Jan-Bart Gewald
Hoogleraar Geschiedenis van Afrika
- Naam
- Prof.dr. J.B. Gewald
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3372
- j.b.gewald@asc.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-2399-9852

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Prof. Jan-Bart Gewald is hoogleraar Geschiedenis van Afrika en is gespecialiseerd in de sociale geschiedenis van Afrika.
Hoogleraar Geschiedenis van Afrika
- Afrika-Studiecentrum
- Wetenschappelijke staf
- Gewald J.B. (2024), Mining Kambove and testing for trypanosomiasis: migrant labour, tsetse flies, and consumption, the establishment of colonial authority and suzerainty on the Luapula border, Northern Rhodesia Katanga, 1904-1914. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 155. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [working paper].
- Gewald J.B. (2024), Quaggas and diamonds: the possible relations between damond mining and species extinction. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 156. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [working paper].
- Gewald J.B. (2024), Bespreking van: Hecht G. . (2023), Residual governance: how South Africa foretells planetary futures. Durham NC: Duke University Press. Africa 94(3): 493-494.
- Beek W.E.A. van & Gewald J.B. (2021), The glory of disaster: the Herero Flag Marches. In: Hoondert M., Post P., Klomp M. & Barnard M. (red.), Handbook of disaster ritual: multidisciplinary perspectives, cases and themes. Liturgia Condenda nr. 32. Leuven: Peeters Publishers. 397-418.
- Gewald J.B., Kamsteeg F. & Wels H. (2019), 'New ordinary' of 'winners' : South Africa as part of BRICS, Clingendael Spectator 73(1): .
- Gewald J.B., Kamsteeg F. & Wels H., Crucial elections in South Africa. ASCL Africanist Blog. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [blog].
- Gewald J.B., Spierenburg M.J. & Wels H. (red.) (2019), Nature conservation in Southern Africa: morality and marginality: towards sentient conservation?. African dynamics. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
- Gewald J.B., Spierenburg M. & Wels H. (red.) (2018), Nature conservation in Southern Africa: morality and marginality - towards sentient conservation?. African dynamics nr. 16. Leiden [etc.]: Brill.
- Gewald J.B. (2018), Brothers in arms: Baboon-human interactions, a Southern African perspective. In: Gewald J.B., Spierenburg M. & Wels H. (red.), Nature conservation in Southern Africa : morality and marginality: towards sentient conservation?. African dynamics nr. 16. Leiden [etc.]: Brill. 48-66.
- Gewald J.B., Spierenburg M. & Wels H. (2018), Introduction : people, animals, morality, and marginality: reconfiguring wildlife conservation in Southern Africa. In: Gewald J.B., Spierenburg M. & Wels H. (red.), Nature conservation in Southern Africa : morality and marginality: towards sentient conservation?. African dynamics nr. 16. Leiden [etc.]: Brill. 1-21.
- Pesa I. & Gewald J.B. (red.) (2017), Magnifying perspectives : contributions to history : a festschrift for Robert Ross. ASC occasional publications nr. 26. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
- Beek W.E.A. van, Gewald J-B. & Kaapama P. (2017), A contested ritual of unity: the Herero Red Flag Day, Journal of ritual studies 31(2): 56-74.
- Gewald J.B. (2017), From roads for form to roads for war : toward a history of roads in colonial Zambia, 1890-1920. In: Beek W.E.A. van, Damen J.C.M. & Foeken D.W.J. (red.), The face of Africa : essays in honour of Ton Dietz. ASCL occasional publications nr. 28. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 247-264.
- Gewald J.B. & Pesa I. (2017), Introduction: contributions to history. In: Pesa I. & Gewald J.B. (red.), Magnifying perspectives : contributions to history, a festschrift for Robert Ross. ASCL occasional publications nr. 26. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 1-4.
- Gewald J.B. (2017), Settlers, semaphores and speculators : the remnants of war in contemporary South Africa. In: Pesa I. & Gewald J.B. (red.), Magnifying perspectives : contributions to history, a festschrift for Robert Ross. ASCL occasional publications nr. 26. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 220-231.
- Gewald J.B. (2017), People on the move. In: Gosselink M., Holtrop M., Ross R.J. & Badenhorst G. (red.), Good Hope: South Africa and The Netherlands from 1600. Amsterdam [etc.]: Rijksmuseum [etc.]. 181-193.
