Young Academy Leiden during corona
Young Academy Leiden holds up the interests of young academics and this is especially important during the corona crisis.
Young Academy Leiden has conducted a survey under the young research of Leiden University which led to a better overview of these possible consequenses. Besides the survey, the YAL also organised an Online Young Interfaculty Lunch on 7 May 2020. During this lunch, the effects of the coronacrisis were broadly discussed.
With the outcomes of the lunch discussions and the survey, Young Academy Leiden has published a policy statement on the effects, concerns and recommondations that Covid-19 has brought onto young researchers.
On 30 June 2020 there was once again an Online Young Interfaculty Lunch. Of course, once again the wide arrange of effects due to the coronacrisis. such as growing inequality in academia or online teaching, were discussed. However, there was also room for topics such as racism and diversity within academia.