André Leliveld
Universitair Hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. A.H.M. Leliveld
- Telefoon
- +31 715272 727
- 0000-0002-2327-4237

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Universitair Hoofddocent
- Afrika-Studiecentrum
- Wetenschappelijke staf
- Amha A., Bruijn M.E. de , Dekker M., Dijk R.A. van, Ditmars M.D., Kaag M.M.A., Leliveld A.H.M. & Nijenhuis C.T. (7 november 2024), African Studies is vibrant! : And we need future generations to pass on the baton. ASCL Africanist blog . Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). [blog].
- Leliveld A.H.M., Bhaduri S., Knorringa P. & Beers C. van (red.) (2023), Handbook on frugal innovation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Leliveld A.H.M., Bhaduri S. & Knorring P.: Beers C. van (2023), Capturing frugal innovation: introduction to the Handbook on frugal innovation. In: Leliveld A.H.M., Bhaduri S. & Knorring P.: Beers C. van (red.), Handbook on frugal innovation. Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing. 1-26.
- Beers C. van & Leliveld A.H.M. (2023), Frugal innovation: some theoretical observations from innovation-economic and social-entrepreneurial perspectives. In: Leliveld A.H.M., Bhaduri S. & Knorring P.: Beers C. van (red.), Handbook on frugal innovation. Cheltenham, Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing. 43-53.
- Leliveld A.H.M., Innovation during the crisis: how COVID-19 could boost frugal health technologies. Leiden; Delft; Rotterdam: Centre for Frugal Innovation in Africa (CFIA). [blog].
- Leliveld A.H.M. & Knorringa P. (red.) (2018), Frugal innovation. European Journal of Development Research. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Leliveld A.H.M. & Knorringa P. (2018), Introduction: frugal innovation and development research, 30(1): 1-16.
- Heilbron M., Leliveld A.H.M. & Knorringa P. (2017), Innovation as a key to success : case studies of innovative start-ups in Kenya and Nigeria. In: Akinyoade A., Dietz A.J. & Uche C.U. (red.), Entreneurship in Africa. African dynamics nr. 15. Leiden: Brill. 95-122.
- Leliveld A.H.M. (2017), Revisiting survival strategies from a frugal innovation perspective : a research idea. In: Beek W.E.A. van, Damen J.C.M. & Foeken D.W.J. (red.), The face of Africa : essays in honour of Ton Dietz. ASCL occasional publications nr. 28. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL). 91-100.
- Reinders S. & Leliveld A.H.M. (2017), Introducing "frugality' in higher education curricula : a case from the Addis Ababa Institute of Technology. Frugal Innovation for Sustainable Global Development 7 november 2017 - 8 november 2017.
- Knorringa P., Pesa I., Leliveld A.H.M. & Beers C. van (2016), Frugal innovation and development: aides or adversaries?, European Journal of Development Research 28(2): 143-153.
- Booth D., Dietz A.J., Golooba-Mutebi F., Fuady A.H., Henley D., Kelsall T., Leliveld A.H.M. & Donge J.K. van (2015), Developmental Regimes in Africa synthesis report. London: Developmental Regimes in Africa (DRA), Overseas Development Institute (ODI).
- Leliveld A.H.M. (2015), Social entrepreneurship in Uganda: exploring a different approach in development. ASC occasional publications nr. 23. Leiden [etc.]: African Studies Centre [etc.].
- Dietz A.J. & Leliveld A.H.M. (2014), Agricultural 'pockets of effectiveness': Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda since 2000. ASC Policy Briefs nr. 06. London: Developmental Regimes in Africa, Overseas Development Institute.
- Vlaminck Z., Dekker M., Leliveld A.H.M. & Oberst U. (2014), Rome wasn't built in a day: the accessibility of social protection for informal workers: a mapping of 5 West African countries. Utrecht: CNV Internationaal.
- Dietz A.J., Foeken D.W.J., Soeters S.R., Klaver W., Akinyoade A., Leliveld A.H.M., Smits H.J. & Wout M.L. van 't (2014), Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Kenya. ASC Research Report nr. 2013: 4. London; Leiden: Overseas Development Institute; African Studies Centre.
- Leliveld A.H.M., Dietz A.J., Foeken D.W.J., Klaver W., Akinyoade A., Smits H.J., Soeters S.R. & Wout M.L. van 't (2013), Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Uganda. ASC Research Report nr. 2013: 2. London; Leiden: Overseas Development Institute; African Studies Centre.
- Leliveld A.H.M., Dietz A.J., Klaver W., Kilama B.B., Foeken D.W.J., Akinyoade A., Smits H.J., Soeters S.R. & Wout M.L. van 't (2013), Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Tanzania. ASC Research Report nr. 2013: 3. London; Leiden: Overseas Development Institute; African Studies Centre.
- Akinyoade A., Dietz A.J., Foeken D.W.J., Klaver W., Leliveld A.H.M., Smits H.J., Soeters S.R. & Wout M.L. van 't (2013), Agricultural dynamics and food security trends in Nigeria. ASC Research Report nr. 2013: 1. London; Leiden: Overseas Development Institute; African Studies Centre.
- Vlaminck Z., Oberst U., Leliveld A.H.M., Kaag M.M.A., Baah-Boateng W., Maher S. & Vink N. de (2013), Africa's economic growth from a labour perspective: selected decent work indicators. ASC themakaart nr. 6. Leiden: African Studies Centre.
- Gewald J.B., Leliveld A.H.M. & Pesa I. (2012), Transforming innovations in Africa: explorative studies on appropriation in African societies. African dynamics nr. 11. Leiden: Brill.
- Hilderink H.B.M., Brons J., Ordonez J., Akinyoade A., Leliveld A.H.M., Lucas P. & Kok M.T.J. (2012), Food security in Sub-Saharan Africa: an explorative study. The Hague/Bilthoven: PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.
- Rutten M.M.E.M., Leliveld A.H.M. & Foeken D.W.J. (2008), Inside poverty and development in Africa: critical reflections on pro-poor policies. African dynamics nr. 7. Leiden: Brill.
- Leliveld A.H.M. (2006), Van projecthulp naar sectorsteun. Evaluatie van de sectorale benadering 1998-2005. Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
- Leliveld A.H.M. (1997), The effects of restrictive South African migrant labor policy on the survival of rural households in southern Africa: a case study from rural Swaziland, World Development 25(11): 1839-1849.
- Leliveld A.H.M. (1994), The impact of labour migration on the Swazi rural homestead as solidarity group, Focaal (22/23): 177-197.
- Leliveld A.H.M. (1994), Social security in developing countries: operation and dynamics of social security mechanisms in rural Swaziland. Tinbergen Institute Research Series nr. 85. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers.
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- Leliveld A.H.M. (1991), Social security in developing countries: some theoretical considerations. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie, Vakgroep Ontwikkelings- en Agrarische Economie.
- Tieleman H. & Leliveld A.H.M. (1989), Traditional "social security systems" and socio-economic processes of change: the case of Swaziland: opportunities for research. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie.