Leonard Burtscher
- Naam
- Dr. L.H. Burtscher
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5737
- burtscher@strw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-1014-043x

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- Sterrewacht
- Burtscher L., Beuchert T., Kreikenbohm A. & Leiter K. (2024), Astronomers for planet Earth: Astronomy as a tool to convey awareness for planetary boundaries, IAU General Assembly. IAU General Assembly 6 augustus 2024 - 15 augustus 2024. IAU General Assembly 2556.
- Gokus A., Jahnke K., Woods P.M., Moss V.A., Ossenkopf-Okada V., Sacchi E., Stevens A.R.H., Burtscher L.H., Kayhan C., Dalgleish H., Grinberg V., Rector T.A., Rybizki J. & White J. (2024), Astronomy's climate emissions: global travel to scientific meetings in 2019, PNAS Nexus 3(5): pgae143.
- Riffel R.A., Storchi-Bergmann T., Riffel R., Bianchin M., Zakamska N.L., Ruschel-Dutra D., Bentz M.C., Burtscher L., Crenshaw D.M., Dahmer-Hahn L.G., Dametto N.Z., Davies R.I., Diniz M.R., Fischer T.C., Harrison C.M., Mainieri V., Revalski M., Rodriguez-Ardila A., Rosario D.J. & Schönell A.J. (2023), The AGNIFS survey: spatially resolved observations of hot molecular and ionized outflows in nearby active galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521(2): 1832-1848.
- Wagner S.M., Mingo B., Majidi F.Z., Gokus A., Burtscher L., Kayhan C., Kobayashi R., Mehta P., Moss V.A., Ossenkopf-Okada V., Rice K., Stevens A.R.H., Waratkar G. & Woods P. (2023), A more sustainable future for astronomy, Nature Astronomy 7: 244-246.
- Delaney D., Berger C., Hicks E., Burtscher L.H. & Rosario D. (2023), Characterization of the circumnuclear molecular and ionized gas across the Seyfert galaxy population, American Astronomical Society meeting abstracts. American Astronomical Society Meeting #241 8 januari 2023 - 12 januari 2023. Bulletin of the AAS nr. 55. Washington: AAS Publishing. 360.40.
- Caglar T., Koss M.J., Burtscher L.H., Trakhtenbrot B., Erdim M.K., Mejía-Restrepo J.E., Ricci F., Powell M.C., Ricci C., Mushotzky R., Bauer F.E., Ananna T.T., Bär R.E., Brandl B., Brinchmann J., Harrison F., Ichikawa K., Kakkad D., Oh K., Riffel R., Sartori L.F., Smith K.L., Stern D. & Urry C.M. (2023), BASS. XXXV. The M_BH-sigma* Relation of 105 month Swift-BAT Type 1 AGNs, The Astrophysical Journal 956(1): 60.
- Gámez Rosas V., Tielens A.G.G.M., Werf P.P. van der, Jaffe W., Leftley J.H., Burtscher L., Petrov R., Isbell J.W., López B., Millour F., Meilland A., Matter A., Waters L.B.F.M. & Meisenheimer K. (2023), The carbonaceous dust at sub-parsec scales in the nucleus of NGC 1068, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 525(1): 1142-1152.
- Chiavassa A., Kravchenko K., Montargès M., Millour F., Matter A., Freytag B., Wittkowski M., Hocdé V., Cruzalèbes P., Allouche F., Lopez B., Lagarde S., Petrov R.G., Meilland A., Robbe-Dubois S., Hofmann K.H., Weigelt G., Berio P., Bendjoya P., Bettonvil F., Domiciano de Souza A., Heininger M., Henning T., Isbell J.W., Jaffe W., Labadie L., Lehmitz M., Meisenheimer K., Soulain A., Varga J., Augereau J.-C., Boekel R. van, Burtscher L., Danchi W.C., Dominik C., Drevon J., Gámez Rosas V., Hogerheijde M.R., Hron J., Klarmann L., Kokoulina E., Lagadec E., Leftley J., Mosoni L., Nardetto N., Paladini C., Pantin E., Schertl D., Stee P., Szabados L., Waters R., Wolf S. & Yoffe G. (2022), The extended atmosphere and circumstellar environment of the cool evolved star VX Sagittarii as seen by MATISSE, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A185.
- Brandl B.R., Bettonvil F.C.M., Van Boekel R., Glauser A., Quanz S.P., Absil O., Feldt M., Garcia P.J.V., Glasse A., Guedel M., Labadie L., Meyer M., Pantin E., Wang S.-Y., Van Winckel H., Agócs T., Amorim A., Bertram T., Burtscher L.H., Delacroix C., Laun W., Lesman D., Raskin G., Salo C., Scheithauer S., Stuik R., Todd S., Haupt C. & Siebenmorgen R. (2022), Status update on the development of METIS, the mid-infrared ELT imager and spectrograph. Evans C.J., Bryant J.J. & Motohara K. (red.), Proceedings of the SPIE. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX 17 juli 2022 - 22 juli 2022 nr. 12184. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
- Moss V.A., Balaguer-Nuñez L., Bolejko K., Burtscher L.H., Carr A., Di Teodoro E.M., Gregory B., Hanko E., Hill A.S., Hughes A., Kaper L., Kerrison E.F., Lockman F.J., Lowson N. & Stevens A.R.H. (2022), Around the hybrid conference world in the COVID-19 era, Nature Astronomy 6: 1105-1109.
- Absil O., Delacroix C., Orban de Xivry G., Pathak P., Willson M., Berio P., Boekel R. van, Matter A., Defrère D., Burtscher L.H., Woillez J. & Brandl B.R. (2022), Impact of water vapor seeing on mid-infrared high-contrast imaging at ELT scale. Schreiber L., Schmidt D. & Vernet E. (red.), Adaptive optics systems VIII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 17 juli 2022 - 23 juli 2022 nr. 12185. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
- Rutowska M., Sharma T.K., Wiest M., Graf S., Labadie L., Straubmeier C., Eckart A., Todd S., Agócs T., Raskin G., Goris J., Gerbers M., Burtscher L.H., Boekel R. van, Glauser A., Lynn J., Brandl B.R. & Bettonvil F.C.M. (2022), Warm calibration unit of the mid-infrared ELT instrument METIS: overview and current status towards FDR. Evans C.J., Bryant J.J. & Motohara K. (red.), Ground-based and Airborne instrumentation for astronomy IX. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX 17 juli 2022 - 22 juli 2022 nr. 12184. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
- Moss V.A., Trenham C.E., Hotan A.W., Kobayashi R., Rees G.A., Tremblay C.D., Burtscher L.H. & Ekers R.D. (2022), The path to a more accessible and inclusive future of meetings in astronomy. Vargas S., García B., Hemming G., Duffau S., Vázquez N. & Pérez A. (red.), Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series. 2nd Workshop on Astronomy Beyond the Common Senses for Accessibility and Inclusion 17 november 2021 - 18 november 2021 nr. 54. Mexico City: Instituto de Astronomia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. 95-99.
- Frost A.J., Lau R.M., Burtscher L.H., Packham C., Tasker E.J., Rees G.A., Moss V.A. & Kobayashi R. (2022), IR 2022: an infrared-bright future for ground-based IR observatories in the era of JWST, Nature Astronomy 6: 772-773.
- Koss M.J., Ricci C., Trakhtenbrot B., Oh K., den Brok J.S., Mejía-Restrepo J.E., Stern D., Privon G.C., Treister E., Powell M.C., Mushotzky R., Bauer F.E., Ananna T.T., Baloković M., Bär R.E., Becker G., Bessiere P., Burtscher L.H., Caglar T., Congiu E., Evans P., Harrison F., Heida M., Ichikawa K., Kamraj N., Lamperti I., Pacucci F., Ricci F., Riffel R., Rojas A.F., Schawinski K., Temple M.J., Urry C.M., Veilleux S. & Williams J. (2022), BASS. XXII. The BASS DR2 AGN catalog and data, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 261(1): 2.
- Burtscher L.H., Balaguer-Núñez L., D'Orazi V., Barret D., Beuchert T., Dil E., Janiuk A., Mingo B. & Poggio E. (2022), Astronomy organizations should lead in our battle against the climate crisis, Nature Astronomy 6: 764-764.
- Delaney D., Berger C., Hicks E., Burtscher L.H. & Rosario D. (2022), Dispersion and luminosity trends of molecular and ionized gas within the 400pc circumnuclear region of Seyfert AGN, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. American Astronomical Society Meeting #240 12 juni 2022 - 16 juni 2022 nr. 54. Washington: AAS Publishing.
- Riffel R., Dahmer-Hahn L.G., Riffel R.A., Storchi-Bergmann T., Dametto N.Z., Davies R., Burtscher L.H., Bianchin M., Ruschel-Dutra D., Ricci C. & Rosario D.J. (2022), Gemini NIFS survey of feeding and feedback processes in nearby active galaxies : VI. Stellar populations, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512(3): 3906-3921.
- Lau R., Frost A. & Burtscher L.H. (2022), IR2022 meeting summary. IR2022: An Infrared Bright Future for Ground-based IR Observatories in the Era of JWST 14 februari 2022 - 18 februari 2022.
- Roush A., Fies C., Packham C. & Burtscher L.H. (2022), Contrasting in-person to virtual conference & teaching emission footprints. IR2022: An Infrared Bright Future for Ground-based IR Observatories in the Era of JWST, Virtual. 14 februari 2022 - 18 februari 2022. [conferentie poster].
- Leist M.T., Packham C., Rosario D.J., Hicks E.K.S., Stalevski M., Burtscher L.H., Alonso-Herrero A., Labiano A. & Bellocchi E. (2022), Resolving polar dust in AGN with JWST: going beyond the PSF. IR2022: An Infrared Bright Future for Ground-based IR Observatories in the Era of JWST, Virtual. 14 februari 2022 - 18 februari 2022. [conferentie poster].
- Burtscher L.H. (2022), Astronomy and the climate crisis. The present and future of Astronomy 14 februari 2022 - 18 februari 2022 1-22.
- Robbe-Dubois S., Cruzalèbes P., Berio P., Meilland A., Petrov R.-G., Allouche F., Salabert D., Paladini C., Matter A., Millour F., Lagarde S., Lopez B., Burtscher L.H., Jaffe W.J., Hron J., Percheron I., van Boekel R., Weigelt G. & Stee P. (2022), Improving the diameters of interferometric calibrators with MATISSE, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510(1): 82-94.
- Dahmer-Hahn L.G., Riffel R., Rodríguez-Ardila A., Riffel R.A., Storchi-Bergmann T., Marinello M., Davies R.I., Burtscher L.H., Ruschel-Dutra D. & Rosario D.J. (2022), Stellar populations in local AGNs: evidence for enhanced star formation in the inner 100 pc, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509(3): 4653-4668.
- Isbell J.W., Meisenheimer K., Pott J.-U., Stalevski M., Tristram K.R.W., Sanchez-Bermudez J., Hofmann K.-H., Gámez Rosas V., Jaffe W., Burtscher L., Leftley J., Petrov R., Lopez B., Henning T., Weigelt G., Allouche F., Berio P., Bettonvil F., Cruzalebes P., Dominik C., Heininger M., Hogerheijde M., Lagarde S., Lehmitz M., Matter A., Meilland A., Millour F., Robbe-Dubois S., Schertl D., Boekel R. van, Varga J. & Woillez J. (2022), The dusty heart of Circinus. I. Imaging the circumnuclear dust in N-band, Astronomy and Astrophysics 663: A35.
- Gámez Rosas V., Isbell J.W., Jaffe W., Petrov R.G., Leftley J.H., Hofmann K.-H., Millour F., Burtscher L., Meisenheimer K., Meilland A., Waters L.B.F.M., Lopez B., Lagarde S., Weigelt G., Berio P., Allouche F., Robbe-Dubois S., Cruzalèbes P., Bettonvil F., Henning T., Augereau J.-C., Antonelli P., Beckmann U., Boekel R. van, Bendjoya P., Danchi W.C., Dominik C., Drevon J., Gallimore J.F., Graser U., Heininger M., Hocdé V., Hogerheijde M., Hron J., Impellizzeri C.M.V., Klarmann L., Kokoulina E., Labadie L., Lehmitz M., Matter A., Paladini C., Pantin E., Pott J.-U., Schertl D., Soulain A., Stee P., Tristram K., Varga J., Woillez J., Wolf S., Yoffe G. & Zins G. (2022), Thermal imaging of dust hiding the black hole in NGC 1068, Nature 602(7897): 403-407.
- Tristram K.R.W., Impellizzeri C.M.V., Zhang Z.-Y., Villard E., Henkel C., Viti S., Burtscher L.H., Combes F., García-Burillo S., Martín S., Meisenheimer K. & Werf P.P. van der (2022), ALMA imaging of the cold molecular and dusty disk in the type 2 active nucleus of the Circinus galaxy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 664: A142.
- Drevon J., Millour F., Cruzalèbes P., Paladini C., Hron J., Meilland A., Allouche F., Hofmann K.H., Lagarde S., Lopez B., Matter A., Petrov R., Robbe-Dubois S., Schertl D., Scicluna P., Wittkowski M., Zins G., Ábrahám P., Antonelli P., Beckmann U., Berio P., Bettonvil F., Glindemann A., Graser U., Heininger M., Henning T., Isbell J.W., Jaffe W., Labadie L., Leinert C., Lehmitz M., Morel S., Meisenheimer K., Soulain A., Varga J., Weigelt G., Woillez J., Augereau J.C., van Boekel R., Burtscher L., Danchi W.C., Dominik C., Gámez Rosas V., Hocdé V., Hogerheijde M.R., Klarmann L., Kokoulina E., Leftley J., Stee P., Vakili F., Waters R., Wolf S. & Yoffe G. (2022), Locating dust and molecules in the inner circumstellar environment of R Sculptoris with MATISSE, Astronomy and Astrophysics 665: A32.
- Lopez B., Lagarde S., Petrov R.G., Jaffe W., Antonelli P., Allouche F., Berio P., Matter A., Meilland A., Millour F., Robbe-Dubois S., Henning T., Weigelt G., Glindemann A., Agocs T., Bailet C., Beckmann U., Bettonvil F., Boekel R. van, Bourget P., Bresson Y., Bristow P., Cruzalèbes P., Eldswijk E., Fanteï Caujolle Y., González Herrera J.C., Graser U., Guajardo P., Heininger M., Hofmann K.H., Kroes G., Laun W., Lehmitz M., Leinert C., Meisenheimer K., Morel S., Neumann U., Paladini C., Percheron I., Riquelme M., Schoeller M., Stee P., Venema L., Woillez J., Zins G., Ábrahám P., Abadie S., Abuter R., Accardo M., Adler T., Alonso J., Augereau J.-C., Böhm A., Bazin G., Beltran J., Bensberg A., Boland W., Brast R., Burtscher L., Castillo R., Chelli A., Cid C., Clausse J.-M., Connot C., Conzelmann R.D., Danchi W.C., Delbo M., Drevon J., Dominik C., Duin A. van, Ebert M., Eisenhauer F., Flament S., Frahm R., Gámez Rosas V., Gabasch A., Gallenne A., Garces E., Girard P., Glazenborg A., Gonté F.Y.J., Guitton F., Haan M. de, Hanenburg H., Haubois X., Hocdé V., Hogerheijde M., Horst R. ter, Hron J., Hummel C.A., Hubin N., Huerta R., Idserda J., Isbell J.W., Ives D., Jakob G., Jaskó A., Jochum L., Klarmann L., Klein R., Kragt J., Kuindersma S., Kokoulina E., Labadie L., Lacour S., Leftley J., Le Poole R., Lizon J.L., Lopez M., Lykou F., Mérand A., Marcotto A., Mauclert N., Maurer T., Mehrgan L.H., Meisner J., Meixner K., Mellein M., Menut J.L., Mohr L., Mosoni L., Navarro R., Nußbaum E., Pallanca L., Pantin E., Pasquini L., Phan Duc T., Pott J.U., Pozna E., Richichi A., Ridinger A., Rigal F., Rivinius T., Roelfsema R., Rohloff R.-R., Rousseau S., Salabert D., Schertl D., Schuhler N., Schuil M., Shabun K., Soulain A., Stephan C., Toledo P., Tristram K., Tromp N., Vakili F., Varga J., Vinther J., Waters L.B.F.M., Wittkowski M., Wolf S., Wrhel F. & Yoffe G. (2022), MATISSE, the VLTI mid-infrared imaging spectro-interferometer, Astronomy and Astrophysics 659: A192.
