Jenny Doetjes
Hoogleraar Semantiek en Taalvariatie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J.S. Doetjes
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2181
- 0000-0002-1741-4408

Jenny Doetjes is een Hoogleraar Semantiek en Taalvariatie aan het Centre for Linguistics.
Meer informatie over Jenny Doetjes
Hoogleraar Semantiek en Taalvariatie
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Taalwetenschap
- Glasbergen A., Gryllia S., Pablos Robles L. & Doetjes J.S. (2022), Scripted Simulated Dialogue: a new elicitation paradigm. Speech Prosody 2022 23 mei 2022 - 26 mei 2022 683-687.
- Cabredo Hofherr P. & Doetjes J.S. (red.) (2021), The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number Oxford handbooks series. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Cabredo Hofherr P. & Doetjes J.S. (2021), Introduction. In: Cabredo Hofherr P. & Doetjes J.S. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1-12.
- Doetjes J.S. (2021), Number and quantity expressions. In: Cabredo Hofherr P. & Doetjes J.S. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 65-100.
- Doetjes J.S. (2021), Number and numeral classifiers. In: Cabredo Hofherr P. & Doetjes J.S. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Doetjes J.S. (2021), Count-Mass asymmetries: the importance of being count. In: Kiss T., Pelletier F.J. & Husić H. (red.), Things and Stuff: The Semantics of the Count-Mass Distinction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 81-114.
- Doetjes J.S. (2021), Quantity systems and the count/mass distinction. In: Filip H. (red.), Countability in Natural Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 52-84.
- Glasbergen A., Gryllia S. & Doetjes J.S. (2021), The prosody of French wh-in-situ questions: echo vs. non-echo, Journal of Linguistics 57(3): 569-603.
- Gryllia S., Doetjes J.S., Yang Y. & Cheng L.L. (2020), Prosody, clause typing, and wh-in-situ: Evidence from Mandarin, Laboratory Phonology 11(1): 1-30 (19).
- Pablos Robles L., Doetjes J.S., Ruijgrok B.J. & Cheng L.L.S. (2019), Backward licensing of Negative Polarity Items in Dutch: an ERP investigation, Journal of Neurolinguistics 51(August 2019): 96-110.
- Pablos Robles L., Doetjes J. & Cheng Lisa L.-S. (2018), Backward Dependencies and in-Situ wh-Questions as Test Cases on How to Approach Experimental Linguistics Research That Pursues Theoretical Linguistics Questions, Frontiers in Psychology 8: 2237.
- Doetjes J.S. (2017), The count/mass distinction in grammar and cognition, Annual Review of Linguistics 3: 199-217.
- Doetjes J.S. (2017), Noun Phrase. In: Sybesma Rint (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.
- Doetjes J.S. (2017), Measure words and classifiers, Revista Letras 96: 291-308.
- Gryllia S., Cheng L.L. & Doetjes J.S. (2016), On the intonation of French wh-in-situ questions: What happens before the wh-word is reached?, Speech Prosody 2016. Speech Prosody 2016 31 mei 2016 - 3 juni 2016.
- Pablos Robles L., Doetjes J.S., Ruijgrok B.J. & Cheng L.L. (2015), Active search for antecedents in cataphoric pronoun resolution, Frontiers in Psychology 6: 1-13.
- Moura Menuzzi S. de, Figueiredo Silva M.C. & Doetjes J.S. (2015), Subject bare singulars in Brazilian Portuguese and information structure, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 14(1): 7-44.
- Pires de Oliveira R., Foltrán M.J., Swart H. de & Doetjes J.S. (2015), Issues in the formal semantics of referentiality, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 14(1): 3–6.
- Doetjes J.S. (2015), Very small or just not too big? Stratified reference and granularity, Theoretical Linguistics 41(3-4): .
- Doetjes J.S. (2014) Count and Mass Across Languages, edited by Diane Massam. Bespreking van: Massam Diane (2012), Count and Mass Across Languages. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics nr. 42. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Language 90(3): 773-776.
