Johanneke Portielje
Hoogleraar interne geneeskunde, in het bijzonder de geriatrische oncologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J.E.A. Portielje
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 3464
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Professor dr. Johanneke Portielje is internist oncoloog bij de afdeling medische oncologie in het LUMC. Geriatrische oncologie is het onderwerp van haar leerstoel.
Meer informatie over Johanneke Portielje
Professor dr. Johanneke Portielje is internist oncoloog bij de afdeling medische oncologie in het LUMC. Geriatrische oncologie is het onderwerp van haar leerstoel.
Geriatrische Oncologie
Geriatrische Oncologie bestudeert het diagnostisch proces en de behandeling van kanker bij oudere patiënten. Dit is een relatief nieuw onderzoeksveld dat enerzijds tot ontwikkeling komt door de snelle toename van ouderen met kanker in de dagelijkse oncologische praktijk en anderzijds omdat duidelijk is gewordend dat de behandeling van ouderen met kanker grote verbetering vraagt. Van oudsher zijn oncologische behandelingen voornamelijk bestudeerd in jonge patiënten zonder andere gezondheidsproblemen. Hierdoor ontbreekt voor een meerderheid van de ouderen in de spreekkamer de kennis om een optimaal behandelplan te kunnen maken.
De geriatrisch oncologische onderzoeksgroep in het LUMC richt zich onder meer op methoden waarmee ouderen geselecteerd kunnen worden voor specifieke oncologische behandelingen en op leeftijd-specifieke verschillen in de ontwikkeling van kanker en de behandeling van kanker.
Wetenschappelijk carrière
Nadat zij in Leiden geneeskunde studeerde deed Johanneke Portielje de opleiding interne geneeskunde (LUMC en HMC Westeinde) en interne oncologie (Daniel den Hoed kliniek / Erasmus MC Rotterdam) en promotie onderzoek naar de effecten van Interleukine 12 bij patienten met niercel kanker (2002). Vervolgens werkte ze als internist oncoloog in het Hagaziekenhuis in Den Haag. Sinds 2017 is zij werkzaam in het LUMC.
Zij hield haar oratie over geriatische oncologie getiteld “Zoeken naar de nuance” op 18 september 2017.
Hoogleraar interne geneeskunde, in het bijzonder de geriatrische oncologie
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Klinische Oncologie
- Özkan, A.; Kapiteijn, E.; Bos, F. van den; Aarts, M.J.B.; Berkmortel, F.W.P.J. van den; Blank, C.U.; Bloem, M.; Blokx, W.A.M.; Boers-Sonderen, M.J.; Bonenkamp, J.J.; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; Groot, J.W.B. de; Haanen, J.B.; Holtslag, C.E.; Hospers, G.A.P.; Piersma, D.; Rijn, R.S. van; Boer, A.M.S.D.; Suijkerbuijk, K.P.M.; Veldt, A.A.M. van der; Vreugdenhil, G.; Wouters, M.W.J.M.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Glas, N.A. de (2025), " Adjuvant immunotherapy in older patients with stage III and resected stage IV melanoma: Toxicity and recurrence-free survival outcomes from the Dutch melanoma treatment registry" [Eur. J. Cancer 212, 2024, 115056], European Journal of Cancer 216.
- Baltussen, J.C.; Bos, F. van den; Slingerland, M.; Binda, T.R.R.; Liefers, G.J.; Hout, W.B. van den; Fiocco, M.; Verschoor, A.J.; Balen, M.C.V.; Holterhues, C.; Houtsma, D.; Jochems, A.; Spierings, L.E.A.M.M.; Bodegom-Vos, L. van; Mooijaart, S.P.; Gelderblom, H.; Speetjens, F.M.; Glas, N.A. de & Portielje, J.E.A. (2024), DOSAGE study: protocol for a phase III non-inferiority randomised trial investigating dose-reduced chemotherapy for advanced colorectal cancer in older patients, BMJ Open 14(8).
- Dhodapkar, K. & Portielje, J. (2024), Minority report on cancer immunotherapy: focus on elderly and other understudied populations, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 12(10).
- Hultink, D.; Souwer, E.T.D.; Bastiaannet, E.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Steup, W.H.; Hamaker, M.E.; Sonneveld, D.J.A.; Consten, E.C.J.; Neijenhuis, P.A.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Bos, F. van den (2024), The prognostic value of a geriatric risk score for older patients undergoing emergency surgery of colorectal cancer, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 15(2).
- Özkan, A.; Bos, F. van den; Mooijaart, S.P.; Slingerland, M.; Kapiteijn, E.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Portielje, J.E.A. & Glas, N.A. de (2024), Geriatric predictors of response and adverse events in older patients with cancer treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors: A systematic review, Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 194.
- Duin, J.J.; Baltussen, J.C.; Albalak, G.; Isselt, E.F.V. van; Portielje, J.E.A.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Soto-Perez-de-Celis, E. & Bos, F. van den (2024), The use of wearable technology in studies in older adults with cancer: a systematic review, The Oncologist.
- Knikman, J.E.; Zhai, Q.L.; Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Henricks, L.M.; Boehringer, S.; Lee, M. van der; Man, F.M. de; Offer, S.M.; Shrestha, S.; Creemers, G.J.; Baars, A.; Dezentje, V.O.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Jeurissen, F.J.F.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Jansen, R.L.H.; Hamberg, P.; Droogendijk, H.J.; Koopman, M.; Nieboer, P.; Poel, M.H.W. van de; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Schellens, J.H.M.; Cats, A.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Swen, J.J. (2024), Discovering novel germline genetic variants linked to severe fluoropyrimidine-related toxicity in- and outside DPYD, Genome Medicine 16(1).
- Sogaard, M.; Orskov, M.; Jensen, M.; Goedegebuur, J.; Kempers, E.K.; Visser, C.; Geijteman, E.C.T.; Abbel, D.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Geersing, G.J.; Portielje, J.; Edwards, A.; Aldridge, S.J.; Akbari, A.; Hojen, A.A.; Klok, F.A.; Noble, S.; Cannegieter, S. & Ording, A.G. (2024), Use of antithrombotic therapy and the risk of cardiovascular outcomes and bleeding in cancer patients at the end of life: a Danish nationwide cohort study, Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 23(1): 190-200.
- Seghers, P.A.L.; Rostoft, S.; OHanlon, S.; ODonovan, A.; Schulkes, K.; Montroni, I.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Wildiers, H.; Soubeyran, P. & Hamaker, M.E. (2024), How to incorporate chronic health conditions in oncologic decision-making and care for older patients with cancer?, European Geriatric Medicine.
- Hoi, E.T.V.; Santegoets, S.J.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Heemst, D. van; Özkan, A.; Verdegaal, E.M.E.; Slingerland, M.; Kapiteijn, E.; Burg, S.H. van der; Portielje, J.E.A.; Welters, M.J.P. & Glas, N.A. de (2024), Blood based immune biomarkers associated with clinical frailty scale in older patients with melanoma receiving checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy, Immunity and Ageing 21(1).
- Gans, E.A.; Pieterse, A.H.; Klapwijk, M.S.; Stiphout, F. van; Steenbergen, I.J. van; Portielje, J.E.A.; Groot, J.F. de; Munster, B.C. van & Bos, F. van den (2024), Shared decision-making with older adults with cancer: Adaptation of a model through literature review and expert opinion, Psycho-Oncology 33(1).
- Baltussen, J.C.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Vulink, A.J.E.; Houtsma, D.; Deure, W.M. van der; Westerman, E.M.; Oosterkamp, H.M.; Spierings, L.E.A.M.M.; Bos, F. van den; Glas, N.A. de & Portielje, J.E.A. (2024), Tolerability and effectiveness of palbociclib in older women with metastatic breast cancer, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 206.
- Özkan, A.; Kapiteijn, E.; Bos, F. van den; Aarts, M.J.B.; Berkmortel, F.W.P.J. van den; Blank, C.U.; Bloem, M.; Blokx, W.A.M.; Boers-Sonderen, M.J.; Bonenkamp, J.J.; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; Groot, J.W.B. de; Haanen, J.B.; Holtslag, C.E.; Hospers, G.A.P.; Piersma, D.; Rijn, R.S. van; Boer, A.M.S.D.; Suijkerbuijk, K.P.M.; Veldt, A.A.M. van der; Vreugdenhil, G.; Wouters, M.W.J.M.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Glas, N.A. de (2024), Adjuvant immunotherapy in older patients with stage III and resected stage IV melanoma, European Journal of Cancer 212.
- Baltussen, J.C.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Vulink, A.J.E.; Houtsma, D.; Deure, W.M. van der; Westerman, E.M.; Oosterkamp, H.M.; Spierings, L.E.A.M.M.; Bos, F. van den; Glas, N.A. de & Portielje, J.E.A. (2024), Tolerability and effectiveness of palbociclib in older women with metastatic breast cancer, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 206(2): 337-346.
- Holstein, Y. van; Trompet, S.; Munster, B.C. van; Berkmortel, P.J.E. van den; Heemst, D. van; Glas, N.A. de; Slingerland, M.; Slagboom, P.E.; Holterhues, C.; Labots, G.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Bos, F. van den (2024), Association of Glasgow Prognostic Score with frailty, mortality and adverse health outcomes in older patients with cancer, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 15(8).
- Boogaard, A.U. den; Jongh, D. de; Elst, M.J.T. van den; Trompet, S.; Man-van Ginkel, J.M. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Meuleman, Y.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Glas, N.A. de & Bos, F. van den (2024), Older patients' experiences with and attitudes towards an oncogeriatric pathway, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 15(3).
- Hulst, H.C.V.; Bol, J.M.V.; Bastiaannet, E.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Dekker, J.W.T. (2024), The effect of prehabilitation on long-term survival and hospital admissions in older patients undergoing elective colorectal cancer surgery, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 50(4).
- Hoi, E.T. van; Trompet, S.; Holstein, Y. van; Bos, F. van den; Heemst, D. van; Codrington, H.; Labots, G.; Lohman, S.; Ozkan, A.; Portielje, J.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Glas, N.A. de & Derks, M. (2024), Toxicity in older patients with cancer receiving immunotherapy, Drugs & Aging 41.
- Baltussen, J.C.; Cardenas-Reyes, P.; Chavarri-Guerra, Y.; Ramirez-Fontes, A.; Morales-Alfaro, A.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Ramos-Lopez, W.A.; Rosado-Canto, V. & Soto-Perez-de-Celis, E. (2024), Time toxicity among older patients with cancer treated with palliative systemic therapy, Supportive Care in Cancer 32(9).
- Holstein, Y. van; Mooijaart, S.P.; Oevelen, M. van; Deudekom, F.J. van; Vojinovic, D.; Bizzarri, D.; Akker, E.B. van den; Noordam, R.; Deelen, J.; Heemst, D. van; Glas, N.A. de; Holterhues, C.; Labots, G.; Bos, F. van den; Beekman, M.; Slagboom, P.E.; Munster, B.C. van; Portielje, J.E.A. & Trompet, S. (2024), The performance of metabolomics-based prediction scores for mortality in older patients with solid tumors, Geroscience.
