Anne-Laura van Harmelen
Hoogleraar Brein, Veiligheid en Veerkracht
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A. van Harmelen
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 6186
- 0000-0003-1108-2921

Anne-Laura van Harmelen is hoogleraar Brein, Veiligheid en Veerkracht bij het Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen van de Universiteit Leiden. Ze is momenteel betrokken bij het onderzoeksprogramma Sociale Veerkracht en veiligheid, waarin interdisciplinair wordt gewerkt aan een veiligere leefomgeving voor iedereen. Het onderzoek van Anne-Laura van Harmelen richt zich op het beter begrijpen van de complexe sociale, psychologische en neurobiologische mechanismen van risico en veerkracht in de adolescentie.
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Kort CV
Anne-Laura van Harmelen is hoogleraar Brein, Veiligheid en Veerkracht aan de Universiteit Leiden. Ze is momenteel dan ook betrokken bij het onderzoeksprogramma Sociale Veerkracht en veiligheid, waarin interdisciplinair wordt gewerkt aan een veiligere leefomgeving voor iedereen. Het onderzoek van Anne-Laura van Harmelen richt zich op het beter begrijpen van de complexe sociale, psychologische en neurobiologische mechanismen van risico en veerkracht in de adolescentie.
Een op de drie kinderen en adolescenten krijgen te maken met een traumatische ervaring in hun jeugd, zoals kindermishandeling of pesten. Jeugdtrauma is een van de sterkste voorspellers van een groot aantal gedragsmatige en mentale problemen in de adolescentie. Om deze problemen tegen te gaan richt het onderzoek van Anne-Laura van Harmelen zich op het beter begrijpen van de complexe sociale, psychologische en neurobiologische mechanismen van risico en veerkracht in de adolescentie. Zo heeft van Harmelen laten zien dat jeugdtrauma gerelateerd is in veranderingen in de structuur en functioneren van het brein, waardoor mensen kwetsbaar zijn voor mentale problemen en dat dezelfde neurobiologische mechanismen mensen kwetsbaar maken voor suïcide. Ook heeft ze laten zien dat er belangrijke factoren zijn die veerkracht versterken bij jongeren met jeugdtrauma ervaringen, zoals vriendschappen en steun van de familie, het ophalen van positieve herinneringen en sterkere regulatie van stress responses in het brein. Ook heeft haar onderzoek laten zien dat deze factoren elkaar sterk beïnvloeden. Deze bevindingen hebben ertoe geleidt dat van Harmelen heeft voorgesteld dat veerkracht het best beschreven kan worden als een complex en dynamisch systeem.
- Sept 2020-heden: Hoogleraar Brein Veiligheid en Veerkracht, Instituut Pedagogische Wetenscappen, Universiteit Leiden.
Honorary Senior Affiliate, MRC CBU & Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge. - 2016-2020: Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow/Senior Research Associate, Psychiatry, University of Cambridge
- 2015-2020: Fellow, Lucy Cavendish College Cambridge
- 2015-2017: Tutor and Director of Studies PBS, Lucy Cavendish College Cambridge
- 2014-2016: Rubicon Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge
- 2008-2013: Promotie Psychologie (Klinische psychologie), Universiteit Leiden. Promotie datum: 10 December 2013
- 2006-2008: Master of Science (Cum Laude), Psychologie; VU Amsterdam
- 2003-2006: Bachelor of Science, Psychologie, Universiteit van Groningen
- 1999-2003: Bachelor of Physical Education, Windesheim College, Zwolle.
- 2019 Returning Carer’s scheme, University of Cambridge (£10K) (2019-2020)
- 2018 Royal Society Research Grant (£103K). The resilient adolescent brain (2018-2020)
- 2018 Royal Society Enhancement Award (£98K). The resilient adolescent brain (2018-2020)
- 2017 MQ Brighter Futures Award (£548K). Help overcome and prevent the emergence of suicide (2018-2020)
- 2016 Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship (£417K). The neurobiology of resilience after child maltreatment (2016-2020)
- 2015 Additionale Rubicon Fellowship (£12K) (2015-2016)
- 2014 Returning Carer’s Scheme, University of Cambridge (£7K) (2014-2016)
- 2013 Rubicon Fellowship, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (€140K). Verminderen vriendschappen de negatieve consequenties van emotionele mishandeling?
