Universiteit Leiden

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Niels van Willigen

Director of Studies/Associate Professor

Dr. N.J.G. van Willigen
+31 71 527 2727

Dr. Niels van Willigen is an associate professor of international relations and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the Institute of Political Science.

More information about Niels van Willigen

Niels van Willigen is an associate professor of international relations and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the Institute of Political Science. His professional interests include theories of international relations, foreign policy analysis, and security studies—particularly peace operations, arms control, nuclear non-proliferation and European security.

He teaches bachelor and master courses on these or related topics in the Institute of Political Science. His publications appeared, amongst others, in European Journal of International Relations, International Peacekeeping, and East European Politics.

Van Willigen coordinates the Jean Monnet Network ‘Reconceptualizing European Power in an Age of Turmoil’ (RENPET), which is funded by the European Commission. He is also involved as guest lecturer in educational programs for foreign policy and defence professionals and is regularly invited for expert meetings at foreign policy and defence institutions. Van Willigen is a non-resident senior fellow in the Peace & Security Section of the Global Governance Institute (GGI) and associate researcher for the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).

PhD supervision

Niels van Willigen is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:

  • International Relations
  • Foreign Policy Analysis
  • European security

See for more information on PhD positions:

Institute of Political Science: PhD

Director of Studies/Associate Professor

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Politieke Wetenschap

Work address

Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
Room number 5B13


  • Willigen N.J.G. van & Blarel N.R.J.B. van (2024), Why, how and to whom is the European Union signalling in the Indo-Pacific? : Understanding the European Union’s strategy in the Indo-Pacific in the epicentre of multipolar competition, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations : 1-22. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Blarel N.R.J.B. & Willigen N.J.G. van (2024), Strategic communication in the Indo-Pacific: signalling EU naval commitment to the region. The Hague: The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies. Rapport
  • Willigen N.J.G. van & Blarel N.R.J.B. (2024), The EU’s maritime security signalling in the Indo-Pacific. The Hague: The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies. Rapport
  • Duyvesteyn I., Wilde J. de & Willigen N. van (2022), Wetenschapstoets Defensienota ‘Sterker Nederland, Veiliger Europa': het doel heiligt de middelen? Of andersom?, Militaire Spectator 191(12): . 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Willigen N.J.G. van & Bakker F.E. (2021), Trauma and belief systems: an operational code analysis of Dutch Prime Minister Rutte and the downing of flight MH17, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 12(2): 215-233. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Willigen N.J.G. van (2021), Dutch foreign policy: staying the course amid a changing world. In: Joly J.K. & Haesebrouck T. (Eds.), Foreign Policy Change in Europe Since 1991. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 205-232. Boekdeel
  • Bakker F.E. & Willigen N.J.G. van (2021), Policy documents and the beliefs of foreign policy decision-makers: a next step in operational code analysis. In: Schafer M. & Walker S.G. (Eds.), Operational code analysis and foreign policy roles: crossing Simon's Bridge. New York: Routledge. 111-128. Boekdeel
  • Buitelaar T.J.A. & Willigen N.J.G. van (2021), Vredesmissies in een geopolitieke context: welke rol voor Nederland?, Militaire Spectator 190(11): 540 (553). 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Willigen N.J.G. van (2020), Business diplomacy from an IR perspective, Diplomatica: a journal of diplomacy and society 2(1): 13-19. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Willigen N.J.G. van & Blarel N.R.J.B. (2020), How do regional parties influence foreign policy? Insights from multilevel coalitional bargaining in India, European Journal of International Relations : 1-23. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Bakker F.E., Van Willigen N. & Warmerdam D. (2019), The effect of role change on the operational codes of US presidents: from George H.W. Bush to Donald J. Trump. ISA 2019, Toronto. ISA 2019 27 March 2019 - 30 March 2019. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N. & Bakker F. (2019), Trauma and foreign policy change; an operational code analysis of Dutch Prime Minister Rutte and the downing of flight MH17. Politicologenetmaal,, Antwerp. Politicologenetmaal 13 June 2019 - 14 June 2019. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N. & Bakker F. (2019), Trauma and foreign policy change; an operational code analysis of Dutch Prime Minister Rutte and the downing of flight MH17. 6th European Workshops in International Studies 2019, Krakow. 6th European Workshops in International Studies 2019 26 June 2019 - 29 June 2019. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2018), A Dutch return to UN peacekeeping?. In: Koops J.A. & Tercovich G. (Eds.), European Approaches to United Nations Peacekeeping. Towards a stronger Re-engagement?. London: Routledge. 106-124. Boekdeel
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Pellikaan H. (2018), Bilateralism and nuclear security. In: Rajapogalan R.P. & Wagemaker A. (Eds.), Global Nuclear Security: Moving Beyond the NSS. New Delhi: Observer Research Foundation. 20-30. Boekdeel
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2018), Contesting the EUs Global Strategy’. EU in International Affairs conference 2018 16 April 2018 - 19 April 2018. Brussels: EU in International Affairs conference 2018. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2018), Contesting the EUs Global Strategy. 1st Nortia Network Conference 6 June 2018 - 8 June 2018. Barcelona: 1st Nortia Network Conference. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2018), Dutch decision-making on peace operations: interactions between the government, parliament and public opinion. The Netherlands’ Constitution Article 100 and Public Opinion on Sending Peace Operations’, organized by the Aoyama Gakuin University Center for International Studies / Japan Forum for Strategic Studies 26 October 2018 - 26 October 2018. Tokyo: The Netherlands’ Constitution Article 100 and Public Opinion on Sending Peace Operations’, organized by the Aoyama Gakuin University Center for International Studies / Japan Forum for Strategic Studies. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2018), The Dutch experience with peace operations: the Mali mission and beyond. Sending International Peace Operation in Africa - Experience of the Netherlands in MINUSMA’, organized by the Aoyama Gakuin University Center for International Studies / Japan Forum for Strategic Studies 27 October 2018 - 27 October 2018. Tokyo: Sending International Peace Operation in Africa - Experience of the Netherlands in MINUSMA’, organized by the Aoyama Gakuin University Center for International Studies / Japan Forum for Strategic Studies. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Blarel N. (2017), Coalitions and foreign policy making: Insights from the global south, European Political Science 16(4): 502-514. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Oppermann K., Brummer K. & Van Willigen N.J.G. (2017), Coalition governance and foreign policy decision-making, European Political Science 16(4): 489-501. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Pellikaan H. (2017), Global nuclear threat and local nuclear security. Attaining global nuclear security, The Hague. Attaining global nuclear security 5 April 2017 - 5 April 2017. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Willigen N.J.G. van (2016), A Dutch return to UN peacekeeping?, International peacekeeping 23(5): 702-720. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2016), Netherlands: Anti-Brussels, not anti-EU. In: Janning J. (Ed.), Keeping Europeans Together. Assessing the State of EU Cohesion. London: European Council on Foreign Relation. 99-101. Boekdeel
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2016), A Dutch return to UN peacekeeping? Conference European Return to UN Peacekeeping. Opportunities, Challenges and Ways Ahead’, Brussels. European Return to UN Peacekeeping. Opportunities, Challenges and Ways Ahead’ (22-23 February, Brussels). 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G., Oppermann K. & Brummer K. (2016), Coalition governance and foreign policy decision making. British International Studies Association Annual Convention, Edinburgh. British International Studies Association Annual Convention (15-17 June, Edinburgh). Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Blarel N. (2016), Coalitions and Foreign Policy Making: Insights from the Global South. British International Studies Association Annual Convention, Edinburgh. British International Studies Association Annual Convention (15-17 June, Edinburgh). 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2016), A Dutch return to UN peacekeeping? EU in International Affairs Conference V, Brussels. EU in International Affairs Conference V (11-13 May, Brussels). 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Pohl B. & Van Willigen N. (2015), Analytic eclecticism and EU foreign policy (in)action, Global Society 29(2): 175-198. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Pohl B., Van Willigen N. & Van Vonno C.M. (2015), Governmental interest, new liberalism, and the CSDP. In: Cladi L. & Locatelli A. (Eds.), International Relations Theory and European Security: We thought we knew. London: Routledge. 65-82. Boekdeel
