Frank den Hollander
Emeritus hoogleraar Kansrekening
- Naam
- Prof.dr. W.T.F. den Hollander
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-2866-9470

Persoonlijke webpagina
Shubhamoy Nandan
Benthen Zeegers
Margriet Oomen
Marta Maggioni
Matteo Sfragara
Steven Berghout
Niels Langeveld
Andrea Roccaverde
Laurens Smit
Herman Blok
Willem van Zuijlen
Stein Bethuelsen
Julian Martinez
Dirk Erhard
Martin Göll
Alessio Troiani
Renato Soares dos Santos
Feijia Wang
Kiamars Vafayi
Luca Avena
Emeritus hoogleraar Kansrekening
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Braunsteins P., Hollander W.T.F. den & Mandjes M.R.H. (2023), A sample-path large deviation principle for dynamic Erdös-Rényi random graphs, The Annals of Applied Probability 33(4): 3278-3320.
- Dionigi P., Garlaschelli D., Hollander W.T.F. den, Hazra R.S. & Mandjes M. (2023), Central limit theorem for the principal eigenvalue and eigenvector of Chung-Lu random graphs, Journal of Physics: Complexity 4(1): 015008.
- Chakrabarty A., Hazra R.S., Hollander W.T.F. den & Sfragara M. (2022), Large deviation principle for the maximal eigenvalue of inhomogeneous Erdos-Renyi random graphs, Journal of Theoretical Probability 35: 2413-2441.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Nandan S. (2022), Spatially inhomogeneous populations with seed-banks: II. Clustering regime, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 150: 116-146.
- Floreani S., Giardinà C., Hollander W.T.F. den, Nandan S. & Redig F. (2022), Switching interacting particle systems: scaling limits, uphill diffusion and boundary layer, Journal of Statistical Physics 186: 33.
- Avena L., Güldaş H., Hofstad R. van der, Hollander W.T.F. den & Nagy O. (2022), Linking the mixing times of random walks on static and dynamic random graphs, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 153: 145-182.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Wang D (2022), The parabolic Anderson model on a Galton-Watson tree revisited, Journal of Statistical Physics 189: 8.
- Borst S., Hollander W.T.F. den, Nardi F.R. & Taati S (2022), Crossover-times in bipartite networks with activity constraints and time-varying switching rates, The Annals of Applied Probability 32(6): 4279-4314.
- Avena L., Chino Y., Da Costa C. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2022), Random walk in cooling random environment: recurrence versus transience and mixed fluctuations, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 58(2): 967-1009.
- Bovier A., Hollander W.T.F. den & Marello S (2022), Metastability for Glauber dynamics on the complete graph with coupling disorder, Communications in Mathematical Physics 392: 307-345.
- Greven A., Hollander W.T.F. den & Oomen M. (2022), Spatial populations with seed-bank: well-posedness, duality and equilibrium, Electronic Journal of Probability 27: 1-88.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Nadan S. (2021), Spatially inhomogeneous populations with seed-banks: I. Duality, existence and clustering, Journal of Theoretical Probability : .
- Dionigi P., Garlaschelli D., Hollander W.T.F. den & Mandjes M. (2021), A spectral signature of breaking of ensemble equivalence for constrained random graphs, Electronic Communications in Probability 26: 1-15.
- Garlaschelli D., Hollander W.T.F. den, Meylahn J.M. & Zeegers B.P. (2019), Synchronization of phase oscillators on the hierarchical lattice, Journal of Statistical Physics 174(1): 188-218.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Majumdar S.N., Meylahn J.M. & Touchette T. (2019), Properties of additive functionals of Brownian motion with resetting, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52(17): 175001.
- Avena L., Chino Y., Costa C. de & Hollander W.T.F. den (2019), Random walk in cooling random environment: ergodic limits and concentration inequalities, Electronic Journal of Probability 24: 38.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Mandjes M., Roccaverde A. & Starreveld N.J. (2018), Ensemble equivalence for dense graphs, Electronic Journal of Probability 23: 12.
- Avena L., Güldas H., Hofstad R. van der & Hollander W.T.F. den (2018), Mixing times for random walks on dynamic configuration models, The Annals of Applied Probability 28(4): 1977-2002.