- 2020 Rising Star Award. Association for Psychological Science
- 2019 Society of Biological Psychiatry travel fellowship award ($2000)
- 2019 Master of Arts, University of Cambridge
- 2018 Emerging Leader in Adolescent Mental Health prize, Medical Research Foundation MRC (£5000)
- 2018 Nominatie voor the University of Cambridge Vice Chancellors award for Public engagement with research.
- J. Fritz (2016- 2020): Shedding Light on the Complex Picture of Psychosocial Factors that Promote Mental Health in Young People. Winner of the University of Cambridge Milo Keynes Prize for Outstanding Dissertations 2020/2021
- M. Scheuplein (2020-2024): the social and neurobiological risk and resilience mechanisms through which adverse early-life experiences (e.g., abuse or neglect) impact individuals’ psychosocial functioning.
Maandag t/m vrijdag
Hoogleraar Brein, Veiligheid en Veerkracht
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Forensische gezinsped. en Jeugdhulpverl.
- Orellana S.C., Bethlehem R.A.I., Simpson-Kent I.L., Harmelen A. van, Vértes P.E. & Bullmore E.T. (2024), Childhood maltreatment influences adult brain structure through its effects on immune, metabolic, and psychosocial factors, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 21(16): e2304704121.
- Vermeulen S., Scheuplein M., Harmelen A.L. van & Alink L.R.A. (2023), Kindermishandeling: Impact op slachtoffer en maatschappij. In: Doorn J. van, Brands J., Kunst M.J.J., Muller E.R., Pemberton A. & Reemst L. van (red.), Slachtoffers: onderzoek, beleid en praktijk . Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. 157-167.
- Minihan S., Songco A., Fox E., Ladouceur C.D., Mewton L., Moulds M., Pfeifer J.H., Harmelen A.L. van & Schweizer S. (2023), Affect and mental health across the lifespan during a year of the COVID-19 pandemic: : the role of emotion regulation strategies and mental flexibility, Emotion : .
- Scheuplein M., Vermeulen S., van Harmelen A.L. & Alink L. (2023), Child maltreatment and victimization. In: , Brain and Crime. Handbook of clinical neurology nr. 197. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 147-160.
- Campos A.I., Van Velzen L., Veltman D., Pozzi E., Ambrogi S., Ballard E.D., Banaj N., Başgöze Z., Bellow S., Benedetti F., Bollettini I., Brosch K., Canales-Rodríguez E.J., Clarke-Rubright E.K., Colic L., Connolly C.G., Courtet P., Cullen K.R., Dannlowski U., Dauvermann M.R., Davey C.G., Deverdun J., Dohm K., Erwin-Grabner T., Goya-Maldonado R., Fani N., Fortea L., Fuentes-Claramonte P., Gonul A.S., Gotlib I.H., Grotegerd D., Harris M.A., Harrison B.J., Haswell C.C., Hawkins E.L., Hill D., Hirano Y., Ho T.C., Jollant F., Jovanovic T., Kircher T., Klimes-Dougan B., le Bars E., Lochner C., McIntosh A.M., Meinert S., Mekawi Y., Melloni E., Mitchell P., Morey R.A., Nakagawa A., Nenadić I., Olié E., Pereira F., Phillips R.D., Piras F., Poletti S., Pomarol-Clotet E., Radua J., Ressler K.J., Roberts G., Rodriguez-Cano E., Sacchet M.D., Salvador R., Sandu A.L., Shimizu E., Singh A., Spalletta G., Steele J.D., Stein D.J., Stein F., Stevens J.S., Teresi G.I., Uyar-Demir A. van der, Wee N.J. van der, WerffS.J., Rooij S.J.H. van, Vecchio D., Verdolini N., Vieta E., Waiter G.D., Whalley H., Whittlem S.L., Yang T.T., Zarate C.A., Thompson P.M., Jahanshad N., Harmelen A.L. van, Blumberg H.P., Schmaal L. & Rentería M.E. (2023), Concurrent validity and reliability of suicide risk assessment instruments: a meta-analysis of 20 instruments across 27 international cohorts, Neuropsychology 37(3): 315-329.
