Maarten Vermeer
Hoogleraar Klinische Dermatologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. M.H. Vermeer
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 1952
- 0000-0002-5872-4613
Maarten Vermeer is afdelingshoofd van de afdeling Huidziekten van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Hij ontving een Klinisch Fellowship en een Vidi van NWO en coördineert translational research van de EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Working Group en het Cutaneous Lymphoma International Consortium.
Meer informatie over Maarten Vermeer
Maarten Vermeer is afdelingshoofd van de afdeling Huidziekten van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Hij ontving een Klinisch Fellowship en een Vidi van NWO en coördineert translational research van de EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Working Group en het Cutaneous Lymphoma International Consortium.
Klinische dermatologie
Huidziekten is een divers en fascinerend vakgebied door de grote variatie aan patiënten en soorten ziekteprocessen waaronder: ontstekingsziekten, infecties en huidkanker. Het fascineert mij dat zorgvuldig nakijken van de huid in combinatie met onderzoek onder de microscoop inzicht kan geven in de ziekteprocessen in de huid en aanknopingspunten kan geven voor een betere behandeling.
Binnen de leerstoel klinische dermatologie heeft Vermeer als specifiek aandachtsgebied de diagnostiek en behandeling van patiënten met een weinig voorkomende vorm van huidkanker, namelijk huidlymfomen. Verschillende typen huidlymfoom verschillen onderling sterk in klinische presentatie, uitgebreidheid en ernst van de ziekte en daarmee de meest optimale therapie. Met name bij late stadia van de ziekte kan de kwaliteit van leven sterk afnemen. Het contact met patiënten inspireert Vermeer bij het vinden van een optimale behandeling en bij het doen van wetenschappelijk onderzoek gericht op het verbeteren van de zorg voor deze patiënten.
Deze onderzoekslijn sluit aan bij de volgende vragen van de Nederlandse Wetenschaps Agenda:
Q077. Wat dragen niet-genetische factoren bij aan persoonlijke kenmerken en ziekteprocessen?
Q081. Hoe zal kennis van genetica een rol spelen bij het analyseren, screenen en behandelen van ziekten?
Q085. Elke tumor is anders, dus hoe kunnen we kanker goed leren begrijpen om een behandeling te ontwikkelen voor elk type ??
Q095. Hoe kunnen we de gezondheidszorg personaliseren, bijvoorbeeld door biomarkers te gebruiken?
Q098. Hoe kunnen we doorbraken in fundamenteel biomedisch onderzoek gebruiken om nieuwe medicijnen te ontwikkelen?
Het onderzoek van Vermeer wordt uitgevoerd binnen de onderzoekslijn Dermato-oncologie welke is ingebed in het thema Cancer Pathogenesis and Treatment.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Maarten H. Vermeer heeft zijn opleiding Geneeskunde gevolgd aan de Universiteit van Leiden. De opleiding tot huidarts aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam werd gecombineerd met wetenschappelijk onderzoek en in 2002 promoveerde hij op het proefschrift ‘Mechanistic aspects of tumor progressionin primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma’. Hij werd in mei 2013 benoemd tot hoogleraar Dermatologie van het Leids Universiteit Medisch Centrum. De titel van zijn oratie is ‘Klinische dermatologie. Van beschrijving, naar begrip en behandeling’.
Al meer dan 25 jaar doet Vermeer onderzoek naar de pathogenese en behandeling van cutane lymfomen. Hij heeft ruim 150 wetenschappelijke publicaties op zijn naam staan. Hij bekleedde een aantal nationale en internationale functies bij wetenschappelijke en professionele organisaties.
In het verleden was hij lid voorzitter van het bestuur van de International Society of Cutaneous Lymphoma (ISCL) en lid van het bestuur van de European Society of Dermatological Research (ESDR), de EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Working Group, voorzitter van de commissie nascholing van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Dermatologie en Venereologie en de lid van bestuur van de Stichting Nederlandstalige Nascholing Dermatologie en Venereologie. Daarnaast was hij organisator van het ESDR congres in Rotterdam (2014), het ISCL-congres in New York (2016) en het EORTC congres voor huidlymfomen in Leiden (2023). In 2016 werd hij benoemd tot hoofd van de afdeling Huidziekten en sinds 2020 is hij ook lid van het bestuur van Divisie 3 van het LUMC.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Hij ontving de prijs van de Stichting Hippocrates Studiefonds (1991) en de Marie Parijs-prijs (2006) en de 'Leadership Award' van de ISCL (2016).
Hoogleraar Klinische Dermatologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Huidziekten
- Slieker, R.C.; Warmerdam, D.O.; Vermeer, M.H.; Doorn, R. van; Heemskerk, M.H.M. & Scheeren, F.A. (2024), Reassessing human MHC-I genetic diversity in T cell studies, Scientific Reports 14(1).
- Doeleman, T.; Hondelink, L.M.; Vermeer, M.H.; Dijk, M.R. van & Schrader, A.M.R. (2023), Artificial intelligence in digital pathology of cutaneous lymphomas: A review of the current state and future perspectives, Seminars in Cancer Biology 94: 81-88.
- Hodak, E.; Geskin, L.; Guenova, E.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Willemze, R.; Zheng, J.; Cowan, R.; Foss, F.; Mangas, C. & Querfeld, C. (2023), Real-life barriers to diagnosis of early mycosis fungoides, American Journal of Clinical Dermatology 24(3): 493-493.
- Pagano, L.; Zinzani, P.L.; Pileri, S.; Quaglino, P.; Cuglievan, B.; Berti, E.; Pemmaraju, N.; Onida, F.; Willemze, R.; Orfao, A. & Barosi, G. (2023), Unmet clinical needs and management recommendations for blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm, HemaSphere 7(3).
- Wind, S.; Rijneveld, R.; Grievink, H.; Mergen, C.; Quint, K.; Vermeer, M. & Rissmann, R. (2023), Interstitial fluid immunophenotyping of early-stage mycosis fungoides patients after chlormethine treatment, European Journal of Cancer 190: S3-S3.
- Gosmann, J.; Stadler, R.; Quint, K.D.; Gutzmer, R. & Vermeer, M.H. (2023), Use of pegylated interferon alpha-2a in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 103.
- Luo, Y.X.; Vermeer, M.H.; Haan, S. de; Kinderman, P.; Gruijl, F.R. de; Hall, T. van & Tensen, C.P. (2023), Socs1-knockout in skin-resident CD4+ T cells in a protracted contact-allergic reaction results in an autonomous skin inflammation with features of early-stage mycosis fungoides, BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS REPORTS 35.
- Quaglino, P.; Scarisbrick, J.; Roccuzzo, G.; Abeldano, A.; Battistella, M.; McCormack, C.; Cowan, R.; Cozzio, A.; Cury-Martins, J.; Enz, P.; Geskin, L.; Guenova, E.; Kim, Y.H.; Knobler, R.; Litvinov, I.V.; Miyagaki, T.; Molgo, M.; Nicolay, J.; Papadavid, E.; Pinter-Brown, L.; Vallverdu, R.P.; Querfeld, C.; Ortiz-Romero, P.; Stadler, R.; Vermeer, M.H.; Bagot, M. & Hodak, E. (2023), Identifying unmet needs and challenges in the definition of a plaque in mycosis fungoides, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 37(4): 680-688.
- Wu, S.D.; Huisman, B.W.; Rietveld, M.H.; Rissmann, R.; Vermeer, M.H.; Poelgeest, M.I.E. van & Ghalbzouri, A. el (2023), The development of in vitro organotypic 3D vulvar models to study tumor-stroma interaction and drug efficacy, Cellular Oncology.
- Najidh, S.; Zoutman, W.H.; Schrader, A.M.R.; Willemze, R.; Tensen, C.P. & Vermeer, M.H. (2023), PD-1 Overexpression in Sezary Syndrome Is Epigenetically Regulated, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 143(12): 2538-+.
Latzka, J.; Assaf, C.; Bagot, M.; Cozzio, A.; Dummer, R.; Guenova, E.; Gniadecki, R.; Hodak, E.; Jonak, C.; Klemke, C.D.; Knobler, R.; Morrris, S.; Nicolay, J.P.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Papadavid, E.; Pimpinelli, N.; Quaglino, P.; Ranki, A.; Scarisbrick, J.; Stadler, R.; Väkevä, L.; Vermeer, M.H.; Wehkamp, U.; Whittaker, S.; Willemze, R. & Trautinger, F. (2023), EORTC consensus recommendations for the treatment of mycosis fungoides/S
ezary syndrome - Update 2023, European Journal of Cancer 195. - Luo, Y.X.; Tensen, K.; Zoutman, W.; Najidh, S.; Quint, K. & Vermeer, M. (2023), SNP rs10748643 within the promoter region of ENTPD1 (the gene encoding CD39) has no prognostic value in Sezary patients, European Journal of Cancer 190: S16-S16.
- Ottevanger, R.; Beugen, S. van; Evers, A.W.M.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H. & Quint, K.D. (2023), Quality of life in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma patients receiving mogamulizumab, Cancers 15(1).
- Paardekooper, L.M.; Fillié-Grijpma, Y.E.; Sluijs-gelling, A.J. van der; Zlei, M.; Doorn, R. van; Vermeer, M.H.; Paunovic, M.; Titulaer, M.J.; Maarel, S.M. van der; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Verschuuren, J.J.; Huijbers, M.G. & T2B Consortium (2023), Autoantibody subclass predominance is not driven by aberrant class switching or impaired B cell development, Clinical Immunology 257.
- Doeleman, T.; Westerbeek, D.W.F.; Jansen, P.M.; Hondelink, L.M.; He, J.; Kers, J.; Vermeer, M.H.; Quint, K.D.; Dijk, M.R. van; Verbeek, F.J. & Schrader, A.M.R. (2022), Artificial intelligence-assisted probability scoring for differentiation of early mycosis fungoides and benign inflammatory dermatoses on H&E stained pathology slides of skin biopsies, European Journal of Cancer 173: S11-S11.
- Zoutman, W.H.; Najidh, S.; Nell, R.J.; Versluis, M.; Velden, P.A. van der; Tensen, C.P. & Vermeer, M.H. (2022), Digital quantitative detection of DNA methylation biomarkers: a helpful tool in the early diagnosis of Sezary syndrome, European Journal of Cancer 173: S7-S8.