- Greven A., Hollander W.T.F. den & Klimovsky A. (2018), The hierarchical Cannings process in random environment, Alea: Latin American journal of probability and mathematical statistics 15: 295-351.
- Hollander F., Nardi F.R. & Taati S. (2018), Metastability of hard-core dynamics on bipartite graphs, Electronic Journal of Probability 23(97): 1-65.
- Berg M. van den, Bolthausen E. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2018), Torsional rigidity for regions with a Brownian boundary, Potential Analysis 48(3): 375-403.
- Berger Q., Hollander W.T.F. den & Poisat J. (2018), Annealed scaling for a charged polymer in dimensions two and higher, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51(5): 054002.
- Berg M. van den & Hollander W.T.F. den (2018), Torsional rigidity for cylinders with a Brownian fracture, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 50(2): 321-339.
- Garlaschelli D., Hollander W.T.F. den & Roccaverde A. (2018), Covariance Structure Behind Breaking of Ensemble Equivalence in Random Graphs, Journal of Statistical Physics 173(3-4): 644-662.
- Garlaschelli D., Hofstad R. van der, Hollander F. den & Mandjes M. (2018), Special Issue of Journal of Statistical Physics Devoted to Complex Networks, Journal of Statistical Physics 173(3-4): 439-447.
- Hollander W.T.F. & Jovanovski O. (2017), Metastability on the hierarchical lattice, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50: 305001.
- Garlaschelli D., Hollander W.T.F. den & Roccaverde A. (2017), Ensemble nonequivalence in random graphs with modular structure, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50: 015001.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Pederzani G. (2017), Multi-colony Wright-Fisher with seed-bank, Indagationes Mathematicae 28(3): 637-669.
- Dommers S., Hollander W.T.F. den, Jovanovski O. & Nardi F.R. (2017), Metastability for Glauber dynamics on random graphs, The Annals of Applied Probability 27(4): 2130-2158.
- Garlaschelli D., Hollander W.T.F. & Roccaverde A. (2016), Ensemble nonequivalence in random graphs with modular structure, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50(1): 015001.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Jansen S. (2016), Berman-Konsowa principle for reversible Markov jump processes, Markov Processes and Related Fields 22(3): 409-442.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Pétrélis N. (2016), Phase diagram for a copolymer in a micro-emulsion, Alea: Latin American journal of probability and mathematical statistics 13(2): 941-1037.
- Erhard D., Hollander W.T.F. den. & Maillard G. (2016), Parabolic Anderson model in a dynamic random environment: random conductances, Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 19(2): 5.
- Caravenna F., Hollander W.T.F., Pétrélis N. & Poisat J. (2016), Annealed scaling for a charged polymer, Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 19(1): 2.
- Squartini T., Mol J. de, Hollander W.T.F. den & Garlaschelli D. (2015), Breaking of ensemble equivalence in networks, Physical Review Letters 115(26): 268701.
- Hollander W.T.F. van, Redig F. & Zuijlen W.B. van (2015), Gibbs-non-Gibbs dynamical transitions for mean-field interacting Brownian motions, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125(1): 371-400.
- Garlaschelli D., Hollander W.T.F den & Roccaverde A. (2015), Complexe netwerken vanuit fysisch perspectief, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5/16(3): 207-209.
- Bovier A. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2015), Metastability. A Potential-Theoretic Approach. Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften nr. 351. Cham: Springer.
- Hilário M.R., Hollander W.T.F. den, Santos R.S., Sidoravicius V. & Teixeira A. (2015), Random walk on random walks, Electronic Journal of Probability 20: 95.
- Erhard D., Hollander W.T.F. den & Maillard G.J.M. (2015), The parabolic Anderson model in a dynamic random environment: space-time ergodicity for the quenched Lyapunov exponent, Probability Theory and Related Fields 162(1-2): 1-46.
- Bolthausen E., Hollander W.T.F. den & Opoku A.A. (2015), A copolymer near a selective interface: variational characterization of the free energy, Annals of Probability 43(2): 875-933.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Santos R.S. dos (2014), Scaling of a random walk on a supercritical contact process, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 50(4): 1276-1300.
- Erhard D., Hollander W.T.F. den & Maillard G.J.M. (2014), The parabolic Anderson model in a dynamic random environment: basic properties of the quenched Lyapunov exponent, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 50(4): 1231-1275.