  • Van Willigen N. & Koops J. (2015), Security and defence institutions: NATO and OSCE. In: Jørgensen K.E. & Laatikainen K.V. (Eds.), Sage Handbook on European Foreign Policy. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington D.C.: Sage. 736-744. Boekdeel
  • Blarel N. & Van Willigen N. (2015), Regional actors and coalition politics in India: obstruction and constructive engagement. Paper presented at the British International Studies Association (BISA) 40th Anniversary Conference, London, 17 June 2015. British International Studies Association (BISA) 40th Anniversary Conference 16 June 2015 - 19 June 2015. London. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Kleistra Y. & Van Willigen N.J.G. (2014), Evaluating the impact of EU diplomacy: Pitfalls and challenges. In: Koops J. & Macaj G. (Eds.), The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor: Policies, Processes, Performance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 52-68. Boekdeel
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2014), Effective multilateralism between unequal partners: The EU in the OSCE. In: Drieskens E. & Schaik L. van (Eds.), he EU and Effective Multilateralism: Internal and external reform practices (Routledge Studies in European Security and Strategy). Routledge Studies in European Security and Strategy. New York: Routledge. 136-152. Boekdeel
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Van Vonno C.M.C. (2014), Coalition government politics and Foreign Policy Analysis; Towards a new research program? Paper for the annual ISA Convention, 25-29 March 2014, Toronto. 55th Annual ISA Convention 25 March 2014 - 29 March 2014. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Koops J. (2014), The European Union’s relationship with NATO and the OSCE. Paper for the EU in International Affairs Conference, 22-24 May 2014, Brussels. . Brussels. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Pellikaan H. & Van Willigen N.J.G. (2014), The rationality of global zero; A game theoretical examination. Paper voor het Politicologenetmaal, Maastricht. Politicologenetmaal 2014 12 June 2014 - 13 June 2014. Maastircht. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2013), Peacebuilding and international administration: The cases of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. London and New York: Routledge. Boek
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Kroezen J. (2013), End of war. In: Hwang Y.-J. & Cerna L. (Eds.), Global Challenges: Peace and War. Leiden: Brill. 103-116. Boekdeel
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Pohl B. (2013), Causes of war. In: Hwang Y.-J. & Cerna L. (Eds.), Global Challenges: Peace and War. Leiden: Brill. 29-42. Boekdeel
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Kleistra Y. (2013), Evaluating diplomacy. In: Jørgensen K.E. & Laatikainen K.V. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on the European Union and International Institutions: Performance, policy, power. London and New York: Routledge. 102-112. Boekdeel
  • Avtalyon-Bakker F.E., Van Willigen N.J.G. & De Bièvre D. (2013), Research note: Democratic peace explanations and the need for a new research agenda. Politicologenetmaal 2013. Politicologenetmaal 2013. Gent. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Vollaard J.P. (2013), Constrained but not sidelined: How foreign policy executives try to gain support for their policies. European International Studies Association Conference. European International Studies Association Conference. Tartu. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Prizeman K. & Van Willigen N.J.G. (2013), Anticipating the “final” Arms Trade Treaty Conference: Eight concrete proposals. Brussel: Global Governance Institute. Rapport
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2012), International administration and institutional autonomy in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, East European Politics 4(28): 429-451. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Van der Bruggen K. (2012), The biological weapons convention, bioterrorism and the life sciences: GGI policy brief 2012/2. . Brussels: The Global Governance Institute. 'Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Kleistra Y. (2012), Evaluating the impact of EU diplomacy: Pitfalls and challenges. European Union in International Affairs III Conference. European Union in International Affairs III Conference. Brussels. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Kleistra Y. (2012), Evaluating the impact of EU diplomacy: Pitfalls and challenges. ECPR/SGEU: Sixth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics. ECPR/SGEU: Sixth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics. Tampere. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Vollaard J.P. (2012), Explaining consensus politics in foreign and EU policy. International BISA-ISA Conference. 2012 International BISA-ISA Conference. Edinburgh. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Kleistra Y. & Van Willigen N.J.G. (2012), Je moet er naar zoeken: Interview met Corinne Dettmeijer-Vermeulen, nationaal rapporteur mensenhandel, Advances in Electronics 21(1): 91-98. Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Vollaard J.P. & Van Willigen N.J.G. (2011), Binnenlandse steun voor buitenlands beleid. In: Hellema D., Rood J. & Segers M. (Eds.), Bezinning op het buitenland: Het Nederlands buitenlands beleid in een onzekere wereld. Den Haag: Instituut Clingendael. 193-216. Boekdeel