- Kwesi-Maliepaard, E.M.; Malik, M.; Welsem, T. van; Doorn, R. van; Vermeer, M.H.; Vlaming, H.; Jacobs, H. & Leeuwen, F. van (2022), DOT1L inhibition does not modify the sensitivity of cutaneous T cell lymphoma to pan-HDAC inhibitors in vitro, Frontiers in Genetics 13.
- Schrader, A.M.R.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Willemze, R.; Jansen, P.M.; Quint, K.D.; Cleven, A.H.G.; Wezel, T. van; Eijk, R. van; Ruano, D.; Veelken, J.H.; Tensen, C.P.; Neelis, K.J.; Daniels, L.A.; Hauben, E.; Woei-A-Jin, F.J.S.H.; Busschots, A.M.; Vermeer, M.H. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2022), Genetic stability of driver alterations in primary cutaneous diffuse large B-Cell lymphoma, leg type and their relapses, Cancers 14(20).
- Wu, S.D.; Rietveld, M.; Hogervorst, M.; Gruijl, F. de; Burg, S. van der; Vermeer, M.; Doorn, R. van; Welters, M. & Ghalbzouri, A. el (2022), Human papillary and reticular fibroblasts show distinct functions on tumor behavior in 3D-organotypic cultures mimicking melanoma and HNSCC, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(19).
- Paardekooper, L.M.; Fillie-Grijpma, Y.E.; Sluijs-Gelling, A.J. van der; Zlei, M.; Doorn, R. van; Vermeer, M.H.; Paunovic, M.; Titulaer, M.J.; Maarel, S.M. van der; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Verschuuren, J.J. & Huijbers, M.G. (2022), IGG4-MEDIATED AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES HAVE A NORMAL B CELL COMPARTMENT, Muscle & Nerve 65: S10-S11.
- Najidh, S.; Sluijs Gelling, A.J. van der; Cozzio, A.; Dobos, G.; Bagot, M.; Beylot-Barry, M.; Guenova, E.; Nicolay, J.; Lima, M.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Papadavid, E.; Pujol, R.; Quaglino, P.; Stadler, R.; Wehkamp, U.; Whittaker, S.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Montero, J.F.; Almeida, J. & Vermeer, M.H. (2022), Immunophenotypic identification and characterization of CTCL tumor cells in blood using standardized flow cytometry: a European multicenter study, European Journal of Cancer 173: S1-S1.
- Luo, Y.X.; Vermeer, M.H.; Gruijl, F.R. de; Zoutman, W.H.; Sluijter, M.; Hall, T. van & Tensen, C.P. (2022), In vivo modelling of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, Frontiers in Oncology 12.
- Ottevanger, R.; Beugen, S. van; Evers, A.W.M.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H. & Quint, K.D. (2022), Itch as a quality of life indicator in patients with cutaneous T cell lymphoma, European Journal of Cancer 173: S39-S39.
- Blanchard, M.; Morren, M.A.; Alberti-Violetti, S.; Berti, E.; Avallone, G.; Tavoletti, G.; Colonna, C.; Melchers, R.; Vermeer, M.H.; Gniadecki, R.; Mitteldorf, C.; Gosmann, J.; Stadler, R.; Hodak, E.; Oren-Shabtai, M.; Hodak, E.; Friedland, R.; Panzone, P.; Quaglino, P.; Geskin, L.J. & Guenova, E. (2022), Lymphomatoid papulosis in pediatric population: preliminary results of a multicenter retrospective cohort study, European Journal of Cancer 173: S10-S11.
- Guo, N.N.; Jia, L.; Out-Luiting, C.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Willemze, R.; Koning, F.; Vermeer, M. & Quint, K. (2022), Mass cytometric analysis of early-stage mycosis fungoides, Cells 11(7).
- Olsen, E.A.; Whittaker, S.; Willemze, R.; Pinter-Brown, L.; Foss, F.; Geskin, L.; Schwartz, L.; Horwitz, S.; Guitart, J.; Zic, J.; Kim, Y.H.; Wood, G.S.; Duvic, M.; Ai, W.; Girardi, M.; Gru, A.; Guenova, E.; Hodak, E.; Hoppe, R.; Kempf, W.; Kim, E.; Lechowicz, M.J.; Ortiz-Romero, P.; Papadavid, E.; Quaglino, P.; Pittelkow, M.; Prince, H.M.; Sanches, J.A.; Sugaya, M.; Vermeer, M.; Zain, J.; Knobler, R.; Stadler, R.; Bagot, M. & Scarisbrick, J. (2022), Primary cutaneous lymphoma: recommendations for clinical trial design and staging update from the ISCL, USCLC, and EORTC, Blood 140(5): 419-437.
- Kim, Y.; Bagot, M.; Zinzani, P.L.; Morris, S.; Ortiz-Romero, P.; Magnolo, N.; Scarisbrick, J.; Dalle, S.; Quaglino, P.; Dreno, B.; Beylot-Barry, M.; Caballero, D.; Cowan, R.; Dummer, R.; Iversen, L.; Vermeer, M. & Nicolay, J. (2022), SAFETY OF MOGAMULIZUMAB IN MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES AND SEZARY SYNDROME: FINAL RESULTS FROM THE PHASE 3 MAVORIC STUDY, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 102: 40-41.
- Nguyen, A.L.; Kezic, S.; Vermeer, M.; Quint, K.; Slieker, R.; Doorn, R. van & Rustemeyer, T. (2022), Stratum corneum cytokine levels in mycosis fungoides, Experimental Dermatology 32(2).
- Gerlach, M.; Schmitt, S.; Cyprys, P.; Kasper, M.A.; Mai, I.; Vermeer, M.H.; Horwitz, S.M.; Fingerle-Rowson, G.; Vogl, A.; Schumacher, D. & Helma-Smets, J. (2022), TUB-010, a novel antibody drug conjugate with reduced nonspecific toxicity profile based on Tub-tag technology widens the therapeutic window of targeting CD30, European Journal of Cancer 173: S27-S27.
- Wind, S.S.; Rijneveld, R.; Grievink, W.; Kolk, T. van der; Schaik, M. van; Quint, K.D.; Strooper, L. de; Eifler, S.; Tilola, S.O.; Stimamiglio, V.; Alonzi, A.; Vermeer, M.H. & Rissmann, R. (2022), Unraveling tumor micro-environment by cellular and proteome analyses of suction blister fluid of early-stage mycosis fungoides lesions compared to non-lesional skin over time on chlormethine gel treatment using flow cytometry, European Journal of Cancer 173: S29-S29.
- Torres, A.N.B.; Cats, D.; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Fanoni, D.; Mei, H.L.; Venegoni, L.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H.; Berti, E. & Tensen, C.P. (2022), Deregulation of JAK2 signaling underlies primary cutaneous CD8(+) aggressive epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma, Haematologica 107(3): 702-714.
- Vermeer, M.H.; Moins-Teisserenc, H.; Bagot, M.; Quaglino, P. & Whittaker, S. (2022), Flow cytometry for the assessment of blood tumour burden in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: towards a standardized approach, British Journal of Dermatology 187(1): 21-28.
- Wind, S.S.; Jansen, M.A.A.; Rijsbergen, M.; Esdonk, M.J. van; Ziagkos, D.; Cheng, W.C.; Niemeyer-van der Kolk, T.; Korsten, J.; Gruszka, A.; Schmitz-Rohmer, D.; Bonnel, D.; Legouffe, R.; Barre, F.; Bekkenk, M.W.; Haas, E.R.M. de; Quint, K.D.; Rolli, M.; Streefkerk, H.J.; Burggraaf, J.; Vermeer, M.H. & Rissmann, R. (2022), Topical bimiralisib shows meaningful cutaneous drug levels in healthy volunteers and mycosis fungoides patients but no clinical activity in a first-in-human, randomized controlled trial, Cancers 14(6).
- Smits, K.; Quint, K.D.; Vermeer, M.H.; Daniels, L.A.; Willemze, R.; Jansen, P.M.; Jansen, W.P.A. & Neelis, K.J. (2022), Total skin electron beam therapy for cutaneous T-cell lymphomas in the Netherlands, Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 33: 77-82.
- Santen, S. van; Zoutman, W.H.; Masson, A. de; Quint, K.D.; Willemze, R.; Gerard, N.; Teague, J.E.; Kupper, T.S.; Clark, R.A.; Tensen, C.P. & Vermeer, M.H. (2022), Tumor Clone Frequency Calculation Using High-Throughput Sequencing of the TCR beta Gene in Patients with Folliculotropic Mycosis Fungoides.
- Tensen, C.P.; Quint, K.D. & Vermeer, M.H. (2022), Genetic and epigenetic insights into cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, Blood 139(1): 15-33.
- Torres, A.N.B.; Melchers, R.C.; Grieken, L. van; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Mei, H.L.; Agaser, C.; Kuipers, T.B.; Quint, K.D.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H. & Tensen, C.P. (2022), Whole-genome profiling of primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma, Haematologica 107(7): 1619-1632.
- Musiek, A.C.M.; Rieger, K.E.; Bagot, M.; Choi, J.N.; Fisher, D.C.; Guitart, J.; Haun, P.L.; Horwitz, S.M.; Huen, A.O.L.; Kwong, B.Y.; Lacouture, M.E.; Noor, S.J.; Rook, A.H.; Seminario-Vidal, L.; Vermeer, M.H. & Kim, Y.H. (2022), Dermatologic events associated with the anti-CCR4 antibody mogamulizumab: characterization and management, Dermatology and Therapy 12(1): 29-40.
- Schrader, A.M.R.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Willemze, R.; Jansen, P.M.; Quint, K.D.; Wezel, T. van; Eijk, R. van; Ruano, D.; Tensen, C.P.; Hauben, E.; Woei-A-Jin, F.J.S.H.; Busschots, A.M.; Berg, A. van den; Diepstra, A.; Vermeer, M.H. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2022), Cell-of-origin classification using the Hans and Lymph2Cx algorithms in primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphomas, Virchows Archiv 480.
