Quentin Bourgeois
Associate professor
- Name
- Dr. Q.P.J. Bourgeois MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2453
- q.p.j.bourgeois@arch.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-7518-2142

Quentin Bourgeois is an Associate Professor in European Prehistory at the Faculty of Archaeology. He is also Head of the Department of World Archaeology.
More information about Quentin Bourgeois
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Current PhD candidates
Quentin Bourgeois (dr.) is an associate professor in European prehistory. His main interests are funerary archaeology combined with network analysis and GIS approaches in later prehistory. He is currently a member of de Jonge Akademie.
Quentin obtained his PhD in 2013 (cum Laude) at Leiden University within the research project Ancestral Mounds. His PhD was awarded the W.A. van Es-award for Dutch Archaeology (2014). In his research, he dealt with groups of barrows and their position within the landscape. Through extensive GIS-analyses, he attempted to shed some light on the choice of location for the placement of the burial monument. Why were they placed there, what could be seen from that location, and how did this develop through time? These findings were compared to data on the vegetation surrounding these barrows and the practices surrounding the burial itself. His research sheds more light on the choices behind the positioning of these burial monuments. The project received the SIKB Prize for best archaeological research team in 2009, and a book resulting from it was received by Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands in 2012.
In 2013 Quentin obtained a Rubicon grant from NWO for his project “Walking along Ancestral Lines”. He investigated the emergence of long barrow alignments throughout Europe in the 3rd Millennium BC as part of the research group of prof. Helle Vandkilde and Mads Holst at Aarhus University in Denmark. In 2015 he was granted a VENI project entitled “Networked Landscapes”, where he aims to investigate the landscape organisation of the so-called Corded Ware groups using GIS and network analyses. In 2016 he started a fieldwork project on the Epe-Niersen barrow alignment, one of the longest and best-preserved prehistoric barrow alignments in the Netherlands. In collaboration with the municipality of Epe and the National Museum of Antiquities, we aim to increase our knowledge of this site with extensive surveys and targeted excavations, as well as to disseminate the scientific results of the project to the wider public. In 2017 Quentin became a member of The Young Academy or de Jonge Akademie, established by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in 2005.
Associate professor
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Europese Prehistorie
- Bourgeois Q.P.J., Kroon E.J. & Olerud S.L. (2025), Parallel societies: Evidence for the co-existence of Late Funnel Beaker West and Early Corded Ware communities. In: Hofman D., Mischka D. & Scharl S. (Eds.), The Eve of Destruction?: Local groups and large-scale networks during the late fourth and early third millennium BC in central Europe. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 291-309.
- Veselka B., Fontijn D. & Bourgeois Q. (2024), The Lady under the hill: an osteobiography of a Middle Bronze Age cremated female from Ermelose Heide (Ermelo, prov. Gelderland, the Netherlands), Lunula, Archaeologia protohistorica 32: 49-55.
- Amkreutz L.W.S.W., Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Kroonen G. 11 October 2024, Bronstijd – Vuur van verandering 2. Rijksmuseum van Oudheden [podcast].
- Amkreutz L.W.S.W., Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Kroonen G. 18 October 2024, Bronstijd – Vuur van verandering 3. Rijksmuseum van Oudheden [podcast].
- Kaptijn E., Bourgeois Q., Verschoof-van der Vaart W. & Lambers K. (2024), Erfgoed gezocht: grafheuvels, zichtbare restanten van een prehistorisch landschap. In: Amkreutz L. & Vaart-Verschoof S. van der (Eds.), Bronstijd: vuur van verandering. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 109-110.
- Bourgeois Q., Kaptijn E., Verschoof-van der Vaart W. & Lambers K. (2024), Assessing the quality of citizen science in archaeological remote sensing: results from the Heritage Quest project in the Netherlands, Antiquity 98(402): 1662-1678.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Kroon E.J. (2023), Emergent properties of the corded ware culture: an information approach. In: Kristiansen K., Kroonen G. & Willerslev E. (Eds.), The Indo-European puzzle revisited: Integrating archaeology, genetics, and linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 81-92.