  • Vollaard J.P. & Van Willigen N.J.G. (2011), Foreign policy and domestic consensus-making: The case of the Netherlands. ECPR General Conference. ECPR General Conference. Reykjavik. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (23 December 2011), Lever terroristen geen kant-en-klare recepten. De Volkskrant. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2010), Evaluating the European Union's diplomatic performance in international institutions. Conference: Europe in Global Governance: Performance, Reform, Power. Conference: Europe in Global Governance: Performance, Reform, Power. Rapallo. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2010), Peacebuilding under International Administration: Creating durable political institutions? ECPR Joint Sessions . ECPR Joint Sessions 2010. Münster. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2010), From nation-building to desecuritization in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Security and Human Rights 21(2): 127-138. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2010), Evaluating diplomacy: A mission impossible?, Evaluation. The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 16(2): 119-135. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Kleistra Y. & Van Willigen N.J.G. (2009), Humanitair leed versus militair belang: Een beschouwing over de relatie tussen kennis en emotie in het Nederlandse debat over een verbod op clustermunitie. In: Alberts G. & et al. (Eds.), Gevoel voor Kennis. Jaarboek kennissamenleving. Amsterdam: Aksant. 139-158. Boekdeel
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2009), EU conflict management and international administration in Bosnia and Kosovo. 50th ISA Convention. 50th ISA Convention. New York, USA. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2009), NATO; the Third Musketeer of European Security? ECPR Joint Sessions. ECPR Joint Sessions. Lisbon, Portugal. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Kleistra Y. & Van Willigen N.J.G. (2009), Nederland en de nieuwe veiligheidsagenda. Een beschouwing over de behartiging van nationale belangen op het terrein van vrede en veiligheid. Politicologenetmaal. Politicologenetmaal 2009. Nijmegen. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Kleistra Y. & Van Willigen N.J.G. (2009), Preparing the ground for a mine safe world. Dutch interventions on landmines and explosive remnants of war in the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and the Ottawa Convention 1966-2006. The Hague: Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Rapport
  • Willigen N.J.G. van (18 June 2009), Building sustainable institutions ? : the results of international administration in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo: 1995-2008 (Dissertatie. Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Wijk R. de. Dissertatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2009), Wederzijdse afhankelijkheid van recht en politiek binnen het nucleaire non-proliferatieregime, Vrede en Veiligheid. Tijdschrift voor Internationale Vraagstukken 38(2): 219-234. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2008), Internationale gouvernementele samenwerking. In: Breeman G.E., Noort G.E. van & Rutgers M.R. (Eds.), De bestuurlijke kaart van Nederland. Het openbaar bestuur en zijn omgeving in nationaal en internationaal perspectief. Bussum: Coutinho. 193-214. Boekdeel
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2008), Internationaal recht/internationale politiek: Wederzijdse afhankelijkheid. De casus van het nucleaire non-proliferatieregime. NIG Annual Conference. NIG Annual Conference. Enschede. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2008), The European Union's evolving conflict management role in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo. ECPR Joint Sessions. ECPR joint sessions 2008. Rennes, France. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2008), Kosovo: Instabiel en niet soeverein, Internationale Spectator 62(7): 395-399. Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Kleistra Y. (2008), Nederland en het Oslo-proces: Pragmatisch idealisme als leidraad in de onderhandelingen over een totaalverbod op clustermunitie, Vrede en Veiligheid. Tijdschrift voor Internationale Vraagstukken 37(3): 279-305. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (16 March 2008), Geen stabiel Kosovo zonder Europese dialoog met Servië. [blog entry]. Web publicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2007), Civilizational and cultural conflicts. In: Levinson D. & Christensen K. (Eds.), Global Perspectives on the United States: Issues and Ideas Shaping International Relations. Great Barrington: Berkshire Publishing Group. 54-58. Boekdeel
