Toon Kerkhoff
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. A.D.N. Kerkhoff
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9484
- 0000-0003-4717-5425

Toon Kerkhoff is Associate Professor of Public Administration. His work is characterised by a historical approach to core questions in public administration and the themes of corruption, integrity, public value(s) and public sector and civil service reform. He currently serves as educational director of the institute of Public Administration.
More information about Toon Kerkhoff
Toon Kerkhoff
PhD candidates
Toon Kerkhoff is Associate Professor of Public Administration. His work is characterised by a historical approach to core questions in public administration and the themes of corruption, integrity, public value(s) and public sector and civil service reform. He currently serves as educational director of the institute of Public Administration.
Toon Kerkhoff (1978) took Master’s degrees both in History and in Philosophy of a Science from the University of Amsterdam (UvA). He specialised in social and political philosophy, philosophy of history and early modern European history. After a brief stint as an archivist for the Free University Amsterdam, he obtained his PhD at Leiden University in 2012. His thesis – winner of the annual Van Poelje prize – was about historical research into public morality and corruption in Dutch public administration between 1748 and 1813 as part of a wider project on the period 1650 – 1950.
Toon co-founded the Center for Public Values and Ethics (CPVE) in 2013. This is an interdisciplinary, academic centre of expertise aiming to conduct and disseminate research on normative issues in the public sector, in particular the fulfillment of public office and the planning, making and executing of public policy, both in the Netherlands and abroad. In the CPVE research is combined with teaching and is disseminated, also with use of a Virtual Research Environment and a series of Public Ethics Talks.
Toon publishes in various journals and is co-editor (with dr. Pieter Wagenaar and prof. Mark Rutgers) and co-author of 'Duizend jaar openbaar bestuur in Nederland: van patrimoniaal bestuur naar waarborgstaat' (Bussum, 2011), a Dutch-language book on the history of Dutch public administration. Most recently, he co-edited a Palgrave volume on the history of training and education of public servants. Toon actively participates in various conferences and research groups such as EGPA and co-convenes the NIG colloquium Administrative Ethics. He is a senior member of the Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG) and member of the Editorial Review Board of the journal Public Integrity and the editorial board of Bestuurskunde.
Apart from research and teaching activities, Toon has fulfilled various administrative roles within the institute. Currently he is educational director and member of the institute board.
Research projects in past and present include:
- Integrity and corruption in the Netherlands (1945 – present)
- The history of corruption and public morality in the Netherlands (1650 – 1950)
- Advice to central government: state committees in the Netherlands (1815 – 2015)
- The history of training and education of public servants (19th century – present)
- Public servant craftmanship in past and present
Courses taught and/or developed by him for the Bsc. and Msc. programmes of the Institute of Public Administration include Administrative History; History and Philosophy of the Study of Public Administration; Philosophy of Science; Organisation Theory; Public Management; Political Administrative Relations; Public Values and Ethics and Research Design. Toon also annually supervises several Master's thesis students and is co-promotor of PhD students. As staff member of the Leiden Dual PhD Center he is also involved in the guidance of external PhD candidates. He obtained his Basic Teaching Qualification in 2010 and his Senior Teaching Qualification in 2024.
Key publications
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Moschopoulos D. (Eds.) (2024), The Education and Training of Public Servants: Systems and Practices from the Nineteenth Century to the Present. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2024), Ambtelijk vakmanschap in de Nederlandse bestuurskunde. Een historisch perspectief. In: Dijkstra G.S.A. Raadschelders J.C.N. Berg C.F. van den (Ed.), Geschriften over overheid en ambtelijk apparaat, als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel…: Liber Amicorum Frits van der Meer. Publicatiereeks overheid & arbeid no. 58. Den Haag: Stichting CAOP. 89-107.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2023), Benoemingen, nevenfuncties en integriteit van bestuur in de Nederlandse Trias Politica: een literatuuroverzicht van theorie en empirie. Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden / Ministerie Algemene Zaken.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Overeem P. (2018), In Opspraak: Leren van Integriteitskwesties (Den Haag: CAOP).
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Wagenaar F.P. (2016), History, public ethics and the anti-corruption industry. In: Lawton A., Wal Z.. van der, Huberts L. (Eds.) Ethics in Public Policy and Management. A Global Research Companion. London & New York: Routledge. pp. 69-86
- Meer F.M. van der, Dijkstra G.S.A. & Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2016), The Dutch decentralized unitary state and its effects on civil service systems in the period of the Night Watch, Welfare and Enabling States 1814 – 2016, 1(1): 138-154.
