Ann Brysbaert
Hoogleraar Ancient technology, crafts and materials
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A.N. Brysbaert
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5328
- 0000-0002-1237-6721

Zie voor meer informatie de Engelstalige profielpagina van Ann Brysbaert.
Hoogleraar Ancient technology, crafts and materials
- Faculteit Archeologie
- Archaeological Sciences
- Material Culture Studies
- Vikatou E. & Brysbaert A.N. (2023), “Free rides” in the LBA Argive Plain, Greece: applying FOSS to investigating communication paths in archaeological research. Miszk Ł., Ostrowski W., Miścicki W., Nocoń K. & Kajzer M. (red.), Check object integrity. CAA 23 april 2019 - 27 april 2019. Tübingen: University of Tübingen Press. 1-13.
- Brysbaert A.N. (2022), Mobility and labour efforts along prehistoric roads and Least Cost Paths in the Argolid, Greece. In: Manning S.W. (red.), Critical approaches to Cypriot and wider Mediterranean archaeology. nr. 16. London: Equinox. 197-216.
- Brysbaert A.N., Vikatou I. & Pakkanen J. (2022), Shaping cultural landscapes: connecting agriculture, crafts, construction, transport, and resilience strategies. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Brysbaert A.N., Turner D. & Vikatou E. (2022), Building the Tholos tomb in Tiryns: comparative labour costs and field methods. In: Brysbaert A., Vikatou I. & Pakkanen J. (red.) Shaping cultural landscapes: connecting agriculture, crafts, construction, transport, and resilience strategies. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 39-64.
- Brysbaert A. Pakkanen J. Vikatou I. (2022), Shaping cultural landscapes: connecting agriculture, crafts, construction, transport, and resilience strategies : introduction to the papers. In: Brysbaert A., Vikatou I. & Pakkanen J. (red.), Shaping cultural landscapes: connecting agriculture, crafts, construction, transport, and resilience strategies. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 15-20.
- Brysbaert A.N. & Vikatou E. (2022), Mobility as a drive to shape cultural landscapes: prehistoric route-use in the Argolid and surroundings, Greece. In: Brysbaert A., Vikatou I. & Pakkanen J. (red.) Shaping cultural landscapes: connecting agriculture, crafts, construction, transport, and resilience strategies. Leiden: Sidestone. 65-84.
- Brysbaert A. & Hochscheid H. (2021), Craft, ownership, and identity: making, thinking, and being (together). In: Hochscheid H. & Russell B. (red.), The Value of Making: Theory and Practice in Ancient Craft Production. Studies in Classical Archaeology nr. 13. Turnhout: Brepols. 13-34.
- Timonen R. & Brysbaert A. (2021), Saving up for a rainy day? : Climate events, human-induced processes, and their potential effects on people’s coping strategies in the Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Argive Plain, Greece. In: Erdkamp P., Manning J.G. & Verboven K. (red.), Climate and Society in Ancient Worlds Diversity in Collapse and Resilience.. London: Palgrave.
- Brysbaert A. (2021), Cross-Crafting and its meaning for innovation in the Late Bronze Age Context of Tiryns, Greece. In: Klimscha F., Hansen S. & Renn J. (red.), Contextualising Ancient Technology: from Archaeological Case Studies towards a Social Theory of Ancient Innovation Processes. Topoi: Berlin Studies of the Ancient World nr. 73. Berlin: Edition TOPOI. 197-217.
- Brysbaert A. & Pakkanen J. (2021), Building BIG – constructing economies: from design to long-term impact of large-scale building projects. Introduction. In: Pakkanen J. & Brysbaert A. (red.), Building BIG – Constructing Economies: from Design to Long-Term Impact of Large-Scale Building Projects. . Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology nr. 10. Heidelberg: Propyleum. 1-10.
- Brysbaert A. (2021), Logistics and infrastructure in support of building BIG in the Late Bronze Age Argolid, Greece. In: Pakkanen J. & Brysbaert A. (red.) Building BIG – Constructing Economies: from Design to Long-Term Impact of Large-Scale Building Projects. Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology nr. 10 Heidelberg: Propyleum. 11-26.
- Pakkanen J. & Brysbaert A. (red.) (2021), Building BIG – constructing economies: from design to long-term impact of large-scale building projects. Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology nr. 10. Heidelberg: Propyleum.
- Brysbaert A. (2021), The ‘moving’ taskscape of the Late Bronze Age Argive Plain, Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 65: 1-9.
