Tanja Masson-Zwaan
Assistant professor
- Name
- Dr. T.L. Masson-Zwaan
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- t.l.masson@law.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-9504-3414

Dr. Tanja Masson-Zwaan is Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of the International Institute of Air and Space Law at Leiden University.
More information about Tanja Masson-Zwaan
Tanja Masson-Zwaan is President Emerita of the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) and a Vice President of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). She co-authored ‘Introduction to Space Law’ (5th ed., Kluwer 2025) and chairs the Board of Editors of Kluwer’s journal Air and Space Law. Her PhD dissertation ‘Widening the Horizons of Outer Space Law’ was published in the Meijers Series of Leiden Law School.
Tanja advises the Dutch Government and other institutions on space law issues and was co-founder of the Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group. The Dutch Government appointed her as an arbitrator for space-related disputes at the Permanent Court of Arbitration.
Tanja teaches at universities worldwide and was appointed Adjunct Professor at Wuhan University (China) and as Global Faculty at International Space University (ISU). She serves on various organisations’ (Advisory) Boards, including Open Lunar Foundation, the Interplanetary Initiative of Arizona State University, and the Space Sustainability Rating.
She is an elected full member of professional associations such as IISL, the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the International Law Association (ILA). She was a Member of the Founding Boards of the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) and of Women in Aerospace-Europe, and is an Honorary Board Member of Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC).
Tanja received several awards and is a Member of Honour of the Netherlands Space Society (NVR). In 2020 she received a Royal decoration as ‘Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau’ for her work in space law.
Assistant professor
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Lucht- en Ruimterecht
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (10 January 2024), Digging space: galactic gold rush begins with fewer rules than the wild west. Interviewed by Silva E. & Kuykendall T. for S&P Global. [interview].
- Masson T.L. (16 April 2024), Mysterieus object dat huis in Florida doorboorde blijkt massief batterijpakket van ruimtestation ISS. Interviewed by Mudde T. for De Volkskrant. [interview].
- Masson T.L. (2024), Oorlog in de ruimte. Interviewed by Ellerbroek L. for Quest: 11. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 February 2024), The UN space treaties: key elements and challenges. Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation, Malaysia. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (11 March 2024), Legal aspects of space resource utlisation. Management and Sustainability of Outer Space Activities, UN office for Outer Space Affairs & Portuguese Space Agency, Lisbon. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (25 March 2024), The Dutch regulatory framework for space activities and the need to keep abreast of new developments. European Space Policy Institute, Chambre des Députés, Luxembourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (12 April 2024), Environmental aspects of space activities. Lomza University, Poland, Lomza. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L.. Panel 2. The role of governance, including information-sharing, in supporting space resource activities, International Conference on Space Resources, UN Office for Outer Space Affairs. Vienna. [conference attendance].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 April 2024), International space law aspects of space solar power. Royal Aeronautical Society, London. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (23 May 2024), An update on the governance of space resource activities. VIIth Space Resources Conference, Krakow. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Stefoudi D. (27 May 2024), Space law in a nutshell: lecture for the delegation of the innovation mission on space technologies from India to the Netherlands. Netherlands Space Office, Noordwijk. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (28 May 2024), Space law and the governance of space resource activities. Society of Aerospace Engineering Students ‘Leonardo da Vinci’, TU Delft, Delft. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L.. London International Disputes Week 2024 International Arbitration Day – Panel Session on Space. London. [conference attendance].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (18 June 2024), An update on the governance of space resource activities. LUISS University, Rome. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Johnson C.D. (2023), Guest editor: Special Issue on Space Sustainability, Safety, and Security. Air & Space Law 48(special issue).