- Kerkhoff A. D. N. & Martina J. (2015), Advies aan de regering: staatscommissies in Nederland tussen 1814 en 1970, Beleid en Maatschappij 42(2): 79-101.
- Kerkhoff, A.D.N. (2014), “Early Modern Developments in Dutch Public Administration: Patriot and Batavian Authors on Public Morality (1770s – 1813)”, in: Administrative Theory and Praxis 36 (1), 73-94.
- Kerkhoff, A.D.N. (2013), Hidden Morals, Explicit Scandals. Public Values and Political Corruption in the Netherlands (1748 – 1813). PhD Dissertation. Leiden 2013: Leiden University.
- Kerkhoff, A.D.N., Kroeze, D.B.R. & Wagenaar, F.P (2013), “Corruption and the rise of modern politics in Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: a comparison between France, The Netherlands, Germany and England”, in: Kroeze, D.B.R., Kerkhoff, A.D.N. & Corni, G. (Eds.), Corruption and the rise of modern politics in Europe. Journal of Modern European History 11 (1), 19-30
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2011), Organizational Reform and Changing Ethics in Public Administration: A Case Study on 18th Century Dutch Tax Collecting, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 21: 117-135.
- Wagenaar, F.P., Kerkhoff, A.D.N. & Rutgers, M.R. (red.), Duizend jaar openbaar bestuur in Nederland: Van patrimoniaal bestuur naar waarborgstaat [A thousand years of Public Administration in the Netherlands: from Patrimonial Administration to an Enabling State](Bussum 2011)
Grants and Awards
Winner Van Poelje Prize 2013
Associate professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
Secondment DPC
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Dual PhD Centre
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Moschopoulos D. (Eds.) (2024), The education and training of public servants: systems and practices from the Nineteenth Century to the present. Governance and Public Management. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Moschopoulos D. (2024), Introduction: histories of education and training for public service. In: Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Moschopoulos D. (Eds.), The education and training of public servants: systems and practices from the nineteenth century to the present. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-20.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Meer F.M. van der (2024), The Netherlands. In: Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Moschopoulos D. (Eds.), The education and training of public servants: systems and practices from the nineteenth century to the present. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 255-284.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Moschopoulos D. (2024), Conclusions and comparative perspectives. In: Kerkhoff T. & Moschopoulos D. (Eds.), The education and training of public servants: systems and practices from the Nineteenth Century to the present. Cham: Palgave Macmillan. 369-388.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2024), Ambtelijk vakmanschap in de Nederlandse bestuurskunde : een historisch perspectief. In: Dijkstra G.S.A., Raadschelders J.C.N. & Berg C.F. van den (Eds.), Geschriften over overheid en ambtelijk apparaat, als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel…: Liber Amicorum Frits van der Meer. Publicatiereeks overheid & arbeid no. 58. Den Haag: Stichting CAOP. 89-107.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N., Wal Z. van der, Brekelmans E. & Ginkel W. van (2024), Veeleisende omgeving, veelzijdige ambtenaar?: Inhoud, context en belang van ambtelijk vakmanschap in de ogen van rijksambtenaren. Publicatiereeks overheid & arbeid no. 59. Den Haag: Stichting CAOP.
- Van Ginkel-Kempenaar W. & Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2024), Individual Wrong or Systemic Failure? Moral Judgements About the Integrity of Politicians in the Wake of Dutch Integrity Scandals, Administrative Sciences 14(12): .
