Ingeborg Meijer
Senior onderzoeker
- Naam
- Dr. I. Meijer
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6074
- 0000-0003-1481-1739

Zie profiel Ingeborg Meijer (in English).
Senior onderzoeker
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Borlaug S.B., Karaulova M., Svartefoss S.M., Sivertsen G., Meijer I., Leeuwen T.N. van & Hessels L.K. (2024), Researchers engaging with society: who does what?, Science and Public Policy 51: 618-642.
- Coombs S.K. & Meijer I. (2021), Towards evaluating the research impact made by universities of applied sciences, Science and Public Policy 48(2): 226-234.
- Novitzky P., Bernstein M.J., Blok V., Braun R., Chan T.T., Lamers W., Loeber A., Meijer I., Lindner R. & Griessler E. (2020), Improve alignment of research policy and societal values, Science 369(6499): 39-41.
- Sivertsen G. & Meijer I. (2019), Normal versus extraordinary societal impact: how to understand, evaluate, and improve research activities in their relations to society?, Research Evaluation 29(1): 66-70.
- Heimeriks G., Deyu Lia D., Lamers W., Meijer I. & Yegros A. (2019), Scientific knowledge production in European regions: patterns of growth, diversity and complexity, European Planning Studies 27(11): 2123-2143.
- Lochmüller H., Ambrosini A., Van Engelen B., Hansson M., Tibben A., Breukel A., Sterrenburg E., Schrijvers G., Meijer I., Padberg G., Peay H., Monaco L., Snape M., Lennox A., Mazzone E., Bere N., De Lemus M., Landfeldt E. & Willmann R. (2019), The Position of Neuromuscular Patients in Shared Decision Making. Report from the 235th ENMC Workshop: Milan, Italy, January 19-20, 2018, Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 6(1): 161-172.
- Hagenaars N., Kruif T. de, Laar L. van de, Waltman L., Meijer I., Levi M. & Gupta A. (2019), The relationship between publication volume of biomedical research and burden of disease. Center for Open Science. [working paper].
- Ambrosini A., Quinlivan R., Sansone V.A., Meijer I., Schrijvers G., Tibben A., Padberg G., De Wit M., Sterrenburg E., Mejat A., Breukel A., Rataj M., Lochmüller H. & Willmann R. (2019), “Be an ambassador for change that you would like to see”: a call to action to all stakeholders for co-creation in healthcare and medical research to improve quality of life of people with a neuromuscular disease, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 14: e126.
- Breukela A., Willmann R., Padberg G., Sterrenburg E. & Meijer I. (2019), “The impact of European Neuromuscular Centre (ENMC) workshops on the neuromuscular field; 25 years on …”, Neuromuscular Disorders 29(4): 330-340.
- Meijer I., Van der Weijden I.C.M., Van der Ven I. & Beukman J.J. (2018), Academic working conditions and mental health of PhD candidates, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 12 september 2018 - 14 september 2018.
- Van de Laar L., De Kruif T., Waltman L.R., Meijer I., Gupta A. & Hagenaars N. (2018), Improving the evaluation of worldwide biomedical research output: classification method and standardised bibliometric indicators by disease, BMJ Open 8(6): e020818.
- Mejlgaard N., Woolley R., Bloch C., Buehrer S., Griessler E., Jaeger A., Lindner R., Madsen E.B., Maier F., Meijer I., Peter V., Stilgoe J. & Wuketich M. (2018), Europe's plans for responsible science, Science 361(6404): 761-762.
- Mejlgaard N., Woolley R., Bloch C., Buehrer S., Griessler E., Jager A., Lindner R., Madsen E.B., Maier F., Meijer I., Peter V., Stilgoe J. & Wuketich M. (2018), A key moment for European science policy, Journal of Science Communication 17(3): 1-6.
- Van Leeuwen T.N., Meijer I., Yegros-Yegros A. & Costas R. (2018), Developing indicators on Open Access by combining evidence from diverse data sources. 2nd International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators (STI), 6-8 September, 2017, Paris, France 6 september 2017 - 8 september 2017. Paris, France: Proceedings of the 2017 STI Conference.
- Van der Weijden I., Van Gelder E., Meijer I., Van der Ven I., Beukman J.J. & Farzand Ali R. (2017), Continu in de stress: Mentale problemen bij promovendi, TH en MA 2017(4): 80-84.
- Van der Weijden I.C.M., Meijer I., Van der Ven I., Beukman J., Farzand Ali R. & De Gelder E. (2017), Het mentaal welzijn van Leidse promovendi.
- Van der Weijden I.C.M., Meijer I., Van der Ven I., Beukman J., Farzand Ali R. & De Gelder E. (2017), The mental well-being of Leiden University PhD candidates.
- Berghmans S., Cousijn H., Deakin G., Meijer I., Mulligan A., Plume A., De Rijcke S., Rushforth A., Tatum C., Van Leeuwen T. & Waltman L. (2017), Open Data: The researcher perspective: CWTS / Elsevier / Universiteit Leiden.
- Van der Weijden I.C.M., Reale E. & Meijer I. (2016), Gender in science: A periphery? 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators, Valencia. Ismael Ràfols I., Molas-Gallart J., Castro-Martínez E. & Woolley R. (red.), Congress UPV. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators. 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators (STI) 13 september 2016 - 16 september 2016 803-807.
- Derrick G., Molas-Gallart J., De Rijcke S., Meijer I., Van der Weijden I.C.M. & Wouters P. (2016), On multiplying methods in the field of research evaluation. 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators, Valencia. Ràfols I., Molas-Gallart J., Castro-Martínez E. & Woolley R. (red.), Congress UPV. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators (STI) 13 september 2016 - 16 september 2016 516-517.
- Van der Weijden I., Zahedi Z., Must Ü. & Meijer I. (2014), Gender differences in societal orientation and output of individual scientists, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 19th Science and Technology Indicators Conference, 3-5 September, Leiden, The Netherlands 3 september 2014 - 5 september 2014 680-686.
- Meijer I., Zahedi Z., Belder R. & Van der Weijden I. (2014), Researchers with a personal grant: Perceptions on societal relevance and outputs, Research Funding & Dynamics of Science Workshop. Research Funding & Dynamics of Science workshop, organized by Sociology of Science and Technology Network (SSTNET) and the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), 12-13 June, 2014 12 juni 2014 - 13 juni 2014.
- Meijer I., Calero-Medina C. & Abma-Schouten R. (2013), Societal Use of Research (SURe): stakeholder perceptions and data method development, Proceedings of 18Th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 18Th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 4 september 2013 - 6 september 2013 237-241.
- Costas R., Meijer I., Zahedi Z. & Wouters P.F. (2013), The value of research data metrics for datasets from a cultural and technical point of view: a knowledge exchange report. Denmark: Knowledge Exchange.
- Meijer I. (2012), Societal returns of scientific research - How can we measure it?: Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University.
- Meijer I., Molas-Gallart J. & Mattsson P. (2012), Networked research infrastructures and their governance: The case of biobanking, Science and Public Policy 39(4): 491-499.
- Mostert S.P., Ellenbroek S.P.H., Meijer I., Van Ark G. & Klasen E.C. (2010), Societal output and use of research performed by health research groups, Health Research Policy and Systems 8: e30.
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