- Cheng L.L., Doetjes J.S., Sybesma R.P.E. & Zamparelli R. (2012), On the interpretation of number and classifiers, Italian Journal of Linguistics / Rivista di Linguistica 24(2): 175-194.
- Doetjes J.S. (2012), Count/mass distinctions across languages. In: Maienborn C., Heusinger K. von & Portner P. (red.), Semantics: an international handbook of natural language meaning, part III. Berlin: De Gruyter. 2559-2580.
- Doetjes J.S. (2012), On the (in)compatibility of non neutral adjectives and measure phrases. Aguilar Guevara A., Chernilovskaya A. & Nouwen R. (red.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 16. Sinn und Bedeutung 16. Boston, MA: MITWPL. 197-211.
- Doetjes J.S., Constantinescu C. & Soucková K. (2011), A Neo-Kleinian Approach to Comparatives. Ito S. & Cormany E. (red.), Proceedings of SALT XIX. Semantics And Linguistic Theory: Elanguage. 124-141.
- Doetjes J.S. (2010), Incommensurability. Aloni M., Bastiaanse H., Jager T. de & Schultz K. (red.), Logic, Language and Meaning, 17th Amsterdam Colloquium, Revised Selected Papers. 17th Amsterdam Colloquium. Berlin: Springer. 254-263.
- Doetjes J.S. (2009), Cross-polar (a)nomalies without degrees. . Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics 5-20.
- Wit P. de, Doetjes J.S. & Gryllia S. (2009), Vragen stellen in het Frans: het gedrag van Nederlandse T2-leerders, Toegepaste taalwetenschap in artikelen 82(2): 45-56.
- Doetjes J.S. (2008), Adjectives and degree modification. McNally L. & Kennedy C. (red.), Adjectives and Adverbs: Syntax, Semantics, and Discourse. . Oxford: Oxford University Press. 123-155.
- Doetjes J.S. (2008), Counting and degree modification, Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes 37: 139-160.
- Cheng L.L., Doetjes J.S. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2008), How universal is the Universal Grinder?, Linguistics in the Netherlands 25(1): 50-62.
- Corver N., Doetjes J.S. & Zwarts J. (2007), Linguistic perspectives on numerical perspectives: an introduction, Lingua 117(5): 751-757.
- Doetjes J.S. (2007), Adverbs and quantification: degrees versus frequency, Lingua 117(4): 685-720.
- Doetjes J.S. & González P. (red.) (2006), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2004. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Doetjes J.S. (2005), The chameleonic nature of French ni: negative coordination in a negative concord language. Maier E., Barry C. & Huitink J. (red.), Proceedings of SuB 9. . Nijmegen: Nijmegen Center of Semantics. 68-72.
- Doetjes J.S. & Weijer J.M. van de (red.) (2005), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2005. Linguistics in the Netherlands. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Abeillé A., Doetjes J.S., Molendijk A. & Swart H. de (2004), Adverbs and quantification. In: Corblin F. & Swart H. de (red.), Handbook of French Semantics. Stanford: CSLI publications. 185-210.
- Beyssade C., Delais-Roussarie E., Doetjes J.S., Marandin J.-M. & Rialland A. (2004), Prosodic, syntactic and pragmatic aspects of information structure. An introduction. In: Corblin F. & Swart H. de (red.), Handbook of French Semantics. Stanford: CSLI publications. 455-476.
- Doetjes J.S. (2004), Degree quantifiers. In: Corblin F. & Swart H. de (red.), Handbook of French Semantics. Stanford: CSLI publications. 83-98.
- Beyssade C., Delais-Roussarie E., Doetjes J.S., Marandin J.-M. & Rialland A. (2004), Prosody and information in French. In: Corblin F. & Swart H. de (red.), Handbook of French Semantics. Stanford: CSLI publications. 477-500.
- Doetjes J.S., Rebuschi G. & Rialland A. (2004), Cleft Sentences. In: Corblin F. & Swart H. de (red.), Handbook of French Semantics. Stanford: CSLI publications. 529-552.
- Kampers-Manhe B., Marandin J.-M., Drijkoningen F., Doetjes J.S. & Hulk A. (2004), Subject NP Inversion. In: Corblin F. & Swart H. de (red.), Handbook of French Semantics. Stanford: CSLI publications. 553-580.