- Pakkanen J., Brysbaert A., Turner D. & Boswinkel Y. (2020), Efficient three-dimensional field documentation methods for labour cost studies : case studies from archaeological and heritage contexts, Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 17: e00141.
- Brysbaert A. (2020), Painting biographies. In: Panagiotaki M., Papadimitrakopoulos F. & Tomazos I. (red.), Cutting-Edge Technologies in Ancient Greece: Materials Sciences Applied to Trace Ancient Technologies in the Aegean World. . Oxford: Oxbow Books. 81-88.
- Brysbaert A. (2020), ‘Forces of the hands, forces of the lands’: an awareness of physical and social multi-tasking in the agrarian and economic landscape of the Late Bronze Age Argive Plain, Groniek 223: 59-82.
- Brysbaert A., Vikatou I. & Stöger H. (2020), Highways and byways in Mycenaean Greece: human-environment interactions in dialogue, Arctos: Acta Philologica Fennica 54: 33-94.
- Brysbaert A. (2019), Bespreking van: Schmidt-Hofner S., Ambos C. & Eich P. (2016), Raum-Ordnung. Raum und soziopolitische Ordnungen im Altertum.. Akademiekonferenzen nr. 18: Babesch. BABESCH Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 94: 151-153.
- Brysbaert A., Klinkenberg V., Boswinkel Y., Turner D., Timonen R., Stoger H. & Sioumpara E. (2018), SETinSTONE? A retrospective impact assessment of human and environmental resource usage in Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Monumental Architecture, Greece, Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 58: 21-29.
- Brysbaert A.N. (2018), Constructing monuments, perceiving monumentality: introduction. In: Brysbaert A., Klinkenberg V., Gutiérrez Garcia M.A. & Vikatou I. (red.), Constructing Monuments, Perceiving Monumentality and the Economics of Building. Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Built Environment.. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 21-48.
- Brysbaert A., Klinkenberg V., Gutiérrez Garcia-M.A. & Vikatou I. (red.) (2018), Constructing monuments, perceiving monumentality and the economics of building: theoretical and methodological approaches to the built environment. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Brysbaert A. (2018), Bespreking van: Santillo Frizell B. (2016), Tra Terra e Cielo. Cupole e Obelischi nella Cultura Mediterranea. Storie del Mondo nr. 26. Firenze: Mauro Pagliai. Gnomon 90(8): 723-728.
- Brysbaert A. (2017), Artisans versus nobility? : Crafting in context: introduction. In: Brysbaert A. & Gorgues A. (red.), Artisans versus Nobility? Multiple Identities of Elites and ‘Commoners’ Viewed Through the Lens of Crafting from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Ages in Europe and the Mediterranean. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 13-36.
- Brysbaert A. & Gorgues A. (red.) (2017), Artisans versus nobility? : multiple identities of elites and ‘commoners’ viewed through the lens of crafting from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Ages in Europe and the Mediterranean. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Brysbaert A.N. (2017), SETinSTONE: an impact assessment of the human and environmental resource requirements in Late Bronze Age Mycenaean monumental architecture, Antiquity 91(358): 1-7.
- Brysbaert A.N. (2017), Social space and (self)representation within Late Bronze Age Aegean and East Mediterranean palatial architecture. In: Bakels C. & Kamermans H. (red.), Excerpta Archaeologica Leidensia II. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia nr. 47. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 75-93.
- Brysbaert A.N., Siozos P., Vetters M., Philippidis A. & Anglos D. (2017), Materials analyses of pyrotechnological objects from LBA Tiryns, Greece, by means of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): results and a critical assessment of the method, Journal of Archaeological Science 83: 49-61.
- Brysbaert A.N. (2017), Buried, wasted, half-done and left-over: searching the absent artisans among their 'rubbish'. In: Brysbaert A. (red.), Material Chains in Late Prehistoric Europe and the Mediterranean: Time, Space and Technologies of Production nr. 48. Bordeaux: Maison Ausonius. 97-119.
- Brysbaert A.N., Mans J., Verbaas A., Pomstra D., Jacobs L. & Kuijpers M. (11 augustus 2017), Making and creating with ages-old knowledge. Handcrafted creations from the past provide solutions for issues today. Leiden: Leiden University (Faculty of Archaeology). [blog].
- Vetters M., Brysbaert A., Ntinou M., Tsartsidou G. & Margaritis E. (2016), People and plants: piecing together archaeological and archaeobotanical data to reconstruct plant use and craft activities in Mycenaean Tiryns, Opuscula : annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome 9: 97-126.
