Jasper Knoester
Decaan / Hoogleraar Natuurwetenschappen
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J. Knoester
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4763
- dean@science.leidenuniv.nl

Prof. dr. Jasper Knoester is Decaan van de Faculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen. Hij heeft Theoretische Natuurkunde gestudeerd en is daarin ook gepromoveerd.
Meer informatie over Jasper Knoester
Faculteitsbestuur W&N
Kort cv
Prof dr. Jasper Knoester heeft Theoretische Natuurkunde gestudeerd aan de Universiteit Utrecht van 1977 tot 1983. Zijn PhD in Theoretische Natuurkunde ronde hij af op 1 juni 1987, ook aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Na zijn PhD verhuisde hij naar de Verenigde Staten waar hij een postdoc deed aan de Universiteit van Rochester.
In 1989 kwam hij terug naar Nederland om onderzoek te gaan doen aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Hier bekleedde hij vanaf 1993 als hoogleraar de leerstoel van de theorie van de gecondenseerde materie. Van 2003 tot 2009 nam hij in Groningen de rol van wetenschappelijk directeur voor het Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials op zich. En van 2010 tot 2021 was hij decaan van de Faculteit Science and Engineering aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Per januari 2022 is hij decaan van de Faculteit Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen in Leiden.
Decaan / Hoogleraar Natuurwetenschappen
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Bedrijfsvoering
- Faculteitsbureau
- Nguyen H.L., Do T.N., Akhtar P., Jansen T.L.C., Knoester J., Wang W.D., Shen J.R., Lambrey P.H. & Tan H.S. (2021), An exciton dynamics model of Bryopsis corticulans light-harvesting complex II, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125(4): 1134-1143.
- Günther L.M., Knoester J. & Köhler J. (2021), Limitations of linear dichroism spectroscopy for elucidating structural issues of light-harvesting aggregates in chlorosomes, Molecules 26(4): 899.
- Kunsel T., Guenther L.M., Koehler J., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2021), Probing size variations of molecular aggregates inside chlorosomes using single-object spectroscopy, The Journal of Chemical Physics 155(12): 124310.
- Kunsel T., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2021), Scaling relations of exciton diffusion in linear aggregates with static and dynamic disorder, The Journal of Chemical Physics 155(13): 134305.
- Bondarenko A.S., Knoester J. & Jansen T.L.C. (2020), Comparison of methods to study excitation energy transfer in molecular multichromophoric systems, Chemical Physics 529: 110478.
- Bondarenko A.S., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2020), Exciton localization in tubular molecular aggregates: size effects and optical response, The Journal of Chemical Physics 152(19): 194302.
- Kriete B., Bondarenko A.S., Alessandri R., Patmanidis I., Krasnikov V.V., Jansen T.L.C., Marrink S.J., Knoester J. & Pshenichnikov M.S. (2020), Molecular versus excitonic disorder in individual artificial light-harvesting systems, Journal of the American Chemical Society 142(42): 18073-18085.
- Bondarenko A.S., Patmanidis I., Allessandri R., Souza P.C.T., Jansen T.L.C., Vries A.H. de, Knoester J. & Marrink S. (2020), Multiscale modeling of molecular structure and optical properties of complex supramolecular aggregates, Chemical Science 11(42): 11514-11524.
- Nugroho B.S., Iskandar A.A., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2020), Plasmon-assisted two-photon absorption in a semiconductor quantum dot–metallic nanoshell composite, Physical Review B 102(4): 045405.
- Kunsel T., Löhner A., Mayo J.J., Köhler J., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2020), Unraveling intra-aggregate structural disorder using single-molecule spectroscopy, The Journal of Chemical Physics 153(13): 134304.
- Kriete B., Lüttig J., Kunsel T., Maly P., Jansen T.L.C., Knoester J., Brixner T. & Pshenichnikov M.S. (2019), Interplay between structural hierarchy and exciton diffusion in artificial light harvesting, Nature Communications 10: 4615.
- Nugroho B.S., Iskandar A.A., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2019), Plasmon-assisted two-photon Rabi oscillations in a semiconductor quantum dot – metal nanoparticle heterodimer, Physical Review B 99(7): 075302.
- Löhner A., Kunsel T., Röhr M.I.S., Jansen T.L.C., Sengupta S., Würthner F., Knoester J. & Köhler J. (2019), Spectral and Structural Variations of Biomimetic Light-Harvesting Nanotubes, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10(11): 2715-2724.
- Thyrhaug E., Temperlaar R., Alcocer M.J.P., Zidek K., Bina D., Knoester J., Jansen T.L.C. & Zigmantas D. (2018), Identification and characterization of diverse coherences in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex, Nature Chemistry 10(7): 780-786.
