Mitch van Geel
Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. M. van Geel
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6711
- 0000-0002-2352-9594

Short CV
Mitch van Geel studied psychology at the University of Amsterdam (2001-2006), after which study he finished a PhD at Leiden University (2006-2009). Ever since then, he has been employed at the Institute of Education and Child studies (Leiden University) first as an assistant professor (2009-2020) and then as an associate professor (since 2020). He teaches the courses 'Interventions in Child Studies', ‘Recent Advances in Education and Child Studies’ and 'Introduction to Developmental Psychology' and does research on bullying and cyberbullying.
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The research of Mitch van Geel focuses on peer victimization, bullying and cyberbullying. He analyzes the potential consequences of bullying, but also focuses on which youth are likely to become bullies or victims of (cyber)bullying. Mitch van Geel does this research not only in the Netherlands, but also for example in India and China. Mitch van Geel frequently uses meta-analyses and longitudinal designs in his research.
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Grants and awards
- Grassroots Subsidy (2016; 1.000 euro's): for innovations in teaching.
- Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland (2014; 25.000 euro's): for a study about decision making in foster care.
- ZonMW diversity in youthcare (2010; 86.000 euro's).
- Jacobs Foundation Traveling Grant (2008; 500 euro's). To attend a summer school on Syros.
- Excellent Teacher in Child Studies (2016; 2000 euro's)
- Best Article in Child Maltreatment (2016; $1.000)
Supervised PhD candidates
- PhDs: Xing Zhao (ongoing; CSC scholarship)
- Dan Gao (ongoing; CSC scholarship)
- Niharika Thakkar (2021)
- Begum Coskun (2015)
- Janna Fortuin (2016)
- Radhika Bapat (2016)
- Anouk Goemans (2017)
- Wendy Zwaanswijk (2017)
› Psychology Today: What Happens When Narcissism Turns Malignant
› LA Times: Teens taunted by bullies are more likely to consider, attempt suicide
› TIME: Bullied Teens Twice as Likely to Consider Suicide
› Business Standard: Teen bullies, victims more likely to carry weapons
› U.S. News: Teen Bullies, Victims Armed More Than Other Kids, Study Says
› Le Figaro: Cyberharcèlement: les jeunes face au risque de suicide
› Reuters: Bullying among kids tied to suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts
› The Globe and Mail: Cyberbullying poses greater risk of suicide among young people, study suggests
› Utah People's Post: Bullying can lead your kids to attemt suicides
› Fox News: Bullying among kids tied to suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts
› HealthDay: Teen Bullies, Victims Armed More Than Other Kids, Study Says
› Suicide in children and adolescents: relationship between peer victimization, cyberbullying
Mitch van Geel also appeared in the Dutch RTL nieuws, and his research was mentioned in the TED presentation by Monica Lewinsky and recently in the Washington Post and the New York Times.
Working days
See Dutch profile Mitch van Geel
Associate Professor
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Forensische gezinsped. en Jeugdhulpverl.
- Thakkar N., Geel M. van, Malda M., Rippe R. & Vedder P. (2025), Socio-Economic Status and Bullying Victimization in India: A Study About Social Misfit and Minority Perception, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 54: 32-45.
- Thakkar N., Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (2024), Bullying and victimization among adolescents in India: a socio-cultural perspective. In: Hong J.S., Chan H.C. & Fung A.L.C. (Eds.), Handbook of school violence, bullying and safety: Edward Elgar Publishing. 363-376.
- Thakkar N., Geel M. van, Malda M., Rippe R.C.A. & Vedder P.H. (2024), Socio-economic status and bullying victimization in India: a study about social misfit and minority perception, Journal of Youth and Adolescence : .
- Gao D., Geel M. van, Liu J. & Mesman J. (2024), Chinese mothers’ profiles of color-conscious socialization and social dominance orientation: relations to Children’s racial attitudes, Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology : .
- Geel M. van, Tanilon J.O. & Vedder P.H. (2023), A commentary on the association between weight status and bullying experiences among children and adolescents in schools: an updated meta-analysis, Child Abuse & Neglect 143: 106268.
