City of Epe issues subsidy for research Quentin Bourgeois
For the next three years the municipality of Epe will contribute to the research on the Epe barrow alignment. The city complements funds that NWO made available for the Networked Landscapes (2015-2018) research project by dr. Quentin Bourgeois. The objective of this project is to unlock the principal archaeological monument of the municipality in the coming years.

Partners in this research are dr. Luc Amkreutz of the National Museum of Antiquities and Nathalie Vossen, urban archaeologist in Epe. The state service for cultural heritage also contributes to this research.
Sparsely known
The barrow alignment between Epe en Niersen is one of the best preserved prehistorical monumental alignments in the Netherlands and belongs to a series of outstanding monuments in Europe. Knowledge of this type of alignments is sparse, even in archaeological circles, let alone how to date them or how they were used. To date, exceptionally little research has been done on these alignments and most of our knowledge stems from excavations done before WWI. The Faculty of Archaeology started this research in an effort to expand the knowledge we have on these barrow alignments, and to introduce them to a broader audience.