- Dauvermann M.R., Schmaal L., Colic L., Velzen L.S. van , Bellow S., Ford T.J., Suckling J., Goodyer I.M., IMPACT Consortium, Blumberg H.P. & Harmelen A.L. van (2023), Elevated cognitive rumination and adverse life events are associated with lower cortical surface area and suicidal ideation in adolescents with major depressive disorder, Journal of Affective Disorders 325: 93-101.
- Songco A., Minihan S., Fox E., Ladouceur C., Mewton L., Moulds M., Pfeifer J., Van Harmelen A.L. & Schweizer S. (2023), Social and cognitive vulnerability to COVID-19-related stress in pregnancy: a case-matched-control study of antenatal mental health, Journal of Affective Disorders 325: 739-746.
- Minihan S., Orben A., Songco A., Fox E., Ladouceur C.D., Mewton L., Moulds M., Pfeifer J.H., Van Harmelen A.L. & Schweizer S. (2023), Social determinants of mental health during a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, Development and Psychopathology 35(4): 1701-1713.
- Andrews J.L., Li M., Minihan S., Songco A., Fox E., Ladouceur C.D., Mewton L., Moulds M., Pfeifer J.H., Harmelen A. van & Schweizer S. (2023), The effect of intolerance of uncertainty on anxiety and depression, and their symptom networks, during the COVID-19 pandemic, BMC Psychiatry 23: 261.
- González-Garcia N., Buimer E.E., Moreno-López L., Sallie S.N., Váša F., Lim S., Romero-Garcia R., Scheuplein M., Whitaker K.J., Jones P.B., Dolan R.J., Fonagy P., Goodyer I., Bullmore E.T. & Harmelen A. van (2023), Resilient functioning is associated with altered structural brain network topology in adolescents exposed to childhood adversity, Development and Psychopathology : 1--11.
- König M., Berhe O., Ioannidis K., Orellana S., Davidson E., Kaser M., Moreno-López L. & Harmelen A. van (2023), The stress-buffering role of friendships in young people with childhood threat experiences: a preliminary report, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 14(2): 2281971.
- Colic L Villa LM Dauvermann MR van Velzen LS Sankar A Goldman DA Panchal P Kim JA Quatrano S Spencer L Constable RT Suckling J Goodyer IM Schmaal L van Harmelen AL Blumberg HP (2022), Brain grey and white matter structural associations with future suicidal ideation and behaviors in adolescent and young adult females with mood disorders, JCPP Advances 2(4): .
- van Velzen LS Dauvermann MR Colic L Villa LM Savage HS Toenders YJ Zhu AH Bright JK Campos AI Salminen LE Ambrogi S Ayesa-Arriola R Banaj N Başgöze Z Bauer J Blair K Blair RJ Brosch K Cheng Y Colle R Connolly CG Corruble E Couvy-Duchesne B Crespo-Facorro B Cullen KR Dannlowski U Davey CG Dohm K Fullerton JM Gonul AS Gotlib IH Grotegerd D Hahn T Harrison BJ He M Hickie IB Ho TC Iorfino F Jansen A Jollant F Kircher T Klimes-Dougan B Klug M Leehr EJ Lippard ETC McLaughlin KA Meinert S Miller AB Mitchell PB Mwangi B Nenadić I Ojha A Overs BJ Pfarr JK Piras F Ringwald KG Roberts G Romer G Sanches M Sheridan MA Soares JC Spalletta G Stein F Teresi GI Tordesillas-Gutiérrez D Uyar-Demir A van der Wee NJA van der Werff SJ Vermeiren RRJM Winter A Wu MJ Yang TT Thompson PM Rentería ME Jahanshad N Blumberg HP van Harmelen AL ENIGMA Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours Consortium Schmaal L (2022), Structural brain alterations associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors in young people: results from 21 international studies from the ENIGMA Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours consortium, Molecular Psychiatry 27(11): 4550-4560.
