Universiteit Leiden

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Monique Boekaerts

Emeritus of instruction theory and technology

Prof.dr. M. Boekaerts
+31 71 527 2727

Monique Boekaerts started her professional career as a foreign language teacher. She graduated in psychology from Reading university (UK) in 1974 and became a full professor in Educational sciences at Nijmegen University 6 years later. In 1991 she transferred to Leiden University, where she held the chair of Learning an Instruction till 2011. As an emeritus professor, Boekaerts is still connected to the programme group Educational Science as a guest professor. Her main research interests are self-regulation, motivation, and emotion. She wrote several books and over 250 scientific articles on these topics and is the principal editor of the Handbook of Self-Regulation.

More information about Monique Boekaerts

Boekaerts played a leading role in the development of the motivation construct, designing the first situation-specific measurement instrument to assess motivation in the classroom (The On-line Motivation Questionnaire). Her theories and empirical studies have also been of high importance for the international recognition of the self-regulation construct. Boekaerts developed two models of self-regulated Learning: a structural model and a dynamic model. The former model describes the 6 main components of self-regulated learning, including domain-specific knowledge and skills, cognitive strategies, cognitive self-regulatory strategies, motivational beliefs and theory of mind, motivation strategies, and motivational self-regulatory strategies. This model was mainly used to gain insight into the domain-specific components of self-regulation, to inform teachers on these different components, and train them in the promotion of self-regulation strategies. The model was also instrumental to construct new measurement instruments for research and to design  intervention  programs. The latter model describes the dynamic aspects of self-regulated learning. It  offers a theoretical scaffold for understanding findings from diverse psychological frameworks, including motivation, emotion, metacognition, self-concept, and learning. The model describes two parallel processing modes, namely a mastery or learning mode and a coping or well-being mode (Boekaerts and Niemivirta (2000). The model has generated extensive scholarly discussions, many testable hypotheses, and empirical studies. In the new Handbook of  Self-regulation, edited by Zimmerman and Schunk, Boekaerts (2011) presented an extended version of the Dual Processing Self-regulation  model, pointing to  the different purposes of self-regulation during the learning process, namely (1) expanding one’s knowledge and skills, (2) protecting one’s commitment to the learning activity, and (3) preventing threat and harm to the self. The key role that appraisals and positive and negative emotions play in self-regulated learning was highlighted and the difference between 2 bottom-up strategies, namely volitional strategies and emotion regulation strategies, was illustrated (see also Boekaerts & Pekruns, 2014).

Boekaerts built up a national and international reputation for the application of her theories of motivation and self-regulation in educational practice. For many years she was the principal investigator of the Platform for School Innovation in Secondary Vocational Education in the Netherlands. She is also an active player on the international scene, giving numerous invited addresses and organizing many invited symposia and workshops on the topics of motivation and self-regulated learning. She is a founding member of the European Association of Learning and Instruction (EARLI) and served many executive functions in this organization. She was president of  EARLI (1999-2001). Boekaerts was also president of the Division of Educational, Instructional and School Psychology of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP, 1998-2002).  She is a Fellow of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and of the International Academy of Education, of which she was the president from 2006 - 2012. She received the Life time award for academic achievement in Research on Motivation and Emotion at the 12th International Conference on Motivation (2010).

