Fatema Zahra Rashid
- Naam
- Dr. F.Z.M. Rashid
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- f.z.m.rashid@lic.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-2023-9046
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Chemical Biology
- LIC/CB/Macromolecular Biochemistry
- Rashid F.Z.M. & Dame R.T. (2024), 2024: a "nucleoid space" odyssey featuring H-NS, Bioessays 46(11): 2400098.
- Rashid F.Z.M. & Dame R.T. (2023), Three‐dimensional chromosome re‐modelling: the integral mechanism of transcription regulation in bacteria, Molecular Microbiology 120(1): 60-70.
- Rashid F.Z.M., Cremazy F.G.E., Hofmann A., Forrest D., Grainger D.C., Heermann D.W. & Dame R.T. (2023), The environmentally-regulated interplay between local three-dimensional chromatin organisation and transcription of proVWX in E. coli, Nature Communications 14(1): 7478.
- Rashid F.Z.M., Mahlandt E., Vaart M. van der, Boer D.E.C., Valera Alvarez M., Henneman B., Brocken D.J.W., Voskamp P., Blok A.J., Shimizu T.S., Meijer A.H., Luijsterburg M.S., Goedhart J., Cremazy F.G.E. & Dame R.T. (2022), HI-NESS: a family of genetically encoded DNA labels based on a bacterial nucleoid-associated protein, Nucleic Acids Research 50(2): e10.
- Rashid F.M.Z., Detmar L. & Dame R.T. (2022), Chromosome conformation capture in bacteria and archaea. In: Peeters E. & Bervoets I. (red.), Prokaryotic gene regulation. Methods in Molecular Biology nr. 2516. New York: Humana Press. 1-28.
- Rashid F.Z.M. (22 juni 2021), The environmentally-regulated interplay between local three-dimensional chromatin architecture and gene expression (Dissertatie. Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Dame R.T. & Ubbink M.
- Gilbert B.R., Thornburg Z.R., Lam V., Rashid F.-Z.M., Glass J.I., Villa E., Dame R.T. & Luthey-Schulten Z. (2021), Generating chromosome geometries in a minimal cell from cryo-electron tomograms and chromosome conformation capture maps, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 8: 644133.
- Rashid F.Z.M., Mahlandt E., Vaart M van der, Boer D.E.C., Varela Alvarez M., Henneman B., Brocken D.J.W., Voskamp P., Blok A.J., Shimizu T.S., Meijer A.H., Luijsterburg M.S., Goedhart J., Crémazy F.G.E. & Dame R.T. (2021), HI-NESS: a family of genetically encoded DNA labels based on a bacterial nucleoid-associated protein, Nucleic Acids Research 50(2): e10.
- Dame R.T., Rashid F.Z.M. & Grainger D.C. (2019), Chromosome organization in bacteria: mechanistic insights into genome structure and function, Nature Reviews Genetics 21: 227-242.
- Crémazy F.G.E., Rashid F.Z.M., Haycocks J.R., Lamberte L.E., Grainger D.C. & Dame R.T. (2018), Determination of the 3D genome organization of bacteria using Hi-C. In: Dame R.T. (red.), Bacterial Chromatin: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology nr. 1837. New York, U.S.A.: Humana Press. 3-18.