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (10 August 2023), Miljarden voor het oprapen in de ruimte: 'mijnbouw, alleen in een andere omgeving'. (BNR). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (29 July 2023), Kosmische goudkoorts. for NOS Journaal (NPO1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (27 July 2023), Pas op voor aardse exoten: hoe voorkomen we dat we Mars besmetten met onze bacteriën?. Interviewed by Schreven S. for Nemo Kennislink. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (12 June 2023), Panel II: Patterns of cooperation and negot[i]ation [moderator]. The Hague Space Diplomacy Symposium, The Hague. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (16 May 2023), ‘De maan moet niet op het Wilde Westen gaan lijken’. Interviewed by Grient F. van der for New Scientist. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (31 March 2023), Interview met Tanja Masson-Zwaan. Interviewed by Stassen I. & Kleijne B. for Juncto. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Langbroek M. & Kuipers A. (11 February 2023), Waarom het belangrijk is dat afval in de ruimte opgeruimd wordt: 'het is een zootje aan het worden'. for EenVandaag (1V) (NPO1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (9 February 2023), Spits in space: ruimtegebrek vraagt om nieuwe regels. Interviewed by Reid M. for Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare: 12-13. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (9 January 2023), Er moeten afspraken komen om de ruimte beter te beschermen. Interviewed by Plag G. for Spraakmakers (NPO Radio 1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. 30 June 2023 - 5 July 2023. Core lectures (topics: ‘Legal Underpinnings of Space Activities’; ‘Space Law and the New Space Economy’; ‘National Implementation of Space Law’). International Space University’s Space Studies Programme. Sao José dos Campos, Brazil. [other research activity].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (24 May 2023), Are we doing well? : Space science and technology for climate action [moderator]. 2023 Global Space Conference on Climate Change (GLOC 2023), Oslo. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (25 April 2023), The 2019 COPUOS LTS guidelines, challenges and next steps. The International Symposium on the Rule of Law in Outer Space, Heifei, China. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (3 February 2023), The optimisation of the use of satellite information in the humanitarian domain: legal and space-related developments [moderator]. International Institute of Air and Space Law & Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum for International Humanitarian Law, Leiden. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (25 May 2022), The Legacy of the Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group [online]. University of Santos, Brazil. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (22 March 2022), The Dutch Legal Framework for Space Launching Activities [online]. Luxembourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (21 March 2022), New Space: Legal Challenges and Opportunities. The Hague. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (10 March 2022), De Ruimterechter: Wie maakt de regels in de ruimte?. Interviewed by Braack A. ter for Quest: 84-87. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (13 March 2022), Oorlog ook voelbaar in de ruimte: 'Toekomst ISS is onzeker'. Interviewed by Landman I.. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (4 March 2022), Tanja Masson-Zwaan over de gevolgen van de oorlog voor de ruimtevaart. Interviewed by Zwart C.J. de for KRO-NCRV Spraakmakers (NPO Radio 2). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (1 March 2022), Leave no Trace: Legal and policy aspects of the environmental context of space exploration. TU Delft. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (13 February 2022), Goudkoorts op de maan: er begint een nieuwe race om grondstoffen. Interviewed by Muns M. for Trouw, Wetenschap. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2 February 2022), Schoon is het er niet, maar een klimaatakkoord voor de ruimte komt er niet. Interviewed by . [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (15 December 2022), Rommel in de ruimte. Interviewed by Smit S. for Atlas podcast S05 #4 (NPO Radio 1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (13 September 2022), How should we regulate the firms planning to mine and sell moon rocks?. Interviewed by Mann A. for New Scientist, Space. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (12 December 2022), Drukte rond de maan: kan iedereen er zomaar heen?. Interviewed by . [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (12 December 2022), Drukte rond de maan. for Editie NL (RTL). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (1 December 2022), Vervolgcursus ruimterecht: 2-daagse cursus voor staf van Agentschap Telecom, Ministerie van EZK en het Netherlands space office. Groningen. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (30 November 2022), Results of the analysis of how the LTS guidelines relate to the Dutch Space Act. Leiden. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Stefoudi D. (29 November 2022), Space traffic management (workshop). TU Delft. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (28 November 2022), Harmful interference in international space law. Space Arbitration Association. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (22 November 2022), Panel discussion on long-term sustainability of outer space activities. Haikou / ONLINE. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (21 November 2022), The long-term sustainability of space activities as a prerequisite for the peaceful exploration and use of outer space. Beijing/Online. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (17 November 2022), Fireside chat. Leiden University. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (16 November 2022), Small satellites & large constellations: (inter-)national space law and challenges. University of Luxembourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (11 November 2022), Towards interoperable norms to protect Earth’s orbital environment (moderator). [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (31 October 2022), International space law: an introduction. Jakarta. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (22 October 2022), The rush for resources: international legal implications of space mining (panelist). New York. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 October 2022), The giant and the dwarf in space, or how the Dutch and US space law frameworks compare. George Washington University. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (18 October 2022), Legal aspects of small satellites and large constellations. Istanbul. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (20 September 2022), Environmental impacts of robotic and human lunar exploration: assessment and ways towards mitigation (panelist). Paris. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (28 July 2022), Space law and the protection of the environment. University of Genoa. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (20 July 2022), The lunar vision of the space generation: ensuring long-term sustainability of the moon through policy (panelist). Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC). [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (11 July 2022), Core lecture "International space law". Oeiras. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (20 June 2022), Running out of space: European security in space (panelist). Friends of Europe, Brussels. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (12 July 2022), Core lecture "Space law and the new space economy". Oeiras. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (12 January 2021), Sustainability in space. Meijers-lezing. Universiteit Leiden. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (7 February 2021), Buitenaardse geschillen kunnen straks ook in Dubai beslecht worden. Interviewed by C. Kraaijvanger. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 February 2021), An LL.M. in Space Law? A Brave New World for the Intrepid Legal Scholar. Interviewed by P. Fronista. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (26 April 2021), ‘Nederland laat kansen liggen en moet meer investeren in ruimtevaart’. Interviewed by J. Brumsen for HP/De Tijd, Wetenschap. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (21 January 2021), Origins and principles of space law. International Space University, Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (26 January 2021), Space law and The new space economy. International Space University, Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (18 February 2021), Pathways for Developing 'Rules' for Space Logistics. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (24 February 2021), Space as a global commons: What does international space law say?. Commons in Space Conference, International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC). [lecture].
- Sundahl M. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (7 March 2021), Broadcast 3655. Interviewed by Dr David Livingston. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 March 2021), Institutional Arrangements for International Space Collaboration – focus on UNCOPUOS. The Inaugural GALIX Congress, Global Alliance for International Collaboration in Space, session on 'Innovative Legal, Financial, and Institutional Arrangements for International Space Collaboration’. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 April 2021), Introduction to Space Law. International Space University, Executive Space Course. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (22 April 2021), Legal Aspects of NewSpace. International Space University, Executive Space Course. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (16 November 2021), Small Satellites & Large Constellations: (Inter-)National Space Law and Challenges. University of Luxembourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (12 November 2021), Net Zero Space: Protecting the Earth’s orbital environment for all [moderator]. Paris. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (8 November 2021), De nieuwe ruimtevaart: Juridische uitdagingen en kansen. Instituut Clingendael. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (29 October 2021), Status of national space law & space law cooperation in Europe. 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (29 October 2021), Session A6.8/E9.1: Political, Legal, Institutional and Economic Aspects of Space Debris Mitigation and Removal - STM Security [Co-chair]. Dubai. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (28 October 2021), Next Generation Impact on Social Responsibility in Space [moderator]. Dubai. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (14 October 2021), Space law aspects of the Breaking Ground Trust. Open Lunar Foundation. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (8 October 2021), Utilising Space Resources for Collective Prosperity [Panelist]. Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) Summit. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (7 October 2021), Space law for startups. Noordwijk. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 November 2021), Het ruimtepuin rondom de aarde neemt toe: Wat moeten we daartegen doen?. Interviewed by Wayenburg B. van for NRC Handelsblad. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (3 June 2021), ‘Rules in space are to everyone’s advantage’. Interviewed by . [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2 September 2021), Legal Aspects of Space Resources Utilization. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (7 July 2021), Space Resource Law. Aerospace Corporation. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2 July 2021), Impact of Satellite Constellations on Astronomical Activities: A Legal Perspective. European Astronomical Society, Annual Meeting. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (29 June 2021), Legal Underpinnings of Space Activities [Core lecture]. International Space University. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (30 June 2021), Space Law and New Space Enterprise [Core lecture]. International Space University. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (26 June 2021), International efforts to foster global cooperation in space. 3rd World Congress, Space Renaissance International. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (4 May 2021), Collision risk from space debris in LEO: Governance options. EPFL International Risk Governance Center, Lausanne. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (25 April 2021), Challenges and Opportunities of Newspace. China Space Conference 2021. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (7 January 2020), A Leiden Law School / IIASL perspective on ISU SSP. Delft. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Soucek A. (20 February 2020), A legal journey into outer space. Noordwijk. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2020), [Interview]. Interviewed by Visser S. for Oprecht / Studievereniging Sirius, Utrecht Law College, Tussen Hemel en Aarde: 14-17. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (10 March 2020), Sustainable Development of Space: Space Mining [International Research Roundtable, 10-12 March 2020]. Vancouver. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Camacho S. (29 May 2020), SGAC Coffee hour #3. Vienna. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (10 June 2020), Les constellations de satellites et le droit de l’espace [online]. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (22 April 2020), Gebruik van grondstoffen in de ruimte – juridische aspecten. for Science 071 (Sleutelstad). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (29 June 2020), Meanwhile in Space. Interviewed by Morelle Rebecca for Meanwhile... (BBC Radio 4). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (8 August 2020), Zo wordt bepaald van wie de ruimte is. Interviewed by Bouman M. for Mathijs’ Ruimtereis 4/4 (Nieuwsuur Documentaire). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2020), ‘Het ruimterecht verandert enorm’. Interviewed by Middelweerd H. for Kijk. [interview].
- Koenen S., Kuipers A., Stam D. & Masson-Zwaan T.L. (26 June 2020), Virtual roundtable. Esa/Nso ‘Asteroid Day’ - Netherlands. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (30 June 2020), Legal Aspects of Space Resources Utilization. online. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (3 August 2020), Legal Underpinnings of Space Activities (Virtual Seminar); Virtual Interactive Workshops (organizer, moderator): (1) The contribution of satellite imagery and geospatial data to managing pandemics: policy and legal aspects; (2) The role of the UN in disaster management and emergency response; (3) The impacts of COVID-19 on the space industry; (4) Happy Hour: “What do you want to know about law?" [3/13 August 2020]. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (10 September 2020), Beyond Earth Orbit: Cislunar and Lunar Sustainability (virtual Panel). 2020 Summit for Space Sustainability. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Stefoudi D. (23 September 2020), Space Law Fireside Chat. online. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (15 October 2020), Small Satellites and Large Constellations: Legal Issues. University of Luxembourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Lefeber R., Reibaldi G. & Stefoudi D. (12 October 2020), The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group: Conclusion and Way Forward. International Astronautical Congress, Cyberspace Edition. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (10 November 2020), Starship humanity and the law governing space settlements. Brave New World. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (1 December 2020), Introduction to Space Law. International Space University, Executive Space Course for EUMETSAT. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (3 December 2020), Legal Aspects of NewSpace. International Space University, Master of Space Studies. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (20 December 2020), International Space Law and the Environment. UN Conference on Space Law and Policy: Emerging Issues in Space Law and Policy - Perspectives for African Nations. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (11 March 2019), Mining the Moon for Profit: International Space Law. symposium "Mining the Moon for Profit: a case study in space resource utilization", SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milano. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (20 March 2019), UAE Approach to Space Policy & Regulatory Framework, Enabling the Space Industry & Innovation [workshop participant]. Global Space Congress (19-21 March 2019), Abu Dhabi. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (11 April 2019), 1) General Space Law; 2) Legal Implications of NewSpace. ISU Executive Space Course, Strasbourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (26 April 2019), Session 6: Legal and Policy [panel member]. Global Conference on Space for Emerging Countries (GLEC), 24-26 April 2019, Marrakech. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2019), Wetboek van ruimterecht. Interviewed by Posthumus E. for Quest: 64-69. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (24 July 2019), To the moon and beyond 4: What’s the point of going back to the moon?. Interviewed by Frankel M. & Archer M. for Podcast "To the moon and beyond" (The Conversation). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2019), The New Scramble for the Moon. Interviewed by Mann A. for Scientific American: 66-71. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (31 March 2019), Ruimtepuinruimers. for VPRO Tegenlicht (NPO2). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (11 May 2019), VS en Luxemburg gaan samenwerken in de ruimte. for NOS Radio 1 Journaal (NPO Radio 1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (6 May 2019), Mr. van de week: Tanja Masson-Zwaan over ruimterecht. Interviewed by for Mr. Hét magazine voor juristen. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (8 May 2019), Those were the days: ‘Examens in ijskoude Groenoordhallen met moonboots aan’. Interviewed by for Mr. Hét magazine voor juristen. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (30 April 2019), Chipsats: Legal issues. ISU Master of Space Studies, Strasbourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 August 2019), Legal aspects of space resources utilization [via Skype]. University of Cape Town. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (25 June 2019), Legal underpinnings of space activities, 25 June 2019 [Core lecture]; Space law and the new space economy, 26 June 2019 [Core lecture]; Chair, Policy, Economics and Law Department, 15 July-3 August 2019 (develop, manage and chair 15 half-day 'department activities'). ISU SSP19 (International Space University, Space Studies Program), Strasbourg, France (24 June -23 August 2019). [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (20 June 2019), Panel V: 'Keeping it All Afloat: STM and OOS in the age of nanosats and mega- constellations’ [Chair]. Symposium ‘Space law in a networked world', University of Luxembourg, 19-20 June 2019. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (13 September 2019), Q&A session: Legal aspects of space mining. Colorado School of Mines. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 September 2019), The Moon Agreement. APSCO Training Course on Space Law, Istanbul. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (20 September 2019), Space Resource Utilization (SRU). APSCO Training Course on Space Law, Istanbul. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (24 September 2019), The Hague International Space Resources Working Group and the Space Resources Debate. United Nations/ Turkey/ APSCO Conference on Space Law and Policy, Istanbul, Turkey, 23 - 26 September 2019. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2 October 2019), Small satellites and large constellations, legal issues. University of Luxembourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (3 October 2019), De rol en relevantie van de Wet Ruimtevaartactiviteiten in het kader van wetsontwikkelingen binnen Europa. Symposium "12,5 jaar wet ruimtevaartactiviteiten", Ministerie van EZK. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (14 November 2019), Introduction to Space Law. Air Law Workshop, IIASL, Leiden University. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (20 November 2019), Ruimterecht in Vogelvlucht. Noordwijk. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (7 December 2019), NewSpace: Legal Insights. Shanghai, China. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (12 December 2019), Using the Moon for Profit: Legal Aspects and the contribution of The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group. Rome. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (3 January 2019), Van wie is de maan eigenlijk, waarop de Chinezen net wereldnieuws maakten?. for Nieuws en Co (NPO Radio 1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (15 January 2019), [interview]. (BNR Nieuwsradio). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (17 January 2019), Leven op maan een stapje dichterbij, ook al is maanplantje alweer dood. for Nieuwsuur (NOS/NPO). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (31 October 2018), Small Satellites – Legal Issues. University of Luxembourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (16 November 2018), Introduction to Space Law. Air Law Workshop, IIASL, Leiden University. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (28 November 2018), Towards a Lunar Economy [panel member]. NewSpace Europe conference, Luxembourg Space Agency. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (17 December 2018), La réglementation de l’exploitation des ressources spatiales. "Le droit, outil stratégique d’une industrie en pleine mutation - Colloque à l’occasion des 10 ans de la loi respective aux opérations spatiales", CNES. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (11 February 2018), The next goldmine, selecting resource-rich targets in space. World Government Summit, Dubai – Settlements in space forum. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (4 March 2018), Governance of space mining activities and The Hague Working Group. Int. Workshop on Space Law and Policy Strategies for Building Moon Bases and Exploiting Its Space Natural Resources, side event at the 2nd ISEF (International Space Exploration Forum), University of Tokyo. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (16 April 2018), Space mining: The Hague Working Group’s Draft Building Blocks. IISL Space Law Panel, 34th Space Symposium, Colorado Springs. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (25 April 2018), 1) Space resources, legal issues; and 2) General space law. ISU Executive Space Course, Strasbourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2 May 2018), Global Challenges: Space Law. Studium Generale, LUC, The Hague. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (14 May 2018), Ruimterecht vanuit internationaal en Nederlands perspectief. Masterclass Ruimtevaart in Europa (Netherlands Space Office, TU Delft, Universiteit Leiden, ESA, ISU), The Hague. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (24 May 2018), [Pitches on] The Hague Working Group. Royal visit Luxembourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (6 June 2018), The Afterlife of Satelites | Discussion: Past, Present, Future. "Surviving Space: From Exobiology to Space Debris" (5-7 June 2018), TU Delft. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (28 June 2018), Internationaal Ruimterecht in/en Nederland. NSO Ruimtevaartnetwerkbijeenkomst, Den Haag. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (3 July 2018), Governance of Lunar Resources and The Hague Working Group’s Draft Building Blocks. ESTEC Workshop "Towards the Use of Lunar Resources" (3-5 July 2018), Noordwijk. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (5 July 2018), Onder welke wet val je eigenlijk als ruimtetoerist, satellieteigenaar of ruimtemijnbouwer?. Science Café Den Haag: Space. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (25 July 2018), Legal aspects of space mining. Colorado School of Mines. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (26 June 2018), Core lecture: Legal Foundations of International Space Activities (26 June 2018), Department activities: International Legal Context for Space Activities [with Lesley Jane Smith] (20 July 2018), Team Project lecture: Overview of Legal Considerations for Moon Exploration (23 July 2018), Elective workshop: Decision-maker for a day - World café on The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group [with Dimitra Stefoudi] (25 July 2018). ISU SSP18 (International Space University, Space Studies Program), Delft, Leiden, Noordwijk, The Hague. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 August 2018), Onder welke wet val je eigenlijk als ruimtetoerist, satellieteigenaar of ruimtemijnbouwer?. Leiden in Space. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (29 August 2018), Space Resources – Introduction and Arguments for Exploitation Being Allowed under International Law & debate with Prof. Kerrest (Space Resources – Arguments for Exploitation not Being Allowed under Current International Law). ECSL summer course on space law and policy (27 August - 07 September 2018), Helsinki. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (12 September 2018), Strengthening Capacity-building in Space Law and Policy [panel chair]. First United Nations Conference on Space Law and Policy, Moscow. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Stefoudi D., Lefeber R. & Reibaldi G. (5 October 2018), The Hague International Space Resources Governance Working Group: Third Progress Report. 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2018), 1-5 October 2018, Bremen. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (12 October 2018), Q&A session: legal aspects of space mining. Colorado School of Mines. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (8 February 2018), Hij verkoopt stukjes maan voor 25 dollar. Interviewed by Don C. for NRC Handelsblad. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (9 February 2018), Gelanceerde Tesla kan miljoenen jaren blijven zweven. for EenVandaag (NPO Radio 1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (21 February 2018), Er moeten meer afspraken komen over regels in de ruimte. Interviewed by Hemmen R. (BNR). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (9 February 2018), Mogen wij de Nieuws en Co-bus ook gewoon de ruimte in schieten?. for Nieuws & Co (NPO Radio 1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (12 February 2018), Rumkapitalisme: Milliardærers guldjagt i rummet kan forandre jordens økonomi. Interviewed by Valeur J. for Politiken. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 June 2018), 'Militaire ruimtemacht van Trump kan nog jaren duren'. for Een Vandaag (NPO1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (1 July 2018), Een gewapend conflict via de ruimte? Het is niet ondenkbaar. Interviewed by Dujardin A. for Trouw. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (4 July 2018), Wat zijn de regels in de ruimte?. for Science071 (Radio Sleutelstad). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (18 February 2017), Ik ga op reis naar Mars en neem mee..een wetboek en veel geld. Interviewed by Jansen M.. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T., Lefeber R., Reibaldi G. & Stefoudi D. (26 September 2017), The Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group: Second Progress Report and the Way Forward. Adelaide. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (21 February 2017), Space Law and the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition. University of Cape Town. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (27 February 2017), Space law: regulating the final frontier. Leiden Law School. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (7 March 2017), Space, Europe & Sustainability. The Hague. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (27 March 2017), The Hague Space Resources Governance Working group. Vienna. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (3 April 2017), General space law. Strasbourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (4 April 2017), Satellite communications & satellite navigation law. Strasbourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (14 April 2017), Space Mining. for Crowd Science (BBC radio). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (20 April 2017), Next Generation of Space Activities: Resource Extraction. Geneva. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (28 April 2017), Extra-terrestrial Extraction and Use of Space Resources. Copenhagen University. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (8 November 2017), Small Satellites: Legal Issues. University of Luxembourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (6 December 2017), Space mining: gold rush or province of all mankind?. La Sapienza University, Rome. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (7 December 2017), Financing the space industry: challenges and opportunities [Keynote]. UNIDROIT, Rome. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (24 November 2017), Le Traité de l'espace a 50 ans: quel avenir pour le droit spatial? [discours de reception]. Académie de l'Air et de l'Espace, Toulouse. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (6 September 2017), Space Law Curriculum Development. Graz. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (1 August 2017), The Outer Space Treaty at 50 (with Timiebi Aganaba, Christopher Johnson & Lesley Jane Smith); Mars Treaty Making Workshop (with Christopher Johnson); Asteroid Mining: What’s going on? Legal, Policy and Economic Overview. Cork. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2017), Schatgraven in Space. Interviewed by Zuidema T. for Kijk: 70-75. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (24 February 2016), Luxembourg keen to be asteroid miners' haven. Interviewed by Teffer P. for EUobserver. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (17 May 2016), Legal aspects of small satellites. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (10 June 2016), Aan wie vraag je of je op de maan mag landen?. Interviewed by . [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (26 October 2016), Ruimtemijnbouw: Grondstof voor Conflict. Interviewed by Wouters R. & Beneder L.. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (13 October 2016), Asgardianen willen met nieuw land in de ruimte aarde beschermen. Interviewed by Weijer Bart van de for De Volkskrant, Wetenschap. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T. (30 May 2016), Legal Aspects of the Use of Space. The Hague. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (31 October 2016), Exploitatie van de maan kan nuttig zijn. Interviewed by Nijman Iris for Leidsch Dagblad, Wetenschap. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L., Lefeber R., Reibaldi G. & Stewart M. (27 September 2016), The Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group: A Progress Report. Guadalajara, Mexico. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (28 April 2016), Soft Law Approaches to Space Security. Geneva. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (13 August 2016), Tanja Masson over het commercieel exploiteren van de maan. Interviewed by Citroen Michal for Sportzomer 2016 (NPO Radio 1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (26 April 2016), Interview: Prof. Tanja-Masson Zwaan, Deputy Director, International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden University. Interviewed by Malhothra S.. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (3 June 2016), Mars One: Legal Aspects. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (8 September 2016), Treaties, resolutions, principles, guidelines: the relevance of hard law and soft law in the further development of space law. Vienna, Austria. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (1 May 2016), Update on the legal ramifications of private companies tapping resources from outer space. for Newsletter / World Space Risk Forum: 6. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (1 September 2016), Small Satellites: Market, National Legislation & International Law. Warsaw, Poland. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (3 August 2016), Various lectures on space law (The Outer Space Treaty, Sub-Orbital Flights, Asteroid Mining, Forums and Forms of Cooperation). Haifa, Israel. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (5 July 2016), Various lectures on space law (UN Space Treaties and Resolutions, International Institutions, The ISS Legal Framework, National Space Legislation, Space Debris, Small Satellites, Sub-Orbital Flights). Cologne. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (17 April 2016), Space resource utilisation and international space law. Leiden University. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (13 April 2016), The IISL Position Paper & The Hague Working Group on Space Resource Utilization. Vienna, Austria. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (8 April 2016), Mijnbouw in de ruimte: van wie is het platina in een asteroïde?. Interviewed by Bouman M. for Het Financieele Dagblad, Economie & Politiek. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (10 March 2016), Regulation of space activities in Europe. Brussels, Belgium. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2 March 2016), Legal aspects of space mining. Leiden. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (1 March 2016), A Glance into the Future: Space Law. TU Delft. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (19 July 2016), Asteroid mining: Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere, ma non avete mai osato chiedere. Interviewed by Rosi Paolo. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (6 July 2016), Cosmic carve-up: Law and plunder on the final frontier. Interviewed by Marks P. for New Scientist. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (28 September 2016), Making the Moon Village and Mars Journey Accessible and Affordable for All. Guadalajara, Mexico. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (9 November 2016), National Space Legislation; Legal Aspects of Small Satellites. Luxembourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (28 November 2016), Cosmic Bonanza – Mining In Outer Space. Interviewed by Beneder L. & Wouters R.. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (23 November 2016), Introduction to Space Law. Leiden Law School. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (13 December 2016), Eyeopeners - Leven op Mars, deel 2. Interviewed by Meinders Karolijn for Eyeopeners (BNR). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (29 May 2015), US Space Act Thinks US Is Alone In The Universe. Interviewed by Blankesteijn H.. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (23 December 2015), Strijd om delfstoffen in de ruimte gaat beginnen. Interviewed by Bouman Mathijs for Z Today (RTL Z). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (20 January 2015), L’interférence nuisible aux systèmes satellitaires. Paris, France. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (29 January 2015), Basic Space Law Course [full day course]. Geneva, Switzerland. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (26 February 2015), The use of satellite data for climate change & disaster management: Legal challenges & opportunities. Trivandrum, India. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2 March 2015), Authorisation of small satellites under national space legislation. Prague, Czech Rep.. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (17 March 2015), Liability issues of on orbit servicing and active debris removal. Montreal, Canada. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (18 March 2015), Liability and Insurance in Air and Space law; Regulation of Suborbital Flights in Europe. Montreal, Canada. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (31 March 2015), Ruimterecht en de rol van de VN. Leiden Law School. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (13 April 2015), Space Traffic Management, Opening and Concluding remarks. Vienna, Austria. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (13 April 2015), Regels in de ruimte (Nieuwsbrief Jur. Faculteit Leiden). Interviewed by Universiteit Leiden. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (12 November 2015), Who Owns Space? The Legal Framework. The Hague. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (24 November 2015), Introducing Space Law. Leiden. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (9 December 2015), Seminar - concluding remarks. Eilene Galloway Symposium on critical issues in space law, Washington DC, USA. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (4 December 2015), SmallSats: how they sit in the current European regimes. London, UK. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. & Brachet G. (25 November 2015), Luch’ et le Droit de l’Espace. Paris, France. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (22 January 2014), In hoeverre is het te verzekeren?. Interviewed by Koenen Sander for Kijk. [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (22 January 2014), Ruimterecht - aansprakelijkheid voor ruimteafval. Interviewed by Smid Robert & Middel Martijn for Nu al wakker (Radio 1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (3 February 2014), Ruimteschroot een gevaar voor satellieten. Interviewed by Erven W. van for EenVandaag (NL1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (29 March 2014), Registration of small satellites. University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (7 May 2014), Property Rights and Natural Resources on Celestial Bodies [presentation for the FAA-COMSTAC USA; via Skype]. FAA-COMSTAC USA. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (2 April 2014), Address about Judge Manfred Lachs and space law. Peace Palace, The Hague. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (1 April 2014), National Space Legislation & the Netherlands case. University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg City. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (5 June 2014), 3rd Luxembourg Workshop on Space and Satellite Communications Law, "Harmful Interference from a Regulatory Perspective" [introduction and chair]. University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (14 May 2014), Liability in Space [Lecture, panel moderator]. Dubai. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (29 September 2014), Opening address, session chair at the IISL Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space [29 September-3 October 2014]. Toronto, Canada. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (31 October 2013), Ruimterecht, o.a. de legaliteit van het toe-eigenen van de ruimte. Interviewed by Mosch Frank du & Dartell Cilly for Studio Max Live (Nederland 1). [interview].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (11 December 2008), Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty and Private Human Access to Space. 3rd Eilene Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law. Washington DC, USA. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (17 March 2008), Le Droit de l’Espace: Voyage juridique aux pays des étoiles. Lezingencyclus l'Amitié Club. Haags Historisch Museum, Den Haag. [lecture].
- Masson-Zwaan T.L. (17 October 2008), The road to a European Space Policy: The relationship between ESA and the EU. Air and Space Law Conference, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL). Bejing, China. [lecture].
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