Universiteit Leiden

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Toon Kerkhoff

Associate professor

Dr. A.D.N. Kerkhoff
+31 70 800 9484

Toon Kerkhoff is Assistant Professor of Public Administration. His work is characterized by a continuous historical approach to core questions in public administration and politics; most notably on corruption, integrity, public value(s) and public sector and civil service reform.

More information about Toon Kerkhoff

Toon Kerkhoff is Assistant Professor of Public Administration. His research and teaching are characterized by a continuous historical approach to core questions in public administration and politics; most notably on corruption, integrity, public values and public sector and civil service reform.


Toon Kerkhoff (1978) took Master’s degrees both in History and in Philosophy of a Science from the University of Amsterdam (UvA). He specialized in social and political philosophy, philosophy of history and early modern European history. After a brief stint as an archivist for the Free University Amsterdam, Toon obtained a PhD position at Leiden. For his dissertation (defended January 2013) – winner of the annual Van Poelje prize – he conducted historical research into public morality and corruption in Dutch public administration between 1748 and 1813. 

Toon co-founded the Center for Public Values and Ethics (CPVE). This is an interdisciplinary, academic centre of expertise aiming to conduct and disseminate scientific research on normative issues in the public sector, in particular the fulfillment of public office and the planning, making and executing of public policy, both in the Netherlands and abroad. In the CPVE research is combined with teaching and is disseminated, also with use of a Virtual Research Environment and a series of Public Ethics Talks. 

Toon publishes in various national and international journals, such as the Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory, Public Integrity, Administrative Theory & Praxis and the Journal of Modern European History. He is co-editor (with dr. Pieter Wagenaar and prof. Mark Rutgers) and co-author of 'Duizend jaar openbaar bestuur in Nederland: van patrimoniaal bestuur naar waarborgstaat' (Bussum, 2011), a Dutch-language book on the history of Dutch public administration. He participates in international conferences and is a member of various international research groups, such as the IIAS Administrative History Working Group, the Public Value Consortium and the Dutch Network of Good Governance (Netwerk Goed Bestuur). Toon is also senior member of the Netherlands Institute of Government and member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal Public Integrity 

Apart from research and teaching activities, Toon has served for several years in the Institute's Board of Examiners, as co-coordinator of the Public Administration Bsc. program, Public Administration Pre-Master's, Minor and Erasmus programs. Currently he is chair of the Master Program Committee (OLC) 

Titles research projects

  • Integrity and corruption in the Netherlands (1945 – present) 
  • This history of corruption and public mortality in the Netherlands (1650 – 1950) 
  • Advice to central government: state committees in the Netherlands (1815 – 2015) 


Toon has been teaching at University level (Bachelor's and Master's) since 2006. Courses taught and/or developed by him for the Bsc. and Msc. programs of the Institute of Public Administration include: Administrative History; History and Philosophy of the Study of Public Administration; Philosophy of Science; Organization Theory; Public Management; Political Administrative Relations; Public Values and Ethics and Research Design. Toon also annually supervises several Master's thesis students and on occasion PhD students. 


Curriculum vitae (pdf).


Key publications

  • Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Overeem P. (2018), In Opspraak: Leren van Integriteitskwesties (Den Haag: CAOP). 
  • Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Wagenaar F.P. (2016), History, public ethics and the anti-corruption industry. In: Lawton A., Wal Z.. van der, Huberts L. (Eds.) Ethics in Public Policy and Management. A Global Research Companion. London & New York: Routledge. pp. 69-86 
  • Meer F.M. van der, Dijkstra G.S.A. & Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2016), The Dutch decentralized unitary state and its effects on civil service systems in the period of the Night Watch, Welfare and Enabling States 1814 – 2016, 1(1): 138-154. 
  • Kerkhoff A. D. N. & Martina J. (2015), Advies aan de regering: staatscommissies in Nederland tussen 1814 en 1970, Beleid en Maatschappij 42(2): 79-101. 
  • Kerkhoff, A.D.N. (2014), “Early Modern Developments in Dutch Public Administration: Patriot and Batavian Authors on Public Morality (1770s – 1813)”, in: Administrative Theory and Praxis 36 (1), 73-94. 
  • Kerkhoff, A.D.N. (2013), Hidden Morals, Explicit Scandals. Public Values and Political Corruption in the Netherlands (1748 – 1813). PhD Dissertation. Leiden 2013: Leiden University. 
  • Kerkhoff, A.D.N., Kroeze, D.B.R. & Wagenaar, F.P (2013), “Corruption and the rise of modern politics in Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: a comparison between France, The Netherlands, Germany and England”, in: Kroeze, D.B.R., Kerkhoff, A.D.N. & Corni, G. (Eds.), Corruption and the rise of modern politics in Europe. Journal of Modern European History 11 (1), 19-30 
  • Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2011), Organizational Reform and Changing Ethics in Public Administration: A Case Study on 18th Century Dutch Tax Collecting, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 21: 117-135. 
  • Wagenaar, F.P., Kerkhoff, A.D.N. & Rutgers, M.R. (red.), Duizend jaar openbaar bestuur in Nederland: Van patrimoniaal bestuur naar waarborgstaat [A thousand years of Public Administration in the Netherlands: from Patrimonial Administration to an Enabling State](Bussum 2011) 

Grants and Awards

  • Winner Van Poelje Prize 2013

Associate professor

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Instituut Bestuurskunde

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague
Room number 4.86


Secondment DPC

  • Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
  • Dual PhD Centre

Work address

Schouwburgstraat 2
2511 VA The Hague
Room number A3.07




  • Journal Public Integrity Member of Editorial Review Board
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