- König M. & Harmelen A. van (2022), The importance of friendships in reducing brain responses to stress in adolescents exposed to childhood adversity: a preregistered systematic review, Current Opinion in Psychology 45: 101310.
- Scheuplein M. & Harmelen A. van (2022), The importance of friendships in reducing brain responses to stress in adolescents exposed to childhood adversity: a preregistered systematic review, Current Opinion in Psychology 45: 101310.
- Moreno-López L., Sallie S.N., Ioannidis K., Kaser M., Schueler K., Askelund A.D, Turner L., van Harmelen A.L. & RAISE Consortium (2021), RAISE study protocol: a cross-sectional, multilevel, neurobiological study of resilience after individual stress exposure, BMJ Open 11(1): e040394.
- Smith A.J., Moreno-López L., Davidson E., Dauvermann M., Orellana S., Soneson E., Ioannidis K., Kaser M. & Harmelen A. van (2021), REACT study protocol: resilience after the COVID-19 threat (REACT) in adolescents, BMJ Open 11(1): e042824.
- Steenbergen H. van, Bruijn E.R.A de, Duijvenvoorde A.C.K. van & Harmelen A. van (2021), How positive affect buffers stress responses, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 39: 153-160.
- Kuzminskaite E., Penninx B.W.J.H., Harmelen A.L. van, Elzinga B.M., Hovens J.G.F.M. & Vinkers C.H. (2021), Childhood trauma in adult depressive and anxiety disorders: an integrated review on psychological and biological mechanisms in the NESDA cohort, Journal of Affective Disorders 283: 179-191.
- Gonzalez-Garcia N., Moreno-Lopez L., Vasa F. & Van Harmelen A.L. (2020), Adolescent Resilient Functioning After Childhood Adversity is Associated With More Efficient Social Information Processing Structural Brain Network Topology, Biological Psychiatry 87(9): S106-S106.
- Chatzi V., White S., Sun L.N., Suckling J. & Van Harmelen A.L. (2020), An Integrative Social Neurocognitive Model for Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents, Biological Psychiatry 87(9): S23-S24.
- Fritz J., Stochl J., Goodyer I.M., Harmelen A.L. van & Wilkinson P.O. (2020), Embracing the positive: an examination of how well resilience factors at age 14 can predict distress at age 17, Translational Psychiatry 10: 272.
- van Harmelen A.L., Schmaal L. & Blumberg H.P. (2020), Imaging suicidal thoughts and behavior: the promise of computational models, Neuropsychopharmacology 46: pages219–220.
- Cassels M., Neufeld S., Harmelen A. van, Goodyer I. & Wilkinson P. (2020), Prospective pathways from impulsivity to non-suicidal self-injury among youth, Archives of Suicide Research : .
- Ioannidis K., Askelund A.D., Kievit R.A. & Van Harmelen A.L. (2020), The complex neurobiology of resilient functioning after childhood maltreatment, BMC Medicine 18: e32.
- Moreno-Lopez L., Ioannidis K., Askelund A.D., Smith A.J., Schueler K. & Van Harmelen A.L. (2020), The Resilient Emotional Brain: A Scoping Review of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Limbic Structure and Function in Resilient Adults With a History of Childhood Maltreatment, Biological Psychiatry Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 5(4): 392-402.
- Fritz J., Stretton J., Askelund A.D., Schweizer S., Walsh N.D., Elzinga B.M., Goodyer I.M., Wilkinson P.O. & van Harmelen A.L. (2020), Mood and neural responses to social rejection do not seem to be altered in resilient adolescents with a history of adversity, Development and Psychopathology 32(2): 411-423.