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2023), Grondwet, bestuurlijke organisatie van de Rijksoverheid en waarden van goed bestuur. In: Heringa A.W., Kroeze R. & Yesilkagit K. (Eds.), De Grondwet van 1848 tot nu: ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis, cruciale leerstukken en toekomstperspectief. Montesquieu-reeks no. 23. Den Haag: Boom Juridisch . 151-162.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2023), Benoemingen, nevenfuncties en integriteit van bestuur in de Nederlandse Trias Politica: een literatuuroverzicht van theorie en empirie. Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden / Ministerie Algemene Zaken.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Wal Z. van der (2023), Integriteit in overheidsorganisaties: quo vadis?. Den Haag: Venster voor Medewerkers, Ministerie Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Van der Wal Z. (2022), Integriteit bij het Rijk en ZBO’s. In: Vrielink S. & Janssen T. (Eds.), Onderzoeksnotities voor de Staat van de Uitvoering op basis van het Werkonderzoek 2022 . Den Haag: Ministerie BZK/Ministerie OCW/Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. 50-62.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Meer F.M. van der (2022), Serving the public interest of democratic pluralism: a brief history of Dutch government-media relations (1814-present). In: Colombo E. (Ed.), Le istituzioni e le idee: studi indisciplinati offerti a Fabio Rugge per il suo settantesimo compleanno = Institutions and ideas: interdisciplinary studies offered to Fabio Rugge for his seventieth birthday: Giuffrè.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2020), Political corruption, modernity and the public interest: The perceived (im)morality of Dutch politicians (1750–1850), Journal of Modern European History 18(3): 243-248.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N., Kroeze D.B.R., Wagenaar F.P. & Hoenderboom M.P. (2020), A History of Dutch Corruption and Public Morality (1648-1940). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Overeem P. (2020), The Fluidity of Integrity: Lessons from Dutch Scandals, Public Integrity 23(1): 82-94.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2020), I-woord moet niet te snel vallen. Over ambtelijke integriteit. In: Heringa A.W. & Schinkelshoek J. (Eds.), Een beetje integer bestaat niet. Integriteit binnen het openbaar bestuur. Den Haag: Boom juridisch. 63-78.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2019), Een onderbelicht fenomeen. Over Staatscommissies. In: Heringa A.W. & Schinkelshoek J. (Eds.), Groot onderhoud of kruimelwerk. Ongevraagd commentaar op de aabevelingen van de Staatscommissie Parelementair Stelsel. Montesquieu-reeks no. 13. Den Haag: Boom Juridisch. 21-35.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2019), Leren van integriteitskwesties? Lessen voor het heden uit een studie naar het verleden. In: Schut M., Koonen M., Brouwer-Fikkert J., Moelker R. & Molendijk T. (Eds.), Jaarbundel Integriteit 2019. Boots on the Ground Meet Science. Utrecht: Centrale Organisatie Integriteit Defensie (COID). 6-17.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2019) Corruptie en anti-corruptie in historische context. Review of: Kroeze Ronald, Vitória André & Geltner Guy (2018), Anticorruption in history. From antiquity to the modern era. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 131(4): 701-703.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2019) Histories of anticorruption and the myth of modernity. Review of: Kroeze D.B.R., Vitória A. & Geltner G. (2018), Anticorruption in history. From antiquity to the modern era. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Public Integrity 21(4): 453-456.
- Meer F.M. van der & Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2018), The Media and Government in the Netherlands 1814 -2018. . Speyer: IIAS. 1-23.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Overeem P. (2018), In Opspraak: Leren van Integriteitskwesties. Den Haag: CAOP.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2018), Tax officials stand accused: Reform in taxation and public morality in the Dutch Republic (1748 - 1756). In: Félix J. & Dubet A. (Eds.), The war within: Private Interests and the Fiscal State in Early-Modern Europe. Basnigstoke: Palgrave-MacMillan. 145-169.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Timmermans A. (2018), De draaideur: van impasse naar uitweg [The revolving door: from deadlock to solutions], Res Publica 60(3): 235-260.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (14 November 2018), The current failure of anti-corruption. From moral-philosophical fiction to real political scenario’s: why a particularistic focus on integrity should replace universal views on (anti) corruption. Integrity Blog. Brighton, University of Sussex, United Kingdom: Sussex Centre for the Study of Corruption. [blog entry].
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Wagenaar F.P. (2016), History, public ethics and the anti-corruption industry. In: Lawton A., Wal Z. van der & Huberts L. (Eds.), Ethics in Public Policy and Management. A Global Research Companion. London & New York: Routledge. pp. 69-86.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2016), Public Value Dynamics. In: Farazmand A. (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance: Springer International Publishing. 1-9.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2016), Zonden in de politiek en politieke zonden: integriteit in de Nederlandse parlementaire geschiedenis sinds het midden van de negentiende eeuw. In: Bos A., Brouwer J.W., Goslinga H., Oddens J., Ramakers J. & Reiding H. (Eds.), Jaarboek Parlementaire geschiedenis 2016. Amsterdam: Boom. 9-19.
- Meer F.M. van der, Dijkstra G.S.A. & Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2016), The Dutch decentralized unitary state and its effects on civil service systems in the period of the Night Watch, Welfare and Enabling States 1814 – 2016, Administory: Zeitschrift Fur Verwaltungsgeschichte 1(1): 138-154.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2016), Lokaal ambtelijk vakmanschap in een veranderende omgeving. Discussion paper for the Centrum Arbeidsverhoudingen Overheidspersoneel (CAOP). [working paper].
