Niels van Willigen
Director of Studies/Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. N.J.G. van Willigen
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0001-7940-0717

Dr. Niels van Willigen is an associate professor of international relations and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the Institute of Political Science.
More information about Niels van Willigen
Selected publications
Niels van Willigen is an associate professor of international relations and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the Institute of Political Science. His professional interests include theories of international relations, foreign policy analysis, and security studies—particularly peace operations, arms control, nuclear non-proliferation and European security.
He teaches bachelor and master courses on these or related topics in the Institute of Political Science. His publications appeared, amongst others, in European Journal of International Relations, International Peacekeeping, and East European Politics.
Van Willigen coordinates the Jean Monnet Network ‘Reconceptualizing European Power in an Age of Turmoil’ (RENPET), which is funded by the European Commission. He is also involved as guest lecturer in educational programs for foreign policy and defence professionals and is regularly invited for expert meetings at foreign policy and defence institutions. Van Willigen is a non-resident senior fellow in the Peace & Security Section of the Global Governance Institute (GGI) and associate researcher for the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).
PhD supervision
Niels van Willigen is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:
- International Relations
- Foreign Policy Analysis
- European security
See for more information on PhD positions:
Director of Studies/Associate Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Politieke Wetenschap
- Van Willigen N.J.G. (2014), Stevenen de Koerden af op een eigen staat? Interview voor Trouw, 25 juni 2014. for Trouw, Buitenland. [interview].
- Willigen N.J.G. van (5 September 2014), NAVO-chef wil niet alleen beloftes horen, maar ook euro's zien. Interview met Het Financieele Dagblad. Interviewed by Zeemeijer Ilse for Het Financieele Dagblad, Economie en politiek. [interview].
- Van Willigen N.J.G. (2014), De nieuwe satellietstaat van Rusland’. Interview voor Bureau Buitenland, NPO Radio 1, 7 oktober 2014. for Bureau Buitenland (NPO, Radio 1). [interview].
- Van Willigen N.J.G. (18 November 2011), Hoe kan de NAVO op een geloofwaardige manier reageren op dreigingen van massavernietigingswapens, waaronder nucleaire wapens. Publieksbijeenkomst ‘NAVO ¬posture review: nieuw dreigingen, nieuwe capaciteiten?'. Den Haag. [lecture].
- Van Willigen N.J.G. (8 July 2011), Multilateralism in nonproliferation. Lessons learned and future strategies. Conference: Making Multilateralism Effective. The Role of the European Union. Berlin. [lecture].
- Van Willigen N.J.G. (11 July 2004), Kosovo: Frozen conflict under international administration. ECPR European International Relations Summer School. Wenen. [lecture].
- Van Willigen N.J.G. (7 May 2004), The European Union on the world stage. Europese studentenconferentie Bright. Leiden. [lecture].
- Van Willigen N.J.G. (18 March 2004), International administration of war-torn territories: The cases of Kosovo and Bosnia. Gastcollege Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam. [lecture].
- Eigenaar Budo Ryu Katsu (Japanse verdedigingssport)
- Senior Analyst Peace & Security
- Onderzoeker
- Voorzitter medezeggenschapsraad