Anne Miers
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. A.C. Miers
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3688
- 0000-0001-5077-4731
Anne Miers is Universitair Hoofddocent in ontwikkelingspsychopathologie bij de afdeling Ontwikkelings-en-Onderwijspsychologie van het Instituut Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.
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Leiden Psychology Blog
Anne Miers is Universitair Hoofddocent in ontwikkelingspsychopathologie bij de afdeling Ontwikkelings-en-Onderwijspsychologie van het Instituut Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.
Miers behaalde haar Bachelor Psychologie in 2001 aan de University College London. Tussen 2001 en 2003 werkte ze als kwantitatief onderzoekster bij een hoogstaand onderzoeksbureau, The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), in Londen. Bij NatCen werkte ze aan grote longitudinale studies, waaronder de Millenium Cohort Study (MCS). Hierna volgde ze de master Child Development aan het Institute of Education, Londen, die ze in 2004 cum laude afrondde. Na het behalen van haar MSc verhuisde ze naar Nederland waar zij is gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit Leiden (2010). Haar promotieproject is getiteld: 'Bias or Reality? Negative perceptions of ambiguous social cues, social performance and physical arousal in socially anxious youth'.
Miers is gepromoveerd op de Social Anxiety and Normal Development Study (SAND). Dit project werd onder de begeleiding van Prof. P. M. Westenberg en dr. A. W. Blöte uitgevoerd tussen 2005 en 2010. Het is een unieke en grote longitudinale studie naar sociale angst bij kinderen en adolescenten. Tijdens haar promotieproject richtte Anne zich op verschillende negatieve gedachten bij sociaal angstige adolescenten en onderzocht of deze gedachten op waarheid zijn gebaseerd.
Tijdens haar post-doctoraal project heeft Miers gekeken naar zowel de interpersoonlijke als de intrapersoonlijke factoren die een rol zouden spelen bij de ontwikkeling van ernstige sociale angst, en heeft zich hierbij gefocust op de longitudinale gegevens van de SAND studie. Hiervoor maakte Miers gebruik van complexe statistische technieken zoals 'Latent Class Growth Modelling'.
In haar huidig onderzoek richt Miers zich op het uitvinden van nieuwe interventie technieken om het niveau van sociale angst bij tieners te doen verminderen. Ze kijkt naar de rol van leeftijdsgenoten in dit proces. Het verbeteren van interventies voor sociale angst bij jongeren is van groot belang en Miers wil hier aan bijdragen. Bijvoorbeeld door te onderzoeken welke technieken de angst het meest doen verminderen, zoals in het 'micro-trial' project wordt onderzocht, in samenwerking met TNO, UvA, en RU. Daarnaast is ze geïnteresseerd in nieuwe manieren om de aard van psychopathologie te onderzoeken, bijvoorbeeld door network analysis en experience sampling methodology (ESM).
- Coördinator Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
- Coördinator Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Begeleiding van professionele- en onderzoekmaster studentscripties
- Begeleiding van professionele- en onderzoekmaster studentstages
- 2019 “Sociaal-angstige jongeren in de spotlight: PoPPSaY! project.” (€12,500). Stichting Praesidium Libertatis I/Universiteit Leiden. Principal Investigator.
- 2016 ZonMw-NWO, Programma 'Effectief werken in de jeugdsector'. TNO en partners (€27,848)
- 2010 NWO, FES-Leren Programma 4: De lerende adolescent: Kiezen, beslissen en sociale cognitie. co-aanvrager (€ 75,000)
- 2019 Prijs Early Career Researcher Award, runner up: International Society for Affective Disorders, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London.
- 2010 Prijs voor promovendi met het beste artikel in een internationaal wetenschappelijk tijdschrift (2009-2010) Universiteit Leiden
- 2004 Prakesh De Silva 1st Prize awarded by Convocation Trust for MSc, IOE, University of London
Begeleiding promovendi
- S. L. M. Jakobsson Mansson, 'Trial of blended care intervention in treating adolescents with social anxiety disorder', 2017 - present.
- S. Vogelaar, Nederlandse Wetenschap Agenda (NWA) project 'Verbinding onderwijs-jeugdzorg', gestart april 2018.
- Nieuwe inzichten ondersteunen leraren én leerlingen
- Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO)
- Association for Psychological Science
- International Society of Affective Disorders
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Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Ontwikkelings- & Onderwijspsychologie
- Vogelaar S., Miers A.C., Saab N., Loon A.W.G. van, Creemers H.E., Asscher J.J. & Westenberg P.M. (2023), Self-reported stressors in early adolescence: the role of educational track and ethnic background, Journal of Early Adolescence : 1-24.
