Edgar Groenen
Emeritus hoogleraar Experimentele natuurkunde
- Naam
- Prof.dr. E.J.J. Groenen
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- groenen@physics.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-7530-9211

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Emeritus hoogleraar Experimentele natuurkunde
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Biological & Soft Matter
- Ferentinos E., Tzeli D., Sottini S., Groenen E.J.J., Ozerov M., Poneti G., Kaniewska-Laskowska K., Krzystek J. & Kyritsis P. (2023), Magnetic anisotropy and structural flexibility in the field-induced single ion magnets [Co{(OPPh2)(EPPh2)N}2], E = S, Se, explored by experimental and computational methods, Dalton Transactions 52(7): 2036-2050.
- Dasgupta R., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Nami F., Groot H.J.M. de, Canters G.W., Groenen E.J.J. & Ubbink M. (2020), Chemical exchange at the tri-nuclear copper centre of small laccase from Streptomyces coelicolor, Biophysical Journal 119(1): 9-14.
- Panarelli E.G., Gast P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2020), Temperature-cycle electron paramagnetic resonance, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22(17): 9487-9493.
- Panarelli E.G., Meer H. van der, Gast P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2020), Effective coupling of rapid freeze-quench to high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance, PLoS ONE 15(5): e0232555.
- Azarkh M., Gast P., Mason A.B., Groenen E.J.J. & Mathies G. (2019), Analysis of the EPR spectra of transferrin: the importance of a zero-field splitting distribution and 4th-order terms, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21(31): 16937-16948.
- Ferentinos E., Chatziefthimiou S., Boudalis A.K., Pissas M., Mathies G., Gast P., Groenen E.J.J., Sanakis Y. & Kyritsis P. (2018), The [Fe{(SePPh2)(2)N}(2)] Complex Revisited: X-ray Crystallography, Magnetometry, High-Frequency EPR and Mossbauer Studies Reveal Its Tetrahedral (FeSe4)-Se-II Coordination Sphere, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2018(6): 713-721.
- Nami F., Gast P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2016), Rapid freeze-quench EPR spectroscopy: improved collection of frozen particles, Applied Magnetic Resonance 47: 643-653.
- Gast P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2016), EPR interactions - g-Anisotropy, eMagRes 5(3): 1435-1444.
- Groenen E.J.J. (2016), Op een enkel molecuul naar de Physikaprijs, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 4: 108-109.
- Mathies G., Gast P., Chasteen N.D., Luck A.N., Mason A.B. & Groenen E.J.J. (2015), Exploring the Fe(III) binding sites of human serum transferrin with EPR at 275 GHz, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 20: 487-496.
- Scarpelli F., Arrieta A.L., Gast P., Groenen E.J.J., Milikisyants S., Murphy M.E.P. & Huber M. (2015), A Single-Crystal EPR Study at 95 GHz of the Type-2 Copper Site of Nitrite Reductase From Alcaligenes faecalis, Applied Magnetic Resonance 46: 411-420.
- Azarkh M. & Groenen E.J.J. (2015), Temperature Determination by EPR at 275 GHz and the Detection of Temperature Jumps in Aqueous Samples, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119(42): 13416-13421.
- Azarkh M. & Groenen E.J.J. (2015), Simulation of multi-frequency EPR spectra for a distribution of the zero-field splitting, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 255: 106-113.
- Gast P., Broeren F.G.J., Sottini S., Aoki R., Takashina A., Yamaguchi T., Kohzuma T. & Groenen E.J.J. (2014), The type 1 copper site of pseudoazurin: Axial and rhombic, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 137(4): 57-63.
- Gast P., Herbonnet R.T.L., Klare J., Nalepa A., Rickert C., Stellinga D., Urban L., Mobius K., Savitsky A., Steinhoff J. & Groenen E.J.J. (2014), Hydrogen bonding of nitroxide spin labels in membrane proteins, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16(6): 15910-15916.
- Azarkh M., Penkova L.V., Kats S.V., Varzatskii O.A., Voloshin Y.Z. & Groenen E.J.J. (2014), A Mononuclear Mn(II) Pseudoclathrochelate Complex Studied by Multi-Frequency Electron-Paramagnetic-Resonance Spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5(2): 886-889.
- Hamdy M.S., Saputera W.H., Groenen E.J.J. & Mul G. (2014), A novel TiO2 composite for photocatalytic wastewater treatment, Journal of Catalysis 310: 75-83.