- Opdam, M.; Rossum, A.G.J. van; Hoogstraat, M.; Bounova, G.; Horlings, H.M.; Werkhoven, E. van; Mandjes, I.A.M.; Leeuwen-Stok, A.E. van; Canisius, S.; Tinteren, H. van; Imholz, A.L.T.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bos, M.E.M.M.; Bakker, S.; Wesseling, J.; Kester, L.; Rheenen, J. van; Rutgers, E.J.; Menezes, R.X. de; Wessels, L.F.A.; Kok, M.; Oosterkamp, H.M.; Linn, S.C. & MATADOR trialists' grp Dutch Breast Canc Res Grp BOOG (2024), Predictive gene expression profile for adjuvant taxane benefit in breast cancer in the MATADOR trial, iScience 27(8).
- Lemij, A.; Glas, N. de; Kroep, J.; Siesling, S.; Bos, F. van den; Bastiaannet, E.; Liefers, G.J. & Portielje, J. (2024), A comparison of treatment allocation and survival between younger and older patients with HER2-overexpressing de novo metastatic breast cancer, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 15(6).
- Hulst, H.C. van der; Bol, J.M. van der; Bastiaannet, E.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Dekker, J.W.T. (2024), Age-specific impact of comorbidity on postoperative outcomes in older patients with colorectal cancer, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 15(7).
- Poort, E.K.J. van der; Holstein, Y. van; Slingerland, M.; Trompet, S.; Bos, F. van den; Portielje, J.E.A.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Marle, M.E.; Bos, W.J.W.; Mooijaart, S.P. & Hout, W.B. van den (2024), Allocation and value of curative oncological treatment in frail and fit older patients with esophageal cancer, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 15(7).
- Sanchez, D.N.; Derks, M.G.M.; Verstijnen, J.A.; Menges, D.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bos, F. van den & Bastiaannet, E. (2024), Frequency of use and characterization of frailty assessments in observational studies on older women with breast cancer: a systematic review, BMC Geriatrics 24(1).
- Knikman, J.E.; Zhai, Q.L.; Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Henricks, L.M.; Boehringer, S.; Lee, M. van der; Man, F.M. de; Offer, S.M.; Shrestha, S.; Creemers, G.J.; Baars, A.; Dezentje, V.O.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Jeurissen, F.J.F.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Jansen, R.L.H.; Hamberg, P.; Droogendijk, H.J.; Koopman, M.; Nieboer, P.; Poel, M.H.W. van de; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Schellens, J.H.M.; Cats, A.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Swen, J.J. (2024), Discovering novel germline genetic variants linked to severe fluoropyrimidine-related toxicity in- and outside DPYD , Genome Medicine 16.
- Seghers, P.A.L.N.; Hamaker, M.E.; O'Hanlon, S.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Wildiers, H.; Soubeyran, P.; Coolbrandt, A. & Rostoft, S. (2024), Self-reported electronic symptom monitoring in older patients with multimorbidity treated for cancer: Development of a core dataset based on expert consensus, literature review, and quality of life questionnaires, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 15(1).
- Schuurman, M.S.; Lemmens, V.E.P.P.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Aa, M.A. van der; Visser, O. & Dinmohamed, A.G. (2024), The cancer burden in the oldest-old: Increasing numbers and disparities-A nationwide study in the Netherlands, 1990 to 2019, International Journal of Cancer 154(2): 261-272.
- Hoi, E.T.V.; Glas, N.A. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Heemst, D. van; Bos, F.V.; Jochems, S.P. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2023), Biomarkers of the ageing immune system and their association with frailty-A systematic review, Experimental Gerontology 176.
- Baltussen, J.C.; Lemij, A.A.; Glas, N.A. de; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2023), Response to letter entitled: Re: Association between endocrine therapy and cognitive decline in older women with early breast cancer: Findings from the prospective CLIMB study, European Journal of Cancer 191.
- Goedegebuur, J.; Abbel, D.; Accassat, S.; Achterberg, W.P.; Akbari, A.; Arfuch, V.M.; Baddeley, E.; Bax, J.J.; Becker, D.; Bergmeijer, B.; Bertoletti, L.; Blom, J.W.; Calvetti, A.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Castro, L.; Coma-Auli, N.; Chavannes, N.H.; Couffignal, C.; Edwards, A.; Edwards, M.; Enggaard, H.; Font, C.; Gava, A.; Geersing, G.J.; Geijteman, E.C.T.; Greenley, S.; Gregory, C.; Gussekloo, J.; Hoffmannu, I.; Hojen, A.A.; Hout, W.B. van den; Huisman, M.V.; Jacobsen, S.; Jagosh, J.; Johnson, M.J.; Jorgensen, L.; Juffermans, C.C.M.; Kempers, E.K.; Konstantinides, S.; Kroder, A.F.; Kruip, M.J.H.A.; Lafaie, L.; Langendoen, J.W.; Larsen, T.B.; Lifford, K.; Linden, Y.M. van der; Mahé, I.; Maiorana, L.; Maraveyas, A.; Martens, E.S.L.; Mayeur, D.; Mens, T.E. van; Mohr, K.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Murtagh, F.E.M.; Nelson, A.; Nielsen, P.B.; Ording, A.G.; Orskov, M.; Pearson, M.; Poenou, G.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Raczkiewicz, D.; Rasmussen, K.; Trinks-Roerdink, E.; Schippers, I.; Seddon, K.; Sexton, K.; Sivell, S.; Skjoth, F.; Sogaard, M.; Szmit, S.; Trompet, S.; Vassal, P.; Visser, C.; Vliet, L.M. van; Wilson, E.; Klok, F.A. & Noble, S.I.R. (2023), Towards optimal use of antithrombotic therapy of people with cancer at the end of life, Thrombosis Research: Vascular Obstruction, Hemorrhage and Hemostasis 228: 54-60.
- Holstein, Y. van; Berkmortel, P.J.E. van den; Trompet, S.; Heemst, D. van; Bos, F. van den; Roemeling-van Rhijn, M.R.V.; Glas, N.A. de; Beekman, M.; Slagboom, P.E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Mooijaart, S.P. & Munster, B.C. van (2023), The association of blood biomarkers with treatment response and adverse health outcomes in older patients with solid tumors: A systematic review, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 14(7).
- Bruin, J.; Rood, Y.R. van; Peeters, K.C.M.J.; Roos, C. de; Tanious, R.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Gelderblom, H. & Hinnen, S.C.H. (2023), Efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy for fear of cancer recurrence among cancer survivors, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 14(2).
- Lemij, A.A.; Glas, N.A.D.; Derks, M.G.M.; Linthorst-Niers, E.M.H.; Guicherit, O.R.; Pol, C.C.V.; Lans, T.E.; Dalen, T. van; Vulink, A.J.E.; Merkus, J.W.S.; Gerven, L. van; Bos, F. van den; Ottenheim, N.R.; Liefers, G.J. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2023), Mental health outcomes in older breast cancer survivors, European Journal of Cancer 187: 87-95.
- Souwer, E.T.D.; Sanchez-Spitman, A.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Gelderblom, H.; Swen, J.J.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelder, T. van (2023), Tamoxifen pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in older patients with non-metastatic breast cancer, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 199.
- Lemij, A.A.; Liefers, G.J.; Derks, M.G.M.; Bastiaannet, E.; Fiocco, M.; Lans, T.E.; Pol, C.C. van der; Vulink, A.J.E.; Gerven, L. van; Guicherit, O.R.; Linthorst-Niers, E.M.H.; Merkus, J.W.S.; Dalen, T. van; Portielje, J.E.A. & Glas, N.A. de (2023), Physical function and physical activity in older breast cancer survivors, The Oncologist 28(6).
- Lugtenberg, R.T.; Groot, S. de; Houtsma, D.; Dezentje, V.O.; Vulink, A.J.E.; Fischer, M.J.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Pijl, H. & Kroep, J.R. (2023), Phase 1 study to evaluate the safety of reducing the prophylactic dose of dexamethasone around docetaxel infusion in patients with prostate and breast cancer, Cancers 15(6).
- Gans, E.A.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Dekkers, O.M.; Kroon, C.D.D.; Munster, B.C. van; Derks, M.G.M.; Trompet, S.; Holstein, Y. van; Mooijaart, S.P.; Poelgeest, M.I.E. van & Bos, F. van den (2023), Frailty and treatment decisions in older patients with vulvar cancer, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 14(2).
- Kalkhoran, H.A.; Zwaveling, J.; Storm, B.N.; Laar, S.A. van; Portielje, J.E.; Codrington, H.; Luijten, D.; Brocken, P.; Smit, E.F. & Visser, L.E. (2023), A text-mining approach to study the real-world effectiveness and potentially fatal immune-related adverse events of PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors in older patients with stage III/IV non-small cell lung cancer, BMC Cancer 23(1).
- Baltussen, J.C.; Derks, M.G.M.; Lemij, A.A.; Glas, N.A. de; Fiocco, M.; Linthorst-Niers, E.M.H.; Vulink, A.J.E.; Gerven, L. van; Guicherit, O.R.; Dalen, T. van; Merkus, J.W.S.; Lans, T.E.; Pol, C.C. van der; Mooijaart, S.P.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2023), Association between endocrine therapy and cognitive decline in older women with early breast cancer, European Journal of Cancer 185: 1-10.
- Baltussen, J.C.; Glas, N.A. de; Liefers, G.J.; Slingerland, M.; Speetjens, F.M.; Bos, F. van den; Balen, M.C.V.; Verschoor, A.J.; Jochems, A.; Spierings, L.E.A.M.M.; Holterhues, C.; Gerven, L.A. van; Mooijaart, S.P.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Derks, M.G.M. (2023), Time trends in treatment patterns and survival of older patients with synchronous metastatic colorectal cancer in the Netherlands, International Journal of Cancer 152(10): 2043-2051.
- Waaijer, M.E.C.; Lemij, A.A.; Boer, A.Z. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Bos, F. van den; Derks, M.G.M.; Kroep, J.R.; Liefers, G.J.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Glas, N.A. de (2023), The impact of geriatric characteristics and comorbidities on distant metastases and other cause mortality in older women with non-metastatic breast cancer treated with primary endocrine therapy, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 201.
- Seghers, P.A.L.; Rostoft, S.; O'Hanlon, S.; O'Sullivan, B.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Wildiers, H.; Soubeyran, P. & Hamaker, M.E. (2023), Challenges of caring for older patients with multimorbidity including cancer, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 14(7).
- Seghers, P.A.L.; Alibhai, S.M.H.; Battisti, N.M.L.; Kanesvaran, R.; Extermann, M.; O'Donovan, A.; Pilleron, S.; Mislang, A.R.; Musolino, N.; Cheung, K.L.; Staines, A.; Girvalaki, C.; Soubeyran, P.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Rostoft, S.; Hamaker, M.E.; Trepel, D. & O'Hanlon, S. (2023), Geriatric assessment for older people with cancer, Global Health Research and Policy 8(1).
- Baltussen, J.C.; Glas, N.A. de; Holstein, Y. van; Elst, M. van der; Trompet, S.; Boogaard, A.U. den; Plas-krijgsman, W. van der; Labots, G.; Holterhues, C.; Bol, J.M. van der; Mammatas, L.H.; Liefers, G.J.; Slingerland, M.; Bos, F. van den; Mooijaart, S.P. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2023), Chemotherapy-related toxic effects and quality of life and physical functioning in older patients, Jama Network Open 6(10).
- Lemij, A.A.; Baltussen, J.C.; Glas, N.A. de; Kroep, J.R.; Derks, M.G.M.; Liefers, G.J. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2023), Gene expression signatures in older patients with breast cancer: a systematic review, Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 181.
- Brokaar, E.J.; Visser, L.E.; Bos, F. van den & Portielje, J.E.A. (2023), Medication optimization in older adults with advanced cancer and a limited life expectancy, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 14(8).
- Seghers, P.A.L.; Hamaker, M.E.; Wal-huisman, H. van der; Stegmann, M.E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Graeff, P. de & Festen, S. (2023), Development and testing of the Outcome Prioritization Tool adjusted to older patients with cancer: A pilot study, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 14(8).
- Hulst, H.C. van der; Bol, J.M. van der; Bastiaannet, E.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Dekker, J.W.T. (2023), Surgical and non-surgical complications after colorectal cancer surgery in older patients, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 49(4): 724-729.
- Knikman, J.E.; Wilting, T.A.; Lopez-Yurda, M.; Henricks, L.M.; Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Man, F.M. de; Meulendijks, D.; Nieboer, P.; Droogendijk, H.J.; Creemers, G.J.; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Valkenburg-van Iersel, L.; Vulink, A.; Poel, M.H.W. van der; Baars, A.; Swen, J.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Schellens, J.H.M.; Beijnen, J.H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Cats, A. (2023), Survival of patients with cancer with DPYD variant alleles and dose-individualized fluoropyrimidine therapy, Journal of Clinical Oncology 41(35): 5411-+.
- Ravensbergen, C.; Holstein, Y. van; Hagenaars, S.; Crobach, S.; Trompet, S.; Portielje, J.; Glas, N. de; Heemst, D. van; Bos, F. van den; Tollenaar, R.; Mesker, W.; Mooijaart, S. & Slingerland, M. (2022), Association of Biological Age with Tumor Microenvironment in Patients with Esophageal Adenocarcinoma.
- Argillander, T.E.; Hulst, H.C. van der; Zaag-loonen, H.J. van der; Duijvendijk, P. van; Dekker, J.W.T.; Bol, J.M. van der; Bastiaannet, E.; Verkuyl, J.; Neijenhuis, P.; Hamaker, M.; Schiphorst, A.H.; Aukema, T.S.; Burghgraef, T.A.; Sonneveld, D.J.A.; Schuijtemaker, J.S.; Meij, W. van der; Bos, F. van den; Portielje, J.E.A.; Souwer, E.T.D. & Munster, B.C. van (2022), Predictive value of selected geriatric parameters for postoperative outcomes in older patients with rectal cancer, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 13(6): 796-802.
- Boer, A.Z. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Schetelig, J.; Glas, N.A. de; Manevksi, D.; Putter, H.; Liefers, G.J.; Munck, L. de; Portielje, J.E.A. & Wreede, L.C. de (2022), Breast cancer mortality of older patients with and without recurrence analysed by novel multi-state models, European Journal of Cancer 174: 212-220.
- Plas-Krijgsman, W.G. van der; Morgan, J.L.; Glas, N.A. de; Boer, A.Z. de; Martin, C.L.; Holmes, G.R.; Ward, S.E.; Chater, T.; Reed, M.W.; Merkus, J.W.S.; Dalen, T. van; Vulink, A.J.E.; Gerven, L. van; Guicherit, O.R.; Linthorst-Niers, E.; Lans, T.E.; Bastiaannet, E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J. & Wyld, L. (2022), Differences in treatment and survival of older patients with operable breast cancer between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, European Journal of Cancer 163: 189-199.
- Biesma, H.D.; Soeratram, T.T.D.; Sikorska, K.; Caspers, I.A.; Essen, H.F. van; Egthuijsen, J.M.P.; Mookhoek, A.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Henegouwen, M.I.V.; Nordsmark, M.; Peet, D.L. van der; Warmerdam, F.A.R.M.; Geenen, M.M.; Loosveld, O.J.L.; Portielje, J.E.A.; , M. los; Heideman, D.A.M.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Sandick, J. van; Verheij, M.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Cats, A.; Ylstra, B. & Grieken, N.C.T. van (2022), Response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and survival in molecular subtypes of resectable gastric cancer, Gastric Cancer 25(3): 640-651.
- Verhoeff-Jahja, R.; Kuile, M.M. ter; Weijl, N.I.; Oosterkamp, R.; Cloos, M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kroep, J.R. & Hinnen, C. (2022), Symptoms of anxiety but not depression before start of taxane-based chemotherapy are associated with peripheral neuropathy, Supportive Care in Cancer 30(8): 6947-6953.
- Sanchez, D.; Derks, M.G.M.; Verstijnen, J.A.; Menges, D.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bos, F. van den & Bastiaannet, E. (2022), Use of frailty measurements in observational studies on older patients with breast cancer: A systematic review, European Journal of Cancer 175: S94-S94.
- Lemij, A.; Glas, N.A. de; Dalen, T. van; Guicherit, O.R.; Lans, T.E.; Linthorst-Niers, E.M.H.; Merkus, J.W.S.; Pol, C.C. van der; Vulink, A.J.E.; Gerven, L. van; Liefers, G.J. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2022), Depression, loneliness and apathy in older breast cancer survivors: five-year follow-up from the Climb Every Mountain study, European Journal of Cancer 175: S53-S53.
- Ziel, D. van der; Derks, M.G.M.; Kapiteijn, E.; Bastiaannet, E.; Louwman, M.; Bos, F. van den; Mooijaart, S.P.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Glas, N.A. de (2022), Time trends in treatment strategies and survival of older versus younger patients with synchronous metastasized melanoma, Cancers 14(19).
- Noordhoek, I.; Bastiaannet, E.; Glas, N.A. de; Scheepens, J.; Esserman, L.J.; Wesseling, J.; Scholten, A.N.; Schroder, C.P.; Elias, S.G.; Kroep, J.R.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kleijn, M. & Liefers, G.J. (2022), Validation of the 70-gene signature test (MammaPrint) to identify patients with breast cancer aged >= 70 years with ultralow risk of distant recurrence, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 13(8): 1172-1177.
- Plas-Krijgsman, W.G. van der; Morgan, J.L.; Glas, N.A. de; Boer, A.Z. de; Martin, C.L.; Holmes, G.R.; Ward, S.E.; Chater, T.; Reed, M.W.; Merkus, J.W.S.; Dalen, T. van; Vulink, A.J.E.; Gerven, L. van; Guicherit, O.R.; Linthorst-Niers, E.; Lans, T.E.; Bastiaannet, E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J. & Wyld, L. (2022), Differences in treatment and survival of older patients with operable breast cancer between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, European Journal of Cancer 163: 189-199.
- Verhoeff-Jahja, R.; Kuile, M.M. ter; Weijl, N.I.; Oosterkamp, R.; Cloos, M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kroep, J.R. & Hinnen, C. (2022), Symptoms of anxiety but not depression before start of taxane-based chemotherapy are associated with peripheral neuropathy, Supportive Care in Cancer 30(8): 6947-6953.
- Storm, B.N.; Kalkhoran, H.A.; Wilms, E.B.; Brocken, P.; Codrington, H.; Houtsma, D.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Glas, N. de; Ziel, D.V.; Bos, F.V. & Visser, L.E. (2022), Real-life safety of PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors in older patients with cancer, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 13(7): 997-1002.
- Kester, L.; Seinstra, D.; Rossum, A.G.J. van; Vennin, C.; Hoogstraat, M.; Velden, D. van der; Opdam, M.; Werkhoven, E. van; Hahn, K.; Nederlof, I.; Lips, E.H.; Mandjes, I.A.M.; Leeuwen-Stok, A.E. van; Canisius, S.; Tinteren, H. van; Imholz, A.L.T.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bos, M.E.M.M.; Bakker, S.D.; Rutgers, E.J.; Horlings, H.M.; Wesseling, J.; Voest, E.E.; Wessels, L.F.A.; Kok, M.; Oosterkamp, H.M.; Oudenaarden, A. van; Linn, S.C. & Rheenen, J. van (2022), Differential survival and therapy benefit of patients with breast cancer are characterized by distinct epithelial and immune cell microenvironments, Clinical Cancer Research 28(5): 960-971.
- Zanden, V. van der; Soolingen, N.J. van; Viddeleer, A.R.; Trum, J.W.; Amant, F.; Mourits, M.J.E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Baalbergen, A.; Souwer, E.T.D. & Munster, B.C. van (2022), Loss of skeletal muscle density during neoadjuvant chemotherapy in older women with advanced stage ovarian cancer is associated with postoperative complications, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 48(4): 896-902.
- Lemij, A.A.; Glas, N.A. de; Derks, M.G.M.; Bastiaannet, E.; Merkus, J.W.S.; Lans, T.E.; Pol, C.C. van der; Dalen, T. van; Vulink, A.J.E.; Gerven, L. van; Guicherit, O.R.; Linthorst-Niers, E.M.H.; Bos, F. van den; Kroep, J.R.; Liefers, G.J. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2022), Discontinuation of adjuvant endocrine therapy and impact on quality of life and functional status in older patients with breast cancer, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 193.
- Vliek, S.B.; Noordhoek, I.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Rossum, A.G.J. van; Dezentje, V.O.; Jager, A.; Hokken, J.W.E.; Putter, H.; Velden, A.W.G. van der; Hendriks, M.P.; Bakker, S.D.; Riet, Y.E.A. van; Tjan-Heijnen, V.C.G.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kroep, J.R.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Linn, S.C. (2022), Daily oral ibandronate with adjuvant endocrine therapy in postmenopausal women with estrogen receptor–positive breast cancer (BOOG 2006-04), Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(25): 2934-+.
- Biesma, H.D.; Soeratram, T.T.D.; Sikorska, K.; Caspers, I.A.; Essen, H.F. van; Egthuijsen, J.M.P.; Mookhoek, A.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Henegouwen, M.I.V.; Nordsmark, M.; Peet, D.L. van der; Warmerdam, F.A.R.M.; Geenen, M.M.; Loosveld, O.J.L.; Portielje, J.E.A.; , M. los; Heideman, D.A.M.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Sandick, J. van; Verheij, M.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Cats, A.; Ylstra, B. & Grieken, N.C.T. van (2022), Response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and survival in molecular subtypes of resectable gastric cancer, Gastric Cancer 25.
- Holstein, Y. van; Trompet, S.; Deudekom, F.J. van; Munster, B. van; Glas, N.A. de; Bos, F. van den; Boogaard, A.U. den; Elst, M.J.T. van der; Kaaij, M.A.E. van der; Neelis, K.J.; Langers, A.M.J.; Slingerland, M.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2022), Geriatric assessment and treatment outcomes in a Dutch cohort of older patients with potentially curable esophageal cancer, Acta Oncologica 61(4).
- Zhai, Q.; Leem, M. van der; Lunenburg, C.; Henricks, L.; Bohringer, S.; Man, F. de; Offer, S.; Baars, A.; Creemers, G.; Dezentje, V.; Droogendijk, H.; Hamberg, P.; Imholz, A.; Jansen, R.; Jeurissen, F.; Koopman, M.; Mandigers, C.; Nieboer, P.; Poel, M. van de; Portielje, J.; Schaik, R. van; Gelderblom, H.; Mathijssen, R.; Schellens, J.; Cats, A.; Guchelaar, H. & Swen, J. (2022), Added value of DPYD whole exon sequencing to explain severe fluoropyrimidine-induced toxicity, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 78(SUPPL 1): S2-S3.
- Baltussen, J.; Derks, M.G.M.; Lemij, A.A.; Glas, N.A. de; Fiocco, M.; Linthorst-Niers, E.; Vulink, A.; Gerven, L. van; Guicherit, O.R.; Dalen, T. van; Merkus, J.W.S.; Lans, T.; Pol, C.C. van der; Mooijaart, S.P.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2022), Association of breast cancer therapy with cognitive decline in older women with early breast cancer: Findings from the CLIMB study, Annals of Oncology 33(7): S616-S616.
- Seghers, P.A.L.; Wiersma, A.; Festen, S.; Stegmann, M.E.; Soubeyran, P.; Rostoft, S.; O'Hanlon, S.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Hamaker, M.E. (2022), Patient Preferences for Treatment Outcomes in Oncology with a Focus on the Older Patient-A Systematic Review, Cancers 14(5).
- Hulst, H.C.V.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Bastiaannet, E.; Bol, J.M. van der; Bos, F. van den; Hamaker, M.E.; Schiphorst, A.; Sonneveld, D.J.A.; Schuijtemaker, J.S.; Jong, R.J.D.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Souwer, E.T.D. (2022), Validation of the ACS NSQIP surgical risk calculator in older patients with colorectal cancer undergoing elective surgery, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 13(6): 788-795.
- Bomhof-Roordink, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Gartner, F.R.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kroon, C.D. de; Peeters, K.C.M.J.; Neelis, K.J.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Weijden, T. van der; Pieterse, A.H.; Boer, S.M. de; Boersma, L.J.; Huinink, D.T.; Buijsen, J.; Cloos-van Balen, M.; Gelderblom, H.; Leeuwen-Snoeks, L. van; Lips, I.M.; Ramai, S.R.S.; Roshani, H.; Slingerland, M.; Vanneste, B.G.L.; Wiltink, L.M. & iSHARE Study Grp (2022), Patient and physician shared decision-making behaviors in oncology, Patient Education and Counseling 105(5): 1089-1100.
- Vliek, S.B.; Noordhoek, I.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Rossum, A.G.J. van; Dezentje, V.O.; Jager, A.; Hokken, J.W.E.; Putter, H.; Velden, A.W.G. van der; Hendriks, M.P.; Bakker, S.D.; Riet, Y.E.A. van; Tjan-Heijnen, V.C.G.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kroep, J.R.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Linn, S.C. (2022), Daily oral ibandronate with adjuvant endocrine therapy in postmenopausal women with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer (BOOG 2006-04), Journal of Clinical Oncology 40(25): 2934-+.
- Battisti, N.M.L.; Glas, N. de; Soto-Perez-de-Celis, E.; Liposits, G.; Bringuier, M.; Walko, C.; Lichtman, S.M.; Aapro, M.; Cheung, K.L.; Biganzoli, L.; Ring, A.; Portielje, J.; Wildiers, H. & Brain, E. (2022), Chemotherapy and gene expression profiling in older early luminal breast cancer patients: An International Society of Geriatric Oncology systematic review, European Journal of Cancer 172: 158-170.
- Lemij, A.A.; Plas-Krijgsman, W.G. van der; Bastiaannet, E.; Merkus, J.W.S.; Dalen, T. van; Vulink, A.J.E.; Gerven, L. van; Guicherit, O.R.; Linthorst-Niers, E.M.H.; Lans, T.E.; Pol, C.C. van der; Wyld, L.; Morgan, J.L.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Glas, N.A. de & Liefers, G.J. (2022), Predicting postoperative complications and their impact on quality of life and functional status in older patients with breast cancer, British Journal of Surgery 109(7).
- Seghers, P.A.L.; Kregting, J.A.; Huis-Tanja, L.H. van; Soubeyran, P.; O'Hanlon, S.; Rostoft, S.; Hamaker, M.E. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2022), What defines quality of life for older patients diagnosed with cancer? , Cancers 14(5).
- Biesma, H.D.; Soeratram, A.T.T.D.; Sikorska, K.; Caspers, I.A.; Essen, H.F. van; Egthuijsen, J.M.P.; Mookhoek, A.; Hoek, D.M.; Vos, W.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Nordsmark, M.; Peet, D.L. van der; Warmerdam, F.A.R.M.; Geenen, M.M.; Loosveld, O.J.L.; Portielje, J.E.A.; , M. los; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Sandick, J. van; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Verheij, M.; Cats, A.; Ylstra, B.; Grieken, N.C.T. van & CRITICS Investigators (2021), Mucinous phenotype is associated with response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in microsatellite instable resectable gastric cancer., Cancer Research 81(13).
- Glas, N.A. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Bos, F. van den; Mooijaart, S.; Veldt, A.A.M. van der; Suijkerbuijk, K.; Aarts, M.J.B.; Berkmortel, F. van den; Blank, C.U.; Boers-Sonderen, M.; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; Groot, J.W. de; Hospers, G.; Haanen, J.B.A.G.; Piersma, D.; Rijn, R. van; Tije, A.J. ten; Wouters, M.W.J.M.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Kapiteijn, E. (2021), Toxicity, response, and survival in older adults with metastatic melanoma treated with checkpoint inhibitors., Journal of Clinical Oncology 39(15).
- Zanden, V. van der; Soolingen, N.J. van; Viddeleer, A.R.; Trum, J.W.; Amant, F.; Mourits, M.J.E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bos, F. van den; Kroon, C.D. de; Kagie, M.J.; Oei, S.A.; Baalbergen, A.; Haaften-de Jong, A.M.L. van; Houtsma, D.; Munster, B.C. van & Souwer, E.T.D. (2021), Low preoperative skeletal muscle density is predictive for negative postoperative outcomes in older women with ovarian cancer, Gynecologic Oncology 162(2): 360-367.
- Souwer, E.T.D.; Bastiaannet, E.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Steup, W.H.; Hamaker, M.M.; Sonneveld, D.J.A.; Burghgraef, T.A.; Bos, F. van den & Portielje, J.E.A. (2021), A prediction model for severe complications after elective colorectal cancer surgery in patients of 70 years and older, Cancers 13(13).
- Plas-Krijgsman, W.G. van der; Boer, A.Z. de; Jong, P. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Bos, F. van den; Mooijaart, S.P.; Liefers, G.J.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Glas, N.A. de (2021), Predicting disease-related and patient-reported outcomes in older patients with breast cancer-a systematic review, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 12(5): 696-704.
- Noordhoek, I.; Bastiaannet, E.; Lujinovic, E.; Esserman, L.; Wesseling, J.; Scholten, A.; Schroder, C.P.; Elias, S.; Glas, N.A. de; Kroep, J.R.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kleijn, M. & Liefers, G.J.J. (2021), The 70-gene signature (MammaPrint) accurately predicts distant breast cancer recurrence risk in patients aged ≥70 years from the population-based observational FOCUS cohort, Cancer Research 81(4).
- Noordhoek, I.; Putter, H.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2021), Calibration of CTS5 in women with early estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer reply.
- Glas, N.A. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Bos, F. van den; Mooijaart, S.P.; Veldt, A.A.M. van der; Suijkerbuijk, K.P.M.; Aarts, M.J.B.; Berkmortel, F.W.P.J. van den; Blank, C.U.; Boers-Sonderen, M.J.; Eertwegh, A.J.M. van den; Groot, J.W.B. de; Haanen, J.B.A.G.; Hospers, G.A.P.; Jalving, H.; Piersma, D.; Rijn, R.S. van; Tije, A.J. ten; Vreugdenhil, G.; Wouters, M.W.J.M.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Kapiteijn, E.W. (2021), Toxicity, response and survival in older patients with metastatic melanoma treated with checkpoint inhibitors, Cancers 13(11).
- Zanden, V. van der; Soolingen, N.J. van; Viddeleer, A.R.; Trum, J.W.; Amant, F.; Mourits, M.J.E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Baalbergen, A.; Souwer, E.T.D. & Munster, B.C. van (2021), Loss of skeletal muscle density during neoadjuvant chemotherapy in older women with advanced stage ovarian cancer is associated with postoperative complications, European Journal of Surgical Oncology.
- Yilmaz, N.G.; Timmermans, D.R.M.; Portielje, J.; Weert, J.C.M. van & Damman, O.C. (2021), Testing the effects on information use by older versus younger women of modality and narration style in a hospital report card, Health Expectations 25(2).
- Plas-Krijgsman, W.G. van der; Giardiello, D.; Putter, H.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Bastiaannet, E.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Kroep, J.R. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J. & Glas, N.A. de (2021), Development and validation of the PORTRET tool to predict recurrence, overall survival, and other-cause mortality in older patients with breast cancer in the Netherlands: a population-based study, The Lancet Healthy Longevity 2(11): E704-E711.
- Hulst, H.C. van der; Bastiaannet, E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bol, J.M. van der & Dekker, J.W.T. (2021), Can physical prehabilitation prevent complications after colorectal cancer surgery in frail older patients?, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 47(11): 2830-2840.
- Boer, A.Z. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Putter, H.; Mheen, P.M.J. van de; Siesling, S.; Munck, L. de; Ligt, K.M. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J. & Glas, N.A. de (2021), Prediction of other-cause mortality in older patients with breast cancer using comorbidity, Cancers 13(7).
- Vlies, E. van der; Vernooij, L.M.; Erning, F.N. van; Vink, G.R.; Bos, W.J.W.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Noordzij, P.G. & , M. los (2021), Survival of surgical and non-surgical older patients with non-metastatic colorectal cancer: A population-based study in the Netherlands, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 47(12): 3144-3150.
- Baltussen, J.C.; Welters, M.J.P.; Verdegaal, E.M.E.; Kapiteijn, E.; Schrader, A.M.R.; Slingerland, M.; Liefers, G.J.; Burg, S.H. van der; Portielje, J.E.A. & Glas, N.A. de (2021), Predictive biomarkers for outcomes of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) in melanoma: a systematic review, Cancers 13(24).
- Pieterse, A.H.; Brandes, K.; Graaf, J. de; Boer, J.E. de; Labrie, N.H.M.; Knops, A.; Allaart, C.F.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bos, W.J.W. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2021), Fostering patient choice awareness and presenting treatment options neutrally, Medical Decision Making 42(3).
- Rossum, A.G.J. van; Mandjes, I.A.M.; Werkhoven, E. van; Tinteren, H. van; Leeuwen-Stok, A.E. van; Nederlof, P.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Alphen, R.J. van; Platte, E.; Broek, D. van den; Huitema, A.; Kok, M.; Linn, S.C.; Oosterkamp, H.M. & Triple-B trialists' grp (2021), Carboplatin-cyclophosphamide or paclitaxel without or with bevacizumab as first-line treatment for metastatic triple-negative breast cancer (BOOG 2013-01), Breast Care 16(6).
- Brokaar, E.J.; Bos, F. van den; Visser, L.E. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2021), Deprescribing in Older Adults With Cancer and Limited Life Expectancy: An Integrative Review, American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine.
- Holstein, Y. van; Deudekom, F.J. van; Trompet, S.; Postmus, I.; Boogaard, A.U. den; Elst, M.J.T. van der; Glas, N.A. de; Heemst, D. van; Labots, G.; Altena, M.; Slingerland, M.; Liefers, G.J.; Bos, F. van den; Bol, J.M. van der; Blauw, G.J.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Mooijaart, S.P. (2021), Design and rationale of a routine clinical care pathway and prospective cohort study in older patients needing intensive treatment, BMC Geriatrics 21(1).
- Plas-Krijgsman, W. van der; Giardiello, D.; Putter, H.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Bastiaannet, E.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Mooijaart, S.P.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J. & Glas, N.A. de (2021), The PORTRET-tool: A prediction tool for older patients with breast cancer that predicts recurrence, survival and other-cause mortality, Cancer Research 81(4).
- Leal, A.; Grieken, N.C.T. van; Palsgrove, D.N.; Phallen, J.; Medina, J.E.; Hruban, C.; Broeckaert, M.A.M.; Anagnostou, V.; Adleff, V.; Bruhm, D.C.; Canzoniero, J.V.; Fiksel, J.; Nordsmark, M.; Warmerdam, F.A.R.M.; Verheul, H.M.W.; Spronsen, D.J. van; Beerepoot, L.V.; Geenen, M.M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Jansen, E.P.M.; Sandick, J. van; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Peet, D.L. van der; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Verheij, M.; Fijneman, R.; Scharpf, R.B.; Meijer, G.A.; Cats, A. & Velculescu, V.E. (2020), White blood cell and cell-free DNA analyses for detection of residual disease in gastric cancer, Nature Communications 11(1).
- Groen, J.V.; Douwes, T.A.; Eycken, E. van; Geest, L.G.M. van der; Johannesen, T.B.; Besselink, M.G.; Koerkamp, B.G.; Wilmink, J.W.; Bonsing, B.A.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Bastiaannet, E. & Mieog, J.S.D. (2020), Treatment and survival of elderly patients with stage I-II pancreatic cancer, Annals of Surgical Oncology 27.
- Souwer, E.T.D.; Moos, S.I.; Rooden, C.J. van; Bijlsma, A.Y.; Bastiaannet, E.; Steup, W.H.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Fiocco, M.; Bos, F. van den & Portielje, J.E.A. (2020), Physical performance has a strong association with poor surgical outcome in older patients with colorectal cancer, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 46(3): 462-469.
- Boer, A.Z. de; Glas, N.A. de; Marang-van De Mheen, P.J.; Dekkers, O.M.; Siesling, S.; Munck, L. de; Ligt, K.M. de; Liefers, G.J.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Bastiaannet, E. (2020), Effect of omission of surgery on survival in patients aged 80 years and older with early-stage hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, British Journal of Surgery 107(9).
- Boer, A.Z. de; Hulst, H.C. van der; Glas, N.A. de; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Siesling, S.; Munck, L. de; Ligt, K.M. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bastiaannet, E. & Lieferso, G.J. (2020), Impact of older age and comorbidity on locoregional and distant breast cancer recurrence, The Oncologist 25(1): E24-E30.
- Noordhoek, I.; Putter, H.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2020), Reply to M. Dowsett et al.
- Boer, A.Z. de; Derks, M.G.M.; Glas, N.A. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Liefers, G.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Dijk, M.A. van; Kroep, J.R.; Ropela, A.; Bos, F. van den & Portielje, J.E.A. (2020), Metastatic breast cancer in older patients, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 11(6): 969-975.
- Groot, S. de; Lugtenberg, R.T.; Cohen, D.; Welters, M.J.P.; Ehsan, I.; Vreeswijk, M.P.G.; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Graaf, H. de; Heijns, J.B.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Wouw, A.J. van de; Imholz, A.L.T.; Kessels, L.W.; Vrijaldenhoven, S.; Baars, A.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Duijm-de Carpentier, M.; Putter, H.; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Nortier, J.W.R.; Longo, V.D.; Pijl, H.; Kroep, J.R.; Goker, E.; Pas, A.J.M.; Honkoop, A.H. & Dutch Breast Canc Res Grp BOOG (2020), Fasting mimicking diet as an adjunct toneoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer in the multicentre randomized phase 2 DIRECT trial, Nature Communications 11(1).
- Boer, A.Z. de; Water, W. van de; Bastiaannet, E.; Glas, N.A. de; Kiderlen, M.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Extermann, M. (2020), Early stage breast cancer treatment and outcome of older patients treated in an oncogeriatric care and a standard care setting, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 184.
- Noordhoek, I.; Blok, E.J.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Putter, H.; Duijm-de Carpentier, M.; Rutgers, E.J.T.; Seynaeve, C.; Bartlett, J.M.S.; Vannetzel, J.M.; Rea, D.W.; Hasenburg, A.; Paridaens, R.; Markopoulos, C.J.; Hozumi, Y.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kroep, J.R.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Liefers, G.J. (2020), Overestimation of late distant recurrences in high-risk patients with ER-positive breast cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology 38(28).
- Souwer, E.T.D.; Bastiaannet, E.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Bos, F. van den & Portielje, J.E.A. (2020), Risk prediction models for postoperative outcomes of colorectal cancer surgery in the older population - a systematic review, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 11(8): 1217-1228.
- Lugtenberg, R.T.; Groot, S. de; Kaptein, A.A.; Fischer, M.J.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Duijm-de Carpentier, M.; Cohen, D.; Graaf, H. de; Heijns, J.B.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Wouw, A.J. van de; Imholz, A.L.T.; Kessels, L.W.; Vrijaldenhoven, S.; Baars, A.; Fiocco, M.; Hoeven, J.J.M. van der; Gelderblom, H.; Longo, V.D.; Pijl, H.; Kroep, J.R. & Dutch Breast Canc Res Grp BOOG (2020), Quality of life and illness perceptions in patients with breast cancer using a fasting mimicking diet as an adjunct to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the phase 2 DIRECT (BOOG 2013-14) trial, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 185.
- Boer, A.Z. de; Water, W. van de; Bastiaannet, E.; Glas, N.A. de; Kiderlen, M.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Extermann, M. (2020), Early stage breast cancer treatment and outcome of older patients treated in an oncogeriatric care and a standard care setting, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 184(2): 519-526.
- Boer, A.Z. de; Hulst, H.C. van der; Glas, N.A. de; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Siesling, S.; Munck, L. de; Ligt, K.M. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bastiaannet, E. & Lieferso, G.J. (2020), Impact of older age and comorbidity on locoregional and distant breast cancer recurrence, The Oncologist 25(1): E24-E30.
- Boer, A.Z. de; Derks, M.G.M.; Glas, N.A. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Liefers, G.J.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Dijk, M.A. van; Kroep, J.R.; Ropela, A.; Bos, F. van den & Portielje, J.E.A. (2020), Metastatic breast cancer in older patients, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 11(6): 969-975.
- Noordhoek, I.; Blok, E.J.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Putter, H.; Duijm-de Carpentier, M.; Rutgers, E.J.T.; Seynaeve, C.; Bartlett, J.M.S.; Vannetzel, J.M.; Rea, D.W.; Hasenburg, A.; Paridaens, R.; Markopoulos, C.J.; Hozumi, Y.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kroep, J.R.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Liefers, G.J. (2020), Overestimation of late distant recurrences in high-risk patients with ER-positive breast cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology 38(28): 3273-+.
- Groen, J.V.; Douwes, T.A.; Eycken, E. van; Geest, L.G.M. van der; Johannesen, T.B.; Besselink, M.G.; Koerkamp, B.G.; Wilmink, J.W.; Bonsing, B.A.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Bastiaannet, E. & Mieog, J.S.D. (2020), Treatment and survival of elderly patients with stage I-II pancreatic cancer, Annals of Surgical Oncology 27(13): 5337-5346.
- Lemij, A.; Plas-Krijgsman, W. van der; Bastiaannet, E.; Merkus, J.; Dalen, T. van; Vulink, A.; Gerven, L. van; Guicherit, O.; Portielje, J.; Liefers, G.J. & Glas, N. de (2020), Predicting postoperative complications in older patients with breast cancer, European Journal of Cancer 138: S32-S32.
- Derks, M.G.M.; Velde, C.J.N. van de; Giardiello, D.; Seynaeve, C.; Putter, H.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Dirix, L.Y.; Bastiaannet, E.; Portielie, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2019), Impact of Comorbidities and Age on Cause-Specific Mortality in Postmenopausal Patients with Breast Cancer, The Oncologist 24(7): E467-E474.
- Boer, A.Z. de; Hulst, H.C. van der; Plas-Krijgsman, W. van der; Glas, N.A. de; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Siesling, S.; Liefers, G.J.; Bastiaannet, E. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2019), Impact of older age on the locoregional and distant breast cancer recurrence risk: A large population-based study, Annals of Oncology 30: 26-26.
- Noordhoek, I.; Groot, A.F. de; Cohen, D.; Liefers, G.J.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Kroep, J.R. (2019), Higher ER load is not associated with better outcome in stage I-III breast cancer, Annals of Oncology 30: 16-17.
- Gartner, F.R.; Portielje, J.E.; Langendam, M.; Hairwassers, D.; Agoritsas, T.; Gijsen, B.; Liefers, G.J.; Pieterse, A.H. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2019), Role of patient preferences in clinical practice guidelines: a multiple methods study using guidelines from oncology as a case, BMJ Open 9(12).
- Glas, N. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Boer, A. de; Siesling, S.; Liefers, G.J. & Portielje, J. (2019), Improved survival of older patients with advanced breast cancer due to an increase in systemic treatments - a population-based study, Annals of Oncology 30.
- Souwer, E.T.D.; Hultink, D.; Bastiaannet, E.; Hamaker, M.E.; Schiphorst, A.; Pronk, A.; Bol, J.M. van der; Steup, W.H.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Bos, F. van den (2019), The Prognostic Value of a Geriatric Risk Score for Older Patients with Colorectal Cancer, Annals of Surgical Oncology 26(1): 71-78.