- Vedder P.H. & Geel M. van (2023), Ontwikkeling. In: Meeussen L. (Ed.), Crossculturele psychologie: Acco.
- Gao D., Geel M. van, Liu J. & Mesman J. (2023), Chinese children show racial and skin‐tone salience but little color evasion, Social Development : .
- El Bouk F., Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (2022), Entrepreneurship: an attractive career path for immigrant vocational students in the Netherlands?: The role of negative and positive stimulating factors, International Journal of Intercultural Relations 88: 22-31.
- Geel M. van, Goemans A., Zwaanswijk W. & Vedder P.H. (2022), Does peer victimization predict future suicidal ideation? A meta-analysis on longitudinal studies, Aggression and Violent Behavior 64: 101577.
- Maneiro L., Ziti Y., Geel M. van, Gomez-Fraguela X.A. & Vedder P (2022), The role of deviant siblings in delinquency: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies, Aggression and Violent Behavior 67: 101780.
- Gao D., Liu J, Xu L., Mesman J. & Geel M. van (2022), Early adolescent social anxiety: differential associations for fathers’ and mothers’ psychologically controlling and autonomy-supportive parenting, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 51: 1858-1871.
- Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (2022), Peer victimization and suicidal ideation. In: Martin C., Preedy V.R. & Patel V.B. (Eds.), Handbook of anger, aggression, and violence: Springer International Publishing.
- Thakkar N., Geel M. van, Malda M., Rippe R.C.A. & Vedder P.H. (2021), Body mass index and peer victimization: a transactional model, Aggressive Behavior 47(2): 236-246.
- Thakkar N., Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (2021), A systematic review of bullying and victimization among adolescents in India , International Journal of Bullying Prevention 3: 253–269.
- Thakkar N., Van Geel M., Malda M., Rippe R. & Vedder P.H. (2020), Bullying and psychopathic traits: A longitudinal study with adolescents in India, Psychology of Violence 10(2): 223-231.
- Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (2020), Does cyberbullying predict internalizing problems and conduct problems when controlled for traditional bullying?, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 61(2): 307-311.
- Maneiro L. Navas M.P. Van Geel M. Cutrin O. Vedder P.H. (2020), Dark Triad Traits and Risky Behaviours: Identifying Risk Profiles from a Person-Centred Approach, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(17): 6194.
- Goemans A., Buisman R.S.M., Geel M. van & Vedder P. (2020), Foster parent stress as key factor relating to foster children’s mental health: a 1-year prospective longitudinal study, Child and Youth Care Forum 49: 661-686.
- Zwaanswijk W., Van Geel M., Andershed H., Fanti K.A. & Vedder P. (2018), Variants of psychopathy and the dependence on gender, age, and ethnic background, Journal of Personality Disorders 32(6): 721-737.
- Goemans A., Tarren-Sweeney M., Geel M. van & Vedder P. (2018), Psychosocial screening and monitoring for children in foster care: Psychometric properties of the Brief Assessment Checklist in a Dutch population study, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 23(1): 9-24.
- Goemans A., Van Geel M. & Vedder P.H. (2018), Foster children’s behavioral development and foster parent stress: testing a transactional model, Journal of Child and Family Studies 27(3): 990-1001.
- Goemans A., Geel M. van, Wilderjans T.F., Ginkel J.R. van & Vedder P. (2018), Predictors of school engagement in foster children: A longitudinal study, Children and Youth Services Review 88: 33-43.
- Van Geel M., Goemans A., Zwaanswijk W., Gini G. & Vedder P. (2018), Does peer victimization predict low self-esteem, or does low self-esteem predict peer victimization? Meta-analyses on longitudinal studies, Developmental Review 49: 31-40.
- Zwaanswijk W., Van Geel M. & Vedder P.H. (2018), Socioeconomic status and psychopathic traits in a community sample of youth, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 46(8): 1643-1649.
- Goemans A., Van Geel M. & Vedder P.H. (2018), Variability in Developmental Outcomes of Foster Children: Implications for Research and Practice, Children Australia 43(2): 116-123.
