Eric Eliel
Emeritus hoogleraar Experimentele natuurkunde
- Naam
- Prof.dr. E.R. Eliel
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-3977-0574
Meer informatie is beschikbaar op de Engelse profielpagina.
Emeritus hoogleraar Experimentele natuurkunde
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Quantum Matter & Optics
- Exter M.P. van, Eliel E.R. & Woerdman J.P. (2013), Quantum entanglement of orbital angular momentum. In: Andrews D.L. & Babiker M. (red.), The Angular Momentum of Light. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 385-406.
- Chimento P.F., Alkemade P.F.A., Hooft G.W. 't & Eliel E.R. (2013), Optical angular momentum conversion in a nanoslit: reply, Optics Letters 38(19): 3891-3891.
- Chimento P.F., Alkemade P.F.A., Hooft G.W. 't & Eliel E.R. (2012), Optical angular momentum conversion in a nanoslit, Optical Letters 37: 4946-4948.
- Salakhutdinov V.D., Eliel E.R. & Löffler W. (2012), Full-Field Quantum Correlations of Spatially Entangled Photons, Physical Review Letters 108(17): 173604.
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Markesevic N., Gwinn E.G., Eliel E.R. & Bouwmeester D. (2012), Spectral Properties of Individual DNA-Hosted Silver Nanoclusters at Low Temperatures, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 116(48): 25568-25575.
- Pors J.B., Miatto F., Hooft G.W. 't, Eliel E.R. & Woerdman J.P. (2011), High dimensional entanglement with orbital-angular-momentum states of light, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 13: 064008.
- Pors J.B., Monken C.H., Eliel E.R. & Woerdman J.P. (2011), Transport of orbital-angular-momentum entanglement through a turbulent atmosphere, Optics Express 19(7): 6671-6683.
- Chimento P.F., Kuzmin N., Bosman J., Alkemade P.F.A., Hooft G.W. 't & Eliel E.R. (2011), A subwavelength slit as a quarter-wave retarder, Optics Express 19(24219): .
- Löffler W., Euser T.G., Eliel E.R., Scharrer M., Russel P.S.J. & Woerdman J.P. (2011), Fiber Transport of Spatially Entangled Photons, Physical Review Letters 106(24): 240505.
- Chimento P.F., Hooft G.W. 't & Eliel E.R. (2010), Plasmonic topography of optical vortices, Optics Letters 35: 3775.
- Chimento P.F., Hooft G.W. 't & Eliel E.R. (2010), Plasmonic optical vortex analyzer. Pozo J. & Mortensen M. (red.), Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter. 2010 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photonics Benelux Chapter. Delft 17-20.
- Löffler W., Exter M.P. van, Hooft G.W. 't, Eliel E.R., Hermans K., Broer D.J. & Woerdman J.P. (2010), Polarization-dependent Goos-Hänchen shift at a graded dielectric interface, Optics Communications 283: 3367.
- Pors J.B., Aiello A., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Exter M.P. van, Eliel E.R. & Woerdman J.P. (2008), Angular phase plate analyzers for measuring the dimensionality of multi-mode fields, Physical Review A 77: 033845.
- Pors J.B., Oemrawsingh S.S., Aiello A., Exter M.P. van, Eliel E.R., Hooft G.W. 't & Woerdman J.P. (2008), Shannon dimensionality of quantum channels and its application to photon entanglement, Physical Review Letters 101(12): 120502.
- Kleckner D., Pikovski I., Jeffrey E.R., Ament L.J.P., Eliel E.R., Brink J. van den & Bouwmeester D. (2008), Creating and verifying a quantum superposition in a micro-optomechanical system, New Journal of Physics 10: 095020.
- Sautenkov V.A., Rostovtsev Y.V. & Eliel E.R. (2008), Observation of narrow Autler-Townes components in the resonant response of a dense atomic gas, Phys. Rev. A 78: .
- Merano M., Aiello A., Hooft G.W. 't, Exter M.P. van, Eliel E.R. & Woerdman J.P. (2007), Observation of Goos-Hänchen shifts in metallic reflection, Optics Express 15: .
- Kuzmin N., Hooft G.W. 't, Eliel E.R., Gbur G., Schoutern H.F. & Visser T.D. (2007), Enhancement of spatial coherence by surface plasmons, Optical Letters 32: 445-447.
- Kuzmin N., Alkemade P.F.A., Hooft G.W. 't & Eliel E.R. (2007), Bouncing surface plasmons, Optics Express 15: .