- Hofmann K.H., Bensberg A., Schertl D., Weigelt G., Wolf S., Meilland A., Millour F., Waters L.B.F.M., Kraus S., Ohnaka K., Lopez B., Petrov R.G., Lagarde S., Berio P., Allouche F., Robbe-Dubois S., Jaffe W., Henning T., Paladini C., Schöller M., Mérand A., Glindemann A., Beckmann U., Heininger M., Bettonvil F., Zins G., Woillez J., Bristow P., Stee P., Vakili F., van Boekel R. van, Hogerheijde M.R., Dominik C., Augereau J.C., Matter A., Hron J., Pantin E., Rivinius T., de Wit W.J., Varga J., Klarmann L., Meisenheimer K., Gámez Rosas V., Burtscher L., Leftley J., Isbell J.W., Yoffe G., Kokoulina E., Danchi W.C., Cruzalèbes P., Domiciano de Souza A., Drevon J., Hocdé V., Kreplin A., Labadie L., Connot C., Nußbaum E., Lehmitz M., Antonelli P., Graser U. & Leinert C. (2022), VLTI-MATISSE L- and N-band aperture-synthesis imaging of the unclassified B[e] star FS Canis Majoris, Astronomy and Astrophysics 658: A81.
- Frost A.J., White J.A., Dalgleish H.S., Rector T., Agnos J.M., Betancourt-Martinez G.L., Hill C., Kayhan C., Beuchert T., Sankar S. & Burtscher L.H. (2021), Astronomers for planet Earth: embracing virtual communication induced by the COVID-19 pandemic to help tackle the climate crisis, Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal (30): 28-32.
- Tak F. van der, Burtscher L.H., Portegies Zwart S.F., Tabone B.X.J.A., Nelemans G., Bloemen S., Young A., Wijnands R., Janssen A. & Schoenmakers A. (2021), The carbon footprint of astronomy research in the Netherlands, Nature Astronomy 5: 1195-1198.
- Burtscher L.H., Davies R.I., Shimizu T.T., Riffel R., Rosario D.J., Hicks E.K.S., Lin M.-Y., Riffel R.A., Schartmann M., Schnorr-Müller A., Storchi-Bergmann T., Orban de Xivry G. & Veilleux S. (2021), LLAMA: stellar populations in the nuclei of ultra-hard X-ray-selected AGN and matched inactive galaxies, Astronomy and Astrophysics 654: A132.
- Burtscher L.H., Dalgleish H., Barret D., Beuchert T., Borkar A., Cantalloube F., Frost A., Grinberg V., Hurley Walker N., Impellizzeri V., Isidro M., Jahnke K. & Willebrands M. (2021), Forging a sustainable future for astronomy, Nature Astronomy 5: 857-860.
- Alonso-Herrero A., García-Burillo S., Hönig S.F., García-Bernete I., Ramos Almeida C., González-Martín O., López-Rodríguez E., Boorman P.G., Bunker A.J., Burtscher L.H., Combes F., Davies R., Díaz-Santos T., Gandhi P., García-Lorenzo B., Hicks E.K.S., Hunt L.K., Ichikawa K., Imanishi M., Izumi T., Labiano A., Levenson N.A., Packham C., Pereira-Santaella M., Ricci C., Rigopoulou D., Roche P., Rosario D.J., Rouan D., Shimizu T., Stalevski M., Wada K. & Williamson D. (2021), The Galaxy Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS): II. Torus and polar dust emission in nearby Seyfert galaxies, Astronomy and Astrophysics 652: A99.
- García-Burillo S., Alonso-Herrero A., Ramos Almeida C., González-Martín O., Combes F., Usero A., Hönig S., Querejeta M., Hicks E.K.S., Hunt L.K., Rosario D., Davies R., Boorman P.G., Bunker A.J., Burtscher L.H., Colina L., Díaz-Santos T., Gandhi P., García-Bernete I., García-Lorenzo B., Ichikawa K., Imanishi M., Izumi T., Labiano A., Levenson N.A., López-Rodríguez E., Packham C., Pereira-Santaella M., Ricci C., Rigopoulou D., Rouan D., Shimizu T., Stalevski M., Wada K. & Williamson D. (2021), The Galaxy Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS): I. ALMA images of dusty molecular tori in Seyfert galaxies, Astronomy and Astrophysics 652: A98.
- Tak F. van der, Nelemans G., Bloemen S., Burtscher L.H., Portegies Zwart S.F., Wijnands R., Janssen A. & Schoenmakers A. (2021), The carbon footprint of NL astronomy in 2019, Astronomy for Planet Earth: Forging a Sustainable Future. Astronomy for Planet Earth: Forging a Sustainable Future, A special session held at the annual meeting of the European Astronomical Society in 2021 1 januari 2021 - 2 januari 2021 6.
- Riffel R.A., Storchi-Bergmann T., Riffel R., Bianchin M., Zakamska N.L., Ruschel-Dutra D., Schönell A.J., Rosario D.J., Rodriguez-Ardila A., Fischer T.C., Davies R.I., Dametto N.Z., Dahmer-Hahn L.G., Crenshaw D.M., Burtscher L.H. & Bentz M.C. (2021), The AGNIFS survey: distribution and excitation of the hot molecular and ionized gas in the inner kpc of nearby AGN hosts, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504(3): 3265-3283.
- Maire A.-L., Langlois M., Delorme P., Chauvin G., Gratton R., Vigan A., Girard J.H., Wahhaj Z., Pott J.-U., Burtscher L.H., Boccaletti A., Carlotti A., Henning T., Kenworthy M.A., Kervella P., Rickman E.L. & Schmidt T.O.B. (2021), Lessons learned from SPHERE for the astrometric strategy of the next generation of exoplanet imaging instruments, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 7(3): 035004.