- Davies S.E., Neufeld S.A.S., Sprang E. van, Schweren L., Keivit R., Fonagy P., Dubicka B., Kelvin R., Midgley N., Reynolds S., Target M., Wilkinson P., Harmelen A.L. van & Goodyer I.M. (2020), Trajectories of depression symptom change during and following treatment in adolescents with unipolar major depression, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 61(5): 565-574.
- Ioannidis K., Askelund A.D., Kievit R.A. & Harmelen A. van (2020), Correction to: The complex neurobiology of resilient functioning after childhood maltreatment, BMC Medicine 18: 202.
- Schmaal L., Harmelen A.L. van, Chatzi V., Lippard E.T.C., Toenders Y.J., Averill L.A., Mazure C.M. & Blumberg H.P. (2020), Imaging suicidal thoughts and behaviors: a comprehensive review of 2 decades of neuroimaging studies, Molecular Psychiatry 25: 408-427.
- Ioannidis K., Askelund A.D., Kievit R.A. & Harmelen A. van (2020), Correction to: The complex neurobiology of resilient functioning after childhood maltreatment (vol 18, 32, 2020), BMC Medicine 18(1): .
- Kalisch R., Cramer A.O.J., Binder H., Fritz J., Leertouwer I., Lunansk G., Meyer B., Timiner J., Veer I.M. & Van Harmelen A.L. (2019), Deconstructing and Reconstructing Resilience: A Dynamic Network Approach, Perspectives on Psychological Science 14(5): 765-777.
- Van Harmelen A.L., Schmaal L. & Blumberg H.P. (2019), Journal of Affective Disorders Special Issue on Suicide-Related Research: hopeful progress but much research urgently needed, Journal of Affective Disorders 251: 39-41.
- Askelund A.D., Schweizer S., Goodyer I.M. & Harmelen A. van (2019), Positive memory specificity is associated with reduced vulnerability to depression, Nature Human Behaviour 3: 265-273.
- Askelund A.D., Schweizer S., Goodyer I.M. & Harmelen A. van (2019), Author correction: Positive memory specificity is associated with reduced vulnerability to depression, Nature Human Behaviour 3(7): 758.
- Harmelen A. van, Schmaal L. & Blumberg H.P. (red.) (2019), Journal of affective disorders special issue on suicide-related research: hopeful progress but much research urgently needed. Journal of Affective Disorders: Elsevier.
- Fritz J., Fried E.I., Goodyer I.M., Wilkinson P.O. & Harmelen A.L. van (2018), A network model of resilience factors for adolescents with and without exposure to childhood adversity, Scientific Reports 8: 15774.
- Kievit R.A., Brandmaier A.M., Ziegler G., Harmelen A.L. van, Mooij S.M.M. de, Moutoussis M., Goodyer I.M., Bullmore E., Jones P.B., Fonagy P., Lindenberger U. & Dolan R.J. (2018), Developmental cognitive neuroscience using latent change score models: a tutorial and applications, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 33: 99-117.
- Winpenny E.M., Harmelen A.L. van, White M., Sluijs E.M.F. van & Goodyer I.M. (2018), Diet quality and depressive symptoms in adolescence: no cross-sectional or prospective associations following adjustment for covariates, Public Health Nutrition 21(13): 2376-2384.