- Günther L.M., Löhner A., Reiher C., Kunsel T., Jansen T.L.C., Tank M., Bryant D.A., Knoester J. & Köhler J. (2018), Structural variations in chlorosomes from wild-type and a bchQR mutant of Chlorobaculum tepidum revealed by single-molecule spectroscopy, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122(26): 6712-6723.
- Farag M.H., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2018), The origin of absorptive features in the two-dimensional electronic spectra of rhodopsin, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20(18): 12746-12754.
- Compaijen P.J., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2018), Time-dependent transport of a localized surface plasmon through a linear array of metal nanoparticles: precursor and normal mode contributions, Physical Review B 97(8): 085428.
- Wan Y., Stradomska A., Knoester J. & Huang L.B. (2017), Direct imaging of exciton transport in tubular porphyrin aggregates by ultrafast microscopy, Journal of the American Chemical Society 139(21): 7287-7293.
- Tempelaar R., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2017), Exciton-exciton annihilation is coherently suppressed in H-aggregates, but not in J-aggregates, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8(24): 6113-6117.
- Nugroho B.S., Iskandar A.A., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2017), Instabilities in the optical response of a semiconductor quantum dot-metal nanoparticle heterodimer: self-oscillations and chaos, Journal of Optics 19(1): 015004.
- Farag M.H., Hoenders B.J., Knoester J. & Jansen T.L.C. (2017), Spectral line shapes in linear absorption and two-dimensional spectroscopy with skewed frequency distributions, The Journal of Chemical Physics 146(23): 234201.
- Kriete B., Bondarenko A.S., Jumde V.R., Franken L.E., Minnaard A.J., Jansen T.L.C., Knoester J. & Pshenichnikov M.S. (2017), Steering self-assembly of amphiphilic molecular nanostructures via halogen exchange, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8(13): 2895-2901.
- Johnson P.J.M., Farag M.H., Halpin A., Morizumi T., Prokhorenko V.I., Knoester J., Jansen T.L.C., Ernst O.P. & Miller R.J.D. (2017), The primary photochemistry of vision occurs at the molecular speed limit, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121(16): 4040-4047.
- Tempelaar R., Koster L.J.A., Havenith R.W.A., Knoester J. & Jansen T.L.C. (2016), Charge recombination suppressed by destructive quantum interference in heterojunction materials, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7(1): 198-203.
- Compaijen P.J., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2016), Elliptically polarized modes for the unidirectional excitation of surface plasmon polaritons, Optics Express 24(4): 3858-3872.
- Dijkstra A.G., Duan H.G., Knoester J., Nelson K.A. & Cao J. (2016), How two-dimensional brick layer J-aggregates differ from linear ones: excitonic properties and line broadening mechanisms, The Journal of Chemical Physics 144(13): 134310.
- Tempelaar R., Halpin A., Johnson P.J.M., Cai J., Murphy R.S., Knoester J., Miller R.J.D. & Jansen T.L.C. (2016), Laser-limited signatures of quantum coherence, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120(19): 3042-3048.
- Farag M.H., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2016), Probing the interstate coupling near a conical intersection by optical spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7(17): 3328-3334.
- Chuang C., Lee C.K., Moix J.M., Knoester J. & Cao J. (2016), Quantum diffusion on molecular tubes: universal scaling of the 1D to 2D transition, Physical Review Letters 116(19): 196803.
- Günther L.M., Jendrny M., Bloemsma E.A., Tank M., Osstergetel G.T., Bryant D.A., Knoester J. & Köhler J. (2016), Structure of light-harvesting aggregates in individual chlorosomes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120(24): 5367-5376.
- Bloemsma E.A., Silvis M.H., Stradomska A. & Knoester J. (2016), Vibronic effects and destruction of exciton coherence in optical spectra of J-aggregates: a variational polaron transformation approach, Chemical Physics 481: 250-261.
- Vegte C.P. van der, Prajapati J.D., Kleinekathöfer U., Knoester J. & Jansen T.L.C. (2015), Atomistic modeling of two-dimensional electronic spectra and excited-state dynamics for a Light Harvesting 2 complex, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119(4): 1302-1313.
- Compaijen P.J., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2015), Engineering plasmon dispersion relations: hybrid nanoparticle chain - substrate plasmon polaritons, Optics Express 23(3): 2280-2292.
- Hestand N.J., Tempelaar R., Knoester J., Jansen T.L.C. & Spano F.C. (2015), Exciton mobility control through sub-angstrom packing modifications in molecular crystals, Physical Review B 91(19): 195315.