- Gewald J.B. & Schrikker A. (2017), "My favourite source is the landscape" : an interview with Robert Ross. In: Pesa I. & Gewald J.B. (red.), Magnifying perspectives : contributions to history, a festschrift for Robert Ross. ASCL occasional publications nr. 26. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 18-31.
- Gewald J.B. & Schrikker A.F. (2015), “My favourite source is the landscape.” An interview with Robert Ross, Itinerario 39(3): 405-417.
- Gewald J.B. (2015), Forged in the Great War: people, transport, and labour, the establishment of colonial rule in Zambia, 1890-1920. African Studies Collection, ISSN 1876-018X ; 26 nr. 61. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Akinyoade A. & Gewald J.B. (2015), African roads to prosperity: people en route to socio-cultural and economic transformations. African dynamics nr. 14. Leiden [etc.]: Brill.
- Pesa I., Gewald J.B. & Leliveld A. (2012), Introduction: Transforming Innovations in Africa; Explorative studies on appropriation in African societies. In: Gewald J.B., Leliveld A. & Pesa I. (red.), Transforming Innovations in Africa: Explorative studies on appropriation in African societies. African dynamics. Leiden, Boston: Brill. 1-16.
- Pesa I., Gewald J.B. & Leliveld A. (red.) (2012), Transforming Innovations in Africa: Explorative studies on appropriation in African societies. African dynamics. Leiden, Boston: Brill.
- Gewald J.B., Leliveld A.H.M. & Pesa I. (2012), Transforming innovations in Africa: explorative studies on appropriation in African societies. African dynamics nr. 11. Leiden: Brill.
- Gewald J.B., Hinfelaar M. & Macola G. (2011), Living the end of empire: politics and society in late colonial Zambia. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 21. Leiden: Brill.
- Gewald J.B. (2011), On becoming a chief in the Kaokoveld, colonial Namibia, 1916-25, Journal of African History 52(1): 23-42.
- Gewald J.B., Luning S.W.J. & Walraven K. van (2009), Motor Vehicles and people in Africa: An introduction. In: Gewald J.B., Luning S.W.J. & Walraven K. van (red.), The Speed of Change: Motor Vehicles and People in Africa, 1890 - 2000 1-8.
- Gewald J.B., Luning S.W.J. & Walraven K. van (red.) (2009), The Speed of Change: Motor Vehicles and People in Africa, 1890 - 2000. Brill: Leiden.
- Gewald J.B., Luning S.W.J. & Walraven K. van (2009), The speed of change: motor vehicles and people in Africa, 1890-2000. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 13. Leiden: Brill.
- Gewald J.B., Hinfelaar M. & Macola G. (2008), One Zambia, many histories: towards a history of post-colonial Zambia. Afrika-Studiecentrum series nr. 12. Leiden: Brill.
- Bruijn M.E. de, Dijk R.A. van & Gewald J.B. (2007), Social and Historical Trajectories of Agency in Africa: an Introduction. In: Bruijn M.E. de, Dijk R.A. van & Gewald J.B. (red.), Strength Beyond Structure: Social and Historical Trajectories of Agency in Africa. African dynamics. Leiden: Brill. 1-16.
- Bruijn M.E. de, Dijk R. van & Gewald J.B. (red.) (2007), Strength beyond strucutre, social and historical trajectories lof Agency in Africa. Leiden: Brill.
- Gewald J.B. (2007), Spanish influenza in Africa: some comments regarding source material and future research. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 77. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Gewald J.B. (2007), Transport transforming society: towards a history of transport in Zambia, 1890-1930. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 74. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Gewald J.B. (2007), Researching and writing in the twilight of an imagined conquest: anthropology in Northern Rhodesia 1930-1960. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 75. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Luning S.W.J., Gewald J.B. & Sijsma S. (2006), Global goldrush documentaire. [film].