- Delais-Roussarie E., Doetjes J.S. & Sleeman P. (2004), Dislocation. In: Corblin F. & Swart H. de (red.), Handbook of French Semantics. Stanford: CSLI publications. 501-528.
- Cornips L. & Doetjes J.S. (red.) (2004), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2004. Linguistics in the Netherlands. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Sybesma R.P.E., Barbiers L.C.J., Dikken M. den, Doetjes J.S., Postma G.J. & Wyngaerd G. vanden (red.) (2004), Teun Hoekstra: Arguments and structure. Studies on the architecture of the sentence. Berlijn: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Neeleman A., Koot H. van de & Doetjes J.S. (2004), Degree expressions, The Linguistic Review 21(1): 1-66.
- Doetjes J.S. & Rooryck J.E.C.V. (2003), Generalizing over quantitative and qualitative constructions. Coene M. & D'hulst Y. (red.), From DP to DP volume 1: the syntax and semantics of noun phrases. International Conference from NP to DP nr. 55. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 277-296.
- Rialland A., Doetjes J.S. & Rebuschi G. (2002), What is Focused in C'est XP qui/que Cleft Sentences in French?. Bell B. & Marlien I. (red.), Proceedings Speech Prosody 2002. . Aix en Provence.
- Delais-Roussarie E., Rialland A., Doetjes J.S. & Marandin J.-M. (2002), The Prosody of Post-Focus Sequences in French. Bell B. & Marlien I. (red.), Proceedings Speech Prosody 2002. . Aix en Province.
- Doetjes J.S., Delais-Roussarie E. & Sleeman P. (2002), The Prosody of Left Detached Constituents in French. Bell B. & Marlien I. (red.), Proceedings Speech Prosody 2002. . Aix en Province.
- Doetjes J.S. (2001), La distribution des expressions quantificatrices et le statut des noms non comptables. In: Tasmowski L., Laca B. & Kleiber G. (red.), Typologie des groupes nominaux. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. 119-142.
- Doetjes J.S. (2001), Beaucoup est ailleurs. Expressions de degré et sous-spécification catégorielle. Bok-Bennema R., Jonge B. de, Kampers-Manhe B. & Molendijk A. (red.), La modification adverbiale. . Amsterdam/Atlanta: Editions Rodopi,. 125-138.
- Doetjes J.S. (1998), Een beetje or the 'mass only' puzzle. In: Barbiers S.J., Rooryck J. & Weijer J.M. van de (red.), Snmall words in the big picture. Leiden: HIL. 25-30.
- Doetjes J.S. (1998), French degree quantifiers and the syntax of mass and count. In: Lema J. & Treviño E. (red.), Proceedings of LSRL 26. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- Doetjes J.S. (1997), Measuring out, small clauses and the semantics of felicity. In: Cambier-Langeveld T., Costa J., Goedemans R. & Vijver R. van de (red.), Console V Proceedings. Leiden: NN. 15-28.
- Doetjes J.S. & Honcoop M.F. (1997), The Semantics of Event-Related Readings: A Case for Pair-Quantification. In: Szabolsci A. (red.), Ways of Scope Taking. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 263-310.
- Doetjes J.S. & Honcoop M.F. (1996), Conditions on the event-related reading. In: Camacho J. (red.), Proceedings of WCCFL 14. Stanford: CLSI Publications.
- Doetjes J.S. (1996), Mass and count: syntax or semantics?. Arregui A. & Cremers C. (red.), Proceedings of Meaning on the HIL. nr. 1. Leiden: HIL. 34-52.
- Doetjes J.S. (1995), Quantification at a distance and iteration. In: Beckman J. (red.), The proceedings of NELS 25. Amherst: University of Massachusetts. 111-126.
- Doetjes J.S. (1994), Quantification at a distance and event-relatedness. Cremers C. & Bok-Bennema R. (red.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 1994. . Amsterdam: Benjamins. 13-24.
- Doetjes J.S. (1992), Rightward floating quantifiers float to the left, The Linguistic Review 9-4: 313-392.