lell, B.; Ariawan, I.; Uh, H.W.; Wibowo, H.; Djuardi, Y.; Wahyuni, S.; Schot, R.; Verweij, J.J.; Ree, R. van; May, L.; Sartono, E.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Supali, T. (2011), A longitudinal study of allergy and intestinal helminth infections in semi urban and rural areas of Flores, Indonesia (ImmunoSPIN Study), BMC Infectious Diseases 11.
- Pasha, S.M.; Wiria, A.E.; Wammes, L.J.; Smit, J.W.A.; Partono, F.; Supali, T.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Tamsma, J.T. (2011), Blood pressure class and carotid artery intima-media thickness in a population at the secondary epidemiological transition, Journal of Hypertension 29(11): 2194-2200.
- Larbi, I.A.; Klipstein-Grobusch, K.; Amoah, A.S.; Obeng, B.B.; Wilson, M.D.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Boakye, D.A. (2011), High body mass index is not associated with atopy in schoolchildren living in rural and urban areas of Ghana, BMC Public Health 11.
- Meurs, L.; Labuda, L.; Amoah, A.S.; Mbow, M.; Ngoa, U.A.; Boakye, D.A.; Mboup, S.; Dieye, T.N.; Mountford, A.P.; Turner, J.D.; Kremsner, P.G.; Polman, K.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Adegnika, A.A. (2011), Enhanced Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Responses following Toll-Like-Receptor Ligation in Schistosoma haematobium-Infected Schoolchildren from Rural Gabon, PLoS ONE 6(9).
- Soonawala, D.; Geerts, J.W.H.J.; Mos, M. de; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Visser, L.G. (2011), The Immune Response to Schistosome Antigens in Formerly Infected Travelers, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 84(1): 43-47.
- Hogewoning, A.A.; Adegnika, A.A.; Bavinck, J.N.B.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Kremsner, P.G.; Raaij-Helmer, E.M.H. van der; Staats, C.C.G.; Willemze, R. & Lavrijsen, A.P.M. (2011), Prevalence and causative fungal species of tinea capitis among schoolchildren in Gabon, Mycoses 54(5): E354E359.
- Adegnika, A.A.; Luty, A.F.; Grobusch, M.P.; Ramharter, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Kremsner, P.G. & Schwarz, N.G. (2011), ABO blood group and the risk of placental malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Kaisar, M.M.; Lieshout, L. van; May, L.; Wiria, A.E.; Hamid, F.; Wammes, L.J.; Sartono, E.; Supali, T.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Verweij, J.J. (2011), Epidemiology and monitoring of the effect of treatment of soil-transmitted helminth using multiplex real-time PCR.
- Djuardi, Y.; Wammes, L.J.; Supali, T.; Sartono, E. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2011), Immunological footprint: the development of a child's immune system in environments rich in microorganisms and parasites, Parasitology 138(12): 1508-1518.
- Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Luty, A.J.F. (2011), Wormy mothers, healthy babies: case closed or conundrum?, Lancet 377(9759): 6-8.
- Hussaarts, L.; Vlugt, L.E.P.M. van der; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Smits, H.H. (2011), Regulatory B-cell induction by helminths: Implications for allergic disease.
- Soonawala, D.; Geerts, J.W.H.J.; Mos, M. de; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Visser, L.G. (2011), The immune response to schistosome antigens in formerly infected travelers., American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 84(1): 43-7.
- Selman, M.H.J.; Jong, S.E. de; Soonawala, D.; Kroon, F.P.; Adegnika, A.A.; Deelder, A.M.; Hokke, C.H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Wuhrer, M. (2011), Changes in antigen-specific IgG1 Fc N-glycosylation upon influenza and tetanus vaccination., Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
- Djuardi, Y.; Sartono, E.; Wibowo, H.; Supali, T. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2010), The Close Relationship Between Mother and Infant Cytokines and Its Impact on Responses to BCG Vaccination, Clinical Immunology 135: S127S127.
- Everts, B.; Adegnika, A.A.; Kruize, Y.C.M.; Smits, H.H.; Kremsner, P.G. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2010), Functional Impairment of Human Myeloid Dendritic Cells during Schistosoma haematobium Infection, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 4(4).
- Djuardi, Y.; Sartono, E.; Wibowo, H.; Supali, T. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2010), A Longitudinal Study of BCG Vaccination in Early Childhood: The Development of Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses, PLoS ONE 5(11).