- Mathies G., Chatziefthimiou S., Maganas D., Sanakis Y., Sottini S., Kyritsis P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2012), High-frequency EPR study of the high-spin FeII complex Fe[(SPPh2)2N]2, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 224: 94-100.
- Gupta A., Sottini S., Tepper W.J.W., Groenen E.J.J., Thomassen E.A.J. & Canters G.W. (2012), Involvement of Tyr 108 in the Enzyme Mechanism of the Small Laccase from Streptomyces coelicolor, Journal of the American Chemical Society 134(44): 18213-18216.
- Mathies G., Almeida R.M., Gast P., Moura J.J.G. & Groenen E.J.J. (2012), Multifrequency EPR Study of Fe3+ and Co2+ in the Active Site of Desulforedoxin, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116(24): 7122-7128.
- Sottini S. & Groenen E.J.J. (2012), A Comment on the Pseudo-nuclear Zeeman Effect, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 218: 11-15.
- Mathies G., Hemert M.C. van, Gast P., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Frank H.A., Lugtenburg J. & Groenen E.J.J. (2011), Configuration of Spheroidene in the Photosynthetic Reaction Center of Rodobacter sphaeroides: A Comparison of Wild-Type and Reconstituted R26, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115(34): 9552-9556.
- Maganas D., Sottini S., Kyritsis P., Groenen E.J.J. & Neese F. (2011), Theoretical Analyses of the Spin Hamiltonian Parameters in Co(II)S4 Complexes, Using Density Functional Theory and Correlated ab initio Methods, Inorganic Chemistry 50(18): 8741-8754.
- Mathies G., Blok H., Disselhorst J.A.J.M., Gast P., Meer H. van der, Miedema D.M., Almeida R.M., Moura J.J.G., Hagen W.R. & Groenen E.J.J. (2011), Continuous-wave EPR at 275 GHz: application to high-spin Fe3+ systems, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 210(1): 126-132.
- Wirtz A.C., Hofmann C. & Groenen E.J.J. (2011), Stretched Polyethelene Films Probed by Single Molecules, ChemPhysChem 12(8): 1519-1528.
- Sottini S. (2010), Identification of a radical intermediate in the enzymatic reduction of oxygen by a small laccase. [overig].
- Tanase S., Sottini S., Marvaud V., Groenen E.J.J. & Chamoreau L.-M. (2010), Anion-induced assembly of hexacoordinate rare-earth(III) complexes, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2010(22): 3478-3483.
- Sottini S., Gast P., Blok A., Canters G.W., Cavazzini D., Rossi G. & Groenen E.J.J. (2010), A proton ENDOR study of Azurin, Applied Magnetic Resonance 37: 219-227.
- Bordignon E., Brutlach H., Urban L., Hideg A., Savitsky A., Schnegg A., Gast P., Engelhard M., Groenen E.J.J., Möbius M.E. & Steinhoff H-J. (2010), Heterogeneity in the nitroxide micro-environment: polarity and proticity effects in spinlabeled proteins studied by multi frequency EPR, Applied Magnetic Resonance 37: 391-403.
- Maganas D., Milikisyants S., Rijnbeek J.M.A., Sottini S., Levesanos N., Kyritsis P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2010), A multifrequency high-field Electron Paramagnetic Resonance study of Co(II)S4 coordination, Inorganic Chemistry 49(2): 595-605.
- Milikisyants S., Scarpelli F., Finiguerra M.G., Ubbink M., Groenen E.J.J. & Huber M.I. (2010), Novel approaches for distance determination by EPR: large anisotropy, fast relaxing paramagnetic centres, such as Fe(III), as markers, Biophysical Journal 98(3): 399a.
- Sottini S., Mathies G., Gast P., Maganas D., Kyritsis P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2009), A W-band pulsed EPR/ENDOR study of Co^IIS_4 coordination in the Co[(SPPh_2)(SP^iPr_2)N]_2 complex, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11(31): 6727-6732.
- Dam M.C.E. van, Dekker H., Friso A.-J. & Groenen E.J.J. (2009), Studiesucces; Rapport van de task force Studiesucces. Leiden: LEI Universiteit.
- Blok H., Akimoto I., Milikisyants S., Gast P., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (2009), FID detection of EPR and ENDOR spectra at high microwave frequencies, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 201(1): 57-60.
- Tepper A.W.J.W., Milikisyants S., Sottini S., Vijgenboom E., Groenen E.J.J. & Canters G.W. (2009), Identification of a radical intermediate in the enzymatic reduction of oxygen by small laccase, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131(33): 11680-11682.
- Banham J.E., Baker C.M., Ceola S., Day I.J., Grant G.H., Groenen E.J.J., Rodgers C.T., Jeschke G. & Timmel C.R. (2008), Distance measurements in the borderline region of applicability of CW EPR and DEER: A model study on a homologous series of spin-labelled peptides, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 191(2): 202-218.
- Milikisyants S., Sottini S., Disselhorst J.A.J.M., Meer H. van der & Groenen E.J.J. (2008), A modification of the commercial ESR900 cryostat to enable three-dimensional Electron Paramagnetic Resonance studies of crystals, Review of Scientific Instruments 79: 046107.
- Aguirre A., Gast P., Orlinskii S.B., Akimoto I., Groenen E.J.J., Mkami H. El, Goovaerts E. & Doorslaer S. van (2008), Multifrequency EPR analysis of the positive polaron in I2-doped poly(3-hexylthiophene) and in poly[2-methoxy-5-(3,7-dimethyloctyloxy)]-1,4-phenylenevinylene, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10(47): 7129-7138.
- Milikisyants S., Groenen E.J.J. & Huber M.I. (2008), Observer-selective double electron-electron-spin resonance, a pulse sequence to improve orientation selection, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 192(2): 275-279.
- Wirtz A.C., Hemert M.C. van, Lugtenburg J., Frank H.A. & Groenen E.J.J. (2007), Two stereoisomers of Spheroidene in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 reaction center: A DFT analysis of Resonance Raman spectra, Biophysical Journal 93(3): 981-991.
- Wirtz A.C., Dokter M., Hofmann C. & Groenen E.J.J. (2006), Spincoated polyethylene films for single-molecule optics, Chemical Physics Letters 417(4-6): 383-388.
- Fittipaldi M., Warmerdam G.C.M., Waal E.C. de, Canters G.W., Cavazzini D., Rossi G., Huber M.I. & Groenen E.J.J. (2006), Spin-density distribution in the copper site of azurin, ChemPhysChem 7(6): 1286-1293.
- Wirtz A.C., Hofmann C. & Groenen E.J.J. (2006), Spincoated polyethylene films probed by single molecules, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110(43): 21623-21629.
- Fittipaldi M., Wijma H.J., Verbeet M.P., Canters G.W., Groenen E.J.J. & Huber M.I. (2005), The substrate-bound type 2 copper site of nitrite reductase: the nitrogen hyperfine coupling of nitrite revealed by pulsed EPR, Biochemistry 44(46): 15193-15202.
- Orlinskii S.B., Blok H., Groenen E.J.J., Schmidt J., Baranov P.G., Mello Donegá C. de & Meijerink A. (2005), High-frequency EPR and ENDOR spectroscopy on semiconductor nanocrystals, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 43(S1): S140-S144.
- Orlinskii S.B., Schmidt J., Groenen E.J.J., Baranov P.G., Mello Donegá C. de & Meijerink R. (2005), Shallow donors in semiconductor nanoparticles: limit of the effective mass approximation, Physical Review Letters 94(9): 097602.
- Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (2004), High-frequency EPR, ESEEM and ENDOR studies of paramagnetic centres in single-cystalline materials. In: Grinberg O. & Berliner L.J. (red.), Very High Frequency (VHF) ESR/EPR. Biological Magnetic Resonance. Boston: Springer. 277-304.
- Bubacco L., Gastel M. van, Groenen E.J.J., Vijgenboom E. & Canters G.W. (2003), Spectroscopic characterization of the electronic changes in the active site of Streptomyces antibioticus tyrosinase upon binding of transition state analogue inhibitors, Journal of Biological Chemistry 278(9): 7381-7389.
- Fittipaldi M., Steiner R.A., Matsushita M., Dijkstra B.W., Groenen E.J.J. & Huber M.I. (2003), Single-crystal EPR study at 95 GHz of the type 2 copper site of the inhibitor-bound querceting 2,3-dioxygenase, Biophysical Journal 85(6): 4047-4054.
- Dokter A.M., Hemert M.C. van, Velt C.M. in 't, Hoef K. van der, Lugtenburg J., Frank H.A. & Groenen E.J.J. (2002), Resonance Raman spectrum of all-trans spheroidene. DFT analysis and isotope labeling, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 106(41): 9463-9469.
- Ubbink M., Worrall J.A.R., Canters G.W., Groenen E.J.J. & Huber M.I. (2002), Paramagnetic resonance of biogical metal centers, Annual Review of Biophysics 31: 393-422.
