Aimee Boyle
Universitair docent / gast
- Naam
- Dr. A.L. Boyle
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0003-4176-6080

Universitair docent / gast
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Chemical Biology
- LIC/CB/Macromolecular Biochemistry
- Sun J., Boyle A.L., Brünle S. & Ubbink M. (2024), A low-barrier proton shared between two aspartates acts as a conformational switch that changes the substrate specificity of the β-lactamase BlaC, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 278: 134665.
- Samanta M., Saad N., Wu D., Crone N.S.A., Abramov-Harpaz K., Regev C., Cohen-Luria R., Boyle A.L., Miller Y., Kros A. & Ashkenasy G. (2024), A photo-switchable peptide fibril esterase, Angewandte Chemie (International Edition) 64(1): e202413810.
- Schwab S., Hu Y., Erp B. van, Cajili M.K., Hartmann M.D., Hernandez Alvarez B., Alva V., Boyle A.L. & Dame R.T. (2024), Histones and histone variant families in prokaryotes, Nature Communications 15: 7950.
- Zeng Y., Shen M., Singhal A., Sevink G.J.A., Crone N.S.A., Boyle A.L. & Kros A. (2023), Enhanced liposomal drug delivery via membrane fusion triggered by dimeric coiled‐coil peptides, Small 19(37): 2301133.
- Zeng Y., Shen M., Pattipeiluhu R., Zhou X., Zhang Y., Bakkum T., Sharp T., Boyle A.L. & Kros A. (2023), Efficient mRNA delivery using lipid nanoparticles modified with fusogenic coiled-coil peptides, Nanoscale 15(37): 15206-15218.
- Borg G. van der, Crone N.S.A., Boyle A.L., Kros A. & Roos W.H. (2023), SNARE mimic peptide triggered membrane fusion kinetics revealed using single particle techniques, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25(18): 13019-13026.
- Sun J., Chikunova A., Boyle A.L., Voskamp P., Timmer M. & Ubbink M. (2023), Enhanced activity against a third-generation cephalosporin by destabilization of the active site of a class A beta-lactamase, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 250: 126160.
- Crone N.S. A., Hilten N. van, Ham A. van der, Risselada. H.J., Kros A. & Boyle A.L. (2023), Azobenzene-based amino acids for the photocontrol of coiled-coil peptides, Bioconjugate Chemistry 34(2): 345-357.
- Zhang X., Liu T., Boyle A.L., Bahreman A., Bao L., Jing Q., Xue H., Kieltyka R.E., Kros A., Schneider G.F. & Fu W. (2022), Dielectric-modulated biosensing with ultrahigh-frequency-operated graphene field-effect transistors, Advanced Materials 34(7): 2106666.
- Egorova E.A., Arias Alpizar G., Vlieg R.C., Gooris G.S., Bouwstra J.A., Noort S.J.T. van, Kros A. & Boyle A.L. (2022), Coating gold nanorods with self-assembling peptide amphiphiles promotes stability and facilitates in vivo two-photon imaging, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 10: 1612-1622.
- Zhang X., Liu T., Boyle A.L., Bahreman A., Jing Q., Xue H., Kieltyka R.E., Kros A., Schneider G.F. & Fu W. (2022), Dielectric‐modulated biosensing with ultrahigh‐frequency‐operated graphene field‐effect transistors, Advanced Materials 34(7): 2106666.
- Baumgartner L.-M., Erbe A., Boyle A.L. & Rabe M. (2022), Controlling amphipathic peptide adsorption by smart switchable germanium interfaces, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24(8): 4809-4819.
- Egorova E., Lamers G.E.M., Abdolahpur Monikh F., Boyle A.L., Slütter B.A. & Kros A. (2022), Gold nanoparticles decorated with ovalbumin-derived epitopes: effect of shape and size on T-cell immune responses, RSC Advances 12(31): 19703-19716.
- Golysheva E.A., Boyle A.L., Biondi B., Ruzza P., Kros A., Raap J., Toniolo C. & Dzuba S.A. (2021), Probing the E/K peptide coiled-coil assembly by double electron-electron resonance and circular dichroism, Biochemistry 60(1): 19-30.
- Shen M.J., Olsthoorn R.C.L., Zeng Y., Bakkum T., Kros A. & Boyle A.L. (2021), Magnetic-activated cell sorting using coiled-coil peptides: an alternative strategy for isolating cells with high efficiency and specificity, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13(10): 11621-11630.