- Broer W., Waalkens H., Svetovoy V.B., Knoester J. & Palasantzas G. (2015), Nonlinear actuation dynamics of driven Casimir oscillators with rough surfaces, Physical Review Applied 4(5): 054016.
- Bloemsma E.A., Vlaming S.M., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2015), Signature of anomalous exciton localization in the optical response of self-assembled organic nanotubes, Physical Review Letters 114(15): 156804.
- Nugroho B.S., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2015), Tailoring optical response of a hybrid comprising a quantum dimer emitter strongly coupled to a metallic nanoparticle, Physical Review B 92(16): 165432.
- Wan Y., Stradomska A., Fong S., Guo Z., Schaller R.D., Wiederrecht G.P., Knoester J. & Huang L.B. (2014), Exciton level structure and dynamics in tubular porphyrin aggregates, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 118(43): 24854-24865.
- Haverkort F., Stradomska A., Vries A.H. de & Knoester J. (2014), First-principles calculation of the optical properties of an amphiphilic cyanine dye aggregate, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118(6): 1012-1023.
- Haverkort F., Stradomska A. & Knoester J. (2014), First-principles simulations of the initial phase of self-aggregation of a cyanine dye: structure and optical spectra, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118(29): 8877-8890.
- Jumer C.C., Anna J.M., Stradomska A., Schins J., Myahkostupov M., Prusakova V., Oblinsky D.G., Castellano F.N., Knoester J. & Scholes G.D. (2014), Intramolecular radiationless transitions dominate exciton relaxation dynamics, Chemical Physics Letters 599: 23-33.
- Tempelaar R., Spano F.C., Knoester J. & Jansen T.C. (2014), Mapping the evolution of spatial exciton coherence through time-resolved fluorescence, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5(9): 1505-1510.
- Vegte C.P. van der, Knop S., Vohringer P., Knoester J. & Jansen T.L.C. (2014), OH-Stretching in synthetic hydrogen-bonded chains, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118(23): 6256-6264.
- Eisele D.M., Arias D.H., Fu X., Bloemsma E.A., Steiner C.P., Jensen R.A., Rebentrost P., Eisele H., Tokmakoff A., Lloyd S., Nelson K.A., Nicastro D., Knoester J. & Bawendi M.G. (2014), Robust excitons inhabit soft supramolecular nanotubes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(33): E3367-E3375.
- Chuang C., Knoester J. & Cao J. (2014), Scaling relations and optimization of excitonic energy transfer rates between one-dimensional molecular aggregates, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118(28): 7827-7834.
- Halpin A., Johnson P.J.M., Tempelaar R., Murphy R.S., Knoester J., Jansen T.L.C. & Miller R.J.D. (2014), Two-dimensional spectroscopy of a molecular dimer unveils the effects of vibronic coupling on exciton coherences, Nature Chemistry 6(3): 196-201.
- Tempelaar R., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2014), Vibrational beatings conceal evidence of electronic coherence in the FMO light-harvesting complex, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118(45): 12865-12872.
- Tempelaar R., Stradomska A., Knoester J. & Spano F.C. (2013), Anatomy of an exciton: vibrational distortion and exciton coherence in H- and J-aggregates, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117(1): 457-466.
- Nugroho B.S., Iskandar A.A., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2013), Bistable optical response of a nanoparticle heterodimer: mechanism, phase diagram, and switching time, The Journal of Chemical Physics 139(1): 014303.
- Vegte C.P. van der, Dijkstra A.G., Knoester J. & Jansen T.L.C. (2013), Calculating two-dimensional spectra with the mixed quantum-classical Ehrenfest method, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117(29): 5970-5980.
- Haverkort F., Stradomska A., Vries A.H. de & Knoester J. (2013), Investigating the structure of aggregates of an amphiphilic cyanine dye with molecular dynamics simulations, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117(19): 5857-5867.
- Munárriz J., Malyshev A.V., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2013), Optical nanoantennas with tunable radiation patterns, Nano Letters 13(2): 444-450.
- Broer W., Palasantzas G., Knoester J. & Svetovoy V.T. (2013), Significance of the Casimir force and surface roughness for actuation dynamics of MEMS, Physical Review B 87(12): 125413.
- Vlaming S.M., Malyshev V.A., Eisfeld A. & Knoester J. (2013), Subdiffusive exciton motion in systems with heavy-tailed disorder, The Journal of Chemical Physics 138(21): 214316.
- Tempelaar R., Vegte C.P. van der, Knoester J. & Jansen T.L.C. (2013), Surface hopping modeling of two-dimensional spectra, The Journal of Chemical Physics 138(16): 164106.
- Compaijen P.J., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2013), Surface-mediated light transmission in metal nanoparticle chains, Physical Review B 87(20): 205437.
- Liang C.W., Louhivuori M., Marrink S.J., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2013), Vibrational spectra of a mechanosensitive channel, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4(3): 448-452.
- Lessing J., Roy S., Reppert M., Baer M., Marx D., La Cour Jansen T., Knoester J. & Tokmakoff A. (2012), Identifying residual structure in intrinsically disordered systems: a 2D IR spectroscopic study of the GVGXPGVG peptide, Journal of the American Chemical Society 134(11): 5032-5035.
- Bloemsma E.A. & Knoester J. (2012), Photon emission statistics and photon tracking in single-molecule spectroscopy of molecular aggregates: dimers and trimers, The Journal of Chemical Physics 136(22): 224507.
- Liang C., Knoester J. & Jansen T.L.C. (2012), Proton transport in a membrane protein channel: two-dimensional infrared spectrum modeling, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116(22): 6336-6345.
- Broer W., Palasantzas G., Knoester J. & Svetovoy V.B. (2012), Roughness correction to the Casimir force at short separations: contact distance and extreme value statistics, Physical Review B 85(15): 155410.
- Eisele D.M., Cone C.W., Bloemsma E.A., Vlaming S.M., Kwaak C.G.F. van der, Silbey R.J., Bawendi M.G., Knoester J., Rabe J.P. & Bout D.A. van den (2012), Utilizing redox-chemistry to elucidate the nature of exciton transitions in supramolecular dye nanotubes, Nature Chemistry 4(8): 655-662.
- Tempelaar R., Stradomska A., Knoester J. & Spano F.C. (2011), Circularly polarized luminescence as a probe for long-range interactions in molecular aggregates, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115(36): 10592-10603.
- Vlaming S.M., Bloemsma E.A. & Linggarsari Nietiadi M. Knoester J. (2011), Disorder-induced exciton localization and violation of optical selection rules in supramolecular nanotubes, The Journal of Chemical Physics 134(11): 114507.
- Vlaming S.M., Bloemsma E.A., Nietiadi M. & Linggarsari Knoester J. (2011), Disorder-induced exciton localization and violation of optical selection rules in supramolecular nanotubes, The Journal of Chemical Physics 134(11): 114507.
- Marocico C.A. & Knoester J. (2011), Effect of surface-plasmon polaritons on spontaneous emission and intermolecular energy-transfer rates in multilayered geometries, Physical Review A 84(5): 053824.
- Olbrich C., Jansen T.L.C., Liebers J., Aghtar M., Strümpfer J., Schulten K., Knoester J. & Kleinekathöfer U. (2011), From atomistic modeling to excitation transfer and two-dimensional spectra of the FMO light-harvesting complex, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115(26): 8609-8621.
- Dijkstra A.G., la Cour Jansen T. & Knoester J. (2011), Modeling the vibrational dynamics and nonlinear infrared spectra of coupled amide I and II modes in peptides, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115(18): 5392-5401.
- Liang C.W., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2011), Proton transport in biological systems can be probed by two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy, The Journal of Chemical Physics 134(4): 044502.
- Broer W., Palasantzas G., Knoester J. & Svetovov V.B. (2011), Roughness correction to the Casimir force beyond perturbation theory, Europhysics Letters 95(3): 30001.
- Roy S., Lessing J., Meisl G., Ganim Z., Tokmakoff A., Knoester J. & Jansen T.L.C. (2011), Solvent and conformation dependence of amide I vibrations in peptides and proteins containing proline, The Journal of Chemical Physics 135(23): 234507.
- Chernyak V.Y., Knoester J. & Tretiak S. (2011), Tribute to Shaul Mukamel, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115(18): 5037-5038.
- Eisfeld A., Vlaming S.M., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2010), Excitons in molecular aggregates with Lévy-type disorder: anomalous localization and exchange broadening of optical spectra, Physical Review Letters 105(13): 137402.
- Smith A.W., Kessing J., Ganim Z., Peng C.S., Tokmakoff A., Roy S., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2010), Melting of a β-hairpin peptide using isotope-edited 2D IR spectroscopy and simulations, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(34): 10913-10924.
- Augulis R., Malyshev A.V., Malyshev V.A., Puzlys A., Knoester J. & Loosdrecht P.H.M. van (2010), Quest for order in chaos: hidden repulsive level statistics in disordered quantum nanoaggregates, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1(19): 2911-2916.
- Stradomksa A. & Knoester J. (2010), Shape of the Q band in the absorption spectra of porphyrin nanotubes: vibronic coupling or exciton effects?, The Journal of Chemical Physics 133(9): 094701.
- Roy S., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2010), Structural classification of the amide I sites of a β-hairpin with isotope label 2DIR spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12(32): 9347-9357.
- Dijkstra A.G., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2010), Two-dimensional spectroscopy of extended molecular systems: applications to energy transport and relaxation in an α-helix, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114(27): 7315-7320.
- Vlaming S.M., Augulis R., Stuart M.C.A. & Knoester J. van: Loosdrecht P.H.M. (2009), Exciton spectra and the microscopic structure of self-assembled porphyrin nanotubes, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113(8): 2273-2283.
- Marocico C.A. & Knoester J. (2009), Intermolecular resonance energy transfer in the presence of a dielectric cylinder, Physical Review A 79(5): 053816.
- Vlaming S.M., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2009), Localization properties of one-dimensional Frenkel excitons: Gaussian versus Lorentzian diagonal disorder, Physical Review B 79(20): 205121.
- Eisele D.M., Knoester J., Kirstein S., Rabe J.P. & Bout D.A. Vanden (2009), Uniform exciton fluorescence from individual molecular nanotubes immobilized on solid substrates, Nature Nanotechnology 4(10): 658-663.
- Jansen T.I.C. & Knoester J. (2009), Waiting time dynamics in two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy, Accounts of Chemical Research 42(9): 1405-1411.
- Dijkstra T.E., Hennebicq E., Belljonne D., Gierschner J., Claudio G., Bittner E.R., Knoester J. & Scholes G.D. (2008), Conformational disorder and ultrafast exciton relaxation in PPV-family conjugated polymers, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113(3): 656-667.
- Malyshev A.V., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2008), Frequency-controlled localization of optical signals in graded plasmonic chains, Nano Letters 8(8): 2369-2372.
- Klugkist J.A., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2008), Intrinsic optical bistability of thin films of linear molecular aggregates: the two-exciton approximation, The Journal of Chemical Physics 128(8): 084706.
- Barbehenn R.V., Maben R.E. & Knoester J. (2008), Linking phenolic oxidation in the midgut lumen with oxidative stress in the midgut tissues of a tree-feeding caterpillar Malacosoma disstria (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), Environmental Entomology 37(5): 1113-1118.
- Dijkstra A.G., Cour Jansen T. la & Knoester J. (2008), Localization and coherent dynamics of excitons in the two-dimensional optical spectrum of molecular J-aggregates, The Journal of Chemical Physics 128(16): 164511.
- Klugkist J.A., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2008), Scaling and universality in the optics of disordered exciton chains, Physical Review Letters 100(21): 216403.
- Klugkist J.A., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2008), Selection of dominant multi-exciton transitions in disordered linear J-aggregates, Journal of Luminescence 128(5-6): 945-947.
- Bloem R., Dijkstra A.G., Jansen T.L.C. & Knoester J. (2008), Simulation of vibrational energy transfer in two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy of amide I and amide II modes in solution, The Journal of Chemical Physics 129(5): 055101.
- Vlaming S.M., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2008), Thermal effects in exciton harvesting in biased one-dimensional systems, Journal of Luminescence 128(5-6): 956-959.
- La Cour Jansen T. & Knoester J. (2008), Two-dimensional infrared population transfer spectroscopy for enhancing structural markers of proteins, Biophysical Journal 94(5): 1818-1825.
- La Cour Jansen T. & Knoester J. (2007), Calculation of two-dimensional infrared spectra of ultrafast chemical exchange with numerical Langevin simulations, The Journal of Chemical Physics 127(23): 234502.
- Klugkist J.A., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2007), Intrinsic optical bistability of thin films of linear molecular aggregates: the one-exciton approximation, The Journal of Chemical Physics 127(16): 164705 .
- Vlaming S.M., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2007), Nonmonotonic energy harvesting efficiency in biased exciton chains, The Journal of Chemical Physics 127(15): 154719.
- Malyshev A.V., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2007), Probing quantum-mechanical level repulsion in disordered systems by means of time-resolved selectively excited resonance fluorescence, Physical Review Letters 98(8): 087401.
- Heijs D.J., Dijkstra A.G. & Knoester J. (2007), Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy of linear molecular aggregates: effects of exciton coherence and thermal dephasing, Chemical Physics 341(1-3): 230-239.
- Dijkstra A.G., Jansen T.L.C., Bloem R. & Knoester J. (2007), Vibrational relaxation in simulated two-dimensional infrared spectra of two amide modes in solution, The Journal of Chemical Physics 127(19): 194505.
- Jansen T.L. & Knoester J. (2006), A transferable electrostatic map for solvation effects on amide I vibrations and its application to linear and two-dimensional spectroscopy, The Journal of Chemical Physics 124(4): 044502.