- Paardekooper, L.M.; Fillié-Grijpma, Y.E.; Sluijs-Gelling, A.J. van der; Zlei, M.; Doorn, R. van; Vermeer, M.H.; Paunovic, M.; Titulaer, M.J.; Maarel, S.M. van der; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Verschuuren, J.J. & Huijbers, M.G. (2022), IGG4-MEDIATED AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES HAVE A NORMAL B CELL COMPARTMENT, Muscle & Nerve 65: S10-S11.
- Quaglino, P.; Prince, H.M.; Cowan, R.; Vermeer, M.; Papadavid, E.; Bagot, M.; Servitjie, O.; Berti, E.; Guenova, E.; Stadler, R.; Querfeld, C.; Busschots, A.M.; Hodak, E.; Patsatsi, A.; Sanches, J.; Maule, M.; Yoo, J.; Kevin, M.; Fava, P.; Ribero, S.; Zocchi, L.; Rubatto, M.; Fierro, M.T.; Wehkamp, U.; Marshalko, M.; Mitteldorf, C.; Akilov, O.; Ortiz-Romero, P.; Estrach, T.; Vakeva, L.; Enz, P.A.; Wobser, M.; Bayne, M.; Jonak, C.; Rubeta, M.; Forbes, A.; Bates, A.; Battistella, M.; Amel-Kashipaz, R.; Vydianath, B.; Combalia, A.; Georgiou, E.; Hauben, E.; Hong, E.K.; Jost, M.; Knobler, R.; Amitay-Laish, I.; Miyashiro, D.; Cury-Martins, J.; Martinez, X.; Muniesa, C.; Prag-Naveh, H.; Stratigos, A.; Nikolaou, V.; Quint, K.; Ram-Wolff, C.; Rieger, K.; Stranzenbach, R.; Szepesi, A.; Alberti-Violetti, S.; Felicity, E.; Cerroni, L.; Kempf, W.; Whittaker, S.; Willemze, R.; Kim, Y. & Scarisbrick, J.J. (2021), Treatment of early-stage mycosis fungoides: results from the PROspective Cutaneous Lymphoma International Prognostic Index (PROCLIPI) study, British Journal of Dermatology 184(4): 722-730.
- Hodak, E.; Sherman, S.; Papadavid, E.; Bagot, M.; Querfeld, C.; Quaglino, P.; Prince, H.M.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Stadler, R.; Knobler, R.; Guenova, E.; Estrach, T.; Patsatsi, A.; Leshem, Y.A.; Prague-Naveh, H.; Berti, E.; Alberti-Violetti, S.; Cowan, R.; Jonak, C.; Nikolaou, V.; Mitteldorf, C.; Akilov, O.; Geskin, L.; Matin, R.; Beylot-Barry, M.; Vakeva, L.; Sanches, J.A.; Servitje, O.; Weatherhead, S.; Wobser, M.; Yoo, J.; Bayne, M.; Bates, A.; Dunnill, G.; Marschalko, M.; Buschots, A.M.; Wehkamp, U.; Evison, F.; Hong, E.; Amitay-Laish, I.; Stranzenbach, R.; Vermeer, M.; Willemze, R.; Kempf, W.; Cerroni, L.; Whittaker, S.; Kim, Y.H.; Scarisbrick, J.J. & Cutaneous Lymphoma Int Consortium (2021), Should we be imaging lymph nodes at initial diagnosis of early-stage mycosis fungoides? Results from the PROspective Cutaneous Lymphoma International Prognostic Index (PROCLIPI) international study, British Journal of Dermatology 184(3): 524-531.
- Quaglino, P.; Fava, P.; Pileri, A.; Grandi, V.; Sanlorenzo, M.; Panasiti, V.; Guglielmo, A.; Alberti-Violetti, S.; Novelli, M.; Astrua, C.; Rubatto, M.; Tonella, L.; Berti, E.; Pimpinelli, N.; Abate, S.O.; Fierro, M.T.; Vermeer, M.; Scarisbrick, J.J. & Ribero, S. (2021), Phenotypical markers, molecular mutations, and immune microenvironment as targets for new treatments in patients with mycosis fungoides and/or Sézary syndrome, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 141(3): 484-495.
- Ottevanger, R.; Bruin, D. de; Willemze, R.; Jansen, P.; Bekkenk, M.; Haas, E. de; Horvath, B.; Rossum, M. van; Sanders, C.; Veraart, J.; Vermeer, M. & Quint, K. (2021), Incidence of mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome in the Netherlands in the last two decades, European Journal of Cancer 156: S32-S32.
- Torres, A.N.B.; Mei, H.; Bert, E.; Vermeer, M. & Tensen, C.P. (2021), High resolution integrated genomic analyses of distinct clinical entities within cutaneous T-cell lymphomas, European Journal of Cancer 156: S42-S43.
- Vermeer, M. (2021), Epidemiology of cutaneous lymphoma, British Journal of Dermatology 184(6): 993-994.
- Ottevanger, R.; Beugen, S. van; Evers, A.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M. & Quint, K. (2021), Quality of life in patients with mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome: a review of the literature, European Journal of Cancer 156: S65-S65.
- Quaglino, P.; Ortiz-Romero, P.; Bagot, M.; Cozzio, A.; Evison, F.; Geskin, L.; Guenova, E.; Hodak, E.; Horwitz, S.; Papadavid, E.; Porcu, P.; Prince, M.; Stadler, R.; Vermeer, M.; Willemze, R.; Zinzani, P.; Whittaker, S.; Cowan, R.; Kim, Y.J. & Scarisbrick, J.J. (2021), Time-to-next-treatment and time-to-next-systemic treatment in patients included in the PROCLIPI registry, European Journal of Cancer 156: S28-S28.
- Suzanne van Santen, Willem H. Zoutman, Adèle de Masson, Koen D. Quint, Rein Willemze, Nega Gerard, Jessica E. Teague, Thomas S. Kupper, Rachael A. Clark, Cornelis P. Tensen & Maarten H. Vermeer (2021), Tumor clone frequency calculation using high throughput sequencing of the T-cell receptor β gene in folliculotropic mycosis fungoides patients, Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
- Santen, S. van; Out, J.J.; Zoutman, W.H.; Quint, K.D.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H. & Tensen, C.P. (2021), Serum and cutaneous transcriptional expression levels of IL31 are minimal in cutaneous T cell lymphoma variants, BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS REPORTS 26.
- Paardekooper, L.M.; Grijpma, Y.E.F.; Gelling, A.J.V.; Zlei, M.; Doorn, R. van; Vermeer, M.H.; Maarel, S.M. van der; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Verschuuren, J.J. & Huijbers, M.G. (2021), IgG4-mediated autoimmune diseases have a normal (IgG4) B cell compartment, European Journal of Immunology 51: 287-287.
- Dummer, R.; Vermeer, M.H.; Scarisbrick, J.J.; Kim, Y.H.; Stonesifer, C.; Tensen, C.P.; Ceskin, L.J.; Quaglino, P. & Ramelyte, E. (2021), Cutaneous T cell lymphoma, Nature Reviews Disease Primers 7(1).
- Vermeer, M.H.; Nicolay, J.P.; Scarisbrick, J.J. & Zinzani, P.L. (2021), The importance of assessing blood tumour burden in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, British Journal of Dermatology 185(1): 19-25.
- Ottevanger, R.; Beugen, S.; Evers, A.W.M.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H. & Quint, K.D. (2021), Quality of life in patients with Mycosis Fungoides and Sezary Syndrome: a systematic review of the literature, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 35(12): 2377-2387.
- Kempf, W.; Mitteldorf, C.; Battistella, M.; Willemze, R.; Cerroni, L.; Santucci, M.; Geissinger, E.; Jansen, P.; Vermeer, M.H.; Marschalko, M.; Papadavid, E.; Piris, M.A.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Novelli, M.; Paulli, M.; Quaglino, P.; Ranki, A.; Peralto, J.L.R.; Wobser, M.; Auschra, B. & Robson, A. (2021), Primary cutaneous peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified: results of a multicentre European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) cutaneous lymphoma taskforce study on the clinico-pathological and prognostic features, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 35(3): 658-668.
- Ottevanger, R.; deBruin, D.T.; Willemze, R.; Jansen, P.M.; Bekkenk, M.W.; deHaas, E.R.M.; Horvath, B.; vanRossum, M.M.; Sanders, C.J.G.; Veraart, J.C.J.M.; Vermeer, M.H. & Quint, K.D. (2021), Incidence of mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome in the Netherlands between 2000 and 2020.
- Najidh, S.; Tensen, C.P.; Sluijs-Gelling, A.J. van der; Teodosio, C.; Cats, D.; Mei, H.L.; Kuipers, T.B.; Out-Luijting, J.J.; Zoutman, W.H.; Hall, T. van; Orfao, A.; Almeida, J.; Dongen, J.J.M. van & Vermeer, M.H. (2021), Improved Sezary cell detection and novel insights into immunophenotypic and molecular heterogeneity in Sezary syndrome, Blood 138(24): 2539-2554.
- Schrader, A.M.R.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Willemze, R.; Jansen, P.M.; Quint, K.D.; Wezel, T. van; Eijk, R. van; Ruano, D.; Diepstra, A.; Berg, A. van den; Kakiailatu, N.; Vermeer, M.H. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2021), Clues for disease progression at time of diagnosis in patients with primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, European Journal of Cancer 156: S9-S10.
- Musiek, A.C.M.; Whittaker, S.; Horowitz, S.M.; Bagot, M.; Huen, A.; Fisher, D.C.; Haun, P.; Vermeer, M.H.; Ito, T.; Dwyer, K.; Herr, F. & Kim, Y.H. (2021), Characterization and outcomes in patients with mogamulizumab-associated skin reactions in the MAVORIC trial, European Journal of Cancer 156: S46-S46.
- Paardekooper, L.M.; Grijpma, Y.E.F.; Gelling, A.J.V.; Zlei, M.; Doorn, R. van; Vermeer, M.H.; Maarel, S.M. van der; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Verschuuren, J.J. & Huijbers, M.G. (2021), IgG4-mediated autoimmune diseases have a normal (IgG4) B cell compartment, European Journal of Immunology 51: 287-287.