- Smits, H.H.; Everts, B.; Hartgers, F.C. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2010), Chronic Helminth Infections Protect Against Allergic Diseases by Active Regulatory Processes, Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 10(1): 3-12.
- Roth, A.E.; Benn, C.S.; Ravn, H.; Rodrigues, A.; Lisse, I.M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Whittle, H. & Aaby, P. (2010), Effect of revaccination with BCG in early childhood on mortality: randomised trial in Guinea-Bissau, British medical journal 340.
- Wiria, A.E.; Prasetyani, M.A.; Hamid, F.; Wammes, L.J.; Lell, B.; Ariawan, I.; Uh, H.W.; Wibowo, H.; Djuardi, Y.; Wahyuni, S.; Sutanto, I.; May, L.; Luty, A.J.F.; Verweij, J.J.; Sartono, E.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Supali, T. (2010), Does treatment of intestinal helminth infections influence malaria? Background and methodology of a longitudinal study of clinical, parasitological and immunological parameters in Nangapanda, Flores, Indonesia (ImmunoSPIN Study), BMC Infectious Diseases 10.
- Supali, T.; Djuardi, Y.; Wibowo, H.; Ree, R. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Sartono, E. (2010), Relationship between Different Species of Helminths and Atopy: A Study in a Population Living in Helminth-Endemic Area in Sulawesi, Indonesia, International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 153(4): 388-394.
- Wiria AE, Prasetyani MA, Hamid F, Wammes LJ, Lell B, Ariawan I, Uh H-W, Wibowo H, Djuardi Y, Wuhyuni S, Sutanto I, May L, Luty AJF, Verweij JJ, Sartono E, Yazdanbakhsh M & Supali T (2010), Does treatment of intestinal helminth infections influence malaria? Background and methodology of a longitudinal study of clinical, parasitological andimmunological parameters in Nangapanda, Flores Indonesia (ImmunoSPINStudy)., BMC Infectious Diseases.
- Djuardi, Y.; Wibowo, H.; Supali, T.; Sartono, E. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2010), EARLY EXPOSURE TO HELMINTH ANTIGENS INDUCES SPECIFIC TH1 AND TH2 CYTOKINES IN INFANTS WITH NO EFFECT ON SUBSEQUENT RESPONSE TO BCG, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83(5): 115-115.
- Supali, T.; Verweij, J.J.; Wiria, A.E.; Djuardi, Y.; Hamid, F.; Kaisar, M.M.M.; Wammes, L.J.; Lieshout, L. van; Luty, A.J.F.; Sartono, E. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2010), Polyparasitism and its impact on the immune system, International Journal for Parasitology 40(10): 1171-1176.
- Obeng, B.B.; Amoah, A.S.; Larbi, I.A.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Ree, R. van; Boakye, D.A. & Hartgers, F.C. (2010), Food Allergy in Ghanaian Schoolchildren: Data on Sensitization and Reported Food Allergy., International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 155(1): 63-73.
- Benn, C.S.; Fisker, A.B.; Napirna, B.M.; Roth, A.; Diness, B.R.; Lausch, K.R.; Ravn, H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Rodrigues, A.; Whittle, H. & Aaby, P. (2010), Vitamin A supplementation and BCG vaccination at birth in low birthweight neonates: two by two factorial randomised controlled trial, British medical journal 340.
- Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Sacks, D.L. (2010), Why does immunity to parasites take so long to develop?, Nature Reviews Immunology 10(2): 80-81.
- Wong, G.W.K.; Mahesh, P.A.; Ogorodova, L.; Leung, T.F.; Fedorova, O.; Holla, A.D.; Fernandez-Rivas, M.; Mills, E.N.C.; Kummeling, I.; Ree, R. van; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Burney, P. (2010), The EuroPrevall-INCO surveys on the prevalence of food allergies in children from China, India and Russia: the study methodology, Allergy 65(3): 385-390.
- Keil, T.; McBride, D.; Grimshaw, K.; Niggemann, B.; Xepapadaki, P.; Zannikos, K.; Sigurdardottir, S.T.; Clausen, M.; Reche, M.; Pascual, C.; Stanczyk, A.P.; Kowalski, M.L.; Dubakiene, R.; Drasutiene, G.; Roberts, G.; Schoemaker, A.F.A.; Sprikkelman, A.B.; Fiocchi, A.; Martelli, A.; Dufour, S.; Hourihane, J.; Kulig, M.; Wjst, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Szepfalusi, Z.; Ree, R. van; Willich, S.N.; Wahn, U.; Mills, E.N.C. & Beyer, K. (2010), The multinational birth cohort of EuroPrevall: background, aims and methods, Allergy 65(4): 482-490.