- Burtscher L.H., Ivanov V.D. & Ancker M. van der (2021), Report on the ESO Workshop "Ground-based Thermal Infrared Astronomy - Past, Present and Future", The Messenger (ESO) 183: 31-36.
- White J., Dalgleish H., Burtscher L.H., Crumrine W. & Khan R. (2021), Astronomers for planet Earth: engaging with the public to forge a sustainable future, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts. AAS 2021 4 januari 2021 - 11 januari 2021 nr. 53: AAS. 214.06.
- Isbell J.W., Burtscher L.H., Asmus D., Pott J.U., Couzy P., Stalevski M., Gámez Rosas V. & Meisenheimer K. (2021), Subarcsecond mid-infrared view of local active galactic nuclei: IV. The L- and M-band imaging Atlas, The Astrophysical Journal 910(2): 104.
- Weigelt G., Hofmann K.-H., Schertl D., Lopez B., Petrov R.G., Lagarde S., Berio P., Jaffe W.J., Henning T., Millour F., Meilland A., Allouche F., Robbe-Dubois S., Matter A., Cruzalèbes P., Hillier D.J., Russell C.M.P., Madura T., Gull T.R., Corcoran M.F., Damineli A., Moffat A.F.J., Morris P.W., Richardson N.D., Paladini C., Schöller M., Mérand A., Glindemann A., Beckmann U., Heininger M., Bettonvil F.C.M., Zins G., Woillez J., Bristow P., Sanchez-Bermudez J., Ohnaka K., Kraus S., Mehner A., Wittkowski M., Hummel C.A., Stee P., Vakili F., Hartman H., Navarete F., Hamaguchi K., Espinoza-Galeas D.A., Stevens I.R., Boekel R. van, Wolf S., Hogerheijde M.R., Dominik C., Augereau J.-C., Pantin E., Waters L.B.F.M., Meisenheimer K., Varga J., Klarmann L., Gámez Rosas V., Burtscher L.H., Leftley J., Isbell J.W., Hocdé V., Yoffe G., Kokoulina E., Hron J., Groh J., Kreplin A., Rivinius T., De Wit W.-J., Danchi W.-C., Domiciano de Souza A., Drevon J., Labadie L., Connot C., Nußbaum E., Lehmitz M., Antonelli P., Graser U. & Leinert C. (2021), VLTI-MATISSE chromatic aperture-synthesis imaging of η Carinae's stellar wind across the Brα line: periastron passage observations in February 2020, Astronomy and Astrophysics 652: A140.
- Hocdé V., Nardetto N., Matter A., Lagadec E., Mérand A., Cruzalèbes P., Meilland A., Millour F., Lopez B., Berio P., Weigelt G., Petrov R., Isbell J.W., Jaffe W.J., Kervella P., Glindemann A., Schöller M., Allouche F., Gallenne A., Domiciano de Souza A., Niccolini G., Kokoulina E., Varga J., Lagarde S., Augereau J.-C., Boekel R. van, Bristow P., Henning T., Hofmann K.-H., Zins G., Danchi W.-C., Delbo M., Dominik C., Gámez Rosas V., Klarmann L., Hron J., Hogerheijde M.R., Meisenheimer K., Pantin E., Paladini C., Robbe-Dubois S., Schertl D., Stee P., Waters R., Lehmitz M., Bettonvil F.C.M., Heininger M., Bristow P., Woillez J., Wolf S., Yoffe G., Szabados L., Chiavassa A., Borgniet S., Breuval L., Javanmardi B., Ábrahám P., Abadie S., Abuter R., Accardo M., Adler T., Agócs T., Alonso J., Antonelli P., Böhm A., Bailet C., Bazin G., Beckmann U., Beltran J., Boland W., Bourget P., Brast R., Bresson Y., Burtscher L., Buter R., Castillo R., Chelli A., Cid C., Clausse J.-M., Connot C., Conzelmann R.D., De Haan M., Ebert M., Elswijk E., Fantei Y., Frahm R., Gámez Rosas V., Gabasch A., Garces E., Girard P., Glazenborg A., Gonté F.Y.J., González Herrera J.C., Graser U., Guajardo P., Guitton F., Hanenburg H., Haubois X., Hubin N., Huerta R., Idserda J., Ives D., Jakob G., Jaskó A., Jochum L., Klein R., Kragt J., Kroes G., Kuindersma S., Labadie L., Laun W., Le Poole R.S., Leinert C., Lizon J.-L., Lopez M., Marcotto A., Mauclert N., Maurer T., Mehrgan L.H., Meisner J.A., Meixner K., Mellein M., Mohr L., Morel S., Mosoni L., Navarro R., Neumann U., Nußbaum E., Pallanca L., Pasquini L., Percheron I., Phan Duc T., Pott J.-U., Pozna E., Ridinger A., Rigal F., Riquelme M., Rivinius T., Roelfsema R., Rohloff R.-R., Rousseau S., Schuhler N., Schuil M., Shabun K., Soulain A., Stephan C., ter Horst R., Tromp N., Vakili F., Duin A. van, Venema L.B., Vinther J., Wittkowski M. & Wrhel F. (2021), Mid-infrared circumstellar emission of the long-period Cepheid l Carinae resolved with VLTI/MATISSE, Astronomy and Astrophysics 651: 1-13 (A92).