- Habib, S.M. & Vermeer, M.H. (2020), A baby with red plaques on the face and a first-degree heart block: neonatal lupus, The Lancet 396(10260): 1432-1432.
- Papadavid, E.; Scaribrick, J.; Romero, P.O.; Guaglino, P.; Vermeer, M.; Knobler, R.; Stadler, R. & Bagot, M. (2020), Management of primary cutaneous lymphoma patients during COVID-19 pandemic: EORTC CLTF guidelines, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 34(8): 1633-1636.
- Torres, A.N.B.; Cats, D.; Mei, H.L.; Fanoni, D.; Gliozzo, J.; Corti, L.; Paulli, M.; Vermeer, M.H.; Willemze, R.; Berti, E. & Tensen, C.P. (2020), Whole-genome analysis uncovers recurrent IKZF1 inactivation and aberrant cell adhesion in blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 59(5): 295-308.
- Ipenburg, N.A.; Hage, J.A. van der; Newton-Bishop, J.A.; Harland, M.; Kukutsch, N.A.; Helgadottir, H.; Vermeer, M.H.; Nieweg, O.E. & Doorn, R. van (2020), Sentinel node biopsy in cutaneous melanoma patients with germline CDKN2A mutations.
- Melchers, R.C.; Willemze, R.; Vermaat, J.S.P.; Jansen, P.M.; Daniels, L.A.; Putter, H.; Bekkenk, M.W.; Haas, E.R.M. de; Horvath, B.; Rossum, M.M. van; Sanders, C.J.G.; Veraart, J.C.J.M.; Vermeer, M.H. & Quint, K.D. (2020), Outcomes of rare patients with a primary cutaneous CD30(+) lymphoproliferative disorder developing extracutaneous disease.
- Brouwer, I.J.; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Vermeer, M.H. & Tensen, C.P. (2020), Cucurbitacin E and I target the JAK/STAT pathway and induce apoptosis in Sezary cells, BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS REPORTS 24.
- Kuijper, E.C.; French, L.E.; Tensen, C.P.; Vermeer, M.H. & Bavinck, J.N.B. (2020), Clinical and pathogenic aspects of the severe cutaneous adverse reaction epidermal necrolysis (EN), Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 34(9): 1957-1971.
- Melchers, R.C.; Willemze, R.; Loo, M. van de; Doorn, R. van; Jansen, P.M.; Cleven, A.H.G.; Solleveld, N.; Bekkenk, M.W.; Kester, M.S. van; Diercks, G.F.H.; Vermeer, M.H. & Quint, K.D. (2020), Clinical, histologic, and molecular characteristics of anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma, The American Journal of Surgical Pathology 44(6): 776-781.
- Habib, S.M.; Brenninkmeijer, E.E.A.; Vermeer, M.H.; Vries-Bouwstra, J.K. de & Velthuis, P.J. (2020), Botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon, Dermatologic Therapy 33(6).
- Willerslev-Olsen, A.; Buus, T.B.; Nastasi, C.; Blume, E.; Gluud, M.; Bonefeld, C.M.; Geisler, C.; Lindahl, L.M.; Vermeer, M.; Wasik, M.A.; Iversen, L.; Becker, J.C.; Andersen, M.H.; Gjerdrum, L.M.R.; Litvinov, I.V.; Litman, T.; Krejsgaard, T.; Woetmann, A. & Odum, N. (2020), Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins induce FOXP3 in neoplastic T cells in Sezary syndrome, Blood Cancer Journal 10(5).
- Nakagawa, Y.; Hamada, T.; Yamaguchi, M.; Morizane, S.; Iwatsuki, K.; Zoutman, W.H.; Najidh, S.; Quint, K.; Tensen, C.P. & Vermeer, M.H. (2019), Cell adhesion molecule 1 (CADM1) can be a biomarker for Sezary syndrome, European Journal of Cancer 119: S7-S7.
- Melchers, R.C.; Willemze, R.; Loo, M. van de; Jansen, P.M.; Cleven, A.H.G.; Solleveld, N.; Bekkenk, M.W.; Horvath, B.; Vermeer, M.H. & Quint, K.D. (2019), Clinical, histological and molecular characteristics of ALK-positive primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma, European Journal of Cancer 119: S18-S18.
- Guo, N.; Li, N.; Out-Luiting, C.; Quint, K.; Vermeer, M. & Koning, F. (2019), High-dimensional analysis of the immune system in mycosis fungoides, European Journal of Immunology 49: 1990-1991.
- Bagot, M.; Porcu, P.; Marie-Cardine, A.; Battistella, M.; William, B.M.; Vermeer, M.; Whittaker, S.; Rotolo, F.; Ram-Wolff, C.; Khodadoust, M.S.; Bensussan, A.; Paturel, C.; Bonnafous, C.; Sicard, H.; Azim, H.A. & Kim, Y.H. (2019), IPH4102, a first-in-class anti-KIR3DL2 monoclonal antibody, in patients with relapsed or refractory cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, The Lancet Oncology 20(8): 1160-1170.
- Schrader, A.M.R.; Groen, R.A.L. de; Willemze, R.; Jansen, P.M.; Quint, K.D.; Cleven, A.H.G.; Wezel, T. van; Eijk, R. van; Ruano, D.; Tensen, C.P.; Hauben, E.; Woei-A-Jin, S.; Busschots, A.M.; Vermeer, M.H. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2019), Molecular analysis of primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type at diagnosis and relapse, European Journal of Cancer 119: S8-S9.
- Wehkamp, U.; Whittaker, S.; Servitje, O.; Berti, E.; Querfeld, C.; Bagot, M.; Stadler, R.; Stranzenbach, R.; Marschalko, M.; Busschots, A.M.; Jost, M.; Sanches, J.; Ortiz-Romero, P.; Estrach, T.; Vakeva, L.; Jonak, C.; Akilov, O.; Hodak, E.; Mitteldorf, C.; Bates, A.; Beylot-Barry, M.; Cowan, R.; Pujol, R.; Matin, R.; Papadavid, E.; Quaglino, P.; Vermeer, M.; Kempf, W.; Kim, Y.; Scarisbrick, J. & PROCLIPI Investigators (2019), T-cell receptor rearrangements in the skin and blood of patients in the PROCLIPI study: detection of clonal rearrangements in the skin (and blood) correlates with the B-class of MF and SS patients, European Journal of Cancer 119: S25-S25.
- Sokol, L.; Kim, Y.H.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Pro, B.; Scarisbrick, J.; Musiek, A.; Vermeer, M.; Dummer, R.; Halwani, A.; Fierro, M.T.; Moriya, J.; Leoni, M. & Bagot, M. (2019), Time to Next Treatment in Patients with Previously Treated Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL) Receiving Mogamulizumab or Vorinostat: A MAVORIC Post-Hoc Analysis, Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia 19: S361-S361.
- Pro, B.; Kim, Y.H.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Sokol, L.; Scarisbrick, J.; Musiek, A.; Vermeer, M.; Dummer, R.; Halwani, A.S.; Fierro, M.T.; Moriya, J.; Leoni, M. & Bagot, M. (2019), Time to next treatment in patients with previously treated cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) receiving mogamulizumab or vorinostat: A MAVORIC post-hoc analysis., Journal of Clinical Oncology 37(15).
- Melchers, R.C.; Willemze, R.; Daniels, L.A.D.; Vermaat, J.S.P.; Bekkenk, M.W.; Horvath, B.; Rossum, M.M. van; Sanders, C.J.G.; Veraart, J.C.J.M.; Vermeer, M.H. & Quint, K.D. (2019), Treatment of rare patients with a primary cutaneous CD30(+) lymphoproliferation developing extracutaneous disease: a retrospective study of 43 patients, European Journal of Cancer 119: S28-S29.
- Najidh, S.; Zoutman, W.H.; Tensen, C.P. & Vermeer, M.H. (2019), PD-1 overexpression in Sezary syndrome is epigenetically regulated, European Journal of Cancer 119: S2-S2.
- Deenen, N.J.; Koens, L.; Jaspars, E.H.; Vermeer, M.H.; Willemze, R.; Rie, M.A. de & Bekkenk, M.W. (2019), Pitfalls in diagnosing primary cutaneous aggressive epidermotropic CD8(+) T-cell lymphoma, British Journal of Dermatology 180(2): 411-412.
- Vermeer, M.H. (2019), Antibiotics can improve CTCL, Blood 134(13): 1000-1001.
- Melchers, R.C.; Willemze, R.; Bekkenk, M.W.; Haas, E.R.M. de; Horvath, B.; Rossum, M.M. van; Sanders, C.J.G.; Veraart, J.C.J.M.; Putter, H.; Jansen, P.M.; Vermeer, M.H. & Quint, K.D. (2019), Frequency and prognosis of associated malignancies in 504 patients with lymphomatoid papulosis, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.
- Melchers, R.C.; Willemze, R.; Jansen, P.M.; Vermaat, J.S.P.; Vermeer, M.H. & Quint, K.D. (2019), Generalized Molluscum Contagiosum Successfully Treated with Interferon-Alpha in a Patient with Folliculotropic Mycosis Fungoides, Case Reports in Dermatology 11(1): 52-56.
- Santen, S. van; Jansen, P.M.; Quint, K.D.; Vermeer, M.H. & Willemze, R. (2019), Plaque stage folliculotropic mycosis fungoides: histopathologic features and prognostic factors in a series of 40 patients, Journal of Cutaneous Pathology.
- Loeff, F.C.; Rijs, K.; Egmond, E.H.M. van; Zoutman, W.H.; Qiao, X.H.; Kroes, W.G.M.; Veld, S.A.J.; Griffioen, M.; Vermeer, M.H.; Neefjes, J.; Falkenburg, J.H.F.; Halkes, C.J.M. & Jedema, I. (2019), Loss of the GPI-anchor in B-lymphoblastic leukemia by epigenetic downregulation of PIGH expression, American Journal of Hematology 94(1): 93-102.
- Koning, M.T.; Quinten, E.; Zoutman, W.H.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Mei, H.L.; Bergen, C.A.M. van; Jansen, P.; Vergroesen, R.D.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H.; Tensen, C.P. & Veelken, H. (2019), Acquired N-Linked Glycosylation Motifs in B-Cell Receptors of Primary Cutaneous B-Cell Lymphoma and the Normal B-Cell Repertoire, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 139(10): 2195-2203.