- Everts, B.; Smits, H.H.; Hokke, C.H. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2010), Helminths and dendritic cells: Sensing and regulating via pattern recognition receptors, Th2 and Treg responses, European Journal of Immunology 40(6): 1525-1537.
- Hogewoning, A.A.; Larbi, I.A.; Addo, H.A.; Amoah, A.S.; Boakye, D.; Hartgers, F.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Ree, R. van; Bavinck, J.N.B. & Lavrijsen, A.P.M. (2010), Allergic characteristics of urban schoolchildren with atopic eczema in Ghana, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 24(12): 1406-1412.
- Wammes, L.J.; Hamid, F.; Wiria, A.E.; Gier, B. de; Sartono, E.; Maizels, R.M.; Luty, A.J.F.; Fillie, Y.; Brice, G.T.; Supali, T.; Smits, H.H. & Yazdanbakhsh, M. (2010), Regulatory T cells in human geohelminth infection suppress immune responses to BCG and Plasmodium falciparum, European Journal of Immunology 40(2): 437-442.
- Sartono, E.; Lisse, I.M.; Terveer, E.M.; Sande, P.J.M. van de; Whittle, H.; Fisker, A.B.; Roth, A.; Aaby, P.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Benn, C.S. (2010), Oral Polio Vaccine Influences the Immune Response to BCG Vaccination. A Natural Experiment, PLoS ONE 5(5).
- Diness, B.R.; Christoffersen, D.; Pedersen, U.B.; Rodrigues, A.; Fischer, T.K.; Andersen, A.; Whittle, H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Aaby, P. & Benn, C.S. (2010), The Effect of High-Dose Vitamin A Supplementation Given with Bacille Calmette-Guerin Vaccine at Birth on Infant Rotavirus Infection and Diarrhea: A Randomized Prospective Study from Guinea-Bissau, Journal of Infectious Diseases 202: S243S251.
- Djuardi Y, Wibowo H, Supali T, Ariawan I, Bredius RGM, Yazdanbakhsh M, Rodrigues LC & Sartono E (2009), Determinants of the Relationship between Cytokine Production in Pregnant Women and Their Infants, PLoS ONE 4(11).
- Lavrijsen AP, Amoah AS, Adegnika AA, Koelemij I, Boakye D, Bavinck JNB, Yazdanbakhsh M, Hartgers FC & Hogewoning AA (2009), Prevalence of atopic dermatitis in urban and rural schools in Gabon and Ghana, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 129: S31S31.
- Yazdanbakhsh M & Kremsner PG (2009), Influenza in Africa.
- Hogewoning AA, Koelemij I, Amoah AS, Bavinck JNB, Aryeetey Y, Hartgers F, Yazdanbakhsh M, Willemze R, Boakye DA & Lavrijsen APM (2009), Prevalence and risk factors of inflammatory acne vulgaris in rural and urban Ghanaian schoolchildren, British Journal of Dermatology 161(2): 475-477.
- Everts B, Perona-Wright G, Smits HH, Hokke CH, van der Ham AJ, Fitzsimmons CM, Doenhoff MJ, van der Bosch J, Mohrs K & Haas H (2009), Omega-1, a glycoprotein secreted by Schistosoma mansoni eggs, drives Th2 responses, Journal of Experimental Medicine 206(8): 1673-1680.
- Benn CS, Rodrigues A, Yazdanbakhsh M, Fisker AB, Ravn H, Whittle H & Aaby P (2009), The effect of high-dose vitamin A supplementation administered with BCG vaccine at birth may be modified by subsequent DTP vaccination, Vaccine 27(21): 2891-2898.
- Molhoek EM, den Hertog AL, de Vries AMBC, Nazmi K, Veerman ECI, Hartgers FC, Yazdanbakhsh M, Bikker FJ & van der Kleij D (2009), Structure-function relationship of the human antimicrobial peptide LL-37 and LL-37 fragments in the modulation of TLR responses, Biological Chemistry 390(4): 295-303.
- Meurs L, Labuda L, Amoah AS, Mbow M, Ateba U, Polman K, Yazdanbakhsh M, Boakye D, Mboup S, Dieye TN, Mountford A & Adegnika AA (2009), S. haematobium-infected Gabonese schoolchildren have elevated pro-inflammatory cytokine responses to single Toll-like-receptor ligands, Tropical Medicine and International Health 14: 192-192.