Emeritus of instruction theory and technology

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
  • Onderwijswetenschappen
  • Boekaerts M., Smit K. & Busing F.M.T.A. (2012), Salient goals direct and energise students' actions in the classroom, Applied Psychology: An International Review 4(S1): 520-539. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Nuland H.J.C. van, Taris T.W., Boekaerts M. & Martens R.L. (2012), Testing the hierarchical SDT model: the case of performance-oriented classrooms, European Journal of Psychology of Education 27(4): 467-482. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2011), Emotions, emotion regulation, and self-regulation of learning. In: Zimmerman B. & Schunk D. (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance. New York: Routledge. 408-425. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. (2011), What have we learned about the social context-student engagement link?, Teachers College Record 113(2): 375-393. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Minnaert A.E.M.G., Boekaerts M., Brabander C.J. de & Opdenakker M.-C. (2011), Student experiences of autonomy, competence, social relatedness and interest within a CSCL environment in vocational education: The case of commerce and business administration, Vocations and Learning 4: 175-190. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Nuland H.J.C. van, Dusseldorp E., Martens R.L. & Boekaerts M. (2010), Exploring the motivation jungle: Predicting performance on a novel task by investigating constructs from different motivation perspectives in tandem, International Journal of Psychology 45: 250-259. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2010), The crucial role of motivation and emotions in classroom learning. In: Dumont H., Istance D. & Benavides F. (Eds.), The nature of learning: Using research to inspire practice.. Paris: OECD Publishing. 91-113. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. (2010), Motivation and self-regulation: Two close friends. In: Urdan T.C. & Karabenick S.A. (Eds.), The decade ahead: Applications and contexts of motivation and achievement.. Bingley, UK: Emerald. 69-108. Boekdeel
  • Smit K., Boekaerts M. & Busing F. (2010), Students’ goal preferences and motivation in the classroom. [other]. Overig
  • Martens R., Brabander C. den, Rozendaal J., Boekaerts M. & Leeden M. van der (2010), Inducing mind sets in self-regulated learning with motivational information, Educational Studies 36(3): 311-327. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M., Nuland H.J.C. van & Martens R.L. (2010), Perspectives on motivation: What mechanisms energise students’ behaviour in the classroom. In: Littleton K., Wood C. & Kleine Staarman J. (Eds.), International Handbook of Psychology in Education. Bingley UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 535-568. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. (2010), Coping with stressful situations: An important aspect of self-regulation. In: Peterson P., Baker E. & McGaw B. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford: Elsevier. 570-575. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. & Rozendaal J.S. (2010), Using multiple calibration indices in order to capture the complex picture of what affects students' accuracy of feeling of confidence, Learning and Instruction 20: 372-382. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2009), La evaluación de las competencias de auto-regulación del estudiante [The assessment of students' self-regulation competences]. In: Monereo C. (Ed.), PISA como excusa. Repensar la evaluación para cambiar la enseñanza.. Barcelona: Graó. 55-69. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. (2009), Motywacja w nauce. In: Janowski A. (Ed.), Educational Practices Series.. Warszawa: International Academy of Education-International Bureau of Education (UNESCO).. 117-135. Boekdeel
  • Smit K., Boekaerts M. & Busing F. (2009), Students’ goal preferences in the classroom. [other]. Overig
  • Boekaerts M. (2009), Goal-directed behavior in the classroom. In: Wentzel K. & Wigfield A. (Eds.), Handbook on motivation at school.. New York and London: Routledge. 105-122. Boekdeel
  • Oortwijn M.B., Boekaerts M., Vedder P.H. & Strijbos J.W. (2008), Helping behaviour during cooperative learning and learning gains: The role of the teacher and of pupils' prior knowledge and ethnic background, Learning and Instruction 18: 146-159. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Minnaert A., Boekaerts M. & Opdenakker M.C. (2008), The relationship between students' interest development and their conceptions and perceptions of group work, Unterrichtswissenschaft 3: 216-236. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Oortwijn M.B., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (2008), The impact of the teachter's role and pupils' ethnicity and prior knowledge on pupils' performance and motivation to cooperate, Instructional Science 36: 251-268. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (23 July 2008), Keeping track of developments in self-regulated learning. Invited Symposium organized at the 29th International Congress of Psychology. Berlin, Germany. [lecture]. Uitvoering / lezing
  • Oortwijn M.B., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (2008), The effect of stimulating immigrant and national pupils' helping behaviour during cooperative learning in classrooms on their math-related talk, Educational Studies 34: 333-342. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. & Rozendaal J.S. (2008), Expertise development in the college classroom: New insights. In: Berliner D.C. & Kupermintz H. (Eds.), Fostering change in institutions, environments, and people.. New York: Routledge. 95-118. Boekdeel