- Didraga C., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2006), Excitation energy transfer between closely spaced multichromophoric systems: effects of band mixing and intraband relaxation, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110(38): 18818-18827.
- Heijs D.J., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2006), Exciton dephasing and thermal line broadening in molecular aggregates, Journal of Luminescence 119-120: 271-276.
- Jansen T.L., Dijkstra A.G., Watson T.M., Hirst J.D. & Knoester J. (2006), Modeling the amide I bands of small peptides, The Journal of Chemical Physics 125(4): 044312.
- Knoester & J. (2006), Modeling the optical properties of excitons in linear and tubular J-aggregates, International Journal of Photoenergy 2006(4): 1-10 (061364 ).
- Klugkist J.A., Mostovoy M. & Knoester J. (2006), Mode softening, ferroelectric transition, and tunable photonic band structures in a point-dipole crystal, Physical Review Letters 96(16): 163903.
- la Cour Jansen T. & Knoester J. (2006), Nonadiabatic effects in the two-dimensional infrared spectra of peptides: application to alanine dipeptide, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110(45): 22910-22916.
- Knoester J. & Daehne S. (2006), Prospects of artificial light harvesting systems: an introduction, International Journal of Photoenergy 2006: 054638.
- Pugžlys A., Augulis R., Loosdrecht P.H.M. van, Didraga C., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2006), Temperature-dependent relaxation of excitons in tubular molecular aggregates: fluorescence decay and stokes shift, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110(41): 20268-20276.
- Dijkstra A.G. & Knoester J. (2005), Collective oscillations and the linear and two-dimensional infrared spectra of inhomogeneous β-sheets, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109(19): 9787-9798.
- Heijs D.J., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2005), Decoherence of excitons in multichromophore systems: thermal line broadening and destruction of superradiant emission, Physical Review Letters 95(17): 177402.
- Dood M.J.A. de, Knoester J., Tip A. & Polman A. (2005), Förster transfer and the local optical density of states in erbium-doped silica, Physical Review B 71(11): 115102.
- Bednarz M., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2005), Low-temperature spectral dynamics of excitons in molecular aggregates, Journal of Luminescence 112(1-4): 411-415.
- Heijs D.J., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2005), Thermal broadening of the J-band in disordered linear molecular aggregates: a theoretical study, The Journal of Chemical Physics 123(14): 144507.
- Vlaming S.M., Heijs D.J. & Knoester J. (2005), Transport of optical excitations on dendrimers in the continuum approximation, Journal of Luminescence 111(4): 349-358.
- Didraga C. & Knoester J. (2004), Chiral exciton wave functions in cylindrical J aggregates, The Journal of Chemical Physics 121(2): 946-959.
- Puzlyx A., Hania P.R., Didraga C., Knoester J. & Duppen K. (2004), Cylindrical aggregates of TDBC: linear and nonlinear optical properties versus morphology, Solid State Phenomena 97-98: 201-206.
- Didraga C. & Knoester J. (2004), Excitons in tubular molecular aggregates, Journal of Luminescence 110(4): 239-245.
- Hoenders B.J., Doosje M. & Knoester J. (2004), Field representation inside arbitrary linear optical media by single surface currents, Optics Communications 236(4-6): 237-243.
- Bednarz M., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2004), Low-temperature dynamics of weakly localized Frenkel excitons in disordered linear chains, The Journal of Chemical Physics 120(8): 3827-3840.
- Didraga C. & Knoester J. (2004), Optical spectra and localization of excitons in inhomogeneous helical cylindrical aggregates, The Journal of Chemical Physics 121(21): 10687-10698.
- Cheatum C.M., Tokmakoff A. & Knoester J. (2004), Signatures of beta-sheet secondary structures in linear and two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy, The Journal of Chemical Physics 120(17): 8201-8215.
- Didraga C., Pugzlys A., Hania P.R., Berlepsch H. von & Duppen K. Knoester J. (2004), Structure, spectroscopy, and microscopic model of tubular carbocyanine dye aggregates, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108(39): 14976-14985.
- Heijs D.J., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2004), Trapping time statistics and efficiency of transport of optical excitations in dendrimers, The Journal of Chemical Physics 121(10): 4884-4892.
- Demirdoven N., Cheatum C.M., Chung H.S., Khalil M., Knoester J. & Tokmakoff A. (2004), Two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy of antiparallel beta-sheet secondary structure, Journal of the American Chemical Society 126(25): 7981-7990.
- Hania P.R., Heijs D.J., Bowden T., Pugzlys A., Esch J. van, Knoester J. & Duppen K. (2004), Ultrafast energy transport in a first-generation coumarin-tetraphenylporphyrin dendrimer, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108(1): 71-81.