- Hartgers FC, Obeng BB, Kruize YCM, Dijkhuis A, McCall M, Sauerwein RW, Luty AJF, Boakye DA & Yazdanbakhsh M (2009), Responses to Malarial Antigens Are Altered in Helminth-Infected Children, Journal of Infectious Diseases 199(10): 1528-1535.
- Maizels RM, Pearce EJ, Artis D, Yazdanbakhsh M & Wynn TA (2009), Regulation of pathogenesis and immunity in helminth infections, Journal of Experimental Medicine 206(10): 2059-2066.
- Yazdanbakhsh M & Kremsner PG (2009), Influenza in Africa, PLoS Medicine 6(12).
- van Riet E, Everts B, Retra K, Phylipsen M, van Hellemond JJ, Tielens AGM, van der Kleij D, Hartgers FC & Yazdanbakhsh M (2009), Combined TLR2 and TLR4 ligation in the context of bacterial or helminth extracts in human monocyte derived dendritic cells: molecular correlates for Th1/Th2 polarization, BMC Immunology 10.
- Obeng BB, Hartgers FC, Amoah AS, Larbi IA, Boakye DA, van Ree R & Yazdanbakhsh M (2009), Allergic Sensitization And Reported Adverse Reactions To Food In Ghanaian School Children: A Nested Case-control Study, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 123(2): S31S31.
- Schwarz NG, Adegnika AA, Breitling LP, Gabor J, Agnandji ST, Newman RD, Lell B, Issifou S, Yazdanbakhsh M, Luty AJF, Kremsner PG & Grobusch MP (2008), Placental malaria increases malaria risk in the first 30 months of life, Clinical Infectious Diseases 47(8).
- van Riet E, Retra K, Adegnika AA, Jol-van der Zijde CM, Uh HW, Lell B, Issifou S, Kremsner PG, Yazdanbakhsh M, van Tol MJD & Hartgers FC (2008), Cellular and humoral responses to tetanus vaccination in gabonese children, Vaccine 26(29-30).
- Obeng BB, Aryeetey YA, de Dood CJ, Amoah AS, Larbi IA, Deelder AM, Yazdanbakhsh M, Hartgers FC, Boakye DA, Verweij JJ, van Dam GJ & van Lieshout L (2008), Application of a circulating-cathodic-antigen (CCA) strip test and real-time PCR, in comparison with microscopy, for the detection of Schistosoma haematobium in urine samples from Ghana, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 102(7).
- Hogewoning AA, Koelemij I, Amoah AS, Bavinck JNB, Yazdanbakhsh M, Boakye D & Lavrijsen APM (2008), Prevalence of inflammatory acne in Ghanaian school children, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 128(10).
- Obeng BB, Hartgers F, Boakye D & Yazdanbakhsh M (2008), Out of Africa: what can be learned from the studies of allergic disorders in Africa and Africans?, Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology 8(5).
- Hartgers FC, Obeng BB, Boakye D & Yazdanbakhsh M (2008), Immune responses during helminth-malaria co-infection: a pilot study in Ghanaian school children, Parasitology 135(7).
- Benn CS, Diness BR, Roth A, Nante E, Fisker AB, Lisse IM, Yazdanbakhsh M, Whittle H, Rodrigues A & Aaby P (2008), Effect of 50 000 IU vitamin A given with BCG vaccine on mortality in infants in Guinea-Bissau: randomised placebo controlled trial, British medical journal 336(7658).
- Hartgers FC, Obeng BB, Voskamp A, Larbi IA, Amoah AS, Luty AJF, Boakye D & Yazdanbakhsh M (2008), Enhanced Toll-Like Receptor Responsiveness Associated with Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Activation in Plasmodium falciparum-Infected Children, Infection and Immunity 76(11).
- Adegnika AA, Kohler C, Agnandji ST, Chai SK, Labuda L, Breitling LP, Schonkeren D, Weerdenburg E, Issifou S, Luty AJF, Kremsner PG & Yazdanbakhsh M (2008), Pregnancy-associated malaria affects toll-like receptor ligand-induced cytokine responses in cord blood, Journal of Infectious Diseases 198(6).
- Uh HW, Hartgers FC, Yazdanbakhsh M & Houwing-Duistermaat JJ (2008), Evaluation of regression methods when immunological measurements are constrained by detection limits, BMC Immunology 9.
