Vera Scepanovic
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. V. Scepanovic
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2342
- 0000-0002-7869-5354

Vera Scepanovic is a Lecturer in International Relations and European Studies at Leiden University. She was previously a post-doctoral Max Weber Fellow at European University Institute in Florence and a visiting lecturer at the Central European University in Budapest.
My research focuses on the institutional implications of dependent development, and the role of the European Union as a development agent, both in its member states and in third countries.
I also have a long-standing interest in the politics of work, including transformation of work relations under the impact of globalization and the effect of digitalization on our understanding and regulation of work.
Vera has a PhD in Political Economy from the Central European University in Budapest.
She is a member of the editorial board of Transfer: European Review of Labour and Reseach.
Her teaching portfolio includes courses in EU economics, EU external economic relations, politics of regional integration, economic development, policy analysis, and research design.
Assistant professor
- Faculty of Humanities
- Institute for History
- History and International Studies
- Šćepanović V. & Shaev B. (2024), Conclusion. In: Shaev B. & Ramírez Pérez S. (Eds.), The Development of European Competition Policy: Social Democracy and Regulation: Routledge Explorations in Economic History. 299-324.
- Scepanovic V. & Laczo F. (2023), Eastern Europe in the history of European integration: from the periphery to the centre?. In: Leucht B., Seidel K. & Warlouzet L. (Eds.), Reinventing Europe: the history of the European Union, 1945 to the present: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Bohle D., Medve-Bálint G., Scepanovic V. & Toplišek A. (2022), Riding the Covid waves: authoritarian socio-economic responses of east central Europe’s anti-liberal governments, East European Politics 38(4): 662-686.
- Scepanovic V. (2022), Capitalist varieties under one roof: coping with diversity in the European Union. In: Anghel V. Jones E. (Ed.), Developments in European politics 3: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Medve-Bálint G. & Šćepanović V. (2020), EU funds, state capacity and the development of transnational industrial policies in Europe’s Eastern periphery, Review of International Political Economy 27(5): 1063-1082.
- Šćepanović V. (2020), Transnational integration in Europe and the reinvention of industrial policy in Spain, Review of International Political Economy 27(5): 1083-1103.
- Šćepanović V. & Martín Artiles A. (2020), Dual training in Europe: A policy fad or a policy turn?, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 26(1): 15-26.
- Scepanovic V. (2020), Skills on Wheels: Raising Industry Involvement in Vocational Training in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. In: Covarrubias A.V. & Ramírez Perez S.M. (Eds.), New Frontier of the Automobile Industry. Exploring Geographies, Technology, and Institutional Challenges: Palgrave McMillan. 401-428.
- Šćepanović V. & Medve-Bálint G. (2020), Subsidizing foreign investments through EU funds in the European peripheries: the case of the automotive sector in East-Central Europe. In: Musiałkowska I., Idczak P. & Potluka O. (Eds.), Successes & failures in EU cohesion policy: an introduction to EU cohesion policy in Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe: De Gruyter. 93-118.
- Scepanovic V. (2018), Review of: Hemerijck Anton, The Uses of Social Investment. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 24(3).
- Scepanovic V. & Bohle D. (2018), The institutional embeddedness of transnational corporations: dependent capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Nölke A. & May C. (Eds.), Handbook of the international political economy of the corporation: Edward Elgar Publishing. 152-166.
- Scepanovic V. (2018), National Interests and Foreign Direct Investment in East-Central Europe after 1989. In: Berger S. & Fetzer T. (Eds.), Nationalism and the Economy. Explorations into a Neglected Relationship. Budapest: CEU Press. 209-236.
- Scepanovic V. & Junes T. (30 July 2018), How Montenegro could start World War III. Open.Democracy: [blog entry].
- McDermott G. & Scepanovic V. (2017), The New Industrial Policy: Lessons from Turnarounds in Post-Communist Europe,: Background report for Inter-American Development Bank.
- Scepanovic V. (2017), Review of: Johnson J., Priests of Prosperity. How Central Bankers Transformed the Postcommunist World. Europe-Asia Studies 69(8): 1323-1325.
- Scepanovic V. (2016), EU regional development policy in the accession countries : opportunistic decentralization, fiscal risks, and the premature death of multi-level governance no. 2016/08. Florence: European University Institute.
- Scepanovic V. (2016), Review of: O’Riain Sean, The Rise and Fall of the Celtic Tiger. Liberalism, Boom and Bust. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 6: 1002-1004.
- Scepanovic V. (2016), Review of: Kleibrink Alexander, Political Elites and Decentralization Reforms in the Post-Socialist Balkans. Regional Studies 50(12): 2083-2084.
- Scepanovic V. (2015), Have Your Competitiveness and Eat It Too. The Pull and Limits of Cost Competition in Hungary and Slovakia. In: Bernaciak M. (Ed.), Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe: Routledge. 190-209.
- Scepanovic V. (2015), Montenegro: Industrial relations profile. Dublin: Foundation for Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in Europe (EUROFOUND).
- Scepanovic V. (2013) Making the Transition. Education and Labor Market Entry in Central and Eastern Europe. By I. Kogan, C. Noelke and M. Gebel (eds.). Review of: Kogan I., Noelke C. & Gebel M., Making the Transition. Education and Labor Market Entry in Central and Eastern Europe 49(3): 475-478.
- Bernaciak M., Duman A. & Scepanovic V. (2011), Employee Welfare and Restructuring in the Public Sector, European Journal of Industrial Relations 17(4): 365-380.
- Bernaciak M. & Scepanovic V. (2010), Challenges of Upgrading: The Dynamics of East Central Europe’s Integration into the European Automotive Production Networks, Industrielle Beziehungen/German Journal of Industrial Relations 17(2): .
- Bernaciak M. & Scepanovic V. (2010), Wechselnde Strategien – Integration von Ostmitteleuropa in den europäischen Automarkt, Luxembur: Gesellschaftsanalyse und linke Praxis 3: 40-46.
- Scepanovic V. (2010), Review of: Cabrera M. & Rey F. del, The Power of Entrepreneurs. Politics and Economy in Contemporary Spain. European Review of History 17(4): 682-684.