Flint in Focus
Lithic Biographies in the Neolithic and Bronze Age, Prof. Annelou van Gijn (2010)
- Author
- Prof. Annelou van Gijn
- Date
- 01 January 2010
- Links
- Flint in Focus: Lithic Biographies in the Neolithic and Bronze

The biographies of flint objects reveal their various and changing roles in prehistoric life. Using raw material sourcing, technological analysis, experimental archaeology, microwear and residue studies the author tells the story of flint from the Early Neolithic to its virtual demise in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age, incorporating data from settlements, burials and hoards from the region of the present-day Netherlands. This richly illustrated book shows the way flint functioned in daily life, how simple domestic tools became ritualized, how flint was used to negotiate change and how the biography of flint objects was related to personhood.
A review of this book by Nyree Finlay can be viewed here.
Book information
Year: 2010
Type of publication: monograph
Institute: University of Leiden, the Netherlands
Online resources: None available at this time
ISBN: 978-90-8890-033-4
Number of pages: + / - 320