  • Oortwijn M.B., Boekaerts M., Vedder P.H. & Fortuin J. (2008), The impact of a cooperative learning experience on pupils' popularity, non-cooperativeness, and interethnic bias in multiethnic elementary schools, Educational Psychology 28(2): 211-221. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Hijzen D., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (2007), Exploring the links between students' engagement in cooperative learning, their goal preferences and appraisals of instructional conditions in the classroom, Learning and Instruction 17(6): 673-687. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2007), What have we learned about the link between motivation and learning/performance?, Zeitschrift fuer Paedagogische Psychologie 21(3/4): 263-269. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. & Hijzen D. (2007), Understanding the effect of culture on the pursuit of multiple goals, perception of learning conditions, and the quality of cooperative learning. In: Salili F. (Ed.), Culture, motivation and learning: A multicultural perspective.. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. 113-129. Boekdeel
  • Martens R.L. & Boekaerts M. (2007), Motiveren van studenten in het hoger onderwijs. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff. Boek
  • Boekaerts M. & Rozendaal J.S. (2007), New insights into the self-regulation of writing skills in secondary vocational education, Journal of Psychology 215(3): 152-163. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Minnaert A.E.M.G., Boekaerts M. & Brabander C.J. de (2007), Autonomy, competence, and social relatedness in task interest within project-based education, Psychological Reports 101: 574-586. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2007), Understanding students' affective processes in the classroom. In: Schutz P., Pekrun R. & Phye G. (Eds.), Emotion in education.. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 37-56. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. & Cascallar E. (2006), How far have we moved toward the integration of theory and practice in self-regulation?, Educational Psychology Review 18(3): 199-210. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Cascallar E., Boekaerts M. & Costigan T. (2006), The assessment of self-regulation as a process, Educational Psychology Review 18(3): 297-306. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Verschaffel L., Dochy F., Boekaerts M. & Vosniadou S. (Eds.) (2006), Instructional psychology: Past, present and future trends. A look back and a look forward. London: Elsevier. Boekredactie
  • Boekaerts M. (2006), Helping students improve collaborative learning. In: Oser F.K., Renold U. & Achtenhagen F. (Eds.), Competence Oriented Teacher Training. Rotterdam, Taipei: Sense. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M., Martens R.L. & Spapé M. (2006), The study of interest development: the impact of three motivational conditions, 10th International motivation conference. . Landau, Germany: University of Koblenz. 100-102. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Boekaerts M. & Minnaert A. (2006), Affective and motivational outcomes of working in collaborative groups, Educational Psychology 26(2): 187-208. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2006), Self-regulation and effort investment. In: Sigel E. & Renninger K.A. (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology, Vol. 4, Child psychology in practice.. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 345-377. Boekdeel
  • Nuland H.J.C. van, Martens R.L., Boekaerts M. & Taris T.W. (2006), Self-regulation as a mediator/moderator in the effect of motivation on performance. [other]. Overig
  • Boekaerts M., Cascallar E. & Rozendaal J.S. (2006), Joining psychological research with cutting edge technology in the service of innovations in secondary vocational education. [other]. Overig
  • Boekaerts M. (2006), Recent advances in the study of self-regulated learning. [other]. Overig
  • Boekaerts M., Koning E. de & Vedder P.H. (2006), Goal-Directed behavior and contextual factors in the classroom: An innovative approach to the study of multiple goals, Educational Psychologist 41(1): 33-51. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. & Cascallar E. (Eds.) (2006), . Educational Psychology Review. Boekredactie
  • Boekaerts M. & Rozendaal J.S. (2006), Self-regulation in Dutch secondary vocational education: Need for a more systematic approach to the assessment of self-regulation. Euler D., Lang M. & Pätzold G. (Eds.), Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Beiheft 20, Selbstgesteuertes Lernen in der beruflichen Bildung.. : Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. 49-77. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Boekaerts M. & Martens R.L. (2006), Motivated learning: What is it and how can it be enhanced?. In: Verschaffel L., Dochy F., Boekaerts M. & Vosniadou S. (Eds.), Instructional psychology: Past, present and future trends. A look back and a look forward.. London: Elsevier. 113-130. Boekdeel
