Gianclaudio Malgieri
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. G. Malgieri
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 8838
- 0000-0003-3495-8471

Dr. Gianclaudio Malgieri universitair hoofddocent bij eLaw - Centrum voor Recht en Digitale Technologie.
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Leiden Law Blog
Dr. Gianclaudio Malgieri universitair hoofddocent bij eLaw - Centrum voor Recht en Digitale Technologie.
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Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Metajuridica
- eLaw@Leiden
- Kaminski M.E. & Malgieri G. (2025), Impacted Stakeholder Participation in AI and Data Governance, Yale Journal of Law and Technology : .
- Malgieri G. & Pasquale F. (2024), Licensing high-risk artificial intelligence: toward ex ante justification for a disruptive technology, Computer Law and Security Review 52: 105899.
- Malgieri G. & Custers B.H.M. (2024), Dati oltre-commercio. In: Feroni G.C. (red.), Commerciabilità dei dati personali: Profili economici, giuridici, etici della monetizzazione. Studi e ricerche Cesifin. Bologna: Il Mulino. 329-356.
- Fosch-Villaronga E. & Malgieri G. (2024), Queering the Ethics of AI. In: Gunkel D.J. (red.), Handbook on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 301-315.
- Custers B.H.M. & Malgieri G. (2024), Het recht op bescherming van persoonsgegevens is onbetaalbaar, Nederlands Juristenblad 99(27): 2092-2100 (NJB 2024/1726).
- Rigotti C. & Malgieri. G. (2024), Sexual violence and harassment in the metaverse: a new manifestation of gender-based harms. London: Alliance for Universal Digital Rights.
- Chatterjee N. & Malgieri G. (2024), The Metaverse and Consumers’ Vulnerabilities. In: Crea C. & De Franceschi A. (red.), The New Shapes of Digital Vulnerability in European Private Law. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 145-167.
- Giraudo M., Fosch Villaronga E. & Malgieri G. (2024), Competing legal futures: “commodification bets” all the way from personal data to AI, German Law Journal 25(7): 1095-1119.
- Van den Poel M. & Malgieri G. (2024), Silent Reforms of the GDPR in the EU Digital Market Legal Revolution. In: Costello R.A. & Leiser M. (red.), Critical Reflections on the EU’s Data Protection Regime: GDPR in the Machine. Hart Studies in Information Law and Regulation. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 157-176.
- Malgieri G. (27 mei 2024), Human vulnerability in the EU Artificial Intelligence Act. OUPblog. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Oxford University). [blog].
- Pasquale, F. & Malgieri G. (2024), Generative AI, explainability, and score-based natural language processing in benefits administration, Journal of Cross-Disciplinary Research in Computational Law 2(2 - Special issue on the Future of Computational Law): 1-13.
- Calvi A., Malgieri G. & Kotzinos D. (2024), The unfair side of Privacy Enhancing Technologies: addressing the trade-offs between PETs and fairness, FAccT '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 3-6, 2024. . New York: Association for Computing Machinery. 2047-2059.
- Rigotti C. & Malgieri G. (2023), Human vulnerability in the metaverse. Brussels: Alliance for Universal Digital Rights & VULNERA.
- Witting S.K. & Malgieri G. (15 mei 2023), ‘Voluntary detection orders’ under the proposed EU Child Sexual Abuse Regulation violate EU (privacy) law. European Law Blog. [blog].
- Malgieri G. (2023), Vulnerability and data protection law. Oxford Data Protection & Privacy Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Davola A.: Malgieri G. (2023), Data, power, and competition law: the (im)possible mission of the DMA?. In: Fagan F. & Langenfeld J. (red.), The economics and regulation of digital markets. Research in Law and Economics nr. 31. Leeds: Emerald Publishing Limited. 53-74.
- Giraudo M., Fosch Villaronga E. & Malgieri G. (2023), Competing legal futures: ‘commodification bets’ all the way from personal data to AI. Leiden: Safe and Sound project. [working paper].
- Cabitza F., Campagner A., Malgieri G., Natali C., Schneeberger D., Stoeger K. & Holzinger A. (2023), Quod erat demonstrandum? : Towards a typology of the concept of explanation for the design of explainable AI, Expert Systems with Applications 213(part A): 118888.
- Malgieri G. (2023), In/acceptable marketing and consumers' privacy expectations: four tests from EU data protection law, Journal of Consumer Marketing 40(2): 209-223.
- Custers B.H.M. & Malgieri G. (2022), Priceless data: why the EU fundamental right to data protection is at odds with trade in personal data, Computer Law and Security Review 45: 105683.
- Hof S. van der & Malgieri G. (22 juli 2022), The draft AI Act and children: room for improvement. Leiden Law Blog. Leiden: Leiden Law School. [blog].
- Malgieri G. & González Fuster G. (2022), The vulnerable data subject: A gendered data subject?, European Journal of Law and Technology 13(2): 1-26.
- Ienca M. & Malgieri G. (2022), Mental data protection and the GDPR, Journal of Law and the Biosciences 9(1): lsac006.
- Hamon R., Junklewitz H., Sanchez I., Malgieri G. & De Hert P. (2022), Bridging the gap between AI and explainability in the GDPR: towards trustworthiness-by-design in automated decision-making, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 17(1): 72-85.
- Quinn P. & Malgieri G. (2021), The difficulty of defining sensitive data: the concept of sensitive data in the EU data protection framework, German Law Journal 22(8): 1583-1612.
- Hamon R., Junklewitz H., Malgieri G., De Hert P., Beslay L. & Sanchez I. (2021), Impossible Explanations?: Beyond explainable AI in the GDPR from a COVID-19 use case scenario, FAccT '21: 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, Virtual Event, Canada, March 3-10, 2021. . New York: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). 549-559.
- Kaminski M.E. & Malgieri G. (2021), Algorithmic impact assessments under the GDPR: producing multi-layered explanations, International Data Privacy Law 11(2): 125-144.
- Václav J. & Malgieri G. (2020), Commerce in data and the dynamically limited alienability rule, German Law Journal 21(5): 924-943.
- Malgieri G. & Niklas J. (2020), Vulnerable data subjects, Computer Law and Security Review 37: 105415.
- Malgieri G. (2020), The concept of fairness in the GDPR: a linguistic and contextual interpretation. Hildebrandt M., Castillo C., Celis E., Ruggieri S., Taylor L. & Zanfir-Fortuna G. (red.), FAT* '20: Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency. . New York: Association for Computing Machinery. 154-166.
- Malgieri G. (2019), Automated decision-making in the EU Member States: The right to explanation and other “suitable safeguards” in the national legislations, Computer Law and Security Review 35(5): 105327.
- Malgieri G. (2018), ‘User-provided personal content’ in the EU: digital currency between data protection and intellectual property, International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 32(1): 118-140.
- De Hert P., Papakonstantinou V., Malgieri G., Beslay L. & Sanchez I. (2018), The right to data portability in the GDPR: towards user-centric interoperability of digital services, Computer Law and Security Review 34(2): 193-203.
- Malgieri G. & Custers B.H.M. (2018), Pricing privacy – the right to know the value of your personal data, Computer Law and Security Review 34(2): 289-303.
- Malgieri G. & Comandé G. (2017), Sensitive-by-distance: quasi-health data in the algorithmic era, Information and Communications Technology Law 26(3): 229-249.
- Malgieri G. & Comandé G. (2017), Why a right to legibility of automated decision-making exists in the general data protection regulation, International Data Privacy Law 7(4): 243-265.
- Malgieri G. (2016), Trade secrets v personal data: a possible solution for balancing rights, International Data Privacy Law 6(2): 102-116.
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