- Varga J., Hogerheijde M.R., Boekel R. van, Klarmann L., Petrov R., Waters L.B.F.M., Lagarde S., Pantin E., Berio P., Weigelt G., Robbe-Dubois S., Lopez B., Millour F., Augereau J.-C., Meheut H., Meilland A., Henning T., Jaffe W.J., Bettonvil F., Bristow P., Hofmann K.-H., Matter A., Zins G., Wolf S., Allouche F., Donnan F., Schertl D., Dominik C., Heininger M., Lehmitz M., Cruzalèbes P., Glindemann A., Meisenheimer K., Paladini C., Schöller M., Woillez J., Venema L., Kokoulina E., Yoffe G., Ábrahám P., Abadie S., Abuter R., Accardo M., Adler T., Agócs T., Antonelli P., Böhm A., Bailet C., Bazin G., Beckmann U., Beltran J., Boland W.H.W.M., Bourget P., Brast R., Bresson Y., Burtscher L.H., Castillo R., Chelli A., Cid C., Clausse J.-M., Connot C., Conzelmann R.D., Danchi W.-C., De Haan M., Delbo M., Ebert M., Elswijk E., Fantei Y., Frahm R., Gámez Rosas V., Gabasch A., Gallenne A., Garces E., Girard P., Gonté F.Y.J., González Herrera J.C., Graser U., Guajardo P., Guitton F., Haubois X., Hron J., Hubin N., Huerta R., Isbell J.W., Ives D., Jakob G., Jaskó A., Jochum L., Klein R., Kragt J., Kroes G., Kuindersma S., Labadie L., Laun W., Le Poole R.S., Leinert C., Lizon J.-L., Lopez M., Mérand A., Marcotto A., Mauclert N., Maurer T., Mehrgan L.H., Meisner J.A., Meixner K., Mellein M., Mohr L., Morel S., Mosoni L., Navarro R., Neumann U., Nußbaum E., Pallanca L., Pasquini L., Percheron I., Pott J.-U., Pozna E., Ridinger A., Rigal F., Riquelme M., Rivinius T., Roelfsema R., Rohloff R.-R., Rousseau S., Schuhler N., Schuil M., Soulain A., Stee P., Stephan C., Horst R. ter, Tromp N., Vakili F., Duin A. van, Vinther J., Wittkowski M. & Wrhel F. (2021), The asymmetric inner disk of the Herbig Ae star HD 163296 in the eyes of VLTI/MATISSE: evidence for a vortex?, Astronomy and Astrophysics 647: A56.
- Caglar T., Burtscher L.H., Brandl B.R., Brinchmann J., Davies R.I., Hicks E.K.S., Koss M., Lin M.-Y., Maciejewski W., Müller-Sánchez F., Riffel R.A., Riffel R., Rosario D.J., Schartmann M., Schnorr-Müller A., Shimizu T.T., Storchi-Bergmann T., Veilleux S., Xivry G.O. de & Bennert V.N. (2020), LLAMA: The M_BH - σ* Relation of the most luminous local AGNs, Astronomy and Astrophysics 634: A114.
- Dumont A., Seth A.C., Strader J., Greene J.E., Burtscher L.H. & Neumayer N. (2020), Surprisingly strong K-band emission found in low-luminosity active galactic nuclei, The Astrophysical Journal 888(1): 19.
- Burtscher L.H. (2020), Resolving the dust structures in AGNs using thermal-infrared Interferometry. Ground-Based Thermal Infrared Astronomy - Past, Present and Future 12 oktober 2020 - 16 oktober 2020 30.
- Isbell J.W., Burtscher L.H., Asmus D., Pott J.-U., Couzy P., Stalevski M., Gámez Rosas V. & Meisenheimer K. (2020), A subarcsecond L- and M-band imaging atlas of local active galactic nuclei, Ground-Based Thermal Infrared Astronomy - Past, Present and Future. Ground-Based Thermal Infrared Astronomy - Past, Present and Future 12 oktober 2020 - 16 oktober 2020 22.
- Burtscher L., Barret D., Borkar A.P., Grinberg V., Jahnke K., Kendrew S., Maffey G. & McCaughrean M.J. (2020), The carbon footprint of large astronomy meetings, Nature Astronomy 4: 823-825.
- Davies R., Baron D., Shimizu T., Netzer H., Burtscher L.H., Zeeuw P.T. de, Genzel R., Hicks E.K.S., Koss M., Lin M.Y., Lutz D., Maciejewski W., Müller-Sánchez F., Orban Xivry G., Ricci C., Riffel R., Riffel R.A., Rosario D., Schartmann M., Schnorr-Müller A., Shangguan J., Sternberg A., Sturm E., Storchi-Bergmann T., Tacconi L. & Veilleux S. (2020), Ionized outflows in local luminous AGN: what are the real densities and outflow rates?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498(3): 4150-4177.
- Politopoulos I. & Burtscher L.H. (2020), VLT/VISIR calibration programme and stray light modeling, Ground-Based Thermal Infrared Astronomy - Past, Present and Future. Ground-Based Thermal Infrared Astronomy - Past, Present and Future 12 oktober 2020 - 16 oktober 2020 1-19.
- Carlomagno B., Delacroix C., Absil O., Cantalloube F., Orban de Xivry G., Pathak P., Agocs T., Bertram T., Brandl B.R., Burtscher L.H., Doelman D.S., Feldt M., Glauser A., Hippler S., Kenworthy M.A., Por E.H., Snik F., Stuik R. & Boekel R. van (2020), METIS high-contrast imaging: design and expected performance, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 6(3): 035005.
- Petrov R.G., Allouche F., Matter Al., Meilland A., Lagarde S., Berio P., Cruzalèbes P., Millour F., Robbe-Dubois S., Jaffe W.J., Hofmann KH., Varga J., Schertl D., Burtscher L.H., Meisenheimer K., Chelli A., Zins G., Woillez J., Schöller M. & Lopez B. (2020), Commissioning MATISSE: operation and performances. Tuthill P.G., Mérand A. & Sallum S. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Proceedings. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020 nr. 11446: SPIE. 114460L.