- Egorova E., Gooris G.S., Luther P., Bouwstra J.A., Kros A. & Boyle A.L. (2021), Self-assembly of thiolated versus non-thiolated peptide amphiphiles, Peptide Science 113(6): e24236.
- Daudey G.A., Shen M., Singhal A., Est P. van der, Sevink G.J., Boyle A.L. & Kros A. (2021), Liposome fusion with orthogonal coiled coil peptides as fusogens: the efficacy of roleplaying peptides, Chemical Science 12(41): 13782-13792.
- Ben Bdira F., Erkelens A.M., Qin L., Volkov A.N., Lippa A.M., Bowring N., Boyle A.L., Ubbink M., Dove S.L. & Dame R.T. (2021), Novel anti-repression mechanism of H-NS proteins by a phage protein, Nucleic Acids Research 49(18): 10770-10784.
- Benne N., Martins Cardoso R., Boyle A.L., Kros A., Jiskoot W., Kuiper J., Bouwstra J., Eck M. van & Slütter B.A. (2020), Complement Receptor Targeted Liposomes Encapsulating the Liver X Receptor Agonist GW3965 Accumulate in and Stabilize Atherosclerotic Plaques, Advanced Healthcare Materials 9(10): 2000043.
- Egorova E.A., Rijt M.M.J. van, Sommerdijk N., Gooris G.S., Bouwstra J.A., Boyle A.L. & Kros A. (2020), One Peptide for Them All: Gold Nanoparticles of Different Sizes Are Stabilized by a Common Peptide Amphiphile, ACS Nano 14(5): 5874-5886.
- Crone N.S.A., Kros A. & Boyle A.L. (2020), Modulation of Coiled-Coil Binding Strength and Fusogenicity through Peptide Stapling, Bioconjugate Chemistry 31(3): 834-843.
- Lopez Mora N.L., Boyle A.L., Kolck B.J. van, Rossen A., Pokorna S., Koukalova A., Sachl R., Hof M. & Kros A. (2020), Controlled Peptide-Mediated Vesicle Fusion Assessed by Simultaneous Dual-Colour Time-Lapsed Fluorescence Microscopy, Scientific Reports 10(1): 3087.
- Rijt M.M.J. van, Ciaffoni A., Ianiro A., Moradi M.A., Boyle A.L., Kros A., Friedrich H., Sommerdijk N.A.J.M. & Patterson J.P. (2019), Designing stable, hierarchical peptide fibers from block co-polypeptide sequences, Chemical Science 10(39): 9001-9008.
- Boyle A.L., Rabe M., Crone N.S.A., Rhys G.G., Soler N., Voskamp P., Pannu N.S. & Kros A. (2019), Selective coordination of three transition metal ions within a coiled-coil peptide scaffold, Chemical Science 10(31): 7456-7465.
- Sharp T.H., Boyle A.L., Diebolder C.A., Kros A., Koster A.J. & Gros P. (2019), Insights into IgM-mediated complement activation based on in situ structures of IgM-C1-C4b, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(24): 11900-11905.
- Crone N.S.A., Minnee D., Kros A. & Boyle A.L. (2018), Peptide-Mediated Liposome Fusion: The Effect of Anchor Positioning, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19(1): 211.
- Koukalová A., Pokorná Š., Boyle A.L., Lopez Mora N.F., Kros A., Hof M. & Šachl R. (2018), Distinct roles of SNARE-mimicking lipopeptides during initial steps of membrane fusion, Nanoscale 2018(10): 19064-19073.
- Daudey G.A., Zope H.R., Voskuhl J., Kros A. & Boyle A.L. (2017), Membrane-Fusogen Distance Is Critical for Efficient Coiled-Coil-Peptide-Mediated Liposome Fusion, Langmuir 33(43): 12443-12452.
- Tu T., Boyle A.L., Friedrich H., Bomans P.H.H., Bussmann J., Sommerdijk N.A.J.M., Jiskoot W. & Kros A. (2016), Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles with Large Pores for the Encapsulation and Release of Proteins, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 8(47): 32211–32219.
- Zheng T., Bulacu M.I., Daudey G.A., Versluis F., Voskuhl J., Martelli G., Raap J., Sevink G.J.A., Kros A. & Boyle A.L. (2016), A non-zipper-like tetrameric coiled coil promotes membrane fusion, RSC Advances 6(10): 7990-7998.
- Rabe M., Aisenbrey C., Pluhackova K., De Wert V., Boyle A.L., Bruggeman D.F., Kirsch S.A., Böckmann R.A., Kros A., Raap J. & Bechinger B. (2016), A Coiled-Coil Peptide Shaping Lipid Bilayers upon Fusion, Biophysical Journal 111(10): 2162-2175.