- Noordman, J.; Driesenaar, J.A.; Bruinessen, I.R. van; Portielje, J.E.A. & Dulmen, S. van (2019), Evaluation and Implementation of ListeningTime: A Web-Based Preparatory Communication Tool for Elderly Patients With Cancer and Their Health Care Providers, JMIR Cancer 5(1).
- Henricks, L.M.; Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Man, F.M. de; Meulendijks, D.; Frederix, G.W.J.; Kienhuis, E.; Creemers, G.J.; Baars, A.; Dezentje, V.O.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Jeurissen, F.J.F.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Jansen, R.L.H.; Hamberg, P.; Tije, A.J. ten; Droogendijk, H.J.; Koopman, M.; Nieboer, P.; Poel, M.H.W. van de; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Rosing, H.; Beijnen, J.H.; Werkhoven, E. van; Kuilenburg, A.B.P. van; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Swen, J.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Cats, A.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Schellens, J.H.M. (2019), A cost analysis of upfront DPYD genotype-guided dose individualisation in fluoropyrimidine-based anticancer therapy, European Journal of Cancer 107: 60-67.
- Groot, S. de; Lugtenberg, R.T.; Welters, M.J.; Ehsan, I.; Vreeswijk, M.P.; Smit, V.T.; Graaf, H. de; Heijns, J.B.; Portielje, J.E.; Wouw, A.J. van de; Imholz, A.L.; Kessels, L.W.; Vrijaldenhoven, S.; Baars, A.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Duijm-de Carpentier, M.; Leeuwen-Stok, E. van; Putter, H.; Longo, V.D.; Hoeven, J.J. van der; Nortier, J.W.; Pijl, H. & Kroep, J.R. (2019), DIetary REstriction as an adjunct to neoadjuvant ChemoTherapy for HER2-negative breast cancer: Final results from the DIRECT trial (BOOG 2013-04), Cancer Research 79(4).
- Boer, A.Z. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Glas, N.A. de; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Dekkers, O.M.; Siesling, S.; Munck, L. de; Ligt, K.M. de; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2019), Effectiveness of radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery in older patients with T1-2N0 breast cancer, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 178(3): 637-645.
- Holstein, Y. van; Kapiteijn, E.; Bastiaannet, E.; Bos, F. van den; Portielje, J. & Glas, N.A. de (2019), Efficacy and Adverse Events of Immunotherapy with Checkpoint Inhibitors in Older Patients with Cancer, Drugs and Aging 36(10): 927-938.
- Noordhoek, I.; Groot, A.F. de; Cohen, D.; Liefers, G.J.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Kroep, J.R. (2019), Higher ER load is not associated with better outcome in stage 1-3 breast cancer: a descriptive overview of quantitative HR analysis in operable breast cancer, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 176(1): 27-36.
- Glas, N. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Boer, A. de; Siesling, S.; Liefers, G.J. & Portielje, J. (2019), Improved survival of older patients with advanced breast cancer due to an increase in systemic treatments: a population-based study, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 178(1): 141-149.
- Souwer, E.T.D.; Oerlemans, S.; Poll-Franse, L.V. van de; Erning, F.N. van; Bos, F. van den; Schuijtemaker, J.S.; Berkmortel, F.W.P.J. van den; Huinink, D.T.; Hamaker, M.E.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Wientjes, C.A.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Maas, H.A.A. (2019), The impact of colorectal surgery on health-related quality of life in older functionally dependent patients with cancer - A longitudinal follow-up study, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 10(5): 724-732.
- Claassen, Y.H.M.; Bastiaannet, E.; Eycken, E. van; Damme, N. van; Martling, A.; Johansson, R.; Iversen, L.H.; Ingeholm, P.; Lemmens, V.E.P.P.; Liefers, G.J.; Holman, F.A.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Rutten, H.J. & Velde, C.J.H. van de (2019), Time trends of short-term mortality for octogenarians undergoing a colorectal resection in North Europe, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 45(8): 1396-1402.
- Noordhoek, I.; Groot, A.F. de; Cohen, D.; Liefers, G.J.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Kroep, J.R. (2019), Higher ER load is not associated with better outcome in stage 1-3 breast cancer: a descriptive overview of quantitative HR analysis in operable breast cancer., Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.
- Boer, A.Z. de; Glas, N.A. de; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Dekkers, O.M.; Siesling, S.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bastiaannet, E. & Liefers, G.J. (2019), Variation in radiotherapy after breast conserving surgery in patients aged 75 years or older between hospitals is not reflected in the locoregional recurrence risk, Annals of Oncology 30.
- Noordhoek, I.; Blok, E.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Putter, H.; Duijm-De Carpentier, M.; Velde, C. van de; Liefers, G.J.; Kroep, J.R. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2019), Validating the CTS5 algorithm with the IDEAL study cohort, Annals of Oncology 30.
- Keikes, L.; Vos-Geelen, J. de; Groot, J.W.B. de; Punt, C.J.A.; Simkens, L.H.J.; Trajkovic-Vidakovic, M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Vos, A.H.; Beerepoot, L.V.; Hunting, C.B.; Koopman, M. & Oijen, M.G.H. van (2019), Implementation, participation and satisfaction rates of a web-based decision support tool for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, Patient Education and Counseling 102(7): 1331-1335.
- Plas-Krijgsman, W. van der; Boer, A. de; Jong, P. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Bos, F. van den; Liefers, G.J.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Glas, N. de (2019), Geriatric parameters predict both disease-related and patient-reported outcomes in older patients with breast cancer, Annals of Oncology 30: 88-+.
- Henricks, L.M.; Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Man, F.M. de; Meulendijks, D.; Frederix, G.W.J.; Kienhuis, E.; Creemers, G.J.; Baars, A.; Dezentjé, V.O.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Jeurissen, F.J.F.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Jansen, R.L.H.; Hamberg, P.; Tije, A.J. ten; Droogendijk, H.J.; Koopman, M.; Nieboer, P.; Poel, M.H.W. van de; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Rosing, H.; Beijnen, J.H.; Werkhoven, E. van; Kuilenburg, A.B.P. van; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Swen, J.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Cats, A.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Schellens, J.H.M. (2019), A cost analysis of upfront DPYD genotype-guided dose individualisation in fluoropyrimidine-based anticancer therapy, European Journal of Cancer 107: 60-67.
- Boer, A.Z. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Glas, N.A. de; Marang-van de Mheen, P.J.; Dekkers, O.M.; Siesling, S.; Munck, L. de; Ligt, K.M. de; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2019), Effectiveness of radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery in older patients with T1-2N0 breast cancer, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 178(3): 637-645.
- Derks, M.G.M.; Bastiaannet, E.; Kiderlen, M.; Hilling, D.E.; Boelens, P.G.; Walsh, P.M.; Eycken, E. van; Siesling, S.; Broggio, J.; Wyld, L.; Trojanowski, M.; Kolacinska, A.; Chalubinska-Fendler, J.; Goncalves, A.F.; Nowikiewicz, T.; Zegarski, W.; Audisio, R.A.; Liefers, G.J.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & EURECCA Breast Canc Grp (2018), Variation in treatment and survival of older patients with non-metastatic breast cancer in five European countries: a population-based cohort study from the EURECCA Breast Cancer Group, British Journal of Cancer 119(1): 121-129.
- Schuil, H.; Derks, M.; Liefers, G.J.; Portielje, J.; Velde, C. van de; Syed, B.; Green, A.; Ellis, I.; Cheung, K.L. & Bastiaannet, E. (2018), Treatment strategies and survival outcomes in older women with breast cancer: A comparative study between the FOCUS cohort and Nottingham cohort, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 9(6): 635-641.
- Claassen, Y.H.M.; Vermeer, N.C.A.; Iversen, L.H.; Eycken, E. van; Guren, M.G.; Mroczkowski, P.; Martling, A.; Cazador, A.C.; Johansson, R.; Vandendael, T.; Wibe, A.; Moller, B.; Lippert, H.; Rutten, H.J.T.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J.; Holman, F.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Bastiaannet, E. (2018), Treatment and survival of rectal cancer patients over the age of 80 years: a EURECCA international comparison, British Journal of Cancer 119(4): 517-522.
- Vermeer, N.C.A.; Claassen, Y.H.M.; Derks, M.G.M.; Iversen, L.H.; Eycken, E. van; Guren, M.G.; Mroczkowski, P.; Martling, A.; Johansson, R.; Vandendael, T.; Wibe, A.; Moller, B.; Lippert, H.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J.; Peeters, K.C.M.J.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Bastiaannet, E. (2018), Treatment and Survival of Patients with Colon Cancer Aged 80 Years and Older: A EURECCA International Comparison, Oncologist 23(8): 982-990.
- Souwer, E.T.D.; Verweij, N.M.; Bos, F. van den; Bastiaannet, E.; Slangen, R.M.E.; Steup, W.H.; Hamaker, M.E. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2018), Risk stratification for surgical outcomes in older colorectal cancer patients using ISAR-HP and G8 screening tools, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 9(2): 110-114.
- Claassen, Y.H.M.; Dikken, J.L.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Steur, W.O. de; Slingerland, M.; Verhoeven, R.H.A.; Eycken, E. van; Schutter, H. de; Johansson, J.; Rouvelas, I.; Johnson, E.; Hjortland, G.O.; Jensen, L.S.; Larsson, H.J.; Allum, W.H.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bastiaannet, E. & Velde, C.J.H. van de (2018), North European comparison of treatment strategy and survival in older patients with resectable gastric cancer: A EURECCA upper gastrointestinal group analysis, European Journal of Surgical Oncology 44(12): 1982-1989.
- Derks, M.G.M.; Bastiaannet, E.; Water, W. van de; Glas, N.A. de; Seynaeve, C.; Putter, H.; Nortier, J.W.R.; Rea, D.; Hasenburg, A.; Markopoulos, C.; Dirix, L.Y.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Liefers, G.J. (2018), Impact of age on breast cancer mortality and competing causes of death at 10 years follow-up in the adjuvant TEAM trial, European Journal of Cancer 99: 1-8.
- Henricks, L.M.; Lunenburg, C.A.T.C.; Man, F.M. de; Meulendijks, D.; Frederix, G.W.J.; Kienhuis, E.; Creemers, G.J.; Baars, A.; Dezentje, V.O.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Jeurissen, F.J.F.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Jansen, R.L.H.; Hamberg, P.; Tije, A.J. ten; Droogendijk, H.J.; Koopman, M.; Nieboer, P.; Poel, M.H.W. van de; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Rosing, H.; Beijnen, J.H.; Werkhoven, E. van; Kuilenburg, A.B.P. van; Schaik, R.H.N. van; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Swen, J.J.; Gelderblom, H.; Cats, A.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Schellens, J.H.M. (2018), DPYD genotype-guided dose individualisation of fluoropyrimidine therapy in patients with cancer: a prospective safety analysis, Lancet Oncology 19(11): 1459-1467.
- Souwer, E.T.D.; Bastiaannet, E.; Bruijn, S. de; Breugom, A.J.; Bos, F. van den; Portielje, J.E.A. & Dekker, J.W.T. (2018), Comprehensive multidisciplinary care program for elderly colorectal cancer patients: "From prehabilitation to independence", EJSO - European Journal of Surgical Oncology 44(12): 1894-1900.