- Santen, S. van; Jansen, P.M.; Vermeer, M.H. & Willemze, R. (2018), Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides presenting with a solitary lesion: Clinicopathological features and long-term follow-up data in a series of 9 cases, Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 45(2): 122-128.
- Santen, S. van; Vermeer, M.H. & Willemze, R. (2018), Classification and recommended treatment options for folliculotropic mycosis fungoides, Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs 6(1): 35-45.
- Torres, A.N.B.; Najidh, S.; Tensen, C.P. & Vermeer, M.H. (2018), Molecular advances in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 37(1): 81-85.
- Scarisbrick, J.J.; Hodak, E.; Bagot, M.; Stranzenbach, R.; Stadler, R.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Papadavid, E.; Knobler, R.; Quaglino, P. & Vermeer, M. (2018), Developments in the understanding of blood involvement and stage in mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome, European Journal of Cancer 101: 278-280.
- Melchers Rutger, Willemze Rein, Quint Koen, Vermeer Maarten, Bekkenk Marcel, de Haas Ellen, Horvath Barbara, van Rossum Michelle, Sanders Cornelus & Veraart Joep (2018), Frequency of associated haematologic malignancies in lymphomatoid papulosis: A preliminary report of 505 patients from the Dutch Cutaneous Lymphoma Group, European Journal of Cancer 101: S6-S6.
- Scarisbrick, J.J.; Hodak, E.; Bagot, M.; Stranzenbach, R.; Stadler, R.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Papadavid, E.; Evison, F.; Knobler, R.; Quaglino, P. & Vermeer, M.H. (2018), Blood classification and blood response criteria in mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome using flow cytometry: recommendations from the EORTC cutaneous lymphoma task force, European Journal of Cancer 93: 47-56.
- Torres Armando Bastidas, Cats Davy, Mei Hailiang, Szuhai Karoly, Willemze Rein, Vermeer Maarten & Tensen Cornelis (2018), Genomic analysis reveals recurrent deletion of HNRNPK and SOCS1 in mycosis fungoides, European Journal of Cancer 101: S7-S7.
- van Santen Suzanne & Vermeer Maarten (2018), Levels of IL-31 in different variants of cutaneous T cell lymphomas, European Journal of Cancer 101: S17-S17.
- Babberich, M.P.M.D.T.; Vermeer, N.C.A.; Wouters, M.W.J.M.; Grevenstein, W.M.U. van; Peeters, K.C.M.J.; Dekker, E.; Tanis, P.J. & Dutch ColoRectal Audit (2018), Postoperative Outcomes of Screen-Detected vs Non-Screen-Detected Colorectal Cancer in the Netherlands, JAMA Surgery 153(12).
- Koning Marvyn T., Quinten Edwin, Zoutman Willem H., van der Zeeuw Sander A. J., Kielbasa Szymon M., Mei Hailang, van Bergen Cornelis A. M., Jansen Patty M., Willemze Rein, Schmidt Christian, Vermeer Maarten, Tensen Cornelis P. & Veelken Hendrik (2018), Primary Cutaneous Follicle Center Lymphomas (PCFCL) Express Heavily Mutated B-Cell Receptors with Acquired N Glycosylation Motifs and Lack Ongoing Somatic Hypermutation, Blood 132.
- Najidh Safa, van der Sluijs-Gelling A. J., Zoutman W. H., Tensen C. P., van Hall T. H., Almeida J., van Dongen J. J. M. & Vermeer M. H. (2018), Standardized flow cytometry (EuroFlow) demonstrates heterogeneous T-cell origin of Sezary lymphoma cells, European Journal of Cancer 101: S8-S8.
- Kim, Y.H.; Bagot, M.; Pinter-Brown, L.; Rook, A.H.; Porcu, P.; Horwitz, S.M.; Whittaker, S.; Tokura, Y.; Vermeer, M.; Zinzani, P.L.; Sokol, L.; Morris, S.; Kim, E.J.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Eradat, H.; Scarisbrick, J.; Tsianakas, A.; Elmets, C.; Dalle, S.; Fisher, D.C.; Halwani, A.; Poligone, B.; Greer, J.; Fierro, M.T.; Khot, A.; Moskowitz, A.J.; Musiek, A.; Shustov, A.; Pro, B.; Geskin, L.J.; Dwyer, K.; Moriya, J.; Leoni, M.; Humphrey, J.S.; Hudgens, S.; Grebennik, D.O.; Tobinai, K.; Duvic, M. & MAVORIC Investigators (2018), Mogamulizumab versus vorinostat in previously treated cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (MAVORIC): an international, open-label, randomised, controlled phase 3 trial, Lancet Oncology 19(9): 1192-1204.
- Melchers, R.C.; Willemze, R.; Bekkenk, M.W.; Haas, E.R.M. de; Horvath, B.; Rossum, M.M. van; Sanders, C.J.G.; Veraart, J.C.J.M.; Vermeer, M.H. & Quint, K.D. (2018), Evaluation of treatment results in multifocal primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma: Report of the Dutch Cutaneous Lymphoma Group.
- Torres, A.N.B.; Cats, D.; Mei, H.L.; Szuhai, K.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H. & Tensen, C.P. (2018), Genomic analysis reveals recurrent deletion of JAK-STAT signaling inhibitors HNRNPK and SOCS1 in mycosis fungoides, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 57(12): 653-664.
- Fanoni, D.; Corti, L.; Alberti-Violetti, S.; Tensen, C.P.; Venegoni, L.; Vermeer, M.; Willemze, R. & Berti, E. (2018), Array-based CGH of primary cutaneous CD8+aggressive EPIDERMO-tropic cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma, Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 57(12): 622-629.
- Chang, L.W.; Patrone, C.C.; Yang, W.; Rabionet, R.; Gallardo, F.; Espinet, B.; Sharma, M.K.; Girardi, M.; Tensen, C.P.; Vermeer, M. & Geskin, L.J. (2018), An Integrated Data Resource for Genomic Analysis of Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 138(12): 2681-2683.
- Schrader, A.M.R.; Jansen, P.M.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H.; Cleton-Jansen, A.M.; Somers, S.F.; Veelken, H.; Eijk, R. van; Kraan, W.; Kersten, M.J.; Brand, M. van den; Stevens, W.B.C.; Jong, D. de; Hamid, M.A.; Tanis, B.C.; Posthuma, E.F.M.; Nijland, M.; Diepstra, A.; Pals, S.T.; Cleven, A.H.G. & Vermaat, J.S.P. (2018), High prevalence of MYD88 and CD79B mutations in intravascular large B-cell lymphoma, Blood 131(18): 2086-2089.
- Schrader, A.M.R.; Jansen, P.M.; Vermeer, M.H.; Kleiverda, J.K.; Vermaat, J.S.P. & Willemze, R. (2018), High Incidence and Clinical Significance of MYC Rearrangements in Primary Cutaneous Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, Leg Type, American Journal of Surgical Pathology 42(11): 1488-1494.
- Bagot Martine, Porcu Pierluigi, William Basem M., Battistella Maxime, Vermeer Maarten, Whittaker Sean, Ram-Wolff Caroline, Khodadoust Michael S., Sicard Helene, Azim, Hatem A. Jr. & Kim Youn H. (2018), IPH4102; An Anti-KIR3DL2 Monoclonal Antibody in Refractory Sezary Syndrome: Results from a Multicenter Phase 1 Trial, Blood 132.
- Bagot Martine, Porcu Pierluigi, William Basem, Vermeer Maarten, Whittaker Sean, Wolff Caroline Ram, Khodadoust Michael, Battistella Maxime, Paiva Christine, Sicard Helene, Azim Hatem & Kim Youn (2018), IPH4102 in relapsed/refractory cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL): Results of the first-in-human multicenter phase 1 study, European Journal of Cancer 101: S29-S29.
- Melchers, R.C.; Willemze, R.; Daniels, L.A.; Neelis, K.J.; Bekkenk, M.W.; Haas, E.R.M. de; Horvath, B.; Rossum, M.M. van; Sanders, C.J.G.; Velstra, B.; Veraart, J.C.J.M.; Roach, R.E.J.; Vermeer, M.H. & Quint, K.D. (2017), Recommendations for the Optimal Radiation Dose in Patients With Primary Cutaneous Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: A Report of the Dutch Cutaneous Lymphoma Group, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 99(5): 1279-1285.
- Koning, M.T.; Ubelhart, R.; Zeeuw, S. van der; Kielbasa, S.; Jumaa, H.; Vermeer, M.; Willemze, R.; Tensen, C. & Veelken, H. (2017), PRIMARY CUTANEOUS DIFFUSE LARGE B-CELL LYMPHOMA, LEG TYPE, EXPRESS STEREOTYPED B-CELL RECEPTORS WITH UNIQUE NONSYNONYMOUSLY MUTATED CONSTANT REGIONS, Haematologica 102: 560-560.
- Tensen, C.P. & Vermeer, M.H. (2017), MicroRNA-155 potentiates tumour development in mycosis fungoides, British Journal of Dermatology 177(3): 618-620.
- Quaglino, P.; Maule, M.; Prince, H.M.; Porcu, P.; Horwitz, S.; Duvic, M.; Talpur, R.; Vermeer, M.; Bagot, M.; Guitart, J.; Papadavid, E.; Sanches, J.A.; Hodak, E.; Sugaya, M.; Berti, E.; Ortiz-Romero, P.; Pimpinelli, N.; Servitje, O.; Pileri, A.; Zinzani, P.L.; Estrach, T.; Knobler, R.; Stadler, R.; Fierro, M.T.; Violetti, S.A.; Amitay-Laish, I.; Antoniou, C.; Astrua, C.; Chaganti, S.; Child, F.; Combalia, A.; Fabbro, S.; Fava, P.; Grandi, V.; Jonak, C.; Martinez-Escala, E.; Kheterpal, M.; Kim, E.J.; McCormack, C.; Miyagaki, T.; Miyashiro, D.; Morris, S.; Muniesa, C.; Nikolaou, V.; Ognibene, G.; Onida, F.; Osella-Abate, S.; Porkert, S.; Postigo-Llorente, C.; Ram-Wolff, C.; Ribero, S.; Rogers, K.; Sanlorenzo, M.; Stranzenbach, R.; Spaccarelli, N.; Stevens, A.; Zugna, D.; Rook, A.H.; Geskin, L.J.; Willemze, R.; Whittaker, S.; Hoppe, R.; Scarisbrick, J. & Kim, Y. (2017), Global patterns of care in advanced stage mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome: a multicenter retrospective follow-up study from the Cutaneous Lymphoma International Consortium, Annals of Oncology 28(10): 2517-2525.