- Matsushita M., Bloeß A., Durand Y., Butter J., Schmidt J. & Groenen E.J.J. (2002), Single molecules as nanoprobes. A study of the Shpol´skii effect, The Journal of Chemical Physics 117: 3383-3390.
- Gastel M. van, Coremans J.W.A., Sommerdijk H.T., Hemert M.C. van & Groenen E.J.J. (2002), An ab initio quantum-chemical study of the blue-copper site of azurin, Journal of the American Chemical Society 124(9): 2035-2041.
- Visser J. & Groenen E.J.J. (2002), The fine-structure in the lowest triplet stat of C60 and C70, Chemical Physics Letters 356(1-2): 43-48.
- Gastel M. van, Nagano Y., Zondervan R., Canters G.W., Jeuken L.J.C., Warmerdam G.C.M., Waal E.C. de & Groenen E.J.J. (2002), Hydrogen bonding in the bleu copper site: A resonance Raman study, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106(15): 4018-4021.
- Dauw X.L.R., Visser J. & Groenen E.J.J. (2002), Wave function of C70 in the triplet state, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 106(15): 3754-3758.
- Bloess A., Durand Y., Matsushita M., Schmidt J. & Groenen E.J.J. (2001), A single-molecule study of the relation between the resonance frequency and the orientation of a guest molecule in a Shpol'skii system, Chemical Physics Letters 344(1-2): 55-60.
- Bloess A., Durand Y., Matsushita M., Verberk R., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (2001), Microscopic structure in a Shpol'skii system: a single-molecule study of dibenzanthanthrene in n-tetradecane, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105(13): 3016-3021.
- Durand Y., Bloess A., Köhler J., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (2001), Spectral diffusion of individual pentacene, terrylene, and dibenzanthanthrene molecules in n-tetradecane, The Journal of Chemical Physics 114(15): 6843-6850.
- Gastel M. van, Boulanger M.J., Canters G.W., Huber M.I., Murphy M.E.P., Verbeet M.P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2001), A single-crystal Electron Paramagnetic Resonance study at 95 GHz of the type 1 copper site of the green nitrite reductase of Alcaligenes faecalis, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105(11): 2236-2243.
- Gastel M. van, Canters G.W., Krupka H., Messerschmidt A., Waal E.C. de, Warmerdam G.C.M. & Groenen E.J.J. (2000), Axial ligation in blue-copper proteins. A W-band ESE detected EPR study of the azurin mutant M121H, Journal of the American Chemical Society 122(10): 2322-2328.
- Gastel M. van, Canters G.W., Krupka H., Messerschmidt A., Waal E.C. de, Warmerdam G. & Groenen E.J.J. (2000), Aixal ligation in blue-copper proteins. A W-band electron spin echo detected electron paramagnetic resonance study of the azurin mutant M121H, Journal of the American Chemical Society 122(10): 2322-2328.
- Durand Y., Bloess A., Oijen A.M. van, Köhler J., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (2000), An optical study of single pentacene molecules in n-tetradecane, Chemical Physics Letters 317(3-5): 232-237.
- Dauw X.L.R., Berg G.J.B. van den, Heuvel D.J. van den, Poluektov O.G. & Groenen E.J.J. (2000), The triplet wave function of C60 from W-band electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy, The Journal of Chemical Physics 112(16): 7102-7110.
- Gastel M. van, Bubacco L., Groenen E.J.J., Vijgenboom E. & Canters G.W. (2000), EPR study of the dinuclear active copper site of tyrosinase from Streptomyces antibioticus, FEBS Letters 474(2-3): 228-232.
- Gastel M. van, Coremans J.W.A., Mol J., Jeuken L.J.C., Canters G.W. & Groenen E.J.J. (1999), The binding of imidazole in an azurin-like blue-copper site, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 4: 257-265.
- Brouwer A.C.J., Köhler J., Oijen A.M. van, Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (1999), Single-molecule fluorescence autocorrelation experiments on pentacene. The dependence of intersystem crossing on isotopic composition, The Journal of Chemical Physics 18(110): 9151-9159.
- Brouwer A.C.J., Groenen E.J.J., Hemert M.C. van & Schmidt J. (1999), Isotope Shifts and Intersystem Crossing for Pentacene in p-Terphenyl. A Model System for Single-Molecule Dynamics, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 103(45): 8959-8965.
- Köhler J., Brouwer A.C.J., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (1998), Isotopomer selective spectroscopy on pentacene, Journal of the American Chemical Society 120(8): 1900-1905.
- Berg G.J.B. van den, Heuvel D.J. van den, Poluektov O.G., Holleman I., Meijer G. & Groenen E.J.J. (1998), Pulsed ENDOR studies at 95 GHz of the triplet state of 13C60, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 131(39): 39-45.
- Bronsveld M.V., Dauw X.L.R. & Groenen E.J.J. (1998), The triplet state of C70. A zero-field study, Chemical Physics Letters 293(5-6): 528-534.
- Brouwer A.C.J., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (1998), Detecting magnetic resonance through quantum jumps of single molecules, Physical Review Letters 80(18): 3944-3947.
- Dauw X.L.R., Bronsveld M.V., Krüger A., Warntjes J.B.M., Witjes M.R. & Groenen E.J.J. (1998), On the singlet excited states of C70 and C60, The Journal of Chemical Physics 109(21): 9332-9339.
- Dauw X.L.R., Poluektov O.G., Warntjes J.B.M., Bronsveld M.V. & Groenen E.J.J. (1998), Triplet-state dynamics of C70, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 102(18): 3078-3082.
- Gastel M. van, Coremans J.W.A., Jeuken L.J.C., Canters G.W. & Groenen E.J.J. (1998), Electron spin-echo envelope modulation spectrum of azurin at X-band, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 102(24): 4462-4470.
- Kok P., Köhler J., Groenen E.J.J., Gebhard R., Hoef K. van der, Lugtenburg J., Farhoosh R. & Frank H.A. (1997), Resonance Raman spectroscopy of H-2-labelled spheroidenes in petroleum ether and in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centre, Spectrochimica Acta Part A : Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 53(3): 381-392.
- Coremans J.W.A., Poluektov O.G., Groenen E.J.J., Canters G.W., Nar H. & Messerschmidt A. (1997), A W-band electron spin echo envelope modulation study of a single crystal of azurin, Journal of the American Chemical Society 119(20): 4726-4731.
- Kok P., Groenen E.J.J., Meer L. van der & Amersfoort W. van (1997), IR spectroscopy with FELIX Part 1.—Phosphorescence detection of IR transitions, Journal of the Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions 93(9): 1721-1726.
- Kok P., Groenen E.J.J. & Meer L. van der: Amersfoort W. van (1997), IR spectroscopy with FELIX Part 2.—Lowest triplet state of azabenzenes, Journal of the Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions 93(9): 1727-1732.
- Kok P., Groenen E.J.J., Amersfoort P.W. van & Meer A.F.G. van der (1997), The infrared spectrum of pyrazine in its metastable triplet state. A free-electron-laser study, The Journal of Chemical Physics 106(7): 2984-2986.
- Brouwer A.C.J., Köhler J., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (1996), 13C isotope effects for pentacene in p‐terphenyl: high‐resolution spectroscopy and single‐spin detection, The Journal of Chemical Physics 105(6): 2212-2222.
- Köhler J., Brouwer A.C.J., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (1996), On the intersystem crossing of pentacene in p-terphenyl, Chemical Physics Letters 250(1): 137-144.
- Warntjes J.B.M., Holleman I., Meijer G. & Groenen E.J.J. (1996), Photoluminescence of molecular C70 at 1.5 K. On the nature of the lowest excited states, Chemical Physics Letters 261(4-5): 495-501.
- Coremans J.W.A., Poluektov O.G., Groenen E.J.J., Warmerdam G.C.M., Canters G.W., Nar H. & Messerschmidt A. (1996), The azurin mutant Met121Gln: a blue-copper protein with a strong axial ligand, Journal of Physical Chemistry 100(50): 19706-19713.
- Kok P. & Groenen E.J.J. (1996), The triplet spin-density distribution along a polyene chain: an electron-spin-echo study of a deuterododecapentaenal, Journal of the American Chemical Society 118(33): 7790-7794.
- Coremans J.W A., Poluektov O.G., Groenen E.J.J., Canters G.W., Nar H. & Messerschmidt A. (1996), A W-band electron nuclear double resonance study of single crystals of 14N and 15N azurin, Journal of the American Chemical Society 118(48): 12141-12153.
- Coremans J.W.A., Gastel M. van, Poluektov O.G., Groenen E.J.J., Blaauwen T. den, Pouderoyen G. van, Canters G.W., Nar H., Hammann C. & Messerschmidt A. (1995), An ENDOR and ESEEM study of the blue copper protein azurin, Chemical Physics Letters 235(3-4): 202-210.