- Cats, A.; Jansen, E.P.M.; Grieken, N.C.T. van; Sikorska, K.; Lind, P.; Nordsmark, M.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Boot, H.; Trip, A.K.; Swellengrebel, H.A.M.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Putter, H.; Sandick, J.W. van; Henegouwen, M.I.V.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Tinteren, H. van; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Verheij, M. & CRITICS Investigators (2018), Chemotherapy versus chemoradiotherapy after surgery and preoperative chemotherapy for resectable gastric cancer (CRITICS): an international, open-label, randomised phase 3 trial, Lancet Oncology 19(5): 616-628.
- Souwer, E.T.D.; Hultink, D.; Bastiaannet, E.; Hamaker, M.E.; Schiphorst, A.; Pronk, A.; Bol, J.M. van der; Steup, W.H.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Bos, F. van den (2018), The Prognostic Value of a Geriatric Risk Score for Older Patients with Colorectal Cancer., Annals of Surgical Oncology.
- Groot, S. de; Louwe, L.A.; Ramautar, A.I.E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Ogilvie, A.C.; Batman, E.; Fiocco, M. & Kroep, J.R. (2018), Effects of controlled ovarian stimulation on toxicity of TAC chemotherapy in early breast cancer patients, Cancer Management and Research 10: 3931-3935.
- Schuurman, M.S.; Kruitwagen, R.F.P.M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Roes, E.M.; Lemmens, V.E.P.P. & Aa, M.A. van der (2018), Treatment and outcome of elderly patients with advanced stage ovarian cancer, Gynecologic Oncology 149(2): 270-274.
- Munster, B.C. van; Portielje, J.E.A.; Maier, A.B.; Arends, A.J. & Beer, J.J.A. de (2018), Methodology for senior-proof guidelines, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 24(1): 254-257.
- Leal, A.; Grieken, N.C.T. van; Phallen, J.; Palsgrove, D.N.; Adleff, V.; Warmerdam, F.; Peet, D.L. van der; Verheul, H.M.W.; Spronsen, D.J. van; Riel, J.M.G. van; Geenen, M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Jansen, E.P.M.; Sikorska, K.; Kranenbarg, E.M.K.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Verheij, M.; Cats, A. & Velculescu, V.E. (2018), Circulating tumor DNA dynamics in resectable gastric cancer., Journal of Clinical Oncology 36(15).
- Rossum, A.G.J. van; Kok, M.; Werkhoven, E. van; Opdam, M.; Mandjes, I.A.M.; Leeuwen-Stok, A.E. van; Tinteren, H. van; Imholz, A.L.T.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bos, M.M.E.M.; Bochove, A. van; Wesseling, J.; Rutgers, E.J.; Linn, S.C.; Oosterkamp, H.M. & MATADOR Trialists' Grp (2018), Adjuvant dose-dense doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide versus docetaxel-doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide for high-risk breast cancer: First results of the randomised MATADOR trial (BOOG 2004-04), European Journal of Cancer 102: 40-48.
- Cirkel, G.A.; Hamberg, P.; Sleijfer, S.; Loosveld, O.J.L.; Dercksen, M.W.; , M. los; Polee, M.B.; Berkmortel, F. van den; Aarts, M.J.; Beerepoot, L.V.; Groenewegen, G.; Lolkema, M.P.; Tascilar, M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Peters, F.P.J.; Klumpen, H.J.; Noort, V. van der; Haanen, J.B.A.G.; Voest, E.E. & Dutch WIN-O Consortium (2017), Alternating Treatment With Pazopanib and Everolimus vs Continuous Pazopanib to Delay Disease Progression in Patients With Metastatic Clear Cell Renal Cell Cancer The ROPETAR Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA Oncology 3(4): 501-508.
- Rier, H.N.; Levin, M.D.; Rosmalen, J. van; Bos, M.M.E.M.; Drooger, J.C.; Jong, P. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Elsten, E.M.P.; Tije, A.J. ten; Sleijfer, S. & Jager, A. (2017), First-Line Palliative HER2-Targeted Therapy in HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer Is Less Effective After Previous Adjuvant Trastuzumab-Based Therapy, The Oncologist 22(8): 901-909.
- Rossum, A.G.H. van; Oosterkamp, H.M.; Werkhoven, E. van; Opdam, M.; Mandjes, I.A.M.; Leeuwen-Stok, E. van; Tinteren, H. van; Kok, M.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Bos, M.M.E.M.; Bochove, A. van; Wesseling, J.; Rutgers, E.J.; Rodenhuis, S. & Linn, S.C. (2017), Adjuvant dose dense doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide (ddAC) or docetaxel-AC (TAC) for high-risk breast cancer: First results of the randomized MATADOR trial (BOOG-2004-04), Cancer Research 77.
- Broek, C.B.M. van den; Puylaert, C.C.E.M.; Breugom, A.J.; Bastiaannet, E.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Liefers, G.J. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2017), Administration of adjuvant chemotherapy in older patients with Stage III colon cancer: an observational study, Colorectal Disease 19(10): O358-O364.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Pieterse, A.H.; Han, P.K.J.; Duijn-Bakker, N. van; Cluitmans, F.; Maartense, E.; Bos, M.M.E.M.; Weijl, N.I.; Punt, C.J.A.; Ufford-Mannesse, P.Q. van; Sleeboom, H.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Hoeven, K.J.M. van der; Woei-A-Jin, F.J.S.; Kroep, J.R.; Haes, H.C.J.M. de; Smets, E.M.A. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2017), Disclosing the Uncertainty Associated with Prognostic Estimates in Breast Cancer: Current Practices and Patients' Perceptions of Uncertainty, Medical Decision Making 37(3): 179-192.
- Frouws, M.A.; Bastiaannet, E.; Langley, R.E.; Chia, W.K.; Herk-Sukel, M.P.P. van; Lemmens, V.E.P.P.; Putter, H.; Hartgrink, H.H.; Bonsing, B.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2017), Effect of low-dose aspirin use on survival of patients with gastrointestinal malignancies; an observational study, British Journal of Cancer 116(3): 405-413.
- Frouws, M.A.; Rademaker, E.; Bastiaannet, E.; Herk-Sukel, M.P.P. van; Lemmens, V.E.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2017), The difference in association between aspirin use and other thrombocyte aggregation inhibitors and survival in patients with colorectal cancer, European Journal of Cancer 77: 24-30.
- Frouws, M.A.; Herk-Sukel, M.P.P. van; Maas, H.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J. & Bastiaannet, E. (2017), The mortality reducing effect of aspirin in colorectal cancer patients: Interpreting the evidence, Cancer Treatment Reviews 55: 120-127.
- Schulkes, K.J.G.; Souwer, E.T.D.; Hamaker, M.E.; Codrington, H.; Sar-van der Brugge, S. van der; Lammers, J.W.J.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Elden, L.J.R. van & Bos, F. van den (2017), The Effect of A Geriatric Assessment on Treatment Decisions for Patients with Lung Cancer, Lung 195(2): 225-231.
- Glas, N.A. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Engels, C.C.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Putter, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Hurria, A.; Liefers, G.J. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2016), Validity of the online PREDICT tool in older patients with breast cancer: a population-based study, British Journal of Cancer 114(4): 395-400.
- Derks, M.G.M.; Glas, N.A. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Leeuwen, F.E. van & Liefers, G.J. (2016), Physical Functioning in Older Patients With Breast Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study in the TEAM Trial, Oncologist 21(8): 946-953.
- Breugom, A.J.; Dongen, D.T. van; Bastiaannet, E.; Dekker, F.W.; Geest, L.G.M. van der; Liefers, G.J.; Marinelli, A.W.K.S.; Mesker, W.E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Steup, W.H.; Tseng, L.N.L.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Dekker, J.W.T. (2016), Association Between the Most Frequent Complications After Surgery for Stage I-III Colon Cancer and Short-Term Survival, Long-Term Survival, and Recurrences, Annals of Surgical Oncology 23(9): 2858-2865.
- Kunneman, M.; Engelhardt, E.G.; Hove, F.L. ten; Marijnen, C.A.M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Smets, E.M.A.; Haes, H.J.C.J.M. de; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Pieterse, A.H. (2016), Deciding about (neo-) adjuvant rectal and breast cancer treatment: Missed opportunities for shared decision making, Acta Oncologica 55(2): 134-139.
- Engelhardt, E.G.; Pieterse, A.H.; Hout, A. van der; Haes, H.J.C.J.M. de; Kroep, J.R.; Ufford-Mannesse, P.Q. van; Portielje, J.E.A.; Smets, E.M.A. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2016), Use of implicit persuasion in decision making about adjuvant cancer treatment: A potential barrier to shared decision making, European Journal of Cancer 66: 55-66.
- Hamelinck, V.C.; Bastiaannet, E.; Pieterse, A.H.; Glas, N.A. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Merkus, J.W.S.; Hoed, I.D.M. den; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Liefers, G.J. & Stiggelbout, A.M. (2016), A Prospective Comparison of Younger and Older Patients' Preferences for Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Hormonal Therapy in Early Breast Cancer, Clinical Breast Cancer 16(5): 379-388.
- Glas, N.A. de; Kiderlen, M.; Vandenbroucke, J.P.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Velde, C.J.H.V. de; Liefers, G.J.; Bastiaannet, E. & Cessie, S. le (2016), Performing Survival Analyses in the Presence of Competing Risks: A Clinical Example in Older Breast Cancer Patients, JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute 108(5).
- Frouws, M.A.; Bastiaannet, E.; Langley, R.E.; Chia, J.W.K.; Herk-Sukel, M.P.P. van; Putter, H.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2016), Low-Dose Aspirin and Survival Benefit in Gastrointestinal Malignancies, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 25: 30-31.
- Drooger Jan C., van Tinteren Harm, de Groot Steffen M., ten Tije Albert J., de Graaf Hiltje, Portielje Johanneke E. A., Jager Agnes, Honkoop Aafke, Linn Sabine C., Kroep Judith R., Erdkamp Frans L. G., Hamberg Paul, Imholz Alex L. T., van Rossum-Schornagel Quirine C., Heijns Joan B., van Leeuwen-Stok A. Elise & Sleijfer Stefan (2016), A Randomized Phase 2 Study Exploring the Role of Bevacizumab and a Chemotherapy-Free Approach in HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer: The HAT Study (BOOG 2008-2003), a Dutch Breast Cancer Research Group Trial, Cancer 122(19): 2961-2970.
- Glas, N.A. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Siesling, S.; Liefers, G.J. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2015), Survival of older patients with metastasised breast cancer lags behind despite evolving treatment strategies - A population-based study, European Journal of Cancer 51(3): 310-316.
- Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.L.; Bos, M.M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Batman, E.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2015), Safety and efficacy of the addition of simvastatin to panitumumab in previously treated KRAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer patients, Anti-Cancer Drugs 26(8): 872-877.