- Izykowska, K.; Przybylski, G.K.; Gand, C.; Braun, F.C.; Grabarczyk, P.; Kuss, A.W.; Olek-Hrab, K.; Torres, A.N.B.; Vermeer, M.H.; Zoutman, W.H.; Tensen, C.P. & Schmidt, C.A. (2017), Genetic rearrangements result in altered gene expression and novel fusion transcripts in Sezary syndrome, Oncotarget 8(24): 39627-39639.
- Haseth, S.B. de; Bakker, E.; Vermeer, M.H.; Idrissi, H. el; Bosse, T.; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Terron-Kwiatkowski, A.; McLean, W.H.I.; Peters, A.A.W. & Hes, F.J. (2017), A novel keratin 13 variant in a four-generation family with white sponge nevus, Clinical Case Reports 5(9): 1503-1509.
- Santen, S. van; Doorn, R. van; Neelis, K.J.; Daniels, L.A.; Horvath, B.; Bruijn, M.S.; Sanders, C.J.G.; Rossum, M.M. van; Haas, E.R.M. de; Veraart, J.C.J.M.; Bekkenk, M.W.; Vermeer, M.H. & Willemze, R. (2017), Recommendations for treatment in folliculotropic mycosis fungoides: report of the Dutch Cutaneous Lymphoma Group, British Journal of Dermatology 177(1): 223-228.
- Trautinger, F.; Eder, J.; Assaf, C.; Bagot, M.; Cozzio, A.; Dummer, R.; Gniadecki, R.; Klemke, C.D.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Papadavid, E.; Pimpinelli, N.; Quaglino, P.; Ranki, A.; Scarisbrick, J.; Stadler, R.; Vakeva, L.; Vermeer, M.H.; Whittaker, S.; Willemze, R. & Knobler, R. (2017), European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer consensus recommendations for the treatment of mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome - Update 2017, European Journal of Cancer 77: 57-74.
- Zoutman, W.H.; Nell, R.J.; Versluis, M.; Steenderen, D. van; Lalai, R.N.; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Lange, M.J. de; Vermeer, M.H.; Langerak, A.W. & Velden, P.A. van der (2017), Accurate Quantification of T Cells by Measuring Loss of Germline T-Cell Receptor Loci with Generic Single Duplex Droplet Digital PCR Assays, The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 19(2): 236-243.
- Grijsen, M.L.; Mtayangulwa, R.G.; Naafs, B.; Jansen, P.; Vermeer, M.H.; Mavura, D.; Masenga, E.J. & Willemze, R. (2017), The clinical spectrum of mycosis fungoides in Tanzania, East Africa, British Journal of Dermatology 176(6): 1653-1656.
- Boonk, S.E.; Zoutman, W.H.; Putter, H.; Ram-Wolff, C.; Felcht, M.; Klemke, C.D.; Ranki, A.; Quaglino, P.; Whittaker, S.; Bagot, M.; Willemze, R. & Vermeer, M.H. (2017), Increased Expression of PLS3 Correlates with Better Outcome in Sezary Syndrome, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 137(3): 754-757.
- Bagot, M.; Hasan, B.; Whittaker, S.; Beylot-Barry, M.; Knobler, R.; Shah, E.; Marreaud, S.; Morris, S.; Dalle, S.; Servitje, O.; Cowan, R.; Vakeva, L.; Chaby, G.; Jonak, C.; Fox, C.P.; Ritchie, D.; Vermeer, M.H.; Stadler, R.; Romero, P.L.O.; Scarisbrick, J.; Quaglino, P. & EORTC Cutaneous T- Cell Lymp (2017), A phase III study of lenalidomide maintenance after debulking therapy in patients with advanced cutaneous T-cell lymphoma - EORTC 21081 (NCT01098656): results and lessons learned for future trial designs, European Journal of Dermatology 27(3): 286-294.
- Mulder, K.M. & Vermeer, M.H. (2016), Een peuter met een jeukende, bruine huiduitslag, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 160.
- Boonk, S.E.; Zoutman, W.H.; Marie-Cardine, A.; Fits, L. van der; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Mitchell, T.J.; Tosi, I.; Morris, S.L.; Moriarty, B.; Booken, N.; Felcht, M.; Quaglino, P.; Ponti, R.; Barberio, E.; Ram-Wolff, C.; Jantti, K.; Ranki, A.; Bernengo, M.G.; Klemke, C.D.; Bensussan, A.; Michel, L.; Whittaker, S.; Bagot, M.; Tensen, C.P.; Willemze, R. & Vermeer, M.H. (2016), Evaluation of Immunophenotypic and Molecular Biomarkers for Sezary Syndrome Using Standard Operating Procedures: A Multicenter Study of 59 Patients, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 136(7): 1364-1372.
- Balan, T.A.; Boonk, S.E.; Vermeer, M.H. & Putter, H. (2016), Score test for association between recurrent events and a terminal event, Statistics in Medicine 35(18): 3037-3048.
- Doorn, R. van; Slieker, R.C.; Boonk, S.E.; Zoutman, W.H.; Goeman, J.J.; Bagot, M.; Michel, L.; Tensen, C.P.; Willemze, R.; Heijmans, B.T. & Vermeer, M.H. (2016), Epigenomic Analysis of Sezary Syndrome Defines Patterns of Aberrant DNA Methylation and Identifies Diagnostic Markers, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 136(9): 1876-1884.
- Santen, S. van; Roach, R.E.J.; Doorn, R. van; Horvath, B.; Bruijn, M.S.; Sanders, C.J.G.; Pooter, J.C. de; Rossum, M.M. van; Haas, E.R.M. de; Veraart, J.C.J.M.; Bekkenk, M.W.; Vermeer, M.H. & Willemze, R. (2016), Clinical Staging and Prognostic Factors in Folliculotropic Mycosis Fungoides, JAMA Dermatology 152(9): 992-1000.
- Balan, T.A.; Boonk, S.E.; Vermeer, M.H. & Putter, H. (2016), Score test for association between recurrent events and a terminal event , Statistics in Medicine.
- Szuhai, K. & Vermeer, M. (2015), Microarray Techniques to Analyze Copy-Number Alterations in Genomic DNA: Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization and Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Array, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 135(10): 1-5.
- Klemke, C.D.; Booken, N.; Weiss, C.; Nicolay, J.P.; Goerdt, S.; Felcht, M.; Geraud, C.; Kempf, W.; Assaf, C.; Ortonne, N.; Battistella, M.; Bagot, M.; Knobler, R.; Quaglino, P.; Arheiliger, B.; Santucci, M.; Jansen, P.; Vermeer, M.H. & Willemze, R. (2015), Histopathological and immunophenotypical criteria for the diagnosis of Sezary syndrome in differentiation from other erythrodermic skin diseases: a European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Cutaneous Lymphoma Task Force Study of 97 cases, British Journal of Dermatology 173(1): 93-105.
- Bruijn, M.S.; Horvath, B.; Vader, P.C.V.; Willemze, R. & Vermeer, M.H. (2015), Recommendations for treatment of lymphomatoid papulosis with methotrexate: a report from the Dutch Cutaneous Lymphoma Group, British Journal of Dermatology 173(5): 1319-1322.
- Boonk, S.E.; Cetinozman, F.; Vermeer, M.H.; Jansen, P.M. & Willemze, R. (2015), Differential expression of TOX by skin-infiltrating T cells in Sezary syndrome and erythrodermic dermatitis, Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 42(9): 604-609.
- Vermeer, M.H. & Willemze, R. (2015), Limited effect of chemotherapy in cutaneous lymphoma, Blood 125(1): 4-5.
- Scarisbrick, J.J.; Prince, H.M.; Vermeer, M.H.; Quaglino, P.; Horwitz, S.; Porcu, P.; Stadler, R.; Wood, G.S.; Beylot-Barry, M.; Pham-Ledard, A.; Foss, F.; Girardi, M.; Bagot, M.; Michel, L.; Battistella, M.; Guitart, J.; Kuzel, T.M.; Martinez-Escala, M.E.; Estrach, T.; Papadavid, E.; Antoniou, C.; Rigopoulos, D.; Nikolaou, V.; Sugaya, M.; Miyagaki, T.; Gniadecki, R.; Sanches, J.A.; Cury-Martins, J.; Miyashiro, D.; Servitje, O.; Muniesa, C.; Berti, E.; Onida, F.; Corti, L.; Hodak, E.; Amitay-Laish, I.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Rodriguez-Peralto, J.L.; Knobler, R.; Porkert, S.; Bauer, W.; Pimpinelli, N.; Grandi, V.; Cowan, R.; Rook, A.; Kim, E.; Pileri, A.; Patrizi, A.; Pujol, R.M.; Wong, H.; Tyler, K.; Stranzenbach, R.; Querfeld, C.; Fava, P.; Maule, M.; Willemze, R.; Evison, F.; Morris, S.; Twigger, R.; Talpur, R.; Kim, J.; Ognibene, G.; Li, S.F.; Tavallaee, M.; Hoppe, R.T.; Duvic, M.; Whittaker, S.J. & Kim, Y.H. (2015), Cutaneous Lymphoma International Consortium Study of Outcome in Advanced Stages of Mycosis Fungoides and Sezary Syndrome: Effect of Specific Prognostic Markers on Survival and Development of a Prognostic Model, Journal of Clinical Oncology 33(32): 3766-+.
- Hameetman, L.; Fits, L. van der; Zoutman, W.H.; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Siegal, G.; Esch, I.J.P. de; Vermeer, M.H. & Tensen, C.P. (2015), EPHA4 is overexpressed but not functionally active in Sezary syndrome, Oncotarget 6(31): 31868-31876.