- Geel M. van, Goemans A., Toprak F. & Vedder P. (2017), Which personality traits are related to traditional bullying and cyberbullying? A study with the Big Five, Dark Triad and sadism, Personality and Individual Differences 106: 231-235.
- Bapat R., Van Geel M. & Vedder P.H. (2017), Socio-Economic Status, Time Spending, and Sleep Duration in Indian Children and Adolescents, Journal of Child and Family Studies 26(1): 80-87.
- Van Geel M., Toprak F., Goemans A., Zwaanswijk W. & Vedder P. (2017), Are Youth Psychopathic Traits Related to Bullying? Meta-analyses on Callous-Unemotional Traits, Narcissism, and Impulsivity, Child Psychiatry and Human Development 48(5): 768-777.
- Vedder P. & Van Geel M. (2017), Cultural identity development as a developmental resource. In: Cabrera N.J. & Leyendecker B. (Eds.), Handbook on Positive Development of Minority Children and Youth. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 123-137.
- Goemans A., Veenstra G.N., Van Geel M. & Vedder P. (2017), Perspectiefbepaling in Nederland. In: Vanderfaeille J. & Holen F. van (Eds.), Bijdragen van wetenschappelijk onderzoek aan de Vlaamse pleegzorgpraktijk: VUBPRESS. 33-49.
- Vedder P., Wenink E.G. & Geel M. van (2017), Intergroup contact and prejudice between Dutch majority and Muslim minority youth in the Netherlands, Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 23(4): 477-485.
- Zwaanswijk W., Veen V.C., Geel M. van, Andershed H. & Vedder P. (2017), The relation between the bifactor model of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory and conduct problems in adolescence: Variations across gender, ethnic background, and age, Psychological Assessment 29(8): 1065-1070.
- Van Geel M., Goemans A. & Vedder P. (2016), The relation between peer victimization and sleeping problems: A meta-analysis, Sleep Medicine Reviews 27: 89-95.
- Vedder P.H., Wenink E.G. & Van Geel M. (2016), Explaining negative outgroup attitudes between native Dutch and Muslim youth in The Netherlands using the Integrated Threat Theory, International Journal of Intercultural Relations 53: 54-64.
- Vedder P.H. & Van Geel M. (2016), Minderheden in de jeugdzorg. In: IJzendoorn M.H. van & Rosmalen L. van (Eds.), Pedagogiek in beeld. Houten: Bohn, Safleu & Van Loghum. 229-239.
- Fortuin J., Van Geel M. & Vedder P.H. (2016), Peers and academic achievement: A longitudinal study on selection and socialization effects of in-class friends, The Journal of Educational Research 109(1): 1-6.
- Goemans A., Van Geel M., Van Beem M.A. & Vedder P.H. (2016), Developmental Outcomes of Foster Children A Meta-Analytic Comparison With Children From the General Population and Children at Risk Who Remained at Home, Child Maltreatment 21(3): 198-217.
- Goemans A., Van Geel M., Vedder P. & Bradley R.H. (2016), HOME in the Netherlands: Validation of the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment Inventory, Journal of Family Issues 37(15): 2118-2137.
- Goemans A., Van Geel M. & Vedder P.H. (2016), Psychosocial functioning in Dutch foster children: The relationship with child, family, and placement characteristics, Child Abuse & Neglect 56: 30–43.
- Fortuin J., Van Geel M. & Vedder P.H. (2015), Peer influences on internalizing and externalizing problems among adolescents: A longitudinal social network analysis, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 44(4): 887-897.
- Coskun B., Van Geel M. & Vedder P. (2015), Exclusionary practices in secondary schools in the Netherlands: A comparison between students sent to out-of-school facilities and their non-referred peers, Youth and Society 47(5): 615-633.
- Goemans A., Van Geel M. & Vedder P. (2015), Over three decades of longitudinal research on the development of foster children: A meta-analysis, Child Abuse & Neglect 42: 121-134.
- Vedder P., Veenstra M., Goemans A. & Van Geel M. (2015), Perspectiefbepaling in de pleegzorg, Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk 54(3): 115-127.