- Brysbaert A.N. (2016), A tale of technologies: constructing monuments and perceiving monumentality, Melbourne Historical Journal 43(2)(The Amphora issue): 1-30.
- Foxhall L., Rebay-Salisbury K., Brysbaert A.N., Fiadeiro J., Harding A., Haselgrove C., Tuosto E., Van Dommelen P. & Whitbread I. (2015), Tracing Networks: technological knowledge, cultural contact and knowledge exchange in the Ancient Mediterranean and beyond. In: Barker E., Bouzarovski S., Pelling C. & Isaksen L. (red.), New Worlds out of Old Texts: Developing Techniques for the Spatial Analysis of Ancient Narratives. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 281-300.
- Klinkenberg V. & Brysbaert A.N., [webartikel].
- Brysbaert A.N. (2015), Set in stone? Technical, socio-economic and symbolic considerations in the construction of the Cyclopean-style walls of the Late Bronze Age Citadel at Tiryns, Greece, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 45: 69-90.
- Brysbaert A.N. (2015), Set in stone? Constructed symbolism viewed through an architectural energetics’ lens at Bronze Age Tiryns, Greece, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 45: 91-105.
- Brysbaert A. & Vetters M. (2015), Mirroring the Mediterranean: self-image and artisanal networking in 12th century BCE Tiryns, Greece. International Post-doc and Young Researcher Conference (Heidelberg, 6th-8th October 2012). In: Babbi A., Bubenheimer-Erhart F., Marín-Aguilera B. & Mühl S. (red.), The Mediterranean Mirror. Cultural Contacts in the Mediterranean Sea between 1200 and 750 B.C. Proceedings of the International Conference, Heidelberg, October 6th-8th, 2012. RGZM – Tagungen nr. 20. Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums. 161-175.
- Brysbaert A. (2015), Multiple chaînes opératoires and cross-craft interaction: a holistic approach to workshop studies at Mycenaean and post-Mycenaean Tiryns, Greece. In: Brysbaert A. (red.), Mycenaeans-up-to-date. Conference held Athens November 2010.. Stockholm: Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen. 151-159.
- Brysbaert A.N. (2014), SETinSTONE. Assessing human and environmental resource use in LBA Mycenaean Monumental Architecture, Greece. Archaeology in Transition Symposium, Leiden. 25 september 2014 - 26 september 2014. [conferentie poster].
- Gorgues A., Brysbaert A. & Armbruster B. (2014), Nobility versus artisans? : The multiple identities of elites and "commoners" viewed through the lens of materials and technologies during the European Bronze and the Iron Ages. EAA Pilsen Sept 4-8, 2012, session report, The European Archaeologist 40: 77-80.
- Rebay-Salisbury K., Brysbaert A. & Foxhall L. (2014), Material cross-overs: introduction. In: Rebay-Salisbury K., Brysbaert A. & Foxhall L. (red.), Material Crossovers. Knowledge Networks and the Movement of Technological Knowledge between Craft Traditions. London: Routledge. 1-6.
- Brysbaert A.N. (2014), Talking shop: multicraft workshop materials and architecture in prehistoric Tiryns, Greece. In: Rebay-Salisbury K., Brysbaert A.N. & Foxhall L. (red.), Material Crossovers. Knowledge Networks and the Movement of Technological Knowledge between Craft Traditions. Routledge Studies in Archaeology nr. 13. London: Routledge. 37-61.
- Rebay-Salisbury K., Brysbaert A.N. & Foxhall F. (red.) (2014), Material Crossovers. Knowledge Networks and the Movement of Technological Knowledge between Craft Traditions. Routledge Studies in Archaeology nr. 13. London: Routledge.
- Brysbaert A. (2013), ‘The Chicken or the Egg?’ Interregional Contacts Viewed Through a Technological Lens at Late Bronze Age Tiryns, Greece, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 32(3): 233-256.
- Brysbaert A.N. & Vetters M. (2013), A moving story about exotica: objects’ long-distance production chains and associated identities at Tiryns, Greece , Opuscula : annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome 2013(6): 175-210.
- Brysbaert A. (2013), Set in Stone? Socio-economic reflections on human and animal resources in monumental architecture of Late Bronze Age Tiryns in the Argos Plain, Arctos: Acta Philologica Fennica 47: 49-96.
- Brysbaert A.N. (2013), The painted plaster from the Plakes House at Mycenae. A technological report. In: Iakovidis S. (red.), Ανασκαφές Μυκηνών. IV. Η Οικία στις Πλάκες. Athens: Archaeologiki Etaireia. 245-256.