- Didraga C. & Knoester J. (2003), Absorption and dichroism spectra of cylindrical J aggregates and chlorosomes of green bacteria, Journal of Luminescence 102-103: 60-66.
- Mostovoy M.V., Khomskii D.I., Knoester J. & Prokof’ev N.V. (2003), Frustrated spin model as a hard-sphere liquid, Physical Review Letters 90(14): 147203.
- Markov R.V., Plekhanov A.I., Shelkovnikov V.V. & Knoester J. (2003), Nonlinear optical properties of one-dimensional organic molecular aggregates in nanometer films, Microelectronic Engineering 69(2-4): 528-531.
- Bednarz M., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2003), Temperature dependent fluorescence in disordered frenkel chains: interplay of equilibration and local band-edge level structure, Physical Review Letters 91(21): 217401.
- Bakalis L.D., Rubtsov I. & Knoester J. (2002), Absorption spectra of mixed two-dimensional cyanine aggregates on silver halide substrates, The Journal of Chemical Physics 117(11): 5393-5403.
- Bogdanov A.A., Zaitsev A.I., Knoester J., Malyshev V.A. & Ryzhov I.V. (2002), Bistable optical response of an ultrathin glassy film consisting of oriented molecular aggregates. Samartsev V.V. (red.), Proceedings PECS 2001: photon echo and coherent spectroscopy. PECS'2001: Photon Echo and Coherent Spectroscopy 20 juni 2001 - 24 juni 2001 nr. 4605: SPIE. 333-336.
- Mostovoy M.V., Khomskii D.I. & Knoester J. (2002), Coupled spin-charge dynamics in NaV2O5 and its effect on the optical absorption, Physical Review B 65(6): 064412.
- Didraga C. & Knoester J. (2002), Exchange narrowing in circular and cylindrical molecular aggregates: degenerate versus nondegenerate states, Chemical Physics 275(1-3): 307-318.
- Bednarz M., Malyshev V. A. & Knoester J. (2002), Intraband relaxation and temperature dependence of the fluorescence decay time of one-dimensional Frenkel excitons: the Pauli master equation approach, The Journal of Chemical Physics 117(13): 6200-6213.
- Mostovoy M., Antonsen F. & Knoester J. (2002), Optical excitation of electron-hole pairs in disordered one-dimensional semiconductors, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 65(15): 155210.
- Didraga C., Klugkist J. & Knoester J. (2002), Optical properties of helical cylindrical molecular aggregates: the homogeneous limit, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106(44): 11474-11486.
- Figge M.T., Mostovoy M. & Knoester J. (2002), Peierls instability due to the interaction of electrons with both acoustic and optical phonons in metallic carbon nanotubes, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 65(12): 125416.
- Spitz C., Knoester J., Quart A. & Daehne S. (2002), Polarized absorption and anomalous temperature dependence of fluorescence depolarization in cylindrical J-aggregates, Chemical Physics 275(1-3): 271-284.
- Hoenders B.J., Doosje M. & Knoester J. (2002), Scattering of light by photonic crystals, Acta Physica Polonica A 101(1): 133-146.
- Doosje M., Hoenders B.J. & Knoester J. (2002), Scattering of light on the surfaces of photonic crystals, Optics Communications 206(4-6): 253-258.
- Lampoura S.S., Spitz C., Dähne S., Knoester J. & Duppen K. (2002), The optical dynamics of excitons in cylindrical J-aggregates, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106(12): 3103-3111.
- Bednarz M., Malyshev V.A., Lemaistre J.P. & Knoester J. (2001), Disorder-induced temperature dependence of the radiative lifetime of Frenkel excitons in molecular aggregates, Journal of Luminescence 94-95: 271-274.
- Ryzhov I.V., Kozlov G.G., Malyshev V.A. & Knoester J. (2001), Low-temperature kinetics of exciton–exciton annihilation of weakly localized one-dimensional Frenkel excitons, The Journal of Chemical Physics 114(12): 5322-5329.
- Mostovoy M.V., Khomskii D.I. & Knoester J. (2001), NaV2O5: an exotic excition system, International Journal of Modern Physics B 15(28-30): 3732-3736.
- Figge M.T., Mostovoy M. & Knoester J. (2001), Peierls transition with acoustic phonons and solitwistons in carbon nanotubes, Physical Review Letters 86(20): 4572-4575.
- Bednarz M. & Knoester J. (2001), The linear absorption and pump−probe spectra of cylindrical molecular aggregates, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105(51): 12913-12923.
- Markov R.V., Plekhanov A.I., Shelkovnikov V.V. & Knoester J. (2000), Giant nonlinear optical response of interacting one-dimensional Frenkel excitons in molecular aggregates, Physica Status Solidi. B: Basic Research 221(1): 529-533.