- Gewald J.B. (2005), The impact of motor-vehicles in Africa in the twentieth century: towards a socio-historical case study. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 61. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Gewald J.B. (2005), Learning to wage and win wars in Africa: a provisional history of German military activity in Congo, Tanzania, China and Namibia. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 60. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Gewald J.B. (2005) Review of 'Miescher, G. and Henrichsen, D.: African posters: a catalogue of the poster collection in the Basler Afrika Bibliographien'. Bespreking van: Miescher G. & Henrichsen D. (2004), African posters: a catalogue of the poster collection in the Basler Afrika Bibliographien. Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien. Journal of African History 46(2): 377-377.
- Gewald J.B. (2005), Colonial warfare: Hehe and World War One, the wars besides Maji Maji in south-western Tanzania. ASC Working Paper Series nr. 63. Leiden: African Studies Centre. [working paper].
- Gewald J.B. (2004), Global media and violence in Africa: The case of Somalia. In: , Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture. African dynamics nr. 3. Leiden: Brill. 90-106.
- Binsbergen W.M.J. van, Dijk R.A. van & Gewald J.B. (2004), Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture: an introduction. In: Binsbergen W.M.J. van & Dijk R.A. van (red.), Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture. African dynamics nr. 3. Leiden: Brill. 3-54.
- Gewald J.B. (2004), Who Killed Clemens Kapuuo?, Journal of Southern African Studies 30(3): 559-576.
- Beurden J. van & Gewald J.B. (2004), From output to outcome? 25 years of IOB evaluations. Amsterdam: Aksant.
- Gewald J.B. (2004), Ovita ovia Zürn - "Zürn's Krieg". In: Förster L. von, Henrichsen D. & Bollig M. (red.), Namibia-Deutschland: eine geteilte Geschichte: Widerstand, Gewalt, Erinnerung. Köln: Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. 78-91.
- Gewald J.B. (2004), Imperial Germany and the Herero of Southern Africa: genocide and the quest of recompense. In: Jones A. (red.), Genocide, war crimes and the West: history and complicity. London: Zed Books. 59-77.
- Gewald J.B. (2003), Near death in the streets of Karibib: famine, migrant labour and the coming of Ovambo to central Namibia, Journal of African History 44(2): 211-239.
- Gewald J.B. (2003), The Herero genocide: German unity, settlers, soldiers, and ideas. In: Bechhaus-Gerst M. & Klein-Arendt R. (red.), Die (koloniale) Begegnung: AfrikanerInnen in Deutschland (1880-1945), Deutsche in Afrika (1880-1918). Frankfurt am Main [etc.]: Peter Lang. 109-127.
- Gewald J.B. (2003), Herero genocide in the twentieth century: politics and memory. In: Abbink G.J., Bruijn M.E. de & Walraven K. van (red.), Rethinking resistance: revolt and violence in African history. African dynamics nr. 2. Leiden [etc.]: Brill. 279-304.
- Gewald J.B. (2003), Culture de la violence, destruction des normes et déshumanisation en Afrique, Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens 58(3000): 977-987.
- Gewald J.B. (2003) Review of Hellberg C.-J.: 'Mission colonialism and liberation: the Lutheran Church in Namibia 1840-1966'. Bespreking van: Hellberg C.-J. (1997), Mission colonialism and liberation: the Lutheran Church in Namibia 1840-1966. Windhoek: New Namibia Books. Journal of African History 44(3): 533-536.
- Gewald J.B. (2003), 25 Years IOV-IOB: Competence with Consequence?. Amsterdam: IISG.
- Gewald J.B. (2002), "I was afraid of Samuel, therefore I came to Sekgoma": Herero refugees and patronage politics in Ngamiland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1890-1914, Journal of African History 43(2): 211-234.
- Gewald J.B. (2002), El Negro, El Niño, witchcraft and the absence of rain, Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies 16(1): 37-51.
- Gewald J.B. (2002), Flags, funerals and fanfares: Herero and missionary contestations of the acceptable, 1900-1940, Journal of African Cultural Studies 15(1): 105-117.
- Gewald J.B. (2002), A Teutonic ethnologist in the Windhoek district: rethinking the anthropology of Guenther Wagner. In: LeBeau D. & Gordon R.J. (red.), Challenges for anthropology in the 'African Renaissance': a Southern African contribution. University of Namibia Press publication nr. 1. Windhoek: University of Namibia Press. 19-30.
- Gewald J.B. (2002), Missionaries, Hereros, and motorcars: mobility and the impact of motor vehicles in Namibia before 1940, International Journal of African Historical Studies 35(2/3): 257-285.
- Gewald J.B. (2002), Diluting drinks and deepening discontent: colonial liquor controls and public resistance in Windhoek, Namibia. In: Bryceson D.F. (red.), Alcohol in Africa: mixing business, pleasure, and politics. Portsmouth: NH : Heinemann. 117-138.
- Gewald J.B. (2001), El Negro, el Niño, witchcraft and the absence of rain in Botswana, African Affairs 100(401): 555-580.
- Gewald J.B. (2001) Review of Emmett, T.: Popular resistance and the roots of nationalism in Namibia, 1915-1966. Bespreking van: Emmett T. (1999), Popular resistance and the roots of nationalism in Namibia, 1915-1966. Basel: Schlettwein. Journal of African History 42(1): 157-158.
- Gewald J.B. (2001) Review of 'Alexander, J., McGregor, J. and Ranger, T.: Violence and memory: one hundred years in the "dark forests" of Matabeleland'. Bespreking van: Alexander J., McGregor J. & Ranger T. (2000), Violence & memory: one hundred years in the "dark forests" of Matabeleland. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann. African Studies Review 44(3): 122-125.
- Gewald J.B. (2001) Review of Hooper E.: 'The river: A journey back to the source of HIV and AIDS'. Bespreking van: Hooper E. (2000), The river: A journey back to the source of HIV and AIDS. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books. Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies 15(2): 268-270.
- Gewald J.B. (2000), Colonization, genocide and resurgence: the Herero of Namibia 1890-1933. In: , People, cattle and land: transformations of a pastoral society in southwestern Africa. History, cultural traditions and innovations in Southern Africa nr. 13. Köln: Köppe. 187-226.
- Bollig M. & Gewald J.B. (2000), People, cattle and land-transformations of pastoral society: an introduction. In: Bollig M. & Gewald J.B. (red.), People, cattle and land: transformations of a pastoral society in southwestern Africa. History, cultural traditions and innovations in Southern Africa nr. 13. Köln: Köppe. 3-52.
- Gewald J.B. (2000), Making tribes: social engineering in the Western Province of British administered Eritrea 1941-52, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 1(2): 1-23.
- Gewald J.B. (1999), Herero heroes: a socio-political history of the Herero of Namibia, 1890-1923. Oxford: James Currey.
- Gewald J.B. (1999), The Road of the Man Called Love and the Sack of Sero: The Herero-German War and the Export of Herero Labour to the South African Rand, Journal of African History 40(1): 21-40.
- Gewald J.B. (1999) Review of Aas N.; Sippel H.: Koloniale Konflikte im Alltag: Eine rechtshistoriche Untersuchung der Auseinandersetxungen des Siedlers Heinrich Langkopp mit der Kolonialverwaltung in Deutsch-Ostafrika und dem Reichsentschadigungsamt. Bespreking van: Aas N. & Sippel H. (1997), Koloniale Konflikte im Alltag: Eine rechtshistoriche Untersuchung der Auseinandersetxungen des Siedlers Heinrich Langkopp mit der Kolonialverwaltung in Deutsch-Ostafrika und dem Reichsentschadigungsamt. Bayreuth: Bayreuth African Studies Series. Journal of African History 40(1): 138-139.
- Gewald J.B. (1998), Herero annual parades: commemorating to create. In: Behrend H. & Geider T. (red.), Afrikaner schreiben zurck: Texte und Bilder afrikanischer Ethnographen. Köln: Köppe. 131-151.
- Gewald J.B. (17 oktober 1996), Towards redemption. A socio-political study of the Herero of Namibia between 1890 and 1923 (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Wesseling H.L.
- Gewald J.B. (1995), Untapped sources: slave exports from southern and central Namibia up to the mid-nineteenth century. In: Hamilton C. (red.), The Mfecane Aftermath. Johannesburg: Wits University Press. 419-435.
- Gewald J.B. (1995), The issue of forced labour in the 'Onjembo': German South West Africa 1904-1908, Itinerario 19(1): 97-104.
- Gewald J.B. (1994), The great General of the Kaiser, Botswana notes and records 26: 67-76.
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