Katharina Krüsselmann
- Naam
- Dr. K. Krüsselmann
- Telefoon
- 070 8009500
- k.krusselmann@fgga.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-6181-425X
Katharina Krüsselmann is gastmedewerker aan de Universiteit Leiden - Institute of Security and Global Affairs.
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- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Physical violence and public order
- Krüsselmann K., Aarten P.G.M. & Liem M.C.A. (2024), Missing the mark?: A typology of lethal and non-lethal firearm violence in the Netherlands, Crime & Delinquency : .
- Krüsselmann K. (21 november 2024), In the line of fire: firearm violence in Europe (Dissertatie. Institue of Security and Global Affairs, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Liem M.C.A., Aarten P.G.M.
- Krüsselmann K., Aarten P.G.M., Granath S., Kivivuori J., Markwalder N., Suonpää K., Thomsen A.H., Walser S. & Liem M.C.A. (2023), Firearm homicides in Europe: a comparison with non-firearm homicides in five European countries, Global Crime : 1-23.
- Krüsselmann K. & Weggemans D. (2023), Radicalization and Left-Wing Extremism. In: Zúquete J.P. (red.), The Palgrave Handbook of left-wing extremism: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Liem M.C.A. & Krüsselmann K. (2022), The way of the gun: firearm trafficking and its impact on violence in the Netherlands. Brussels: Flemish Peace Institute.
- Krüsselmann K., Aarten P. & Liem M. (2021), Firearms and violence in Europe – a systematic review , PLoS ONE 16(4): e0248955.
- Krüsselmann K., Rabolini A. & Liem M. (2021), The illegal use of hand grenades in the Netherlands: 2008-2021 (. Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University), . The Hague: Leiden University.
- Wieringen L. van, Krüsselmann K., Weggemans D.J. & Liem M.C.A. (2021), Van ouder op kind: een verkennende studie naar de intergenerationele overdracht van jihadistisch gedachtegoed binnen de gezinscontext (. Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA), Leiden University), . Den Haag: Wetenschappelijk Onderzoeks- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC).
- Rabolini A.S., Krüsselmann K. & Liem M.C.A. (2021), Birds of feather, flock together? : Examining spatial clustering in drug-related homicides and gun violence. .
- Liem M., Krüsselmann K. & Eisner M. (2020), From Murder to Imprisonment: Mapping the Flow of Homicide Cases-A Systematic Review, Homicide Studies 24(3): 220-241.
- Aarten P.G.M., Froneberg E., Hewitt J., Krüsselmann K. & Peterscheck A. (Eds.) (2020), Research Methods for Security Studies. London: Sage.
- Liem M.C.A. & Krüsselmann K. (2019), Explosief geweld, Het tijdschrift voor de politie 81(5): 20-23.