Jelle Bruning
Universitair docent Midden Oosten Studies / Arabisch
- Naam
- Dr. J. Bruning
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 1396
- 0000-0002-9935-3505

Jelle Bruning is universitair docent aan het Instituut voor Regiostudies. Hij onderzoekt de sociale en intellectuele geschiedenis van vroeg-islamitisch Egypte (ca. 640-1000 n.Chr.). Hij werkt veel met documentaire bronnen in het Arabisch, Koptisch en Grieks en met contemporaine literaire werken. In 2018 publiceerde hij een boek over de centraliteit van Fustat tijdens de heerschappijen van de Rechtgeleide en Umayyadenkaliefen. Op dit moment werkt hij aan een kritische editie, vertaling en studie van Ibn al-Sabbagh's laat-10e-eeuwse traktaat over de religieuze eigenschappen van Alexandrië.
Universitair docent Midden Oosten Studies / Arabisch
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- Bruning J. (2024), Arabic documents for slavery in early Islamic Egypt. In: Rowlandson J.L., Bagnall R.S. & Thompson D.J. (red.), Slavery and dependence in Ancient Egypt: sources in translation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 343-431.
- Bruning J. & Beek R. van (2024), De oudste Arabische beschrijving van Nederland: een opmerkelijke tekst over een vooral vreemde wereld, Madoc: tijdschrift over de middeleeuwen 37(3-4): 140-150.
- Bruning J. (2023), Voluntary enslavement in an Abbasid-era papyrus letter, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 33(3): 643-659.
- Bruning J. (2023), Tombstones for slaves from Abbasid-era Egypt, Slavery & Abolition 44(4): 616-637.
- Bruning J. & Huseini S.R. (2023), Slavery in Byzantium and the medieval Islamicate world: texts and contexts, Slavery & Abolition 44(4): 583-592.
- Bruning J. (2022), Imperial policies and the organization of the war fleet in early Islamic Egypt. In: Berkes L. (red.), Christians and Muslims in early Islamic Egypt. American Studies in Papyrology nr. 56. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 33-50.
- Bruning J., Jong J.H.M. de & Sijpesteijn P.M. (red.) (2022), Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean World: From Constantinople to Baghdad, 500-1000 CE. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Bruning J. (2022), The destruction of Alexandria: religious imagery and local identity in early Islamic Egypt. In: Bruning J., Jong J.H.M. de & Sijpesteijn P.M. (red.), Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean world: From Constantinople to Baghdad, 500-1000 CE. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 325-352.
- Bruning J., Jong J.H.M. de & Sijpesteijn P.M. (2022), Introduction. In: Bruning J., Jong J.H.M. de & Sijpesteijn P.M. (red.), Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean World: From Constantinople to Baghdad, 500-1000 CE. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-16.
- Bruning J. (21 januari 2021), The intriguing messages of a Muslim slave's tombstone. Leiden Islam Blog. [blog].
- Bsees U., Berkes L., Bruning J., Portillo R.D., Garosi E., Hradek M., Kaplony A., Krakowski E., Sonego L., Tarras P., Thomann J., Younes K., Ženka J. & Zinger O. (2021), Annotated bibliography "Arabic Papyrology, archives, and times of change in the Mediterranean and the Islamicate world": New Publications 2020-2021 and Addenda 2019, Der Islam: journal of the history and culture of the middle east 98(2): 546-569.
- Berkes L., Bruning J., Bsees U., Portillo R.D., Garosi E., Hradek M., Kaplony A., Potthast D., Reinfandt L., Sonego L., Thomann J. & Zinger O. (2020), Annotated Bibliography "Arabic Papyrology and Documentary Studies on the Mediterranean and the Islamicate World": New Publications 2019 and Addenda 2018, Der Islam: journal of the history and culture of the middle east 97(2): 533-631.
- Bruning J. & Younes K. (2020), An Arabic Papyrus Recording the Lineage of ʿAmr b. al-ʿĀṣ, Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 57: 9-17.
- Bruning J. (25 september 2020), A Confirmed Bachelor Wishes to Marry. Papyrus Stories: Everyday Stories from the Ancient Past. [blog].
- Bruning J. (2020), Slave trade dynamics in Abbasid Egypt: the papyrological evidence, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 63(5-6): 682-742.
- Bruning J. (2020), A call to arms: an account of Ayyubid or early Mamluk Alexandria, Al-'Usur al-Wusta 28: 74-115.
- Bruning J., Portillo R.D., Garosi E., Hradek M., Kaplony A., Metz S., Potthast D., Sipi M. & Zinger O. (2019), Annotated bibliography "Arabic papyrology and diplomatics": new publications 2018 and addenda 2017, Der Islam: journal of the history and culture of the middle east 96(2): 471-563.
- Bruning J. (2019), Bespreking van: Rapoport Y., Shahar I. & Rapoport Y. (2018), The Villages of the Fayyum: A Thirteenth-Century Register of Rural Islamic Egypt | Rural Economy and Tribal Society in Islamic Egypt: A Study of al-Nabulusi's Villages of the Fayyum. The Medieval Countryside nr. 18 | 19. Turnhout: Brepols. Bibliotheca Orientalis 76(5-6): 546-552.
- Bruning J. (2018), Developments in Egypt's early Islamic postal system (with an edition of P.Khalili II 5), Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 81(1): 25-40.
- Bruning J. (2018), The Rise of a Capital: Al-Fusṭāṭ and Its Hinterland, 18/639-132/750. Islamic history and civilization: studies and texts nr. 153. Leiden: Brill.
- Bruning J. (2015), A Legal Sunna in Dhikr Ḥaqqs from Sufyanid Egypt, Islamic Law and Society 22(4): 352-374.
- Bruning J. (2015), Bespreking van: Tillier M. (2002), Vies des cadis de Miṣr 237/851-366/976: Extrait du Rafʿ al-iṣr ʿan quḍāt Miṣr d’Ibn Ḥaǧar al-ʿAsqalānī. Cairo: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale du Caire. Bibliotheca Orientalis 72(1-2): 241-243.
- Bruning J. (2014), A reused piece of paper with a personal letter and a list (P.Stras.Copt. 20). In: Boud'hors A., Delattre A., Louis C. & Richter T.S. (red.), Coptica Argentoratensia: Textes et documents de la troisième université d'été de papyrologie copte (Strasbourg, 18-25 juillet 2010). Paris: Éditions de Boccard. 199-205.
- Bruning J. (2 april 2014), The rise of a capital: on the development of al-Fusṭāṭ's relationship with its hinterland, 18/639-132/750 (Dissertatie. Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS), Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Sijpesteijn P.M., Berkel M.L.M. van.
- Bruning J. (16 april 2014), Graan en autoriteiten: De commerciële ontwikkeling van een vroeg-middeleeuwse stad in Egypte. Leiden Islam Blog. [blog].
- Bruning J. (2012), The 'Tuḥfat al-aṭibbāʼ wa-ḏaḫīrat al-aṭibbāʼ', ascribed to Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq, and the 'ar-Risāla al-Hārūniyya', ascribed to Masīḥ b. al-Ḥakam: two members of one family, Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften 19: 195-226.
- Bruning J. (2012), Yūsuf b. Ibrāhīm b. al-Dāya (3rd/9th c.): a study into his life and works, Journal of Semitic Studies 57(1): 97-120.
- Bruning J. (2010), Veroveren met Gods zegen, bekeren zonder zwaard: interview met Hugh Kennedy, Geschiedenis Magazine 45(2): 24-27.