- Halkes, C.J.M.; Zoutman, W.H.; Fits, L. van der; Jedema, I. & Vermeer, M.H. (2015), Mutation in PIGA Results in a CD52-Negative Escape Variant in a Sezary Syndrome Patient during Alemtuzumab Treatment, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 135(4): 1199-1202.
- Almeida, A.C.D.; Abate, F.; Khiabanian, H.; Martinez-Escala, E.; Guitart, J.; Tensen, C.P.; Vermeer, M.H.; Rabadan, R.; Ferrando, A. & Palomero, T. (2015), The mutational landscape of cutaneous T cell lymphoma and Sezary syndrome, Nature Genetics 47(12): 1465-+.
- Koens, L.; Senff, N.J.; Vermeer, M.H.; Willemze, R. & Jansen, P.M. (2014), Methotrexate-associated B-cell Lymphoproliferative Disorders Presenting in the Skin A Clinicopathologic and Immunophenotypical Study of 10 Cases, American Journal of Surgical Pathology 38(7): 999-1006.
- Scarisbrick, J.J.; Quaglino, P.; Vermeer, M.; Whittaker, S.; Wood, G.S.; Duvic, M.; Prince, M.; Horwitz, S.M.; Hoppe, R.T.; Porcu, P.; Stadler, R.; Evison, F. & Kim, Y.H. (2014), A Cutaneous Lymphoma International Consortium 'CLIC' study of Prognostic Parameters in Advanced Stages of Mycosis Fungoides and Sezary Syndrome: Progress Towards Establishing a Prognostic Index to Augment Clinical Staging, Blood 124(21).
- Boonk, S.E.; Putter, H.; Koolhof, L.; Willemze, R. & Vermeer, M.H. (2014), Quantitation of tumour development correlates with prognosis in tumour stage (stage IIB) mycosis fungoides, British Journal of Dermatology 170(5): 1080-1086.
- Scarisbrick, J.J.; Kim, Y.H.; Whittaker, S.J.; Wood, G.S.; Vermeer, M.H.; Prince, H.M. & Quaglino, P. (2014), Prognostic factors, prognostic indices and staging in mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome: where are we now?, British Journal of Dermatology 170(6): 1226-1236.
- Koens, L.; Zoutman, W.H.; Ngarmlertsirichai, P.; Przybylski, G.K.; Grabarczyk, P.; Vermeer, M.H.; Willemze, R.; Jansen, P.M.; Schmidt, C.A. & Tensen, C.P. (2014), Nuclear Factor-kappa B Pathway-Activating Gene Aberrancies in Primary Cutaneous Large B-Cell Lymphoma, Leg Type, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 134(1): 290-292.
- Vermeer, M.H.; Zoutman, W.; Boonk, S.; Tensen, K.; Bagot, M.; Fits, L. van der; Goeman, J.; Heijmans, B. & Doorn, R. van (2014), Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in Sezary syndrome, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 134: S18-S18.
- Fits, L. van der; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Tensen, C.P.; Zoutman, W.H. & Vermeer, M.H. (2014), Exploring the IL-21-STAT3 Axis as Therapeutic Target for Sezary Syndrome, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 134(10): 2639-2647.
- Vermeer, M.H. & Willemze, R. (2014), Recent advances in primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas, Current Opinion in Oncology 26(2): 230-236.
- Vermeer, M.; Bagot, M.; Whittaker, S.; Willemze, R.; Boonk, S.; Zoutman, W.; Tensen, K. & Fits, L. van der (2013), Diagnostic markers for Sezary syndrome, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 133: S60-S60.
- Koens, L.; Qin, Y.J.; Leung, W.Y.; Corver, W.E.; Jansen, P.M.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H. & Tensen, C.P. (2013), MicroRNA Profiling of Primary Cutaneous Large B-Cell Lymphomas, PLoS ONE 8(12).
- Fits, L. van der; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Leeuwen, M.A. van; Samsom, J.N.; Willemze, R.; Tensen, C.P. & Vermeer, M.H. (2012), Autocrine IL-21 Stimulation Is Involved in the Maintenance of Constitutive STAT3 Activation in Sezary Syndrome, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 132(2): 440-447.
- Qin, Y.J.; Buermans, H.P.J.; Kester, M.S. van; Fits, L. van der; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Osanto, S.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H. & Tensen, C.P. (2012), Deep-Sequencing Analysis Reveals that the miR-199a2/214 Cluster within DNM3os Represents the Vast Majority of Aberrantly Expressed MicroRNAs in Sezary Syndrome, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 132(5): 1520-1522.
- Kester, M.S. van; Borg, M.K.; Zoutman, W.H.; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Jansen, P.M.; Dreef, E.J.; Vermeer, M.H.; Doorn, R. van; Willemze, R. & Tensen, C.P. (2012), A meta-analysis of gene expression data identifies a molecular signature characteristic for tumor-stage mycosis fungoides.
- Quint, K.D.; Genders, R.E. & Vermeer, M.H. (2012), A delayed granulomatous reaction to a cosmetic tattoo of the eyebrows: a report of total regression after intralesional corticosteroid injections., Dermatologic Surgery 38(6): 951-3.
- Edelbroek, J.R.; Vermeer, M.H.; Jansen, P.M.; Stoof, T.J.; Linden, M.M.D. van der; Horvath, B.; Baarlen, J. van & Willemze, R. (2012), Langerhans cell histiocytosis first presenting in the skin in adults: frequent association with a second haematological malignancy.
- Kester, M.S. van; Leung, W.Y.; Borg, M.K.; Zoutman, W.H.; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Jansen, P.M.; Vermeer, M.H.; Willemze, R.; Doorn, R. van & Tensen, C.P. (2012), A Molecular Signature Characteristic for Tumor-Stage Mycosis Fungoides, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 132: S38-S38.
- Cetinozman, F.; Jansen, P.M.; Vermeer, M.H. & Willemze, R. (2012), Differential Expression of Programmed Death-1 (PD-1) in Sezary Syndrome and Mycosis Fungoides, Archives of Dermatology -Chicago- 148(12): 1379-1385.
- Cetinozman, F.; Jansen, P.M.; Vermeer, M.H. & Willemze, R. (2012), Sezary syndrome and mycosis fungoides show differential expression of programmed death-1, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 132: S40-S40.
- Benner, M.F.; Ballabio, E.; Kester, M.S. van; Saunders, N.J.; Vermeer, M.H.; Willemze, R.; Lawrie, C.H. & Tensen, C.P. (2012), Primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma shows a distinct miRNA expression profile and reveals differences from tumor-stage mycosis fungoides, Experimental Dermatology 21(8): 632-634.
- Fits, L. van der; Qin, Y.J.; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Vermeer, K.G.; Whittaker, S.; Es, J.H. van; Tensen, C.P. & Vermeer, M.H. (2012), NOTCH1 Signaling as a Therapeutic Target in Sezary Syndrome, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 132(12): 2810-2817.
- Fits, L. van der; Rebel, H.G.; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Pouw, S.M.; Smit, F.; Vermeer, K.G.; Zijl, L. van; Tensen, C.P.; Weijer, K. & Vermeer, M.H. (2012), A novel mouse model for Sezary Syndrome using xenotransplantation of Sezary cells into immunodeficient RAG2-/-gamma c-/- mice, Experimental Dermatology 21(9): 706-709.
- Benner, M.F.; Jansen, P.M.; Vermeer, M.H. & Willemze, R. (2011), Prognostic factors in transformed mycosis fungoides: a retrospective analysis of 100 cases., Blood.
- Genders, R.E.; Vermeer, M.H. & Doorn, R. van (2011), Erythematous and purpuric plaques of the face and scalp inSweet syndrome, British Journal of Haematology 154(2): 159-159.
- Salgado, R.; Servitje, O.; Gallardo, F.; Vermeer, M.H.; Ortiz-Romero, P.L.; Karpova, M.B.; Zipser, M.C.; Muniesa, C.; Garcia-Muret, M.P.; Estrach, T.; Salido, M.; Sanchez-Schmidt, J.; Herrera, M.; Romagosa, V.; Suela, J.; Ferreira, B.I.; Cigudosa, J.C.; Barranco, C.; Serrano, S.; Dummer, R.; Tensen, C.P.; Sole, F.; Pujol, R.M. & Espinet, B. (2010), Oligonucleotide Array-CGH Identifies Genomic Subgroups and Prognostic Markers for Tumor Stage Mycosis Fungoides, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 130(4): 1126-1135.
- Ballabio, E.; Mitchell, T.; Kester, M.S. van; Taylor, S.; Dunlop, H.M.; Chi, J.X.; Tosi, I.; Vermeer, M.H.; Tramonti, D.; Saunders, N.J.; Boultwood, J.; Wainscoat, J.S.; Pezzella, F.; Whittaker, S.J.; Tensen, C.P.; Hatton, C.S.R. & Lawrie, C.H. (2010), MicroRNA expression in Sezary syndrome: identification, function, and diagnostic potential, Blood 116(7): 1105-1113.
- Aten, E.; Brasz, L.C.; Bornholdt, D.; Hooijkaas, I.B.; Porteous, M.E.; Sybert, V.P.; Vermeer, M.H.; Vossen, R.H.A.M.; Wielen, M.J.R. van der; Bakker, E.; Breuning, M.H.; Grzeschik, K.H.; Oosterwijk, J.C. & Dunnen, J.T. den (2010), Keratosis Follicularis Spinulosa Decalvans Is Caused by Mutations in MBTPS2, Human Mutation 31(10): 1125-1133.
- Sandberg, Y.; Fits, L. van der; Tielemans, D.; Zoutman, W.; Darzentas, N.; Wolvers-Tettero, I.; Vermeer, M. & Langerak, A. (2010), DETAILED MOLECULAR ANALYSIS OF CLONAL TCRA AND TCRB GENE REARRANGEMENTS IN SEZARY SYNDROME REVEALS A RESTRICTED TCR REPERTOIRE, Haematologica 95: 169-169.
- Reinders, M.G. & Vermeer, M.H. (2010), Carcinoma erysipeloides in breast cancer, Surgery 148(5): 1040-1041.