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. & Kleistra Y. (2007), Evaluating diplomacy: A mission impossible? United Kingdom Evaluation Society 13th Annual Conference. United Kingdom Evaluation Society 13th Annual Conference. Leeds. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2007), Cyprus in het kwadraat, Socialisme & Democratie 64(3): 10-11. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Gyarmati I. & Van Willigen N.J.G. (2006), Kosovo's internal security sector review. Strategic environment review and security threats analysis. Regional and international dimension. Geneva: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces. Rapport
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2006) Taming intractable conflicts and engineering peace. Review of: (2004), Taming intractable conflicts. Mediation in the hardest cases no. 3. Washington: United States Institute for Peace Press. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 14: 171-173. Boekbespreking
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (8 September 2006), Nederland, doe iets tegen clusterbommen. Trouw. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2005), Political institution building in Kosovo. NKWP Politicologenetmaal 2005 . NKWP Politicologenetmaal 2005. Antwerpen, Belgium. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2005), Political institution building under international administration: The case of Kosovo. World International Studies Committee First International Studies Conference. World International Studies Committee First International Studies Conference. Istanbul, Turkey. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2005) Review. Review of: Chesterman S. (2004), You, the People. The United Nations, Transitional Administration and State-Building no. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Vrede en Veiligheid. Tijdschrift voor Internationale Vraagstukken 34: 136-141. Boekbespreking
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2004), International Administration: Legal but Illegitimate? Fifth Pan-European Conference: 'Constructing World Orders'. Fifth Pan-European Conference: 'Constructing World Orders' (organized by the ECPR Standing Group on International Relations. Den Haag. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2004) Review of Between anarchy and society. Trusteeship and the obligations of power. Review of: Bain W. (2003), Between anarchy and society. Trusteeship and the obligations of power no. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Survival 46: 166-167. Boekbespreking
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2004) Review of "De (on)rechtmatigheid van humanitaire interventie. Respect voor staatssoevereiniteit versus bescherming van mensenrechten?". Review of: Molier G. (2003), De (on)rechtmatigheid van humanitaire interventie. Respect voor staatssoevereiniteit versus bescherming van mensenrechten? no. 4. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers. Vrede en Veiligheid. Tijdschrift voor Internationale Vraagstukken 33. Boekbespreking
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2004) De hele wereld democratisch?. Review of: Rawls J.B. & Zakaria F. (2001|2003), The law of peoples|The Future of Freedom. Illeberal democracy at home and abroad no. 1. Cambridge, Massachusetts|New York: Harvard University Press|Norton & Co. Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare 2: 3-3. Boekbespreking
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2004) Review of Humanitarian Intervention. Ethical, Legal, and Political Dilemmas. Review of: Holzgrefe J.L. & Keohane R.O. (2003), Humanitarian Intervention. Ethical, Legal, and Political Dilemmas no. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Vrede en Veiligheid. Tijdschrift voor Internationale Vraagstukken 33: 160-164. Boekbespreking
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2004), Het internationale bestuur van oorlogsgebieden: Oude wijn in nieuwe zakken?, Vrede en Veiligheid. Tijdschrift voor Internationale Vraagstukken 33(2): 217-235. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2003), Germany and the transatlantic link. The role of Germany in the development of a balanced European Security and Defense Identity strengthening NATO. Brussels: NATO Office of Academic Affairs. Rapport
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2003), Een stap terug in Bosnië-Herzegovina?, Internationale Spectator 57(6): 288-293. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Van Willigen N.J.G. (2003), De rationaliteit van een dictator, Internationale Spectator 57(9): 435-436. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift


  • Budo Ryu Katsu Eigenaar Budo Ryu Katsu (Japanse verdedigingssport)
  • Global Governance Institute Senior Analyst Peace & Security
  • European Council on Foreign Relations Onderzoeker
  • Medezeggenschapsraad IKC De Tjalk Zoetermeer Voorzitter medezeggenschapsraad
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