- Goodman J.A. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2014), Extremal geometry of a Brownian porous medium, Probability Theory and Related Fields 160(1-2): 127-174.
- Berg M., Bolthausen E. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2014), Heat content and inradius for regions with a Brownian boundary, Potential Analysis 41(2): 501-515.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Kesten H. & Sidoravicius V. (2014), Random walk in a high density dynamic random environment, Indagationes Mathematicae 25(4): 785-799.
- Fernández R., Hollander W.T.F. den. & Martínez J. (2014), Variational description of Gibbs-non-Gibbs dynamical transitions for spin-flip systems with a Kac-type interaction, Journal of Statistical Physics 156(2): 203-220.
- Greven A., Hollander W.T.F. den, Kliem S. & Klimovsky A. (2014), Renormalisation of hierarchically interacting Cannings processes, ALEA Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 11(1): 43-140.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Poisat J.A.J. (2014), Large deviation principles for words drawn from correlated letter sequences, Electronic Communications in Probability 19(12): 1-16.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Opoku A.A. (2013), Copolymer with pinning: variational characterization of the phase diagram, Journal of Statistical Physics 152(5): 846-893.
- Fernandez R., Hollander W.T.F. den & Martinez J.F. (2013), Variational characterization of Gibbs-non-Gibbs dynamical transitions for the Curie-Weiss model, Communications in Mathematical Physics 319(3): 703-730.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Caravenna F. (2013), A general smoothing inequality for disordered polymers, Electronic Communications in Probability 18(76): 1-15.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Cheliotis D. (2013), Variational characterization of the critical curve for pinning of random polymers, Annals of Probability 41(3B): 1767-1805.
- Fernández R., Hollander W.T.F. den & Martinez J. (2013), Variational description of Gibbs-non-Gibbs dynamical transitions for the Curie-Weiss model, Communications in Mathematical Physics 319(3): 703-730.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (2012), Random Polymers. In: Hollander W.T.F. & Molchanov S.A. (red.), Random Media at Saint-Flour. Heidelberg: Springer. 295-558.
- Gartner J., Hollander W.T.F. den & Maillard G.J.M. (2012), Quenched Lyapunov exponent for the parabolic Anderson model in a dynamic random environment. Deuschel J.-D., Gentz B., Konig W., Renesse M.-K. van, Scheutzow M. & Schmock U. (red.), Probability in Complex Physical Systems. . Berlijn: Springer. 159-193.
- Caravenna F., Hollander W.T.F. den & Petrelis N. (2012), Lectures on random polymers, Clay Mathematics Proceedings. 319-393.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Santos R. dos & Sidoravicius V. (2012), Law of large numbers for non-elliptic random walks in dynamic random environments, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 123(1): 156-190.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Nardi F.R. & Troiani A. (2012), Metastability for Kawasaki dynamics at low temperature with two types of particles, Electronic Journal of Probability 17(2): 1-26.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (2012), Laudatio: the mathematical work of Jürgen Gärtner. In: Deuschel J.D., Gentz B., König W., Renesse M. von, Scheutzow M. & Schmock U. (red.), Probability in complex physical systems. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics nr. 11. Berlin: Springer, Heidelberg. 1-10.
- Hollander W.T.F., Molchanov S.A. den & Zeitouni O. (2012), Random media at Saint-Flour. Berlin: Springer, Heidelberg.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Nardi F.R. & Troiani A. (2012), Kawasaki dynamics with two types of particles: critical droplets, Journal of Statistical Physics 149(6): 1013-1057.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Nardi F.R. & Troiani A. (2011), Kawasaki dynamics with two types of particles: stable/metastable configurations and communication heights, Journal of Statistical Physics 145(6): 1423-1457.
- Avena L., Hollander W.T.F. den & Redig F. (2011), Law of large numbers for a class of random walks in dynamic random environments, Electronic Journal of Probability 16(21): 587-617.
- Birkner M., Greven A. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2011), Collision local time of transient random walks and intermediate phases in interacting stochastic systems, Electronic Journal of Probability 16(20): 552-586.
- Blachere S., Hollander W.T.F. den & Steif J.E. (2011), A crossover for the bad configurations of random walk in random scenery, Annals of Probability 39(5): 2018-2041.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Pétrélis N. (2010), A mathematical model for a copolymer in an emulsion, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 47(1): 83-94.