- Drooger, J.C.; Tinteren, H. van; Groot, S.M. de; Tije, A.J. ten; Graaf, H. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Jager, A.; Honkoop, A.H.; Linn, S.C.; Kroep, J.R.; Erdkamp, F.L.G.; Hamberg, P.; Heijns, J.B.; Leeuwen-Stok, A.E. van & Sleijfer, S. (2015), Results from a randomized phase II study of the Dutch Breast Cancer Research Group (BOOG 2008-03): Concomitant trastuzumab, bevacizumab and paclitaxel (HAT) versus trastuzumab and bevacizumab, followed by trastuzumab, bevacizumab and paclitaxel (HA- HAT) a, Cancer Research 75(9).
- Lam, S.W.; Nota, N.M.; Groot, S.M. de; Jager, A.; Bos, M.M.; Linn, S.C.; Bosch, J. van den; Braun, H.J.; Velden, A.M.T. van der; , M. los; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kroep, J.R.; Honkoop, A.H.; Smorenburg, C.H.; Tanis, B.; Riel, J.M.G.H. van; Terwogt, J.M.M.; Boer, M.O. den; Douma, J.; Jeurissen, F.; Berends, J.; Tinteren, H. van & , E. boven (2015), Plasma biomarker analysis in patients with HER2-negative locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer (LR/MBC) treated with first-line bevacizumab (A) and paclitaxel (T) without or with capecitabine (X), Cancer Research 75(9).
- Derks, M.; Glas, N. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Craen, A. de; Portielje, J.; Velde, C. van de; Leeuwen, F. van & Liefers, G.J. (2015), Physical functioning in older patients with breast cancer: A TEAM lifestyle analysis, European Journal of Cancer 51: S191-S191.
- Lam, S.W.; Frederiks, C.N.; Straaten, T. van der; Groot, S.M. de; Jager, A.; Bos, M.M.E.M.; Linn, S.C.; Bosch, J. van den; Braun, H.J.; Velden, A.M.T. van der; , M. los; Portielje, J.E.A.; Kroep, J.R.; Honkoop, A.H.; Smorenburg, C.H.; Tanis, B.; Riel, J.M.G.H. van; Terwogt, J.M.M.; Boer, M.O. den; Douma, J.; Jeurissen, F.; Berends, J.; Guchelaar, H.J. & , E. boven (2015), Genetic polymorphisms (SNPs) as predictive markers for paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy (PNP) and capecitabine-induced hand-foot syndrome (HFS) in HER-2 negative metastatic breast cancer patients, Cancer Research 75(9).
- Glas, N.A. de; Kiderlen, M.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Hamaker, M.E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Liefers, G.J. & Bastiaannet, E. (2015), Assessing treatment effects in older breast cancer patients: Systematic review of observational research methods, Cancer Treatment Reviews 41(3): 254-261.
- Frouws, M.; Bastiaannet, E.; Herk-Sukel, M. van; Putter, H.; Portielje, J.; Velde, C. van de & Liefers, G.J. (2015), Aspirin and gastro intestinal malignancies; improved survival not only in colorectal cancer?, European Journal of Cancer 51: S434-S434.
- Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.L.; Bos, M.M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Batman, E.; Wezel, T. van; Morreau, H.; Guchelaar, H.J. & Gelderblom, H. (2015), Safety and efficacy of the addition of simvastatin to panitumumab in previously treated KRAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer patients, Anti-Cancer Drugs 26(8): 872-877.
- Glas, N.A. de; Water, W.V. de; Engelhardt, E.G.; Bastiaannet, E.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Kroep, J.R.; Putter, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Weijl, N.I.; Velde, C.J.H.V. de; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2014), Validity of Adjuvant! Online program in older patients with breast cancer: a population-based study, Lancet Oncology 15(7): 722-729.
- Glas, N.A. de; Water, W. van de; Engelhart, E.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Kroep, J.R.; Putter, H.; Stiggelbout, A.M.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Portielje, J.E.A. & Liefers, G.J. (2014), Limited value of the online Adjuvant! Programme in older breast cancer patients, European Journal of Cancer 50: S164-S165.
- Glas, N.A. de; Craen, A.J.M. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Land, E.G.O. 't; Kiderlen, M.; Water, W. van de; Siesling, S.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Schuttevaer, H.M.; Bock, G.H. de; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Liefers, G.J. (2014), Effect of implementation of the mass breast cancer screening programme in older women in the Netherlands: population based study, BMJ 349.
- Glas, N.A. de; Hamaker, M.E.; Kiderlen, M.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Mooijaart, S.P.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Munster, B.C. van; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J. & Bastiaannet, E. (2014), Choosing relevant endpoints for older breast cancer patients in clinical trials: an overview of all current clinical trials on breast cancer treatment, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 146(3): 591-597.
- Glas, N.A. de; Jonker, J.M.; Bastiaannet, E.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Siesling, S.; Liefers, G.J.; Portielje, J.E.A. & Hamaker, M.E. (2014), Impact of omission of surgery on survival of older patients with breast cancer, British Journal of Surgery 101(11): 1397-1404.
- Aaldriks, A.A.; Geest, L.G.M. van der; Giltay, E.J.; Cessie, S. le; Portielje, J.E.A.; Tanis, B.C.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Maartense, E. (2013), Frailty and malnutrition predictive of mortality risk in older patients with advanced colorectal cancer receiving chemotherapy, Journal of Geriatric Oncology 4(3): 218-226.
- Guchelaar, H.J.; Baas, J.M.; Krens, L.; Bos, M.M.E.M.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Batman, E. & Gelderblom, H. (2013), Safety and efficacy of the addition of simvastatin to panitumumab in KRAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer patients., Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Geest, L.G.M. van der; Portielje, J.E.A.; Wouters, M.W.J.M.; Weijl, N.I.; Tanis, B.C.; Tollenaar, R.A.E.M.; Struikmans, H.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Nine Hosp Leiden Region Comprehens (2013), Complicated postoperative recovery increases omission, delay and discontinuation of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with Stage III colon cancer, Colorectal Disease 15(10): e582-e591.
- Aaldriks, A.A.; Giltay, E.J.; Cessie, S. le; Geest, L.G.M. van der; Portielje, J.E.A.; Tanis, B.C.; Nortier, J.W.R. & Maartense, E. (2013), Prognostic value of geriatric assessment in older patients with advanced breast cancer receiving chemotherapy, Breast 22(5): 753-760.
- Lam, S.W.; Groot, S.M. de; Honkoop, A.H.; Nota, N.M.; Jager, A.; Velden, A.M.T. van der; Bos, M.M.E.M.; Linn, S.C.; Bosch, J. van den; Kroep, J.R.; Braun, J.J.; Haas, R.R. de; Smorenburg, C.H.; Graaf, H. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; , M. los; Gooyer, D. de; Tinteren, H. van; , E. boven & Dutch Breast Canc Trialists' Grp B (2013), Plasma VEGF-a, angiopoietin-2 (ANG2) and soluble(s)TIE2 in patients (pts) with HER2-negative locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer (LR/MBC) treated with first-line bevacizumab (A) and paclitaxel (T) without or with capecitabine (X), Journal of Clinical Oncology 31(15).
- Hamaker, M.E.; Bastiaannet, E.; Evers, D.; Water, W. van de; Smorenburg, C.H.; Maartense, E.; Zeilemaker, A.M.; Liefers, G.J.; Geest, L. van der; Rooij, S.E. de; Munster, B.C. van & Portielje, J.E.A. (2013), Omission of surgery in elderly patients with early stage breast cancer, European Journal of Cancer 49(3): 545-552.
- Groot, S. de; Vreeswijk, M.P.G.; Smit, V.T.H.B.M.; Heijns, J.B.; Imholz, A.L.T.; Kessels, L.W.; Jager, A.; , M. los; Weijl, N.I.; Smorenburg, C.H.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Liefers, G.J.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Meershoek, E.M.; Leeuwen, E. van; Fischer, M.J.; Kaptein, A.A.; Putter, H.; Longo, V.; Nortier, H.W.R.; Hoeven, K.J.M. van der; Pijl, H. & Kroep, J.R. (2013), DIRECT: A phase II/III randomized trial with dietary restriction as an adjunct to neoadjuvant chemotherapy for HER2-negative breast cancer.
- Kiderlen, M.; Glas, N.A. de; Bastiaannet, E.; Engels, C.C.; Water, W. van de; Craen, A.J.M. de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Liefers, G.J. (2013), Diabetes in relation to breast cancer relapse and all-cause mortality in elderly breast cancer patients: a FOCUS study analysis, Annals of Oncology 24(12): 3011-3016.
- Breugom, A.J.; Bastiaannet, E.; Broek, C.B.M. van den; Dekker, J.W.T.; Geest, L.G.M. van der; Puylaert, C.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Liefers, G.J. & Portielje, J.E.A. (2013), Higher risk for recurrences in colon cancer patients with postoperative complications, European Journal of Cancer 49: S539-S539.
- Fontein, D.B.Y.; Glas, N.A. de; Duijm, M.; Bastiaannet, E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Liefers, G.J. (2013), Age and the effect of physical activity on breast cancer survival: A systematic review, Cancer Treatment Reviews 39(8): 958-965.
- Broek, C.B.M. van den; Bastiaannet, E.; Dekker, J.W.T.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Elferink, M.A.G.; Velde, C.J.H. van de; Liefers, G.J. & Kapiteijn, E. (2012), Time trends in chemotherapy (administration and costs) and relative survival in stage III colon cancer patients - a large population-based study from 1990 to 2008., Acta Oncologica.
- Rashaan, Z.M.; Bastiaannet, E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Water, W. van de; Velde, S. van der; Ernst, M.F.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Liefers, G.J. (2012), Surgery in metastatic breast cancer: patients with a favorable profile seem to have the most benefit from surgery.
- Hamaker, M.; Bastiaannet, E.; Smorenburg, C.; Liefers, G.; Rooij, S. de & Portielje, J.E.A. (2012), OMISSION OF SURGERY IN SELECTED ELDERLY PATIENTS WITH EARLY BREAST CANCER DOES NOT INCREASE CANCER SPECIFIC MORTALITY, Annals of Oncology 23: 100-100.
- Bastiaannet, E.; Portielje, J.E.A.; Velde, C.J.H.V. van de; Craen, A.J.M. de; Velde, S. van der; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Geest, L.G.M. van der; Janssen-Heijnen, M.L.G.; Dekkers, O.M.; Westendorp, R.G.J. & Liefers, G.J. (2011), Lack of Survival Gain for Elderly Women with Breast Cancer, Oncologist 16(4): 415-423.
- Bastiaannet, E.; Liefers, G.J.; Craen, A.J.M. de; Kuppen, P.J.K.; Water, W. van de; Portielje, J.E.A.; Geest, L.G.M. van der; Janssen-Heijnen, M.L.G.; Dekkers, O.M.; Velde, C.J.H. van de & Westendorp, R.G.J. (2010), Breast cancer in elderly compared to younger patients in the Netherlands: stage at diagnosis, treatment and survival in 127,805 unselected patients, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 124(3): 801-807.
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