- Lakens D., Adolfi F.G., Albers C.J., Anvari F., Apps M.A.J, Argamon S.E., Baguley T., Becker R.B., Benning S.D., Bradford D.E., Buchanan E.M., Caldwell A.R., Van Calster B., Carlsson R., Chen S.C., Chung B., Colling L.J., Collins G.S., Crook Z., Cross E.S., Daniels S., Danielsson H., DeBruine L., Dunleavy D.J., Earp B.D., Feist M.I., Ferrell J.D., Field J.G., Fox N.W., Friesen A., Gomes C., Gonzalez-Marquez M., Grange J.A., Grieve A.P., Guggenberger R., Grist J., van Harmelen A.L., Hasselman F., Hochard .KD., Hoffarth M.R., Holmes N.P., Ingre M., Isager P.M., Isotalus H.K., Johansson C., Juszczyk K., Kenny D.A., Khalil A.A. Konat B., Lao J.P. Larsen E.G., Lodder G.M.A., Lukavsky J., Madan C.R., Manheim D., Martin S.R., Martin A.E., Mayo D.G., McCarthy R.J., McConway K., McFarland C., Nio A.Q.X., Nilsonne G., de Oliveira C.L., de Xivry J.J.O., Parsons S., Pfuhl G., Quinn K.A., Sakon J.J., Saribay S.A., Schneider I.K., Selvaraju M., Sjoerds Z., Smith S.G., Smits T., Spies J.R., Sreekumar V., Steltenpohl C.N., Stenhouse N., Swiatkowski W., Vadillo M.A., Van Assen M.A.L.M., Williams M.N., Williams S.E., Williams D.R., Yarkoni T., Ziano I. & Zwaan R.A. (2018), Justify your alpha, Nature Human Behaviour 2: 168-171.
- Cassels M., Harmelen A.L. van, Neufeld S., Goodyer I., Jones P.B. & Wilkinson P. (2018), Poor family functioning mediates the link between childhood adversity and adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 59(8): 881-887.
- Lewis G., Ioannidis K., Harmelen A.L. van, Neufeld S., Stochl J., Lewis G., Jones P.B. & Goodyer I. (2018), The association between pubertal status and depressive symptoms and diagnoses in adolescent females: a population-based cohort study, PLoS ONE 13(6): e0198804.
- Fritz J., Graaff A.M. de, Caisley H., Harmelen A.L. van & Wilkinson P.O. (2018), A systematic review of amenable resilience factors that moderate and/or mediate the relationship between childhood adversity and mental health in young people, Frontiers in Psychiatry 9: 230.
- Fritz J., Graaff A.M. de, Caisley H., Harmelen A. van & Wilkinson P.O. (2018), A systematic review of amenable resilience factors that moderate and/or mediate the relationship between childhood adversity and mental health in young people, Frontiers in Psychiatry 9(230): .
- Kievit R.A., Brandmaier A.M., Ziegler G., Harmelen A. van, Mooij S.M.M. de, Moutoussis M., Goodyer I.M., Bullmore E., Jones P.B., Fonagy P., Lindenberger U. & Dolan R.J. (2018), Developmental cognitive neuroscience using latent change score models: a tutorial and applications, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 33: 99-117.
- Winpenny E.M., Harmelen A. van, White M., Sluijs E.M.F. van & Goodyer I.M. (2018), Diet quality and depressive symptoms in adolescence: no cross-sectional or prospective associations following adjustment for covariates, Public Health Nutrition 21(13): 2376-2384.
- Lewis G., Ioannidis K., Harmelen A. van, Neufeld S., Stochl J., Lewis G., Jones P.B. & Goodyer I. (2018), The association between pubertal status and depressive symptoms and diagnoses in adolescent females: a population-based cohort study, PLoS ONE 13(6): .
- Harmelen A.L. van, Kievit R.A., Ioannidis K., Neufeld S., Jones P.B., Bullmore E., Dolan R., Fonagy P. & Goodyer I. (2017), Adolescent friendships predict later resilient functioning across psychosocial domains in a healthy community cohort, Psychological Medicine 47(13): 2312-2322.
- Dalgleish T., Walsh N.D., Mobbs D., Schweizer S., Harmelen A.L. van, Dunn B., Dunn V., Goodyer I. & Stretton J. (2017), Social pain and social gain in the adolescent brain: a common neural circuitry underlying both positive and negative social evaluation, Scientific Reports 7: 42010.
- Schie C.C. van, Harmelen A.L. van, Hauber K., Boon A., Crone E.A. & Elzinga B.M. (2017), The neural correlates of childhood maltreatment and the ability to understand mental states of others, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 8(1): 1272788.