- van Loon A.W.G., Creemers H.E., Vogelaar S., Saab N., Miers A.C., Westenberg P.M. & Asscher J.J. (2022), Trajectories of adolescent perceived stress and symptoms of depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic, Scientific Reports 12: 15957.
- Prieto-Fidalgo A., Miers A.C. & Calvete E. (2022), Interpretation biases in social scenarios and social anxiety: the role of safety behaviors, Psicothema 34(4): 489-497.
- Yu M., Westenberg P.M., Wang Y., Wang J.P. & Miers A.C. (2021), Psychometric properties of the adolescents' interpretation and belief questionnaire (AIBQ) for measuring interpretation bias in Chinese adolescents, Current Psychology : .
- Miers A.C. (2021), An investigation into the influence of positive peer feedback on self-relevant cognitions in social anxiety, Behaviour Change 38(3): 193–207.
- Blöte A.W., Miers A.C. & Westenberg P.M. (2021), Concurrent and prospective associations between social anxiety and responses to stress in adolescence, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology : .
- Loon A.W.G. van, Creemers H.E., Vogelaar S., Miers A.C., Saab N., Westenberg P.M. & Asscher J.J. (2021), Prepandemic risk factors of COVID-19-related concerns in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Research on Adolescence 31(3): 531-545.
- Loon A.W.G. van, Creemers H.E., Okorn A., Vogelaar S., Miers A.C., Saab N., Westenberg P.M. & Asscher J.J. (2021), The effects of school-based interventions on physiological stress in adolescents: a meta-analysis, Stress and Health : 1-23.
- Miers A.C., Weeda W.D., Blöte A.W., Cramer A.O.J., Borsboom D. & Westenberg P.M. (2020), A cross-sectional and longitudinal network analysis approach to understanding connections among social anxiety components in youth, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 129(1): 82-91.
- Loon A.W.G. van, Creemers H.E., Beumer W.Y., Okorn A., Vogelaar S., Saab N., Miers A.C., Westenberg P.M. & Asscher J.J. (2020), Can schools reduce adolescent psychological stress? A multilevel meta-analysis of the effectiveness of school-based intervention programs, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 49: 1127–1145.
- Miers A.C., Sumter S.R., Clark D.M. & Leigh E. (2020), Interpretation bias in online and offline social environments and associations with social anxiety, peer victimization, and avoidance behavior, Cognitive Therapy and Research 44(4): 820-833.
- Blöte A.W., Miers A.C., Van den Bos E. & Westenberg P.M. (2019), The role of performance quality in adolescents' self-evaluation and rumination after a speech: Is it contingent on social anxiety level?, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 47(2): 148-163.
- Yu M., Westenberg P.M., Li W., Wang J. & Miers A.C. (2019), Cultural evidence for interpretation bias as a feature of social anxiety in Chinese adolescents, Anxiety, Stress & Coping 32(4): 376-386.
- Blöte A.W., Miers A.C., Van den Bos E. & Westenberg P.M. (2019), Negative social self-cognitions: How shyness may lead to social anxiety, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 63: 9-15.
- Loon A.W.G. van, Creemers H.E., Vogelaar S., Saab N., Miers A.C., Westenberg P.M. & Asscher J.J. (2019), The effectiveness of school-based skills-training programs promoting mental health in adolescents: A study protocol for a randomized controlled study, BMC Public Health 19: e712.
- Loscalzo Y., Giannini M. & Miers A.C. (2018), Social anxiety and interpretation bias: Examining clinical and subclinical components in adolescents, Child and Adolescent Mental Health 23(3): 169-176.
- Miers A.C., Ziermans T.B. & Van Rijn S. (2017), Connecting the dots between schizotypal symptoms and social anxiety in youth with an extra X chromosome: A mediating role for catastrophizing, Brain Sciences 7(9): e113.
- Blöte A.W., Miers A.C. & Westenberg P.M. (2016), Adolescent social anxiety and substance use: The role of susceptibility to peer pressure, Child Development Research 2016(9468972): 1-8.
- Blöte A.W., Miers A.C. & Westenberg P.M. (2015), The role of social performance and physical attractiveness in peer rejection of socially anxious adolescents, Journal of Research on Adolescence 25(1): 189-200.
- Blöte A.W., Miers A.C., Heyne D.A. & Westenberg P.M. (2015), Social anxiety and the school environment of adolescents. In: Ranta K., La Greca A.M., Garcia-Lopez L.-J. & Marttunen M. (red.), Social Anxiety and Phobia in Adolescents: Development, Manifestation and Intervention Strategies: Springer International Publishing. 151-181.