- Stabell C, Fisker AB, Rodrigues A, Ravn H, Sartono E, Whittle H, Yazdanbakhsh M & Aaby P (2008), Sex-Differential Effect on Infant Mortality of Oral Polio Vaccine Administered with BCG at Birth in Guinea-Bissau. A Natural Experiment, PLoS ONE 3(12).
- Retra K, Van Riet E, Adegnika AA, Everts B, Van Geest S, Kremsner PG, Van Hellemond JJ, Van der Kleij D, Tielens AGM & Yazdanbakhsh M (2008), Immunologic activity of schistosomal and bacterial TLR2 ligands in Gabonese children, Parasite Immunology 30(1).
- Kohler C, Adegnika AA, van der Linden R, Agnandji ST, Chai SK, Luty AJF, Szepfalusi Z, Kremsner PG & Yazdanbakhsh M (2008), Comparison of Immunological Status of African and European Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells, Pediatric Research 64(6).
- Benn CS, Rodriguesz A & Yazdanbakhsh M (2008), The Effect Of High-Dose Vitamin A Supplementation Administered With BCG Vaccine At Birth May Be Modified By Subsequent DTP Vaccination, Vaccine.
- Hartgers FC, Obeng BB, Kruize YCM, Duijvestein M, de Breij A, Amoah A, Larbi IA, van Ree R, Wilson MD, Rodrigues LC, Boakye DA & Yazdanbakhsh M (2008), Lower Expression of TLR2 and SOCS-3 Is Associated with Schistosoma haematobium Infection and with Lower Risk for Allergic Reactivity in Children Living in a Rural Area in Ghana, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2(4).
- Supali T, Djuardi Y, Pfarr KM, Wibowo H, Taylor MJ, Hoerauf A, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Yazdanbakhsh M & Sartono E (2008), Doxycycline treatment of Brugia malayi-infected persons reduces microfilaremia and adverse reactions after diethylcarbamazine and albendazole treatment, Clinical Infectious Diseases 46(9).
- Adegnika AA, Chai S, Agnandji ST, Labuda L, Schonkeren D, Weerdenburg E, Koehler C, Issifou S, Luty AJF, Kremsner PG & Yazdanbakhsh M (2007), Responses to TLR ligands in neonates born to P-falciparum infected mothers, Tropical Medicine and International Health 12.
- van Riet E, Hartgers FC & Yazdanbakhsh M (2007), Chronic helminth infections induce immunomodulation: Consequences and mechanisms, Immunobiology 212(6).
- Ramharter M, Adegnika AA, Agnandji ST, Matsiegui PB, Grobusch MP, Winkler S, Graninger W, Krishna S, Yazdanbakhsh M, Mordmuller B, Lell B, Missinou MA, Mavoungou E, Issifou S & Kremsner PG (2007), History and perspectives of medical research at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Lambarene, Gabon, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 119.
- Bavinck JNB, Hogewoning AA, Lavrijsen S, Yazdanbakhsh M, Aryetey Y, Larbi IA, Amoah AS & Boakye D (2007), The association between skin prick tests for house dust mite and atopic dermatitis differs between boys and girls in Ghana, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 127.
- van Ree R & Yazdanbakhsh M (2007), Allergic disorders in African countries: linking immunology to accurate phenotype, Allergy 62(3).
- Eriksson M, Sartono E, Martins CL, Bale C, Garly ML, Whittle H, Aaby P, Pedersen BK, Yazdanbakhsh M, Erikstrup C & Benn CS (2007), A comparison of ex vivo cytokine production in venous and capillary blood, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 150(3).
- Uh HW, Hartgers FC, Yazdanbakhsh M & Houwing-Duistermaat JJ (2007), Combined analysis of SNP and gene expression data in TLR genes with respect to infection disease in Ghana, Genetic Epidemiology 31(6).
- van Riet E, Adegnika AA, Retra K, Vieira R, Tielens AGM, Lell B, Issifou S, Hartgers FC, Rimmelzwaan GF, Kremsner PG & Yazdanbakhsh M (2007), Cellular and humoral responses to influenza in Gabonese children living in rural and semi-urban areas, Journal of Infectious Diseases 196(11).
- Adegnika AA, Agnandji ST, Chai SK, Ramharter M, Breitling L, Kendjo E, Issifou S, Yazdanbakhsh M, Kombila M & Kremsner PG (2007), Increased prevalence of intestinal helminth infection during pregnancy in a Sub-Saharan African community, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 119(23-24).
- Genser B, Cooper PJ, Yazdanbakhsh M, Barreto ML & Rodrigues LC (2007), A guide to modern statistical analysis of immunological data, BMC Immunology 8.