- Meer H. van der, Disselhorst J.A.J.M., Köhler J., Brouwer A.C.J., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (1995), An insert for single‐molecule magnetic‐resonance spectroscopy in an external magnetic field, Review of Scientific Instruments 66(10): 4853-4856.
- Heuvel D.J. van den, Berg G.J.B. van den, Groenen E.J.J., Schmidt J., Holleman I. & Meijer G. (1995), Lowest excited singlet state of C60: a vibronic analysis of the fluorescence, Journal of Physical Chemistry 99(30): 11644-11649.
- Heuvel D.J. van den, Chan I.Y., Groenen E.J.J., Matsushita M., Schmidt J. & Meijer G. (1995), On the fluorescence of crystalline C60 at 1.2 K, Chemical Physics Letters 233(3): 284-290.
- Köhler J., Brouwer A.C.J., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (1995), Single molecule electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy: hyperfine splitting owing to a single nucleus, Science 268(5216): 1457-1460.
- Kok P. & Groenen E.J.J. (1995), The lowest triplet state of tetradecahexaenal, Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas = Journal of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society 114(11-12): 425-429.
- Kok P., Köhler J., Groenen E.J.J., Gebhard R., Hoef K. van der, Lugtenburg J., Hoff A.J., Farhoosh R. & Frank H.A. (1994), Towards a vibrational analysis of spheroidene. Resonance raman-spectroscopy of 13C-labeled spheroidenes in petroleum ether and in the rhodobacter-sphaeroides reaction center, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1185(2): 188-192.
- Köhler J., Brouwer A.C.J., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (1994), Fluorescence detection of single molecule magnetic resonance for pentacene in p-terphenyl: the hyperfine interaction of a single triplet spin with a single 13C nuclear spin, Chemical Physics Letters 228(1-3): 47-52.
- Heuvel D.J. van den, Chan I.Y., Groenen E.J.J., Schmidt J. & Meijer G. (1994), Phosphorescence of C60 at 1.2 K, Chemical Physics Letters 231(1): 111-118.
- Coremans J.W.A., Poluektov O.G., Groenen E.J.J., Canters G.W., Nar H. & Messerschmidt A. (1994), A W-band electron paramagnetic resonance study of a single crystal of azurin, Journal of the American Chemical Society 116(7): 3097-3101.
- Köhler J., Disselhorst J.A.J.M., Donckers M.C.J.M., Groenen E.J.J., Schmidt J. & Moerner W.E. (1993), Magnetic resonance of a single molecular spin, Nature 363(6426): 242-244.
- Matsushita M., Frens A.M., Groenen E.J.J., Poluektov O.G., Schmidt J., Meijer G. & Verheijen M.A. (1993), Triplet excitations of crystalline C60. An optically detected magnetic-resonance study in zero field, Chemical Physics Letters 214(3-4): 349-352.
- Ros M., Groenen E.J.J. & Hemert M.C. van (1992), The ab initio calculations on the lower excited states of short-chain polyenals, Journal of the American Chemical Society 114(17): 6820-6827.
- Buma W.J., Donckers M.C.J.M. & Groenen E.J.J. (1992), Ab initio calculations on vibronic coupling in the lower triplet states of pyrimidine, Journal of the American Chemical Society 114(24): 9544-9551.
- Donckers M.C.J.M., Schwencke A.M., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (1992), An electron–nuclear double resonance study of the lowest triplet state of pyrazine, The Journal of Chemical Physics 97(1): 110-117.
- Ros M., Hogenboom M.A., Kok P. & Groenen E.J.J. (1992), Electronic structure of retinal and related polyenals in the lowest triplet state: an electron spin echo study, Journal of Physical Chemistry 96(7): 2975-2982.
- Groenen E.J.J., Kok P. & Ros M. (1992), From polyenals to retinal: an electron-spin-echo study of the triplet state, Pure and Applied Chemistry 64(6): 833-839.
- Groenen E.J.J., Poluektov O.G., Matsushita M., Schmidt J., Waals J.H. van der & Meijer G. (1992), Triplet excitation of C60 and the structure of the crystal at 1.2 K, Chemical Physics Letters 197(3): 314-318.
- Ros M. & Groenen E.J.J. (1991), An electron–spin–echo study of the nonradiative triplet state of polyenals, The Journal of Chemical Physics 94(12): 7640-7648.
- Buma W.J., Groenen E.J.J. & Hemert M.C. van (1990), Ab initio calculations on the structure of pyridine in its lowest triplet state, Journal of the American Chemical Society 112(14): 5447-5451.
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