- Zheng T., Boyle A.L., Marsden H.R., Valdink D., Martelli G., Raap J. & Kros A. (2015), Probing coiled-coil assembly by paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy , Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 13: 1159-1168.
- Rabe M., Boyle A., Zope H.R., Versluis F. & Kros A. (2015), Determination of oligomeric states of peptide complexes using thermal unfolding curves, Biopolymers 104(2): 65-72.
- Anderson J.L.R., Armstrong C.T., Kodali G., Lichtenstein B.R., Watkins D.W., Mancini J.A., Boyle A.L., Farid T.A., Crump M.P., Moser C.C. & Dutton P.L. (2014), Constructing a man-made c-type cytochrome maquette in vivo: electron transfer, oxygen transport and conversion to a photoactive light harvesting maquette, Chemical Science 5(2): 507-514.
- Thomas Franziska, Boyle Aimee L., Burton Antony J. & Woolfson Derek N. (2013), A Set of de Novo Designed Parallel Heterodimeric Coiled Coils with Quantified Dissociation Constants in the Micromolar to Sub-nanomolar Regime, Journal of the American Chemical Society 135(13): 5161-5166.
- Singh S.K., Boyle A.L. & Main E.R.G. (2013), LcrH, a Class II Chaperone from the Type Three Secretion System, Has a Highly Flexible Native Structure, Journal of Biological Chemistry 288(6): 4048-4055.
- Fletcher Jordan M., Harniman Robert L., Barnes Frederick R.H., Boyle Aimee L., Collins Andrew, Mantell Judith, Sharp Thomas H., Antognozzi Massimo, Booth Paula J., Linden Noah, Miles Mervyn J., Sessions Richard B., Verkade Paul & Woolfson Derek N. (2013), Self-Assembling Cages from Coiled-Coil Peptide Modules, Science 340(6132): 595-599.
- Boyle A.L., Bromley E.H.C., Bartlett G.J., Sessions R.B., Sharp T.H., Williams C.L., Curmi P.M.G., Forde N.R., Linke H. & Woolfson D.N. (2012), Squaring the Circle in Peptide Assembly: From Fibers to Discrete Nanostructures by de Novo Design, Journal of the American Chemical Society 134(37): 15457-15467.
- Fletcher J.M., Boyle A.L., Bruning M., Bartlett G.J., Vincent T.L., Zaccai N.R., Armstrong C.T., Bromley E.H.C., Booth P.J., Brady R.L., Thomson A.R. & Woolfson D.N. (2012), A Basis Set of de Novo Coiled-Coil Peptide Oligomers for Rational Protein Design and Synthetic Biology, ACS Synthetic Biology 1(6): 240-250.
- Boyle A.L. & Woolfson D.N. (2011), De novo designed peptides for biological applications, Chemical Society Reviews 40(8): 4295-4306.
- Zaccai N.R., Chi B., Thomson A.R., Boyle A.L., Bartlett G.J., Bruning M., Linden N., Sessions R.B., Booth P.J., Brady R.L. & Woolfson D.N. (2011), A de novo peptide hexamer with a mutable channel, Nature Chemical Biology 7(12): 935-941.
- Yoshizumi A., Fletcher J.M., Yu Z., Persikov A.V., Bartlett G.J., Boyle A.L., Vincent T.L., Woolfson D.N. & Brodsky B. (2011), Designed Coiled Coils Promote Folding of a Recombinant Bacterial Collagen, Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(20): 17512-17520.
- Berezovskaya Y., Armstrong C.T., Boyle A.L., Porrini M., Woolfson D.N. & Barran P.E. (2011), Metal binding to a zinc-finger peptide: a comparison between solution and the gas phase, Chemical Communications 47(1): 412-414.
- Armstrong C.T., Boyle A.L., Bromley E.H.C., Mahmoud Z.N., Smith L., Thomson A.R. & Woolfson D.N. (2009), Rational design of peptide-based building blocks for nanoscience and synthetic biology, Faraday Discussions 143: 305-317.
- Fan R., Boyle A.L., Cheong V.V., Ng See Liang & Orner B.P. (2009), A Helix Swapping Study of Two Protein Cages, Biochemistry 48(24): 5623-5630.
- Pugh D., Boyle A.L. & Danopoulos A.A. (2008), 'Pincer' pyridine dicarbene complexes of nickel and their derivatives. Unusual ring opening of a coordinated imidazol-2-ylidene, Dalton Transactions 0(8): 1087-1094.