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (26 February 2016), Over zorgbestuurders en bonnetjes: integritisme of de miskenning van publieke waarden?. Den Haag: Montesquieu Instituut. [blog entry].
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Overeem P. (2016), Corruption & Integrity in the Netherlands (1945 - present). The Hague: Center for Public Values and Ethics (Institute of Public Administration). [database].
- Meer F.M. van der & Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2016), Raising en training Civil Servants for the public service.The Dutch system and practice of educating and training civil servants (1814-2016) Paper presented at IIAS working group conference on Administrative History Brussels 23 April 2016. . Brussels.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2016), Princely Patronage and Patriot Cause: Corruption and Public Value Dynamics in the Dutch Republic (1770s–1780s), Public Integrity 18(1): 25-41.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Martina J. (2015), Advies aan de regering: staatscommissies in Nederland tussen 1814 en 1970, Beleid en Maatschappij 42(2): 79-101.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2015), Corruption, state formation and institutional reform in the early modern Netherlands. . University of Reading, United Kingdom.
- Meer F.M. van der, Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Osch D. van (2015), Raising Civil Servants: The Dutch system and practice of educating and training civil servants (1814-2015). . Vienna, Austria: IIAS Administrative History study group meeting.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Wagenaar F.P. (2015), History, Good Governance and the 'Anti-Corruption Industry'. . University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom: Graduate Conference on Corruption and Anti-Corruption.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2015), Core Values of the Good Civil Servant. IIAS International Congress 22 June 2015 - 26 June 2015. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: IIAS International Congress.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2015), Staatscommissies in Nederland 1814 – 2014. The Hague: Center for Public Values and Ethics (Institute of Public Administration). [database].
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (11 November 2015), Van de reparatie van een schaakspel tot (te) dure flessen wijn: Corruptie in historisch perspectief en de noodzaak van publiek debat. Den Haag: (Huygens/ING en Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap). [blog entry].
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2014), Early Modern Developments in Dutch Public Administration. Patriot and Batavian Authors on Public Morality (1770s–1813), Administrative Theory and Praxis 36(1): 73-94.
- Meer F.M. van der, Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Osch D.A.G.T. van (2014), Educating and training civil servants in the Netherlands 1814-2014. . Corfu, Greece: IIAS Administrative History study group.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (16 January 2013), Hidden morals, explicit scandals : public values and political corruption in the Netherlands (1748-1813) (Dissertatie, Faculty Campus The Hague, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Rutgers M.R.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2013), Nederlandse corruptie in heden en verleden, Civis Mundi: tijdschrift voor politieke filosofie en cultuur (26): .
- Kerkhoff A.D.N., Kroeze D.B.R. & Wagenaar F.P. (2013), Corruption and the Rise of Modern Politics in Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: A Comparison between France, the Netherlands, Germany and England. Conclusion, Journal of Modern European History 11(1): 130-133.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2013), Changing Perceptions of Corruption in the Netherlands: From Early Modern Pluralism to Modern Coherence, Journal of Modern European History 11(1): 88-108.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N., Kroeze D.B.R. & Wagenaar F.P. (2013), Corruption and the Rise of Modern Politics in Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: A Comparison between France, the Netherlands, Germany and England. Introduction, Journal of Modern European History 11(1): 19-30.
- Hoenderboom M.P., Kerkhoff A.D.N., Kroeze D.B.R. & Wagenaar F.P. (2012), Integriteit in historisch perspectief. In: Heuvel J.H.J. van den, Huberts L.W.J.C. & Muller E.R. (Eds.), Integriteit: Integriteit en integriteitsbeleid in Nederland. Deventer: Kluwer. 69-84.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2012), Dutch public value dynamics in historical perspective: testing current theoretical explorations. . Chicago, Il. USA: Public Values Consortium Biennial Workshop: Beyond Conceptualization: Integrating Public Values to Inform Policy & Management.
- Wagenaar F.P., Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Rutgers M.R. (2011), Duizend jaar openbaar bestuur in Nederland. Van patrimoniaal bestuur naar waarborgstaat. Bussum: Coutinho.