- Blöte A.W., Poungjit A., Miers A.C., Van Beek Y. & Westenberg P.M. (2015), The Speech Performance Observation Scale for Youth (SPOSY): Assessing social performance characteristics related to social anxiety, Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 6(2): 168-184.
- Blöte A.W., Miers A.C., Heyne D.A., Clark D.M. & Westenberg P.M. (2014), The relation between social anxiety and audience perception: Examining Clark and Wells' (1995) model among adolescents, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 42(5): 555-567.
- Miers A.C., Blöte A.W., Heyne D.A. & Westenberg P.M. (2014), Developmental pathways of social avoidance across adolescence: The role of social anxiety and negative cognition, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 28(8): 787-794.
- Van den Bos E., De Rooij M., Miers A.C., Bokhorst C.L. & Westenberg P.M. (2014), Adolescents' increasing stress response to social evaluation: Pubertal effects on cortisol and alpha-amylase during public speaking, Eğitim Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi 85(1): 220-236.
- Miers A.C., Blöte A.W., De Rooij M.J., Bokhorst C.L. & Westenberg P.M. (2013), Trajectories of social anxiety during adolescence and relations with cognition, social competence, and temperament, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 41(1): 97-110.
- Blöte-Aanhane A.W., Bokhorst C.L., Miers A.C. & Westenberg P.M. (2012), Why are socially anxious adolescents rejected by peers? The role of subject-group similarity characteristics, Journal of Research on Adolescence 22: 123-134.
- Miers A.C., Blöte-Aanhane A.W., Sumter S.R., Kallen V.L. & Westenberg P.M. (2011), Subjective and objective arousal correspondence and the role of self-monitoring processes in high and low socially anxious youth, Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 2(4): 531-550.
- Miers A.C., Blöte-Aanhane A.W. & Westenberg P.M. (2011), Negative Social Cognitions in Socially Anxious Youth: Distorted Reality or a Kernel of Truth?, Journal of Child and Family Studies 20(2): 214-223.
- Novin S., Rieffe C., Banerjee R.A., Miers A.C. & Cheung J. (2011), Anger response styles in Chinese and Dutch children: A socio-cultural perspective on anger regulation, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 29(4): 806-822.
- Miers A.C., Blöte-Aanhane A.W. & Westenberg P.M. (2010), Peer perceptions of social skills in socially anxious and nonanxious adolescents, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 38(1): 33-41.
- Sumter S.R., Bokhorst C.L., Miers A.C., Pelt J. van & Westenberg P.M. (2010), Age and puberty differences in stress responses during a public speaking task: Do adolescents grow more sensitive to social evaluation?, Psychoneuroendocrinology 35(10): 1510-1516.
- Miers A.C. (3 maart 2010), Bias or reality? : negative perceptions of ambiguous social cues, social performance and physical arousal in socially anxious youth (Dissertatie. Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Westenberg P.M., Blöte A.W.
- Blöte-Aanhane A.W., Kint M.J.W., Miers A.C. & Westenberg P.M. (2009), The relation between public speaking anxiety and social anxiety: A review, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 23(3): 305-313.
- Miers A.C., Blöte-Aanhane A.W., Bokhorst C.L. & Westenberg P.M. (2009), Negative self-evaluations and the relation to performance level in socially anxious children and adolescents, Behaviour Research and Therapy 47(12): 1043-1049.
- Westenberg P.M., Bokhorst C.L., Miers A.C., Sumter S.R., Kallen V.L., Pelt J. van & Blöte-Aanhane A.W. (2009), A prepared speech in front of a pre-recorded audience: Subjective, physiological, and neuroendocrine responses to the Leiden Public Speaking Task, Biological Psychology 82(2): 116-124.
- Miers A.C., Blöte-Aanhane A.W., Bögels S.M. & Westenberg P.M. (2008), Interpretation bias and social anxiety in adolescents, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 22(8): 1462-1471.
- Rieffe C., Oosterveld P., Miers A.C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Ly V. (2008), Emotion awareness and internalising symptoms in children and adolescents: The Emotion Awareness Questionnaire revised, Personality and Individual Differences 45(8): 756-761.
- Miers A.C., Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Linden W. (2007), The relation between anger coping strategies, anger mood and somatic complaints in children and adolescents, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 35(4): 653-664.
- Rieffe C., Meerum Terwogt M., Petrides K.V., Cowan R., Miers A.C. & Tolland A. (2007), Psychometric properties of the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire for children, Personality and Individual Differences 43(1): 95-105.
- Meerum Terwogt M., Rieffe C., Miers A.C., Jellesma F.C. & Tolland A. (2006), Emotions and self-esteem as indicators of somatic complaints in children, Infant and Child Development 15(6): 581-592.