- Bakalis L.D. & Knoester J. (2000), Linear absorption as a tool to measure the exciton delocalization length in molecular assemblies, Journal of Luminescence 87-89: 66-70.
- Doosje M., Hoenders B.J. & Knoester J. (2000), Photonic bandgap optimization in inverted fcc photonic crystals, Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 17(4): 600-606.
- Juzeliünas, G., Knoester & J. (2000), Pump–probe spectrum of molecular assemblies of arbitrary structure and dimension, The Journal of Chemical Physics 112(5): 2325-2338.
- Mostovoy M.V. & Knoester J. (2000), Statistics of optical spectra from single-ring aggregates and its application to LH2, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104(51): 12355-12364.
- Bakalis L.D. & Knoester J. (1999), Can the exciton delocalization length in molecular aggregates be determined by pump–probe spectroscopy?, Journal of Luminescence 83-84: 115-119.
- Figge M.T., Mostovoy M.V. & Knoester J. (1999), Disorder-induced neutral solitons in degenerate ground state polymers, Synthetic Metals 101(1-3): 388-389.
- Mostovoy M.V. & Knoester J. (1999), Instanton calculation of the density of states of disordered Peierls chains, International Journal of Modern Physics B 13(13): 1601-1618.
- Figge M.T., Mostovoy M.V. & Knoester J. (1999), Magnetic susceptibility due to disorder-induced neutral solitons in interacting polymer chains, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 59(21): 13882-13891.
- Bakalis L.D., Coca M. & Knoester J. (1999), Optical line shapes of dynamically disordered ring aggregates, The Journal of Chemical Physics 110(4): 2208-2218.
- Bakalis L.D. & Knoester J. (1999), Pump−probe spectroscopy and the exciton delocalization length in molecular aggregates, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103(31): 6620-6628.
- Figge M.T., Mostovoy M.V. & Knoester J. (1998), Critical temperature and density of spin flips in the anisotropic random-field Ising model, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 58(5): 2626-2634.
- Mostovoy M.V., Figge M.T. & Knoester J. (1998), Density of neutral solitons in weakly disordered Peierls chains, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 57(5): 2861-2871.
- Wubs M. & Knoester J. (1998), Exchange narrowing in dynamically disordered molecular aggregates, Chemical Physics Letters 284(1-2): 63-70.
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- Mostovoy M.V., Khomskii D. & Knoester J. (1998), Phase diagram of disordered spin-Peierls systems, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 58(13): 8190-8193.
- Mostovoy M.V., Figge M.T. & Knoester J. (1997), Disorder-induced solitons in conjugated polymers, Europhysics Letters 38(9): 687-692.
- Mostovoy M.V. & Knoester J. (1997), Instanton in disordered Peierls systems, Physics Letters A 235(5): 535-539.
- Bakalis L.D. & Knoester J. (1997), Optical properties of one-dimensional exciton systems: beyond the Heitler-London approximation, The Journal of Chemical Physics 106(17): 6964-6976.
- Mostovoy M.V. & Knoester J. (1996), Quantum lattice motion and optical absorption in conjugated polymers: adiabatic theory, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 53(18): 12057-12070.
- Mostovoy M.V. & Knoester J. (1996), Quantum lattice motion and optical absorption in conjugated polymers: nonadiabatic theory, Physical Review B: Condensed Matter 54(14): 9784-9791.
- Knoester & J. (1995), Collective nonlinear optical properties of disordered J-aggregates, Advanced Materials 7(5): 500-502.
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- Mostovoy M.V. & Knoester J. (1995), Subgap optical absorption in conjugated polymers, Journal of Luminescence 66-67(1-6): 365-369.
- Knoester J. & Spano F.C. (1995), Unusual behavior of two-photon absorption from three-level molecules in a one-dimensional lattice, Physical Review Letters 74(14): 2780-2783.
- Durrant J.R., Knoester J. & Wiersma D.A. (1994), Local energetic disorder in molecular aggregates probed by the one-exciton to two-exciton transition, Chemical Physics Letters 222(5): 450-456.
- Knoester & J. (1994), Pump-probe spectroscopy of J-aggregates: a way to measure intermolecular correlations in the frequency disorder, Journal of Luminescence 58(1-6): 107-112.
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- Knoester & J. (1993), Nonlinear optical susceptibilities of disordered aggregates: a comparison of schemes to account for intermolecular interactions, Physical Review A 47(3): 2083-2098.
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- Arciszewski H.F.R. & Knoester J. (1983), A new method for the correction of γ-γ correlation matrices, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 215(1-2): 225-230.
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