  • Hijzen D., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (2006), The relationship between the quality of cooperative learning, students' goal preferences, and perceptions of contextual factors in the classroom, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 47: 9-21. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Oortwijn M.B., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (2005), De effectiviteit van samenwerkend leren op multiculturele basisscholen; een vergelijking met klassikaal leren, Tijdschrift voor Nascholing en Onderzoek van het Reken-Wiskundeonderwijs 24(4): 16-24. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Rozendaal J.S., Minnaert A.E.M.G. & Boekaerts M. (2005), The influence of teacher perceived administration of self-regulated learning on students' motivation and information-processing, Learning and Instruction 15: 141-160. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Koning E. de & Boekaerts M. (2005), Determinants of students' school-identification in secondary vocational education, European Journal of Psychology of Education 20: 289-308. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2005), Self-regulation and effort investment. In: Sigel E. & Renninger K.A. (Eds.), Handbook of Child Psychology. Child Psychology in Practice. 345-377. Boekdeel
  • Vermeer H.J. & Boekaerts M. (2005), Rekenonderwijs: motivatie van jongens en meisjes bij rekenen in het basisonderwijs. In: IJzendoorn M.H. van & Frankrijker H. de (Eds.), Pedagogiek in Beeld. Een inleiding in de pedagogische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening. (Geheel gereviseerde druk. Eerdere druk 2002). Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. 385-398. Boekdeel
  • Karoly P., Boekaerts M. & Maes S. (2005), Toward consensus in the psychology of self-regulation: How far have we come? How far do we have yet to travel?, Applied Psychology: An International Review 54(2): 300-311. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. & Minnaert A.E.M.G. (2005), Cognitive and affective outcomes of work in collaborative groups, Educational Psychology 26(2): 187-208. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M., Maes S. & Karoly P. (2005), Self-regulation across domains of applied psychology: Is there an emerging consensus?, Applied Psychology: An International Review 54(2): 149-154. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Oortwijn M.B., Boekaerts M. & Vedder P.H. (2005), Is coöperatief rekenen op multiculturele basisscholen effectiever dan klassikaal rekenen?, Tijdschrift voor Nascholing en Onderzoek van het Reken-Wiskundeonderwijs 24(4): 16-24. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Vedder P.H., Boekaerts M. & Seegers G.H.J. (2005), Perceived social support and well being in schools; the role of students' ethnicity, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 34(3): 269-278. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M., Maes S. & Karoly P. (2005), Self-regulation across domains of applied psychology: is there an emerging consensus?, Applied Psychology: An International Review 54: 149-154. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Karoly P., Boekaerts M. & Maes S. (2005), Toward consensus in the psychology of self-regulation: how far have we come?, Applied Psychology: An International Review 54: 300-311. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Martens R.L. & Boekaerts M. (2005), Relatedness as a key factor in effective learning environments, Proceedings of the European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction.. . Nicosia, Cyprus 567-570. 'Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Boekaerts M. & Corno L. (2005), Self-regulation in the classroom: A perspective on assessment and intervention, Applied Psychology: An International Review 54(2): 199-231. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2003), How do students from different cultures motivate themselves for academic learning?. In: Salili F. & Hoosain R. (Eds.), Research on multicultural education and international perspectives: vol. 3. Greenwich: Information Age Publishing. 13-31. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. & Minnaert A.E.M.G. (2003), Assessment of students' feelings of autonomy, competence and social relatedness: A new approach to measuring the quality of the learning process through self- and peer-assessment. In: Segers M.S.R., Dochy F.J.R.C. & Cascallar E.C. (Eds.), Optimising new methods of assessment: In search of quality and standards. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 225-246. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. & Minnaert A.E.M.G. (2003), Measuring behavioral change processes during an ongoing innovation program: Scope and limits. In: De Corte E., Verschaffel L., Entwistle N. & Merriënboer J. van (Eds.), Powerful learning environments: Unravelling basic components and dimensions. New York: Pergamon. 71-87. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. (2003), Adolescence in Dutch culture: a self-regulation perspective. In: Pajares F. & Urdan T. (Eds.), Adolescence and Education, vol. III: International Perspectives on Adolescence. Greenwich, Ct.: Information Age Publishing. 101-124. Boekdeel
  • Röder I., Kroonenberg P.M. & Boekaerts M. (2003), Psychosocial functioning and stress-processing of children with asthma in the school context: differences and similarities with children without asthma, Journal of Asthma 40: 777-787. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Crombach M.J., Boekaerts M. & Voeten M.J.M. (2003), Online measurement of appraisals of students faced with curricular tasks, Educational and Psychological Measurement 63(1): 96-111. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Koning E. de & Boekaerts M. (2003), Schaalgrootte en pedagogisch klimaat in het middelbaar beroepsonderwijs, Vernieuwing. Tijdschrift voor Onderwijs en Opvoeding 62(6): 16-18. Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Koning E. de & Boekaerts M. (2003), Deelonderzoek 2: Motivationele zelfregulatie. In: Winter M. de (Ed.), Niet te groot en niet te klein. Effecten van schaalgrootte op het welbevinden van jongeren. Utrecht: NIZW. Boekdeel