- Burtscher L., Politopoulos I., Fernandez-Acosta S., Agocs T., van den Ancker M., Boekel R. van, Brandl B., Kaufl H.-U., Pantin E., Pietrow A.G.M., Siebenmorgen R., Stuik R., Tristram K.R.W. & Wit W.-J. de (2020), Towards a physical understanding of the thermal background in large ground-based telescopes. Evans C.J., Bryant J.J. & Motohara K. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) conference series. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020 nr. 11447: SPIE. 114477L.
- Rutowska M., Sharma T., Wiest M., Graf S., Straubmeier C., Rost S., Labadie L., Eckart A., Burtscher L., Agocs T., Lesman D., Stuik R., Glauser A., Brandl B.R. & Bettonvil F.C.M. (2020), Warm calibration unit of the mid-infrared E-ELT instrument METIS: overview and current status of the project. Evans C.J., Bryant J.J. & Motohara K. (red.), Proceedings Volume 11447, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020 nr. 11447: SPIE. 114472T.
- Rosario D.J., Togi A., Burtscher L.H., Davies R.I., Shimizu T.T. & Lutz D. (2019), An Accreting Supermassive Black Hole Irradiating Molecular Gas in NGC 2110, Astrophysical Journal Letters 875(2): L8.
- Dametto N.Z., Riffel R., Colina L., Riffel R.A., Piqueras López J., Davies R.I., Burtscher L.H., Menezes R.B., Arribas S., Pastoriza M.G., Labiano A., Storchi-Bergmann T., Dahmer-Hahn L.G. & Sales D.A. (2019), A SINFONI view of the nuclear activity and circumnuclear star formation in NGC 4303 - II. Spatially resolved stellar populations, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 482(4): 4437-4453.
- Pietrow A.G.M., Burtscher L.H. & Brandl B.R. (2019), Inverse Chop Addition: Thermal IR Background Subtraction without Nodding, Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society 3(2): 42.
- Cruzalèbes P., Petrov R.G., Robbe-Dubois S., Varga J., Burtscher L.H., Allouche F., Berio P., Hofmann K.-H., Hron J., Jaffe W.J., Lagarde S., Lopez B., Matter A., Meilland A., Meisenheimer K., Millour F. & Schertl D. (2019), A catalogue of stellar diameters and fluxes for mid-infrared interferometry, Monthly Notices of the RAS (0035-8711) 490(3): 3158-3176.
- Abuter R., Accardo M., Adler T., Amorim A., Anugu N., Ávila G., Bauböck M., Benisty M., Berger J.-P., Bestenlehner J.M., Beust H., Blind N., Bonnefoy M., Bonnet H., Bourget P., Bouvier J., Brandner W., Brast R., Buron A., Burtscher L.H., Cantalloube F., Caratti O, Garatti A., Caselli P., Cassaing F., Chapron F., Charnay B., Choquet É., Clénet Y., Collin C., Coudé Du Foresto V., Davies R., Deen C., Delplancke-Ströbele F., Dembet R., Derie F., De Wit W.-J., Dexter J., Zeeuw T. de, Dougados C., Dubus G., Duvert G., Ebert M., Eckart A., Eisenhauer F., Esselborn M., Eupen F., Fédou P., Ferreira M.C., Finger G., Förster Schreiber N.M., Gao F., García Dabó C.E., Garcia Lopez R., Garcia P.J.V., Gendron É., Genzel R., Gerhard O., Gil J.P., Gillessen S., Gonté F., Gordo P., Gratadour D., Greenbaum A., Grellmann R., Grözinger U., Guajardo P., Guieu S., Habibi M., Haguenauer P., Hans O., Haubois X., Haug M., Haußmann F., Henning T., Hippler S., Hönig S.F., Horrobin M., Huber A., Hubert Z., Hubin N., Hummel C.~A., Jakob G., Janssen A., Jimenez Rosales A., Jochum L., Jocou L., Kammerer J., Karl M., Kaufer A., Kellner S., Kendrew S., Kern L., Kervella P., Kiekebusch M., Kishimoto M., Klarmann L., Klein R., Köhler R., Kok Y., Kolb J., Koutoulaki M., Kulas M., Labadie L., Lacour S., Lagrange A.-M., Lapeyrère V., Laun W., Lazareff B., Le Bouquin J.-B., Léna P., Lenzen R., Lévêque S., Lin C.-C., Lippa M., Lutz D., Magnard Y., Maire A.-L., Mehrgan L., Mérand A., Millour F., Mollière P., Moulin T., Müller A., Müller E., Müller F., Netzer H., Neumann U., Nowak M., Oberti S., Ott T., Pallanca L., Panduro J., Pasquini L., Paumard T., Percheron I., Perraut K., Perrin G., Peterson B.M., Petrucci P.-O., Pflüger A., Pfuhl O., Phan Duc T., Pineda J.E., Plewa P.M., Popovic D., Pott J.-U., Prieto A., Pueyo L., Rabien S., Ramírez A., Ramos J.R., Rau C., Ray T., Riquelme M., Rodríguez-Coira G., Rohloff R.-R., Rouan D., Rousset G., Sanchez-Bermudez J., Schartmann M., Scheithauer S., Schöller M., Schuhler N., Segura-Cox D., Shangguan J., Shimizu T.T., Spyromilio J., Sternberg A., Stock M.R., Straub O., Straubmeier C., Sturm E., Suárez Valles M., Tacconi L.J., Thi W.-F., Tristram K.R.W., Valenzuela J.J., Boekel R. van, Dishoeck E.F. van, Vermot P., Vincent F., Von Fellenberg S., Waisberg I., Wang J.J., Wank I., Weber J., Weigelt G., Widmann F., Wieprecht E., Wiest M., Wiezorrek E., Wittkowski M., Woillez J., Wolff B., Yang P., Yazici S., Ziegler D. & Zins G. (2019), Spatially Resolving the Quasar Broad Emission Line Region, The Messenger (ESO) 178: 20-24.