- Kaptijn E., Verschoof-van der Vaart W., Lambers K., Bourgeois Q. & Kramer R. (2023), Burgerwetenschap in de Gelderse archeologie. In: Verhoeven D., Gubbels M., Bierens de Haan J.C., Brusse P., Cruyningen P. van, Egeraat M. van, Kastelein D., Noordzij A. & Verstegen W. (Eds.). Bijdragen en Mededelingen Gelre no. 114. Arnhem: Vereniging Gelre. 55-74.
- Arnoldussen S., Verschoof‐van der Vaart W.B., Kaptijn E. & Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2022), Field systems and later prehistoric land use: : new insights into land use detectability and palaeodemography in the Netherlands through LiDAR, automatic detection and traditional field data, Archaeological Prospection : .
- Liu J.H., Draganov D., Ghose R. & Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2021), Near-surface diffractor detection at archaeological sites based on an interferometric workflow, Geophysics 86(3): WA1-WA11.
- Verschoof W.B., Lambers K., Kowalczyk W.J. & Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2020), Combining Deep Learning and Location-Based Ranking for Large-Scale Archaeological Prospection of LiDAR Data from The Netherlands, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9(5): 293.
- Bourgeois Q., Fontijn D., Louwen A.J., Jansen R., Kuijpers M., Amkreutz L. & Soressi M. (29 June 2020), Prehistorie was niet zo wit als in de canon. De Volkskrant, Opinie en Debat: 24.
- Putten W van der, Bourgeois Q., Broeder L. den, Hilton N., Hut R., Land-Zanstra A.M., Moor T. de, Oberski D., Prats-López M., Snik F., Veenkamp J. & Wildevuur S. (2020), Kennis en krachten gebundeld: citizen science in Nederland. Amsterdam: Nationaal Platform Open Science.
- Lambers K., Verschoof-Van der Vaart W.B. & Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2019), Integrating Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, and Citizen Science in Dutch Archaeological Prospection, Remote Sensing 11(7): 794.
- Kroon E.J., Huisman D.J., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Braekmans D.J.G. & Fokkens H. (2019), The introduction of Corded Ware Culture at a local level: An exploratory study of cultural change during the Late Neolithic of the Dutch West Coast through ceramic technology, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 26: 101873.
- Louwen A.J., Bourgeois Q. & Fontijn D.R. (2019), Mound 1. In: Louwen A.J. & Fontijn D.R. (Eds.), Death revisited. The excavation of three Bronze Age barrows and surrounding landscape at Apeldoorn-Wieselseweg.. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 69-102.
- Fontijn D.R., Jansen R., Meurkens L., Louwen A.J. & Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2019), Forgotten barrows- preliminary results from the 2018 fieldwork at Baarlo-de Bong and Venlo-Zaarderheiken (NL). In: Arnoldussen S., Ball E., Dijk J. van & Norde E. (Eds.), Metaaltijden 6. Bijdragen in de studie van de Metaaltijden. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 123-131.
- Bakels C.C., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Fontijn D.R. & Jansen R. (Eds.) (2018), Local communities in the Big World of prehistoric Northwest Europe. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 49. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Fontijn D.R., Louwen A.J., Bourgeois Q., Smits L. & Linde C. van der (2018), Bronze Age ancestral communities. New Research of Middle Bronze Age burials in the barrow landscapes of Apeldoorn-Wieselseweg. In: Bakels C.C., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Fontijn D.R. & Jansen R. (Eds.), Local communities in the Big World of prehistoric Northwest Europe. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia no. 49: Sidestone Press. 77-105.
- Amkreutz L., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Feiken R., Heiden M. van der, Hemelaar R., Orbons J., Rensink E., Theunissen L., Verbeek B. & Verschoof-Van der Vaart W.B. (2018), Geofysische technieken op prehistorische grafheuvels. Wat levert het op?, Archeologie in Nederland (2): .
- Anonymous (2017), Verstopt op de Veluwe [Verstopt op de Veluwe] (translation: Amkreutz L.W.S.W., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Schreurs J. & Vossen N.), Archeologie Magazine 1(1): 16-20.