- Diness BR, Fisker AB, Roth A, Yazdanbakhsh M, Sartono E, Whittle H, Nante JE, Lisse IM, Ravn H, Rodrigues A, Aaby P & Benn CS (2007), Effect of high-dose vitamin A supplementation on the immune response to Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccines, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 86(4).
- Smits HH, Hammad H, van Nimwegen M, Soullie T, Willart MA, Lievers E, Kadouch J, Kool M, Kos-van Oosterhoud J, Deelder AM, Lambrecht BN & Yazdanbakhsh M (2007), Protective effect of Schistosoma mansoni infection on allergic airway inflammation depends on the intensity and chronicity of infection, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 120(4).
- van den Biggelaar AHJ, Hua TD, Rodrigues LC, Kremsner PG, Yazdanbakhsh M & Kube D (2007), Genetic variation in IL-10 is associated with atopic reactivity in Gabonese schoolchildren, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 120(4).
- Larsen JM, Benn CS, Fillie Y, van der Kleij D, Aaby P & Yazdanbakhsh M (2007), BCG stimulated dendritic cells induce an interleukin-10 producing T-cell population with no T helper 1 or T helper 2 bias in vitro, Immunology 121(2).
- Smits HH & Yazdanbakhsh M (2007), Chronic helminth infections modulate allergen-specific immune responses: Protection against development of allergic disorders?, Annals of Medicine 39(6).
- Yazdanbakhsh M (2006), Worms and allergies: Pitfalls and opportunities, Parasite Immunology 28(6).
- Van Hellemond JJ, Retra K, Brouwers JFHM, van Balkom BWM, Yazdanbakhsh M, Shoemaker CB & Tielens AGM (2006), Functions of the tegument of schistosomes: Clues from the proteome and lipidome, International Journal for Parasitology 36(6).
- Van Riet E, Wuhrer M, Wahyuni S, Retra K, Deelder AM, Tielens AGM, Van der Kleij D & Yazdanbakhsh M (2006), Antibody responses to Ascaris-derived proteins and glycolipids: the role of phosphorylcholine, Parasite Immunology 28(8).
- Hartgers FC & Yazdanbakhsh M (2006), Co-infection of helminths and malaria: modulation of the immune responses to malaria, Parasite Immunology 28(10).
- Satapathy AK, Sartono E, Sahoo PK, Dentener MA, Michael E, Yazdanbakhsh M & Ravindran B (2006), Human bancroftian filariasis: immunological markers of morbidity and infection, Microbes and Infection 8(9-10).
- Hogewoning AA, Duijvestein M, Boakye D, Amoah AS, Obeng BB, Raaij-Helmer EMH, Staats CCG, Bavinck JNB, Yazdanbakhsh M & Lavrijsen APM (2006), Prevalence of symptomatic tinea capitis and associated causative organisms in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana, British Journal of Dermatology 154(4).
- Adegnika AA, Verweij JJ, Agnandji ST, Chai SK, Breitling LP, Ramharter M, Frolich M, Issifou S, Kremsner PG & Yazdanbakhsh M (2006), Microscopic and sub-microscopic Plasmodium falciparum infection, but not inflammation caused by infection, is associated with low birth weight, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 75(5).
- Yazdanbakhsh M & Wahyuni S (2005), The role of helminth infections in protection from atopic disorders, Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology 5(5).
- Adegnika AA, Verweij J, Chai SK, Agnandji ST, Breitling LPH, Luty A, Issifou S, Kremsner PG & Yazdanbakhsh M (2005), The association between plasmodium falciparum infections, C-reactive protein and pregnancy outcome, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 73(6): 105-105.
- Yazdanbakhsh M, van Riet E, Obeng B, Boakye D, Smits H & Hartgers F (2005), Helminth infections, allergies and responses to third party antigens, Immunology 116: 20-20.
- Wahyuni S, Sartono E, Supali T, van der Zee JS, Mangali A, van Ree R, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ & Yazdanbakhsh M (2005), Clustering of allergic outcomes within families and households in areas endemic for helminth infections, International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 136(4).
- Chai SK, Altman GM, Yazdanbakhsh M, Tsuji J, Godat L & Takaro TK (2005), Production of interleukin 10 and transforming growth factor beta in concomitant allergy and autoimmunity, Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 94(2).
- Hokke CH & Yazdanbakhsh M (2005), Schistosome glycans and innate immunity, Parasite Immunology 27(7-8).
