Cornelis de Brabander
- Naam
- Dr. C.J. de Brabander
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4045
- 0000-0002-2671-2781

Kort CV
Na zijn studie psychologie in Leiden was Kees de Brabander enige jaren verbonden aan het Leids Interdisciplinair Centrum voor OnderwijsResearch, waar hij verschillende onderzoeksprojecten uitvoerde. In 1981 werd hij universitair docent bij de programmagroep Onderwijswetenschappen, Universiteit Leiden, waar hij in 1990 promoveerde op de vakopvattingen van leraren voortgezet onderwijs. In 2010 werd hij universitair hoofddocent bij het Ruud de Moor Centrum van de Open Universiteit. Na zijn pensionering is hij als gastdocent verbonden zowel aan de afdeling Onderwijsstudies van de Universiteit Leiden als aan het Welten Instituut van de Open Universiteit.
CV Kees de Brabander (2014)
Hoofdonderwerp is motivatie (zelfverantwoordelijk leren op school). Daarnaast: Ict-toepassingen in het onderwijs, onderwijsopvattingen van docenten en meer specifiek de opvattingen van leraren secundair onderwijs over de kennis van het eigen vak, later uitmondend in onderzoek naar persoonlijke epistemologie, en professionele ontwikkeling van leraren.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Onderwijswetenschappen
- Brabander C.J. de & Glastra F.J. (2021), The unified model of task-specific motivation and teachers' motivation to learn about teaching and learning supportive modes of ICT use, Education and Information Technologies 26(1): 393-420.
- Glastra F.J. & Brabander C.J. de (2021), Valences and sense of personal autonomy with regard to professional development in Dutch primary teachers: do decision contexts and age make a difference?, Frontline Learning Research 9(4): 1-34.
- De Brabander C.J. & Martens R.L. (2018), Empirical exploration of a unified model of task-specific motivation, Psychology 9(4): 540-560.
- De Brabander C.J. & Glastra F.J. (2018), Testing a unified model of task-specific motivation: how teachers appraise three professional development activities, Frontline Learning Research 6(1): 54-76.
- De Brabander C.J. & Glastra F.J. (2016), Testing a Unified Model of Task-specific Motivation: How teachers appraise three professional development activities. International Conference on Motivation 2016, Thessaloniki. International Conference on Motivation 2016 24 augustus 2016 - 27 augustus 2016.
- De Brabander C.J. & Martens R.L. (2014), Towards a unified theory of task-specific motivation, Educational Research Review 11: 27-44.
- De Brabander C.J. & Glastra F. (2014), Testing a unified model of task-specific motivation: How teachers appraise three professional development activities. International Conference on Motivation, Helsinki, Finland. . Helsinki, Finland.
- Smit K., De Brabander C.J. & Martens R.L. (2014), Student-centred and teacher-centred learning environment in pre-vocational secondary education: Psychological needs, and motivation, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 58(6): 695-712.
- Brabander C.J. de (2011), Waardering van dossiers en video's op Leraar24. Responsies over een heel jaar. Heerlen: Ruud de Moor Centrum, Open Universiteit.
- Brabander C.J. de, Vinken H. & Wolput B. van (2011), Competenties, professionalisering, schoolklimaat en Leraar24. Een panelonderzoek onder leraren 2010. Heerlen: Ruud de Moor Centrum, Open Universiteit.
- Brabander C.J. de (2011), Hoe wordt Leraar24 gewaardeerd? Responsies van 1 september tot 1 december 2010. Heerlen: Ruud de Moor Centrum, Open Universiteit.
- Minnaert A.E.M.G., Boekaerts M., Brabander C.J. de & Opdenakker M.-C. (2011), Student experiences of autonomy, competence, social relatedness and interest within a CSCL environment in vocational education: The case of commerce and business administration, Vocations and Learning 4: 175-190.
- Martens R.L., Brabander C.J. de, Vinken H. & Claessen J. (2010), Evaluatieplan Leraar24. Heerlen: Ruud de Moor Centrum, Open Universiteit.
