M. Revello Lami-
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. M. Revello Lami-
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5328
- m.revello.lami@arch.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-6572-4016

Zie voor meer informatie de Engelstalige profielpagina van Martina Revello Lami.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archaeological Sciences
- Material Culture Studies
- Palmero Fernández M. & Revello Lami M. (2022), Creativity, earthquakes, labour, and celestial landscapes, Time and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture 15(1): 1-3.
- Revello Lami M. (2022), Of rock art, storytelling, food and sacred groves, Time and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture 15(2): 97-99.
- Revello Lami M. & Palmero Fernández M. (2022), Archaeology at the intersection between cognitive neuroscience, performance theory, and architecture: from psychoactive substances to rock art and bone shelters, Time and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture 15(3-4): 275-276.
- Gnade M. & Revello Lami M. (red.) (2021), Tracing technology: forty years of archaeological research at Satricum. BABESCH Supplements nr. 42. Leuven: Peeters Publishers.
- Opgenhaffen L., Revello Lami M. & Mickelburgh H. (2021), Art, creativity and automation: from charters to shared 3D visualization practices, Open Archaeology 7(1): 1648-1659.
- Revello Lami M. (2019), Il materiale e il culturale: la produzione ceramica antica tra saperi tecnici, scelte artigianali e tradizioni culturali. In: M. Modolo S. Pallecchi G. Volpe and E. Zanini (red.), Una lezione di Archeologia Globale: studi in onore di Daniele Manacorda. Bari: Edipuglia. 413-419.
- Opgenhaffen L., Revello Lami M. & Kisjes I. (2018), Pottery goes Public. Performing archaeological research amid the audience, Open Archaeology 4(1): 62-80.
- Gori M. & Revello Lami M. (2018), From Lampedusa to Trieste. An Archaeological Approach to Contemporary Forced Migrations and Identity Patterns. In: Driessen J. (red.), An Archaeology of Forced Migration. Crisis-induced mobility and the Collapse of the 13th c. BCE Eastern Mediterranean, AEGIS Actes de Colloques nr. 15. Louvain: Press Universitaires de Louvain. 31-55.
- Gori M., Revello Lami M. & Pintucci A. (2018), Editorial: Practices Representations and Meanings of Human Mobility in Archaeology, Ex Novo - Journal of Archaeology 3: 1-6.
- Gori M., Pintucci A. & Revello Lami M. (red.) (2017), Who Owns the Past? Archaeological Heritage between Idealisation and Destruction. Ex Novo - Journal of Archaeology. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing LTD.
- Biella M.C., Cascino R., Ferrandes A.F. & Revello Lami M. (red.) (2017), Gli artigiani e la città. Officine e aree produttive tra VI II e III sec. a.C. nell'Italia Centrale Tirrenica. Scienze dell'Antichita. Rome: Quasar.
- Revello Lami M. (2017), Evidenze dirette, indirette, o circostanziali? La produzione ceramica a Satricum durante il periodo arcaico tra topografia e archeometria. In: Biella M.C., Cascino R., Ferrandes A.F. & Revello Lami M. (red.), Gli artigiani e la città. Officine e aree produttive tra VIII e III sec. a.C. nell’Italia centrale tirrenica nr. 23.2. Rome: Quasar.
- Revello Lami M. (2017), When archaeology meets the crowd. Nuovi modelli di cultura partecipativa per il finanziamento e la divulgazione della ricerca archeologica. In: Pallecchi S. (red.), Raccontare l'archeologia. Strategie e tecniche per la comunicazione dei risultati delle ricerche archeologiche. Sesto Fiorentino: All'Insegna del Giglio. 145-161.
- Gori M., Revello Lami M., Pintucci A. & Cella E. (2016), Editorial, Ex Novo - Journal of Archaeology 1(1): 5-11.
- Revello Lami M. (2016), Pottery goes digital. 3D laser scanning technology and the study of archaeological ceramics. In: , CAA 2015 Keep the revolution going. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing LTD. 421-432.
- Revello Lami M. (2014) From fragments to histories: re-assessing intensive survey methodologies in the Pontine region. Bespreking van: Tol G.W. (2012), A fragmented history: a methodological and artefactual approach to the study of ancient settlement in the territories of Satricum and Antium. Groningen Archaeological Studies nr. 18. Groningen. Journal of Roman Archaeology 27: 630-635.
- Revello Lami M. (2012), Relitto Alberti, loc. Le Formiche, Panarea. In: Olcese G. (red.), Atlante dei siti di produzione ceramica (Toscana, Lazio, Campania e Sicilia). Rome: Quasar.
- Revello Lami M. (2008), Il forno 6. Il peso del vuoto. In: Pallecchi S. (red.), Le fornaci romane di Albinia. Rapporto preliminare di scavo: lulu.cpm. 18-22.