- Avena L., Hollander W.T.F. den & Redig F. (2010), Large deviation principle for one-dimensional random walk in dynamic random environment: attractive spin-flips and simple symmetric exclusion, Markov Processes and Related Fields 16: 139-168.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (2010), A key large deviation principle for interacting stochastic systems. Bhatia R., Pal A., Rangarajan G., Srinivas V. & Vanninathan M. (red.), Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. International Congress of Mathematicians, Hyderabad, India. New Delhi: Hindustan Book Agency. 2258-2274.
- Birkner M.G., Greven A. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2010), Quenched large deviation principle for words in a letter sequence, Probability Theory and Related Fields 148(3-4): 403-456.
- Enter A.C.D., Fernandez R., Hollander W.T.F. den & Redig F. (2010), A large-deviation view on dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions, Moscow Mathematical Journal 10(4): 687-711.
- Bovier A., Hollander W.T.F. den & Spitoni C. (2010), Homogeneous nucleation for Glauber and Kawasaki dynamics in large volumes at low temperatures, Annals of Probability 38(2): 661-713.
- Gärtner J., Hollander W.T.F. den & Maillard G. (2010), Intermittency of catalysts: voter model, Annals of Probability 38(5): 2066-2102.
- Gärtner J., Hollander W.T.F. den & Maillard G.J.M. (2009), Intermittency on catalysts: three-dimensional simple symmetric exclusion, Electronic Journal of Probability 14(72): 2091-2129.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (2009), Random Polymers nr. 1974. Berlin: Springer.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (2009), Three lectures on metastability under stochastic dynamics. In: Kotecky R. (red.), Methods of Contemporary Mathematical Statistical Physics. Lecture Notes in Mathematics nr. 1970. Berlin: Springer. 223-246.
- Biskup M., Bovier A., Hollander W.T.F. den, Loffe D., Martinelli F., Netocný K. & Toninelli F. (2009), Methods of contemporary mathematical statistical physics. Lecture Notes in Mathematics nr. 1970. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
- Gaudillière A., Hollander W.T.F. den, Nardi F.R., Olivieri E. & Scoppola E. (2009), Ideal gas approximation for a two-dimensional rarefied gas under Kawasaki dynamics, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 119(3): 737-774.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Pétrélis N. (2009), On the localized phase of a copolymer in an emulsion: subcritical percolation regime, Journal of Statistical Physics 134(2): 209-241.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Pétrélis N. (2009), On the localized phase of a copolymer in an emulsion: supercritical percolation regime, Communications in Mathematical Physics 285(3): 825-871.
- Angel O., Goodman J.A., Hollander W.T.F. den & Slade G.D. (2008), Invasion percolation on regular trees, Annals of Probability 36(2): 420-466.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (2008), S.R. Srinivasa Varadhan, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 9(3): 192-197.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Senden W.J.M. & Zwet W.R. van (2008), EURANDOM: A decade of European stochastics, Statistica Neerlandica 62(3): 256-265.
- Dawson D.A., Greven A., Hollander W.T.F. den, Sun R. & Swart J.M. (2008), The renormalization transformation of two-type branching models, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 44(6): 1038-1077.
- Zint N., Baake E. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2008), How T-cells use large deviations to recognize foreign antigens, Journal of Mathematical Biology 57(6): 841-861.
- Greven A. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2007), Phase transitions for the long-time behavior of interacting diffusions, Annals of Probability 35(4): 1250-1306.
- Gärtner J., Hollander W.T.F. den & Maillard G.J.M. (2007), Intermittency on catalysts: symmetric exclusion, Electronic Journal of Probability 12(18): 516-573.
- Hofstad R., Hollander W.T.F. den & Slade G.D. (2007), The survival probability for critical spread-out oriented percolation above 4+1 dimensions. II. Expansion, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 43(5): 509-570.
