Malte Riemann
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. M. Riemann
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 8206
- 0000-0003-2912-0826

Universitair docent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- War, Peace and Justice
- Riemann M. (2025), Mercenaries and neomedievalism: From history to historicity. In: Cusumano E., Kinsey C. & Parr R. (red.). Routledge Private Security Studies: Routledge.
- Rossi N. & Riemann M. (red.) (2024), Security Studies: An Applied Introduction. New York: SAGE.
- Rossi N. & Riemann M. (2024), Introducing Security Studies: An Applied Introduction. . In: Rossi N. & Riemann M. (red.), Security Studies: An Applied Introduction: SAGE.
- Riemann Malte (2024), The mercenary concepts conditions of possibility: effeminacy, modernity and the international, European Journal of International Relations : .
- Riemann M. & Löfflmann G. (red.) (2023), Deutschlands Verteidigungspolitik: Kohlhammer .
- Riemann Malte (2023), Studying Problematizations: The Value of Carol Bacchi’s ‘What’s the Problem Represented to be?’ (WPR) Methodology for IR, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political 48: 151-169.
- Riemann M. & Reinsberg B. (2023), SCGA Insight: Towards A Feminist Foreign Policy For Scotland. Glasgow: Scottish Council on Global Affairs.
- Riemann M. (2023), A Violent Cure? Problematizing the Cure Violence initiative. In: Ellis A. & Marques O. (red.), THUG Criminology: An Introduction. Toronto : Toronto University Press.
- Riemann M. & Löfflmann G. (2023), Einleitung. In: Riemann M. & Löfflmann G. (red.), Deutschlands Verteidigungspolitik:: Nationale Sicherheit nach der Zeitenwende: Kohlhammer Verlag.
- Riemann M. & Löfflmann G. (2023), Quo Vadis Zeitenwende: Wind of Change oder Heiße Luft?. In: Riemann M. & Löfflmann G. (red.), Deutschlands Verteidigungspolitik: Nationale Sicherheit nach der Zeitenwende.
- Riemann Malte Rossi Norma (2022), From subject to project: crisis and the transformation of subjectivity in the armed forces, Globalizations : .
- Riemann M (2022), Mercenaries in/and history: the problem of ahistoricism and contextualism in mercenary scholarship, Small Wars {&} Insurgencies : 1--26.
- Riemann M. (2022), Pandemics, Popular Culture and Problem-Based Gaming: Teaching state responses to disease control the ‘Undead Way’. In: Varin C & Hirani C. (red.), Games-Based Teaching in Higher Education. London: Routldge.
- Riemann Malte & Rossi Norma (2021), Outsourcing Death, Sacrifice and Remembrance: The Socio-Political Effects of Remote Warfare.
- Riemann M Rossi N (2021), Remote warfare as “security of being”: reading security force assistance as an ontological security routine, Defence Studies 21(4): 489--507.
- No authors listed (red.) (2021), Violent Non-State Actors in Modern Conflict.
- Rossi N. & Riemann M. (1 januari 2021), Decolonizing Professional Military Education: It is Time for a Strategy. WavellRoom. [blog].
- Riemann M. & Rossi N. 20 juli 2021, Special Forces, private military security contractors and remembrance. WarPod 7. SaferWorld [podcast].
- Riemann M Rossi N (2021), Conclusion: Violent Nonstate Actors – Silences, Binaries, Multiplication of Sovereignties?. In: , Violent Non-State Actors in Modern Conflict nr. 2: Howgate Publishing.
- Riemann M (2020), Der Krieg im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag .
- No authors listed (red.) (2020), Fragile and Failing States: Challenges and Responses.
- Riemann M Rossi N (2020), The Perils of Medicalizing Conflict Resolution, 32(3): 384--391.
- No authors listed (2020), “As Old as War Itself”? Historicizing the Universal Mercenary, : .
- Riemann M. & Rossi N. (2019), War Amongst the People: Critical Assessments. [overig].
- Rossi N. & Riemann M., War, the People, and Politics. Small Wars Journal. [blog].
- RIemann M., The costs of treating urban violence as a ‘public health’ problem. Discover Society. [blog].
- Riemann M. & et. al. 27 maart 2019, BISA Event Podcast: The Cost and Consequences of Remote Warfare. Oxford Research Group [podcast].
- Riemann M., The costs of treating urban violence as a ‘public health’ problem. Discover Society. [blog].
- Riemann M (2018), Problematizing the medicalization of violence: a critical discourse analysis of the ‘Cure Violence’ initiative, Critical Public Health : 1--10.
- Riemann M. 15 september 2015, Starship Troopers and Civil-Military Relations’. Social Science Talks Science Fiction 9 [podcast].
- Riemann M., An analysis of changing perceptions towards “fighters who work for pay". Portal Militärgeschichte. [blog].
- Riemann M. (2011) Andre Colás & Brian Mabee (eds.): “Mercenaries, Pirates, Bandits and Empire: Private Violence in Historical Context." . Bespreking van: Andre Colás & Brian Mabee , Mercenaries, Pirates, Bandits and Empire: Private Violence in Historical Context. The RUSI Journal 156(2): 112-113.