- Hamminga, E.A. & Vermeer, M.H. (2010), Bullous systemic lupus erythematosus responding to mycophenolate mofetil, European Journal of Dermatology 20(6): 844-845.
- Koens, L.; Vermeer, M.H.; Willemze, R. & Jansen, P.M. (2010), IgM Expression on Paraffin Sections Distinguishes Primary Cutaneous Large B-cell Lymphoma, Leg Type From Primary Cutaneous Follicle Center Lymphoma, American Journal of Surgical Pathology 34(7): 1043-1048.
- Faaij, C.M.J.M.; Willemze, A.J.; Revesz, T.; Balzarolo, M.; Tensen, C.P.; Hoogeboom, M.; Vermeer, M.H.; Wering, E. van; Zwaan, C.M.; Kaspers, G.J.L.; Story, C.; Halteren, A.G.S. van; Vossen, J.M.; Egeler, R.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van & Annels, N.E. (2010), Chemokine/Chemokine Receptor Interactions in Extramedullary Leukaemia of the Skin in Childhood AML: Differential Roles for CCR2, CCR5, CXCR4 and CXCR7, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 55(2): 344-348.
- Tiffon, C.E.; Adams, J.E.; Fits, L. van der; Wen, S.; Townsend, P.A.; Ganesan, A.; Hodges, E.; Vermeer, M.H. & Packham, G. (2010), The histone deacetylase inhibitors vorinostat and romidepsin downmodulate IL-10 expression in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma cells.
- Kester, M.S. van; Tensen, C.P.; Vermeer, M.H.; Dijkman, R.; Mulder, A.A.; Szuhai, K.; Willemze, R. & Doorn, R. van (2010), Cutaneous Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma and Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma NOS Show Distinct Chromosomal Alterations and Differential Expression of Chemokine Receptors and Apoptosis Regulators, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 130(2): 563-575.
- van Doorn R, van Kester MS, Dijkman R, Vermeer MH, Mulder AA, Szuhai K, Knijnenburg J, Boer JM, Willemze R & Tensen CP (2009), Oncogenomic analysis of mycosis fungoides reveals major differences with Sezary syndrome., Blood 113(1): 127-36.
- Ballabio E, Mitchell T, van Kester M, Chi J, Tramonti D, Tosi I, Vermeer M, Whittaker SJ, Tensen CP & Hatton CSR (2009), MicroRNA profiling in Sezary syndrome, British Journal of Haematology 145: 1-1.
- Buijsrogge JJA, de Jong MCJM, Kloosterhuis GJ, Vermeer MH, Koster J, Sonnenberg A, Jonkman MF & Pas HH (2009), Antiplectin autoantibodies in subepidermal blistering diseases, British Journal of Dermatology 161(4): 762-771.
- van Doorn R, van Kester MS, Dijkman R, Vermeer MH, Mulder AA, Szuhai K, Knijnenburg J, Boer JM, Willemze R & Tensen CP (2009), Oncogenomic analysis of mycosis fungoides reveals major differences with Sezary syndrome, Blood 113(1): 127-136.
- Neelis, K.J.; Schimmel, E.C.; Vermeer, M.H.; Senff, N.J.; Willemze, R. & Noordijk, E.M. (2009), LOW-DOSE PALLIATIVE RADIOTHERAPY FOR CUTANEOUS B- AND T-CELL LYMPHOMAS, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 74(1): 154-158.
- Senff NJ, Zoutman WH, Vermeer MH, Assaf C, Berti E, Cerroni L, Espinet B, Cabrera RFD, Geerts ML, Kempf W, Mitchell TJ, Paulli M, Petrella T, Pimpinelli N, Santucci M, Whittaker SJ, Willemze R & Tensen CP (2009), Fine-Mapping Chromosomal Loss at 9p21: Correlation with Prognosis in Primary Cutaneous Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, Leg Type, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 129(5): 1149-1155.
- Koens L, Senff NJ, Vermeer MH, Ronday HK, Willemze R & Jansen PM (2009), Cutaneous Gamma/Delta T-cell Lymphoma During Treatment with Etanercept for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 89(6): 653-654.
- van Kester MS, Tensen CP, Vermeer MH, Dijkman R, Mulder AA, Szuhai K, Willemze R & van Doorn R (2009), Cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma and peripheral T-cell lymphoma NOS show distinct chromosomal alterations and differential expression of chemokine receptors and apoptosis regulators, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 129: S49S49.
- Rood MJ, Vermeer MH & Huizinga TWJ (2008), Hyperpigmentation of the skin due to hydroxychloroquine, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 37(2).
- van Kester MS, Out-Luiting JJ, von dem Borne PA, Willemze R, Tensen CP & Vermeer MH (2008), Cucurbitacin I inhibits Stat3 and induces apoptosis in Sezary cells, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 128(7).
- van Galen JC, Hoefnagel JJ, Vermeer MH, Willemze R, Dijkman R, Tensen CP, de Boer W, Meijer CJ & Oudejans JJ (2008), Profiling of apoptosis genes identifies distinct types of primary cutaneous large B cell lymphoma, Journal of Pathology 215(3).
- Senff NJ, Noordijk EM, Kim YH, Bagot M, Berti E, Cerroni L, Dummer R, Duvic M, Hoppe RT, Pimpinelli N, Rosen ST, Vermeer MH, Whittaker S & Willemze R (2008), European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer and International Society for Cutaneous Lymphoma consensus recommendations for the management of cutaneous B-cell lymphomas, Blood 112(5).
- Mao X, Orchard G, Mitchell TJ, Oyama N, Russell-Jones R, Vermeer MH, Willemze R, van Doorn R, Tensen CP, Young BD & Whittaker SJ (2008), A genomic and expression study of AP-1 in primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma: evidence for dysregulated expression of JUNB and JUND in MF and SS, Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 35(10).
- van Galen JC, Hoefnagel JJ, Vermeer MH, Willemze R, Dijkman R, Tensen CP, de Boer WP, Meijer CJ & Oudejans JJ (2008), Profiling of apoptosis genes identifies distinct types of primary cutaneous large B cell lymphoma., Journal of Pathology 215(3): 340-6.
- Vermeer MH, van Doorn R, Dijkman R, Mao X, Whittaker S, Vader PCVV, Gerritsen MJP, Geerts ML, Gellrich S, Soderberg O, Leuchowius KJ, Landegren U, Out-Luiting JJ, Knijnenburg J, Ijszenga M, Szuhai K, Willemze R & Tensen CP (2008), Novel and highly recurrent chromosomal alterations in Sezary syndrome, Cancer Research 68(8).
- Salgado R, Servitje O, Gallardo F, Vermeer MH, Romero PO, Herrera M, Karpova M, Muniesa C, Garcia-Muret MP, Estrach T, Sanchez-Schmidt J, Romagosa V, Zipser M, Suela J, Ferreira BI, Cigudosa J, Barranco C, Dummer R, Tensen CP & Serrano S (2008), Genome Wide Analysis of 41 Mycosis Fungoides Tumor Stage Using Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization Technology, Blood 112(11): 624-625.
- Vermeer M, van Kesler MS, Borne PVD, Out-Luiting CJ, Willemze R & Tensen KP (2008), Cucurbitacin I inhibits Stat3 and induces apoptosis in Sezary cells, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 128.
- Willemze R, Jansen PM, Cerroni L, Berti E, Santucci M, Assaf C, Dijk MRCV, Carlotti A, Geerts ML, Hahtola S, Hummel M, Jeskanen L, Kempf W, Massone C, Ortiz-Romero PL, Paulli M, Petrella T, Ranki A, Peralto JLR, Robson A, Senff NJ, Vermeer MH, Wechsler J, Whittaker S & Meijer CJLM (2008), Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma: definition, classification, and prognostic factors: an EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Group Study of 83 cases, Blood 111(2).
- Dijkman R, van Doorn R, Szuhai K, Willemze R, Vermeer MH & Tensen CP (2007), Gene-expression profiling and array-based CGH classify CD4+CD56+ hematodermic neoplasm and cutaneous myelomonocytic leukemia as distinct disease entities., Blood 109(4): 1720-7.
- Dijkman R, Tensen CP, Jordanova ES, Knijnenburg J, Hoefnagel JJ, Mulder AA, Rosenberg C, Raap AK, Willemze R, Szuhai K & Vermeer MH (2006), Array-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis reveals recurrent chromosomal alterations and prognostic parameters in primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma., Journal of Clinical Oncology 24(2): 296-305.
- Dijkman R, Tensen CP, Buettner M, Niedobitek G, Willemze R & Vermeer MH (2006), Primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma and primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma, leg type, are both targeted by aberrant somatic hypermutation but demonstrate differential expression of AID., Blood 107(12): 4926-9.
- Senff NJ, Vermeer MH, Hoefnagel JJ, Jansen PM, Meijer CJ & Willemze R (2006), Reclassification of 299 primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma according to the new WHO-EORTC classification for cutaneous lymphomas and characterization of prognostic parameters, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 126: 116-116.
- Dijkman, R.; Doorn, R. van; Szuhai, K.; Willemze, R.; Vermeer, M.H. & Tensen, C.P. (2006), Integrated genomic analysis classify CD4+CD56+hematodermic neoplasm and cutaneous myelomonocytic leukemia as distinct disease entities and reveal novel diagnostic and therapeutic targets, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 126: 41-41.
- Dijkman R, Szuhai K, Knijnenburg J, Jordanova E, Willemze R, Vermeer M & Tensen C (2005), Array CGH analysis reveals recurrent chromosomal alterations and prognostic parameters in primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 125(3): A69A69.
- Doorn, R. van; Dijkman, R.; Vermeer, M.H.; Out-Luiting, J.J.; Raaij-Helmer, E.M.H. van der; Willemze, R. & Tensen, C.P. (2004), Aberrant expression of the tyrosine kinase receptor EphA4 and the transcription factor twist in Sezary syndrome identified by gene expression analysis, Cancer Research 64(16): 5578-5586.
- Vermeer, B.J. & Bavinck, J.N.B. (1998), Relevance of photo-immunosuppression for viral infections (ie human papillomavirus), European Journal of Dermatology 8(3): 205-206.