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Instructions for authors

Submitted manuscripts will be subject to blind peer review.

The front page (separate document) should include

  • A short running head (max 70 characters)
  • Title (max 20 words)
  • The author’s name(s), degree(s), and affiliation(s) (department and institution)
  • The complete mailing and e-mail address, and telephone number of the corresponding author.

Manuscripts are submitted in American or British English spelling (no mixture), and consist of

  • An abstract with a maximum of 200 words, briefly summarizing the main points presented in the manuscript—including hypotheses, study design, results, major conclusions and discussion.
  • Four to six keywords, describing your research and specific topics/domains, which need to be listed below the abstract.
  • An Introduction, including the main aims and hypotheses/expectations of the study, method, and results section, a discussion, [an Acknowledgement], and recent references.

Manuscripts must be prepared

Manuscripts must be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th Edition, with the exception of the lay-out. Lay-out prescriptions can be found in the article-template.

  • The suggested maximum length of manuscripts is 6000-7000 words, excluding Tables, Figures, and References.
  • Articles need to be submitted in word (with .doc or .docx extensions).
  • Manuscripts are typed in a Cambria lettertype on A4 format, including page numbers.
  • Margins: top & bottom: 3 cm and left & right 3 cm [ Abstract 4 cm].
  • No footnotes are allowed, and endnotes are to be kept to a minimum.

Manuscript template: Author(s) are obliged to use a word-template for their paper(s). This template exactly follows the rules of the article lay-out. Authors have to prepare their manuscript lay-out themselves.

Tables must be typed out on the same document and positioned in the text. Tables and figures should be numbered. Lay-out and placement instructions can be found in the template.

Figures All diagrams and pictures are termed "Figures" and should be numbered. Figures should be given short descriptive captions. Illustrations and photographs should be submitted as separate graphics files (in .jpg or .tiff format at 300 ppi or higher resolution. In the final version figures should be included!).

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