- Brabander C.J. de & Martens R.L. (2010), Motivatie in Leraar24. Ontwerp van een conceptueel kader. Heerlen: Ruud de Moor Centrum, Open Universiteit.
- Smit K., Brabander C.J. de & Martens R.L. (2010), New and traditional learning environment in prevocational secondary education: The effect on need fulfillment and motivation. [overig].
- Brabander C.J. de, Rozendaal J.S. & Martens R.L. (2009), Investigating efficacy expectancy as criterion for comparison of teacher-versus student-regulated learning in higher education, Learning Environments Research 12(3): 191-207.
- Minnaert A.E.M.G., Boekaerts M. & Brabander C.J. de (2007), Autonomy, competence, and social relatedness in task interest within project-based education, Psychological Reports 101: 574-586.
- Kessels J.W.M., Lakerveld J.A. van & Brabander C.J. de (2007), Knowledge productivity and corporate learning environment. In: Schreinemakers J.F. & Engers T.M. van (red.), 15 Years of knowledge management. Advances in knowledge management. Volume 3.. Wűrzburg: Ergon. 135-148.
- Brabander C.J. de & Rozendaal J.S. (2007), Epistemic reasoning versus epistemic beliefs: on the distinction between procedural and declarative levels of personal epistemology. Elen J. & Clarebout G. (red.), Assessing epistemological beliefs. Symposium conducted at the 12th biennial meeting of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction. Symposium conducted at the 12th biennial meeting of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction.. Budapest, Hungary.
- Brabander C.J. de & Rozendaal J.S. (2007), Epistemological beliefs, social status, and school preference: An exploration of relationships, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 51: 141-162.
- Minnaert A.E.M.G., Boekaerts M. & Brabander C.J. de (2002), Constructing and evaluating an ICT-instrument to assess students' quality of working in groups, Education-Line (internettijdschrift) 2320: .
- Seegers G.H.J., Putten C.M. van & Brabander C.J. de (2002), Goal orientation, perceived task outcome and task demands in mathematic tasks: Effects on students' attitude in actual task settings, British Journal of Educational Psychology 72: 365-384.
- Brabander C.J. de (2001), Social status, epistomological beliefs, and school preference: An exploration of relationships. [overig].
- Rozendaal J.S., Brabander C.J. de & Minnaert A.E.M.G. (2001), Boundaries and dimensionality of epistemiological beliefs. [overig].
- Imants J.G.M., Aalsvoort G.M. van der, Brabander C.J. de & Ruijssenaars A.J.J.M. (2001), The Role of the Special Services Coordinator in Dutch Primary Schools. A counterproductive Effect of Inclusion Policy, Educational Management & Administration 29(1): 35-48.
- Brabander C.J. de (2000), Knowledge definition, subject, and curriculum track level: Perceptions of secondary school teachers, American Educational Research Journal 37: 1027-1058.
- Lakerveld J.A. van, Berg J. van den, Brabander C.J. de & Kessels J.W.M. (2000), The Corporate Curriculum: A Working-Learning Environment. Kuchinke K.P. (red.), Proceedings 2000 AHRD Conference. AHRD Conference Raleigh-Durham N.C.. Baton Rouge, LA USA: Academy of Human Resource Development. 334-342.
- Berg J. van den, Lakerveld J.A. van & Brabander C.J. de (1999), Dynamiek van Leren. Utrecht: AWOB, AWOZ en AWO-fonds.
- Poel M.Y.A.H. te & Brabander C.J. de (1999), Opvattingen over kennis in de Verlengde Schooldag, Tos, kop of munt 6(4): 13-16.
- Bakkenes I., Brabander C.J. de & Imants J.G.M. (1999), Teacher isolation and communication network analysis in primary schools, Educational Administration Quarterly 35(2): 166-202.
- Brabander C.J. de & Imants J.G.M. (1996), Sense of efficacy of teachers and principals for learner and school oriented tasks in primary schools, TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION 12(2): 179-195.
- Brabander C.J. de (1987), Das Bewusztsein von Lehrern über Schule und Unterricht, Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 33(6): 743-760.