- Shimizu T.T., Davies R.I., Lutz D., Burtscher L.H., Lin M., Baron D., Davies R.L., Genzel R., Hicks E.K.S., Koss M., Maciejewski W., Müller-Sánchez F., Orban de Xivry G., Price S.H., Ricci C., Riffel R., Riffel R.A., Rosario D., Schartmann M., Schnorr-Müller A., Sternberg A., Sturm E., Storchi-Bergmann T., Tacconi L. & Veilleux S. (2019), The multiphase gas structure and kinematics in the circumnuclear region of NGC 5728, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490(4): 5860-5887.
- Cruzalebes P., Petrov R.G.P., Robbe-Dubois S., Varga J., Burtscher L.H., Allouche F., Berio P., Hofmann K.-H., Hron J., Jaffe W.J., Lagarde S., Lopez B., Matter A., Meilland A., Meisenheimer K., Millour F. & Schertl D. (2019), VizieR Online Data Catalog: MDFC Version 10 (Cruzalebes+, 2019). VizieR Online Data Catalog: II/361. [dataset].
- Brandl B.R., Absil O., Agócs T., Baccichet N., Bertram T., Bettonvil F., Boekel R. van, Burtscher L., Dishoeck E.F. van, Feldt M., Garcia P.J.V., Glasse A., Glauser A., Güdel M., Haupt C., Kenworthy M.A., Labadie L., Laun W., Lesman D., Pantin E., Quanz S.P., Snellen I.A.G., Siebenmorgen R. & Winckel H. van (2018), Status of the mid-IR ELT imager and spectrograph (METIS). Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10702: SPIE. 107021U.
- Vollmer B., Schartmann M., Burtscher L.H., Marin F., Hönig S., Davies R. & Goosmann R. (2018), Thick turbulent gas disks with magnetocentrifugal winds in active galactic nuclei. Model infrared emission and optical polarization, Astronomy and Astrophysics 615: A164.
- Shimizu T.T., Davies R., Burtscher L. & Lin M. (2018), The LLAMA Project: A SINFONI Study of Gas Outflows and Feeding in Local, X-ray Selected AGN, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #231. Americann Astronomical Society Meeting #231 8 januari 2018 - 12 januari 2018 nr. 231: American Astronomical Society. 320.09.
- Schartmann M., Mould J., Wada K., Burkert A., Durré M., Behrendt M., Davies R.I. & Burtscher L.H. (2018), The life cycle of starbursting circumnuclear gas discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473(1): 953-968.
- Rosario D.J., Burtscher L.H., Davies R.I., Koss M., Ricci C., Lutz D., Riffel R., Alexander D.M., Genzel R., Hicks E.H., Lin M.-Y., Maciejewski W., Müller-Sánchez F., Xivry G.Orban, Riffel R.A., Schartmann M., Schawinski K., Schnorr-Müller A., Saintonge A., Shimizu T., Sternberg A., Storchi-Bergmann T., Sturm E., Tacconi L., Treister E. & Veilleux S. (2018), LLAMA: normal star formation efficiencies of molecular gas in the centres of luminous Seyfert galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473(4): 5658-5679.
- Riffel R.A., Storchi-Bergmann T., Riffel R., Davies R., Bianchin M., Diniz M.R., Schönell A.J., Burtscher L.H., Crenshaw M., Fischer T.C., Dahmer-Hahn L.G., Dametto N.Z. & Rosario D. (2018), Gemini NIFS survey of feeding and feedback processes in nearby active galaxies - II. The sample and surface mass density profiles, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 474(1): 1373-1389.
- Shimizu T.T., Davies R.I., Koss M., Ricci C., Lamperti I., Oh K., Schawinski K., Trakhtenbrot B., Burtscher L.H., Genzel R., Lin M., Lutz D., Rosario D., Sturm E. & Tacconi L. (2018), BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey. VIII. Type 1 AGN with Massive Absorbing Columns, 856(2): 154.
- Baccichet N., Labadie L., Rost S., Straubmeier C., Wiest M., Burtscher L., Agócs T., Jellema W., Roelfsema R., Boekel R. van, Glauser A., Brandl B.R., Bettonvil F.C.M., Lynn J.A. & Eckart A. (2018), The calibration unit of the mid-infrared E-ELT instrument METIS. Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (red.), Proceedings Volume 10702, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10702: SPIE. 1070291.
- Lin M.Y., Davies R.I., Hicks E.K.S., Burtscher L.H., Contursi A., Genzel R., Koss M., Lutz D., Maciejewski W., Mueller-Sanchez F., Xivry G.O. de, Ricci C., Riffel R., Riffel R.A., Rosario D., Schartmann M., Schnorr-Mueller A., Shimizu T., Sternberg A., Sturm E., Storchi-Bergmann T., Tacconi L. & Veilleux S. (2018), LLAMA: nuclear stellar properties of Swift-BAT AGN and matched inactive galaxies, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473(4): 4582-4611.
- López-Gonzaga N., Asmus D., Bauer F.E., Tristram K.R.W., Burtscher L.H., Marinucci A., Matt G. & Harrison F.A. (2017), NGC 1068: No change in the mid-infrared torus structure despite X-ray variability, 602: A78.
- Burtscher L.H., Hönig S., Jaffe W.J., Kishimoto M., Lopez-Gonzaga N., Meisenheimer K. & Tristam K.R.W. (2016), Infrared interferometry and AGNs: Parsec-scale disks and dusty outflows, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9907 99070R.