- Hofstad R., Hollander W.T.F. den & Slade G. (2007), The survival probability for critical spread-out oriented percolation above 4+1 dimensions. I. Induction, Probability Theory and Related Fields 138(3-4): 363-389.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Steif J.E. (2006), Random walk in random scenery: A survey of some recent results. In: Denteneer D., Hollander W.T.F. den & Verbitskiy E. (red.), Dynamics & Stochastics, IMS Lecture Notes nr. 48 53-65.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (2006), Renormalization of interacting diffusions: a program and four examples. In: Koelink E., Neerven J. van, Pagter B. de & Sweers G. (red.), Partial Differential Equations and Functional Analysis: The Philippe Clément Festschrift nr. 168. Berlin: Birkhäuser. 123-136.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Whittington S.G. (2006), Localization transition for a copolymer in an emulsion, Theory of probability and its applications 51(1): 101-141.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Gaertner J. & Molchanov S.A. (2006), Diffusion in an annihilating environment, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 7(1): 25-64.
- Gärtner J. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2006), Intermittency in a catalytic random medium, Annals of Probability 34(6): 2219-2287.
- Bovier A., Hollander W.T.F. den & Nardi F.R. (2006), Sharp asymptotics for Kawasaki dynamics on a finite box with open boundary, Probability Theory and Related Fields 135(2): 265-310.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (2005), Random Dynamics in Spatially Extended Systems. Laptev A. (red.), Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Mathematics. . Zürich: European Mathematical Society Publishing House. 561-572.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Steif J.E. & Wal P. van der (2005), Bad configurations for random walk in random scenery and related subshifts, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 115(7): 1209-1232.
- Berg M. van den, Bolthausen E. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2005), Brownian survival among Poissonian traps with random shapes at critical intensity, Probability Theory and Related Fields 132(2): 163-202.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Toninelli F. (2004), A mystery about to be solved, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5(4): 274-278.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (2004), Gibbs under stochastic dynamics?, Markov Processes and Related Fields 10(3): 507-516.
- Berg M., Bolthausen E. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2004), On the volume of the intersection of two Wiener sausages, Annals of Mathematics 159(2): 741-782.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Wüthrich M.V. (2004), Diffusion of a heteropolymer in a multi-interface medium, Journal of Statistical Physics 114(3-4): 849-889.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Keane M.S., Serafin J. & Steif J.E. (2003), Weak Bernoullicity of random walk in random scenery, Japanese Journal of Mathematics 29(2): 389-406.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (2003), Relative entropy for random motion in a random medium. In: Greven A., Keller G. & Warnecke G. (red.), Entropy. Applied Mathematics: Princeton University Press. 215-231.
- Engländer J. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2003), Survival asymptotics for branching Brownian motion in a Poissonian trap field, Markov Processes and Related Fields 9(3): 363-389.
- Hofstad R., Hollander W.T.F. den & König W. (2003), Large deviations for the one-dimensional Edwards model, Annals of Probability 31(4): 2003-2039.
- Hofstad R., Hollander W.T.F. den & König W. (2003), Weak interaction limits for one-dimensional random polymers, Probability Theory and Related Fields 125(4): 483-521.
- Hollander W.T.F. den., Nardi F.R., Olivieri E. & Scoppola E. (2003), Droplet growth for three-dimensional Kawasaki dynamics, Probability Theory and Related Fields 125(2): 153-194.
- Hofstad R., Hollander W.T.F. den & Slade G. (2002), Construction of the incipient infinite cluster for spread-out oriented percolation above 4+1 dimensions, Communications in Mathematical Physics 231(3): 435-461.
- Enter A.C.D., Fernández R., Hollander W.T.F. den & Redig F. (2002), Possible loss and recovery of Gibbsianness during the stochastic evolution of Gibbs measures, Communications in Mathematical Physics 226(1): 101-130.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Olivieri E. & Scoppola E. (2001), Metastability and nucleation for conservative dynamics, Markov Processes and Related Fields 7(1): 51-53.
- Berg M., Bolthausen E. & Hollander W.T.F. den (2001), Moderate deviations for the volume of the Wiener sausage, Annals of Mathematics 153(2): 355-406.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Olivieri E. & Scoppola E. (2000), Metastability and nucleation for conservative dynamics, Journal of Mathematical Physics 41(3): 1424-1498.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Steif J.E. (2000), On the equivalence of certain ergodic properties for Gibbs states, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 20(1): 231-239.
- Biskup M. & Hollander W.T.F. den (1999), A heteropolymer near a linear interface, The Annals of Applied Probability 9(3): 668-687.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Menshikov M.V. & Popov S.Y. (1999), A note on transience versus recurrence for a branching random walk in random environment, Journal of Statistical Physics 95(3-4): 587-614.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (1999), Der Zufall in der Chemie: Polymere, Nova Acta Leopoldina (N.F.) 79(308): 69-77.
