Sjoerd van der Burg
Full professor
- Name
- Prof.dr. S.H. van der Burg
- Telephone
- +31 71 526 1180
- 0000-0002-6556-0354

Sjoerd van der Burg is full professor in the Immunotherapy of solid tumors with emphasis on immunomonitoring. He heads the laboratory of Medical Oncology and leads the group of Experimental Cancer Immunology and Therapy. He is also appointed as senior investigator at the Oncode Institute. In addition, he is appointed as member of the management team of the research profile area Cancer Pathogenesis and Therapy.
More information about Sjoerd van der Burg
See also
The immune system and tumors
The immune system plays an essential but dual role in the development of cancer. Studies on the interaction between tumors and the immune system both in animal models as in patients with (pre-)cancers result in a better understanding on the role of different components of the immune system which may foster tumor growth or prevent it. An improved insight is the basis for the development of several forms of immunotherapy, aiming to reinforce tumor-reactive immunity as treatment for cancer. This work makes an important contribution to answer cluster questions 85, 96 and 99 of the Dutch National Research Agenda.
Academic career
Van der Burg received his PhD on April 1, 1998 for his thesis on the Identification and evaluation of cytotoxic T-cell epitopes in HIV-1 and tumour associated proteins, from the Leiden University.
In 2003 he was appointed as staff member (LUMC) end assistant professor (Leiden University) at the department of Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion.
In 2006 he was appointed as staff member (LUMC) and associate professor (Leiden University) and leader of the group Experimental cancer immunology and therapy at the department of Medical Oncology, LUMC
In 2010 he was promoted to full professor at the department of Medical Oncology, LUMC. He gave his public speech “Op zoek naar een éénarmige immunoloog” on May 9, 2011.
In 2019 he was also appointed as Senior Investigator at the Oncode Institute.
Full professor
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Klinische Oncologie
- Klinische Oncologie algemeen
- Adviseurswerkzaamheden m.b.t. therapeutische vaccins
- Adviseurswerkzaamheden m.b.t. therapeutische vaccins
- Advies mbt investeringen in immunologische therapien ter bestrijding kanker
- Strategie advisory board