- Lambers L.S.L., Fassbinder J.W.E., Lambers K. & Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2017), The Iron-Age burial of Epe-Niersen, the Netherlands: results from magnetometry in the range of +/- 1 nT. Jennings B., Gaffney C., Sparrow T. & Gaffney S. (Eds.), 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection. International Conference on Archaeological Prospection 12 September 2017 - 16 September 2017. Oxford: Archaeopress. 132-134.
- Fokkens H., Veselka B., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Olalde I. & Reich D. (2017), Excavations of Late Neolithic arable, burial mounds and a number of well-preserved skeletons at Oostwoud-Tuithoorn: a re-analysis of old data, Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 47: 95-150.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2017), The impact of male burials on the construction of Corded Ware identity: Reconstructing networks of information in the 3rd millennium BC [Networked Landscapes: Modelling supra-regional communities in the early 3rd Millennium BC] (translation: Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Kroon E.J.), PLoS ONE 12(10): 1-15.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Vaart S.A. van der (2017), A Practice Perspective: Understanding Early Iron Age Elite Burials in the Southern Netherlands through Event-Based Analysis. In: Schumann R. & Vaart-Verschoof S. van der (Eds.), Connecting Elites and Regions. Perspectives on contacts, relations and differentiation during the Early Iron Age Hallstatt C period in Northwest and Central Europe.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Fontijn D.R. (2015), The tempo of Bronze Age barrow use. Modeling the ebb and flow in monumental funerary landscapes, Radiocarbon 57: 47-64.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Fontijn D.R. (2015), The tempo of bronze age barrow use : modeling the ebb and flow in monumental funerary landscapes, Radiocarbon 57(1): 47-64.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Fontijn D.R. (2015), The tempo of Bronze Age barrow use. Modeling the ebb and flow in monumental funerary landscapes, Radiocarbon 57: 47-64.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2014), Grafheuvellandschappen op de Utrechtse Heuvelrug in Europese context. (Leiden, 12 provinciën lezingen). [lecture].
- Fontijn D.R., Jansen R., Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Linde C. van der (2013), Excavating the seventh mound. In: Fontijn D.R., Vaart S. van der & Jansen R. (Eds.), Transformation through destruction. A monumental and extraordinary Early Iron Age Hallstatt C barrow from the ritual landscape of Oss-Zevenbergen. Leiden: Sidestone.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2013), Het ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van monumentale grafheuvellandschappen (Gent). [lecture].
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2013), Les paysages funéraires de l’Âge du Bronze: variabilité et mémoire collective (Dijon). [lecture].
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. (10 January 2013), Monuments on the horizon : the formation of the barrow landscape throughout the 3rd and the 2nd millennium BCE (Dissertatie, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Fokkens H., Fontijn D.R.
- Drenth E., Meurkens L., Baetsen S., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Gijn A.L. van, Haaster H. van, Hamburg T., Kooistra L.I. & Leeuwe R. de (2012), Laat - neolithische graven. In: Hamburg T., Lohof E. & Quadflieg B. (Eds.), Bronstijd opgespoord - Archeologisch onderzoek van prehistorische vindplaatsen op Bedrijvenpark H2O plandeel Oldenbroek. Archol rapport. Leiden: Archol BV en ADC ArcheoProjecten. 197-276.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Fontijn D.R. (2012), Diversity in uniformity, uniformity in diversity: barrow groups in the Netherlands. In: Bérenger D., Bourgeois J., Talon M. & Wirth S. (Eds.), Gräberlandschaften der Bronzezeit - Paysages funéraires de l'âge du Bronze. Internationales Kolloquium zur Bronzezeit - colloque international sur l'âge du Bronze. Herne 15-18 Oktober 2008. Darmstadt: Philipp von Zabern. 533-551.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2012), Along Ancestral Lines: Grafheuvelrijen op de Veluwe (Ede). [lecture].
- Fontijn D.R., Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Louwen A. (2012), uitreiking boek Iron Age Echoes aan H.M. Koningin Beatrix. [other].
- Jansen R., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Louwen A., Van der Linde C. & Van Wijk I.M. (2011), Een rijk inhumatiegraf in het grafveld Slabroekse Heide, Archeobrief 15(4): 5-7.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Fontijn D.R. (2011), Antiquarian Leftovers - Mound 2. In: Fontijn D.R., Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Louwen A. (Eds.), Iron Age Echoes. Prehistoric land management and the creation of a funerary landscape - the “twin barrows” at the Echoput in Apeldoorn. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 65-89.