- Smits HH, Engering A, van der Kleij D, de Jong EC, Schipper K, van Capel TMM, Zaat BAJ, Yazdanbakhsh M, Wierenga EA, van Kooyk Y & Kapsenberg ML (2005), Selective probiotic bacteria induce IL-10-producing regulatory T cells in vitro by modulating dendritic cell function through dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing nonintegrin, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 115(6).
- Smits HH, Hartgers FC & Yazdanbakhsh M (2005), Helminth infections: Protection from atopic disorders, Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 5(1).
- van der Kleij D, van den Biggelaar AHJ, Kruize YCM, Retra K, Fillie Y, Schmitz M, Kremsner PG, Tielens AGM & Yazdanbakhsh M (2004), Responses to toll-like receptor ligands in children living in areas where schistosome infections are endemic, Journal of Infectious Diseases 189(6).
- van den Biggelaar AHJ, Rodrigues LC, van Ree R, van der Zee JS, Hoeksma-Kruize YCM, Souverijn JHM, Missinou MA, Borrmann S, Kremsner PG & Yazdanbakhsh M (2004), Long-term treatment of intestinal helminths increases mite skin-test reactivity in Gabonese schoolchildren, Journal of Infectious Diseases 189(5).
- Fitzsimmons CM, Stewart TJ, Hoffmann KF, Grogan JL, Yazdanbakhsh M & Dunne DW (2004), Human IgE response to the Schistosoma haematobium 22.6 kDa antigen, Parasite Immunology 26(8-9): 371-376.
- Yazdanbakhsh M & Matricardi PM (2004), Parasites and the hygiene hypothesis - Regulating the immune system?, Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology 26(1).
- Wahyuni S, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, , Supali T, Yazdanbakhsh M & Sartono E (2004), Clustering of filarial infection in an age-graded study: genetic, household and environmental influences, Parasitology 128.
- Terhell AJ, Haarbrink M, Van Den Biggelaar A, Mangali A, Sartono E & Yazdanbakhsh M (2003), Long-term follow-up of treatment with diethylcarbamazine on anti-filarial IgG4: Dosage, compliance, and differential patterns in adults and children, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 68(1).
- Wahyuni S, Van Ree R, Mangali A, Supali T, Yazdanbakhsh M & Sartono E (2003), Comparison of an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a radioallergosorbent test (RAST) for detection of IgE antibodies to Brugia malayi, Parasite Immunology 25(11-12): 609-614.
- Matricardi PM & Yazdanbakhsh M (2003), Mycobacteria and atopy, 6 years later: a fascinating, still unfinished, business, Clinical and Experimental Allergy 33(6).
- van der Kleij D & Yazdanbakhsh M (2003), Control of inflammatory diseases by pathogens: lipids and the immune system, European Journal of Immunology 33(11).
- Rahmah N, Shenoy RK, Nutman TB, Weiss N, Gilmour K, Maizels RM, Yazdanbakhsh M & Sartono E (2003), Multicentre laboratory evaluation of Brugia Rapid dipstick test for detection of brugian filariasis, Tropical Medicine and International Health 8(10).
- Maizels RM & Yazdanbakhsh M (2003), Immune regulation by helminth parasites: Cellular and molecular mechanisms, Nature Reviews Immunology 3(9).
- Terhell AJ, Stolk WA, Haarbrink M, Mangali A, Van Oortmarssen GJ & Yazdanbakhsh M (2002), Regulation of anti-filarial IgE by infection pressure, Parasitology 124.
- Terhell AJ, Wahyuni S, Pryce A, Koot JWM, Abadi K & Yazdanbakhsh M (2002), Anti-filarial and total IgG(4) and IgE antibody levels are correlated in mothers and their offspring, Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 96(3).
- Yazdanbakhsh M, Kremsner PG & van Ree R (2002), Immunology - Allergy, parasites, and the hygiene hypothesis, Science 296(5567).
- de Jong EC, Vieira PL, Kalinski P, Schuitemaker JHN, Tanaka Y, Wierenga EA, Yazdanbakhsh M & Kapsenberg ML (2002), Microbial compounds selectively induce Th1 cell-promoting or Th2 cell-promoting dendritic cells in vitro with diverse Th cell-polarizing signals, Journal of Immunology 168(4).
- Van der Kleij D, Van Remoortere A, Schuitemaker JHN, Kapsenberg ML, Deelder AM, Tielens AGM, Hokke CH & Yazdanbakhsh M (2002), Triggering of innate immune responses by schistosome egg glycolipids and their carbohydrate epitope GalNAc beta 1-4(Fuc alpha 1-2Fuc alpha 1-3)GlcNAc, Journal of Infectious Diseases 185(4).