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Jong J.A. de, Ma X., Aiello A., Eliel E.R., Hooft G.W. 't & Woerdman J.P. (2006), High-dimensional mode analyzers for spatial quantum entanglement, Physical Review A 73: 032339.
- Vuong L.T., Grow T.D., Ishaaya A.A., Gaeta A.L., Hooft G.W. 't & Eliel E.R. (2006), Collapse of optical vortices, Physical Review Letters 96(13): 133901.
- Aiello A., Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Eliel E.R. & Woerdman J.P. (2005), Non-locality of high-dimensional two-photon orbital angular momentum states, Physical Review A 72: 052114.
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Ma X., Voigt D., Aiello A., Eliel E.R., Hooft G.W. 't & Woerdman J.P. (2005), Experimental demonstration of fractional orbital angular momentum entanglement of two photons, Physical Review Letters 95(24): 240501.
- Schouten H.F., Kuzmin N., Dubois G., Visser T.D., Gbur G., Alkemade P.F.A., Blok H., Hooft G.W. 't, Lenstra D. & Eliel E.R. (2005), Plasmon-assisted two-slit transmission: Youngs experiment revisited, Physical Review Letters 94(5): 053901.
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Eliel E.R., Nienhuis G. & Woerdman J.P. (2004), Intrinsic orbital angular momentum of paraxial beams with off-axis imprinted vortices, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 11: 2089.
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Eliel E.R., Nienhuis G., Verstegen E.J.K., Kloosterboer J.G. & Hooft G.W. 't (2004), Half-integral spiral phase plates for optical wavelengths, J. Opt. A 6: S288-S290.
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Houwelingen J.A.W. van, Eliel E.R., Woerdman J.P., Verstegen E.J.K., Kloosterboer J.G. & Hooft G.W. 't (2004), Production and characterization of spiral phase plates for optical wavelengths, Applied Optics 43: 688-694.
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Aiello A., Eliel E.R., Nienhuis G. & Woerdman J.P. (2004), How to observe high-dimensional two-photon entanglement with only two detectors, Physical Review Letters 92(21): 217901.
- Berg S.A. van den, Sautenkov V.A., Hooft G.W. 't & Eliel E.R. (2002), Polarization cross-coupling in a polymer microlaser upon double-pulse excitation, Physical Review A 65: 053821.
- Oemrawsingh S.S.R., Drunen W.J. van, Eliel E.R. & Woerdman J.P. (2002), Two-dimensional wave-vector correlations in spontaneous parametric downconversion explored with an intensified CCD camera, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 19: 2391-2395.
- Visser J., Eliel E.R. & Nienhuis G. (2002), Polarization entanglement in a crystal with threefold symmetry, Physical Review A 66: 033814.
- Berg S.A. van den, Schoonderwoerd den Bezemer R.H. van, Schoo H.F.M., t Hooft G.W. & Eliel E.R. (1999), From amplified spontaneous emission to laser oscillation: dynamics in a short-cavity polymer laser, Optics Letters 24: 1847-1849.
- Eliel E.R., Ham E.W.M. van der & Vrehen Q.H.F. (1999), Enhancing the yield in surface sum-frequency generation by the use of surface polaritons, Applied Physics B 68: 349-353.
- Kampen H. van, Sautenkov V.A., Smeets C.J.C., Eliel E.R. & Woerdman J.P. (1999), Measurement of the excitation dependence of the Lorentz local-field shift, Physical Review A 59: 271-274.
- Braun R., Casson B.D., Bain C.D., Ham E.W.M. van der, Vrehen Q.H.F., Eliel E.R., Briggs A.M. & Davies P.B. (1999), Sum-frequency generation from thiophenol on silver in the mid and far-IR, The Journal of Chemical Physics 110: 4634-4640.
- Ham E.W.M. van der, Vrehen Q.H.F., Eliel E.R., Yakovlev V.A., Alieva E.V., Kuzik L.A., Petrov J.E., Sychugov V.A. & Meer A.F.G. van der (1999), Giant enhancement of sum-frequency yield by surface-plasmon excitation, Journal of the Optical Society of America B16: 1146-1152.
- Kampen H. van, Sautenkov V.A., Eliel E.R. & Woerdman J.P. (1998), Probing the spatial dispersion in a dense atomic vapor near a dielectric interface, Physical Review A 58: 4473-4478.
- Berg S.A. van den, Ham E.W.M. van der, Vrehen Q.H.F. & Eliel E.R. (1998), Transmission-reflection anomaly in second-harmonic generation from a monolayer, Optics Letters 23: 906-908.
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