  • Koning E. de & Boekaerts M. (2003), Schaalgrootte en pedagogisch klimaat, Tijdschrift voor Onderwijs en Opvoeding 62(6): . 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Rozendaal J.S., Minnaert A.E.M.G. & Boekaerts M. (2003), Motivation and self-regulated learning in secondary vocational education: information-processing type and gender differences, Learning and Individual Differences 13(4): 273-289. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M., Otten R. & Voeten M.J.M. (2003), Examination performance: Are students' causal attributions school-subject specific?, Anxiety, Stress and Coping 16(3): 331-342. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2003), Towards a model that integrates motivation, affect, and learning, British Journal of Educational Psychology : 173-189. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2002), Intensity of emotions, emotional regulation, and goal framing: How are they related to adolescents' choice of coping strategies?, Anxiety, Stress and Coping 15(4): 401-412. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2002), Bringing about change in the classroom: Strengths and weaknesses of the self-regulated learning approach, Learning and Instruction 12(6): 589-604. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2002), Coping with challenge, Anxiety, Stress and Coping 15(4): 321-326. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. & Boscolo P. (Eds.) (2002), . Learning and Instruction. Boekredactie
  • Boekaerts M. (Ed.) (2002), . Anxiety, Stress and Coping. Boekredactie
  • Minnaert A.E.M.G., Boekaerts M. & Brabander C.J. de (2002), Constructing and evaluating an ICT-instrument to assess students' quality of working in groups, Education-Line (internettijdschrift) 2320: . 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Röder I., Kroonenberg P.M. & Boekaerts M. (2002), The stress and coping questionnaire for children (School version and Asthma version): Construction, factor structure, and psychometric properties, Psychological Reports 91: 29-36. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2002), Motivation to learn. Brussel: IAE-IBE UNESCO. Boek
  • Boekaerts M. (2002), Meeting challenges in a classroom context. In: Frydenberg E. (Ed.), Beyond coping: meeting goals, visions and challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 129-147. Boekdeel
  • Vermeer H.J. & Boekaerts M. (2002), Rekenonderwijs: Motivatie van jongens en meisjes bij rekenen in het basisonderwijs. In: IJzendoorn M.H. van & Frankrijker H. de (Eds.), Pedagogiek in beeld: Een inleiding in de pedagogische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening. Houten: Bohn Satfleu Van Loghum. 397-410. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. (2002), Assessment of attitudes about new learners' roles: factor analysis of the Beliefs about Working in Groups Questionnaire, Psychological Reports 90: 986-996. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. & Boscolo P. (2002), Interest in learning, learning to be interested, Learning and Instruction 12(4): 375-382. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (2002), Unraveling the mental representation students make of stressful events. In: Gates G. & Wolverton M. (Eds.), Toward wellness: Prevention, coping and stress. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. 35-55. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. (2001), Context sensitivity: activated motivational beliefs, current concerns and emotional arousal. In: Volet S. & Järvelä S. (Eds.), Motivation in Learning Contexts: Theoretical Advances and Methodological Implications. New York: Pergamon - Elsevier Science. 17-31. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. (2001), Motivation, learning and instruction. In: Smelser N.J. & Baltes P.B. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Elsevier Sciences Ltd.. 10112-10117. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. (2001), The on-line motivation questionnaire: A self-report instrument to assess student's context sensitivity. In: Pintrich P.R. & Maehr M.L. (Eds.), New Directions in Measures and Methods. New York: JAI - Elsevier Science. 77-120. Boekdeel
  • Rozendaal J.S., Minnaert A.E.M.G. & Boekaerts M. (2001), The relation between students' information processing modes, motivation, and anxiety in the context of innovative secondary vocational education. [other]. Overig
  • Boekaerts M., Pintrich P.R. & Zeidner M. (2000), Self-regulation: An introductory overview. In: Boekaerts M., Pintrich P.R. & Zeidner M. (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation. San Diego: Academic Press. 1-9. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. (2000), The on-line motivation questionnaire: Een meetinstrument om situatie-specifieke cognities en emoties te registreren. In: Evers A., Vliet-Mulder J.C. van & Groot C.J. (Eds.), Documentatie van tests en testresearch in Nederland. Assen: NIP Publicatie, Van Gorcum. 661-662. Boekdeel
  • Zeidner M., Boekaerts M. & Pintrich P.R. (2000), Self-regulation: Directions and challenges for future research. In: Boekaerts M., Pintrich P.R. & Zeidner M. (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation. San Diego: Academic Press. 750-769. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. & Niemivirta M. (2000), Self-regulated learning: Finding a balance between learning goals and ego-protective goals. In: Boekaerts M., Pintrich P.R. & Zeidner M. (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation. San Diego: Academic Press. 417-450. Boekdeel