- Van Geel M., Goemans A. & Vedder P.H. (2015), A meta-analysis on the relation between peer victimization and adolescent non-suicidal self-injury, Psychiatry Research 230(2): 364-368.
- Van Geel M., Vedder P.H. & Tanilon J.O. (2014), Relationship Between Peer Victimization, Cyberbullying, and Suicide in Children and Adolescents: A Meta-analysis, JAMA Pediatrics 168(5): 435-442.
- Van Geel M., Vedder P. & Tanilon J. (2014), Are overweight and obese youths more often bullied by their peers? A meta-analysis on the relation between weight status and bullying, International Journal of Obesity 38(10): 1263-1267.
- Veenstra G.N., Van Geel M., Goemans A. & Vedder P.H. (2014), Hoe wordt het perspectief van pleegkinderen in Nederland bepaald? Een inventarisatie en evaluatie van de gebruikte methodes. Rapportage t.b.v. Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, Pedagogiek, sectie orthopedagogiek.
- Van Geel M., Toprak F. & Vedder P.H. (2014), Polarisatie tussen islamitische en niet-islamitische jongeren in Nederland, de Cascade 11(26): 17-18.
- Van Geel M., Vedder P. & Tanilon J. (2014), Bullying and weapon carrying: A meta-analysis, JAMA Pediatrics 168(8): 714-720.
- Fortuin J., Van Geel M., Ziberna A. & Vedder P. (2014), Ethnic preferences in friendships and casual contacts between majority and minority children in the Netherlands, International Journal of Intercultural Relations 41: 57-65.
- Goemans A. & Van Geel M. (2013), Interetnisch contact en het verminderen van vooroordelen ten opzichte van moslims: Een multilevel benadering, Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk 52: 244-258.
- Vedder P. & Van Geel M. (2013), Radicalizing Muslim youth; A conceptual analysis and consequences for interventions. In: Tartakovsky E. (Ed.), Immigration: Policies, Challenges and Impact. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. 395-414.
- Ljujic V., Vedder P.H., Dekker H. & Van Geel M. (2013), Romaphobia among Serbian and Dutch adolescents: The role of perceived threat, nationalistic feelings, and integrative orientations, International Journal of Psychology 48(3): 352-362.
- Vedder P.H. & Geel M. van (2012), Immigrant children and discrimination. In: Coll C.G. (Ed.), The Impact of Immigration on Children's Development. Basel: Karger. 99-121.
- Ljujic V., Vedder P.H., Dekker H. & Van Geel M. (2012), Serbian adolescents' Romaphobia and their acculturation orientations towards the Roma minority, International Journal of Intercultural Relations 36(1): 53-61.
- Ljujic V., Vedder P.H., Dekker H. & Geel M. van (2012), Romaphobia: A unique phenomenon?, Romani Studies 22(2): 141-152.
- Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (2011), The role of family obligations and school adjustment in explaining the immigrant paradox, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 40: 187-196.
- Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (2011), Multicultural attitudes among adolescents: The role of ethnic diversity in the classroom, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 14(4): 549-558.
- Vedder P.H. & Geel M. van (2011), Immigration. In: Levesque R.J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence. New York: Springer. 1391-1397.
- Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (2010), The adaptation of non-western and Muslim immigrant adolescents in the Netherlands: An immigrant paradox?, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 51: 398-402.
- Geel M. van & Vedder P.H. (2009), Perceived discrimination and psychological adjustment of immigrants: A review of research. In: Jasinskaja-Lahti I. & Mähönen T.A. (Eds.), Indentities, Intergroup Relations and Acculturation; the cornerstones of intercultural encounters (pp. 179-190). Helsinki, Finland: Gaudeamus, Helsinki University Press.
- Geel M. van (9 December 2009), Acculturation, adaptation and multiculturalism among immigrant adolescents in junior vocational education (Dissertatie, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Vedder P.
- Geel M. van, Pinto Y.M., Zwinderman A.H., Jukema J.W. & Van Gilst W.H. (1998), Genetic factors in the progression of atherosclerosis and response to cholesterol lowering drugs. In: Reiber J.H.C. & Wall E.E. van der (Eds.), What's new in Cardiovascular Imaging?. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 95-100.