Annelou van Gijn
Emeritus hoogleraar Archaeological Material Culture and Artefact Studies
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A.L. van Gijn
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2389
- 0000-0003-1839-2666

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Emeritus hoogleraar Archaeological Material Culture and Artefact Studies
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archaeological Sciences
- Material Culture Studies
- Gijn A.L. van, Pomstra D.R., Verbaas A., Braekmans D.J.G., Jacobs L., Kozowyk P.R.B., Langejans G. & Reidsma F.H. 20 april 2017 - 22 december 2017. 10th international Conference on Experimental Archaeology. EXARC. Leiden. [congres deelnamen].
- Gijn A.L. van (2014), Huize Hosterwold (public information). [lezing].
- Gijn A.L. van (2013), Huize Hosterwold (public information). [lezing].
- Gijn A.L. van (2012), Huize Hosterwold (public information). [lezing].
- Wentink K. & Gijn A.L. van (8 oktober 2011), Small Objects – Big Stories. Studying the Cultural Biographies of Prehistoric Flint Tools. Frankfurt, Goethe-Universität, Research Training Group. Frankfurt. [lezing].
- Gijn A.L. van & Verbaas A. (23 mei 2008), Reconstructing the life history of querns: the case of the LBK site of Geleen-Janskamperveld (NL). Workshop Recent Functional Studies on Non-Flint Stone Tools: Methodological Improvements and Archaeological Inferences. Lissabon. [lezing].