- Fontijn D.R., Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Louwen A. (2011), Iron Age Echoes. Prehistoric land management and the creation of a funerary landscape - the “twin barrows” at the Echoput in Apeldoorn. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
- Jansen R., Bourgeois Q.P.J., Louwen A., Van der Linde C. & Van Wijk I.M. (2011), Opgraving van het grafveld Slabroekse Heide. In: Jansen R. & Laan K. van der (Eds.), Verleden van een bewogen landschap - Landschaps- en bewoningsgeschiedenis van de Maashorst. Utrecht: Matrijs. 104-119.
- Fontijn D.R., Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Van der Linde C. (2010), Mound “Delfin 190”: A Middle Bronze Age barrow built over the traces of a Middle Bronze Age A settlement site. In: Fontijn D.R. (Ed.), Living Near the Dead. The barrow excavations of Rhenen-Elst: two millennia of burial and habitation on the Utrechtse Heuvelrug. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 49-72.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Fontijn D.R. (2010), Burial mound “Unitas” 1: an Early Bronze Age barrow with traces of Iron Age activities. In: Fontijn D.R. (Ed.), Living Near the Dead. The barrow Excavations of Rhenen Elst: two millennia of burial and habitation on the Utrechtse Heuvelrug. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 29-48.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J., Fontijn D.R., Louwen A., Valentijn P. & Wentink K. (2010), Finds from the “Delfin 190”-mound and its surroundings. In: Fontijn D.R. (Ed.), Living Near the Dead. The barrow excavations of Rhenen-Elst: two millennia of burial and habitation on the Utrechtse Heuvelrug. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 91-106.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J., Fontijn D.R., Louwen A., Valentijn P. & Wentink K. (2010), Finds from the Unitas 1 mound and its surroundings. In: Fontijn D.R. (Ed.), Living Near the Dead. The barrow excavations of Rhenen-Elst: two millennia of burial and habitation on the Utrechtse Heuvelrug: Sidestone Press. 73-90.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J., Amkreutz L.W.S.W. & Panhuysen R.G.A.M. (2009), The Niersen Beaker burial: A renewed study of a century-old excavation, Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries 1(2): 83-105.
- Arnoldussen S., Kort J.W. de & Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2009), A barrow for a camp-site? The disturbed barrow of Rhenen - Elsterberg (Unitas 4), Lunula, Archaeologia protohistorica XVII: 177-188.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Fontijn D.R. (2008), Bronze Age houses and barrows in the Low Countries. In: Arnoldussen S. & Fokkens H. (Eds.), Bronze Age settlements in the Low Countries. Oxford: Oxbow books. 41-57.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2008), Grafheuvelonderzoek in Nederland: een gedane zaak?, Vitruvius 4: 16-21.
- Fontijn D.R. & Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2008), Houses and barrows in the Low Countries. In: Arnoldussen S. & Fokkens H. (Eds.), Bronze Age Settlements in the Low Countries. Oxford: Oxbow. 41-57.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Fontijn D.R. (2007), Nieuw onderzoek naar twee grafheuvels op de Utrechtse Heuvelrug, gemeente Rhenen, Lunula, Archaeologia protohistorica XV: .
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Fontijn D.R. (2007), Nieuw onderzoek naar twee grafheuvels op de Utrechtse Heuvelrug, gemeente Rhenen (NL.), Lunula, Archaeologia protohistorica XV: 3-12.
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. & Arnoldussen S. (2006), Expressing monumentality: some observations on the dating of Dutch Bronze Age barrows and houses, Lunula, Archaeologia protohistorica 14: .
- Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2006), De vorming van prehistorische landschappen, een onderzoek naar de tijdsdiepte van grafheuvelcomplexen. In: Kerkhof M., Oosten R. van, Tomas F. & Woerdekom C. van (Eds.), Soja Bundel 2005 Leiden. Leiden 91-96.
- Fontijn D.R. & Bourgeois Q.P.J. (2006), Grafheuvelopgravingen op de Utrechtse heuvelrug, Archeobrief : .