  • Vermeer H.J., Boekaerts M. & Seegers G.H.J. (2000), Motivational and gender differences: Sixth-grade students' mathematical problem-solving behavior, Journal of Educational Psychology : 308-315. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M., Pintrich P.R. & Zeidner M. (Eds.) (2000), Handbook of self-regulation. San Diego, Cal. USA: Academic Press. Boekredactie
  • Boekaerts M. (Ed.) (1999), . Learning and Instruction. Boekredactie
  • Boekaerts M. (Ed.) (1999), . International Journal of Educational Research. Boekredactie
  • Zeidner M., Boekaerts M. & Pintrich P.R. (1999), Self-regulation: Directions and challenges for future research. In: Boekaerts M., Pintrich P.R. & Zeidner M. (Eds.), Handbook on self-regulation. San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press. 750-769. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. & Niemivirta M. (1999), Self-regulated learning: Finding a balance between learning goals and ego-protective goals. In: Boekaerts M., Pintrich P.R. & Zeidner M. (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation. San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press. 417-450. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. (1999), Wie of wat bepaalt of een leeromgeving krachtig is?. In: Lodewijks J.G.L.C. & Sanden J.M.M. van der (Eds.), Op de student gericht. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press. 69-85. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M., Pintrich P.R. & Zeidner M. (Eds.) (1999), Handbook on self-regulation. San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press. Boekredactie
  • Boekaerts M. (Ed.) (1999), . Studiehuisreeks. Boekredactie
  • Boekaerts M. (1999), Self-regulated learning: Where we are today, International Journal of Educational Research 31(6): 445-457. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. & Minnaert A.E.M.G. (1999), Self-regulation with respect to informal learning, International Journal of Educational Research 31(6): 533-544. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (1999), Motivated learning: The study of student x situation transactional units, European Journal of Psychology of Education 14(4): 41-55. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. & Röder I. (1999), Stress, coping, and adjustment in children with a chronic disease: A review of the literature, Disability and Rehabilitation 21(7): 311-337. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (1999), Metacognitive experiences and motivational state as aspects of self-awareness: Review and discussion, European Journal of Psychology of Education 14(4): 571-584. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. & Röder I. (1999), Stress, coping, and adjustment in children with a chronic disease: a review of the literature, Disability and Rehabilitation 21(7): 311-337. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M., Pintrich P.R. & Zeidner M. (1999), Self-regulation: An introductory overview. In: Boekaerts M., Pintrich P.R. & Zeidner M. (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation. San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press. 1-9. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. & Nenniger P. (1999), Motivation: A construct with a long tradition. Introduction, European Journal of Psychology of Education 14(4): 3-9. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (1998), Do culturally rooted self-construals affect students' conceptualization of control over learning?, Educational Psychologist 33(2/3): 87-108. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (1998), Boosting students' capacity to promote their own learning: A goal theory perspective, Research Dialogue in Learning and Instruction 1(1): 13-22. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M., Crombach M.J. & Voeten M.J.M. (1998), Task attraction as a determinant of intended effort on curricular tasks, Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis 35(2): 493-512. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (1998), Coping in context: Goal frustration and goal ambivalence in relation to academic and interpersonal goals. In: Frydenberg E. (Ed.), Learning to cope: Developing as a person in complex societies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 175-197. Boekdeel
  • Boekaerts M. (1997), Zelf-regulerend leren bevorderen met behulp van het zes-blokkenmodel, Studiehuisreeks 18: 32-57. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (Ed.) (1997), . Review of Research in Education. Boekredactie
  • Boekaerts M. (Ed.) (1997), . Learning and Instruction. Boekredactie
  • Boekaerts M. (Ed.) (1997), . Studiehuisreeks. Boekredactie
  • Boekaerts M. (1997), Samoregulisano ucenje na spoju kognicije i motivacije [The model of self-regulated learning], Psihologija U Svetu 2(1): 44-57. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M., Otten R. & Simons P.R.J. (1997), Een onderzoek naar de bruikbaarheid van de ILS. Leerstijlen in de onderbouw van het voortgezet onderwijs, Gender Studies 22(2): 15-36. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (1997), Capacity, inclination, and sensitivity for mathematics, Anxiety, Stress and Coping 10: 5-33. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (1997), Self-regulated learning: A new concept embraced by researchers, policy makers, educators, teachers, and students, Learning and Instruction 7(2): 161-186. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Boekaerts M. (Ed.) (1997), . Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis. Boekredactie
  • Boekaerts M. (1997), Affect, emotions, and learning. In: Anderson L.W. (Ed.), Teaching and teacher education. Oxford: Pergamon. 402-407. Boekdeel


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