PhD project
Stress Lessons in secondary education: The effectiveness and evaluation of a school-based psychoeducation program about stress
Does a universal psychoeducational course about stress in adolescents: I) lead to an increase in knowledge of stress?, II) affect the frequency with which stressors are experienced and the overall stress level?, III) create interest in a tier 2 level follow-up training?, and IV) appeal to students in terms of usefulness and duration?
- Duration
- 2018 - 2022
- Contact
- Simone Vogelaar
- Funding
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research / The Dutch Research Agenda (NWO / NWA)
- Partners
- Interfacultair centrum voor lerarenopleiding, onderwijsontwikkeling en nascholing (ICLON)
- Utrecht University (UU)
- University of Amsterdam (UvA)

The current study is part of a large-scale research project investigating the Response to Intervention (RtI) model in which the goal is to improve the connection between education and mental health care. The RtI model has a 3-tier approach. This study focuses on tier 1 in which we developed a low-threshold school-based psychoeducational course about stress, the Stress Lessons, for students in early secondary education. The project is conducted in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Michiel Westenberg and Dr. Anne Miers of Leiden University, Dr. Nadira Saab of ICLON, Dr. Hanneke Creemers of UvA, Prof. Dr. Jessica Asscher and Amanda van Loon of UU. Michiel Westenberg and Jessica Asscher are the project leaders.
Simone Vogelaar is responsible for investigating the evaluation and effectiveness of the Stress Lessons. The purpose of the Stress Lessons is to provide students with basic information about stress, how to recognize stress, and how to cope with stress. The study follows a pre-test – post-test design with an experimental condition in which the Stress Lessons start between the pre-test and post-test and a control condition in which students receive the Stress Lessons after the post-test. The goal of the current study is to investigate the acceptability and effectiveness of the Stress Lessons.