Keiko Yoshioka
Docent en Hoofd van het Japans talenprogramma
- Naam
- Dr. K. Yoshioka
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2553
- 0000-0001-5217-588x

Keiko Yoshioka is docent aan het LIAS en hoofd van het Japanese Language Programme. Ze specialiseert zich in Japanse taal en twedetaalverwerving, met een focus op Japanse taal pedagogiek, multimodale interactie - voornamelijk gebaren - Japanse ideofonen en beleefheid in taalgebruik, Haar recente onderzoek bekijkt hoe sprekers, in zowel hun moedertaal als in hun tweede taal, gebruik maken van gebaren, intonatie en ideofonen gebruiken om alledaagse dingen, zoals beweging, te omschrijven. Ook bestudeert ze hoe kenmerken van gebaren als vorm, grootte en de synchronisatie met spraak L2 taalontwikkeling laten zien. Daarnaast is ze geïnteresseerd in hoe beleefheid het gebruik van gebaren in conversaties en klassikale omgevingen vormgeeft.
Meer informatie over Keiko Yoshioka
Docent en Hoofd van het Japans talenprogramma
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS Japan
- Yoshioka K. & Iwasaki N. (2024), What does gesture size tell us about L2 language acquisition and use?: Gestures accompanying ideophones in L2 Japanese. In: Brown A. & Eskildsen S. (red.), Multimodality across epistemologies in second language research. London: Roudledge. 268-282.
- Yoshioka K. & Iwasaki N. (2021), Grammatical integration of mimetics and accompanying gestures in L2 Japanese discourse. In: Jeon H.S., Sell P., You Z., Kita S. & Yeon J. (red.). Japanese/Korean Linguistics nr. 28. Stanford: CSLI publications. 377-391.
- Iwasaki N. & Yoshioka K. (2020), Thinking-for-speaking to describe motion events: English-Japanese bilinguals’ L1 English and L2 Japanese speech and gesture. In: Pappalardo G. & Heinrich P. (red.), European approaches to Japanese language and linguistics. Ca'Foscari Japanese Studies: Arts and Literature nr. 13: Ca'Foscari. 71-98.
- Iwasaki N. & Yoshioka K. (2019), Iconicity in L2 Japanese speakers' multi-modal language use: Mimetics and co-speech gesture in relation to L1 and Japanese proficiency. In: Akita K. & Pardeshi P. (red.), Ideophones, Mimetics and Expressives. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 265-302.
- Yoshioka K. (2017), Acquisition of mimetics and the development of proficiency in L2 Japanese: a longitudinal case study of an L1 Dutch speaker's speech and gesture. In: Iwasaki N., Selles P. & Akita K. (red.), The grammar of Japanese mimetics: perspectives from structure, acquisition and translation: Routledge. 172-192.
- Sekine K. Stam G., Yoshioka K., Tellier M. & Capirci O. (2015), Cross-linguistic views of gesture usage, VIAL-VIGO INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS 12: 91-105.
- Yoshioka K. & Hilberink-Schulpen B. (2012), The role of grammar in conceptualization of 'progression': a comparative analysis of Dutch and Japanese event descriptions. In: Filipovic L. & Jaszczolt K.M. (red.), Space and time in languages and cultures: linguistic diversity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 417-436.
- Sekine K. & Yoshioka K. (2011), Does stereo types for gestures exist?, Proceedings of the 22nd Japan Society of Developmental Psychology. 96.
- Yoshioka K. (2011), Integrating can-do statements in Japanese reading courses, The state of the art of Japanese language education in Europe: Language teaching practices based on CEFR-standards and possibilities of implementing JF standards. 118-123.
- Yoshioka K. (2010), Gesture and information structure in L2 discourse. In: Gullberg M. & Bot K. de (red.), Gestures in Language Development: John Benjamins. 93-112.
- Yoshioka K. (2009), Gesture studies in SLA research, Acquisition of Japanese as a second language 12: 127-144.
- Yoshioka K. (2008), Gesture and information structure in first and second language, Gesture 8(2): 236-255.
- Yoshioka K. (2008), Linguistic and gestural introduction of inanimate referents in L1 and L2 narrative. In: McCafferty S. & Stam G. (red.), Gesture: Second language acquisition and classroom research. New York: Routledge. 211-230.
- Yoshioka K. (2008), Linguistic and gestural reference to ground information in L2 narrative. In: Ogura T., Kobayashi H., Inagaki S., Hirakawa M., Arita S. & Terao Y. (red.), Studies in language Sciences 7. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. 197-212.
- Yoshioka K. (2008), Reference introduction in speech and gesture-a comparison of Dutch and Japanese. In: Heinrich H. & Sugita Y. (red.), Japanese as foreign language in the age of globalization. München: Iudicium. 189-2006.
- Yoshioka K. (2008), Gesture and information structure in L2 discourse, Gesture 8(2): 236-255.
- Yoshioka K. (2006), Manual introduction of animate referents in L2 Narrative. In: Negishi M., Umino T. & Yoshitomi A. (red.), Readings in second language pedagogy and second language acquisition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 179-199.
- Yoshioka K. & Kellerman E. (2006), Gestural introduction of ground reference in L2 narrative, International Review of Applied Linguistics 44(2): 173-196.
- Yoshioka K., Matsuo K., Ogiso S., Oshima K., Sakurai N., Sato N., Sulzbergerger-Miki S. & Tanaka K. (2005), Leraning and teaching Japanese language in Europe and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Tokyo: The Japan Foundation.