- Gärtner J. & Hollander W.T.F. den (1999), Correlation structure of intermittency in the parabolic Anderson model, Probability Theory and Related Fields 114(1): 1-54.
- Berg M. & Hollander W.T.F. den (1999), Asymptotics for the heat content of a planar region with a fractal polygonal boundary, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 78(3): 627-661.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Swart J.M. (1998), Renormalization of hierarchically interacting isotropic diffusions, Journal of Statistical Physics 93(1-2): 243-291.
- Hofstad R., Hollander W.T.F. den & Slade G. (1998), A new inductive approach to the lace expansion for self-avoiding walks, Probability Theory and Related Fields 111(2): 253-286.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Steif J.E. (1997), Mixing properties of the generalized T,T^-1-process, Journal d’Analyse Mathematique 72(1): 165-202.
- Bolthausen E. & Hollander W.T.F. den (1997), Localization transition for a polymer near an interface, Annals of Probability 25(3): 1334-1366.
- Hofstad R., Hollander W.T.F. den & König W. (1997), Central limit theorem for a weakly interacting random polymer, Markov Processes and Related Fields 3(1): 1--62.
- Baillon J.B., Clément P., Greven A. & Hollander W.T.F. den (1997), On the attracting orbit of a nonlinear transformation arising from renormalization of hierarchically interacting diffusions. Part II: the non-compact case, Journal of Functional Analysis 146(1): 236-298.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Steif J.E. (1997), On K-automorphisms, Bernoulli shifts and Markov random fields, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 17(2): 405-415.
- Hofstad R., Hollander W.T.F. den & König W. (1997), Central limit theorem for the Edwards model, Annals of Probability 25(2): 573-597.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (1996), Pieter Willem Kasteleyn: October 12, 1924--January 16, 1996, Journal of Statistical Physics 85(5-6): 799-805.
- Dai Pra P. & Hollander W.T.F. den (1996), McKean-Vlasov limit for interacting random processes in random media, Journal of Statistical Physics 84(3-4): 735-772.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (1996), Probabilistic aspects of physics, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 14(1): 81-92.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Menshikov M.V. & Volkov S.E. (1995), Two problems about random walks in a random field of traps, Markov Processes and Related Fields 1(2): 185-202.
- Hofstad R. van der. & Hollander W.T.F. den (1995), Scaling for a random polymer, Communications in Mathematical Physics 169(2): 397-440.
- Baillon J.B., Clément P., Greven A. & Hollander W.T.F. den (1995), On the attracting orbit of a non-linear transformation arising from renormalization of hierarchically interacting diffusions. I. The compact case, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 47(1): 3-27.
- Greven A. & Hollander W.T.F. den (1994), On a variational problem for an infinite particle system in a random medium. {II}. The local growth rate, Probability Theory and Related Fields 100(3): 301-328.
- Greven A. & Hollander W.T.F. (1994), Large deviations for a random walk in random environment, Annals of Probability 22(3): 1381-1428.
- Hollander W.T.F. den, Naudts J. & Redig F. (1994), Dynamic structure factor in a random diffusion model, Journal of Statistical Physics 76(5-6): 1267-1285.
- Baillon J.B., Clément P., Greven A. & Hollander W.T.F. den (1994), On a variational problem for an infinite particle system in a random medium, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 454: 181-217.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (1994), On three conjectures by K.E. Shuler, Journal of Statistical Physics 75(5-6): 891-918.
- Hollander W.T.F. den (1994), Long time tails in physics and mathematics. In: Grimmett G. (red.), Probability and phase transition (Cambridge, 1993). NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences nr. 420. Netherlands: Springer. 123-137.
- Frigessi A. & Hollander W.T.F. den (1994), A dynamical phase transition in a caricature of a spin glass, Journal of Statistical Physics 75(3-4): 585-625.
- Hollander W.T.F. den & Thorisson H. (1994), Shift-coupling and a zero-one law for random walk in random environment, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 34(1-2): 37-50.
- Bolthausen E. & Hollander W.T.F. den (1994), Survival asymptotics for Brownian motion in a Poisson field of decaying traps, Annals of Probability 22(1): 160-176.
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