- Meer F.M. van der, Raadschelders J.C.N. & Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2011), Van nachtwakerstaat naar waarborgstaat. Proliferatie en vervlechting van het Nederlandse openbaarbestuur in de lange twintigste eeuw (1880-2005). In: , Duizend jaar openbaar bestuur in Nederland: Van patrimoniaal bestuur naar waarborgstaat. Bussum: Coutinho. 221-291.
- Wagenaar F.P., Rutgers M.R. & Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2011), Een bestuursgeschiedenis van Nederland. In: Wagenaar F.P., Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Rutgers M.R. (Eds.), Duizend jaar openbaar bestuur in Nederland. Van patrimoniaal bestuur naar waarborgstaat. Bussum: Coutinho. 11-28.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Kroeze D.B.R. (2011), Corruption and Modern Politics in 18th and 19th century Europe. 5th Annual Conference of the Journal of Modern European History. Freiburg, Germany: 5th Annual Conference of the Journal of Modern European History.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2011), Organizational Reform and Changing Ethics in Public Administration: A Case Study on 18th Century Dutch Tax Collecting, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 21: 117-135.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N., Hoenderboom M.P., Kroeze D.B.R. & Wagenaar F.P. (2010), Dutch political corruption in historical perspective: From 18th century value pluralism to a 19th century dominant liberal value system and beyond. In: Grüne N. & Slanicka S. (Eds.), Korruption. Historische Annäherungen an eine Grundfigur politischer Kommunikation. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 443-467.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2010), Reform, Ideology, and Morality in Early Modern Dutch Public Administration: Doelisten and Patriots (1750 – 1795). . Bern, Switzerland: International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM).
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2010), Over de invloed van idealisme en Realpolitik op morele hervormingen in het bestuur van de Republiek: Doelisten en Patriotten tussen 1750 en 1800. Voorjaarscongres van het Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap 2010 11 June 2010 - 11 June 2010.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2009), Gin, Cloth, Salted Meat and Abuse of Office: Ethics in the Dutch Batavian Republic in 1798. EGPA Conference. St. Julians, Malta: EGPA Conference.
- Steen T.P.S., Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Meer F.M. van der (2009), New Public Management voorbij? Negen landenstudies naar hervormingen binnen de centrale overheid. Leiden: Center for Public Sector Reform.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2009) Bozeman, B. (2007) Public values and public interest: Counterbalancing economic individualism. Washington: Georgetown University Press. Review of: Bozeman Barry (2007), Public values and public interest: Counterbalancing economic individualism. Washington DC: Georgetown University Press. Acta Politica 44: 472-475.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2009), Bestuurlijke Vernieuwing van de Rijksoverheid in Vergelijkend Internationaal Perspectief: New Public Management Voorbij?, Bestuurskundige Berichten 24(1): 8-11.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. & Wagenaar F.P. (2008), Conceptualizing political corruption. . Bielefeld, Germany: Politische Korruption in historischer Perspektive. Zentrum für interdisciplinäre Forschung (ZiF), Universität Bielefeld.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2008), How institutional changes reflect changing values of public administration: The (re)organization of 18th century Dutch tax collecting. 24th EGOS colloquium 'upsetting organizations', sub-theme 28: Ethical behaviour and Integrity in organizations. Amsterdam: 24th EGOS colloquium 'upsetting organizations', sub-theme 28: Ethical behavior and Integrity in organizations.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2008), Bureaucratization, institutional reform and changing ethics of public office: A case study on 18th century Dutch tax collecting. Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG) Annual Work Conference 2008. Enschede, The Netherlands: Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG) Annual Work Conference.
- Hoenderboom M.P. & Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2008), Corruption and Capability in the Dutch Republic: the Case of Lodewijk Huygens (1676), Public Voices X(2): 7-24.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2007), Wetenschap, zedenleer en de overtuiging van God’s bestaan: de fysiko- theologie in de Nederlandse spectatoriale tijdschriften van de achttiende eeuw. In: Meijman F.J., Snelders S. & Wit O. de (Eds.), Leonardo voor het publiek. Een geschiedenis van wetenschaps- en techniek communicatie. Amsterdam: VU University Press. 64-75.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2007), Values underlying capability: The case of Lodewijk Huygens (1676). . Rotterdam: Erasmus Center for Early Modern Studies.
- Kerkhoff A.D.N. (2007), Values of public administration in historical context: police corruption in Amsterdam (1817). Paper presented to Professor Jonathan Israel in a Huizinga Institute Masterclass. Den Haag, The Netherlands: Huizinga Institute Masterclass with prof. Jonathan Israel.
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- Member of Editorial Review Board