Heritage Management. The Cultural and Natural Divide
The fourth volume of Ex Novo has the pleasure to host Heleen van Londen, Marjo J. Schlaman, and Andrea Travaglia as guest editors of the special issue titled The Natural and The Cultural. Integrating Approaches in Landscape Heritage Management. This timely collection of peer-reviewed papers and short essays seek to bridge the longstanding gap between natural and cultural heritage when it comes to landscape management. To this end, the editors foster a combined approach to both domains by promoting stronger internal cooperation and the systematic engagement of new forms of integrated heritage with the external world.
- Author
- M. Gori, M. Revello Lami, A. Pintucci (eds)
- Date
- 16 December 2019
- Links
- Website of the publisher

Crossing boundaries
What crossing boundaries really means in practice remains the challenge to be explored as posed by Harrison, who emphasises the similarities of heritage processes and aims that offer room for interaction (Harrison 2015). Other publications advocate practical guidelines, for instance for the management of World Heritage sites (Leitão et al. 2017) or - a Dutch example - bringing cultural heritage management into the scope of nature development of brooks (Bleumink & Neefjes 2017). Also, the integration of heritage into agricultural policy is put forward (Raap 2015).
The aim of this special issue is to reflect on an integrative heritage approach within this new framework. Various contributions illustrate the need for- and benefits or restraints of - a cross-over. The papers collected in this issue stem from a session focusing on the integration of natural and cultural heritage management held at the European Association of Archaeologist (EAA) conference in Maastricht, Building Bridges (Session 302 Integrating natural and cultural heritage. Internal coherence and external efficiency), The conference session was one of the outputs of the Erasmus plus project Innovative format of education and training of the integrated archaeological and natural heritage (ANHER Erasmus plus project 2014-1-PL-KA202-003565) aimed at producing e-learning modules on the theme (Teaching Heritage 2017).
This volume contributes to the ongoing discourse regarding the natural and cultural divide with a broad perspective that includes an academic, policy and societal point of view. It has aimed for both conceptual as practical approaches to the topic, as well as the motives for crossovers such as safeguarding and active contributions to broader societal issues. These motivations resonate with current paradigms in heritage management.