Isabelle Duijvesteijn
Hoogleraar International Studies and Global History
- Naam
- Prof.dr. I.G.B.M. Duijvesteijn
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9325
- 0000-0003-3468-4511

Isabelle Duyvesteyn is hoogleraar International Studies and Global History bij het Instituut voor Geschiedenis, en opleidingsvoorzitter van International Studies.
Meer informatie over Isabelle Duijvesteijn
Telefoonnummer werkplek Den Haag: 070 800 9325
Intern telefoonnummer werkplek Den Haag: 8725
Telefoonnummer werkplek Leiden: 071 527 2723
Intern telefoonnummer werkplek Leiden: 2723
Zie voor meer informatie het Engelstalige medewerkersprofiel van Isabelle Duyvesteyn.
Hoogleraar International Studies and Global History
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Geschiedenis
- History and International Studies
- Heuser B. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (red.) (2025), The Cambridge History of Strategy: Volume I: From Antiquity to the American War of Independence nr. I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Heuser B. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (red.) (2025), The Cambridge History of Strategy: Volume II; From the Napoleonic Wars to the Present nr. II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Heuser B. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2024), Grand patterns of strategy, old and new. In: Black J. (red.), The practice of strategy: a global history. Rome: Società Italiana di Storia Militare. 19-36.
- Heuser B. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2024), Grand Patterns of Strategy; Old and New, FVCINA DI MARTE 2024(17): 19-36 (1).
- Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (21 oktober 2024), . Opinie: Boodschap ‘klaar voor het gevecht’ in Defensienota baart zorgen: Universiteit Leiden. [webartikel].
- Díaz Pabón F.A. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2023), Civil wars: escalation and de-escalation, Civil Wars 25(2-3): 229-248.
- Zilincik S. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2023), Strategic studies and cyber warfare, Journal of Strategic Studies 46(4): 836-857.
- Duyvesteyn I. & Wal A.M. van der (2022), World history for international studies. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Duyvesteyn I., Wilde J. de & Willigen N. van (2022), Wetenschapstoets Defensienota ‘Sterker Nederland, Veiliger Europa': het doel heiligt de middelen? Of andersom?, Militaire Spectator 191(12): .
- Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. & Termeer A.E.W. (2022), The inclusion of women in Jihad: gendered practices of legitimation in Islamic State recruitment propaganda, Critical Studies on Terrorism 15(2): 463-483.
- Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2022), Bespreking van: Sen R. (2021), A farewell to arms: how rebels retire without getting killed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Perspectives on Politics 20(2): 666-668.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. (2021), Rebels and Conflict Escalation; : Explaining the Rise and Decline in Violence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2021), ‘Neuer Terrorismus? Eine These auf dem Pruefstand‘. In: Kaergel J. (red.) Terrorismus im 21. Jahrhundert: Perspektiven. Kontroversen. Blinde Flecken. Berlin: Bundesambt fuer Politisch Bildung.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. & Zilincik S. (2020), Deterrence: a continuation of emotional life with the admixture of violent means. In: Osinga F. & Sweijs T. (red.), NL ARMS 2020: Deterrence in the 21st Century - Insights from Theory and Practice. Netherlands annual review of military studies. The Hague: Asser Springer. 455-474.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. & Minatti W. (2019), Concepts of Legitimacy; Congruence and Divergence in the Afghan Conflict, Civil Wars 22(1): 1-25.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. & Schuurman B.W. (2019), Public support and (counter) terrorism. In: Silke A. (red.), Routledge handbook of terrorism and counterterrorism. London / New York: Routledge. 416-424.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. (2018), Rebels and Legitimacy; Processes and Practices. London: Routledge.
- Malkki L. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2018), The Fallacy of the New Terrorism Thesis. In: Jackson R. & Sinclair J. (red.), Contemporary Debates in Terrorism. London: Routledge.
- Schuurman B. & Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2018), Public support and (counter)terrorism. In: Silke A. (red.), Routledge handbook of terrorism and counter-terrorism. London: Routledge.
