Conference announcement: 12 and 13 September 2025
Innovative Approaches in Inclusive Education: Enhancing Assessment, Intervention, and Support for Diverse Learners
We are happy to announce that the ENPAIR Conference 2025 is hosted and organized by colleagues of the University of Münster with support from colleagues of the Leibniz University of Hannover (Germany). It will take place on the 12th and 13th of September 2025 in Münster, Germany.
The aim for this conference is to connect researchers from different disciplines and fields and to discuss potential innovations and current research related to the conference theme. In addition, we welcome research on psychoeducational assessment in all areas related to cognitive and socio-emotional development as well as psychoeducational interventions for people of all ages, and all ability levels (children, students, adults) with special educational needs.
You will now be able to submit your abstract for the conference here until April 10th, 2025.
We welcome single paper presentations as well as posters related to the conference theme as well as to related topics of ENPAIR. Multiple submissions are possible. Please note that you will need to create an INDICO account before submitting your abstract.
More information (registration, networking, social activities, venue, hotels) will soon be published on the conference website.
The conference fee will be € 80 for (PhD) students and € 100 for participant who already hold a Ph.D. Please also find more information in the attached call for papers.
We hope to see you all in Münster and are looking forward to your participation.
Jürgen Wilbert & Jannis Bosch (University of Münster, Hosts)
Moritz Börnert-Ringleb (Leibniz University Hannover, Supporter)