Dorine Schellens
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. D.E.A. Schellens
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6553
- 0000-0002-0026-9435
Dorine Schellens is cultuurhistoricus met expertise op het gebied van moderne Duitstalige en Russische literatuur en cultuur. Daarnaast zet ze zich sinds Ruslands grootschalige invasie van Oekraïne actief in voor studenten en wetenschappers die risico lopen of gevlucht zijn als gevolg van het oorlogsgeweld of politieke repressie in Rusland. In haar onderzoek houdt ze zich bezig met toekomstvoorstellingen tijdens de grootschalige omwentelingen van de jaren 1980 en 1990 in Rusland en Oost-Duitsland.
Meer informatie over Dorine Schellens
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Duitse T&L
- Rutten E. & Schellens D.E.A.. Vox-Pop. Amsterdam. [bijdrage evenement].
- Schellens D. (2024), De kracht van de verbeelding: De oorlog in hedendaagse Oekraïense literatuur. The Hague. [lezing].
- Schellens D. (2024), Beyond Post-Communism: Imagining the Future in Times of Transition. Leiden University, Leiden . [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2023), Больше нет слов/No more words? Poetry and activism in contemporary Russian literature. SEELECTS of Slavic and East-European Lectures. Universiteit Gent. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (12 juni 2023), Wissenstransfer in Kriegszeiten: Bestandsaufnahme und Alternativen?. Abschlussveranstaltung des GRK 1956. Universität Freiburg. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (14 juni 2023), Catching Kairos or when Does the ‘After’ begin?. Uncommon Transitions? Memory and Forgetting between Eastern and Western Europe. Spui25, Amsterdam. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2023), The University of New Europe. Krieg & Frieden in der Literatur und anderen Medien. Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, Marbach. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (24 maart 2022), De oorlog in de literatuur: Lisa Weeda’s familiegeschiedenis Aleksandra (2021): Symposium Oekraïne in beeld, woord en klank. Symposium Oekraïne in beeld, woord en klank. Leiden. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2022), Alternativen? Zum (Un)vermögen politischer Lyrik im Werk des Laboratoriums für poetischen Aktionismus: 14. Deutscher Slavistiktag 2022. 14. Deutscher Slavistiktag 2022. Bochum. [lezing].
- Rutten E., Behrends J.C., Etkind A., Gusejnova D., Makhortykh M., Pető A., Schmädeke P.C. & Schellens D.E.A. (7 oktober 2022), The University of New Europe and the Science at Risk Emergency Office (project presentation): DGO-Congress of Central and East European Studies. DGO-Congress of Central and East European Studies (ceecon). Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2022), Alternative Futures? Russia’s 1990s as a Reservoir for Change: 10th Meeting of the Slavic and East European Studies in the Low Countries. 10th Meeting of the Slavic and East European Studies in the Low Countries. Groningen. [lezing].
- Boele O., Schellens D.E.A., Noordenbos B. & Robbe K. (6 april 2022), Imagining Collective Selves in Turn-of-the-Millennium Russia. Literary Consumption, Memory and Identity (1980–2020): 10th Meeting of the Slavic and East European Studies in the Low Countries. 10th Meeting of the Slavic and East European Studies in the Low Countries. Groningen. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2022), 'Where Is the Line Between Us?' Studying the Transnational Reception History of Moscow Conceptualism with Network Analysis. 54th ASEEES Annual Convention. Chicago. [lezing].
- Labov J., Schellens D.E.A., Seegel S. & Scheibner T. (2022), Digital Advocacy: Aggregation and Networking for Displaced Scholars (roundtable). 54th ASEEES Annual Convention. Chicago. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2022), The Dialectic in Dialogic Memories of the 1990-2000s in Russia: The work of Kirill Medvedev. Dialogic Memories of the 1970-90s ‘Transitions’ Across the World: Current Practices and Possible Solidarities. Online, 11/07/2022-12/07/2022. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2021), The Role of Exhibitions in the Reception History of Moscow Conceptualism. (Counter-)Archive: Memorial Practices of the Soviet Underground. Technische Universität Dresden. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (25 september 2021), Van mythe tot hype: Hoe het Moskouse conceptualisme de Russische kunstcanon herschreef: Ruslanddag Taal en Cultuur (Leiden). [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2021), The Role of Exhibitions in the Reception History of Moscow Conceptualism: Counter-)Archive: Memorial Practices of the Soviet Underground. (Counter-)Archive: Memorial Practices of the Soviet Underground. Dresden. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (9 september 2020), 'I Live - I See': The Role of Moscow Conceptualism in Memory Debates About the Soviet Past. 1st Post-Socialist and Comparative Memory Studies Conference. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (26 oktober 2020), "Where Is the Line Between Us?" Studying the Transnational Canon with Network Analysis. Engagements with the Contemporary: The Humanities in, on, and beyond Crises. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2018), Moskovskij konceptualizm kak kul'turnyj transfer meždu Rossiej i Germaniej (1979-2018), XVI International Congress of Slavists, University of Belgrade. International Congress of Slavists. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2 juni 2016), ‘(Ne)soveršennye teksty’. Trash Aesthetics and the Problem of Representation in the Work of the Laboratory for Poetic Action, Symposium 'Sublime Imperfections: Imperfection and Trash Aesthetics in Russian Modern and Contemporary Art, University of Amsterdam. Sublime Imperfections: Imperfection and Trash Aesthetics in Russian Modern and Contemporary Art. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2016), 'Painting the Town Red': St. Petersburg as a Dynamic Palimpsest in the Work of the Laboratory for Poetic Actionism, 'Red on Red: A Symposium on Post-Socialist Art and Critical Theory, Yale University. Red on Red: A Symposium on Post-Socialist Art and Critical Theory. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2016), 'Vremja govorit'!/Time to Speak!' Sankt Petersburg als dynamisches Palimpsest in der Lyrik und Aktionskunst von Pavel Arsen'ev und Roman Osminkin, 13. Junges Forum für Slavistische Literaturwissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität Berlin. 13. Junges Forum für Slavistische Literaturwissenschaft. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. & Salnikova N. (2016), Sieben Thesen zur kulturellen Identität, Workshop at the XXXII DAAD-Germanistikkonferenz, Russian State University for the Humanities Moscow. XXXII DAAD-Germanistikkonferenz. [lezing].
- Schellens D.E.A. (2015), Redirecting the Gaze: Moscow Conceptualism as Cultural Transfer Between East and West, Symposium 'Literary Canonicity in the 21st Century', University of Amsterdam. Literary Canonicity in the 21st Century. [lezing].
- Bestuurslid van Stichting UNE Foundation (UNE)