- Duijvesteijn I.G.B.M. (2018), The interaction between counterterrorism and terrorist groups. In: Gofas A. (red.), Terrorism and European Security Governance. Florence: European University Institute. 6-9.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. & Worrall J.E. (2017), Global Strategic Studies; A Manifesto, Journal of Strategic Studies 40(3): 347-357.
- Duyvesteyn Isabelle (2017), Rebels and Legitimacy; An Introduction, Small Wars and Insurgencies 28(4/5): 669-685.
- Rinelli S. & Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. (2017), The Missing Link: Civil-Military Cooperation and Hybrid Wars. In: Cusumano E. & Corbe M. (red.), Civil-Military Response to Hybrid Threats. London: Palgrave. 17-40.
- Duyvesteyn I. (2016), Cyberaanvallen: Organisatie, besluitvorming en strategie, Internationale Spectator 6(70): 1-7.
- Duyvesteijn I. (red.) (2016), Leiden University Press (redactieraad): Leiden University.
- Duyvesteyn I. (red.) (2016), Atlantisch Perspectief. Atlantisch Perspectief. Den Haag: Stichting Atlantische Commissie.
- Duyvesteijn I. (red.) (2016), Small Wars and Insurgencies. Editorial Board. Small Wars and Insurgencies: Taylor & Francis.
- Rich P. & Isabelle Duyvesteyn (red.) (2016), Studies in Insurgency, Counterinsurgency and National Security: Routledge.
- Duyvesteyn I.G.B.M. & Michaels J.H. (2016), Revitalizing Strategic Studies in an Age of Perpetual Conflict, Orbis 60(1): 22-35.
- Isabelle Duyvesteyn, Frerks G., Kistemaker B., Stel N. & Terpstra N. (2015), Reconsidering rebel governance. In: Lahai J.I. & Lyons T. (red.), African frontiers: Insurgency, governance and peacebuilding in postcolonial states. The Ashgate Plus Series in International Relations and Politics. Farnham, Burlington: Ashgate. 31-40.
- Isabelle Duyvesteyn (2015), Tactics for strategy? Violent non-state actors and strategic thinking. Paper Presented at the Conference in Honour of Prof Sir Hew Strachan, Oxford University, 23-24 September 2015. Conference in Honour of Prof Sir Hew Strachan, Oxford University, 23-24 September 2015 23 september 2015 - 24 september 2015.
- Isabelle Duyvesteyn & Peeters B. (2015), Fickle foreign fighters? A cross-case analysis of seven Muslim foreign fighter mobilizations (1980-2015). ICCT Research Papers. The Hague: International Centre for Counter-Terrorism.
- Isabelle Duyvesteyn, De Jong B. & Van Reijn J. (red.) (2014), The future of intelligence. Challenges in the 21st century. London: Routledge.
- Duyvensteyn I.G.B.M. (2014), The determinants of the continuation of civil war. In: Newman E. & DeRouen K. (red.), The Routledge Handbook of Civil Wars. London: Routledge. 224-236.
- Duyvesteyn Isabelle (2014), Tijd voor een Handboek Cyber Oorlog, Socialisme & Democratie 71(5): 32-37.
- Isabelle Duyvesteyn (2014), Between doomsday and dismissal; Collective defence, cyber war and the parameters of war, Atlantisch Perspectief 2014(Oct.): 20.
- Visser E. & Isabelle Duyvesteyn (2014), The irrelevance of the security dilemma for civil wars, Civil Wars 16(1): 65-85.
- Dimitriu G. & Isabelle Duyvesteyn (2014), Conclusions. It may be 10 September 2001 today. In: Duyvesteyn I., Jong B. de & Reijn J. van (red.), The Future of Intelligence: Challenges in the 21st Century. London: Routledge. 149-154.
- Duyvesteyn Isabelle (10 juni 2013). Strategisch analfabetisme; De kunst van strategisch denken in moderne militaire operaties. [oratie].