Dmitrii Kochetkov
- Naam
- D. Kochetkov
- Telefoon
- 071 5272727
- 0000-0001-7890-7532

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- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Kochetkov D. (14 februari 2024), Лудо Вальтман: «Политика, основанная на наукометрии, представляет крайне узкую перспективу» Ответственный подход к оценке научно-исследовательской деятельности : Ludo Waltman: 'Policy based on scientometrics represents a highly narrow perspective': responsible research assessment [Ludo Val'tman: "Politika, osnovannaya na naukometrii, predstavlyayet krayne uzkuyu perspektivu" Otvetstvennyy podkhod k otsenke nauchno-issledovatel'skoy deyatel'nosti]. Nezavisimaya gazeta, MAGNUM OPUS: 12-13.
- Zhang L., Cao Z., Sivertsen G. & Kochetkov D. (2024), The influence of geopolitics on research activity and international collaboration in science: the case of Russia, Scientometrics : .
- ZhangL., Cao Z., Sivertsen G. & Kochetkov D. (29 mei 2024), Has war in Ukraine isolated Russian science?. Impact of Social Sciences (LSE). [blog].
- Kochetkov D. (2024), University rankings in the context of research evaluation: a state-of-the-art review, Quantitative Science Studies : 1-23.
- Кочетков Д.М., Попова Н.Г. & Кочеткова И.А. (2024), Contributorship collaboration: translating the CrediT taxonomy into Russian [Contributorship Collaboration: перевод таксономии CrediT на русский язык, Contributorship collaboration: perevod taksonomii CrediT na russkiy yazyk] (vertaling Kochetkov D., Popova N.G. & Kochetkova I.A.), Nauchnyi Redaktor i Izdatel’ = Science Editor and Publisher : .
- Кочетков Д.М. (2024), Barcelona declaration on open research information: a significant milestone for the development of open science [Барселонская декларация об открытой исследовательской информации – важная веха на пути развития открытой науки, Barselonskaya deklaratsiya ob otkrytoy issledovatel'skoy informatsii – vazhnaya vekha na puti razvitiya otkrytoy nauki] (vertaling Kochetkov D.), Nauchnyi Redaktor i Izdatel’ = Science Editor and Publisher : .
- Zhang L., Cao Z., Sivertsen G. & Kochetkov D. (15 september 2024), Is collaboration with Russia really declining? : Our analysis suggests not. Times Higher Education.
- Чжан Л., Чао Ч., Сивертсен Г. & Кочетков Д. (24 september 2024), The advent of the era of scientific protectionism: the geopolitical crisis will lead to a situation where new generations of scientists grow up in a climate of conflict [Наступление эры научного протекционизма: Геополитический кризис приведет к тому, что новые поколения ученых будут расти в атмосфере конфронтации, Nastupleniye ery nauchnogo protektsionizma: Geopoliticheskiy krizis privedet k tomu, chto novyye pokoleniya uchenykh budut rasti v atmosfere konfrontatsii] (vertaling Zhang L., Cao Z., Sivertsen G. & Kochetkov D. ). Independent newspaper from Russia - Nezavisimaya gazeta: 10.
- Кочетков Д.М. (2024), Post-publication review: evolution of the scientific publishing workflow [Постпубликационное рецензирование: развитие научно-издательского процесса, Postpublikatsionnoye retsenzirovaniye: razvitiye nauchno-izdatel'skogo protsessa] (vertaling Kochetkov D.), Economics of Science 10(3): 8-21.
- Кочетков Д. (12 november 2024), Do we need a sovereign ranking of BRICS universities [Нужен ли нам суверенный рейтинг университетов БРИКС, Nuzhen li nam suverennyy reyting universitetov BRIKS] (vertaling Kochetkov D.). Independent newspaper from Russia - Nezavisimaya gazeta.
- Kochetkov D. (2023), Innovation: a state-of-the-art review and typology, International Journal of Innovation Studies 7(4): 263-272.
- Kochetkov D. (2023), Review of the Russian-language academic literature on university rankings and a global perspective, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10: 576.
- Kochetkov D. (2023), Global university rankings in research evaluation: : a comprehensive literature review. 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023) 27 september 2023 - 29 september 2023.
- Кочетков Д.М. (2023), Modern trends in research assessment: a case of the Netherlands [Современные тренды в оценке научно-исследовательской деятельности: опыт Нидерландов, Sovremennyye trendy v otsenke nauchno-issledovatel'skoy deyatel'nosti: opyt Niderlandov] (vertaling Kochetkov D.M.), Economics of Science 9(3): 76-88.
- Kochetkov D. & Xie Q. (8 november 2023), Introducing the CWTS ECR/PhD Council. LeidenMadtrics. Leiden (Leiden University). [blog].
- Kochetkov D. (22 augustus 2023), The role of University rankings in research evaluation revisited. LeidenMadtrics. [blog].
- Ermolayeva A., Birukou A., Matyushenko S. & Kochetkov D. (2023), Statistical model and method for analyzing AI conference rankings: China vs USA, Heliyon 9(11): e21592.
- Кочетков Д.М. (21 november 2023), How geopolitics influences international scientific cooperation: The science of contacts [Как геополитика влияет на международное сотрудничество в научной сфере: Наука о контактах, Kak geopolitika vliyayet na mezhdunarodnoye sotrudnichestvo v nauchnoy sfere: Nauka o kontaktakh] (vertaling Kochetkov D.).
- Kochetkov D. (6 december 2023), Russian science is still alive. LinkedIn. [blog].
- Kochetkov D., Birukou A. & Ermolayeva A. (2022), The importance of conference proceedings in research evaluation: a methodology for assessing conference impact. In: Vishnevskiy V.M., Samouylov K.E. & Kozyrev D.V. (red.), Distributed computer and communication networks. DCCN 2021.. Communications in Computer and Information Science nr. 1552. Cham: Springer.
- Kochetkov D. (17 januari 2022), Priority-2030: the new excellence initiative from Russia. LeidenMadtrics. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog].
- Sandler D.G., Gladyrev D.A., Kochetkov D. & Zorina A.D. (2022), Factors of research groups’ productivity: the case of the Ural Federal University, R-Economy 8(2): 148-160.
- Kochetkov D. (8 augustus 2022), What affects research productivity: view from inside the university. Leiden Madtrics. [blog].
- Кочетков Д.М. (2022), Russian Journal Whitelist: questions to be answered [Белый список российских журналов: вопросы, ждущие ответа] (vertaling Kochetkov D.), Nauchnyi Redaktor i Izdatel’ = Science Editor and Publisher 7(2): .
- Kochetkov D. & Kochetkova I.A. (2021), Knowledge: from ethical category to knowledge capitalism, Changing Societies & Personalities 5(4): 553–580.