- van den Biggelaar AHJ, Borrmann S, Kremsner P & Yazdanbakhsh M (2002), Immune responses induced by repeated treatment do not result in protective immunity to Schistosoma haematobium: Interleukin (IL)-5 and IL-10 responses, Journal of Infectious Diseases 186(10).
- van der Kleij D, Latz E, Brouwers JFHM, Kruize YCM, Schmitz M, Kurt-Jones EA, Espevik T, de Jong EC, Kapsenberg ML, Golenbock DT, Tielens AGM & Yazdanbakhsh M (2002), A novel host-parasite lipid cross-talk - Schistosomal lyso-phosphatidylserine activates Toll-like receptor 2 and affects immune polarization, Journal of Biological Chemistry 277(50).
- Yazdanbakhsh M, van den Biggelaar A & Maizels RM (2001), Th2 responses without atopy: immunoregulation in chronic helminth infections and reduced allergic disease, Trends in Immunology 22(7).
- Devaney E & Yazdanbakhsh M (2001), Prospects and challenges in lymphatic filariasis, Parasite Immunology 23(7): 323-325.
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- Terhell AJ, Haarbrink M, Abadi K, , Maizels RM, Yazdanbakhsh M & Sartono E (2001), Adults acquire filarial infection more rapidly than children: a study in Indonesian transmigrants, Parasitology 122.
- Van Den Biggelaar AHJ, Van Ree R, Rodrigues LC, Van der Zee JS, Deelder AM, Kremsner PG & Yazdanbakhsh M (2001), An alternative interpretation of the hygiene hypothesis, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 107(2): S87S87.
- Yazdanbakhsh M & Rodrigues LC (2001), Allergy and the hygiene hypothesis: The Th1/Th2 counterregulation can not provide an explanation, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 113(23-24).
- Lell B, Borrmann S, Yazdanbakhsh M & Kremsner PG (2001), Atopy and malaria, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 113(23-24).
- Cross HF, Haarbrink M, Egerton G, Yazdanbakhsh M & Taylor MJ (2001), Severe reactions to filarial chemotherapy and release of Wolbachia endosymbionts into blood, Lancet 358(9296).
- van den Biggelaar AHJ, Lopuhaa C, van Ree R, van der Zee JS, Jans J, Hoek A, Migombet B, Borrmann S, Luckner D, Kremsner PG & Yazdanbakhsh M (2001), The prevalence of parasite infestation and house dust mite sensitization in Gabonese schoolchildren, International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 126(3).
- Zang XX, Atmadja AK, Gray P, Allen JE, Gray CA, Lawrence RA, Yazdanbakhsh M & Maizels RM (2000), The serpin secreted by Brugia malayi microfilariae, Bm-SPN-2, elicits strong, but short-lived, immune responses in mice and humans, Journal of Immunology 165(9).
- van den Biggelaar AHJ, van Ree R, Rodrigues LC, Lell B, Deelder AM, Kremsner PG & Yazdanbakhsh M (2000), Decreased atopy in children infected with Schistosoma haematobium: a role for parasite-induced interleukin-10, Lancet 356(9243).
- Terhell AJ, Houwing-Duistermaat JJ, Ruiterman Y, Haarbrink M, Abadi K & Yazdanbakhsh M (2000), Clustering of Brugia malayi infection in a community in South-Sulawesi, Indonesia.
- Terhell AJ, Price R, Koot JWM, Abadi K & Yazdanbakhsh M (2000), The development of specific IgG4 and IgE in a paediatric population is influenced by filarial endemicity and gender, Parasitology 121.
- Haarbrink M, Abadi GK, Buurman WA, Dentener MA, Terhell AJ & Yazdanbakhsh M (2000), Strong association of interleukin-6 and lipopolysaccharide-binding protein with severity of adverse reactions after diethylcarbamazine treatment of microfilaremic patients.
- van den Biggelaar AHJ, Grogan JL, Filie Y, Jordens R, Kremsner PG, Koning F & Yazdanbakhsh M (2000), Chronic schistosomiasis: Dendritic cells generated from patients can overcome antigen-specific T cell hyporesponsiveness.
- Haarbrink M, Terhell AJ, Abadi GK, Mitsui Y & Yazdanbakhsh M (1999), Inflammatory cytokines following diethylcarbamazine (DEC) treatment of different clinical groups in lymphatic filariasis.