- Kalisch R., Baker D.G., Basten U., Boks M.P., Bonanno G.A., Brummelman E., Chmitorz A., Fernandez G., Fiebach C.J., Galatzer-Levy I., Geuze E., Groppa S., Helmreich I., Hendler T., Hermans E.J., Jovanovic T., Kubiak T., Lieb K., Lutz B., Muller M.B., Murray R.J., Nievergelt C.M., Reif A., Roelofs K., Rutten B.P.F., Sander D., Schick A., Tuscher O., Diest I. van, Harmelen A. van, Veer I.M., Vermetten E., Vinkers C.H., Wager T.D., Walter H., Wessa M., Wibral M. & Kleim B. (2017), The resilience framework as a strategy to combat stress-related disorders, Nature Human Behaviour 1: 784-790.
- Danese A. & Harmelen A.L. van (2017), The hidden wounds of childhood trauma, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 8(sup7): 1375840.
- Dalgleish T., Walsh N.D., Mobbs D., Schweizer S., Harmelen A. van, Dunn B., Dunn V., Goodyer I. & Stretton J. (2017), Social pain and social gain in the adolescent brain: a common neural circuitry underlying both positive and negative social evaluation, Scientific Reports 7: .
- Harmelen A.L. van, Gibson J.L., St Clair M.C., Owens M., Brodbeck J., Dunn V., Lewis G., Croudace T., Jones P.B., Kievit R.A. & Goodyer I.M. (2016), Friendships and family support reduce subsequent depressive symptoms in at-risk adolescents, PLoS ONE 11(5): e0153715.
- Harpur L.J., Polek E. & Harmelen A. van (2015), The role of timing of maltreatment and child intelligence in pathways to low symptoms of depression and anxiety in adolescence, Child Abuse & Neglect 47: 24-37.
- Harmelen A.L. van, Hauber K., Moor B.G., Spinhoven P., Boon A.E., Crone E.A. & Elzinga B.M. (2014), Childhood emotional maltreatment severity is associated with dorsal medial prefrontal cortex responsivity to social exclusion in young adults, PLoS ONE 9(1): e85107.
- Walsh N.D., Dalgleish T., Lombardo M.V., Dunn V.J., Harmelen A.L. van, Ban M. & Goodyer I.M. (2014), General and specific effects of early-life psychosocial adversities on adolescent grey matter volume, NeuroImage: Clinical 4: 308-318.
- Harmelen A.L. van, Tol M.J. van, Dalgleish T., Wee N.J.A. van der, Veltman D.J., Aleman A., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Elzinga B.M. (2014), Hypoactive medial prefrontal cortex functioning in adults reporting childhood emotional maltreatment, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 9(12): 2026-2033.
- Harmelen A.L. van, Tol M.J. van, Demenescu L.R., Wee N.J.A. van der, Veltman D.J., Aleman A., Buchem M.A. van, Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Elzinga B.M. (2013), Enhanced amygdala reactivity to emotional faces in adults reporting childhood emotional maltreatment, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 8(4): 362-369.
- Moors A., Houwer J. de, Hermans D., Wanmaker S., Schie K. van, Harmelen A.L. van, Schryver M. de, Winne J. de & Brysbaert M. (2013), Norms of valence, arousal, dominance, and age of acquisition for 4,300 Dutch words, Behavior Research Methods 45: 169-177.
- Van Harmelen A.L., De Jong P.J., Glashouwer K.A., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Elzinga B.M. (2010), Child abuse and negative explicit and automatic self-associations: The cognitive scars of emotional maltreatment, Behaviour Research and Therapy 48: 486-494.
- Van Harmelen A.L., Van Tol M.J., Van der WeeN.J.A., Veltman D.J., Aleman A., Spinhoven P., Van Buchem M.A., Zitman F.G., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Elzinga B.M. (2010), Reduced Medial Prefrontal Cortex Volume in Adults Reporting Childhood Emotional Maltreatment, Biological Psychiatry 68(9): 832-838.
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